Operations Research-Game Theory: Presentation By: Dr. Chanchala Jain
Operations Research-Game Theory: Presentation By: Dr. Chanchala Jain
Operations Research-Game Theory: Presentation By: Dr. Chanchala Jain
Game Theory
6, -6 -2, -2
Player B
and the right-hand entry is the payoff to B. Note that for play
combinations (1, 1) and (2, 2) the sums of the payoffs are not
equal to zero.
• Payoff: It is the outcome of the game. Payoff (gain or loss)
matrix is the table showing the amounts received by the
player named at the left-hand side after all possible plays of
the game. The payment is made by player named at the top
of the table.
Let player A have m courses of action and player B have n
courses of action. Then the game can be described by a pair of
matrices which can be constructed as described below:
a. Row designations for each matrix are the courses of
action available to player A.
b. Column designations for each matrix are the courses of
action available to player B.
c. The cell entries are the payments to A for one matrix
and to B for the other matrix. The cell entry aij is the
payments to A in A’s payoff matrix when A chooses
the course of action i and B chooses the course of
action j.
d. In a two-person zero-sum game, the cell entries in
B’s payoff matrix will be the negative of the
corresponding cell entries in A’s payoff matrix. A is
called maximizing player as he would try to
maximize the gains, while B is called minimizing
player as he would try to minimize his losses.
Player B
1 2 3 … j… n
2 3 2
(2) maximin
A selects strategy
Maximum of column 2 4 that maximizes his
minimum gain
Maximum loss to B (2) minimax B selects strategy
if he plays his pure that minimizes his
strategy maximum loss
4 6 4 4
Player A
A2 2 10 0 0
(4) minimax
Z 3 6 3 5
Solution: Solving the given problem by dominance rule.
Applying column dominance, dominated column, i.e., U or 2nd
column will be deleted as it is dominating to column ‘T’.
1 < 7 2 4
-2 < 5 4 6
Z 3 < 6 3 5
Resultant Matrix T V W
X 1 2 4
Y -2 4 6
Z 3 3 5
Resultant Matrix T V W
Now in this matrix applying
X 1 <2 4 column dominance,
dominated column, i.e., V
Y -2 <4 6 or 2nd column will be
deleted as it is dominating
Z 3 =3 5 ‘T’ column.
Reduced Matrix T W
1 4 Now in this matrix applying
> < row dominance,
-2 dominating row, i.e., X
Y < <6
or 1st row will be deleted
3 5 as it is dominated by ‘Z’
Resultant Matrix
T W Minimum of row
Y -2 6 -2
Z 3 5 3
Maximum of column 3 6 (3) maximin
(3) minimax
Z 3 3 5
Reduced Matrix T V W
-2 <4 6 Now in this matrix applying
column dominance,
3 =3 5 dominated column, i.e., V
or 2nd column will be
Alternate Solution
Z 3 5 3
Maximum of column 3 6 (3) maximin
(3) minimax
Z 3 3 5
Reduced Matrix T V W
-2 <4 6 Now in this matrix applying
column dominance,
3 =3 5 dominated column, i.e., V
or 2nd column will be
Example 4: Solve the following game by dominance rule:
B1 B2 B3 B4
A1 6 8 3 13
A2 4 1 5 3
A3 8 10 4 12
A4 3 6 7 12
Colour chosen by Q
Minimum of row
B1 B2 B3 B4
A1 6 8 3 13
A2 4 1 5 3 1
Colour chosen by P
A3 8 10 4 12 4
A4 3 6 7 12 3
Minimax ≠ Maximin
This means saddle point does not exist. Therefore, need to
solve above game by other method.
Solution: Now, solving the given problem by dominance rule.
Applying column dominance, dominated column, i.e., B4
column will be deleted as it is dominated to column B2.
B1 B2 B3 B4
A1 6 8 3 13
A2 4 1 5 3
A3 8 10 4 12
A4 3 6 7 12
Resultant Matrix
B1 B2 B3 Now in this matrix
applying row dominance,
A1 6 8 3 dominating row, i.e., A1
or 1st row will be deleted
A2 4 1 5 as ‘A3’ row is dominating
A3 8 10 4
A4 3 6 7
compare columns and as it is dominated by
8 10 4
rows as per dominance A3 average of ‘A3 and A4’
rule to reduce its size rows
3 6 7
A4 (8+3)/2 (10+6)/2 (4+7)/2
5.5 8 5.5
So now following will be the resultant matrix:
Now in this matrix
B1 B2 B3 applying column
dominance, dominated
8 10 4 column, i.e., B2
or 2nd column will be
3 6 7 deleted as it is
A4 dominating ‘B1’ column.
Reduced matrix:
B1 B3 Minimum of row
8 4 4
3 7 3
(4) maximin
Maximum of column 8 7
(7) minimax
Mixed Strategy (2 X 2 Games)
O3 O4
= a12 – a22 = a11 – a21
A’s Optimal Strategies B’s Optimal Strategies
O1 O2 O3 O4
A1 = A2 = B1 = B2 =
O1 + O 2 O1 + O 2 O3 + O 4 O3 + O 4
Value of Game
Minimax ≠ Maximin
1 3
0.25 0.75
H 2 -1 1
T -1 0
Using A’s Oddments 1 3
2 * 1 + (– 1)* 3 1
B plays H; value of the game, V = Rs. = Rs. -
1+3 4
-1 * 1 + (0)* 3 1
B plays T; value of the game, V = Rs. = Rs. - 4
-1 * 1 + 0 * 3 1
A plays T; value of the game, V = Rs. = Rs. -
3+1 4
Mixed Strategy
(2 x n Games or M x 2 games)
These are the games in which one player has only two
courses of action open to him while his opponent may have
any number. To solve such games following steps are
• To look for a saddle point, if there is one, the game is
readily solved.
• If there is no saddle point, then need to reduce the given
matrix to 2x2 size by the rules of dominance.
• If 2x2 matrix obtained then apply arithmetic method or
other method to solve the game.
• If however, the given matrix cannot be reduced to 2x2
size, it can be still solved by algebraic method, method of
sub-games and graphical method.
Graphical Method for 2xn or mx2
Graphical method is applicable to only those
games in which one of the players has two
strategies only. It reduces the 2xn or mx2 game to
2x2 size by indentifying and eliminating the
dominated strategies and then solves it by the
analytical (algebraic or arithmetic) methods. The
resulting solution is also the solution to the original
Example: Solve the game given in table by the
graphical method:
y1 y2 y3 y4
19 6 7 5
x2 7 3 14 6
x3 12 8 18 4
x4 8 7 13 -1
Solution: Firstly, check the saddle point.
y1 y2 y3 y4 Minimum of row
19 6 7 5
x1 5
x2 7 3 14 6 3
x3 12 8 18 4 4
8 7 13 -1 -1
(5) maximin
Maximum of column 19 8 18 6
(8) minimax
Minimax ≠ Maximin
There is no saddle point, so now will apply dominance rule to
reduce the size of matrix.
All the cell values in the column 2 as well as 4 are less than
the corresponding values in columns 1 and 3. hence columns
1 and 3 are dominated by columns 2 and 4.
Dominating B Dominating
y1 y2 y3 y4
x1 19 > 6 7 > 5
x2 7 > 3 14 > 6
A x3 12 > 8 18 > 4
x4 8 > 7 13 > -1
Resultant Matrix y2 y4
x1 6 5
x2 3 6
x3 8 4
> >
x4 7 -1
Both the cell values for row 3 are higher than those for row 4.
hence, row 3 dominates row 4. B
y2 y4
Reduced Matrix
x1 6 5
x2 3 6
x3 8 4
Let A1, A2, A3 be the strategies which A mixes with
probabilities x1, x2 and x3 and B2, B4 be the strategies which B
mixes with probabilities y2 and y4 = 1 – y2. When B adopts
strategy B2, y2 = 1 and the probability with which he will
adopt strategy B4 i.e., y4 = 0.
This matrix can be solved by now graphical method. B’s
expected payoffs corresponding to A’s pure strategies are
given below:
A’s pure strategies B’s Expected payoffs y2 = 0 y2 = 1
A1 6y2 + 5(1 – y2) = y2 + 5 5 6
A2 3y2 + 6(1 – y2) = -3y2 + 6 6 3
A3 8y2 + 4(1 – y2) = 4y2 + 4 4 8
These three straight lines can be plotted as function of y2.
Draw 2 lines B4 and B2 parallel to each other one unit
apart and mark a scale on each of them. To
represent A’s strategy, join mark 6 on B2 with mark 5
on B4; to represent A’s second strategy, join mark 3
on B2 with mark 6 on B4; and so on and bound the
figure from above since B is a minimizing player.
Since player B wishes to minimize his maximum
expected losses, the two lines which intersect at the
lowest point of the upper bound (envelope) show
the two courses of action A should choose in his best
strategy i.e., A1 and A2. We can, thus, immediately
reduce the 3x2 game to 2x2 game which can be
easily solved by arithmetic method.
B4 B2
8 (8)
7 7
(6) (6)
(5) 5
(4) 6 5 4
3 3 6 (3)
2 2
0 0
y2 = 0 y2 = 1
Y2 y4 Minimum of row
x1 6 5 5
x2 3 6 3
(5) maximin
Maximum of column 6 6
(6) minimax
Minimax ≠ Maximin
Arithmetic Method Optimal Strategies are
A = (3/4, 1/4, 0, 0)
Y2 y4
B = (0, 1/4, 0, 3/4)
x1 6 5 3 3/(1+3) = 3/4
x2 3 6 1 Value of the game, V
1/(1+3) = 1/4
1 3 6 * 1 + 5* 3 21
1/(1+3) = 1/4 3/(1+3) = 3/4 = = 4
Example: Solve the following 2x5 game by
graphical method:
Player B
1 2 3 4 5
x1 -5 5 0 -1 8
Player A
x2 = 1 – x 1 2 8 -4 -1 6 -5
Solution: Solve the following 2x5 game by
graphical method:
Player B
Minimum of row
1 2 3 4 5
x1 -5 5 0 -1 8
1 -5
Player A -5
x2 = 1 – x 1 2 8 -4 -1 6 -5
(-5) maximin
Maximum of column 8 5 0 6 8
(0) minimax
Minimax ≠ Maximin
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
-5 0
-5 -5
8 -1
x1 = 0 -6 -6 x1 = 1
1 3 Minimum of row
1 -5 0 -5
2 8 -1 -1
(-1) maximin
Maximum of column 8 0
(0) minimax
Minimax ≠ Maximin
Arithmetic Method Optimal Strategies are
A = (9/14, 5/14)
1 3
B = (1/14, 0, 13/14, 0, 0)
1 -5 0 9 9/(9+5) = 9/14
2 8 -1 5 Value of the game, V
5/(9+5) = 5/14
1 13 -5 * 1 + 0* 13 5
1/(1+13) = 1/14 13/(1+13) = 13/14 = = - 14
(9 + 5)