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By Seven Time Cat 100%iler: Percentilers

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B Y S E V E N T I M E C AT 1 0 0 % I L E R

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Top 5 Things you should be doing Now,
if you want 99+%ile in CAT 2023
- by 5 Times CAT 100%ilers
# Number-4 Will Blow your Mind

Hi, as you are here, I suppose you are targeting for CAT-2023. If
that’s the case here is a list of TOP 5 things that most of the so
called “Famous CAT Coaching” will never tell you.
But why?
Simply because the thing that they are most concerned about is
“Sales”. Make these a part of your life and you will see amazing
results reflecting on your personality as well as on your result.
But before going any further. STOP! And ask yourself why? Why
you want to do this?
You might have any reason but the reason of starting should be
crystal clear in your head.

There’s a disclaimer at the beginning. This journey is not going to

be a cake walk. But the best way to fight your fears is to take them
head on!
Below are the things that I as a trained imparts on each one of my
students and believe me We had great Results, with more than
57.8% conversion rate. (TIME, CL, IMS all have less than 5% of con-
version). So yes, you can say this is going to be a “Brahmastra” in
your CAT preparation.

So, now! Let’s start. Sit Back and Relax your life is Going to change
for GOOD

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i c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p

In my 12+ Years of Training students, I have observed that the

VA-RC section of CAT and sister exams (OMETs) can be dealt with
a strong habit of and knack for reading.
I have personally met, observed and trained aspirants who didn’t
belong to a very solid English-speaking background, didn’t have a
strong hold on the language or impeccable grammar, still they
managed to score 99 percentiles or even above in the section.
Having said that, I don’t mean to discourage practicing the gram-
But the point is – reading develops a sense which sub-consciously
helps you to choose options even if you are not very confident with
the technicalities of the language.

Following are the direct benefits of reading (mainly from CAT

Prep’s point of view):
•Reading improves focus
•Improves language-sense.
•Give You Apt Words for the flowing thoughts.
•Increases knowledge.

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
By Now you might be oozing, Pranshul tell us How to Develop This
Amazing Habit of Reading?

1. DO NOT directly start with editorials of the newspapers like The

Hindu or The Indian Express, especially if you haven’t been reading
regularly. This shouldn’t be a brainer. Ask Yourself what will you
love to Read? 50 Shades of Grey or a Hindu Editorial? Answer
should be obvious.
Start reading about the things you love. You may start with a comic
in hand or any novel that your friends highly speak about, a travel
blog or a technical blog. The Idea is It Should not be a pain in ass for

2. Do not stop in between to look for the meaning of the words you
Don’t understand. Trust me there won’t be many. We get an ap-
proximate sense of the word while reading the sentence or the full
paragraph. Do Highlight any new words you find, but do not stop to
immediately search for them on Google.

3. Try to increase your reading-speed deliberately without com-

promising on comprehension. Practice speed-reading and make it
a natural habit. A great way of doing it is may be Start reading an
article when you are about to get busy with some stuff in next few
minutes. Like Start Reading an article of What Not to Say on a First
Date when your girl is about to arrive for a First Date with you.

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
Increased Road Traffic may improve your Calculation Speed, how?
Just to give you an idea of how much time an average aspirant
waste in exam. If you take 30 Sec to do a basic Calculation and you
attempt 20 Questions in Exam. You will approximately waste 600
sec. or 10min. Doing nothing but calculation in a 40 min time
frame. i.e., 25% of the total time.
Aspirants don’t realize it generally how much not being good at
calculations make them pay! The real story of more than half of the
aspirants is that they never realized that calculation is as import-
ant a part of your preparation as the nut-bolts that fix the tyres in
your future BMW. You will not buy your car for the nut-bolts but
you can’t deny the fact that no matter how expensive the car is, it
will not run without those nut-bolts functioning properly in their
place. I hope you got the point!

So, following are the must dos and don’ts to practice your calcula-
tions and other basics:

1. Addition is the Key: Every other calculation can be boiled down

to just addition, Remember in Good Old Days we add 7 for 7 Times
to Get when asked 7X7 or 7^2.

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
2. Need not to memorise squares, cubes, these all can be dealt with
once you are good at addition.

3. You don’t need advance calculation skills like ABACUS but do

learn the basics of vedic-math skills to multiply two numbers easily
or to find squares of numbers upto 100 (which is again a 2 Digit X 2
Digit Multiplication) Practice these daily, else you might not be
able to retain them.

But the Bigger Question is How?

You See, whenever you travel, no matter where you are going
there is going to be traffic on the Roads and each vehicle will have
a Number Plate ending with a with a 4 Digit Number. Now Break
this 4 Digit Number in Two equal pairs and Add Them. This will
help you out in two ways.
1. It will Improve your Calculations.
2. You will Honk Less Often.

Learn 1 Calculation Tip per week: Do not Bombard yourself with

all the calculation Tricks known to Humankind in just 1 Day. There
is no way you will remember any. Try adding 1 Tip Per Week and
Practice that. I have found this great app “Mathtrick” and I am sure
there will be many of this Kind. Try putting your hands on any one
of them.
P.S. The tips shared above are easier said than done. The most diffi-
cult part is maintaining the regularity. In my experience, unless
reminded on daily basis, only a handful of people practice these
exercises. And they are the ones who show the maximum improve-

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p

The most common question from the students, when they see me
solving a complex reasoning question, is about how to think the
way I did in that question. They say that after I have solved it, the
question started to look easy but this thinking ability doesn’t come
naturally to them. This is one of the most critical questions that any
teacher face in CAT preparation. A lot of them easily dodge the
question by speaking a cliched line – “practice more and more.
Practice will make you perfect.” while they are not wrong, but you
need to know a little more than the obvious.

Following is the answer for all those Curious Minds:

1. Indulge yourself in to a lot of puzzle-solving. Don’t be materialis-

tic and all judgmental whether this puzzle will come in CAT or not.
Nobody knows what might appear in CAT. You have to be skilled
and equipped enough to be able to face and crack whatever it may

2. Puzzles that will help you a lot in this journey are – SUDOKU,
do not need to solve the most difficult level of these puzzles.

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
Go up to moderate levels. Try to decrease your time taken to solve
the puzzles. This will increase your analytical thinking ability and
skills like concentration and retention as well.

3. MOST IMPORTANT- Please come out of your shell where you

studied for your particular board exam or university exam. Not de-
nying the importance of these exams in life, still I must say that
most of these exams need only rote-learning and absolutely no an-
alytical skills. People get used to rote-learning and they are never
able to think analytically. I have seen people trying to mug-up the
skills that are used to solve a seating arrangement or a distribution
Question also.

4. Download the old CAT papers (from 1990 onwards) and start
practicing from the real papers soon after you have done your
basics. Please remember that there is no syllabus in LRDI, just like
current affairs or GK. So you need to know what kind of questions
have been asked in the exam.

5. THE INNER Coding: You cannot learn without developing inter-

est in something. If you feel it a burden to study and solve ques-
tions, believe me, you are wasting your time, resources and efforts.
You have to like the subject. Develop interest in it. Develop a knack
in it. Sometimes a mentor may be helpful in achieving this feeling.
All the people, who score really well in these areas, love these
topics. Keep telling yourself that you have it in you to crack the
problem. You know the concept. You can do it. Never give up!

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i c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p

Sadly, a lot of people don’t know their exams. A lot of people, who
aspire to crack CAT, haven’t seen a single paper of CAT from pre-
vious years in the first 6-7 months of preparation. These people
are most likely to be governed by various rumours and myths that
keep doing the rounds in the market and social media. That is
because they know nothing about the exam. These days you can
find everything on the internet. Sadly, people use internet just to
figure out the rumours and myths but not the facts.

Following are the things that, I think, are crucial to be figured out
by a serious CAT aspirant:

1. Download old CAT papers from the internet and see the evolu-
tion of the papers. Witness the changes and try to visualize what
you would have done in that scenario

2. Try out on a particular year’s paper and then find out the analy-
sis of that year CAT from the internet. See the ‘Percentile Vs.
Score’ chart, especially in last 5 years.

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
3. See what topics have been most important in past several years

4. Try to map your strength (your strong areas) with the latest pat-
terns of the paper. Figure out a strategy

5. The Two Sides of Preparation

Try to understand the organic and inorganic parts of the prepara-
tion. Inorganic being the ones that can be turned in your favour by
knowing a particular trick or concept such as many topics of basic
math. Organic being the ones which take their own time such as
reading speed, comprehension, vocabulary, calculation speed, etc.

6. Syllabus is a myth
Make a strategy as per the time left for the exam and the syllabus
left to be covered by you. In case of tight time limits, make a plan of
selective study. On the basis of your strengths and likeliness of a
topic, reject some topics from your list. If done strategically, it
won’t hurt your final results at all.

7. They Too have a pattern

You may also try to find out what areas in the exam come easy or
difficult if a particular IIM sets the paper. E.g., it’s a popular belief
that when IIM-C sets the paper, the QA section is more difficult
than it is in other cases, or when IIM-B sets the paper, the VA-RC
section is more difficult than it is in the other cases.

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p

“I have just joined; how can I start writing the mocks right away?”
“I don’t feel confident enough to write the mocks.”
“The course is not finished yet; I can’t write mocks.”
“I wrote one mock, got depressed, so I am not writing any now.”
etc…. etc…. etc…

I would not be wrong to state that more than half the aspirants
who prepare for CAT, don’t take the mocks for one of the various
reasons. But trust me, no reason is good enough to not write
mock. When I was preparing for CAT, there was a mock on the
next day of my joining, and I took it!
the experience of a mock-test is like an iceberg. What you see is
just 10% and what you ignore is 90% and is bloody important!

Following points might help you to understand the importance of

mocks better:

1. A mock test (or even the final exam for that matter) is less a test
of knowledge and more a test of psychology. Sadly, people don’t
understand that and they keep themselves busy mugging the con-

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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
2. Mock test is an opportunity for you to know yourself better than
ever. Therefore, analyse each mock test very well. There are three
parameters to analyse mock-tests:

3. Quantitative analysis: Everybody does this. How many ques-

tions that I attempted are right. How many are wrong. What is the
correct answer/solution to wrong questions. What is the cut-off.
What did the topper score. How far am I. etc

4. Qualitative analysis: Less people ponder over their choices in

the test. But this is as important as the quantitative analysis. You
should ask yourself the following questions after you are done
with your quantitative analysis – did I choose the right set of ques-
tions? Was my order of attempting these questions the best? Was
my judgment of the questions, right? Etc

5. Psychological analysis: Only a handful of people go to this level

of analysis of a mock-test. This comes third in number, only after
you are done with the quantitative and qualitative analyses of your
test. Please ask yourself why you made wrong choices in the test?
What was going on in your mind? What was your feeling? Why
were you scared and of what, during the test? Why did those silly
errors happen? Do they happen generally? What do I do to feel
better during the test? Etc

These were some of the must dos in your preparation.

Do Reach out to Us for a Personalised Checklist


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c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p

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