Nursing Care Pneumonia
Nursing Care Pneumonia
Nursing Care Pneumonia
Problem identified
Nursing diagnosis
• Anxiety related to the hospital environment
and unfamiliar procedures evidenced by fear
• Child will experience reduction of anxiety
throughout hospitalization
Nursing Intervention
Nursing intervention
• I will explain the disease process to the
child and the parent to allay anxiety.
• I will explain unfamiliar procedures and
equipment to child and parents to gain co-
• I will explain the actions of the drug and
their side effects to gain confidence
Nursing intervention cont’
• I will explain the importance of
completing of the treatment and not to
share with anyone to avoid drug
• Child experience no fear evidenced by
playing and engaging in activities of daily
Problem Identified #6
Problem identified
6.Activity intolerance
Nursing diagnosis
• Activity intolerance related to fatigue
evidenced by dyspnea
• To improve child’s activity tolerance
Nursing Intervention
Nursing intervention
•I will maintain a child on bed rest to reduce
activity as this reduces oxygen needs of the body.
•When a child is improves, his exercise schedule
will be balance with rest to avoid exhaustion and
prevent fatigue through good distribution of
oxygen to vital organs including the lungs
• Child is able to tolerate exercises as
evidenced by his movements in bed and
tolerance of deep breathing exercises
We have discussed the nursing
management of a child with pneumonia
using the nursing care plan. We have
identified the problems and we talked
about the nursing interventions/rationales
and the outcomes.
• Lewis etal, (2004) Medical Surgical
Nursing, assessment and management
of clinical problems, 6th edition, Mosby,
• Lewis etal, (2007) Medical Surgical
Nursing, assessment and management
of clinical problems, 7th edition, Mosby,