Email Templates To Use - Thefutur
Email Templates To Use - Thefutur
Email Templates To Use - Thefutur
If you want a constant flow of your We’ve all been there. You’re not alone, it’s how
favorite clients then these email almost all businesses start (mine included!).
scripts have got your name on them. But the good news is that you’ve just taken the
shortcut to break that cycle...
Literally. All you need to do is edit
them and put your name on them! Send out these emails regularly and you should
never find yourself having a “quiet” moment at
Running your own business can feel work again. Unless you want one, of course!
overwhelming — especially when
you’re stuck in the “feast or famine” “Let’s transform your ‘feast or famine’
cycle. cycle into a never-ending rich banquet...
Spoiler alert:
We’ve been booked solid for the
last seven years. If they work for us,
they’ll work for you!
Subject Line: Re: [subject line of last email thread with them]
The email:
Hey [Name],
Are you still interested in <insert what they enquired about / service you offer >?
That’s it! No fluff! You’ll be tempted to add more This 9-word email is by marketing
to this email but the shorter it is, the more likely genius Dean Jackson — watch this
you’ll get a conversation going and that’s what video to learn more.
we’re aiming for here.
T HE A M BI TI O US CREATIVE S 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id
The email:
Hey [Name],
I was recently updating my portfolio and that is true to you about the client in
came across the work we did together. question> like you.
And so it got me wondering... You wouldn’t
I wanted to thank you once more for
happen to know, just one person, someone who
trusting me with your project. It was by far
just like you, would benefit from <insert the
the most <insert description that is true
benefit you gave them with your service>? 1
to you about the project> and it was an
absolute pleasure to collaborate with you If anyone comes to mind, please feel free to
on it! make an email intro to this email. I would love
to help them.
I’ve been reflecting on my business plans
for the future, and honestly, I would love And if there’s anything I can do in return,
more clients who are <insert description please don’t hesitate to ask!
[Your Name]
read why this sentence is magic, in the next page!
T HE A M BI TI O US CREATIVE S 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id
Subject Line: Your go-to <insert your job role> that you haven’t met yet..
The email:
Hey [Name],
But I’m writing today to see if I could help you and your clients.
I see that through <insert the type of work they do, or their company name>
you help X achieve Y, through your <insert descriptive word to compliment
them and type of service they offer>. And I was wondering if you ever
collaborate with <insert what you are here e.g., graphic designers> on your
client projects. Or even refer your clients to them once the project is wrapped
Side note: You’ll have to adjust this depending on which service they offer
and what would make sense - eg. if you’re a graphic designer contacting a
developer you wouldn’t write the previous sentence but instead ask if there
are times when clients come to them without the design done.
I help <insert who you help>, <insert the major benefits you give your clients>
through <insert the service you offer>. In the past I’ve worked with <list some
clients or types of businesses you helped> and <speak to some of the results>.
Like you, I’ve helped <types of clients you serve in common> and they’ve said
great things about working together:
You can also see my work, and learn more about the types of services I offer,
here. (link to your website/portfolio)
I would love to see if we’d be a good fit to refer each other clients and I’d also
be happy to consider a referral agreement where it’s a win-win for both parties.
[Your Name]
PS: Would you like to grab a 20-minute virtual coffee to get to know each other
better and see how we could
potentially collaborate on future projects? Feel free to grab a slot here. (Link to
your calendar - we recommend using something like Calendly)
A M BI TI O US CREATI V ES BOOKE D SOLID 6 Ema i l s Sc ri pt s
The email:
Hi Joana,
I love all the training and tips you’ve been giving on Insta recently (packed
with value!) — and I have been fangirling all over your Booked Solid sales
page. I am currently in another mastermind until December but look out
for my name if you run it again next year!
I love the designs you’ve produced but more than that I adore the tone
of voice and attitude of your brand. So many cogs go into creating such
a successful agency and it looks like you have a wicked team to cover all
I have worked with many web developers and designers who have said
some very lovely things about me (spoiler alert: they love my wireframes).
For example, Kayleigh Hall, Design Consultant and CEO of Hall Creative,
“She is also a real expert in conversion copy - she speaks with conviction,
has sound rationale with every decision, and is a real strategist.”
So, what do you think Joana? Need a hand on any projects you’ve got
coming up?
PPS Want to vet me first? Wise. You can get an insight into my writing style
and process by reading my secret 3-step plan to writing websites here.
T HE A M BI TI O US CREATIVE S 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id
Time to send email: When clients are not the perfect fit for
our agency, I always refer them to my
20 minutes (you’ll want to do some
Ambitious Creative Booked Solid students —
research on the agency first)
it’s a feel-good solution for everyone!
T HE A M BI TI O US CREATIVE S 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id
Subject Line: Your go-to <insert your job role> that you haven’t met yet..
The email:
Hey [Name],
I see that through <insert the type of work they do, or their company’s
name> you help X achieve Y, through your <insert a descriptive word
to compliment them and type of service they offer>. I can also see
from your website/communication <insert whatever is relevant to
the agency in question> that you’re often fully booked months out/
charging a premium. (Congrats! Hope to one day get there too!)
I’m a <insert what you are> and for the past <insert time you’ve been
working in your field for>, I’ve helped <insert who you help>, <insert
the major benefits you give your clients> through <insert the service
you offer>. In the past I’ve worked with <list some clients or types of
businesses you helped> and <speak to some of the results>.
Like you, I’ve helped service <insert types of clients you serve in
common> and they’ve said great things about working together:
You can also see my work, and learn more about the types of services
I offer, here. (link to your website/portfolio)
A MBI TI O US CREATI V ES BOOKE D SOLID 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id
If you’re up for it, I would love to grab a virtual coffee with you
so you can ask me more about my services and processes and
get to know me a little bit. With such a fantastic reputation in
the industry, I know you wouldn’t want to refer potential clients
to someone you haven’t met. Pity I don’t live in <insert name of
where they live> as I would so love to meet you in person!
Side note: If you do live in the same city, you can still offer a Zoom
as this is often the easiest option to say yes to. But you could modify
the last line and add: “if you prefer, we could meet in person, I would
happily swing by your office or grab a coffee nearby!”
[Your Name]
T HE A M BI TI O US CREATIVE S 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id
The email:
Hey [Name],
I was recently thinking about past projects As a thank you for being such a valued client,
I’ve most enjoyed and you popped into my I wanted to offer you a X% discount on any
mind! I wanted to thank you once again work you would like to book now through to
for trusting me with <insert what you did <insert time limit>.
for them> back in <insert when you worked
with them>. Warmly,
Here are 3 versions of the “not a good fit” email, depending on the scenario:
6.1) If you can see from the inquiry form that they don’t have the budget:
The email:
Hey [Name],
Thank you so much for your interest in my services. I would love to help
you with your <insert what they’re after>, especially since <insert nice
compliment, e.g., especially since we are pet lovers ourselves and love to
work on pet brands.>
To give you a heads up about our services, our packages start at X. If this
works within your budget, then the best next step would be to jump on a
call. Please feel free to find a time that suits you here. (Insert calendar link)
[Your Name]
6.2) If you can see from the inquiry form that it’s not the type of job you want to take on
The email:
Hey [Name],
Thank you so much for your interest in That being said, I happen to know someone
my services to help you with <insert what who might be better suited for the project at
they’re after>. It sounds really interesting. hand. I’d be happy to send an intro email if
you’d like me to connect you?
Unfortunately, due to <insert reason>, I don’t
think I would be the best person to help you Wishing you all the best with this project,
with this. (You can blame this on being fully
booked, not doing the type of work they ask [Your Name]
for, never having worked in that industry
and not being comfortable with it, etc.)
6.3) If you already had a chat with them and they seemed keen but you’re not
Hi [Name],
It was a pleasure to meet you earlier today I understand that it’s important for you to
(or insert time of when you spoke). <insert an outcome they’ve expressed they
wanted on the call> and I’m afraid I might not
Upon reflecting on our conversation, I’ve have the capabilities to make that happen.
realized that unfortunately, I might not I believe in only taking on projects that I
be the best person to help due to <insert wholeheartedly believe I can deliver with
reason>. the highest value and quality, and so for this
reason I’ll have to pass on this one.
[Your Name]
T HE A M BI TI O US CREATIVE S 6 Ema i l s S c ri pt s to Ge t Book e d S ol id