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Q4 Law 4 Eng 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y



Name: ________________________ Date: ______________________ Score: ________

Learning Opportunity 1
Directions: Read the statements below and determine whether it’s a fact or an opinion.
Write F for Fact and O for Opinion on the space provided before the number.

________1. The heart pumps blood through the body.

________ 2. Watching a debate is more entertaining than watching a movie.
________ 3. The leaves of growing plants are usually green.
________ 4. Today seems colder than yesterday.
________ 5. Spiderman is a good movie.
________ 6. Strawberries taste better than pears.
________ 7. Manila is the capital city of the Philippines.
________ 8. Many people keep their dogs as part of their family.
________ 9. 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram.
________ 10. To solve the traffic, it is better to invest in subways and trains than in road
widening programs.

Learning Opportunity 2
Directions: Write A if you Agree or D if you disagree with the statements given below.
Explain your answer.

1. Every citizen should be mandated to perform national public service.

___ __________________________________________________________________

2. Bottled water and plastic bags should be banned.

___ __________________________________________________________________

3. Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today.

___ __________________________________________________________________

4. The minimum wage should be PhP 800.00 per 8 hours.

___ __________________________________________________________________

5. The development of artificial intelligence will help humanity.

___ __________________________________________________________________
Learning Opportunity 3
Directions: Read the article below and take note of the important details to be able to fill out the table
of the facts mentioned in the text.

Fish traps pose a deadly threat to baby turtles in Tayabas Bay

By: Delfin T. Mallari Jr. - Correspondent / @dtmallarijrINQ
05:02 AM February 19, 2022

LUCENA CITY—Numerous “baklad” or huge stationary fish traps sunk into the
bottom of Tayabas Bay in Quezon province pose deadly threats to sea turtles, locally known
as “pawikan,” according to an environmentalist group. “The presence of baklads at the
bottom of the bay is a very serious threat to the survival of the marine turtles,” Jay Lim,
project officer of Tanggol Kalikasan, a public interest law office that advocates environmental
protection, disclosed in an interview on Friday.
According to Lim, fishermen should not do anything to harm the turtles since they are
the ally of small fishermen, explaining that the presence of the marine reptile species in a
fishing area indicates a balanced marine ecosystem and abundant supply of fish. Lim said
a team of local government fish wardens (“bantay dagat”) in the coastal town of Agdangan
recently demolished at least 17 fish traps in their municipal waters after receiving complaints
from small fishers who blamed their diminished catch on the presence of baklad in their
fishing area. “Even juvenile fish could not escape from the baklads,” he explained.
Lim said they also recorded numerous beaching of dead turtles from the bay that
suffocated after getting entangled in the fish traps. Lim called on other local governments
along the coast of Tayabas Bay and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to
prohibit the use of baklad for the sake of small fishers and the preservation of the gentle
marine turtles. “The efforts to preserve and protect the turtles in several nesting sites in
coastal villages will be in jeopardy if the baklads will remain untouched,” he said. Only last
Feb. 16, village officials and fish wardens in Sariaya town released 150 olive ridley sea
turtles into Tayabas Bay. Sanctuary. The freed baby turtles were the last batch of hatchlings
this year’s nesting season, said Lim, quoting information from Sherwin Rosales, fishery
technician at the municipal government’s agriculture office. “There were only around 1,000
baby turtles that were successfully hatched and released this year compared to more than
2,000 last year,” Lim reported.
The hatchlings of different sea turtle species were cared for by fishermen, fish
wardens and the local government in five nesting sites in the villages of Castañas, San
Roque, Guisguis, Bignay 1 and Bignay 2.

Source: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/?p=1556728#ixzz7LQhWjhGF

The Issue The Speaker’s Stand The Problem The Proposed


Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)

Learning Opportunity 4
Directions: Analyze the pictures below, and then answer the given questions.



1.What is the critical issue presented in each image?

A. ___________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________

2. What specific situation in your community can be associated to each issue?

A. ___________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________

3. What prompt of action can you relate to each critical issue?

A. ___________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________

4. What possible solutions can you propose to solve these issues?

A. ___________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)

Learning Opportunity 5
Directions: Study the pictures below, then, decide whether you are in favor or against the
issues raised. Answer the questions that follow.

Source: https://encryptedtbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRC5Mx82ub0noEHUgk5TxVAtRCD95hwx5a2vg&usqp=CAU

1. What is your stand regarding the issues presented?

2. What helped you decide?
3. What did you use as basis in making your decision?

Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fopinion.inquirer.net%

4. What is your stand regarding the issues presented?

5. What helped you decide?
6. What did you use as basis in making your decision?

Learning Opportunity 6
Directions: In the table are public opinions on different issues. Write your thoughts about these
expressions of views under the appropriate column.

Other People’s Thoughts My Thoughts

1. Teachers should answer students’ inquiries
about modules and worksheets even after
working hours to help the students understand
the lesson.

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)

2. If a husband and a wife fall out of love and do
not respect each other anymore, it is better for
them to separate. Thus, divorce should be
legalized in our country.
3. The Philippines also suffers major human-
caused environmental degradation aggravated
by a high annual population growth rate.
4. Dolly, the first cloned sheep was proven to
be successful; therefore, human cloning
should be legalized.
5. Violent video games affect the behavior of
children and the claim that these video games
should be banned.

Learning Opportunity 7
Directions: Read the letter to the editor given below and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Editor,

Recently many people have been talking about the evils of teen labor. There
are many ‘do-gooders’ about teen working after school hours saying that they should
be studying instead. I think that they are wrong!
It is a good thing for teenagers to be working. Firstly, it is a normal thing in
many countries around the world. If teenagers are not working for some business,
they would be working at home. At home, they start at younger age and usually have
more to do but they do not earn any money.
As well, many teenagers waste their time playing mobile games and hanging
out in the streets. They should use their time to help their families, learn new skills,
and get working experience. Also, I have met many working teenagers and they
looked happy and proud that they are working to help their families and earn money
for their needs.
Another reason why teenagers should work is because their energy and fresh
ideas help our country and our businesses to become stronger and richer.
The government may allow teenagers to work, for it offers a good opportunity
for teenagers and good effects for our country! We should support teen employment
and give them job more opportunities that will help them become more responsible
and earn their own money to be more independent.

1. How does the writer feel about teens working?


2. What reasons are given to support the author’s claim?

E. _________________________________________________________________

3. As a teenager, are you in favor of or not in favor of teen labor? Support your answer.

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)


Learning Opportunity 8
Directions: Respond to the writing prompt given below.

What are your opinions on using Facebook and Messenger in Modular Distance
Learning? Do you think it should be mandatory or optional? Provide evidences/
information to support your answer.


Learning Opportunity 9
Directions: Read the campaign ad below. Identify the stand of the speaker as well as the
facts and biases presented in his speech.

A. Chocolate Is Good for You!

It is official: Chocolate is good for you! People all over the world have been waiting to
hear these five simple words. Chocolate lovers can now enjoy a piece of chocolate without
Dark chocolate has large amounts of antioxidants. These are chemicals that help
your body stay healthy. This delicious treat also has substances that help keep your
cholesterol levels down. Lowering cholesterol levels helps to keep your blood flowing well.
There is evidence that eating 100 grams of dark chocolate per day can lower your
blood pressure. This will help to reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Not only is chocolate good for your body, but it also makes you feel good. Chemicals
in your brain that are produced when you eat chocolate make you feel happier.
Chocolate lovers can rejoice, knowing that eating chocolate is doing good things for
Source: https://www.pdesas.org/ContentWeb/Content/Content/26589/Lesson%20Plan

Stand of the Speaker:


1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)


1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

Your stand:



Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftiltedchair.co%

Stand of the Speaker:


1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________


1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

Your stand:

____________________________________________________ _________________
Learning Opportunity 10
Directions: Choose one of the given propositions below. Then, fill in the information needed in
the box below.

1. Same-sex marriage should be legalized in the Philippines.

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)

2. Academic Freeze is the solution to our educational issues.
3. Teachers should be prioritized for vaccination against Covid-19.
4. Government should stop the “war against drugs.”
5. (Other issues that you want to react about)

Topic: _________________________________________________________

Which side you’re on? (for or against) ________________________________

Opening Statement:
Argument 1:
Supporting Facts:
Argument 2:
Supporting Facts:

Closing Argument:

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 and 8

MELC 2: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions

(This is a Government Property. Not For Sale.)


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