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Evaluation of awareness about beauty products composition and proper

utilization among college students

Article · June 2019


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Bhupender S Chhikara Suruchi Bhardwaj

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Kajal Verma
University of Delhi


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Integr. J. Soc Sci., 2019, 6(2), 57-64 . Article .


Evaluation of awareness about beauty products composition and proper utilization

among college students
Suruchi Bhardwaj,1,2! Shweta Parashar,1,2! Kajal Verma,1,2! Radhika Arora,1,2! B.S. Chhikara2*
1Department of Education, 2Department of Chemistry, Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi, Bawana, Delhi-110039. India.
Received: 07-June-2019 Accepted on: Published on: 02-Aug-2019

Beauty  products  are  daily  need  of  majority  of  undergraduate  college  students.  The  beauty  products  are  classified  as 
natural  (Herbal)  and  commercial  based  on  their  source  of  origin.  The  commercial  beauty  products  are  made  up  of 
chemicals  which  might  also  shows  side  effects  on  the  area  where  these  are  applied.  Awareness  about  the  chemical 
composition and their effects on the area where these are applied is required for healthy use. This research paper focuses 
upon the awareness of beauty products in undergraduate college girls students. This study also considers the variations in 
settlements,  i.e.  rural  and  urban  and  their  preference  of  various  beauty  products  analyzed  through  the  questionnaire 
Keywords: Herbal, Commercial, Chemical composition, Settlements, Awareness

Skin acts as a waterproof, insulating shield, guarding the the outer layer of skin- absorption into the body. The majority
body against extremes of temperature, damaging sunlight, and of cosmetics are insoluble in skin (i.e.lipid, or fat-soluble) and
harmful chemicals. It also exudes antibacterial substances that are too large to fit through the stratum corneum. Precisely
prevent infection and manufactures vitamin D for converting because of these qualities, some cosmetics require specially
calcium into healthy bones. Skin additionally is a huge sensor developed penetration enhancers to deliver ingredients like
packed with nerves for keeping the brain in touch with the vitamin C or retinol.
outside world. At the same time, skin allows us free
movement, proving it an amazingly versatile organ.1
Skin is made up of three layers (Figure 1). The outermost is
the epidermis. This consists mainly of cells called
keratinocytes, made from the tough protein keratin (also the
material in hair and nails). Keratinocytes form several layers
that constantly grow outwards as the exterior cells die and
flake off. This covering of dead skin is known as the stratum
corneum (also known as horny layer), and its thickness varies
considerably, being more than ten times thicker on the soles of
the feet than around the eyes. Dermis is the second layer of
skin, which does a lot of work making sweat, growing hair etc.
and contains sweat glands, hair roots, nervous cells and fibres,
blood and lymph vessels. The third layer is subcutaneous fat Figure 1. General structure of human skin
layer and it basically attaches the dermis with muscles and Types of Skin
The design of cosmetics and skin care formulas is to benefit Along with the skin structure, there are different types of
skin in different people. Knowledge about individual skin
* Dr. Bhupender Singh, Department of Chemistry, Aditi types is helpful in choosing adequate skin care products and
Mahavidyalaya, Bawana, Delhi – 39. India. treatment regimens. Common skin types in people are listed
Tel: +91-9818811510 below:
Email: drbs@aditi.du.ac.in
i. Oily type: Oily skin is characterized by an increased
!Contributed equally to this work. amount of lipids on the skin surface due to overactive
Cite as: Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6(2), 57-64. sebaceous glands. It is shiny and thick, often with
enlarged pores. Oily skin is prone to blackheads and
©IS Publications IJSS ISSN: 2348-0874
Integrated Journal of Social Sciences    Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6 (2), 57‐64         57
other blemishes. It occurs more often in men than in products: sunscreen creams, moisturizers (body lotions), and
women, and it predominantly affects adolescents and fairness creams were considered in this research. The major
younger persons. components of these products and their impact on human skin
ii. Normal type: Normal skin displays a smooth texture and
a rosy, clear surface, with fine pores. There are no visible i. Moisturizers are creams or lotions that hydrate the skin
blemishes, greasy patches or flaky areas. Sebum & help it to retain moisture. They may contain essential
production, moisture content, keratinization and oil herbal extracts or chemicals to assist with oil control
desquamation are well-balanced. Normal skin is often or reducing irritation. Main ingredients of body lotions
found in young persons. include water, Niacinamide, vitamin C and other
vitamins and hydroquinone. Among them, hydroquinone
iii. Dry type: Dry skin is characterized by a lack of
is harmful for the skin as its overuse might cause a
moisture in its corneous layer, resulting in tightness and
medical condition called Ochronosis in which skin turns
even flaking. The skin appears dull, especially on the
black or greyish black.4
cheeks and around the eyes. It may lack elasticity, with
accentuated fine lines and wrinkles. In more severe cases, ii. Whitening creams are the cosmetics used to treat skin
itching and burning may occur. Extremely dry skin pigmentation, to treat uneven skin-tone and achieve
shows signs of cracking and fissuring. lighter skin tone. The basic ingredients of fairness creams
might include Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Mercury, Ascorbic
iv. Combination type: Combination skin is rather dry in
Acid, and Hydroquinone. Mercury is the metal most
some parts of the body and oily in other localization.
likely to induce a skin rash, and 27% of users of creams
Mixed facial skin tends toward dryness on the cheeks and
with high mercury content (> 1,000 μg/g) reported
around the eyes while being oily in the t-zone (nose,
developing a rash.5
forehead, chin etc.). The dry parts and the oily parts
require different skin care regimens. This skin type is iii. Sunscreen products include those lotions, creams and
very common. sprays that protects against harmful effects of UV
radiations. They work by including active ingredients
v. Sensitive type: “Sensitive skin” is not a skin type, but
(called UV filters) that remain on the surface of skin that
rather a symptom caused by various factors. Patients tend
absorb, scatter or reflect the UV radiations before it
to describe their skin as “sensitive” if it frequently reacts
reaches the skin. The base products of sunscreen lotions
with redness, itching, burning or dryness to the topical
include combination of two to three active ingredients
application of skin care products. Causes for this
such as oxybenzene, avobenzone, octinoxate,
condition may be an underlying skin disorder, allergies,
octocrylenchomosalate and octinoxate, zinc oxide and
contact to irritants in certain products, or the use of
titanium dioxide.
inadequate, not skin type-adjusted products. Most
commonly, the facial skin is involved.2 Chemical structure of some of the compounds present in the
beauty products (the products included in this research) are
Skincare products shown below:
Skincare products refer to all products used for cleansing, H O H
massaging, moisturizing etc. of the skin especially the face or O
hands. The aim of such products is to maintain the body in
good condition and protect it from the harmful effects of
environment. Skincare products also fall into the general CH O
category of cosmetics.3 O H O
Cosmetics, also known as makeup, are care substances Vitamin C Niacinamide
used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body. HO
They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds, some
being derived from natural sources (such as coconut oil) and O OH HO
some being synthetics. Typical organic compounds are
modified natural oils & fats as well as a variety of HO HO O OH
petrochemical derived agents. Inorganic compounds are O OH
processed minerals such as iron oxides, talc and zinc oxide.
The oxides of zinc and iron are classified as pigments, i.e., Kojic Acid Arbutin
colorants that have no solubility in solvents.3
Commercial beauty products

The commercial beauty products are being referred as

those beauty products which have their scientific origins and O
are designed in scientific laboratories. Commercial products OH
are widely used to treat different skin types (listed above) and Avobenzone Hydroquinone
also for enhancing beauty/appearance. Specific beauty

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences    Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6 (2), 57‐64         58

find advertisements, use of internet19 and social media as a
OH O powerful source to create awareness of their products. Even
the cosmetic manufacturers are also getting interested in the
OH rural population of the country and are developing strategies to
OH O do the same.20
Lactic Acid Oxybenzone There are other so many factors which influence the sales
and purchase of beauty products among consumers like
family’s advice, friend’s advice, doctor’s recommendations.21
But the role of advertisement proved to be very essential in
O enhancing the sales of brand because it is platform which
makes people to know about the names and types of different
O products.22 Researchers found that repetition in the
advertisements hit the mind of the consumers which also help
them to remember that product and purchase repeatedly.
N Awareness level and usage of cosmetic products is also
Octrocrylene affected by the settlements of consumers. Even the cosmetic
Figure 2. Chemical structure of ingredients used in beauty companies are interested in increasing the use of cosmetics at
products. the rural level and have even developed ways to do the same.
One of the ways for increasing cosmetic consumption at the
Organic or herbal products rural level is by introducing sachets.23Considering the
variation of composition and probable side effects of the skin
On the other hand, considering organic or herbal products beauty products, the awareness among young generation
can be defined as those products which do not contain particularly girl students is important for proper utilization of
chemical such as phthalates Para beans, aluminum salts & respective products.
petrochemicals. Widely used herbal products that we have
used in our research are turmeric, milk cream, aloe-Vera gel, Objectives of the Research
neem, tea tree oil, sandal wood and fruit extracts. The Indian
herbal market is flooded with numerous well known and The main objective of this research was to check the
recognized herbal brands such as Dabur, Patanjali, Vicco, awareness in college going students about beauty products i.e.
Emami and others. A WHO report study estimates that about to check the basic parameters which are considered while
50% of world population depends on natural products for their purchasing any of the beauty products.
health and beauty care instead of modern synthetic ones, The research analysis took into consideration the following:
primarily because of side effects and high cost of modern
medicines and cosmetics care.6The mind of consumers is  The frequency of different kinds of beauty products:
changing and they are moving towards the natural and herbal herbal or commercial;
cosmetic products because they feel that these natural products  Do consumers look at the chemical composition of beauty
can increase their physical appearance in a better way than the products which they are using?
cosmetics with synthetic origin.7 Few of the cosmetics are also
used for treatment of different skin problem, such constituents  What are the factors influencing the purchasing pattern:
referred as ‘cosmeticeuticals’ constitute part of treatment as effect of media (social networking, advertisements,
well as appearance. Many of herbal products as well as newspapers, magazines), doctor or family recommendations
synthetics ones would, thus, have dual functions. Selectively, etc.?
the heterocyclic molecules8–13 as well as nanoparticles  Which factor influences the purchasing behavior: brand of
(nanopharmaceuticals)14–17 may be indebted in the mixture to products or cost of the product?
get end therapeutic effect.
 Are beauty products chosen according to their skin types;
The Indian cosmetic industry is growing in terms of product Oily, dry, normal and sensitive?
development and marketing. India in cosmetics, which saw its
value rising from 27% in 2005 to31% in 2014, are likely to  Whether expiry date of the product also taken into
surge ahead over the forecast period because of consumers’ consideration or not?
response and increasing usage of commercial products
 Is the awareness level and usage pattern affected by
also.18There are more than approximately 7800 herbal
settlement of consumers: Rural /urban settlement?
products manufacturers in India. Moreover, the number of
brands and manufacturers is also continuously increasing as METHODOLOGY
per the consumers’ usage patterns. Various brands like Fair Data Collection
and Lovely, Nivea, Himalaya, Ponds, Dove, Emami etc. are
used in very large amounts by every economic section of the  Research approach: In this particular research,
society. The increasing volume and spread of marketing and quantitative approach is used & the data was gathered
advertising is creating a challenge for the companies to either primarily from the uses of cosmetic products.
create awareness about the new products to retain the
consumer’s interest in products. In this case, manufacturers

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences    Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6 (2), 57‐64         59

 Respondents: The survey was conducted among college Q 8: What effect the product did to your skin ?
going girls. The data from 100 respondents was collected
____________________________________ .
from Aditi Mahavidyalaya, Bawana, New Delhi-39.
 Research Instrument: A questionnaire was developed Q 9: From where did you come to know about the product ?
which contained question to measure consumers ___________________________________ .
awareness & gather data from the sample. Moreover, the
interview method was also used as a medium to gather Q 10: Are you satisfied from the product you are using ?
data and information. Yes No
 Skin Products: The analysis mainly focused on skin Q 11: How frequently do you use the product ?
products i.e. fairness, sunscreens, moisturizers and other
cosmetics like hair products, plastic surge lies, bleaching Daily Regularly
creams, plastic surgeries, artificial make ups etc.were not Sometimes
taken into consideration. Q 12: What do you prefer more in a beauty product ?
 Questionnaire: The questionnaire used to take survey is Quality (Brand) Cost
sampled below : Both
Questionnaire Q 13: Which brand do you prefer in a beauty product ?
(Research on awareness of beauty products) Ponds Fair & Lovely Lakme
Nivea Others
Name :
Herbal ___________( Name & description )
Age :
Course : ( Year : ) Homemade ___________ (Name & description )
Living Area :
Q 14 : Which skin type do you have ?

Tick any one that you use (Fairness Cream / Body Lotion / Oily Dry Normal
Sunscreen / Others) (Mention if others : __________ ) Sensitive Combination Don't know
Q 15 : Do you pick up a beauty product according to your
Q 1 : Do you use any sort of beauty product ? skin type ?
Yes No Never used Yes No

Q 2 : If No, why ? Q 16 : Would you recommend the product you use to

someone ?
Past bad experiences (Side effects) Yes No
(which ? _____________ ) (Why/ Why not ? ______________. )
Q 17 : Do you take into consideration the expiry date of the
Q 3: Which type of beauty product do you use? (Name
product while using it?
Yes No
Herbal ____________
Commercial ____________
Home Made ____________
[A] General analysis on awareness of chemical
Q 4: Have you got desired results from it? composition, herbal or commercial, effect of
Yes No advertisement, brand or cost preference, expiry date
product used according to the skin type
Q 5: Do you know about its chemical composition?
Yes No The research was conducted over 100 girls through
questionnaire approach and interviews. It was found that 74%
Q 6: Do you know which constituent is responsible for the of them used beauty products while 26% of them said, they
effects you got from the product ? are currently not using any beauty product. Among these
Yes No 26% some were not using because of past bad experience &
some have never used. Our further research was focused on
Q 7: If you know about the constituents, do you know any these 76%. Out of these 76%, 52% of them were using body
other product having the same constituents ? lotion, 15% were using fairness creams, 8% were using
Yes No sunscreen, while the remaining 25% were using other sorts
of beauty products which majorly included shampoos, face
(If yes, which ? ______________. ) wash etc. (table 1).

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences    Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6 (2), 57‐64         60

Table 1: Frequency of different types of beauty product used The aspect of awareness of the products’ chemical
composition holds the major aspect in checking one’s
Type of product used Frequency(%) awareness about the product.27As, it is important to know
which chemical will work on their skin to get the desired
Sunscreen 8% effects and which chemical can show unfavorable outcomes. It
was found that mere 41.7% of them knew about the
Body lotion 52% chemical composition while 59.3% did not know about it
(figure 4). The respondents who were aware about the
Fairness cream 15%
chemical composition, mostly included those who were using
Others 25% herbal products. While those using commercial products were
unaware of the chemical composition because their usage
pattern is usually affected by advertisements and
While analyzing the usage pattern of the type of beauty advertisements hardly share complete information of products’
product (commercial or herbal), it was found that29% used chemical composition adjust influences consumers by telling
herbal products, 59% used commercial products while them one or two chemical products. Moreover, consumers
12% were using both them (figure 3). This means that most consider it as none of their business to check and be aware of
of the population in this region is using cosmetic products for chemical composition.28
enhancing their beauty.The major reason contributing to this
variation was the influence of media and sometimes family 80
recommendations. This means that advertisements and other 60
media sources contributed greatly in the usage of commercial 41.7
products. Advertisements were found more trustworthy by 40
consumers and they found it a risky matter to take challenges
with their skin by testing herbal products. While those who
were using herbal products found these products as 0
trustworthy due to safety, quality, no side effects, cost Yes No
affordability and easy availability.24 Though the research Figure 4: Knowledge about chemical composition (%) 
conducted by Naresh and BhanuSree on impact of perception
purchase on consumer purchase behavior in India showed Figure5 shows that advertisement, family, doctor and self
opposite results and concluded that 80% of the consumers were the factors that influenced the usage patterns of beauty
were using herbal beauty products.25This means that products. 68% of the respondents were influenced by
respondents in this research are more inclined towards advertisements which was the major factor and another factor
commercial beauty products and this is possibly due to the was family advice (25%), while self and doctor’s
effect of media and their family’s and friend’s recommendations had very minor impact. This shows that
recommendations. Respondents are having positive views advertisements are the major factor which continue to
regarding the usage of commercial products. Though there influence the usage patterns. The kind of belief and trust which
may be a possible shift towards herbal product in the coming is developed by commercial manufacturers through these
time because the marketing and awareness of herbal products advertisements attracts consumers towards their products.
is also gearing up.26 While the research conducted by ShaynaAmaidas& Nigel
Chieweshe in Kwazulu natural province showed opposite
results. As per their research, only 14.5% were influenced by
advertisement while 48% people were not finding
70 advertisements useful.29 The reason for this is cultural and
59 demographic difference.
50 68
30 50

20 40
10 30 25

0 20
Herbal Commercial Both 10 3.5 3.5
Figure 3: Type of beauty product used: herbal or commercial Advertisement Family Doctor Self
Figure 5: Influencing factor responsible for the usage of beauty

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences    Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6 (2), 57‐64         61

When respondents were asked about costs or brand consider it as one of the major pointer which should be taken
preference, cost has no influence alone, while 46.6% care of while purchasing any of the product because they
preferred brand & 53.3% preference both cost & believe that after getting expired, products either start showing
brand(figure 6). This shows that cost was not influencing the side effects or lower their effect is lowered. These results
purchasing pattern alone. Consumers preferred various Indian match with the results concluded by Naresh and
brands like Ponds, Lakme, Nivea, Himalaya, Olay etc. but BhanuSree25which said that expiry date is the major
those brands were chosen which were affordable to them. This component affecting the purchasing behavior of consumers.
result matched with the research conducted by Tamizijythi and
Jawahar.30 This research also shows that cost of products does [B] Effect of settlement: Rural\Urban on awareness of
not have any influence on overall attitude of respondents chemical composition, herbal or commercial, effect of
towards the cosmetic products. advertisement, brand or cost preference, product used
according to the skin type
53.3 The respondents included girls from rural as well as urban
background. So, it was also considered as the basis for
50 46.6 analyzing the differences in usage patterns among the
respondents of both the settlements. All the objectives were
analyzed comparatively with the settlements. Results showed
40 that some awareness factors were not influenced by the
settlement patterns while some other factor shows variance as
per the settlements. 89.6% of the respondents were satisfied
30 with the products while 10.34% were not finding their
products satisfactory.
20 Table 2 reveals the type of beauty product used as per rural
& urban settlements. Out of the 3 major categories i.e.
sunscreen creams, body lotion, fairness cream, it can be seen
10 that the usage of sunscreen creams is almost similar in both the
settlements. While the urban respondents are more leaned
0.5 towards using body lotion and fairness creams as compared to
0 rural respondents. Also, rural respondents are using other
cost Brand Both beauty products like shampoos;face wash etc. in a
considerable amount along with using these 3 broad categories
Figure 6: Preference of brand or cost(%) of products.
When the respondents were asked whether they use
products according to their skin type it was found that 72.4%
were using beauty products according to their skin type oily, Table 2: Types of beauty product used
dry, normal, and sensitive while 27.5% did not consider the Type of product used Rural Urban
skin type while purchasing these products (figure 7).
Sunscreen creams 11.2% 10%
Body lotion 22.2% 34.4%
80 72.4 Fairness 22.2% 37.9%
70 Others 44.4% 17.7%
50 In case of the type of beauty product used (herbal or
commercial), there was a considerable difference in the usage
40 pattern of both the population. As shown in figure 8, rural
27.5 population is leaned more towards using herbal products i.e.
54.5% of the herbal products are being used by the rural
20 population and the rest 45.5% of the products are consumed by
the urban population. Also urban population is consuming
more of the commercial products i.e. out of the total usage,
0 62.02% of the commercial products are consumed by the
YES NO urban population and only 37.06% commercial products are
  consumed by rural respondents. The possible reason for this is
Figure 7: Preference of beauty product according to the skin the family and social background and urbanization. Urban
type(%) settlement is more engaged in commercial products because of
the influence of media (social networking, advertisements in
One more aspect of awareness was taken into consideration television). Rural settlements are using more of the herbal
i.e. expiry date. Almost all, 99% of the respondents purchased products because of the availability of raw material and more
products after looking the expiry date. All the consumers engagement in agricultural sector.

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences    Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2019, 6 (2), 57‐64         62


70 70
60 54.5 60 55.5

50 45.5 50 44.3
40 37.06 40
Rural Rural
30 Urban 30 Urban
20 20

10 10
0.2 0.3
0 0
Herbal Commercial Brand Cost Both
Figure 8: Usage of beauty products in rural &urban Figure 10: Preference of cost and brand among people in rural
settlements(%) and urban areas (%)
Figure 9 shows variance in the awareness level of the Figure 11 shows the variance in the usage pattern and
chemical composition of beauty products. There is not very selection of chemical products as per the skin type of
sharp boundary in this actor (i.e. awareness level of both the respondents. Results shows that rural population is more aware
settlements is almost similar), though, rural population is of their skin type and knows that product should be chosen as
somehow less aware of the chemical composition as compared per their skin type otherwise the results can be unfavorable.
to urban section. The research conducted by Nair and Pillai23 While 81.4% of the urban population is not aware of their skin
stresses that urban consumers are more aware about the type and do not choose products according to their skin. Thus,
commercial beauty products and their composition and it can be seen that rural population is much more aware of
consumption is more. However, this point cannot be clearly their skin type and uses skin friendly beauty products to get
differentiated in our research. As per our research, there is not the desired effects.
any proper variance in the awareness level of the chemical
composition of the beauty products they are using. 90
70 66.6
60 60 55
50 50 44
39.2 Rural
40 33.3 40
Rural Urban
30 30
Urban 18.5
20 20
0 Yes No
Yes No  
  Figure 11: Preference of beauty products among people in
rural and urban areas according to their skin type (%)
Figure 9: Knowledge about chemical composition in rural and
urban areas (%) As per the general understanding, anything which is used in
excess generally leads to harmful impact. So if we use beauty
The results of the cost or brand preference are also similar products excessively on our skin it will harm the skin no
in both the settlements (figure 10). Cost alone did not alter the matter how highly effective chemicals are present in it.31,32
purchasing behavior of the consumers of the settlements rather Also using herbal beauty products and home remedies to treat
more than half of the respondents of both the settlements the skin is always a better as well the safer way for the long
consider brand as well cost while purchasing beauty products run, as it is also seen that the consumption of beauty products
as discussed in the above section of general discussion. is highly affected by the media. It is also important to know
Respondents of both the settlements don’t take any risk of that media is mostly the reflection of the norms and values of a
their beauty on the cost of the product rather they prefer those particular society so the idea of a perfect skin is influenced by
branded products which are affordable to them. our society and the urge to treat the skin and have a perfectly

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