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Project Preparation Guide

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Project Preparation Guide

Rules for Zero GI Practitioners

1- The purpose of a Zero GI practitioner is to educate clients, not treat the

them. Unless you’re a practicing physician, please make it clear that all the
information provided is for educational purposes and must be performed
under the supervision of a specialist.

2- You must emphasize the importance of going gradually in the process of

transitioning into a full Zero GI life style. Help the client understand how to
go gradually, and how to detox and monitor the blood sugar in the process.

3- You can give information about herbs, vitamins and advanced therapeutic
substances for research, but do not offer them as medications or as
remedies for people’s ailments. Explain the logic behind the utilization of
those substances, but ask for a supervising professional to aid them in the
process if they choose to use any.

4- When you deal with people with various advanced diseases (or with fragile
bodies). You need to be extremely careful not to interfere with their
current medical plan. You need to stress out the fact that blood sugar has
to be very carefully monitored in the beginning and that proper detox
measures have to be undertaken.

5- Give the clients proper psychological support to get through the cravings,
it’s important to understand the innate psychological problems that can be
affecting the person, the ReiK Method can be utilized for proper relief of
trauma and will be a very helpful tool for this.

Any breach of these principles can result in the termination of the practitioner’s
Transforming Properly into a Zero GI Diet

Step 1
- Transform into a whole food diet
- Monitoring blood sugar is important in the beginning
- Drink a lot of water
- Experiment with using coffee enemas
- Start cleaning your vital organs

Step 2
- Begin a gradual switch into a Zero GI Diet
- Keep monitoring blood sugar carefully
- Increase the detox measures
- Utilize coffee enemas daily (take green juices afterwards)
- Study embedding vitamins and minerals into your routine

Step 3
- Experiment with a strict Zero GI Diet
- Maintain the detox regime for a while
- Utilize high doses of vitamins and minerals for a while
- Improve the life style in general (physical activity, sun exposure, etc.)
Sample Daily Follow up Sheet

Current Weight: ____________ Kilograms Date: ____________

* Tick if you’ve done it, write description of what you did/took if needed.
* This sheet is used as a reminder of the primary habits.

Meal / Task #1 #2 #3

Flax/Chia Meal:
Green Juices:

Main Meals:

Vitamin B3
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Coffee Enemas
Red Light
Physical Activity

End of Project Checklist

Pointer Notes

How long have you applied the whole

food system before switching to a
Zero GI Diet?

Were you able to switch to a full Zero

GI Diet? Write any notes.

Did you clean the digestive system in

the process? Explain how.

Did you clean the kidneys in the

process? Explain how.

Did you clean the liver in the process?

Explain how.
Did you utilize the coffee enemas?

For how long have you maintained a

strict Zero GI Diet?

Did you utilize high doses of vitamins?

Write a brief about it.

Did you do a blood test before and

after going on the system?
Attach the papers.

Further notes
Variation # _____

Menu Variation Sheet

Pre-Breakfast Meals
(Before 11am)

Breakfast Meals
(11am to 1pm)


Main Meal Meals

(Around 2-3pm)


Dinner Meals
(6pm to 8pm)

The Zero GI Diet | Practitioners Workbook
Copyright 2023, all rights reserved

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