Electrical Engineering Python C programming MATLAB Eagle
National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT)
2021 - Present, Tunis PSpice C++ VHDL Machine Learning
Subjects :
C# Xilinx Vivado ModelSim Photoshop
Electronics C/C++ programming
Microprocessors and VHDL
Digital electronics IOT PERSONAL PROJECTS
Machine Learning project : Detection of suspicious
Preparatory pre-engineering studies behavior and intrusion in a remotely monitored
Institut Préparatoire aux études d'ingénieurs area. (11/2022 - Present)
de Bizerte (IPEIB) Description : Pre-processing of a Dataset and preparing a model
that could distinct any suspicious behavior in remotely monitored
2018 - 2021, Bizerte area using Jupyter Notebook and Colab.
Fields :
Math/Physics Python
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
ACADEMIC PROJECTS (01/2023 - Present)
End of year project : development of a software defined Active member
radio application (SDR) (10/2022 - Present)
Description : Realization of a software defined radio based on IEEE ENIT Student Branch (09/2022 - 02/2023)
Raspberry Pi and implementation of a graphic interface using QT Media Manager (Power and Energy Society) / General Secretary (
Creator Robotics and Automation Society )
Technologies : Raspberry Pi/ GNU Radio Companion/ Frequency
modulation. IAESTE Tunisia (09/2022 - 08/2022)
National Communication Responsible
C++ mini-project (02/2023 - Present)
Description : Management of an air quality system
Technologies : QT Creator, C++, DB Browser
IOT project (02/2023 - 03/2023) STM32 Certificate by TANIT TRAINING &
Description : Implementation of a graphic interface and creation of CONSULTING (10/2022 - 10/2022)
an MQTT Client that subscribes to topics and takes the values of the Learning the basics of microcontrollers especially STM32 using
current, voltage and stores them in a database STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE
Technologies : Eclipse Mosquitto/ Visual Studio/ C#/ MongoDB
INJAZ Tunisia (02/2019 - 06/2019)
Microcontrollers mini-project (09/2022 - 12/2022) First place in the Regional Competition with INJAZ Tunisia by
Description : Generation of two sinusoidal voltages shifted by creation a mobile application that promote the tourism in Bizerte.
2PI/3, of frequency adjustable by a constant that we introduce
initially on the program. ANDROID Studio with ORANGE Tunisia
Technologies : STM32F407/ Keil µVision (03/2019 - 03/2019)