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Enhanced WinS Implementation

in STEM/HUMSS Building Comfort Rooms

An Action Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the

City of Bogo Senior High School

Cogon, Bogo City, Cebu


Bacornay, Jean Will Grace Y.

Doble, Mark John L.

Elecciones, Althea

Masong, Dindo Jr.

Masong, Lleuan A.

Siclot, Mary Jane S.

Sta Teresa, Shad Louie L.

Verallo, Keshia Marie A.


Context and Rationale 

A comfort room is designed to help reduce stress and tension, as well as assist a

student  with developing coping skills so he/she can maintain control in triggering situations. A

comfort room provides a supportive therapeutic environment where individuals can use self-

help techniques to manage their behavior and emotional state in a safe environment. It is a

designated space that is intentionally designed to help calm an individual when that person feels

stressed, or becomes overwhelmed. 

Comfort rooms are very essential not only to the students in school but also to

the teachers, guests, facilitators, so on and forth. Without it, no comfort shall be served to any

of them. However, with the lack of essentials, materials, and security, comfort rooms may

also serve no comfort at all. This is why this study is conducted to ensure that the

aforementioned individuals may find the City of Bogo Senior High School’s STEM/HUMSS

building comfort rooms as comfortable as they should. The study aims to provide solutions for

the unseen situations in the City of Bogo Senior High School. 

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools (WinS) is a component of the UNICEF Child

Friendly, Equitable and Quality Basic Education program. The Department of Education

issued DepED Order No. 10, “Policy and Guidelines on the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation,

and Hygiene in Schools (WinS) Program.” This is to improve access to adequate water

supply, functional toilets and effective hygiene. This is in recognition of the importance of WASH

in Schools in achieving the learning outcomes for the students. 

The researchers conduct such action research in order to find solutions to a

certain problem, and determine how we're going to solve it. The issue with the comfort rooms

at STEM/HUMSS building is what we want to look into. The safety of every student using

the comfort room is something we as researchers want to guarantee. In this study, the

researchers aim is to improve the safety and security of the comfort rooms. Maintaining the

student’s safety by providing them with materials and equipment for the comfort room, to

support their security by offering locks, signs, essentials, and cleaning materials. . The comfort

room should be safe to use and in good condition. Students will also be far from bacteria or

disease if the comfort room is clean. Maintaining the cleanliness of the restrooms has a good

impact; it will make the restrooms at the school appear presentable and comfortable to anyone

who needs to use the comfort room. Also, it minimizes complaints about the environment in the

restrooms at the school, such as the smells, broken doors, and dirty toilets. 

With the help of this study, these problems may be resolved, and it might also

encourage the administrators to pay more attention to the school's comfort rooms. The benefit

of this study is that it assures the safety and security of the students and other users of the

comfort rooms at the school. It is beneficial to the school itself to have a good image in terms of

cleanliness and hygiene. It will also benefit future researchers to know the possible problem

they will encounter and how to resolve it easily if they will conduct research similar to this work.

The researchers can support the school in boosting student safety by offering these things.

Research Question 

This study focuses on enhanced implementation of WinS at City of Bogo Senior

High School. Implementation of water, sanitation and hygiene in school helps improve the

school comfort rooms safety and security which affect the students, teachers and other school

staff health. The purpose of this study is to provide equipments/materials which develop the

comfort room quality and more comfortable to use. 

Specifically, this study aims to answer the question: 

1. What is the level of effectiveness of the implementation of Water, Security and

Hygiene in School (WinS) in enhancing the safety and security in the City  of

Bogo Senior High School comfort rooms? 

Intervention, Strategy, and Innovation 

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools is a school-based program

that promotes correct hygiene and sanitation practices. WinS program has eight components,

the intervention will only focus on Provision of Toilet, Hand washing Facilities and Provision of

Safe and Adequate Water Supply.  


Before the intervention, the researchers will count and list the number of lacking

and needs of the comfort room basing the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). From door

locks, essentials, hygiene tools and cleaning tools. The researchers will take note of the

budgets that is needed for the intervention. In order to achieve the target budget, researchers

will ask for financial support from the school and community, such as solicitation, asks support

from  students and parents. 

During Implementation 

After reaching the right amount of the budget needed, researchers will continue

to implement the WinS through the help of school staff and janitors, the researchers will also

get involve. With the designated day which is Friday, the staff or janitors and the researchers

will be having an overall general cleaning for comfort rooms. This time, those comfort rooms

that lacks water the staff will prepare or store water in a barrel with a small pail. In order to keep

the students safe and secured, door locks will be attached, hand washing soap and tissue will

be supplied, Albatros deodorizer will also be provided.  

Post Implementation 

After the intervention, with the permission of the school principal the research will orient each

classroom advisers the possible strategies in maintaining the cleanliness of the comfort.
The advisers will also orient their students about the changes. After the orientation, the

researchers will monitor the situation of the comfort room.

Chapter 2: Action Research Methods


This study utilizes experimental design. Experimental Design is a research method

used to investigate the interaction between independent and dependent variables, which can be

used to determine a cause-and-effect relationship. It includes an experiment or test, data

collection, and analysis of the results. With the collected data and through descriptive analysis

researchers will be able to determine the level of effectiveness of the WinS Implementation. 


The participants of this action research will be the grade 11 and 12 STEM students

from Presidents and Secretary every section in STEM/HUMSS building. The researchers will

use Cluster sampling which is a method where the researchers divide the entire population

into sections or clusters representing a population. Clusters are identified and included in a

sample based on demographic parameters like age, sex, location, etc. The whole population in 

STEM/HUMSS building are divided into section of President, Vice President, and Secretary

per section in total of 18 participants. 

Data Gathering 

The researchers will seek permission to the school principal and research advisers

to conduct a survey. The teachers and students of City of Bogo Senior High School will be

formally requested for permission by the researchers to conduct this study and provide the

resources for the research, respectively. The respondent's value to the study will be explained

by the researcher to them. The researchers will explain that there is no right or incorrect

answers and that their responses should reflect what they would actually do in each situation,

rather than what they  think should be done. As soon as the request is approved, an online
survey through Google Forms will be given to the 18 participants which are the classroom

officers of each room. The survey contains 15 questions with use of 5 Point Likert Scale as the

response. The researchers will conduct the questionnaire during the allocated "vacant" time to

prevent being distracted by class discussions. There will be enough time given for the

respondents to answer the questions. After collecting all the data needed, with the help of the

class officers of each class, the results will be saved for analyzing and interpreting.  

Data Analysis 

Once the questionnaire is collected from the respondents, it will be coded to IBM SPSS,

it is an effective and quick tool in collecting, tabulating the gathered data. It is also time friendly

for it contains formula for faster computation. In analyzing the data Descriptive Analysis will be

utilize, in converting the raw data into meaningful information. Descriptive analysis is a sort of

data analysis that aids in accurately describing, displaying, or summarizing data points so that

patterns may appear that satisfy all of the data's requirements. Descriptive analysis will be used

to test the level of effectiveness of the implementation WinS. 

Ethical Considerations 

Several outcomes concerns will be considered to guarantee that this study is carried

out properly. The following ethical principles guide the researcher to conduct this study:

Informed Consent: The purpose of this is to explain to the participants the

purpose, benefits and the risks of this study. The researchers will do everything to ensure that

information  is relevant to the participants is provided. 

Voluntary Participation: It is the participants’ decision to participate in conducting

this study and not forced or intimidated to participate. Participants have the freedom to

choose whether to join or leave. 

Do no harm: Participants should not be put through any harm. Researchers

should consider possible harm in this study. Assure that the responses of the participants will

remain confidential. It is the best way not to provoke their emotions. 

Confidentiality: Any information will remain between the participant and the

research team to ensure the safety of participants. This is to ensure the protection and privacy

of the participants. Notes, interview transcriptions, and other personally identifiable information

about the participants will be strictly confidential and will not be released without the

participants’ consent.

WASH In Schools | Ensuring WASH to Enable Learning. (n.d.).  https://wins.deped.gov.ph/

Luistro A. (2016). Policy and Guidelines for the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

in Schools (WinS) Program. Department of Education. Retrieved from

Chapter 3: Discussion of Results and Reflection

Table 1. Students response towards the level of effectiveness in implementing WinS for Water. 

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

The comfort room has

17 1 5 2.47 1.231
enough water supply.
The comfort room has
enough water to use when 17 1 5 2.41 1.228
The water is safe and clean
17 1 5 3.29 .985
to use
The faucet faucet functions
17 1 5 2.94 1.249
The comfort room serves
17 1 5 3.24 1.200
enough pails and dip to use.
Valid N (listwise) 17

In the first statement, the mean is 2.47. Hence, it means that the majority of the participants are

in need of adequate water supply. The mean of the second statement is 2.41 which implies that

the participants don’t have enough water to use when needed. The third statement’s mean is

3.29 which means that the participants are neutral as to whether they use safe and clean water

in times of need. In the fourth statement, the mean is 2.94. That means the participants are

proven neutral as to whether the faucet functions very well or not. In the fifth statement, its

mean is 3.24 which resulted in the participants becoming neutral as to whether they found

enough pail and dip to use when needed or not.

Table 2. Students response towards the level of effectiveness in implementing WinS

for Sanitation  

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

The comfort room serves

17 3 5 4.06 .748
enough security.
The comfort room serves
17 1 5 3.47 1.463
enough comfort.
The comfort room serves
17 1 5 3.47 1.179
enough safety.
The comfort serves a
17 1 5 2.59 1.417
pleasant or neutral smell.
The comfort room serves
17 2 5 3.82 .951
enough trashbins.
Valid N (listwise) 17

In the first statement, the mean is 4.06. This means that the majority of the participants

feel secured when using the comfort room. The mean of the second statement is 3.47, which

means that the participants were able to feel comfortable using their respective comfort rooms.

The third statement’s mean is 3.47 which means that the participants’ safety is prioritized. In the

fourth statement, the mean is 2.59. That means the participants are still in need of help

regarding the smell of the comfort rooms. In the fifth statement, its mean is 3.82 which means

that the trash bins are evident in the participants.

Table 3. Students response towards the level of effectiveness in implementing WinS for


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

There is enough essentials

17 2 5 3.71 1.047
to use.
The comfort room serves
enough hand washing soap 17 1 5 3.65 1.115
within the comfort room
The comfort room serves
17 1 5 3.47 1.125
enough tissue to use.
The comfort room serve a
17 2 5 3.76 1.091
neat and clean environment
The signages are
17 1 5 3.65 1.115
Valid N (listwise) 17

The first statement's mean is 3.71. This means that the participants were able to make use of

the essentials provided. The mean of the second statement is 3.65 which means that the participants

were able to maintain proper hygiene through the provided essentials. The third statement's mean is

3.47 which means that the participants were able to make use of something useful when using the

comfort room. Fourth statement's mean is 3.76, it means that the participants were able to use a neat

and clean comfort room. The fifth statement's mean is 3.65. This means that the participants were

successful in finding their designated comfort room.

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