English 8 4TH QTR Exam
English 8 4TH QTR Exam
English 8 4TH QTR Exam
1. Which concept below refers to the organizing of ideas 7. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete
in a logical and clear manner to suit the writer’s the paragraph below?
purpose? Unable to fall asleep is frustrating. However, you
A. coherence can fall asleep faster through these ways. _________
B. idea development is listening to relaxing music. Playing this type of
C. grammatical signals music helps you have a restful and deeper sleep
D. pattern of idea development compared to someone who doesn’t listen to music.
Another way is by keeping the lights off. Keeping the
2. Which pattern of idea development discusses the room dark when going to bed helps you sleep. Lastly,
general topic by elaborating it using specific details? avoid using gadgets during bedtime. The blue light
A. cause and effect C. general to particular from gadgets blocks the production of melatonin, the
B. claim-counterclaim D. problem-solution hormone that makes you sleepy. To sum up, these
are some ways to help you easily fall asleep.
3. Which pattern of idea development is used to present A. Also C. One way
an action that can be taken to address an identified B. Next D. Another way
concern or issue?
A. cause and effect C. problem-solution 8. What pattern of idea development is used in the
B. claim-counterclaim D. general to particular paragraph below?
Other people say that the tobacco industry helps
4. Which pattern of idea development explains the our economy; however, cigarettes still bring a lot of
reasons and results of something? problems. First, the smoke from cigarettes is harmful
A. cause-and-effect C. persuasion to the health of both smokers and non-smokers. It is
B. claim-counterclaim D. problem-solution known to be the leading cause of lung cancer which
may result to death. Second, it contributes to air
5. Which pattern of idea development commonly uses pollution. Despite it boosting our economy, I strongly
the grammatical signals also, for example, in addition, believe that the mentioned negative effects are more
specifically, and for instance? valid for people to stop consuming cigarettes.
A. persuasion C. claim-counterclaim A. cause-and-effect
B. cause-and-effect D. general-to-particular B. general-to-particular
C. claim-counterclaim
6. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete D. persuasion
the paragraph below?
Some teachers do not allow students to use 9. Which of the following best explains secondary
cellphones during classes. However, using them in sources? Secondary sources present the
class has advantages. Cellphones are useful for ________________.
students in searching definitions and relevant A. commentaries which come from primary
information. They can check pronunciations and sources
browse pictures to fully understand concepts. Another B. information which come from secondary
advantage is their cellphones make note-taking more sources
convenient. Students don’t need to take down long C. information which are derived from primary
notes from the board and can just take photos and sources
record the teacher’s discussions instead. D. analyses of research paper which are taken
Furthermore, it also serves as an alternative from various sources
calculator in Math subjects. __________ teachers
view cellphones as a distraction to students, they are 10. Which of the following statements is TRUE about
still very useful. Therefore, with proper supervision primary source? Primary source is a
and monitoring, cellphones can be very beneficial to _________________.
students during classes. A. summary of the essay
A. Although B. firsthand information
B. As a result C. concluding information
C. Because D. secondhand information
D. Furthermore
11. The following are example of Primary sources B. A chance to express one’s opinion about a
EXCEPT: topic
A. Letter B. Photograph C. Comparing and contrasting different theories
C. Newspaper D. Commentaries or positions
D. Combining ideas from several sources with
12. It is an organize list of what you plan to write. one’s idea to come up a new idea
A. Primary source B. Secondary source
C. Outline D. Major point 22. Which among the examples below best illustrates
synthesizing of sources?
13. Which of the following is NOT a tip in writing an A. Emma declutters her cabinet. She puts into
outline? A. Put your points in numerical order. several boxes her clothes, linens, and other
B. Identify your topic. items she no longer needs.
C. Write possible transitions between paragraphs. B. Emma’s sister rummages through the
D. Include whatever topic you like. different boxes, pulls out items, puts them in
another box and delivers them to an
14. What should be considered in writing an outline? orphanage.
A. Logical Order B. Ideas C. Emma sorts again the contents of the boxes,
C. Sentence structure D. Content takes several colorful dresses, cuts them
and turns them into beautiful, quilted
15. This type of sources summarizes or discusses blankets. The remaining scraps of cloth are
information originally presented in another source. made into potholders and doormats.
A. primary source B. books D. Emma sells her quilted blankets, potholders
C. encyclopedia D. secondary source and doormats to neighbors and friends.
31. A type of text that includes specific examples, details, 42. What part of informative speech structure and outline
facts, and incidents to explain, inform or describe. that try to end with a memorable punch line or
A. Narrative B. Expository positive statement?
C. Fiction D. Explanatory A. Confirmation B. Opener
C. Conclusion D. Knowledge
32. This type of text tells a story and relates a series of
events. What type of text is this?
A. Narrative B. Expository Directions: Below are suggested topics in writing your
C. Fiction D. Explanatory composition. Choose one that you feel comfortable writing
about. After choosing a topic, write a composition consisting of
33. The following are examples of a narrative text two paragraphs. (3pts)
EXCEPT: Possible topics
A. Fables B. Myths Personal Recount text: (Choose only one topic.)
C. Myths D. Dictionary 1. Write about an embarrassing event that happened to you.
2. Write about a trip or a vacation you have taken or places
34. If you intend to write a text about the symptoms of you visited.
COVID 19, you must write a/an ____________. 3. Write about your experiences during this pandemic.
A. Explanatory text B. Fairy tale
4. Or other topics that interest you.
C. Expository text D. Fiction
(Please write your essay at the back of this page.)
35. What text aims to convince the reader to adopt an
opinion or a course of action?
A. Factual text B. Personal recount text
C. Persuasive text D. Content text
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