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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.

4) (2018) 286-289

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

E-Module Based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker for Primary

School Students
Arnelia Dwi Yasa1*, Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani2, Sa’dun Akbar3, Alif Mudiono4
Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia
Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia
3Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
4Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

*Corresponding author E-mail:arnelia@unikama.ac.id


The purpose of this study is to develop a prototype of e-module based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker in thematic learning. The research and
development method used is the Dick, Carrey and Carrey model. Out of the 10 stages in this model, the researcher stopped at the 7th stage,
namely developing and selecting learning material. The subject of this research is a group of fifth grade elementary school students in
Indonesia who are involved in 2013 curriculum thematic learning. The result of this developmental research is producing an e-module
prototype using the Ncesoft Flip Book Maker application. The development of e-module based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker can help
educators to develop other learning e-modules that are versatile and can support other needs.

Keywords: e-module, Ncesoft Flip Book Maker, thematic learning.

electronic-based system that contributes an interesting learning

1. Introduction process.
The use of e-book application has been widely studied and used in
The advance technology and information in Indonesia is one of the various fields. Several previous studies analyzed E-Book
challenges in education. The process of transferring skill and applications [12]. The advantages of using e-books: easy to
experience in formal education can be obtained quickly by utilizing download, cheap as a learning tool, and effective in attracting
the development of information technology [1], [2]. Rapid students' attention to language learning [13]; fun and increasing
technological development is making a change in increasing chikdren literacy [14]. Usefulness in administrative services [15],
popularity of traditional teaching in the classroom towards the use [16]. Platform [17], [18]. There are various e-book file formats that
of computers, tablets and the internet [3] - [5]. This is what needs are sometimes not compatible with other formats. Compatible file
to be taken into consideration that innovation in technology needs formats are an important issue for e-book applications. Researchers
to be done in classroom learning. develop an e-book with different programs and content.
Preliminary study was conducted in the fifth grade of an elementary Researchers focused on making e-books with Ncesoft Flip Book
school in Malang, Indonesia shows thematic learning has not been Maker in thematic learning. Ncesoft Flip Book Maker is software
implemented well. Teaching materials designed are not in that has functions that can be opened in book form. This software
accordance with the needs, environmental conditions, can change the appearance of PDF files to be more attractive like a
characteristics of students and have not utilized technology. It is book in digital form.
widely recognized that students in Indonesia have many different This research is expected to develop an e-module based on Ncesoft
backgrounds [6]. Students have differences from various factors, Flip Book Maker on thematic learning in class V Elementary
unique ways of managing information in their learning processes School. The limitation of this study stopped at the e-book prototype
such as level of readiness for learning, age, intelligence, level of based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker.
motivation, interests and skills, characteristics, cognitive style, and
learning style [7], [8]. In addition, teachers do not use technology
in learning. The interview results indicate that children are
2. Method
interested in IT. The teachers must have the skills, content, learning
management to change the class and utilize technology [9]. Development of e-module based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker is
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a module for students. The using Dick, Carey and Carey model. The research stages are shown
module has a variety of learning activities that are tailored to the in Figure 1 below.
abilities of each student. Students learn more when information is
presented in various variations [10]. The compiled modules are
developed in the form of e-books. An e-book is an electronic book
that has several components that are not found in physical books
[11]. Through this development can be implemented as an

Copyright © 2016 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 287

been collected. Determine and develop instruments and strategies

that will be used in learning. Develop and choose learning material.
At this stage, researchers began developing e-modules using
Ncesoft Flip Book Maker to produce the desired prototype.

3.2. Procedure of E-Module Making by software Ncesoft

Flip Book Maker

The modules that have been compiled are then changed in the form
of e-modules using Ncesoft Flip Book Maker. The module
manufacturing process using Ncesoft Flip Book Maker is presented
in Figure 3 below.

Fig. 1: Flow Chart of Learning Design Model of Dick, Carey & Carey [19]. Add file:Input data
according to file
The development procedures are as follows: (1) Identifying and format:doc-
pdf, jpg, png
learning objectives, (2) learning analysis, (3) students and context
analysis, (4) formulating specific learning objectives, (5)
developing assessment instruments, (6) developing learning
strategies, (7) developing and choosing learning material, (8) Step 1
designing and conducting formative evaluation of learning, (9)
revise learning material. This research has been carried out until the
Step 2: Style: Input
seventh step, namely developing and selecting learning materials.
data according to the
Analysis of learning, students and context analysis is done by field file and format
observations of fifth grade teachers and students in Malang,
Indonesia. Then, the researchers conducted a literature study related
to thematic learning and technological development. The next stage
is designing the e-module prototype using the Ncesoft Flip Book Step 3: publish
Maker application.

3. Result and Discusion Finish

Fig. 3: The Flow Chart of e-module development by using Ncesoft Flip
3.1. Research Procedure of Flip Book-Based E-module Book Maker
The flow chart explains how the module changes in the form of an
This development research stops at the stage of developing and e-module. The procedure for making e-books using the Ncesoft Flip
selecting learning material. At this stage produce a prototype of Book Maker application will be presented in Figure 4. The e-book
elementary school grade V thematic e-module using the Ncesoft making begins with opening the Ncesoft Flip Book Maker software.
Flip Book Maker application. This research was conducted to meet
the needs and increase students' reading interest in learning. The
research and development stage can be seen in Figure 2.

Data Collection

Learning and Content Analysis

Development of instrument and learning strategy

Developing and Choosing Learning Material

Fig. 4: Initial Display of flip book software

Prototype of e-modul based on Ncesoft flip book
maker The next step is to input the module file that will be used (the file
Fig. 2: The Flow Chart of e-module development by Ncesoft Flip Book has been changed first into pdf format). In the middle part of the
Maker Ncesoft Flip Book Maker application, click the add photo / PDF /
FLV menu. Select the file to upload. The procedure is presented in
This developmental research began by collecting data related to Figure 5 below.
thematic learning and also using e-books based on Ncesoft Flip
Book Maker. Data collection was carried out by means of literature
studies and field studies. Literature study is done to learn concepts
or theories about e-books. Field studies related to planning learning
with e-books, conducted through interviews and observations of
teachers and students. The next step is to analyze the data that have
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 288

assignment, conclusion, final learning test, and the final part (mini
vocabulary, assessment guide) .The form of e-modules based on
Ncesoft Flip Book Maker is seen in Figure 7 below.

Fig.5 : Display of uploaded file

The next stage is selcting the style that will be used as a design for
the module's attraction. On the top menu of the Ncesoft Flip Book
Fig. 8: Display of introduction in e-book based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker
Maker application, select and click style. At the bottom of the Style
including the toolbars
menu there are two sub menus (styles and effects). Choose ‘style’
to create a book display design and the ‘effect’ to give effect to the
Figure 8 is a form of the introduction of the e-module which
module. The procedure is presented in Figure 6 below.
contains the preface, instructions for using e-modules, e-module
section. To continue reading or loudspeakers, press the toolbar

Fig.6 : Selction of ‘style’ and ‘effect’ on the e-book

The last stage is publishing. This stage publishes e-book made in

the form of SWF, EXE, HTML, EMAIL. This e-module is created
in the form of an EXE file. The procedure is shown in Figure 7 Fig. 9: Display of content in e-book based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker
below. including toolbars

Figure 9 is a content section. The contents section contains material

to be taught in accordance with the learning indicators. This E-
module also contains questions to measure students' abilities in
learning through e-module based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker.

3.4. Discussion

The development of this e-module uses the Flip Book Maker

application. Ncesoft Flip Book Maker is software for creating an
easily applicable e-book. The modules are arranged in a doc format,
modified in the form of PDF, JPG, PNG and process them with
templates that have been provided to produce an interesting e-
module to be presented. Practical methods and innovative
techniques for understanding information linking textual
Fig.7 : Display of the e-book before publishing knowledge and technology help readers to be active in the learning
environment [20].
3.3. E-Module Prototype Based on Ncesoft Flip Book The development and selection of a module from the
Maker printed version to be modified into e-book has advantages. E-book
makes the readers easy to access digital content, it has easier
This developmental research resulted in an e-module prototype distribution and purchase, simple backup and storage, becoming the
based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker. The student module entitled e- breakthrough solution to monotonous printed books, providing
module based on Ncesoft Flip Book Maker, is limited to 1 learning techniques to achieve two-way interactivity, can add multimedia,
with the title of ‘objects around my home environment’. This can be read on different devices, capability to adjust the size [21],
module component consists of: opening (title, preface, module user [22]. E-book is a form of technology that has effective and relevant
instruction, module section, and table of contents), main part content and features [23], [24]. The content is all types of audio or
(concept map, news, hope box, learning exploration, let's practice,
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 289

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