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Exploratory Of Data Visualization With Tools

T.V.S Sriram 1, P. Raju2, B. Balaji kumar reddy3, K. Paresh4, S. Pavan sai kumar5

Associate Professor1, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute ofTechnology, Sontyam, Visakhapatnam-531173,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

Students2, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science), Nadimpalli Satyanarayana Raju Institute ofTechnology, Sontyam, Visakhapatnam-
531173, Andhra Pradesh, India.
DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S07.631

Data visualization is the quite new and promising field incomputer science. In this paper first we get familiar with data visualization and its related concepts. Then
we will take a look through the tools of data visualization. Data mining is a concept of discovering meaningful patterns from large data repositories, Data
visualization iscommon in your daily life. Data visualization represents data through the use of common graphics, such as Bar charts, Pie charts, Histograms,
Statistical Graphs, Trigonometric graphs, and animations. Data visualizationtransforms small and large data sets into visuals, which will be easy to understand and
process for people. Data visualization tools provide reachable ways to understand trends, patterns, and exceptions in the data. In the world of Big Data, data
visualization tools and technologies areneeded to analyze huge amounts of information. Data visualizations are used to discover new facts. We also present a data
set and explanations around it.

Keywords: Data mining, Bigdata, Data visualization.

1. Introduction
Data mining is a logical process that is used to search through large amount of data in order to find usefuldata[1]. Data mining is the process of
analyzing massive amounts of information and datasets, extracting and useful intelligence to help organizations solve problems, predict trends,
mitigate risks, and find new opportunities.

The concept of data mining has been with us since long ago. The idea of applying data to knowledge analysis hasbeen around for centuries,
starting with manual formulas for statistical modeling and regression analysis. In the 1930s, Alan Turing introduced the idea of a universal
computing machine that could achieve complex computations. This marked the rise of the electromechanical computer and with it, the ever-
expanding explosion of digital information that continuesto this correct day.

Data mining also includes establishing relationships and finding patterns, anomalies, and correlations to tackle issues, creating actionable
information in the process. Data mining is a wide-ranging and varied process that includes many different components, some of which are even
confused for data mining itself.

Data is pouring into your businesses daily from a brilliantarray of sources, in a multitude of formats, and an extraordinary speed and volumes. your
business success depends on how quickly you can discover vision from bigdata and incorporate them into business decisions and processes to drive
better actions across your company. However, with so much of data to manage, this can seem like an impossible task.

Data mining gives businesses a chance to optimize operations for the most likely future by perception the past and present, and making exact
predictions about whatis likely to happen next.
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Sales and marketing teams can use data mining to predictwhich hopes are likely to become profit-making customers. Based on past customers
demographics, they can initiate a profile of the type of probability who wouldbe most likely to respond to a specific offer. By this kindof knowledge,
they can increase (ROI) return on investment by choosing only those prospects likely to respond and become expensive customer.

In Business understanding, total complete data mining projects start by first identifying project objectives and scope. The business supporters will
ask a question that data mining can answer or a solution.

Once the business problem is understood, it is time to collect the data related to the question and get a quality ofthe data set. This data usually comes
from multiple sources, including structured data and unstructured data. This stage may include some explorative analysis to uncover some advance
patterns. At the end of this phase,the data mining team has selected the subset of data for analysis and modelling.

This phase begins with more comprehensive work. Data preparation involves making the final data set, which includes all the applicable data
needed to solve the business question. Supporters will identify the dimensions and variables to search and prepare the final data set for model

In this phase, you will select the appropriate modeling techniques for the given data. These abilities can includeclustering, predictive models,
classification, estimation, or a combination. You have return to the data preparationphase if you select a modeling technique that necessary other
After creating the models, you must need to test and measure their success at giving the solutions for the identified questions. The model may
answer surface of things not consider for, and you need to edit the model. This phase is planed to allow you to look at the advance so far and
ensure it’s on the correct track for summit the business goals. If it is not, there might be a need to movebackwards to previous steps before a project
is ready for the deployment phase.

Finally, once the model is correct and good, it’s time to deploy it in the real world. The distribution can take placewithin the organization, be shared
with customers, or be used to generate a report for supporters to prove itsresponsibility. The work does not end when the last line of code is
complete; deployment requires careful thought,a spread -out plan, and a way to make sure the correct people are properly informed. The data
mining team is responsible for the listeners understanding of the project.

Data visualization is an execution of representing data asimages, tables and graphics, and other patterns. Using thedata visualization technique, the
company can find outliers, patterns, trends, and other important informationfrom a data file.

Data visualization is the process of graphical representation of data in the form of geographic maps, heat maps, charts, infographics, statistical
graphs, and sparklines.

Data presented through visual elements are much easier to analyze and understand, effectively removing applicable insights from the data. Relevant
partners can use the findings to make more efficient actual-time decisions.

It helps to visualize the connection between variables in a machine learning model, which makes the variablealternative process easier. Data
visualization involvesmodifying difficult data into simple visual characterization to clarify the way for understanding andmake use of data.

Graphical representation of data helps to give informationto unknown people with the terms, conditions, and suggestions of the data presented.
Using the data visualization technique, a data analyst loads a data file insoftware and uses various reporting and visualizationtools to transpose
data into graphics that feature the pointa company wants to prove

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Fig.1.Types of Data Visualization

The advantage of data visualization can be classified into 3 main goals: to survey, to observe, and to describe.

Microsoft Power BI

The Power BI is the data visualization tool that is used forbusiness intelligence type of data. It can be used for the predictive analytics, reporting,
self-service analytics. Further, it gives an end user platform to create reports and share awareness with others in their organization. It acts as a
centralized storehouse for all your business data which can be obtained by all your business users. Moreover, Power BI also provides for integration
with other SaaS products like Google Analytics, MailChimp, Office 365, etc. Through that such type of integrations, the reports created can be
shared within the organization, and thus making it a very important tool for organizations. The term

Power BI, Microsoft's easy-to-use data visualization tool,is accessible for deployment on the cloud infrastructure. Itis part of the Microsoft power
platform. Power BI is a group of software services, apps, and connectors that worktogether to turn different sources of data into logical,visually
enveloping, and observed insights. Data may be input by reading directly from database, webpage, or structured files such as spreadsheets, CSV,
XML, and JSON.

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2.3 Tableau

Fig.2. Microsoft Power BI

Fig.3.Qlik View


QlikView is a data visualization tool, it is a data detectionplatform that empowers the users to make fastest, most informed resolutions by advanced
analytics, tells newbusiness insights, and increasing the accurate of results. It has been an automatic software development kit that has been used
in organizations through the world for many years. It can merge various kinds of data sources with visualizations in line graphs, bar chats, sliders,
colourcoded tables and pie charts . It has been spread on a “drag and drops” visualization crossing, allowing users to simplyadd data from more
different origins, such as databases without having to write any code. These feature also makeit a relatively were easier tool to learn and grip.
QlikView is the Business Intelligence platform for converting data into knowledge. QlikView lets you rapidly develop and deliver
interactive guided analytics applications and dashboards
One of the most universally used data visualization tools, Tableau, offers associated visualization solutions to morethan 50,000 companies. Tableau
is a data visualization toolthat can be used to create charts, maps and proper graphs. It allows you to connect to different data origins and create
visualizations in fraction of minutes. Tableau Desktop is the original brand. It is made for creating static visualizations that can be published on one
or more web pages, but it does not create interactive maps. Tableau Public is the free distribution of the Desktop brand with some constrain. Learning
Tableau takes more time and practice, but there are many of resources out there to helpyou learn and how to use it. As a data scientist, Tableau must
be the number one tool for you to learn and use in your everyday tasks. Providing a combination of advanceddatabases, including Teradata, SAP

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 5118

(Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing), My SQL (Structured Query Language), AWS (Amazon Web Services), and Hadoop,
Tableau effectively creates visualizations and graphics from large datasets used for A.I&ML (artificial intelligence & machine learning), andBig
Data applications.


Here we take IPL Ball-by-Ball data set.

Fig.5.QlikView after visualization

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 5119

fig.6.Power BI after visualization

All three tools, Power BI, Tableau,and QlikView, are business

analytics tools used in the businessrepresentation of data for thetroubled shareholder. But all threetools have some advantages over
each other. For example, Power BI(business intelligence) is more efficient in cost-making decisions. Where as Tableau
is better at data visualization, andQlikView has strong analytics.

As compression of all three the Power BI wins the race in thiscategory because of its MS Excel background, the other two rarely
used by customers, so they may find it difficult to operate. Andmore over the Power BI is less expensive than the other two.

Power BI is the product of Microsoft, launched in 2010. It is one of the top data visualization tools in present days, even thoughit
has been introduced in recent years. It presents the detailedvisualization. Power BI have many advanced features to work, so it is
very good for analytics andexplanation the data. Power BI seems like an advanced version ofExcel, so people find it easy to work
with this tool because of thesimilarity in Excel interface,formulas, and other features. As compared to QlikView and Tableau Power
BI contains more features. So that we conclude Power BI is the best data visualization tool.

Data mining has importance regarding finding the patterns, forecasting, discovery of knowledge etc., in different business domains. Data
visualization should interface a data set clearly and beneficially by using graphics. The best visualizations make it easy to understand data briefly.
As per above research Power BI is the best data visualization tool in present days. May be in future more efficient and accurate tool will be
introduced or launched.


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