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Ac7114-3 Rev o

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AC7114/3 REV.

Issue Date 1997-07
Revision Date 13-Dec-23
161Thorn Hill Road Superseding AC7114/3 Rev N
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527

For Ultrasonic Survey


These Audit Criteria define the requirements for Auditees seeking

Nadcap accreditation in Ultrasonics and shall be used as a supplement
to PRI AC7114. These criteria and the applicable Subscriber
Supplemental Audit Criteria will ensure that NDT Auditees meet the
requirements for Nadcap accreditation in Ultrasonics.

Note: This Audit Criteria is not intended to be used for Resonance



In completing this assessment, Auditors are instructed to respond with

a "Yes” or “No" to address compliance with each statement of
requirement. For any negative responses, the Auditor must clearly
indicate in the NCR if the “No" reflects non-compliance with respect to
existence, adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to evidence
of a documented procedure or policy, adequacy relates to the
completeness of the procedure or policy, and compliance relates to
evidence of effective implementation. This Audit Criteria includes the
use of the word “shall” which indicates a clear requirement that must be
met at all times. The word “may” indicates a possible resolution to a
requirement or one recommended method to achieve a given
requirement, but does not represent the only way to meet that
requirement. In addition, the Audit Criteria includes the term
“Guidance”. This term is used to reflect the Task Group’s expectation
when answering the Audit Criteria question as YES or Not Applicable

The Auditor must verify the list of procedures provided by the Auditee
at the time of the audit. Any corrections or updates to the list must be
identified using notes inserted at the applicable criterion.

PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user.”

PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer. (Contact
information is located at http://www.eauditnet.com under “Contact Us.”)

Copyright 2023 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.

t-frm-1115 05-Dec-2023
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -2-

All negative responses require a Nonconformance Report (NCR). NA

responses do not require an explanation unless otherwise noted. There
is only one plausible reason for an NA, which is, that a particular
operation or issue is not being used at the Auditee. There are no NA’s
simply for a lack of a customer requirement. If a system is in use, then
all questions pertaining to that system are applicable. If verification of
results require documentation it shall be so noted in this Audit Criteria.

The audit results shall not include any customer proprietary information.
Technical information on parts which have been designated “Export
Controlled – License Required” (EC-LR) cannot be input into eAuditNet.
If Auditors have any questions about this, they should contact the Staff
Engineer for directions.

2.1 References:

ASTM E127 Standard Practice for Fabrication

and Control of Flat Bottomed Hole
Ultrasonic Standard Reference

ASTM E317 Practice for Evaluating

Performance Characteristics of
Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing
Systems Without the Use of
Electronic Measurement

AMS STD 2154 Inspection, Ultrasonic, Wrought

Metals, Process For

ISO22232-1 Non-destructive testing -

Characterization and Verification
of Ultrasonic Examination
Equipment - Part 1: Instruments;

ISO22232-2 Non-destructive testing -

Characterization and Verification
of Ultrasonic Examination
Equipment - Part 2: Probes

ISO22232-3 Non-destructive testing -

Characterization and Verification
of Ultrasonic Examination
Equipment - Part 3: Combined

ISO18563-1 Non-destructive testing —

Characterization and verification
of ultrasonic phased array
equipment — Part 1: Instruments
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -3-

ISO18563-2 Non-destructive testing —

Characterization and verification
of ultrasonic phased array
equipment — Part 2: Probes

ISO18563-3 Non-destructive testing —

Characterization and verification
of ultrasonic phased array
equipment — Part 3: Combined


3.1 Materials, Equipment Listing and Information

The Auditee shall complete and the Auditor shall review, the Auditee's ATTACHMENT
provided Materials and Equipment Listing, for adequacy, content, and
correctness. Attachments are for information only but shall be
completed fully. NCRs shall not be written against attachments.
(Attachment AC7114/3-A).

3.1.1 Is Phased Array in use at this facility and part of the audit scope? YES NO
Guidance: A “No” response to this question does not constitute an NCR
and Sections 4.3, 5.2, 5.4 and 6.3 shall be closed by the Auditor.

3.1.2 Are Composites inspected at this facility and part of the audit scope? YES NO
Guidance: A “No” response to this question does not constitute an
NCR and Sections 5.6, 6.5 and 7.10 shall be closed by the Auditor.


4.1 NDT Facility Written Procedures

4.1.1 Is there a procedure, general or specific, for processing and inspection YES NO
of common product forms such as plate, bar stock, forgings,
composites, etc., using the ultrasonic method?
Guidance: The term, “procedure” may be synonymous with a traveler
or a route card, etc. Does the procedure(s) state the governing specification(s) it is intended YES NO
to meet? Does the procedure(s) have traceability to the name and address of the YES NO
facility performing the inspection?
Guidance: In some cases, it may not be necessary for the actual
address if the facility is traceable to a unique identifier. Does the procedure(s) indicate approval by the applicable Level 3? YES NO
Guidance: The applicable Level 3 may be the Nadcap Subscriber,
Nadcap Subscriber qualified or approved Level 3, internal Level 3,
and/or external Level 3.
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -4- Does the procedure(s) have an identification number and the date the YES NO
procedure was approved? Does the procedure require that all personnel are qualified and certified YES NO
to the required level for the activity undertaken and the applicable
contract requirements? Does the procedure include the type of records and description for the YES NO
method of identifying inspection status?

4.2 Technique, Data Card, or Instruction

Guidance: The term, “Technique, Data Card or Instruction” may be
synonymous with a procedure, traveler, or a route card, etc.
All non-technical requirements that have been flowed down solely by
the baseline shall only be required to be met if that in-use technique or
process has been revised since the inception of the baseline on
December 4, 2006.

4.2.1 Does the technique, data card, or instruction contain the following
information as a minimum? Specific material and form for which the procedure is being prepared? YES NO Specific part name and part number, or configuration to be tested? YES NO Applicable reference standards to be used? YES NO Inspection technique (contact, immersion, phased array, multizone, YES NO

etc.)? Manufacturer and model numbers of the instrument/system to be used YES NO

in the test, including any recording equipment, alarm equipment, and
electronic distance-amplitude correction (DAC)/Time Corrected Gain
(TCG) equipment, time varied gain (TVG), distance gain size (DGS) as
applicable? Are all recognized as a function of gain over time? Type and size of transducer, including frequency, sound beam angle, YES NO
and description of wedges, shoes, saddles, standoff attachments,
bubblers, or squirters, as applicable? Description of manipulating and scanning equipment? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA only applicable for Contact method (manual A-Scan) not

involving automated scanning equipment or encoders. Surface preparation (finishing, cleaning, pickling, water break free YES NO
surface, manual rubbing, mechanical cleaning, etc.)? Special material handling and processing of parts defined (e.g. for YES NO NA
beryllium, titanium or composite)?
Guidance: NA shall only be used when special materials are not
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -5- Applicable acceptance requirements? YES NO Inspection zones and the method for ensuring applicable coverage? YES NO A method for determining discontinuity location? YES NO

Guidance: This may include electronic or computerized grid and/or
mapping systems. Are transducer to transducer distances for through transmission to be YES NO NA

maintained within the same geometric and distance limits (+/-) that the
applicable calibration standard was successfully scanned?
Guidance: The Auditee shall define in their procedure the type of
standard used (could be an actual part, a manufactured standard, or
attenuating tabs) and the distance being used during scanning. For a
flat or gantry type system, a given distance shall be called out. For a
multi axis, contour following system a term such as “as taught” shall be
sufficient. NA is to be used where through transmission is not used. Couplant and/or additives? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA shall only be used where no couplant is required such as
Bond Testing. Is there a scanning plan which contains the description of surfaces from YES NO
which the test will be performed and the ultrasonic beam paths to be
used including water path distance (if immersion method), and the
beam refracted or incident angle as applicable? Method for determining dB correction factor, transfer and applying YES NO NA
correction, if required?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where dB correction is not required. Pulse repetition rate, if required? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA only applicable where the pulse repetition rate is fixed by
the set and not adjustable. Method of establishing scan sensitivity? YES NO Method of determining effective beam width of transducer? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA only applicable where water immersion (tank) techniques
are not used. Inspection mode (shear, longitudinal, etc.)? YES NO Scanning speed and scan index? YES NO Limits on reject, noise level, gate levels? YES NO Discontinuity evaluation instructions? YES NO Back wall echo monitoring requirements? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA shall only be used where back wall echo monitoring is
not required.
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -6- Complete post inspection cleaning instructions, or reference to YES NO NA

procedures containing such instructions?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where post inspection cleaning is not
required. Requirements for post inspection standardization if required? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA shall only be used where post inspection standardization
is not required. Actions to be taken if the post-inspection standardization fails? YES NO NA

Guidance: Question can only be NA if is NA. Is there a procedure in place that addresses re-verification of scanning YES NO NA

and indexing equipment if maintenance or modifications are

Guidance: NA only applicable for Contact method (manual A-Scan) not

involving automated scanning equipment or encoders.

4.3 Phased Array SECTION NA

4.3.1 Does the Phased Array technique, data card, or instruction contain the
following additional information as a minimum? When performing inspection for defects whose major dimension is not YES NO NA
parallel to the surfaces, is there a process in place to establish off angle
standardization parameters?
Guidance: It is not expected that the specific angle be determined, only
that there is a method of standardization. Question may be NA if
performing inspection for defects whose major dimension is parallel to
the surfaces. When performing inspection for defects whose major dimension is not YES NO NA
parallel to the surfaces, is there a process in place to establish
compensation factors if it affects sensitivity or acceptance levels?
Guidance: It is not expected that a process be in place to determine if
the sensitivity and acceptance levels are affected; only that there is a
method in place for compensation. Question may be NA if performing
inspection for defects whose major dimension is parallel to the
surfaces. The established reject threshold levels are defined? YES NO The active aperture size is addressed or defined? YES NO The scan index of the virtual probe within the array in terms of the YES NO
number of elements is defined? The check for dead elements, to include location and acceptability for YES NO
use is defined?
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -7- When sweep angle is used, is a procedure in place for adjusting the YES NO NA
array to generate the specific angle?

Guidance: NA shall only be used when sweep angle is not required.


5.1 Software SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if proprietary software is used, or if the Auditee
does not have access to alter or change computer software.

5.1.1 If used, is there a procedure to validate computer inspection software? YES NO

Guidance: The intent is to require sufficient procedure coverage to
ensure that computer software is not altered or changed without
approval. If used, was software altered or changed with approval and/or re- YES NO
validation to the procedure?

5.2 Phased Array Software SECTION NA

5.2.1 When required, is the system software capable of full A-scan capture? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA shall only be used where full A-scan capture is not
required. When required, is the system software capable of displaying A-scan, B- YES NO NA
scan, C-scan and Sector scan data for both the immersion and contact
Guidance: NA shall only be used where displaying A-scan, B-scan, C-
scan and Sector scan data for both the immersion and contact methods
is not required. When attenuation measurement is required, does the pulser/receiver YES NO NA

software have the capability to normalize attenuation data across the
Guidance: This is typically used for porosity quantification on material
structures with parallel front and back surfaces. When attenuation measurement is required, does the YES NO NA

procedure/technique define the process for the pulser/receiver software
to normalize attenuation data across the array?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where attenuation measurement is
not required.

5.3 Transducers

5.3.1 Does the procedure address the following information as a minimum? Defines how to verify transducer performance if damage is suspected? YES NO

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -8- Describes how transducers are evaluated, listing the YES NO

acceptance/rejection criteria for the various types of transducers in
Guidance: This may be defined within the standardization of a
transducer for use. Are all transducers serialized? YES NO Are the transducers stored to protect them from damage? YES NO Is the focal spot size or effective beam width verified and documented YES NO NA
for all immersion focused transducers to determine the maximum scan
Guidance: NA to the squirter technique as the water column is the
effective beam width.

5.3.2 Is there evidence of compliance to the procedure and are records of YES NO
applicable test on file and do they indicate acceptable results?

5.4 Transducers Phased Array SECTION NA

5.4.1 Does the probe identification and or certification record address the
following? Center Frequency? YES NO Probe type (linear, annular, matrix)? YES NO Number of elements? YES NO Active element size, length or diameter? YES NO Passive aperture size or elevation? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA applies to 1D arrays only. Serial number? YES NO Bandwidth? YES NO If permanent shoes or delays are bonded to the array surface does the YES NO NA
certification record or probe identification include pre and post bonding
center frequency response?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where permanent shoes or delays are
not bonded to the array surface.

5.5 Reference Standards and Reference Standards Documentation

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O -9-

5.5.1 Are reference standards stored and handled to prevent damage from YES NO
mishandling, corrosion, pitting, etc.? Is documentation available for all reference standards fabricated in YES NO NA

accordance with ASTM E127?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where reference standards are not
required to be fabricated in accordance with ASTM E127. Is comparison amplitude documentation of all reference standards YES NO NA

available showing amplitude linearity to class size (indicate linear
amplifier or linear dB presentation) available per ASTM E127?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where reference standards are not
required to be fabricated in accordance with ASTM E127. For hollow cylindrical standards, is there a method of determining angle YES NO NA
of incidence or offset distance "d" for maximum amplitude responses
for all quality grades contained within the procedure? For special standards, is the standard comparable to the component YES NO NA
being inspected, including surface finish? For special standards, is there manufacturing documentation available? YES NO NA Do records provide evidence that standards are free from material YES NO
discontinuities that would be detrimental to their use? Are all standards clearly identified as to material type, hole or notch YES NO
size, angle and depth of hole, etc. or traceable to documentation with
noted requirements?

5.6 Reference Standards and Documentation – Composites SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if composites are not tested.

5.6.1 If highly attenuating materials such as lead tabs or foam are used in YES NO NA
lieu of reference standards, is their use restricted to through
transmission or immersion testing only?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where using highly attenuating
materials in lieu of reference standards are not required.

5.6.2 Are attenuative materials the appropriate size and shape as YES NO NA
established by engineering specification or contractual documents?

5.6.3 When required are fabricated reference standards representative of the YES NO NA
part being inspected?

5.6.4 Is there evidence that fabricated reference standards are similar in YES NO
attenuation, noise level, surface condition, and velocity as the part to be
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 10 -

5.6.5 Are the type and size of reference reflectors contained in the reference YES NO
standard, as established by engineering specification or contractual

5.7 Process Control

5.7.1 Are system standardization checks being performed prior to and YES NO
immediately following or concurrently with each inspection lot, change
in equipment and/or settings? If the instrument fails the post-inspection standardization check, are all YES NO NA
parts being re-evaluated or re-inspected as required after the last
acceptable standardization check?

5.7.2 When required, are dynamic/operational system checks performed? YES NO NA

5.7.3 Are there requirements for visual inspection and surface preparation to YES NO
ensure that parts being tested have an adequate surface condition?

5.7.4 If Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC) or Time Corrected Gain (TCG) YES NO NA
is used, are distance/amplitude response curves plotted or
electronically maintained for in use transducer & instrument
Guidance: NA shall only be used where DAC or TCG are not required.

5.7.5 If transducer wedges and/or shoes are used, are they checked initially YES NO NA
for the resulting beam angle in the appropriate material?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where wedges and/or shoes are not
required. If transducer wedges and/or shoes are used, are they rechecked for YES NO NA
wear and changes in the resulting refracted beam angle of ±3°?
GUIDANCE: This does not apply to curved surfaces where ± 3 º may
not be able to be checked. The essential check with curved surfaces
would be that of sensitivity.


6.1 Ultrasonic Instrument Calibration (In-House) SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if ultrasonic instruments are not calibrated in-

6.1.1 If instrument/system channels calibration is performed in-house, by the YES NO

Auditee, do procedures exist defining calibration requirements? If the instrument/system channels calibration is performed in-house, by YES NO

the Auditee, has it been performed in accordance with ASTM E317,
ISO18563 or ISO22232 with acceptance as per AMS STD 2154 Table
2, customer requirements and/or manufacturer’s recommendations as
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 11 - Identify all applicable:

ASTM Reference Block 1-0300

ASTM Reference Block 2-0300

ASTM Reference Block 3-0150

Vertical and Horizontal Linearity Test Blocks

Other (e.g., data acquisition ) (List) Are instrument/system channel calibrations performed annually as a YES NO


6.1.2 Is there evidence of compliance to the calibration procedure and are YES NO
records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results?

6.2 Ultrasonic Instrument Calibration (External) SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if ultrasonic instruments are not calibrated


6.2.1 Do records provide evidence that all instrument/system channels in use YES NO
are calibrated in accordance with ASTM E317, ISO18563 or ISO22232
with acceptance as per AMS STD 2154 Table 2, customer
requirements and/or manufacturer’s recommendations as applicable? Are instrument/system channel calibrations performed annually as a YES NO

minimum? Are instrument/system channel calibrations performed after any repair YES NO
or part/component replacement that could affect instrument response

6.2.2 Is there evidence of compliance to the calibration procedure and are YES NO
records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results?

6.3 Phased Array Instrument Calibration SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if phased array equipment is not used.

6.3.1 When used, is the equipment capable of performing dynamic depth YES NO NA
focusing of either annular or linear arrays to attain near and far surface
resolution as required in the procedure/specification in use? When sweep angle is used, is the array and focal law capable of YES NO NA
generating the refracted angles required by the procedure/specification
in use? Is this demonstrated through the use of calibration standards? YES NO NA

Guidance: NA shall only be used where sweep angle is not required.
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 12 -

6.3.2 Is there evidence of compliance to the calibration procedure and are YES NO
records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results?

6.4 Scanning and Indexing Equipment SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if scanning and indexing equipment is not used.

6.4.1 Is scanning and indexing equipment verified to ensure complete YES NO

coverage of the area of interest?
Guidance: The "area of interest" is defined to cover maximum size of
range of parts being inspected. Does the scanning and indexing equipment permit measurement of the YES NO NA
scan and/or index distances within ± 0.1 inches (0.25cm)?
Guidance: This is NA for Helical Scan bar/tube systems. The scan is
helical, and that helix is controlled by the question on “Scan Index”. Are records of this verification on file and do they provide evidence of YES NO NA
acceptable results?
Guidance: This is NA for Helical Scan bar/tube systems. The scan is
helical, and that helix is controlled by the question on “Scan Index”. Is the scanning and indexing equipment controlled and verified to YES NO NA
provide rotational accuracy?
Guidance: This is NA for Helical Scan bar/tube systems. The scan is
helical, and that helix is controlled by the question on “Scan Index”. Are records of this verification on file and do they provide evidence of YES NO NA
acceptable results?
Guidance: NA shall only be used where rotating scanning and indexing
equipment is not required. This is also NA for Helical Scan bar/tube
systems. Is the manipulating equipment verified to ensure angular control of the YES NO NA
search units to within one degree in two mutually perpendicular
Guidance: NA for Through Transmission. Are records of this verification on file and do they provide evidence of YES NO NA
acceptable results?
Guidance: NA for Through Transmission.

6.5 Equipment Calibration – Composites SECTION NA

Guidance: If composites are tested utilizing C-Scan, these
requirements apply, otherwise, the Section is NA.

6.5.1 The following requirements apply to analog C-Scan systems SECTION NA

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 13 - Does the electronic equipment for analog C-Scan systems use an A- YES NO
scan unit with an adjustable gate? Is a C-Scan recorder used? YES NO Is a recorder accurate within ± 5% of full scale, length and width, used YES NO NA
for a flat part?
Guidance: Example - If you scan a 1 inch x 1 inch reference defect the
image shall measure within ± 5%. NA for curved surfaces. Are records of this verification on file and do they provide evidence of YES NO
acceptable results?

6.5.2 The following requirements apply to Digital C-Scan systems SECTION NA For C-scan testing where data acquisition systems are used, is the YES NO
sensitivity of the ultrasonic system set to record the reference defects
to actual, or slightly under, actual size?
Guidance: This is not necessarily in regard to final calibration. Is the digital system capable of storing peak-detected values in a gated YES NO
area and/or time to a significant reflector in a gated area? Does the system show a linear relationship between dB attenuation / YES NO NA
amplitude and shades of grays and/or color on the monitor?
Guidance: NA for threshold only relationships. Are records of this verification on file and do they provide evidence of YES NO
acceptable results?

Guidance: The Auditee shall perform representative inspections from
current production to determine compliance with these requirements.
These parts shall be selected to represent a variety of Nadcap
participating customer requirements and different Ultrasonic
Techniques if more than one Ultrasonic System is in use at this facility.
In addition, a compliance job for each product form inspected by the
Auditee shall be inspected. For example, bar, billet, plate, tubing,
shaped extrusion/forging, machined parts, and composite. If a
particular product form was not covered during the compliance section,
then the Subscriber may exercise the appropriate oversight strategy.
Each product form does not have to be from each Subscriber.
Borrowing hardware from one facility to another to demonstrate
compliance is not acceptable; unless there is evidence the design
authority has authorized movement of the hardware to the facility
undergoing the audit.
If no production hardware is available, compliance jobs may be
identified as NA under the following circumstances (explanation must
be provided by Auditor):
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 14 -

Auditee must provide evidence that they have tried to obtain parts for
the audit. Evidence could be copies of emails/communication to the
customer (or Subscriber) indicating such and evidence the customer
(Subscriber) has responded. If Auditee has done due diligence no
additional action is required. On the second consecutive occurrence,
Auditee must have evidence of task group concurrence of reason why.
If not a minor NCR shall be issued.
Investigate the purchase order specifications to identify any customer
unique acceptance, process control, or procedure requirements
applicable to these parts. Witness the facility's ability to perform
inspection of these parts in accordance with the requirements. It is
expected that the Auditor shall review and follow traceability from the
purchase order to completion of the NDT process or final certification
by reviewing as a minimum the items listed below. The Auditor shall
verify that the process applied complies with the procedural system
established by the Auditee in terms of flow down, customer
specification retrieval (as applicable), inspection identification, etc.

a) Purchase Order
b) Drawing (if applicable)
c) Work Order
d) Process Specifications and Revision
e) Internal Procedures and Revision
f) Lot / Batch / Serial Number:
g) Applicable Procedures / Techniques / Work Instructions
h) Travelers / Route Cards
i) Inspection Log

7.1 Provide the following documentation for Auditor review for each of the
parts being tested during the compliance portion of the audit: Note: EC-
LR materials shall not leave the Auditee’s facility.

a) Copy of completed technique card or Auditee procedure with

evidence of customer approval if required.

b) Copy of completed shop traveler or work order.

c) If neither a or b above indicate the process and acceptance standard

and their revision status, then the document that shows the link to this
data shall also be reviewed.

7.1.A Compliance (NA response must be explained) SECTION NA



Is the part controlled under U. S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO

declared by the Auditee?
Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR.
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 15 -

7.1.A.1 Compliance: YES NO

7.1.A.2 Customer:


7.1.A.3 Subscriber / End User:


7.1.A.4 Purchase Order Number:


7.1.A.5 Work Order Number:


7.1.A.6 Lot / Batch / Serial Number:


7.1.A.7 Process Specification(s): / Revision(s):



7.1.A.8 Internal Procedure(s): / Revision(s):



7.1.A.9 Acceptance Specification / Drawing Notes (including Revision level;

Class and/or Grade if applicable):

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 16 -



7.1.A.10 Part Description:


7.1.A.11 Part Number: / Revision:



7.1.A.12 Inspectors: / Level(s):



7.1.A.13 Is the inspector wearing vision correction as required? YES NO NA

Guidance: The Auditor shall verify that corrective lenses were used if
required. NA only where the inspection personnel witnessed working
did not require correction lenses. “Near vision correction” refers to the
glasses or contacts that were required to pass the vision test. It is
required that such correction is worn during all testing/inspection at 1x.
Therefore, magnification that requires self-focus may be used as an aid
in interpretation with or without vision correction.

7.1.A.14 Equipment / Tool ID:


7.1.B Compliance (NA response must be explained) YES NO



Is the part controlled under U. S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO

declared by the Auditee?
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 17 -

Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR.

7.1.B.1 Compliance: YES NO

7.1.B.2 Customer:


7.1.B.3 Subscriber / End User:


7.1.B.4 Purchase Order Number:


7.1.B.5 Work Order Number:


7.1.B.6 Lot / Batch / Serial Number:


7.1.B.7 Process Specification(s): / Revision(s):



7.1.B.8 Internal Procedure(s): / Revision(s):



7.1.B.9 Acceptance Specification / Drawing Notes (including Revision level;

Class and/or Grade if applicable):

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 18 -



7.1.B.10 Part Description:


7.1.B.11 Part Number: / Revision:



7.1.B.12 Inspectors: / Level(s):



7.1.B.13 Is the inspector wearing vision correction as required? YES NO NA

Guidance: The Auditor shall verify that corrective lenses were used if
required. NA only where the inspection personnel witnessed working
did not require correction lenses. “Near vision correction” refers to the
glasses or contacts that were required to pass the vision test. It is
required that such correction is worn during all testing/inspection at 1x.
Therefore, magnification that requires self-focus may be used as an aid
in interpretation with or without vision correction.

7.1.B.14 Equipment / Tool ID:


7.1.C Compliance (NA response must be explained) YES NO



Is the part controlled under U. S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO

declared by the Auditee?
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 19 -

Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR.

7.1.C.1 Compliance: YES NO

7.1.C.2 Customer:


7.1.C.3 Subscriber / End User:


7.1.C.4 Purchase Order Number:


7.1.C.5 Work Order Number:


7.1.C.6 Lot / Batch / Serial Number:


7.1.C.7 Process Specification(s): / Revision(s):



7.1.C.8 Internal Procedure(s): / Revision(s):



7.1.C.9 Acceptance Specification / Drawing Notes (including Revision level;

Class and/or Grade if applicable):

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 20 -



7.1.C.10 Part Description:


7.1.C.11 Part Number: / Revision:



7.1.C.12 Inspectors: / Level(s):



7.1.C.13 Is the inspector wearing vision correction as required? YES NO NA

Guidance: The Auditor shall verify that corrective lenses were used if
required. NA only where the inspection personnel witnessed working
did not require correction lenses. “Near vision correction” refers to the
glasses or contacts that were required to pass the vision test. It is
required that such correction is worn during all testing/inspection at 1x.
Therefore, magnification that requires self-focus may be used as an aid
in interpretation with or without vision correction.

7.1.C.14 Equipment / Tool ID:


7.2 If applicable and in conjunction with the preceding, the Auditee shall SECTION NA
also provide an additional three paperwork compliance jobs across the
Nadcap Subscriber base. Provide the following documentation for
Auditor review for each of these jobs: Note: The goal is to provide at
least one set of compliance documentation for each of the Auditee’s
Nadcap Subscriber customer base. If all of the Auditee’s Nadcap
customers were represented in the actual compliance audits, then this
section is NA. Paperwork compliance jobs up to two (2) years prior to
the audit date are considered acceptable. If none are available, the
Auditor shall place a note in this section indicating this.
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 21 -

Note: EC-LR materials shall not leave the Auditee’s facility.

a.Copy of completed technique card or Auditee procedure with

evidence of customer approval if required.

b.Copy of completed shop traveler or work order.

c. If neither a or b above indicate the process and acceptance standard

and their revision status, then the document that shows the link to this
data shall also be reviewed.


Is the part controlled under U. S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO

declared by the Auditee?
Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR.

7.2.A.1 Compliance YES NO

7.2.A.2 Customer:


7.2.A.3 Subscriber / End User:


7.2.A.4 Purchase Order Number:


7.2.A.5 Work Order Number:


7.2.A.6 Lot / Batch / Serial Number:


7.2.A.7 Process Specification(s): / Revision(s):

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 22 -


7.2.A.8 Internal Procedure(s): / Revision(s):



7.2.A.9 Acceptance Specification / Drawing Notes (including Revision level;

Class and/or Grade if applicable):




7.2.A.10 Part Description:


7.2.A.11 Part Number: / Revision:



7.2.A.12 Inspectors: / Level(s): / Date Performed:



7.2.A.13 Equipment / Tool ID:


Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 23 -

Is the part controlled under U. S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO

declared by the Auditee?
Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR.

7.2.B.1 Compliance YES NO

7.2.B.2 Customer:


7.2.B.3 Subscriber / End User:


7.2.B.4 Purchase Order Number:


7.2.B.5 Work Order Number:


7.2.B.6 Lot / Batch / Serial Number:


7.2.B.7 Process Specification(s): / Revision(s):



7.2.B.8 Internal Procedure(s): / Revision(s):


Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 24 -

7.2.B.9 Acceptance Specification / Drawing Notes (including Revision level;

Class and/or Grade if applicable):




7.2.B.10 Part Description:


7.2.B.11 Part Number: / Revision:



7.2.B.12 Inspectors: / Level(s): / Date Performed:



7.2.B.13 Equipment / Tool ID:



Is the part controlled under U. S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO

declared by the Auditee?
Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR.

7.2.C.1 Compliance YES NO

7.2.C.2 Customer:

7.2.C.3 Subscriber / End User:

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 25 -


7.2.C.4 Purchase Order Number:


7.2.C.5 Work Order Number:


7.2.C.6 Lot / Batch / Serial Number:


7.2.C.7 Process Specification(s): / Revision(s):



7.2.C.8 Internal Procedure(s): / Revision(s):



7.2.C.9 Acceptance Specification / Drawing Notes (including Revision level;

Class and/or Grade if applicable):




7.2.C.10 Part Description:

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 26 -

7.2.C.11 Part Number: / Revision:



7.2.C.12 Inspectors: / Level(s): / Date Performed:



7.2.C.13 Equipment / Tool ID:


7.3 Customer Specifications

7.3.1 Is the facility using the appropriate specification(s) and revision(s) as YES NO
required by the contract document?
Guidance: This shall be confirmed by the Auditor by reviewing the
customer P.O. and Subscriber/End User drawing if available.

7.3.2 If the facility is working to any deviations, have they been approved by YES NO NA
the customer?
Guidance: The Auditor shall confirm documented customer approval;
this may be in the form of a written communication, technique approval
or by a formal deviation from the Subscriber/End User.

7.3.3 Were the applicable procedures, techniques, acceptance standards, YES NO

scan plans and unique customer requirements made available to the
ultrasonic inspectors?
Guidance: The term, “available” means that these documents are within
easy access by the inspectors. These documents are available and are
used to perform the inspections, not used from memory.

7.3.4 If procedures and/or techniques require review and/or approval by the YES NO NA
cognizant engineering organization, is that approval evident?
Guidance: This shall be investigated and confirmed by the Auditor by
reviewing the last ten part numbers shipped.

7.3.5 Did the inspectors follow the planning and other instructions? YES NO

7.3.6 Was there evidence of compliance to the document control procedure? YES NO
Guidance: This is looking to see if the correct procedure revisions are
in use.
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 27 -

7.3.7 If applicable, were any and all specification, drawing, procedure or YES NO NA
technique changes authorized?
Guidance: The Auditor shall review the documents for any unauthorized

7.4 Inspection Process

7.4.1 Do inspection records contain or provide traceability to the following as

a minimum?
Guidance: Inspection records may be the work order, shop traveler,
technique cards or Certificate of Conformity and is a document issued
by the Auditee to confirm that the delivered products fulfill the relevant
specification and purchase order requirements. Part number / material identification? YES NO Process specification and revision? YES NO Acceptance criteria specification and revision? YES NO Correct sequence of operations? YES NO

7.5 Serialization

7.5.1 If parts were serialized or heat coded, were the serial numbers or heat YES NO NA
codes recorded on all shop paperwork and inspection records?

7.6 Pre-Inspection Condition

7.6.1 Were the surfaces of parts to be inspected free from dirt, scale, oil, or YES NO
other contaminants that would interfere with the inspection operation?

7.6.2 Was the surface finish of the parts to be inspected adequate for the YES NO
level of inspection to be performed?

7.7 Couplant

7.7.1 Was the water free of bubbles and adequately filtered? YES NO NA

7.7.2 Was the correct couplant used for the material and process performed? YES NO NA
Guidance: NA shall only be used where no couplant is required such as
Bond Testing.

7.8 Set-ups/Standardization

7.8.1 Were set-ups made in compliance to the procedure/technique sheet/ YES NO

scan plan?

7.8.2 Was attenuation/transfer checked? YES NO NA

7.8.3 Were transducers used in compliance to the technique sheet/scan plan YES NO
as required?
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 28 -

7.8.4 Were the correct standards used? YES NO

7.8.5 If applicable, were gates, alarms, and recorders properly used? YES NO NA

7.8.6 Were technique sheet/scan plans and procedures approved by the YES NO
applicable Level 3?

7.8.7 Were technique sheet/scan plans and procedures approved by the YES NO NA
customer if required?
Guidance: This issue requires sufficient research/investigation to

7.8.8 Is the scan sensitivity adjusted to compensate for; correction factor, YES NO NA
attenuation, transfer value, curvature, etc.) if required?
Guidance: NA if scan sensitivity adjustment is not required.

7.9 Inspection

7.9.1 Was the hardware scanned according to the technique sheet/scan YES NO

7.9.2 Was the inspection scan speed performed at the same scan speed (or YES NO
proven capability) as the calibration standard?
Guidance: Proven capability for this purpose refers to the system’s
capability to detect that size flaw required at a given scan speed. If it
can be demonstrated that the flaws can be detected, the scan speed
shall be considered acceptable.

7.9.3 Was the inspection index performed at the same or smaller index as YES NO
the calibration standard?

Guidance: Proven capability for this purpose refers to the system’s

capability to detect that size flaw required at a given inspection index. If
it can be demonstrated that the flaws can be detected, the inspection
index shall be considered acceptable. Was the effective beam width adequately measured and documented YES NO NA
for each required metal travel distance?

Guidance: NA where water immersion (tank) techniques are not used. Was the smallest effective beam width or transducer size utilized to YES NO
determine the scan index?

Guidance: For non-focused contact probes this is the transducer

diameter. For squirter techniques this is the water column diameter. For
immersion (tank) techniques and/or focused probes this is the smallest
effective beam width. Was the appropriate scan index utilized and documented for the YES NO
Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 29 - For manual scanning, was the inspector either watching the screen all YES NO NA
of the time while scanning or was there an alarm to monitor defect
signals while not looking?
Guidance: The alarm may be audible, visual, etc. NA if manual
scanning is not used.

7.9.4 Does the data acquisition medium, (recorder, C-scan, etc.) have YES NO NA
sufficient accuracy to allow location of a defect to within the required

7.9.5 Did the inspector compare relevant indications against the specified YES NO NA
acceptance criteria?

7.9.6 Is the dB value used for porosity evaluation per customer YES NO NA

7.9.7 If required, was a loss of back reflection inspection performed? YES NO NA

7.9.8 Was a system standardization check performed per technique? YES NO Was a post inspection standardization check performed that ensured YES NO NA
repeatability per specified requirements? If the post-inspection standardization check failed, were all parts YES NO NA
inspected since the last acceptable standardization re-evaluated or re-

7.10 Inspection – Composites SECTION NA

Guidance: NA Section if composites are not tested

7.10.1 Prior to inspection, is each part visually examined for edge YES NO
delaminations, surface irregularity, marks, wrinkles, resin residues, etc.,
which might affect the inspection results?

7.10.2 Are the locations of reportable indications recorded on medium such as YES NO
a sketch, the part, a full scale mylar/plot or other similar means made to
facilitate the flaw’s location?

7.10.3 Is the reference standard scanned either before or simultaneously with YES NO
the part?

7.10.4 Are the same parameters used on the part and reference standard? YES NO

7.11 Post-Clean

7.11.1 If required, were all post inspection cleaning operations followed? YES NO NA

7.11.2 If required, were all inspected parts dried and coated with a corrosion YES NO NA
protective agent before being stacked, nested, or otherwise placed in
contact with one another?

7.12 Inspection Documentation

Nadcap AC7114/3 Revision O - 30 -

Guidance: The following information shall be traceable on or through

the inspection records.

7.12.1 Is the following information traceable on or through the inspection

records? Reference standard used? YES NO Material lot or identification number? YES NO Acceptance criteria? YES NO Applicable specification(s)? YES NO Number of parts inspected, accepted, rejected? YES NO Inspector identification and date of inspection? YES NO Location and general description of rejectable indications? YES NO

7.13 Inspector Qualification

7.13.1 Were inspection personnel certified to the correct levels for the work YES NO
being performed?
Guidance: This shall be verified by review of the certification records.

7.13.2 Were all non-certified or in-training ultrasonic inspection personnel YES NO NA

observed performing ultrasonic inspection operations properly

7.14 Inspection Status

7.14.1 Are symbols and/or marking methods used to denote ultrasonic YES NO
inspection status?
Guidance: Accepted parts/material shall be identified and/or segregated
from unacceptable parts/material to prevent mixing?

7.14.2 Were all inspection results properly recorded and traceable to the YES NO

7.14.3 Was any piece of equipment noted as “out of service”? YES NO

Please note the equipment: __________________________

Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR

7.14.4 Were all product forms inspected by the Auditee covered during the YES NO
audit, for example, bar, billet, plate, tubing, shaped extrusion/forging,
machined parts, and composite?

Please note the product forms not inspected:____________________ YES NO

Guidance: A NO answer does not require an NCR

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