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ASTM E2884 13e1

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Designation: E2884 − 13´1

Standard Guide for

Eddy Current Testing of Electrically Conducting Materials
Using Conformable Sensor Arrays1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2884; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

ε1 NOTE—Section 2 was corrected editorially in June 2104.

1. Scope E543 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestructive

1.1 This guide covers the use of conformable eddy current Testing
sensor arrays for nondestructive examination of electrically E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
conducting materials for discontinuities and material quality. E2338 Practice for Characterization of Coatings Using Con-
The discontinuities include surface breaking and subsurface formable Eddy-Current Sensors without Coating Refer-
cracks and pitting as well as near-surface and hidden-surface ence Standards
material loss. The material quality includes coating thickness, 2.2 ASNT Documents:3
electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, surface rough- SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifi-
ness and other properties that vary with the electrical conduc- cation and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
tivity or magnetic permeability. ANSI/ASNT-CP-189 Standard for Qualification and Certifi-
cation of NDT Personnel
1.2 This guide is intended for use on nonmagnetic and
magnetic metals as well as composite materials with an 2.3 AIA Standard:
electrically conducting component, such as reinforced carbon- NAS 410 Certification and Qualification of Nondestructive
carbon composite or polymer matrix composites with carbon Testing Personnel4
fibers. 2.4 Department of Defense Handbook:
1.3 This guide applies to planar as well as non-planar MIL-HDBK–1823A Nondestructive Evaluation System Re-
materials with and without insulating coating layers. liability Assessment
1.4 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded 3. Terminology
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for informa- 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms relating to this
tion only and are not considered standard. guide refer to Terminology E1316.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2.1 B-Scan—a method of data presentation utilizing a
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- horizontal base line that indicates distance along the surface of
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- a material and a vertical deflection that represents a measure-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. ment response for the material being examined.
3.2.2 C-Scan—a method of data presentation which pro-
2. Referenced Documents vides measurement responses for the material being examined
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 in two-dimensions over the surface of the material.
3.2.3 conformable—refers to an ability of sensors or sensor
arrays to conform to non-planar surfaces without significant
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nondestruc- effects on the measurement results, or with effects that are
tive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.07 on Electro- limited to a quantifiable bound.
magnetic Method.
Current edition approved June 1, 2013. Published June 2013. Originally
approved in 2013. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as E2884–13. DOI:
10.1520/E2884-13E01. Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), P.O. Box
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518, http://www.asnt.org.
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Available from Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. (AIA), 1000
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Wilson Blvd., Suite 1700, Arlington, VA 22209-3928, http://www.aia-aerospace.org.
the ASTM website. (Replacement standard for MIL-STD-410.)

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

E2884 − 13´1
3.2.4 depth of sensitivity—depth to which the sensor re- 3.2.13 system performance verification—the use of a mea-
sponse to features or properties of interest exceeds a noise surement of one or more response values, typically physical
threshold. property values, for a reference part to confirm that the Discussion—The depth of sensitivity is generally response values are within specified tolerances to validate the
smaller than the depth of penetration since it incorporates a system standardization and verify proper instrument operation.
comparison between the signal obtained from a feature as well
as measurement noise, whereas the depth of penetration refers 4. Summary of Guide
to the decrease in field intensity with distance away from a test 4.1 The examination is performed by scanning a conform-
coil. able eddy current sensor array over the surface of the material
3.2.5 discontinuity-containing reference standard—a region of interest, with the sensor array energized with alternating
of the material under examination or a material having elec- current of one or more frequencies. The electrical response
tromagnetic properties similar to the material under examina- from each sensing element of the eddy current sensor array is
tion for which a discontinuity having known characteristics is modified by the proximity and local condition of the material
present. being examined. The extent of this modification is determined
3.2.6 discontinuity-free reference standard—a region of the by the distance between the eddy current sensor array and the
material under examination or a material having electromag- material being examined, as well as the dimensions and
netic properties similar to the material under examination for electrical properties (electrical conductivity and magnetic per-
which no discontinuities are present. meability) of the material. The presence of metallurgical or
mechanical discontinuities in the material alters the measured
3.2.7 drive winding—a conductor pattern or coil that pro-
impedance of the eddy current sense elements. While scanning
duces a magnetic field that couples to the material being
over the material, the position at each measurement location
should be recorded along with the response of each sensing Discussion—The drive winding can have various element in the sensor array. The measured responses and
geometries, including: 1) a simple linear conductor that is location information can then be used, typically in the form of
placed adjacent to a one-dimensional array of sensing ele- a displayed image (C-scan (3.2.2)) or in the form of a plot
ments; 2) one or multiple conducting loops driven to create a (B-scan (3.2.1)), to determine the presence and characteristics
complex field pattern; and 3) multiple conducting loops with a of material property variations or discontinuities.
separate loop for each sensing element.
4.2 The eddy current sensor arrays used for the examination
3.2.8 insulating shims—conformable and substantially non-
are flexible and, with a suitable backing layer, can conform to
conducting or insulating foils that are used to measure effects
both flat and curved surfaces, including fillets, cylindrical
of small lift-off excursions on sensor response.
surfaces, etc. The sensor array can have a variety of configu-
3.2.9 lift off—normal distance from the plane of the con- rations. These include: 1) a linear drive conductor that is
formable sensor winding conductors to the surface of the energized by the instrument alternating current and a linear
conducting material under examination. array of absolute sense elements positioned parallel to the drive
3.2.10 model for sensor response—a relation between the conductor; 2) a complex drive conductor that produces a
response of the sensor (for example, impedance magnitude and desired field pattern at each sensing element; and 3) individual
phase or real and imaginary parts) and properties of interest drive conductors associated with each sensing element. Asso-
(for example, electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, ciated with each sense element are one or more measurement
lift-off, and material thickness) for at least one sensing element responses that reflect the local material condition at each
and at least one drive winding. location over the surface. The sensor arrays may be used with Discussion—These model responses may be ob- models for the sensor response and appropriate algorithms to
tained from database tables and may be analysis-based or convert measured responses for each sensing element into
empirical. physical properties, such as lift-off, electrical conductivity,
magnetic permeability, coating thickness, and/or substrate
3.2.11 sensing element—a means for measuring the mag-
thickness. Baseline values for these measurement responses or
netic field intensity or rate of change of magnetic field
physical properties are used to ensure proper operation during
intensity, such as an inductive coil or a solid-state device.
the examination while local variations in one or more of these Discussion—The sensing elements can be arranged properties can be used to detect and characterize the disconti-
in one or two-dimensional arrays. They can provide either an nuity. For example, although, an impedance magnitude or other
absolute signal related to the magnetic field in the vicinity of sensing element response can be used without a model to
the sense element or a differential signal. determine the presence of a flaw, a measurement of the lift-off
3.2.12 spatial half-wavelength—spacing between the con- at each sensing element location ensures that the sensor is
ductors of a linear drive winding with current flow in opposite conforming properly to the surface. Also, a position measure-
directions. ment capability, such as a rolling position encoder, can be used Discussion—This spacing affects the depth of sen- to measure location in the scan direction and ensure that
sitivity. The spatial wavelength equals two times this spacing. sufficient data resolution is achieved. Visual or audio signaling
For a circular drive winding, the effective spatial half- devices may be used to indicate the position of the disconti-
wavelength is equal to the drive winding diameter. nuity.

E2884 − 13´1
5. Significance and Use low excitation frequency is used where the depth of sensitivity
5.1 Eddy current methods are used for nondestructively is greater than the material thickness of interest. For determin-
locating and characterizing discontinuities in magnetic or ing more than two property values, measurements at operating
nonmagnetic electrically conducting materials. Conformable conditions having at least two depths of penetration should be
eddy current sensor arrays permit examination of planar and used; these different depths of penetration can be achieved by
non-planar materials but usually require suitable fixtures to using multiple operational frequencies or multiple spatial
hold the sensor array near the surface of the material of wavelengths.
interest, such as a layer of foam behind the sensor array along 5.6 Processing of the measurement response or property
with a rigid support structure. value data may be performed to highlight the presence of
5.2 In operation, the sensor arrays are standardized with discontinuities, to reduce background noise, and to characterize
measurements in air and/or a reference part. Responses mea- detected discontinuities. As an example, a correlation filter can
sured from the sensor array may be converted into physical be applied in which a reference signature response for a
property values, such as lift-off, electrical conductivity, and/or discontinuity is compared to the measured responses for each
magnetic permeability. Proper instrument operation is verified sensor array element to highlight discontinuity-like defects.
by ensuring that these measurement responses or property Care must be taken to properly account for the effect of
values are within a prescribed range. Performance verification interferences such as edges and coatings on such signatures.
on reference standards with known discontinuities is performed
periodically. 6. Basis of Application
5.3 The sensor array dimensions, including the size and 6.1 The following items are subject to contractual agree-
number of sense elements, and the operating frequency are ment between the parties using or referencing this standard.
selected based on the type of examination being performed. 6.2 Personnel Qualification—If specified in the contractual
The depth of penetration of eddy currents into the material agreement, personnel performing examinations to this standard
under examination depends upon the frequency of the signal, shall be qualified in accordance with a nationally or interna-
the electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability of the tionally recognized NDT personnel qualification practice or
material, and some dimensions of the sensor array. The depth standard such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, NAS 410
of penetration is equal to the conventional skin depth at high or a similar document and certified by the employer or
frequencies but is also related to the sensor array dimensions at certifying agency, as applicable. The practice or standard used
low frequencies, such as the size of the drive winding and the and its applicable revision shall be identified in the contractual
gap distance between the drive winding and sense element agreement between the using parties.
array. For surface-breaking discontinuities on the surface
adjacent to the sensor array, high frequencies should be used 6.3 Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Agencies—If
where the penetration depth is less than the thickness of the specified in the contractual agreement, NDT agencies shall be
material under examination. For subsurface discontinuities or qualified and evaluated as specified in E543. The applicable
wall thickness measurements, lower frequencies and larger edition of E543 shall be specified in the contractual agreement.
sensor dimensions should be used so that the depth of
penetration is comparable to the material thickness. 7. Interferences
5.4 Insulating layers or coatings may be present between the 7.1 Base Material Property Variations—Local variations in
sensor array and the surface of the electrically conducting the magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity of the
material under examination. The sensitivity of a measurement material under examination, possibly due to microstructural
to a discontinuity generally decreases as the coating thickness variations, can contribute to measurement noise that limits the
and/or lift-off increases. For eddy current sensor arrays having capability of detecting small discontinuities. Shape filtering to
a linear drive conductor and a linear array of sense elements, candidate signature responses can help to reduce this effect.
the spacing between the drive conductor and the array of sense This also includes the presence and size of surface breaking
elements should be smaller than or comparable to the thickness and subsurface discrete features such as welds, fasteners, and
of the insulating coating. For other array formats the depth of cooling holes.
sensitivity should be verified empirically. 7.2 Base Material Thickness—The thickness of the material
5.5 Models for the sensor response may be used to convert under examination can affect the measurement if it is smaller
responses measured from the sensor array into physical prop- than or comparable to the depth of sensitivity. If necessary, the
erty values, such as lift-off, electrical conductivity, magnetic thickness can be determined as a property value using the
permeability, coating thickness, and/or substrate thickness. For model for the sensor response.
determining two property values, one operational frequency
7.3 Residual Magnetism—In magnetic materials residual
can be used. For nonmagnetic materials and examination for
magnetism may affect the measurement and appear as a local
crack-like discontinuities, the lift-off and electrical conductiv-
response change. In some cases, it may be necessary to
ity should be determined. For magnetic materials, when the
demagnetize the specimen or part to get valid results.
electrical conductivity can be measured or assumed constant,
then the lift-off and magnetic permeability should be deter- 7.4 Residual Stress—Directional stress variations for mag-
mined. The thickness can only be determined if a sufficiently netizable materials may affect results. To verify results of the

E2884 − 13´1
measurements, directional sensitivity should be determined the sensor array and the surface of the material under exami-
and performance standards may be required for careful valida- nation. Magnetic permeability and/or electrical conductivity
tion. property values should not be significantly affected unless the
7.5 Curvature of Examination Surface—For surfaces with a foreign material is electrically conductive, magnetizable, or
single radius of curvature (for example, cylindrical or conical), causes a rapid spatial variation in lift-off. Non-conducting
the radius of curvature should be large compared to the sensor coating thickness measurements are directly affected by lift-off
half-wavelength. In the case of a double curvature, at least one variations caused by such foreign material, surface roughness,
of the radii should significantly exceed the sensor footprint and fretting scars and scratches.
the other radius should be at least comparable to the sensor 7.13 Models for Sensor Response—The models for the
footprint, unless customized sensors are designed to match the sensor response, if used in the examination, may not be
double curvature. System performance verification tests should appropriate for a specific application if they do not match the
be run to verify lift-off sensitivity using insulating shims. sensor and excitation frequency. A database of responses may
7.6 Conductive Coatings—The presence of electrically con- not be appropriate if the property ranges (for example, electri-
ductive coatings at the surface of the material under examina- cal conductivity and lift-off) spanned by the database are too
tion can influence the measurement response. A reference small so that the data fall outside the database, if the database
standardization performed with a nominal conductive coating is sparse so that there are excessively large increments in the
thickness can help to account for the presence of this type of property values, or if the sensor response does not vary
coating, but it will not necessarily account for conductive smoothly with the property values. The appropriateness of the
coating thickness variations over the material surface. sensor model can be validated by air standardization with
Preferably, the models for the sensor response should account system performance verification on a reference part or a
for the presence of this type of coating with the coating discontinuity-free portion of the material being examined.
thickness or coating electrical conductivity, or both, a physical
8. Apparatus
property that is determined.
8.1 Instrumentation—The electronic instrumentation shall
7.7 Insulating Coatings—The thickness of insulating coat- be capable of energizing the eddy current sensor array with
ings at the surface of the material under examination will affect alternating current of one or more suitable frequencies and
the measurement response. The sensitivity to discrete features shall be capable of measuring changes in the impedance of
is generally reduced as the insulating coating thickness in- each element in the sensor array. Depending upon the
creases. If models for the sensor response are used, the models instrumentation, the response for each sense element can be
should account for the presence of this type of coating. Coating measured in parallel or a multiplexer can be used to switch
thickness variations over the material surface can be absorbed between one or more of the sense elements. Typically, a
into the lift-off property value. multiplexer is used when the number of sense elements is
7.8 Edge Effect—Examination methods may be sensitive to greater than the number of data acquisition channels for
abrupt surface changes near material edges. Therefore, mea- impedance measurement. When a multiplexer is used, particu-
surements made too near an edge or inside corner may not be larly for eddy current sensor arrays with multiple drive coils
valid or may be insufficiently accurate unless the instrument is and multiple sense elements, it may be necessary to multiplex
used with a procedure that specifically addresses such a in a special pattern that avoids undesired coupling between the
measurement. Edge-effect correction procedures should either individual coils. The equipment may include a capability to
account for edge effects in the property estimation algorithm convert the impedance information into physical property
(for example, in the sensor response model) or incorporate values for the material under examination, including the
careful standardization on reference parts with fixtures to lift-off, at each point in the C-scan3.2.2 or B-scan 3.2.1.
control sensor position relative to the edge. 8.2 Eddy Current Sensor Array—The eddy current sensor
7.9 Instrument Stability—Drift and noise in the instrumen- array shall be capable of inducing currents in the material
tation can cause inaccuracies in the measurement. Restandard- under examination and sensing changes in the physical char-
ization and system performance verification should be per- acteristics of the material under examination. The geometry of
formed whenever the baseline response values exceed the the sensor array, including the number of sense elements,
threshold range. should be selected based on the application. Example configu-
7.10 Pressure of the Sensor Array against Surface under rations include:
Examination—Insulating coating thickness readings can be 8.2.1 A linear drive conductor and one or more linear arrays
sensitive to the pressure used to hold the sensor array against of absolute sense elements positioned parallel to the drive
the surface. conductor, where the second linear array is aligned with the
first row to add redundancy or offset to improve image
7.11 Temperature—Eddy current measurements are gener- resolution in the direction transverse to the scan direction,
ally affected by temperature variations of the material under 8.2.2 A complex drive conductor that produces a desired
examination. field pattern at each sensing element, and
7.12 Cleanness of Sensor Array Face and Examination 8.2.3 Individual drive conductors associated with each sens-
Surface—Measurements may be sensitive to foreign material ing element. The array can be in contact with the material being
and surface roughness that prevents intimate contact between tested or offset by an intended lift-off distance (for non-contact

E2884 − 13´1
scanning) with a support shaped approximately to match the confirm that the measured responses are within specified
surface being inspected. tolerances for the application. This serves to validate the
standardization and verify proper instrument operation. System
9. Calibration and Standardization performance verification is a quality control procedure that
9.1 The instrument should be assembled, turned-on, and does not represent standardization and should be documented
allowed sufficient time to stabilize in accordance with the in the report (see Section 11).
manufacturer’s instructions before use. The instrument should 9.4.1 Baseline System Performance Verification—A base-
be standardized in air or on a reference part, or both. Standard- line system performance verification uses measurements on a
ization should be repeated at intervals established based on discontinuity-free reference standard to verify standardization
experience for a given application, including performance of the instrument. Measurements are performed with the sensor
verification. Depending upon the application, standardization array for one or more lift-offs to ensure that the measured
may be required at each examination or more rarely such as responses or property values (for example, electrical conduc-
once per week. tivity for nonmagnetic materials or magnetic permeability for
magnetic materials) are not significantly affected by the lift-off,
9.2 Air Standardization—Air standardization involves mea-
and that the lift-off remains within an acceptable range. In
suring the impedance of a sensor array with absolute sense
addition to the measurements on the reference standard, the
elements in air, at least one spatial wavelength away from any
lift-off range should be verified at all locations on the material
conductive or magnetic objects, and adjusting the impedance
for each sensing element to match a model for the sensor being examined that are far from discontinuities.
response. A measurement of the response with a shunt sensor, 9.4.2 Discontinuity System Performance Verification—A
which has the sensing element shorted, can also be used so that discontinuity system performance verification uses measure-
both the air response and the shunt response are used in the ments on a discontinuity-containing reference standard to
standardization. Measurements on electrically conductive ma- verify instrument operation. The discontinuity-containing ref-
terials after air standardization should provide absolute elec- erence standard should contain one or more discontinuities that
tromagnetic property (electrical conductivity or magnetic are representative of the discontinuities to be found in the
permeability, or both) and lift-off values. To validate the examination. The response variation due to the discontinuity as
standardization, a baseline system performance verification well as the background variation associated with discontinuity-
should be performed. free regions of the reference standard are to be within specified
tolerances. For example, for examining nonmagnetic materials
9.3 Reference Part Standardization—Reference part stan- for cracks, the lift-off response can be used to ensure that the
dardization involves measuring the impedance of the sensor sensor array is within an acceptable range for the examination
array proximate to a discontinuity-free reference standard for while the electrical conductivity response can be used to
one or more known lift-offs and adjusting the impedance for indicate the presence and size of the crack. When possible, the
each sensing element to match a pre-specified sensor response.
discontinuity-containing reference standard should have the
This can be done with the sensor array stationary or moving.
same shape as the part being examined.
The adjustment may be used to remove offsets between a
model for the sensor response and the measured responses for This performance verification can also entail mul-
each sensing element. Insulating shims may be used to vary tiple levels of verification. For example, basic system operation
lift-off by a known amount. Reference part standardization can be verified with the response from a single discontinuity
may be performed in combination with air standardization. To being above a specified detection threshold. However, if the
validate the standardization, a baseline system performance response due to the discontinuity of interest is near the
verification should be performed. detection threshold, then the response of a second discontinuity
9.3.1 The reference part should have electrical properties can also be used to verify that both signals are above the
(electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability) and geom- detection threshold and that the signal responses trend correctly
etry (thickness and curvature) similar to the material to be with discontinuity size.
examined. Preferably the reference part has the same material 9.4.3 The reference standards for performance verification
(for example, chemistry, microstructure, and heat treatment) should have the same material (for example, chemistry,
and shape as the material under examination. The degree of microstructure, and heat treatment) and shape as the material
similarity between the reference part and the material under under examination. The discontinuity-free reference standard
examination depends upon the application. For example, for may be a distinct part or it can be a portion of the material
hidden material loss in a magnetic metal a flat reference block being examined that is distant from any discontinuities. The
having a magnetic relative permeability within approximately discontinuity-containing reference standard may be a represen-
50 % of the relative permeability of the material under tative part with a known discontinuity, electric discharge
examination could be sufficient. For crack detection in non- machined (EDM) notch, or other machined feature.
magnetic electrically conducting materials the reference part 9.5 Instrument calibration should be performed in accor-
should have an electrical conductivity within about 25 % of the dance with manufacturer’s instructions. A permissible instru-
electrical conductivity of the material under examination. ment calibration is an air standardization with extensive and
9.4 System Performance Verification—System performance documented performance verification measurements per manu-
verification refers to measurements on a reference part to facturer’s instructions.

E2884 − 13´1
10. Procedure 10.6 At the conclusion of the examination, an additional
system performance verification on either the discontinuity-
10.1 Operate the instrument in accordance with the manu-
free or the discontinuity-containing reference standard is rec-
facturer’s instructions. ommended.
10.2 Set the instrument to operate at one or more frequen- 10.7 Observe the Following Precautions:
cies over which the instrument performance has been verified 10.7.1 Edge Effects—The footprint of the sensing area of the
on materials or specimens similar to the material under sensor array should not go over an edge, hole, or inside corner
examination. of a specimen unless an edge correction has been developed
and validity of such a measurement has been demonstrated. For
10.3 Perform air standardization or reference part
a conformable eddy current sensor, the distance from the edge
standardization, or both, as specified in Section 9 prior to
of a part to the edge of the sensor footprint should be greater
examination or whenever improper functioning of the exami-
than half of the spatial wavelength, unless a procedure account-
nation apparatus is suspected. The operation of the instrument
ing for edge effects is available.
should be validated by a performance verification on a 10.7.2 Operator Techniques—Measurement results may de-
discontinuity-free reference standard and, depending upon the pend on the operator technique for manual examinations. For
application, on a discontinuity-containing reference standard. example, the pressure exerted on the sensor pressed against the
Daily performance verification can be limited to a examination surface may vary from one operator to another. An
discontinuity-free reference standard, which can be a surface operator should be trained to exceed somewhat the minimum
on the material under examination that is not expected to have pressure that provides conformance of the sensor with the
discontinuities (or is otherwise determined not to have signifi- surface as established by repeatable measurements at a location
cant discontinuities). The periodicity of discontinuity system on a part characterized by the smallest curvature of interest.
performance verifications should be according to performance 10.7.3 Position of Probe—In general, the probe holding the
requirements and specifications. sensor array should be placed perpendicular to the specimen
surface at the point of measurement. The operator should
10.4 Perform measurements at locations of interest. The
demonstrate that slight tilt (for example, within 10 degrees)
impedance for each element of the sensor array is to be
does not affect the measurement results.
measured at each location as the sensor array is moved relative
10.7.4 Lift-Off Range Verification—The sensitivity of the
to the surface of the material of interest. For each measurement
eddy current array for detection of defects will degrade with
location of each element of the sensor array, the measured increasing lift-off. Thus, the lift-off range should be verified as
impedances provide measurement responses that reflect the acceptable at all locations in the C-scan (see 3.2.2) or B-scan
local material condition. The impedances may be converted (see 3.2.1).
into values for physical properties and the lift-off using models 10.7.5 Data Resolution—The data rate and scan speed must
for the sensor response. Typical physical properties include be adjusted to ensure that the data resolution is sufficient to
lift-off, electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, coating image the material of interest and, if appropriate, to detect the
thickness, and substrate thickness. discontinuities of interest.
10.5 Additional Measurement Procedures:
11. Report
10.5.1 To enhance the response to a specific discontinuity,
such as a discrete crack, the measurement response values can 11.1 An examination report should contain the following
be filtered using a stored response to a reference discontinuity. information:
Typically the reference discontinuity response uses the re- 11.1.1 Date and name of operator.
sponse of a single element of the sensor array. The filter then 11.1.2 Instrument, probe, and sensor identification.
compares the reference discontinuity response to the measured 11.1.3 Identification of components or location of
responses over a range of measurement locations, which examination, or both.
determines if any of the measured responses have a shape that 11.1.4 Material(s) of the component.
matches the reference discontinuity response. The stored ref- 11.1.5 Date of last instrument calibration and type and
erence discontinuity response may be selected based on a frequency of standardization (for example, air standardization,
secondary response or property such as coating thickness, air and reference part standardization, or reference part stan-
dardization alone). For baseline performance verification and
lift-off, or other information available to the operator if
for reference part standardization, either the reference part
demonstrated in advance to be reliable and reproducible.
identification or a description of the discontinuity-free regions
10.5.2 The measured or filtered responses can be used to of the component should be provided.
determine discontinuity size, such as crack length or depth, if 11.1.6 Frequencies used.
a correlation has been demonstrated on materials similar to the 11.1.7 Orientation of the probe relative to any component
material of interest. geometrical features.
10.5.3 The measured or filtered responses can be used to set 11.1.8 Examination procedure identification.
an examination threshold level for activating a signaling device 11.1.9 Results of examinations including measured re-
or to adjust the properties such as color range of a displayed sponses or property values as well as lift-off estimates and
image. whether they fall within an acceptable range.

E2884 − 13´1
11.1.10 Variations of measured responses, including lift-off 12. Keywords
if available, recorded during examination and specified toler- 12.1 conformable sensor array; corrosion; eddy current;
ances during baseline performance verification material loss; material thickness; nondestructive testing; stress
11.1.11 Variations of measured responses, including lift-off
corrosion cracking
if available, recorded during examination and the specified
tolerances during discontinuity performance verification. The
discontinuity-containing reference standard identification
should be provided.

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www.astm.org/

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