Ped 2022
Ped 2022
Ped 2022
.Children have wider abdomen shallow pelvis, and flexible mobile ribs
. Non cuffed tubes are better in children as the narrowest area in respiratory passages is
.e. Urine output /kg/hour should be kept at a higher rate compared to adults
.Vertical incisions are better to transverse incisions in laparotomy for trauma in pediatrics
.Calorie requirement of a child per kilo decrease as the child gets older
The extracellular water content related to intracellular water of an infant decrease as the
.infant grows older
In metabolic acidosis in children 4.2 % HCO3 sol is preferred than 8.4 solution as it contains
.more Na
A&B only
.About 25% of those who become symptomatic are under the age of 2 years
Lead point that draws proximal intestine inward is identified in50% of cases
Triad of intussusception in pediatrics include red currant jelly stool abdominal pain, and
.bilious vomiting
.The Right angle of fusion of the left testicular vein to IVC is an important etiological cause
A2-month-old Down's syndrome baby has been brought in with abdominal distension and
bilious vomiting with a history of delayed passage of meconium. The parents feel that the
baby is unduly constipated. Examination shows a baby that has not been thriving normally,
with a hugely distended abdomen and gross dehydration, there is air in bowel wall in plain x-
ray. most likely cause is
.Necrotizing enterocolitis
Duodenal atresia
Hirschsprung's disease
Intestinal malrotation
Which is the most likely cause of hemodynamically significant lower gastrointestinal bleeding
.in a 6-month-old male child
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Meckel's diverticulum
C. Crohn's colitis
A&B only
.Na requirement in infants is less per kilo body weight than in older children
Nine year old boy weighing 30 kilos is brought to A&E with Repeated vomiting and .4
absolute constipation he was operated for perforated appendix one year ago X-Rays showed
dilated loops of bowel with multiple fluid levels, he is markedly dehydrated tachycardic,
though his abdomen is soft lax but centrally distended his initial fluid ant electrolyte therapy
as maintenance and replacement is
ml as replacement fluid daily given as ½ strength normal saline and 600 ml of normal 1700
.saline as bolus can be repeated
ml as replacement fluid given daily as 1/5 strength pediatric saline and 1700
ml as replacement fluid given daily as normal saline and 600 ml of ½ strength normal 1700
.saline as bolus can be repeated
ml as replacement fluid daily given as normal saline and 600 ml of ½ strength 0.9 1500
saline as bolus can be repeated
k calorie 2100
k calorie 3000
k calorie 2700
.Fecal impaction
A 5-week-old baby has 5-day history of vomiting and weight loss, examination child has .18
depressed fontanelles and dry mucus membranes his Na is 132, K3.2 C1 91 Hco3 is 28
In newbor period, infants affected with HD may present with abdominal distention, failure of
.passage of meconium within the first 48 hours of life
Older infants and children typically present with chronic constipation and rectal examination
commonly reveals empty rectum
.Distal to the level of the obstruction the bowel is collapsed and the col empty
The most alarming cause of bilious vomiting in first few weeks of life and baby's abdomen .3
must be operated within 6 hours for fear of
Ileocolic intussusception
Duodenal atresia
.Hirschsprung's disease
Imperforate anus
Rectal biopsy
Barium enema
Contrast CT scan
Genetic analysis
.FAST ultrasound is very accurate in diagnosis intraperitoneal blood less than 400 ml
Appears behind the anterior margin of the sternomastoid muscle at Junction of upper 1/3
and lower 2/3 of the muscle
.Full of yellowish golden material, cholesterol crystals and cannot be reduced or compressed
A 3-month healthy baby boy with firm mass I cm in the middle of sternomastoid muscle .27
the most appropriate next step is
Ultrasound to muscle
Surgical excision
Regarding duodenal atresia
Feeding intolerance and non bilious vomiting in the first 24 to 48 hours of life are
.Infants with congenital duodenal obstruction have rarely Trisomy 21 30%-of cases
.Bilious vomiting is rare because the obstruction is usually proximal to the ampulla of Vater
Duodenal atresia
Hirschsprung's disease
Intestinal malrotation
.Head tilt chin lift should be used for ET intubation in cases with sus cervical spine injury
.I The blood volume in a child is approximately 8-9% of body weight, 80-90 ml/kg
.Hypotension is a late sign and the deterioration is often rapid and precipitous
Clinical manifestations of shock may not occur till there has been a loss of more than 20% of
circulating blood volume in pediatric trauma
. CT scan of abdomen and chest adds value especially in detecting the sourc of Bleeding and
is preferred as a diagnostic modality when there is hemodynamically unstable child
Splenic injuries is found in the largest proportion of pediatric blunt abdominal trauma
Inguinal herniotomy and stengnthing of posterior wall of inguinal canal is best surgical
.Complications of hernia are less common than in adults due to wide hernia neck
In childhood appendicitis .8
.WBC count is often very high within the first 24 hours of symptoms
The best treatment for perforated appendicitis is good antibiotic cover, follow up and interval
A 2-year-old boy has been sent in as an emergency with vomiting for 24 hours. .39
According to the parents, the vomitus was greenish to start with but over the past fer hours
has consistency of dirty brownish fluid. There has been no bowel action. On examination the
child looks toxic and is dehydrated - sunken eyes, depressed fontanelles, loss of skin turgor
there is a tympanic abdomen with a red, irreducible swelling in the left groin not noticed by
parents. Best line of management is
Infant should be resuscitated with intravenous fluids, nasogastric suction and Prophylactic
Infant should be resuscitated with intravenous fluids, nasogastric suction and Prophylactic
antibiotics followed by immediate surgery.
An emergency operation should be carried out.
nfant should be resuscitated with intravenous fluids, nasogastric suction and Prophylactic
.antibiotics followed by surgery in next elective list
A 10-year-old boy with swollen scrotum but no impulse on cough, elevation of scrotu makes
pain worse the pain, he has similar attach 4 month ago which eased spontaneously,
examination revealed tender swollen testis and mild leukocytosis, and WCCS in urine
examination was normal most likely diagnosis is
Torsion testis
Acute appendicitis
Interosseous access is an acceptable means for IV fluids administration in children less than 6
.years old
.If hypovolemic shock persists after two boluses of crystalloid blood transfusion is needed
.Indication for operative intervention include CT documentation of injury t liver and spleen
Interosseous needle is usually inserted in anteromedial surface of tibia 1-2em below tibial
Enlarged tender lymph nodes are usually the result of bacterial infection usually staph or
Malaise, weight loss, pallor, pruritus, fever, night sweat with neck multipl masses denotes
primary neck lymphoma
Testicular torsion
During history and physical examination in emergency room a 2-month-old boy is found .45
to have an acute non reducible swelling in the right groin all the following coul be the cause
Testicular torsion
Acute hydrocele
Inguinal lymphadenopathy
Testicular teratoma
.Tracheossophageal fistula'
Cardiac anomaly
C. Renal anomalies
d. Limb anomalies
:Regarding neuroblastoma
Is the leading cause of cancer death in children less than 5 years old
CT scan
Barium enema
Plain X-ray
Barium meal
A 2-month-old Down's syndrome baby has been brought in with abdominal distensio and
bilious vomiting with a history of delayed passage of meconium. The parents feel that the
baby is unduly constipated. Examination shows a baby that has not been thriving normally,
with a hugely distended abdomen and gross dehydration, there is air in bowel wall in plain x-
ray. most likely cause is
.Necrotizing enterocolitis
Congenital diaphragmatindneia
Duodenal atresia
.Hirschsprung's disease
Intestinal malrotation