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Beam Design

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Project Name : 5-STOREY BUILDING

Sr.No. Symbol Definitions

1 α = Angle formed with horizontal line along length of Beam
Cross sectional area of structural member measures to the
2 Ach =
outside edge of transverse reinforcement in sqmm
3 Ag = Cross sectional area of concrete in sqmm
Total cross sectional area transverse reinforcement
4 Ash =
(including cross ties) within spacing S in sqmm
5 Avd = Area of diagonal reinforcement in coupler beam in sqmm
6 As = Area of Tension reinforcement required in sqmm
7 As,min = Minimum area of flexural reinforcement in sqmm
8 As,nominal = Nominal area of reinforcement in sqmm
Area of longitudinal reinforcement required to resist
9 Al =
torsion in sqmm
Area of longitudinal reinforcement required on each face
10 Al,face =
to resist torsion in sqmm
11 At Torsion = Area of closed stirrups resisting torsion in sqmm
Area of longitudinal reinforcement provided at given
12 AstPrv =
section in sqmm
Area of shear reinforcement required per meter length in
13 Av =
Minimum area of shear reinforcement as per clause
14 Av,min = in sqmm
Minimum area of longitudinal torsional reinforcement as
15 Al,min =
per clause in sqmm
Total area of shear reinforcement required, including that
16 Av Total Reqd =
for torsion in sqmm
Total area of shear reinforcement provided, including that
17 Av Total Prv =
for torsion in sqmm
18 Ao = Gross area enclosed by shear flow path in sqmm
Area enclosed by centerline of the outermost closed
19 Aoh = transverse torsional reinforcement sqmm, as per clause
Total area of longitudinal reinforcement calculated at a
20 Ast =
given section in sqmm
Area of Skin reinforcement calculated for given section in
21 Asr =
Area of Compression reinforcement required for doubly
22 Asc =
reinforced section or if torsion exists in sqmm
23 b = Width of the Beam in mm
24 bw = Width of Web ( For flanged Beam ) in mm
C/C distance between longitudinal reinforcement along B
25 b' =
in mm
26 bc = Oustside dimension of transverse reinforcement in mm
27 Cc = Effective Cover to tension reinforcement in mm
28 Cmin = Clear cover in mm
Effective cover to reinforcement at compression face in
29 c' =
30 d = Effective depth of Beam in mm
31 C/C distance between longitudinal reinforcement along D
d' =
in mm
32 D = Depth of Beam in mm
33 Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel in N/sqmm
Specified compressive strength of concrete in cylinder in
34 f'c =
Calculated tensile stress in reinforcement at service loads,
35 fs =
36 Hf = Thickness of Flange in mm
37 Maximum C/C horizontal spacing of hoops legs on all
hx =
faces in mm
38 Icr = Moment Of Inertia Of concrete crack section
39 l = Effective Length Of Beam (Clear Span) In mm
40 Legs = Number Of legs Of the shear reinforcement
41 Mcr = Cracking Moment
Hogging moments Of resistance Of member at the joint
42 Mpr1 =
faces In kNm
Sagging moments Of resistance Of member at the joint
43 Mpr2 =
faces In kNm
44 Mu = Factored Bending Moment at a section In kNm
45 Nominal flexural strength Of Singly Reinforced Section At
Mubal =
Balance Neutral Axis In kNm
46 Ptmin = Minimum percentage steel As per clause 10.5
47 PtPrv = Provided percentage steel
48 Stirrup = Bar mark representing shear stirrup
49 S = spacing Of confining links In mm
50 SCalc = Stirrup spacing calculated As per Asv In mm
51 Sprv = Stirrup spacing provided In mm
52 Tcr = Cracking torque under pure Torsion In kNm
53 Tu = Factored Torsional Moment at a section In kNm
54 Ve = Earthquake induced shear In kN
55 φVc = Reduced Shear strength provided by concrete In kN
56 Vu = Factored Shear Force at a section In kN
57 Vu-A1(sway Left) = VD+Lleft - (Mpr1left + Mpr2right / L ) In kN

58 Vu-A2(sway Left) = VD+Lleft + (Mpr2left + Mpr1right / L ) In kN

59 Vu-B1(sway Right) = VDLRight - (Mpr1left + Mpr2right / L ) In kN

60 Vu-B2(sway Right) = VDLRight + (Mpr2left + Mpr1right / L ) In kN

61 Vud = Design Shear Force In kN
62 Nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement
Vs =
In kN
63 Vu sway = Max (Vu-A1,Vu-A2) & (Vu-B1,Vu-B2) In kN
64 y = Neutral axis depth.
65 Φ = Strength reduction factor

All Forces are In kN, kNm, Stress In N/sqmm & Dimension are In mm.

Code References
ACI 318M - 2011
Sr.No. Item Clause / Table
1. Ptmax : 10.3.5
2. Ptmin : 10.5.1
3. Vc : 11.2
4. Asv :
5. Min Shear Reinf : 11.4.6
Max Stirrup
6. Spacing :
Shear Reinf -
7. Torsion
Side Face
8. Reinforcement
: 10.6.7
9. Tcr : 11.5.1
10. fs,perm : 10.6.4
11. fc,perm :
12. Wcr : Eq 4.2(a)

ACI 318M - 2011 Chapter 21

Sr.No. Item Clause / Table
1. Ptmin :
2. Asmin :
3. Sclc : &

Group : G2
Beam No : B6
Analysis Reference
4.5m : 54
Beam Length : 3850 mm
Breadth (B) : 300 mm
Depth (D) : 500 mm
Effective Depth (d) : 430 mm
Design Code : ACI 318M - 2011
Beam Type : Regular Beam
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) : C21 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel : Fy415 N/sqmm
Clear Cover (Cmin) : 40 mm
Es : 2x10^5 N/sqmm
Mubal : 295.23 kNm
As,min (flex) (B) : 435.18 sqmm
As,nominal (Bn) : 167.7 sqmm

For Longitudinal Reinf

Beam Bottom Beam Top
Left Mid Right Left Mid Right
Critical L/C - Analysis 29 27 27 31 24 24
Critical L/C - RCDC 25 23 23 27 20 20
Mu (kNm) 20.451 31.039 14.74 15.639 35.109 88.494
As (flex) (sqmm) (C) 128.83 196.75 92.53 98.24 223.09 581.47
Asc (flex) (sqmm) (A) - - - - - -
Tu (kNm) 33.966 36.58 36.58 32.848 27.371 27.371
Tcr/4 (kNm) 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01
Al, min(sqmm)(Tor.) 161.09 227.03 227.03 132.91 5.26 5.26
Al (sqmm) (Tor.) (E) 856.76 922.7 922.7 828.57 690.41 690.41
Al (Dist) (sqmm) (D) 160.64 173.01 173.01 155.36 129.45 129.45
Ast (sqmm) 376.32 435.18 345.2 329.68 435.18 710.92
AstPrv (sqmm) 603.18 603.18 603.18 804.24 804.24 804.24
Reinforcement 3-#16 3-#16 3-#16 4-#16 4-#16 4-#16

Note: Calculation of Ast

Ast = Max {B, C+D, A+D} (for Mu > 0)

Ast = Bn (for Mu = 0)
Compression reinforcement required for
A = Asc (flex) =
bending moment
B = As,min (flex) = Min area of flexural reinforcement
Bn = As,nominal = Nominal area of reinforcement
Total area of longitudinal reinforcement
C = As (flex) =
calculated at a given section
Distributed longitudinal torsional
D = Al (Dist) =
reinforcement at section considered
Max(Al,min (Tor), Al (Tor)) x ((2B) / (2B +
Ast (Dist) (sqmm) =

For Transverse Reinf

Left Mid Right
Critical L/C - RCDC 25 25 25
PtPrv (%) 0.468 0.468 0.623
Vu (kN) 19.4 29.35 49.32
Mu-Sect (kNm) 9.74 5.8 47.83
Φ Vc (kN) 77.53 78.63 75.48
Vs (kN) - - -
Av (sqmm) 253.01 253.01 253.01
Tu (kNm) 33.97 33.97 33.97
Aoh 98900 98900 98900
At (sqmm) 1298.12 1298.12 1298.12
Legs 2 2 2
Stirrup Rebar 10 10 10
At Torsion (sqmm) 1298.122 1298.122 1298.122
Av Total Reqd (sqmm) 1298.12 1298.12 1298.12
Asv Reqd (sqmm) 1298.122 1298.122 1298.122
SCalc (mm) 120 120 120
SPrv (mm) 120 120 120
Av Total Prv (sqmm) 1309 1309 1309

Maximum Spacing Criteria

Spc1 = 300 mm
Spc2 = 165 mm
For Torsion
(X1 = 230, Y1 = 430)
Spc3 = X1 = 230 mm
Spc4=(X1+Y1)/4 = 165 mm

Skin reinforcement

Beam Width = 300 mm

Beam Depth = 500 mm
Tu = 33.97 kNm
Tcr/4 = 4.01 kNm
Tu > Tcr/4 ,
Hence Skin Reinforcement is Provided
Al Tor. (max) = 922.7 sqmm
Asr = Max(Al(min)(Tor.), Al(Tor.)) x (2D / (2B+2D))
= 581.97 sqmm
SR provided = 2-#16EF
Asr provided = 804.24 sqmm

Spacing Criteria

Maximum Permissible Spacing = 285 mm

Provided Spacing = 129 mm Hence OK

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