Jaskaran Resume MS
Jaskaran Resume MS
Jaskaran Resume MS
Academic Profile
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering 2019-2023
Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology Till 6th Semester CGPA: 8.28
Academic Projects:
Yoga Website
Developed this website using React Js.
This Site various features like booking of live class according to your plan.
This is a fully responsive designed website.
Dictionary App
Build Dictionary App using React Js, Material UI.
This App supports upto 12 Languages.
It also features synonyms, pronunciation, meaning, antonyms.
To Do List App
To Do List App is developed using React Js.
This App store’s data and create a list for User.
This is a Fully responsive design.
Snake Game
Build a Snake Game HTML, CSS & JS.
This Game features blocks, length of snake keeps increasing.
This game also provides background music and auto start.
Corona Dashboard
Made this Corona Dashboard using HTML, CSS, JS & MAPBOX API.
This project indicates the severity of covid cases all around the world.
This website has a fully responsive design.
Spotify Clone
Spotify Clone is constructed using HTML, CSS, JS & Bootstrap.
It provides features like play, pause, change music.
Analog Watch
Analog watch is created using HTML, CSS & JS.
This watch has an unique and eye catching design.
Animated Car
Build this website using HTML, CSS & JS.
This website displays the animation of car on a road.
Computer Skills:
Programming Languages - C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node Js, React Js, Mongo DB, Github,
Operating Systems – Windows family, MacOS.
IDE – Visual Studio Code, Turbo C3.
Database Systems - SQL Server, Mongo DB, Node Js.
Extra-curricular Activities & Honors:
Vice president of Coding society in college (Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology).
Head of bhangra society in college (Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology).
Recognized as Head boy in secondary school.
Coordinating events in college fest and technology week.
Sports: Badminton, Table tennis, boxing.
Make RC Planes, Drones.