Visual Perception: An Information-Based Approach To Understanding Biological and Artificial Vision
Visual Perception: An Information-Based Approach To Understanding Biological and Artificial Vision
Visual Perception: An Information-Based Approach To Understanding Biological and Artificial Vision
September 1992
I hereby certify that this material, which I now submit for assessment on the
programme of study leading to the award of Doctor of Philosophy is entirely my own
work, and has not been taken from the work of others save and to the extent that such
work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work
To Karina,
Brigid and Michael Murphy, who have given me enormous support right through my
education and who have never seen me lacking for anything.
I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Charles McCorkell, a man of great patience
and forbearance for giving me the opportunity to cany out this work at a critical stage
of my career, for giving me the opportunity to discover that lecturing (in moderate
quantities) and research (in immoderate quantities) were two things that I would find
enormously fulfilling, and for the constant help, support and guidance throughout the
long road to this dissertation.
I have had contact with many fellow students, and students of my own, in my years
in the NIHE and now DCU. Particular names that spring to mind are Brian Buggy who
started the same week as me and was a great friend and colleague throughout, Gearoid
Mooney, Mark McDonnell, Jim Gunning and the many fourth-year B.Eng project
students and who helped in various aspects of the project. For their interest, support
and encouragement I am very greatful.
The staff in the School of Electronic Engineering, DCU have been very supportive and
cooperative in all the time I have worked with them, and for this I would like to
thank them. In particular I owe an enormous debt to Barry McMullin who introduced
me to much of the literature which I have found most valuable, who kept me in touch
with the outside world, who was always available to discuss and debate ideas which
at the time seemed to have little place in an engineering department, and for the effort
he put into organising the workshop on Autopoiesis & Perception held in DCU,
August 1992, while he was preparing his own Ph.D. thesis. Also I am very greatful
for the support and encouragement of Paul Whelan and Niall Byrne — Paul for his
organisational contributions to the Advanced Vision Systems Group and the vision lab
in DCU over the last two years, Niall for assisting in the preparation of various papers
and presentations and for proofreading parts of this dissertation. John Whelan and his
cohort of merry technicians were always there to sort out our problems, even the
equipment ones, and their work and assistance is much appreciated.
I would like to thank Dr Eugene Kennedy, and Dr Michael Clancy who supported the
initial setting up of this project, and the National Board of Science and Technology
(NBST), now called EOLAS, who provided funding for the first two years work.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................... iii
Abstract ....................... vii
List of Tables & Figures ..................................................................................... ix
Preface .................................................................................................................x
List of Publications .................................................... xxiii
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Biology and Vision Engineering ............ , ........................................... 1
1.2 Objectives................................................................................................ 6
1.2.1 Understanding the nature of perceptualprocesses ................ 8
1.2.2 Understanding the nature and role of information ................ 10
1.3 Cognitive Science .................................................................................. 11
1.3.1 Representationalview of reality ............................................. 13
1.4 The Control/Autonomy D u a lity ............................................................ 18
1.5 Descriptions and Explanations...............................................................20
1.6 Summary of Chapters of Dissertation................................................... 22
3.4.1 Extrafoveal sam pling......................................... .....................72
3.4.2 Extrafoveal function ...............................................................74
3.5 Receptive Fields and Point Images ..................................................... 75
3.5.1 Receptive fields and feature-detection theories .......................75
3.5.2 Point image and retinotopic m a p s ......................................... 77
3.6 Retinal Neurons — Processing, Function and S tru c tu re ...................... 81
3.6.1 An overview of the cat r e tin a ................................. 81
3.6.2 More retinas, more functions, more complexity.................... 85
3.6.3 The ganglion cells — a biological f i l m ? ............................... 89
3.7 Neural Coding ...................................................................................... 93
3.7.1 Noise in the compound retina of the f l y ............................... 93
3.7.2 Neural predictive coding ........................................................ 96
3.7.3 Matched gain ..................... 98
3.7.4 Alternative theories of neural fu n ctio n ................................ 100
3.7.5 Edges or artifacts: the Mach band phenomenon . . . . . . . 103
3.8 Summary ............................................................................................. 103
6.4 Inductive Ambiguity in Pattern Recognition .................................... 182
6.4.1 Supervised pattern recognition ............................................ 182
6.4.2 Clustering............................................................................... 184
6.5 The Geometric Representation of Perceptual D a t a ........................... 186
6.5.1 Object-predicate inversion and the covariance matrix . . . . 187
6.5.2 Geometric representations and their algebraic structure . . 189
6.5.3 Propensity theory ................................................................. 193
6.5.4 The properties of m easurem ent....................................... 196
6.6 Summary ............................................................................................. 197
9 C onclusions......................................................................................................... 263
Glossary ................................................................................................................... i
R e fe r e n c e s.............................................................................................................................xiv
Visual Perception:
An information-based approach to understanding biological and artificial vision
The central issues of this dissertation are (a) what should we be doing — what
problems should we be trying to solve — in order to build computer vision systems,
and (b) what relevance biological vision has to the solution of these problems. The
approach taken to tackle these issues centres mostly on the clarification and use of
information-based ideas, and an investigation into the nature of the processes
underlying perception. The primary objective is to demonstrate that information theory
and extensions of it, and measurement theory are powerful tools in helping to find
solutions to these problems.
The nature of perception is discussed from a number of points of view: the types and
function of explanation of perceptual systems and how these relate to the operation of
the system; the role of the observer in describing perceptual functions in other systems
or organisms; the status and role of objectivist and representational viewpoints in
understanding vision; the philosophical basis of perception; the relationship between
pattern recognition and perception, and the interpretation of perception in terms of a
theory of measurement These two threads of research, information theory and
measurement theory are brought together in an overview and reinterpretation of the
cortical role in mammalian vision.
Finally the application of some of the coding and recognition concepts to industrial
inspection problems are described. The nature of the coding processes used are unusual
in that coded images are used as the input for a simple neural network classifier, rather
than a heuristic feature set The relationship between the Karhunen-Loève transform
and the singular value decomposition is clarified as background the coding technique
used to code the images. This coding technique has also been used to code long
sequences of moving images to investigate the possibilities of recognition of people
on the basis of their gait or posture and this application is briefly described.
The greatest thing a human soul ever does is to see something, and to tell
what it saw in a plain way ... To see clearly is poetry, prophecy and religion
— all in one.
Figure 14. Isopreference curves for (a) most energy is in low frequency part
of the spectrum and (b) energy is spread throughout the spectrum.
Dashed lines are lines of constant bit rate. Adapted from Gonzalez &
Wintz [139]................................................................................................... 123
Figure 15. Visual contrast sensitivity (horiz. dashed line) and high-frequency
cutoff (vert dashed line) represented on the contrast sensitivity curve
(with linear spatial frequency axis. Adapted from Roetling [145]............... 125
Figure 16. Sampling points in spatial and spatial-frequency domains.................. 126
Figure 17. Low contrast reproducibility of 2 and 3 bit/pixel images as a
function of spatial frequency with contrast sensitivity curve
superimposed for comparison. From Roetling [145]................................. 127
Figure 18. A schematic multi-layer feedforward network with linear nodes and
random connections between layers............................................................ 132
Figure 19. Schematic diagram illustrating the various symbols and functions
used in the mathematical formulation of Linsker’s network..................... 133
Figure 20. A perspective plot of 2-D GEF in the spatial domain (real-part) and
the frequency domain. From [134].............................................................. 155
Figure 21. Schematic illustration of the relationship between the Gabor profiles
in the spatial and the frequency domains. Adapted from [71].................. 157
Figure 22. Illustration of the connection between source and receiver events
(symbols), in the cases of maximum average information capacity (a),
and maximum surprise (b)........................................................................... 210
Figure 23. Illustration of the relationship between explicate (symbolic) and
implicate (non-symbolic) in Cariani’s basic semiotic functionalities of
organisms and devices. From [28, p.75].................................................... 216
Figure 24. Schematic of SMT IC leg showing the positioning of a window
used to "cut-out" the leg "imagelets".......................................................... 245
Figure 25. Ten examples of leg "imagelets" placed side by side for display
purposes........................................................................................................ 245
Figure 26. A schematic plot of a 2-D data set with substantial redundancy, but
roughly equal variance in each variable..................................................... 246
Figure 27. Mean image (first imagelet on left), and examples of "caricature"
imagelets (original minus the mean)........................................................... 252
Figure 28. The ten eigenimagelets with the largest eigenvalues (decreasing
from left to right)......................................................................................... 253
Figure 29. Caricature imagelets reconstructed with 30 coefficients (left) and
with 5 coefficients (right)............................................................................. 253
Figure 30. Plot of normalized eigenvalues vs eigenvalue index. Adapted from
[235]............................................................................................................... 254
Figure 31. Plot of two succeeding lines (50 pixels per line) from the
reconstructed caricatures. From [235]......................................................... 255
Figure 32. Plot of average reconstruction errors for "internal" images (a) and
for "external" images (b).............................................................................. 258
Figure 33. Plot of the coefficients corresponding to the eigenimagelet with the
largest variance. From [235]........................................................................ 260
Figure 34. Characteristic images of each of the nodes (7:6:5) in a three-layer
network. From [235]..................................................................................... 261
Figure 35. Schematic illustration of the basic signal flow in a sensory
information processing primitive................................................................. 274
The motivation for this project originally arose within the Control Group in the School
of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University1, in the mid 1980s. At the time it
was articulated as a desire to "close the control loop" in robotic manipulation using
visual feedback. It was a natural extension of both the concept and application of the
notion offeedback which is ubiquitous within control theory. What was envisaged was
some kind of computer vision system capable of using three-dimensional information
about its environment to guide a robot arm in assembly-type processes, and to do this
in a relatively unstructured manufacturing situation. The justification for this approach
was, and is clear [1]. It would allow greatly increased flexibility in the manufacturing
process, with lower re-tooling, re-configuration and re-training costs. It would permit
some component handling and feeding tasks, which could not hitherto be achieved by
traditional means, either because of the complexity of the component or the small
quantities required2 [2,3]. It would allow a consistency of handling, or finish, and
a level of accuracy and repeatability, to be obtained, which would be otherwise
unachievable.3 More recendy, the convergence of Automated Visual Inspection and
Robotic Manipulation [3, p.vii] and changing views on the role of inspection in
manufacturing [4,5,6] have led to a greater recognition of the various tangible and
intangible benefits of integrating vision in process control [7,8]. Put simply, visual
input promised the potential for fast and unobtrusive gathering of information on a
completely different scale to alternative means of sensing.
Even in the early stages there were some evident qualifications to the wisdom of, or
need for, visual input in the types of environment considered. Custom assembly
machines could for example be cheaper and/or faster in any particular case. Or re
2 This issue of small product quantities, and in particular batch modes of manufacturing has been identified
by Batchelor [3, p-5] as one of growing importance to manufacturing industry because of increasing
consumer discernment and changing tastes. Batchelor quotes an estimate, that even at the moment 75% of
manufactured goods are processed in batches of 50 items or less.
3In some cases such consistency is much more important than any attendant labour savings.
engineering, perhaps coupled with new product technologies such as greater levels of
integration, could eliminate some of the situations where visual servoing would be
useful. But if anything, these issues have decreased in relevance in many
manufacturing situations because of changing trends in consumer requirements.
Nonetheless, what were then, and still are relevant, are the potentially huge
computational overheads and unknown engineering, computational, scientific and even
philosophical issues which would need to be tackled. But notwithstanding this, the
likely benefits certainly dictated that these issues should be investigated and the
research work leading to this dissertation began in earnest
Initially much of this work concentrated on algorithmic issues, principally in the area
of edge-detection and stereopsis4, on the basis that these types of low-level operations
are computationally very expensive and a necessary precursor to the less well-defined
processes that would take place at higher, more abstract levels5. A strong influence
on my thinking at this stage were David Marr’s ideas about a computational theoretic
top-down decomposition of the problem in terms of the different levels of description
of vision as an information-processing task [9]. Much of my effort in this early stage
of the project was dedicated to trying to come to terms with the implications of Marr’s
framework and to use it as a basis for our robot vision system. While progress was
made on the identification of suitable efficient algorithms for carrying out these early
processes on the input digitized video images [10], there still remained many
outstanding issues. Principal among these were problems such as how outputs from
different visual modules like stereo, motion, texture, colour, etc. should be integrated;
* At an early stage in the project a decision was made to use passive means for extending vision into the
third-dimension, such as stereo or motion analysis, rather than the so-called active approaches involving
projection of light patterns or using lasers. The reasons for this are outlined in a technical report [1]. Note
the term "active" has since acquired a new connotation in computer vision in the sense of camera movement
involved in effective exploration. It is used above in the sense o f imposing structure on the lighting
configuration. Curiously, rejecting the active methods in the earlier sense of "active", meaning structured
lighting, leads to a situation where the extra computational overhead associated with less structured situations
can be alleviated by spatially varying resolution (cf. foveation) and the combined ideas of fixation and
camera movement of the term "active" in the more recent sense.
’This dichotomy between so-called low-level (or image) processing and more abstract processing or
descriptions has recently been exploited as a means of extending the capabilities (higher-level task
descriptions and process feedback) and flexibility (less constrained environments) of automated inspection
systems. This is done by mapping the image-processing functions to dedicated hardware and software,
closely integrated with the image sensor (the Image Inspection Ltd. Intelligent Camera), and mapping the
more abstract levels into functions in a specially extended version of the Prolog language. See for example,
Batchelor [3] or Whelan [8].
what learning strategies could be used so that the system could cope with the learning
necessities of an unstructured environment; or how to avoid the problem of needing
to put more and more information into the system as the environment was allowed to
become less and less structured.
During this stage I was using some of the more accessible literature on neuroscience,
psychophysics and cognitive psychology, mainly to cross-reference design parameters
such as acuity, spatial and temporal bandwidths, sensitivities, coding criteria, etc. (See
for example Levine [11]). However it soon became clear to me from this literature
that there were major inconsistencies and flaws in applying the prevalent computer
vision models to biological vision systems and vice versa. For example, the
explanation of the properties of neurons in the early visual system in terms of edge
and line detection were contrived at least. Many of the computational models of visual
capacities such as shape from shading seemed to have no place either in the edge-
detection-type early processing of computer vision models, or in the context of the
properties of neurons being described within neuroscience. The explanation of
biological vision systems in terms of the "semi-independent modules of perception"
like stereo, motion, texture, etc. [9] was weak - there was little evidence from
neuroscience for this particular division into modules, and what evidence there was for
independent pathways supported a much more subtle division of labour. And the list
could go on.
This could all be explained in terms of the stumblings of an immature science, groping
for some certainties in the mass of either inconsistent results or irreconcilable
experiments. Or perhaps the top-down design methodology proposed by Marr was
simply too difficult to carry through —we had little idea of what we should be trying
to achieve, let alone discover the constraints that would determine a unique solution
as was advocated by him to be the proper way to proceed. But while I was unhappy
with the situation where different scientific disciplines were coming up with seemingly
quite incompatible explanations and models for what was effectively one phenomenon,
I had no idea of where to look for alternatives. In fact, at the time I probably didn’t
even think to look for alternatives. As far as I was concerned our scientific tradition
was a unified objective way of examining and discovering reality —one which, since
the seminal insights of such pioneers as Bacon, Galileo, Descartes and Newton had
allowed us to make unprecedented strides in understanding, subduing and controlling
our environment, and that Marr’s ideas were a thoughtful, broadly-based, and
hopefully useful approach within this tradition. Our scientific tradition is, as Rosen
says [12], a canonical account of scientific explanation: it rules that there is
fundamentally only one way of looking at the world and it is that way —the fact that
it involves several tacit hypotheses about the natural world is certainly not obvious.
In hindsight it seems that much of the trouble was caused not by lack of knowledge
of the details, nor using the wrong models, but because the whole foundation to the
experiments and the models, the whole philosophy of the approach, was at the very
least limited, without its limitations being recognised. Now, philosophy and biology
are not topics that usually appear in modem scientific or engineering literature6 so
why should a dissertation on computer vision be any different? Well it seems that in
vision, and indeed more generally in AI, we have drifted out of the domain in which
the assumptions of our scientific tradition are necessarily valid — our philosophical
positions need to be carefully re-evaluated, and carefully looking at biology may help
us to do this. By this I do not mean that we should try in any superficial sense to copy
biological vision systems in the mistaken assumption that they are in some way
optimal. Rather I am saying that by calling something artificial vision we are invoking
a biological metaphor —one to help guide our implementations and our applications.
In some cases, typical of machine vision, this metaphor may be inappropriate and
biological details quite unsuitable for solving the corresponding problems. In other
cases, where the environment is less constrained, the biological vision metaphor may
be quite appropriate and useful in coming to terms with the issues that arise here —but
it must not be used loosely. Attempts to force biological ideas into the representational
framework of the domain of engineering and design typical of machine vision, ignore
the fact that in relatively unconstrained environments this framework is no longer
appropriate, and a fortiori is not applicable to biological systems. We must be clear
about the requirements, restrictions, limitations and possibilities of the domain of
design and engineering, and be clear about which of them are no longer valid when
we cross over to discussing or invoking metaphors from living systems. This is
‘Having been awarded my primary degree through a department of Pure and Applied Natural Philosophy
I feel in a sense licensed, though not necessarily qualified, to discuss these issues: unfortunately they are
usually not on the undergraduate curriculum of a modem physics or mathematics department.
required so that our engineering efforts are not hampered by attempting to achieve the
impossible, nor that our biological explanations are contaminated by inappropriate
analogies, when the assumptions on which they are based, are no longer suitable.
Needless to say, this all seems quite clear to me in retrospect, but at the time it was
very difficult to articulate exactly what the problem was. However, one concrete
manifestation which I suspected was a symptom of some sort of a problem, was the
way the ideas of information and symbol were used in computer and biological vision,
and in connectionism. The usage of the term information in particular, was loose,
usually undefined, often inconsistent, and yet seemed to be quite evocative. So, much
of my work in the middle stages of this project was involved in trying to figure out
the status of the concepts of information and symbol in a range of related fields.
Eventually, this search in turn led me to the position described in the previous
Initial positive influences (as opposed to the simple dissatisfaction expressed above)
which had the affect of my conversion to this view about the need to re-evaluate some
very basic ideas, came from a number of sources. There was for example the very
interesting multi-disciplinary work in biological vision carried out in the late 1980s by
Livingstone, Hubei and their colleagues [13,14] which seemed to provide clear
evidence for visual properties that could not be processed serially and hierarchically
(as for example in M an’s raw-primal sketch, full-primal sketch, 2'A-D sketch, 3-D
representation hierarchy [9]), but were required to be processed in parallel pathways.
Also in this and related literature there were growing revelations that information flow
in biological visual systems was not all in an "upwards" direction towards "higher
centres". In fact there were large scale projections from parts of the brain where the
neurons’ activity seemed to correlate with more abstract visual properties, back to the
early visual cortex where the neural projections first arrived from the retina. Not only
were these reafferent projections acknowledged to exist but there were substantially
more of them than the afferent projections from the peripheral sense organs. They
seemed to have been largely ignored simply because they didn’t fit into prevailing
ideas about what visual processing involved. A second influence was the careful
analysis of the retina and early visual cortex described for example by Laughlin [15]
and Barlow [16,17] which seemed to indicate that information theory in the sense
of communication has much more to say about the function of the activity of these
organs than the information processing of feature-detection. Another was the work of
Linsker [18] which demonstrated that an information theoretic principle alone could
cause a particular artificial neural system to develop very similar microstructure to that
observed in the receptive fields of the early visual cortex. Related to this was the work
on neural networks that showed that the so-called "end-stopping" neurons in
mammalian visual cortex, which were explained as comer detectors in edge/feature-
detection schemes, could in fact be better explained in terms of shape-from-shading7.
Probably the most important influence on my thinking at this stage was the work of
Michael Satosi Watanabe. A graduate of Tokyo University (Ph.D., 1933) and the
Sorbonne (D.Sc., 1935) where he worked with Heisenberg, his background was in
quantum mechanics, information theory, logic, and later philosophy. In his 1985 book
[19] he sets out to look at the status of pattern recognition, both as a capability
embodied in biological organisms and as a function designed into artificial systems,
tracing its origins from the writings of the classical grceks scholars to modem
neuroscience and computer science. This book provides the basic inspiration for the
presentation here. In it I first discovered that there are alternative philosophical
standpoints from which to view pattern recognition, and by extension, perception in
general. I discovered that despite its resounding successes there are pitfalls implicit in
the standard world view when it is applied in areas where its basic assumptions no
longer hold, particularly so because these assumptions are not presented as
assumptions as such, with alternatives, and with domains in which their validity might
not hold. Rather they are presented as part of the way to look at the way the world is,
with no relativities and no qualifications.
7By definition, something is only a detector for a property if it responds only to the presence of that property
and not to any other property.
There is some acknowledgement within pockets of the computer vision community that
the problems described here are real and need to be tackled. Examples of the sorts of
questions which have begun to be raised are:
What is the role of vision?
Does vision have a context?
Does vision have an input or an output?
Does it make sense to talk about a vision system?
What is the relationship with the application domain?
How can we classify different vision systems?
What is the relationship between autonomy and vision?
A decade ago such questions would not have merited a second thought. There is now
a growing awareness that these issues are not as clearcut as they once seemed.
Prompted by this change, a workshop within the ESPRIT BRA Working Group on
vision entitled "Vision in Context" was held Killamey in September 1991 to begin to
address the issues raised by these questions. A further workshop supported by the
ESPRIT BRA Working Group entitled "Autopoiesis and Perception" was held in
Dublin City University in August 1992 to examine a possible direction which would
begin to supply answers. Complete answers are not yet forthcoming to most of these
questions but at least now we seem to be asking the right questions.
It was in this context that I first became fully aware of the implications of a school
of thought within which these questions not only made sense but were answerable, at
least in principle. Much of what is discussed in this dissertation was stimulated by the
framework and ideas put forward by Watanabe. Nevertheless, the work of Watanabe,
important though it has been, was just a stepping stone for me to the more radical and
more sophisticated enactive8 viewpoint expounded in the extensive work of Humberto
Maturana, Francisco Varela and their colleagues [23,24,25,26] over the last
twenty or so years. For a number of reasons, the enactive viewpoint is not central to
the development described in this dissertation, but it is used to evaluate the ideas
presented, in the role of something like a perspective commentry. An alternative
’The work of Maturana and Vaxela is most closely associated with the term autopoiesis (literally meaning
self-production). Notwithstanding this, autopoiesis is not actually the key idea of their work. Rather as Varela
himself has said [26], the term autopoiesis has become "emblematic of a view of the relation between an
organism and its medium". This view is a notion which he has recently tried to capture with the term
enactive. A term used by Randall Whitaker to capture the same concepts is autopoietic theory.
approach to the issues discussed here, would be to use the enactive viewpoint as a
guiding philosophy from the very beginning of the project. This is both possible, and
quite likely to be fruitful, but such a radical approach was not necessary to point out
some of the deficiencies or limitations of the conventional understanding of computer
vision. A change which is incrementally different, might in fact be more likely to
influence the conventional beliefs. Having said this, I am happy with the content of
the presentation here for more personal reasons, because it reflects my intellectual
development over the duration of the research. This is probably the better for having
grappled with the difficulties of the problems before seeing the potential solutions.
Certainly I am more in awe of the great intellects which have struggled with these
problems and advanced our thinking on them so much.
Even though much of the details remain to be elaborated within the enactive approach,
in it we finally find a single, solid, consistent and quite persuasive framework in which
artificial and biological intelligence can be discussed and evaluated —not a framework
in which the representational viewpoint is redundant, for there are domains in which
it is relevant — but one in which its limitations are recognised, and in which more
encompassing alternatives are available when required. Much work still needs to be
done to complete the approach to understanding perception which in described here,
but it is also time to begin a programme which treats vision purely within an enactive
context The fact that it has been possible to closely intertwine the two approaches in
this dissertation is indicative of the strongly complementary nature of the two.
arguments to support the view that Boolean logic is not a suitable algebraic
framework for dealing with decisions about a relatively unconstrained
environment and that non-distributive logics are more appropriate;
support for the proposal that the development of autonomous systems with a
perceptual component for operation in unconstrained environments should take
place at an operational level of the systems’ organisation and dynamics rather
than at a representational or symbolic level;
a clarification of the role of perception, and the status of the camera/eye and
computer/brain analogies;
a review of the research literature on the operation and function of the retina
and particularly of the information-theoretic interpretation of this function;
a review of some of the different interpretations of information, including ideas
associated with Shannon and Gabor, and the notions of redundancy, entropy
and structure;
a clarification of the status of the terms "information" and "symbol" and their
use in the context of biological and computer vision;
a review of some of the more important theories of perception to date,
particularly those which have had an influence on research and development
in computer vision;
a comparison between the causal framework of Rosen and the different types
of explanation described by Varela and a description of how these might be
used in the study of the dynamics of autonomous systems;
pointing out the relationship between the Karhunen-Lo&ve Transform (KLT),
the modified KLT (related to Watanabe’s "object-predicate inversion") and the
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD);
demonstrating and clarifying the coding possibilities of the SVD for data
reduction, particularly in pattern recognition problems;
the application of these ideas about the SVD, along with artificial neural
network (ANN) classification, to the problem of inspecting solder joints on
printed circuit boards;
the application of the SVD and ANNs to the recognition of people through
their motion when walking;
an investigation of the interpretation of the activity of nodes in a simulated
ANN in terms of symbol processing ideas;
a review of the application of probability to pattern recognition, the nature of
the inductive inferences involved and how the problem of inductive ambiguity
can be overcome;
Chapter 1
1 Introduction
Within the computer vision community, biological vision systems are frequently held
up as an existence proof, sometimes even as an optimal vision system, on the basis
that evolution has had millions of years to explore the space of possibilities. Yet
despite this apparent esteem, usually only cursory reference is made to actual
psychophysical capabilities or specific neural implementations in computer vision
literature. Some authors, for example Levine, have argued for more positive links:
Everyone agrees that the problem of programming a computer to analyze
and, what is more, to understand the content o f pictures is extremely
difficult. My view is that if we are expected to write algorithms to achieve
these goals, it is incumbent upon us to know how humans and animals
achieve this same function ... and to show the relevance of biological models
to engineering systems. [11, pjciv]
Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons why positive interactions between the two
fields have been more conspicuous by their absence over the years, than by their
presence. There is the straightforward reason that few practitioners in either domain
are technically competent in the other, and while some research groups have tried to
tackle this by forming multi-disciplinary teams, it is a practice which is not
widespread. Another reason, particularly for the lack of progress during the 1970s, is
that, as Marr pointed out, the two fields have quite different aims. He claimed:
(i) that traditionally the emphasis in neurophysiology and psychophysics has been
to describe behaviour (a phenomenological approach), rather than to explain
that behaviour, so the results were of little use to the engineering and design
domain of computer vision where the emphasis is on function [9, p. 15], rather
then mimicry;
(ii) that the approaches in computer vision which predominated during the 1970s
were mostly either (a) "unashamedly empirical", with little analysis of
performance or optimality, or (b) designed to be restricted in scope to "toy"
problems with the hope of subsequent generalization: either way they were
quite unsuitable for helping in the understanding of real biological vision
What was needed Marr suggested, was a decomposition of the problem in terms of
different levels of explanation:
a computational theoretic level to make explicit "what is being computed and
why" and to show that it is optimal;
a level of representation and algorithms to describe how the computational
theory could be implemented;
and a hardware implementation level describing on what physical substrate the
representation and algorithm would be realized.
In principle this attempt to distinguish different types or levels of explanation is a
useful methodological discipline, particularly in organising a posteriori the details of
a given model or system. In practice, the top-down strategy which Marr strongly
advocated based on these levels, has had only limited success in providing solutions
to computer vision problems. The reason for this is primarily because it is so difficult
to think up a computational theory for many of the ordinary functions of vision. In fact
we have only a limited conception of what the functions of vision really are at this
stage. Equally Marr’s approach has had only limited success in helping to understand
observations within biological vision because having thought up a computational
theory it is very difficult to relate this to the observed biological mechanisms at the
realization level. For example, one of the things that seems to be missing, is not just
a proper description at the computational theory level in Marr’s sense, but rather a
common framework, equally applicable to both biological and computer vision points
of view, within which a computational theory might be formulated. The framework of
set theory, Boolean logic and symbol systems implicit in Mart’s particular
computational theories of visual functions like edge-detection or stereo vision or
spatial representations, is something which we argue here to untenable.
More decisive in the lack of success of the interactions between computer and
biological vision than any of the reasons Marr gives, is something that he failed to
realize (primarily because, as Marr says himself, his approach was an extension of the
so-called representational theories of mind). It is in fact often the case that the
engineering and design domain of computer vision, and the domain of biological
vision systems’ operation, so apparently closely related by the epithet "vision", really
have very little to do with each other. More fundamentally, it is frequently the case
that they actually involve contradictory, or at least incompatible foundations or
premises. The fact that people do draw inferences about one domain and quite
inappropriately use them in the other is unfortunate, though understandable. According
to Varela, this is a situation which has arisen mostly because of a lack of clarity or
precision in treating the relevant concepts. Having criticized the desire for purely
operational descriptions (which are discussed below) as a remnant of the logical
positivist view with its emphasis on methodological monism, Varela continues as
At the other extreme, the vitalist attitude, and more importantly the
computer-gestalt attitude, which take information as ‘stuff’, are equally
misguided. The latter attitude is interesting for it has taken the same kind of
methodological flavor implicit in operational descriptions, and applied it to
a domain where it simply does not work. This is typical in computer science
and systems engineering, where information and information processing are
in the same category slot as matter and energy. This attitude has its roots
in the fact that systems ideas and cybernetics grew in a technological
atmosphere that acknowledged the insufficiency o f the purely causalistic
paradigm (who would think of handling a computer through the field
equations o f thousands of integrated circuits?), but had no awareness of the
need to make explicit the change in perspective taken by the inquiring
community. [24, p.77]
The use of the ideas covered by the general term "information" is something Varela
singles out for particular criticism: an attempt to carefully develop an appropriate role
for "information" is one of the central themes of this document. The change in
perspective that Varela refers to, is the key to understanding the appropriate context
for using the term "information", and the appropriate relationship between the domains
of engineering and design on the one hand and biological systems on the other.
Arguably the only application area in which the general corpus of computer vision has
achieved real success to date, in terms of effective and valuable utilization, is machine
vision. This is the application of image processing techniques to automated inspection
and to a lesser extent to robotic manipulation. The concepts, applications, techniques
and methodology of machine vision are as far removed from biological vision as any
other technical domain such as control or signal processing is. Only the vaguest of
similarity remains: they both use a combination of light, the reflectance properties of
surfaces and suitable optics to achieve their respective functions. The issues and
concerns of machine vision are only addressed somewhat obliquely in this dissertation,
in the sense that one of the aims is to clarify the relationship between biological vision
and computer vision and to determine under what conditions it is appropriate to draw
conclusions about one on the basis of the other. For the reason given above, this shows
that computer vision in certain contexts1 is more closely related to biological vision
than it is to the context usually referred to as machine vision. Machine vision, in
'There is no name like "machine vision" for these contexts yet, though the working term of artificial
perception is sometimes used here.
particular, is primarily concerned with achieving certain results in a particular
contextual situation where the mechanics, lighting, optics, sensing and processing can
all be configured to optimize what can be achieved. Even though it is often not made
explicit, the archetypical application of a general computer vision system is as a
subsystem of a system which is effectively an autonomous system, and not just that,
but which is capable of coping successfully with an environment which is effectively
out own. But the level of specification and control typical of machine vision, is
anathema to the functioning of an autonomous biological system. Despite the apparent
sensing similarities or analogies, despite the "vision" common to both, the two
domains are quite incommensurate. On the other hand, some general conclusions about
say the logical calculus intrinsic to sensing and measurement systems might apply
equally to machine vision systems as well as both biological and artificial perception
though this is not discussed directly. The primary concern here is in dealing with the
situations in computer vision where understanding biological vision should be of use
(in other words dealing with relatively unconstrained environments) and examining
biological vision to this end.
Virtually every technical domain borrows terms from another context, by way of
analogy, or resemblance, and gives them meanings peculiar to the context of that
technical domain. Words such as "group" (in mathematics), "work" (in mechanics),
"information" (in communication theory), or "chaos" (in system theory) spring to mind
as terms having a technical meaning related to, but somewhat different from their
everyday connotation. One problem with computer vision, and possibly AI generally,
is that often the words are actually meant in the technical domain in the sense of the
term in the original domain and even when they are not, the distinction is not made
clear2: there is seldom a precise definition of what is intended by the term. In a
general sense this is what Varela is driving at in the quotation above. The conceptual
distance between machine vision and biological vision already mentioned means that
this is not normally a problem for practitioners of machine vision. The wide variety
of processing and analysis tools which have been devised bear little relationship to the
processes evoked to explain biological functioning. That is, the tools of machine vision
are useful, precisely because they are like spanners to fit particular nuts: once we can
2Examples of this are terms like "edge", "shading", "texture", "recognition", "motion", "shape", "feature", or
even the term "information" itself.
clearly identify the type of nut in question, there are a range of different spanners
available to deal with it, depending on the circumstances3. The problems seem to
become qualitatively different however once we allow the vision system’s environment
to be substantially less constrained. Now, developing a relationship between artificial
vision and biological vision becomes potentially more relevant and the pitfalls of
confusing incompatible ideas from the respective domains more real. The argument is
not that all artificial "vision" systems can benefit from interaction with ideas from
biology: this is likely to be the case only where the problem domains are in some
sense commensurate. They are likely to be for both computer and biological vision.
They are not for biological vision and machine vision.
Unfortunately, while the problem domains of computer vision, involving as they do,
far less constrained environments do indeed make biological vision systems more
relevant, they also bring us further away from the domain of engineering and design
congruous for example with machine vision. In particular they bring us further away
from a domain in which representations are an appropriate abstraction for dealing with
the domain and further away from a domain in which, in a sense to be explained
below, information is fixed.
1.2 Objectives
The five human senses have been described as conduits for the perception of our
environment More specifically and more correctly, they are a means for regulating our
behaviour in our environment. Of the range of sensory modalities, sight is probably
the most striking in its capacity and utility. Visual proficiency has enormous value for
survival: it provides the ability to remotely and quickly detect structures and events
in the surroundings in a most direct and unobtrusive manner. But to talk about the
visual capacity is misleading. Firstly, it is one which is represented in the animal
kingdom in such an incredible variety of forms and levels of sophistication that there
can clearly be no necessary visual sense, no particular physiological structure or
3This is intended to caricature rather than trivialize the situation. In fact many more processing and analysis
tools have yet to be devised and the really useful developments may be in how the tools are selected,
combined and alternated in a context dependent way.
functional capacity4 which must be present in order to identify a capacity as visual.
Each species has uniquely adapted visual sensitivity and its implementing mechanisms
to their particular requirements in their ecological niche. Secondly, what we normally
refer to as the sense of vision, in humans say, seems to actually consist of a number
of sensory capacities which happen to share some common mechanisms (e.g. the eye)
because light is one link in each of the sensory-motor loops involved5. These are two
important points. They are the first steps towards understanding that, contrary to
common sense, there is no objective reality full of information which our eyes
(meaning our brains) simply pick up, and other creatures to a lesser extent depending
on their ability. In a certain sense we construct our own reality —our own world —not
in isolation to our environment6 nor logically consequent on it, but instead logically
compatible with it and with our own organisation. As Cariani says in a colourful use
of metaphor[28, p.xvi], it simply doesn’t make sense to say that a seagull has a
more realistic model of the world than a lobster because the former’s interactions are
more sophisticated. They simply face radically different challenges. (See also [24,
*Other than the trivially necessary function of being sensitive to light within a particular range of
^To illustrate this point consider the "sense" of sound perception in the bat. It is actually a medium in the
two separate sensory-motor loops of spatial perception using sonar principles and sound generation for
something like mating calls.
6In the context of living systems Varela [26] makes a clear distinction between the notions of environment
and world. That is, he distinguishes between the environment o f the living system as it appears to an
observer, which he calls simply the environment, and the environment fo r the system which is defined in
the sense that the system distinguishes itself from what is not itself, and that only exists in that mutual
definition, which he calls the system’s world. This is a key point because it draws the distinction between
what is important or relevant for the observer who has access to both the system and its environment, and
what is important or relevant to the system in its world. This of course only becomes germane ifitisrealised
that the observer’s world and the system’s world are not identical, and that in fact by definition there can
be no single objective world commonly apparent to both.
It was in an effort to tackle these issues that the questions of what perception is; what
it means to perceive — to be aware of the world around us; what the mechanisms of
perception are and how they develop, were posed as a point of departure. It is not
possible to properly deal with these without confronting some of the classical debates
which have occupied the minds of philosophers since the time of Plato and Aristotle.
In fact we find that aspects of certain philosophical positions are valuable, particularly
in pointing to alternatives to the standard received scientific mindset. So also we find
that a careful examination of aspects of biological operation, of information theory and
pattern recognition, and notions of the relation of autonomous systems to their
environment, provide clues which begin to throw light on these issues. These are the
primary fields of investigation with which we are concerned in this dissertation.
(i) that the fundamental operational unit or event of a perceptual system is itself
a primitive type of observation, measurement, or classification event;
(iv) that without an aspect of its operation which can be described in terms of these
‘observations’, it does not make sense to ascribe perceptual functionality to a
(v) that any particular percept involves the simultaneous activation of many many
primitive observations spread across the system or network. There is nothing
else required to ‘look at’ any output of the perceptual mechanism for
perception to occur. The act of making sensory information explicit is
Exactly what the basis is for these claims and the details of what is meant by them is
teased out in the following chapters.
Like most modem theories of perception, the ideas described here were originally
conceived in terms of the assumption that visual data derived from scenes in the
external world implicitly contain information about the physical structures and events
contained in the scene and some of their properties. Perception then, is the process of
making this information explicit. The development for the author of the realisation that
there are problems with this way of looking at the world was a very slow process. In
hindsight, and particularly in the light of the epistemological position espoused by
Maturana and Varela [23], it is possible to see clearly why the description of the
function of visual perception in terms of "picking-up" and processing information from
the environment, and the role played by information in this context is inadequate. Most
of the elements of this shift of position were already in position when the author
became aware of the work on autopoiesis, but the ideas of Maturana and Varela
represented a very welcome opportunity for support, clarification and development.
expected to). It is possible to extend the theory of information (in the Shannon sense)
to accommodate semantic aspects of the everyday meaning of information and we
discuss this in chapter 7.
These different interpretations have not arisen in a void. They are part of the history
of the development of the endeavour to understand the human mind, which is what we
turn to in the next section. Teasing out what is intended by these four different
contexts and interpretations for information was considered both as an objective of this
dissertation and as a methodology to support the primary aim of understanding
perception. So, from the original aim of understanding, at a very fundamental level,
what the essential nature of a visual capacity is — what vision is — the specific
objectives of the research described in this dissertation have arisen. In other words,
understanding vision means coming to understand first the nature of the process of
perception itself, and the nature and role of information, in what is often referred to
as an information processing system or task.
The original programme in the new science of cognition, which spanned the decade
from 1943 to 1953, was called cybernetics. It was a wide-ranging cross-disciplinary
effort to create a complete science of the mind. It achieved in its time many far-
reaching results, including the application of mathematical logic to the study of the
brain, the invention of computers, substantial contributions to systems theory, control
theory and information theory, and the demonstration of the possibilities for self-
organising systems. It came to an end largely because the principal participants had
died, or their views and interests had diverged.
Com putationalism
The second phase in the development of cognitive science, began in 1956 and is still
the dominant position in the field. It goes under many general titles, including
cognitivism, computationalism, artificial intelligence (AI or GOFAI7), and so on. It
also has many specialized sub-areas like expert systems, robotics, computer vision and
speech recognition, focussing in particular types of problem domain or modalities. The
methodology is generally of a top-down nature and used in both analysis (cognitive
psychology, computational neuroscience) and synthesis (artificial intelligence). The
central ethos of this approach is that cognition is defined as rule-based manipulation
(computation) on symbolic representations, where the meaning of each symbol is made
to correspond to an external item in a restricted well-defined domain. With this
definition, what was originally a tentative idea or metaphor within cybernetics, is
elevated to the status of a full-blown principle. Information in this context is
considered as an objective quantity associated with objects and properties in the world.
It can be detected, processed, and used to build internal representations of the way the
world is external to the organism or system [9].
While the connectionist or emergence approach also has its origins in the early work
on cybernetics, for various well-documented reasons it has only recently developed a
level of adherence sufficient to allow it to challenge and complement the dominant
cognitivist position. The methodology is usually bottom-up and is characterised by
distributed processing using simple sub-symbolic components and by self-organization
leading to global network coherence. The self-organisation is usually realised in terms
of adaptive connections (between nodes) which, affected by "experience," change the
strength of these connections according to certain rules (eg. the Hebb rule and its
variants, or error back-propagation). In terms of synthesis its successes have been
primarily with lower level cognitive capabilities which cause most difficulties for the
cognitive approach, such as recognition, association, and memory. It may be possible
to integrate the cognitivist and connectionist positions by embedding symbolic levels
of description in an underlying distributed system though only limited effort seems to
have been put into this problem so far. (See the discussion in section 8.5 below).
Much of the emphasis and success within the connectionist community to date has
been on the distributed and bottom-up aspect of the connectionist approach associated
with the so-called PDP8 models [31,32]. The basic epistemological position is
still representational, though the form and construction of the representations is quite
different from the cognitivist approach [29, p.252]. In this case it is a global state or
performance of the system which is related to meaning in some chosen domain rather,
than the value of a localized symbol. Nevertheless, there is still an observer external
to both the system and its sphere of operation, and this observer provides the
connection between performance and meaning. That is, there is always a teacher to
supervise the learning phase of the network model and the model comes to reflect
more or less accurately and successfully some of the cognitive concepts of the teacher.
Even the measurement of accuracy and success are dependent in the final analysis on
the teacher.
*PDP is an acronym for "parallel distributed processing", but in fact stands for a more restricted programme
than the general label suggests.
Rosen [12] claims that the problem of the representational approach is inherent in a
view of the world that dates back to Newton’s attempts to develop mathematical
models of the world. He illustrates what the problem is in the following way. Consider
the modelling scheme shown in Figure 1. On the left hand side is represented (some
part of) the natural world, for which the supposition is that events are related by
definite laws or relations — by some causal order. On the right is represented some
formal system with elements which are governed by mathematical relations based on
logic and implication. Relations are established between these two "worlds" by
encodings and decodings, where objects or events in the natural world are (arbitrarily)
identified with elements of the formal system, and vice versa. With this modelling
relationship one should always obtain the same result by observing the causal order
unfold in the natural system (arrow 1) or making predictions via the encoding,
mathematical inference and decoding arrows 2,3 and 4 (given that one uses a suitable
mathematical model). There are a number of implications of this type of modelling
scheme, which Rosen draws out within the causality framework discussed below. But
the primary problem with this view, according to Rosen, is that the encoding and
decoding arrows that Newton originally posited with the ideas that culminated in the
so-called Newtonian world view, have become axiomatic, and therefore invisible. Thus
the natural world is considered as something which in principle, can be modelled to
an arbitrary accuracy with a Newtonian-type formalism (dynamics) in which each
element in the natural world plays a fixed causal role and can be represented by a
fixed symbol in the formal system — a system in which information is thus fixed.
Hence the reference to "symbolic units in another structure" above. Once this is
clarified, it is possible to see that:
(i) the encoding arrows are established by us and thus arbitrary; they are not a
necessary consequence of the nature of the world itself;
(ii) the encoding arrows are not something that can be "picked up" from the natural
world side of the diagram in the sense that we might expect an intelligent
machine to "learn" about its environment; and
(iii) that systems other than Newtonian-type formal systems (dynamics) could be
represented on the right hand side.
The ideas dealt with by Rosen involve encodings of the natural world and formal
models of this world. Nonetheless they are useful because they exhibit clearly, ideas
which suffer from the same shortcomings as the representational view of reality,
perception of that reality and our internal conception of that reality. Varela approached
the same problem from a different angle and brings the idea further
Both in cognitivism (by its very basis) and in present day connectionism (by
the way it is practised), it is still the case that the criteria fo r cognition is
a successful representation of an external world which is pre-given, usually
as a problem solving situation. However, our knowledge of activity in
everyday life reveals that this view of cognition is too incomplete. Precisely
the greatest ability o f all living cognition is, within broad limits, to pose the
relevant issues to be addressed at each moment o f our life. They are not
pre-given, but enacted or brought forth from a background, and what
counts as relevant is what our common sense sanctions as such, always in
a contextual way. [30]
The problem with the representational approach is that there is no way, within the
system supposed to construct these representations, of ever obtaining the appropriate
assignment of correspondence — there is no independent access to the supposed
external reality for any given living system. The cause of this problem according to
Varela is a confusion of different levels of explanation: it is the confusing of notions
proper to the domain of an observer (or strictly an observer community) whose
vantage includes both the system and its interactions with its environment on the one
hand, with notions proper to the operation of the system on the other. These are
different phenomenal levels, and links, if any, between them can only be established
by someone external to both the system and its environment.
The enactive perspective
The single most important assumption of the dominant cognitive science tradition is
that the world as we experience it is independent of the knower [30] and, consequent
on this, that the primary task of the perceptual part of a cognitive system is to capture
an accurate representation of aspects of this world. Even though this tradition found
inspiration from the classical Newtonian view of physics, and as discussed above,
shares some of its limitations, it has remained despite the radical overthrow of the
Newtonian world view and its conception of ontological reality. Thus, even though the
tenets of relativity and quantum mechanics mean that there are fundamental
deficiencies or flaws in the Newtonian picture, these are mostly only manifest in cases
of extreme speeds or relatively small sizes, and are mostly perceived as not affecting
the "common sense" ideas of the world embodied in Newtonianism. Unfortunately, the
very objectivity which is essential to the Newtonian picture, which is responsible for
its success, which becomes untenable at very small (or quantum) sizes, and which is
the basis for the representational view of the world, is also the single most important
feature which does not carry over to the representational explanation of perception.
Whatever the merits of objectivity in the analytical sciences, it is increasingly being
seen as incompatible with reasoned views on the nature of perception and the
relationship of an organism to its environment.
The opposite extreme to the view that the nervous system objectively maps the
external world, is the notion of solipsism — that what is perceived depends solely on
the structure of the organism itself. The fact that cognitive phenomena cannot be
understood in terms of a world that "informs" us because there is no mechanism that
makes this informing process possible, makes the non-objective extreme no less
unpalatable [25]. Fortunately there is an acceptable view, intermediate between these
two extremes, which has been articulated in the extensive work of Maturana and
Varela. Basically this is that knower and known arise in a process of mutual
specification. Neither the structure of the world nor the operation of the observer are
pre-given — they are co-determined by a history of cognitive interaction, neither
logically preceding the other, but still logically compatible. There are two main issues
implicit in this stance: the type of system that can participate in this co-determination
of a constructed "reality", and the methodology of explanation which maintains
distinct, the type of description appropriate to each phenomenal domain. We examine
these in turn.
Allonomy, literally meaning external law, implies the regulation or control of a system
from outside [24, p.xi]. Interactions between the system and its environment are
"instructive" and constitute part of the systems organisation. Unsatisfactory results
from these interactions are errors. The organisational paradigm is usually formulated
in terms of input-process-output and is organisationally open. This view of a system
is suitable for the domain of design where an observer specifies by its use what the
environment should be and how the system ought to use or participate in i t In other
words it involves a representational viewpoint with the observer or designer specifying
the appropriate semantic correspondences between (formal) descriptions of the
environment and the (formal) organization of the system. Autonomy on the other hand
literally means self-law, implying the internal determination and regulation of the
system’s operation. Interactions with the system are seen as perturbations which are
non-instructive, and independent of the definition of the systems organisation. Varela
uses the metaphor of conversation to describe our interactions with autonomous
systems9. Unsatisfactory results from these interactions are represented by mis
understanding. The organisational paradigm is one of circularity and the system is
organisationally closed. Information is considered as constructed and co-dependent
where the outcome of perturbative inputs and outputs reflects structure attributed both
to the environment and to the internal operation of the system arising over a history
of continued operation of the system (and hence viability in its environment). In
particular, information is not something which is simply picked up from the
’The metaphor of conversation is an antidote to the sort of "double-think" which it is easy to fall into in
considering the development of "intelligent" or autonomous systems. The question arises as to how these
systems might be controlled. Could we suspend their intelligence or autonomy while we program them with
instructions or are they only going to be partially intelligent or partially autonomous, always subject to some
master designer, engineer or programmer? To what extent is this latter case compatible with autonomy?
10According to Rashevsky, described in Rosen [12, p.172] "we are interested in the organisational features
common to all living systems; and in their material structures only in so far as they support or manifest these
features. Therefore we have heretofore approached organisms inprecisely the wrong way; we have abstracted
out, or thrown away, all those global organizational features in which we are really interested, leaving
ourselves with a pure material system that we have studied by purely material methods, hoping ultimately
to recapture the organization from our material studies... W h y do we not , in effect, abstract away the
physics and the chemistry, leaving us with a pure organisation, which we can formalize and study in
completely general abstract terms; and recapture the physics later through a process of realization.” It is
important to make this distinction between organisation and realisation because the physics (including the
molecular biology) involved in the realisation of real organisms is logically compatible with the organisation
of the organism or biological system but not logically prior to it and therefore quite useless in defining the
On the other hand, a machine’s structure is the set of actual relations that hold
between the components that realise a particular instance of a machine in a given
space, and is determined by the properties of these components. Finally the use to
which a machine is put is not a feature of the organisation or even directly the
structure of the machine, but rather the domain in which the machine operates. That
is, it belongs to our description of the machine in a context wider than the machine
itself — the domain of observation (or design). This clarification leads us directly to
the next topic.
In spite of the circularity we have to start somewhere. Here we will start with the
notion of description, but in the particular role of explanation — our explanations
within a scientific community. In this context Varela draws a distinction between
symbolic (or communicative) explanations and operational (or causal) explanations.
The difference lies in both their form and use. Operational explanations are assumed
to be defined in terms proper to the domain in which the systems that generate the
nVareIa tackles these issues head on by attempting to answer the question: "How do we come to have items
such as, say, frogs or people, of w h o m we can say that they perceive other things?". See for example [24,
section 16.5.2].
phenomena in question operate. The purposes of operational explanations are those of
prediction and manipulation. Symbolic explanations are assumed "to belong to a more
encompassing context in which the observer provides links and nexuses not supposed
to operate in the domain in which the system that generate the phenomena operate"
[p.66]. In this case the purpose is quite different. This type of explanation is for
communicating an understanding between members of a scientific community. The
fundamental bases of operational explanations are nomic or law-like relationships. The
fundamental basis of symbolic explanations is order or pattern, and it is the observer
who establishes the connection. But it is not meant by this that the causes or laws,
often so-called "laws of nature", are in some sense superior by being more remote
from the observer, more objective. Both types of explanation are
modes of description adopted by enquiring communities fo r some intentional
purpose ... and they specify modes of agreement and thus coupling with the
environment, [p.77]
The basic argument of autopoiesis is that all biological phenomena can in principle be
reduced to a particular type of network of nomic relationships in some material
domain. In this operational description notions of purpose, message, information or
code play no causal role. But this is not the whole story: it may not be desirable or
practical or useful to reduce every aspect of biological phenomena to operational
descriptions. It may be very useful for our purposes to abstract or parenthesize a
number of steps in a causal chain, choosing to ignore the operational connections in
favour of more convenient descriptions. This is what Varela claims is at the base of
all symbolic descriptions: a process of abstraction rooted in the emergence of certain
"coherent patterns of behaviour" to which we choose to pay attention.
The fact is that information does not exist independent of a context or
organisation that generates a cognitive domain, from which an observer
community can describe certain elements as informational and symbolic.
Information, sensu strictu, does not exist. (Nor, of course do the ‘laws’ of
nature), [p.78]
Thus, using information in a causal or operational role, e.g. relating behavioural
regularities (in the domain of interaction between a system and its environment) to
structural change (within the system), is a confusion of levels. The behavioral
regularities are only available to us as external observers with simultaneous access to
the operation of the system and its interactions with its environment. They reflect our
operations and they are not operational for the system. The system does not have
independent access to the nature of the structure of the environment, nor does it
necessarily share our categorization of the environment
So, what is a valid symbolic explanation? Well according to Varela symbols in natural
systems are characterised by two main features: internal determination and
composition. Internal determination refers to the claim that an object or event can be
considered as playing the role of a symbol
... only if it is a token fo r an abbreviated nomic chain that occurs within the
bounds o f the system’s operational closure... whenever the system’s closure
determines certain regularities in the face o f internal or external interactions
or perturbations, such regularities can be abbreviated as a symbol, usually
the initial or terminal element in the nomic chain [p.80].
All in all, the distinctions between different types and purposes of explanations
emphasized by Varela, and the careful epistemological balance portrayed by the notion
of enaction, both provide a boundary condition, within which to contain our
developing understanding of the concept of information. In different ways they warn
us off imbuing information with an excessive and undeserved semantic concreteness
characteristic of both representationalism and objectivism: what Varela calls the
"temptation of certainty" [25, p. 16].
organisms and presumably artificial systems, which could be largely described as
participating in perception-type behaviour, processes or functioning. It is quite possible
that this idea of a perceptual (sub-)system is only a first approximation, or that the
idea is undefined without taking into consideration other non-perceptual aspects of the
functioning of the organism or system. Nevertheless, in both of these cases, it should
be possible to make progress in the explication of the nature of such perceptual (sub
system s. This is the stance taken here. If this turns out to be an inaccurate
approximation, or an invalid definition, then one would expect that the progress in the
explication of perception should encounter insurmountable paradoxes or difficulties of
one sort or another. That there remain difficulties at the conclusion of this dissertation
is beyond doubt. But there is no indication yet that these are insurmountable, so at this
stage anyway, the assumption of a perceptual (sub-)system is still a useful one.
Having assumed that it makes sense to talk about perceptual systems, it must make
sense to discuss the nature, properties or processes that uniquely allow them to be
identified as perceptual, i.e., give them their perceptual function. We described above
the assertion that at one level of description, the processes underlying any type of
sensory perception can be understood in terms of a theory of measurement involving
networks of primitive "observation" events acting on signals. These primitive
observations receive their input signals from other parts of the system or network
which are almost exclusively "local" relative to the site of the primitive observation,
so there is no global "teacher" or "monitor" "looking at" the results of each primitive
observation and determining if it is correct or useful. That is, there is no independent
access to reality, relating the possibilities or outcome of an observation to a particular
environmental context Nor is there some central site of cognition, some higher centre,
where the results of all the individual observations are brought together to form a
single integrated concept.
Linsker [18] draws an evocative picture of this type of scenario, which helps to
illustrate the sort of relationships involved, both in the immediate processing from
moment to moment, and in the long term adaptation or development which leads to
the particular nature of the processing occurring at a particular point and time in the
system. Consider a person at a certain level of management in an organization, whose
job it is to make the most informative summary possible of the data received by them
each week. The particular type of data received depends on the external environment
in which the organization exists and operates, the structure of the organization,
(including what level this person is on and what other levels and functions exist within
the organization), and many other constraints. Over time, this person comes to realize
that a certain way of representing information (Linsker gives the example of graphical
plots involving various variables) is most useful for summarizing the data for the
management level immediately above. If this person interacts with other people within
their particular layer, they may either (a) try to avoid unnecessary duplication by
giving almost orthogonal summaries, if everybody does their job diligently, or (b) be
forced to provide several almost independent copies of the same summary, if several
people are lackadaisical about their work. In any case, the presumption is that the
conscientious workers will try to ensure that their layer is as informative as possible.
It is likely that eventually a set of work practices and job procedures will gradually
come into operation, so that this person’s layer will end up carrying out a processing
function, without the workers in this layer needing to know either the goals of the
entire organization, or what information is considered most important by the more
senior managers in the layer(s) above. Furthermore, there is no need for any higher
layer to try to reconstruct the raw data from the summary — rather the higher layers
simply need the ability to discriminate the relative value of different actions. If the
required information has been lost in one of the intermediate layers this cannot be
done. Equally, if workers in the intermediate layers are not aware of the remote high-
level goals they cannot be expected to know exactly what information might be safely
discarded, and so it might reasonably be expected that they try to preserve as much
information as is practical with the given constraints.
of the weights. There are no non-linear thresholding or classification operations at his
nodes. The example above illustrates the local nature of the signals arriving at the
processing points (the worker’s desk or the network’s nodes), but says little about the
nature of the processing at each of these points. A claim made here is that for the
purposes of describing the system’s operations it suffices to consider the processing
that is applied to the local convergence of signals. For the purposes of explaining the
system’s operations in a wider context that includes its environment, it may be useful
to relate this processing to the original raw data12, or to the high level goals of the
system. But this is something that we do as observers, and it is not operational for the
system. One of the basic claims of this thesis is that the fundamental processing unit
or primitive in a perceptual system is a type of primitive observation or classification
on the basis of a local confluence of signals only. These decisions, or classifications,
or primitive recognition events can also be related to the environmental context of the
system, (by us as detached observers) and in particular can be related to the original
raw data, giving rise to the idea of a general concept associated with each primitive
observation or decision. In other words, the values of these local signals are the basis
for a decision that the general concept corresponding to each primitive observation has
a certain value —an output value for the primitive observation is selected, or prepared,
or decided upon. This value is itself a signal and may provide the input for other
subsequent decisions or observations. This value is the output state of a local decision
or classification13, but we may relate it to a certain general concept, or classification,
or measurement of a property, in the larger context which includes the system’s
environment. The general concepts which the measurement or observation processes
apply, by operating on the incoming data, are the key to understanding the need for
primitive observational processes. This notion of general concepts already has a long
history which we can use to throw light of the properties of the type of perceptual
systems under consideration here. We discuss the notion of general concepts, or
,2The raw data case is not unlike the idea of receptive field used in studying biological vision, which is
explained in section 3.5 below.
nIt might seem, on initial reading that the juxtaposition of signals converging and diverging within
information processing networks, with classification events based on the local convergence of signals would
imply some sort of generalized perceptron-type neural network model is being proposed here. In fact, it
seems likely that even though it is possible to describe both the transport of signals within the sensory
network, and the primitive recognition events of sensory perception, in information theoretic terms, these are
in fact descriptions which involve two different levels of explanation. These ideas are discussed further in
the concluding chapter.
universals, as interpreted by philosophers through the ages in chapter 2 below. We find
that we can come to an understanding of the notion which is useful both in mechanical
pattern recognition and as a basis for a theory of perception. Because the process
central to a primitive observation is a process of classification, or recognition, we
examine pattern recognition from the point of view of what it involves and how it
becomes possible. The process of pattern recognition requires the overcoming of the
inductive ambiguity inherent in grouping and generalization, so we discuss the status
of inductive inference. These three subjects: the problem of universals, pattern
recognition and inductive inference applied to the notion of concepts form the core of
chapter two.
The concepts embodied in the measurement process of each primitive observation are
not innate although the architecture and gross connectivity of the hierarchy of
observations is likely to be genetically specified. The actual concepts used in a mature
sensory system seem to have arisen from developmental processes which operate
somewhere on the continuum between (i) resulting from information processing
principles inherent in the architecture (particularly its pattern of high local connectivity
and ordered maps between different regions of the hierarchy) and (ii) resulting from
adaptation to correlations in data from the external world. Chapter 3 begins to explore
exactly what is meant by this in real biological perceptual systems. This fairly
extensive chapter is important because it embodies the belief that looking at biological
visual systems can be useful for understanding the nature of perception in general,
even artificial implementations if that is possible. It does nonetheless attempt to
achieve this aim in the cautious manner counselled in the preface. The retina (or
strictly the retinas of many different species) is the main focus for this chapter because
its structure and operation are relatively well understood and thus allow us to
meaningfully compare different views of its function. Much of the early work on the
vertebrate retina was carried out on the cat and interpretations based on these results,
which historically have had an important influence on computer vision, are examined
and compared with some more recent work on the primate retina. The methodology
of examining the constraints which seem to be responsible for the present forms of the
retina, is seen as a powerful tool giving clues as to why particular structures are
relevant and what their function might be.
In chapter four we begin to tackle the issue of exactly what is meant by information,
and what the relationship between the different meanings are. The emphasis is mostly
on quantitative notions of information, but this groundwork is a necessary precursor
to a cautious consideration of semantic aspects of information. The quantitative notion
of information is traced from its roots in physics in the form of the concept of entropy,
through its. development into Shannon’s information theory of discrete symbols on
communication channels, Gabor’s "minimum uncertainty" representation of analogue
signals and Watanabe’s structure function for pattern recognition. We also describe
attempts to give quantitative descriptions of aspects of human vision using information
theoretic ideas. Possibly the most valuable knowledge of a biological vision system
would be an understanding of its development, because this would make explicit what
actual goals the system is trying to achieve and the criteria it is trying to optimize in
the search for these goals. Initial, but exciting work in this area is described in chapter
4. The basic conclusion is that aspects of the structure and processing of the early
parts of biological vision systems can be understood in terms of attempts to maximize
the flow o f information (or minimize the equivocation) through the system. Finally, in
this chapter we begin the discussion about the relationship between the quantitative
and semantic aspects of information.
Historically, theories of biological visual perception have had some influence on ideas
within computer vision. The major approaches suggested to date to explain neural
function in the visual system are reviewed in chapter five. The notion of an invariant
is closely linked with the idea of a symbol14 and since the endpoint of a process of
visual perception has traditionally been assumed to be a symbolic representation of
aspects of the outside world, much effort has been put into the identification and
computation of invariants. The "ecological" approach to visual psychology puts a
strong emphasis on the idea of invariants. Gibson claimed that even higher-order
invariants are directly detected, by the visual system "resonating" to them. These issues
are the subject of section 5.3. There then follows an extensive discussion on Gabor
filtering and Gabor codes, the relationship between the Gabor representation and
redundancy, and finally possible explanations for the properties of cortical neurons and
14The direct relationship between symbols and the concept of invariance derives from the fact that because
a symbol set is a generalisation within the set of possible signals, a single symbol will represent many
symbols. In particular, signals can undergo certain transformations and still generate a certain given symbol.
The symbol is said to be invariant to these transformations.
aspects of cortical processing in terms of Gabor coding. Again information theoretic
notions play a very valuable role.
In chapter 7 the two related strands of measurement theory and information theory are
finally brought together and used to discuss the possible processing structure and
function of the early visual pathway, particularly the cortex. Before doing this, the
notion of a "signal-to-symbol" transition is discussed in some detail, and problems
with the usual interpretation of this concept are pointed out. Another view on this idea
of a transition between two different representations with different properties,
involving some sort of a generalization or classification or measurement, is provided
by Dretske, and we examine his development of a semantic theory of information for
this reason. The principal conclusion of this chapter, and the dissertation as a whole,
is that the information theory/measurement theory interpretation of perception is much
stronger than the relatively arbitrary computational theoretic explanations, for a number
of reasons. It helps to avoid the pitfalls caused by hidden assumptions about our own
values or caused by the prejudices of our own observables. It is a quantitative theory
which eliminates the need to postulate arbitrary representations and processes. It is
nearer to the actual operational level of an organism than symbolic descriptions and
it can be used to understand most aspects of perception in any system, human, animal
or artificial without requiring the invention of a new computational theory in each
In chapter 8 we develop some of the ideas introduced in chapter 6 and describe their
use in an industrial inspection problem. The principal development here is the
demonstration of a relationship between the Karhunen-Lofcve transform and the
singular value decomposition. The details of the coding and recognition phases of the
system are described and results are presented for both of these.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Somewhat surprisingly (at least to the author) the work of the classical Greek
philosophers Plato and Aristotle, written almost 2500 years ago, still has valuable
things to say about the matters of concern here. We do find that it is necessary to be
somewhat selective about the notions that are useful. Even the context in which they
are used is often far removed from the speculations of the original authors.
Nevertheless the underlying concepts are frequently sufficiently powerful that they can
still clarify many of the issues that confront us. We describe here how ideas from both
Plato and Aristotle can be used in this way. Another reason for the importance of these
and later related sources is that without necessarily realising it, much of our present
view of the world and the way we deal with it, particularly in western culture and
even more particularly in science and engineering, is strongly influenced by them.
Specifically, Aristotle’s ideas about matter, objects and their properties are strongly
reflected in commonsense views about the world and in classical (Newtonian) physics.
In its detail, Newtonian mechanics was an overthrow of the earlier Aristotelian ideas
about mechanics, but the essence of the Aristotelian view of the world still remained1.
This discussion brings us to the foundations of modem pattern recognition where we
see the impossibility of achieving anything without either explicit or implicit heuristics
which in some way capture our values and our way of seeing things. The importance
of this notion of value or usefulness is discussed. The subject of inferences, deductive
and inductive, is one which is often misunderstood but has an important bearing on
the issues of hypotheses and truth and reality. It is examined here from a probabilistic
point of view. As a prelude to the later discussion on the nature and function of
perception we deal with the more obvious fallacies that have caused trouble in the past
and discuss the extent of what can be assumed about perception. But more generally,
one of the major issues which has motivated philosophical debate since the time of
'in chapter 8 we show how an alternative point of view on objects and their properties can be very useful
in certain coding or pattern recognition applications, though this application isnot central to the development
of the ideas in the remainder of this thesis.
Plato and Aristotle until comparatively recently is the controversy of the status of
universals. Ideas from this controversy are at the core of the notions being proposed
in this dissertation and it is to this that we turn first
^ e m o d e m meaning of Hie word ‘form’ in this context is that of shape, structure or figure, etc. In Greek
philosophy the Form played the role of the epicentric concept of an ideal representation or definition of a
class or general idea. In an Aristotelian adaptation of Plato’s philosophy, "the ‘Form’ or ‘Idea’ is an ideal,
real object that exists in an eternal world different from the actual world of daily experience. Individual
concrete objects of this latter world are nothing but defective copies of the ‘Foim’” [19, p.7].
of perception which is presented here). On the other hand, one of the common
denominators of anti-realist views, including conceptualism and nominalism3 is that
the human mind can directly apprehend the particular [19, p.52].
2.2.1 Realism
Plato is generally acknowledged to have been the founder of the realist view. While
he and Aristotle differ considerably over the understanding of the term "Form", they
both agree that the Form in the sense of universal is something real. The standard
interpretation of Plato’s work is that he treated universals as real things (Forms or
ideas) separate from their instances4 (particular objects) and independent of human
understanding. That is, a particular object does not have a real existence, only a
deceptive, temporary, illusory existence —what really is, is the (supposed innate) Form
or idea, which is a state, a function or a meaning. The particular object is only an
imperfect copy of the ideal Form.
From this point of view, the sensory world of experience has no reality, but the eternal
world of form has reality. A particular object belongs to a class corresponding to a
universal because it "partakes" in the archetype or form corresponding to that
universal. Plato himself, however, encountered great difficulty with exactly what this
notion entailed, passing through at least three different phases involving different,
though related uses of the term Form [19, p.47]. It is possible that much of the
subsequent criticism of Plato’s Forms arises because of the later Aristotelian bias that
forced the idea into the role of substance, which Plato did not intend [p.93]. In fact
Plato introduced the notion of Form mainly for the domains of abstract concepts (such
as goodness, kindness, bravery, and so on) and of mathematical concepts (such as
numbers and geometric shapes), so that application to concrete objects (as in wheel or
car) may be an over-extension of his notions:
The Form is not a perfect object in the best of worlds but rather the
essential nature or functional meaning of the objects covered by the same
name. [p.47]
3Popper uses the term essentialism as a name for any (classical) position which is opposed to nominalism,
especially for the theories of Plato and Aristotle [44, p.20].
4Aristotle is also credited with holding the realist viewpoint although he denied that universals are objects
or separate from their instances, instead claiming that they are real things which exist just by being
instantiated — the notion of universals in the objects.
In this sense then, the interpretation of Form as a universal is not quite appropriate,
and ironically, may owe more to an Aristotelian interpretation of Plato than to Plato
himself. Not surprisingly in view of the idea of an eternal world of Forms, in modem
parlance the term Platonist is usually associated with the reality or truth of abstractions
(particularly mathematical ones such as numbers, sets, or propositions etc5).
Let us set aside though for the moment the status in terms of reality, truth, or origin,
of the Forms or ideas playing the role of universal in Plato’s theory. The really crucial
notion as far as understanding perception is concerned, is the claim that the human
mind can only apprehend the particular, by virtue of it being able to apprehend
universals6. Regardless of the specific interpretation of what Plato intended, this
debate is nonetheless useful because of the emphasis it places on general concepts,
properties, or universals at the expense of concrete objects, and particularly because
of the above claim. One of the aims of this dissertation is to examine this claim in the
enactive context outlined by Varela [30] and to use it as a starting point in the
development of a theory of perception [45],
To the modem western mind, immersed as it is in a culture which shares much with
Aristotle’s philosophies, the assertion that the world of experience is unreal and the
world of ideas is real, is completely antithetical to "normal" modes of thought The
following example may help to clarify the notion of reality intended:
Think of a geometrical figure like a ‘triangle’. A triangle drawn on paper
is not a real triangle as defined by geometry. Because we can speak o f
deviation from, or approximation to, a real triangle, we cannot deny the
reality (in a certain sense) of a geometrically defined triangle, which is the
5The term Platonist in mathematics is usually meant in the sense that what a mathematician does from the
Platonist viewpoint is to discover these abstractions, rather than view them simply as the formal
consequences of a particular formal system.
*By emphasising this, our intention is not to claim that the mind can directly "apprehend" a universal like
"dog-hood" or "wheel-hood". Before getting to predicates as abstract as these many levels of less abstract
primitive observations (or measurements of predicates, or evaluation of properties) would typically be
activated in a normal perceptual experience. But at each stage the basic operation is envisaged as being the
same — one of using locally available signals about less abstract decisions in the perceptual network as the
input for a decision based on these. Even though the words "network" and "system" are used here, it is not
intended that the primitive observations or classifications described should be thought of in the sense of the
nodes of an artificial neural network because it is likely that the level of description in terms of primitive
observations is a level above the level of physical realization (which was referred to by the terms structure
and organization in section 1.5).
Form o f a triangle. An actual triangle drawn by human hand is a poor
imitation and not a true triangle, [p.47]
A similar shift from substance to function is manifest in modem quantum physics.
Here, experimental results have forced the exclusion of the notion of self-identity and
substance (in other words concreteness) for elementary "particles". Properties of
elementary particles are no longer considered as fixed attributes independent of
physical observation, but as variable quantities which are dependant on, and affected
by observation. Instead of saying: particle P is in quantum state Q; the description
must be rephrased as: quantum state Q is occupied by a certain number o f the
particle of a certain kind. The roles of object and predicate are interchanged [p.94].
This analogy between measurement/observation in quantum mechanics and
measurement/observation in perception is elaborated in Chapter 7 below. The idea of
object-predicate interchange is useful both as an algorithmic device in certain types of
pattern recognition problems (see chapter 8), and for forcing a rethink of the nature
of observation in perception.
One further point of note in Plato’s writing which is related to pattern recognition, is
his use of the term "paradigm".7 This changes during different periods and three
distinct uses have been noted, consonant with the different uses of the term Form
mentioned above. These are the use of the term paradigm to mean
(i) a general concept in the sense of Form as used above;
(ii) a general concept in the sense of a perfect model to be imitated, and
(iii) a particular example of a concept [19, p.47].
It is interesting in this context to compare the various modem meanings of the term
"pattern".8 The usage of the term paradigm strongly parallels the modem epicentric
concept of pattern recognition. It also motivates the important notion of paradigmatic
symbol in the extension of pattern recognition to general perception.
7Paradigm is used in this section in the sense of an individual object, or exemplar, standing for a class,
paralleling Plato’s use of the term. This is distinct from the Kuhnian sense of an ideological theory or
approach to scientific problems for which the German term ‘Zeitgeist’is probably more appropriate. In fact
Watanabe describes Kuhn himself as regretting the widespread use of ‘paradigm’ in an ideological theoretic
sense as "a rather unfortunate fad" [19, p.9]. Nevertheless this (latter) sense of the term paradigm is deeply
ingrained and well understood in the scientific community and so can be quite useful. Which meaning is
intended here will usually be apparent from the context.
'Usages of the term ‘pattern’ include (i) design, (ii) model, template, plan, (iii) regular way of acting, (iv)
person or thing worthy of imitation, (v) a sample (includes not only the one imitated but those which
imitate); any object qua a sample of a class; a typical case, exemplar, archetype.
2.2.2 Aristotelian duality
Aristotle, also a realist (meaning that he accepted the reality of universals), recognised
the reality of particular objects, which he argued, consisted of two real elements —
Matter and Form. Matter endows real existence to an object, and represents
"potentiality" in the sense that a plank of wood has the potential to be worked into a
chair. Form determines the essential nature or functional meaning of an object. It
represents "actuality" in the sense that regardless of the matter involved, say wood or
metal, Form is what determines whether the object is a chair or a table. Aristotle then,
believed in two types of substances. The basic reality is the primary substance — a
concrete object provided with attributes. The secondary and less important substance
is the universal to which the objects belong, labelled by the same attributes. He thus
denied that universals are objects9 or that universals are separate from their instances.
This leaves us with the fundamental assumption of Aristotelian philosophy which is
based on his obsession with substance: what exists is (an enumerable number of)
particular objects with fixed attributes or predicates. This should be contrasted with the
epistemological position of Plato, that what exists is the Form of which we have an
innate idea [19, p.443].
For modem pattern recognition and computer vision, for the 19th century version of
physics which underlies popular intuitive ideas of science, and for much of the
so-called "western" mode of thought, this view of particular objects and
object-predicate duality is deeply ingrained. It pervades everyday language in the form
of the "subject plus predicate" pattern of thinking. It finds its most concrete modes of
expression in Boolean logic and in the probability calculus of Kolmogorov (see [46,
p.341]). However, just as almost a century before, the exclusive validity of Euclidean
geometry was challenged, so in the first thirty years of this century a number of
challenges arose to the truth of the law of bivalence, or Boolean logic10. These two
pillars of western thought had stood for over twenty centuries.
9As discussed above, Plato himself may not have claimed otherwise, but certainly Aristotelian interpretations
of Plato’s ideas have.
I0See the relationship of Boolean logic to the object/predicate idea, in the discussion on the Frege principle
and the propensity logic in Chapter 6
Louis de Broglie was the first to point out the incompatibility of the probability
calculus based on Borel sets with quantum mechanics [19, p.518, 47]. In 1932 John
Von Neumann [48,49] pointed to language with its framework of ordinary
(Boolean) logic as the problem in understanding quantum mechanics.11 He proposed
the construction of a "logical calculus" in contrast to the concepts of ordinary logic as
the solution to the problem of interpretation [50, p.271ff]. It seems that this quantum
(non-distributive and anti-Aristotelian) logic may also be an appropriate framework for
understanding perception. This concept of non-Boolean logic and Watanabe’s notion
of object-predicate inversion, display a strong affinity to the Platonic ideas discussed
above, and are an explicit rejection of the common sense notions of object and
predicates which are strongly Aristotelian in character.
So, for our purposes, the most interesting aspect of these Aristotelian ideas is that they
represent a classical and commonsense position which deeply permeates current
thought and practice in cognitive science, particularly AI. Recognising their origin, and
their manifold manifestations (in for example, Boolean logic, probability theory and
classical physics) allows us to begin to see the possibilities of alternatives to these
modes of thought (or mathematical models), and the likely implications of alternatives.
12The discussion in this section, while a direct development on the Aristotelian ideas met so far, is somewhat
tangential to the primary discussion on universals and realism, and may be read separately.
framework for understanding, not only objects but also systems. Consider, for example,
the following definitions [51]: the material cause13 is the passive receptacle on
which the remaining causes act; the formal cause is the essence, idea or quality of the
thing concerned; the efficient cause is the external compulsion that bodies have to
obey; the final cause, for a machine, is its use, aim or purpose. With these more
general definitions, it is possible to relate this causal framework to the
operational/symbolic distinction made by Varela which is discussed in section 1.5
above. The material, formal and efficient causes belong to the operational description
of a system —they all involve categories or relations within the phenomenology of the
operation of the system. The final cause on the other hand, which can be interpreted
in terms of purpose or use, does not pertain to the machine’s operation — it is not a
feature of its organisation. Rather it belongs to our description of the machine in a
context wider than the machine itself —in other words, Varela’s symbolic explanation.
Rosen [12] is even more explicit about these relationships and uses this causal
framework to directly interpret the dynamics of systems. Consider for example the
dynamical system description in terms of the rate equations:
| - t„fcP(0)
13It is important to distinguish materiality (involving the properties of components that define them as
physical entities) and material cause as defined, which has very little to do with matter.
/ i|rf(...»PCOdT
Consider, for example the rate equations for a general dynamic system where the
environmental controls and genomic labelling are temporarily omitted
d xi
'*We can, for example, only talk about control if we have some external observer setting a reference point
for the system to attempt to attain. Such a reference or set point cannot be something intrinsic to the
organisation (in this case the dynamics) of the system itself. If it were, the system would be useless for
control purposes as itwould always try to Teach some internally determined set point, regardless of external
lsRosen uses the term simple here in a very particular sense: he means that itispossible to define a particular
set of system observables (a state space) and a set of differential equations over these observables (a velocity
vector field on the state or phase space), which ifthey initially satisfy some criterion for approximating the
dynamics of the system, will continue to do so for an arbitrary length of time. However complicated the
model is, it is essentially a finite and fixed description of the system. In information terms, once the
empirical process of determining what the appropriate observables and real or abstract "forces" are, no further
information isrequired by an observer, to correct or maintain the approximation offered by this model. Rosen
claims that in general, this is not true of even the least complicated living or biological systems and thus
refers to these as complex systems. In other words, while it may be possible to construct a multitude of
partial models of the Newtonian type for biological systems which can approximate the behaviour of the
systems, these approximations are only local and temporary. As the "complex" system develops in time, the
discrepancy between what the "complex" system is actually doing, and the predictions of the "simple"
Newtonian model, grows in an unbounded fashion. Wh e n the discrepancy becomes intolerably large, it
becomes necessary to replace the initial "simple" model with another, typically involving both different
observables (which are not necessarily functions of the original ones), and a different set of dynamics. An
observer trying to predict the system’s behaviour needs to regularly get more information about the actual
system behaviour in order to maintain the accuracy of his short term predictions. It is in this sense that it
can be said that information isfixed for a Rosen-simple system, just as Varela argues it is for a case where
the representational paradigm is appropriate.
f axl
J \
»*„) “ ^
an inhibitor of xr
Now, there are many situations where this type of activation-inhibition description is
more appropriate than a rate-equation description, typical examples being biochemical,
neural and ecological systems. Here, it is often not possible to determine the absolute
value of certain variables and the "forces" acting on them, only the differential
excitatory or inhibitory inter-relationships between variables. In fact, given cartain
types of activation-inhibition or network descriptions, a corresponding dynamical
system description may not even exit If we have a description of a system in terms
of s we can only go to a rate-equation formulation if the differential form for each
“i ■ E v fy
If uijk is positive, then xk enhances or potentiates the effect of Xj on x t and we can call
xk an agonist of Xj. Similarly if uijk is negative we can call xk an antagonist of xr For
arbitrary systems there is no special reason why the condition for exactness of the
differential form should hold. When a differential form cannot be integrated to give
an equation involving the jc. ’ s only, it is referred to as a non-holonomic constraint.
(There are other types of non-holonomic constraint which do not involve differentials,
but instead limit the motion of the system to particular parts of the state space. See for
example [52]). Each such equation of constraint between the Jt.’s and the d x 's can
be used to eliminate one degree of freedom of velocity but not the corresponding
configurational coordinate in the phase space. Because we cannot obtain a rate-
equation formulation for systems involving such non-holonomic constraints, we cannot
describe the system in terms of separate categories of causation as in the so-called
Rosen-simple Newtonian-type formulation described above. Components of the system
may play more than one causal role at a given time, as is typical of systems with a
circular organisation16, systems which Rosen explicitly describes as complex. In
particular there is no such thing in this case as a set of states which are assignable to
the system for once and for all17. Also, these non-holonomic constraints are examples
of the type of regularities that an external observer might describe as symbolic in
Varela’s terms. Perhaps this type of situation is characteristic of systems which display
non-trivial metadynamical organisation [53].
The point of this section is not simply to add to the development of the idea of
universals or the realist/anti-realist arguments. Nor does this section attempt a
unification of the pseudo-Platonist universal used in perception, and Varela’s views on
autopoiesis and perception, with Rosen’s ideas on systems. The objective is to
illustrate the fact that the philosophical arguments of epistemology and ontology have
close parallels in more concrete and more familiar fields. It may be that such a
unification is possible, or that at least the different results arise from similar sources,
but I suspect that the mathematical tools required to demonstrate this are not yet
2.2.4 Anti-realism
Returning to the discussion on universals, if realism is the view that universals have
real existence, then the diametrically opposed view is referred to as nominalism. This
is the notion that the universal is a name (or word) without any real existence.
Conceptualism, holding the middle ground between these two extremes, is the view
that the universal does not exist in the real world, but has a real existence as an idea
in our mind. One way of viewing the realist stance is that the mind can only
apprehend particulars by virtue of their ability to apprehend universals. The common
denominator among the spectrum of anti-realist views which oppose this position is
16Note that by circular organisation we do not simply intend systems with feedback, as even the simplest
systems which can be expressed in terms of rate equations include feedback.
17The condition for exactness of the differential fonn above is that both the activadon-inhibition network
relationships and the agonist-antagonist network relationships are completely symmetrical with respect to an
interchange of any pair of indices. According to Rosen, this also is a highly nongeneric situation. It is
possible to consider a hierarchy of networks, uiJh uijd, and so on, each modulating the properties of those
below it in the hierarchy. If the system is describable by a set of rate-equations, every layer above these is
found simply by differentiating. But, on the other hand, if any of the differential forms constructed using
these quantities are inexact, the layers become independent of eachother and itis not possible to find a rate-
equation formulation under any circumstances.
that the mind can directly apprehend the particular. In the nominalist position there are
only general words like "dog", and no universals in the sense of entities like
"doghood". The logical (if extreme) conclusion of this viewpoint has to be that there
is nothing in common between the particular objects covered by the same general
name. This position, which Watanabe [19, p.52] refers to as radical nominalism is
discussed further below in section 2.3.1.
For conceptualism, universals are thoughts or ideas in, and constructed by, the mind.
That is, universals are concepts in the mind of those who understand the general word
whose meaning the universal is. Plato had rejected this notion as an explanation of
why the world is as it is, which he claimed his Forms explained. These ideas came to
the fore in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and are largely associated with
empiricists such as Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Locke, writing in his "Essay
Concerning Human Understanding" (quoted in [19, p.52]) claims:
General and universal belong, not to the real existence o f things, but are
inventions of the understanding, made by it for its own use, and concern
only signs, whether words or ideas ... Words are general when used for
signs of general ideas and so are applicable indifferently to many particular
things; and ideas are general when they are set up as the representatives of
many particular things. But universality belongs, not to things themselves,
which are all o f them particular in their existence ... [when] we quit
particulars the generals that rest are only creatures of our own making,
their general nature being nothing but the capacity they are put into the
understanding, o f signifying or representing many particulars.
There are a number of points of interest to us here. The most straightforward one is
that universals or concepts or generalisations are constructs of the mind which are
found to be useful and can be represented as, or are equivalent to symbols (cf. Locke’s
use of the term "signs"). Secondly, he pointed out the role of general idea as an
abstraction, leaving out all the particular ideas of individual particular objects that are
not common between the objects. It is interesting to note that this is exactly the same
sentiment as the modem notion of abstraction used in pattern recognition.
There is however, one point with which we would like to take issue, i.e., the notion
of the real existence of particular objects. This, we argue, is itself a construct of the
mind, for an object is not perceived independently of observation. Perception, we
submit, is based solely on primitive observations, or measurement of predicates, and
the relationships between measurements. Perception as such, consists only of the
satisfaction of generalisations (concepts or universals). Popper makes what is
essentially the same point, claiming that association psychology — the psychology of
Locke, Berkeley and Hume —was merely a translation of Aristotelian subject-predicate
logic into psychological terms.
Aristotelian logic deals with statements like ‘Men are mortal’. Here are two
‘terms’ and a ‘copula’ which couples or associates them. Translate this into
psychological terms and you will say that thinking consists in having the
‘ideas’ of man and mortality ‘associated’. [44, p.76]
Interpreting the general idea as a mental image, Berkeley attacked Locke’s method of
abstraction. He claimed that:
we cannot have an image of a man who is neither tall nor short, or who is
simultaneously tall and short. Even if we think of a man in general, we have
to imagine a man with a certain tallness. [19, p 5 4 ]
The alternative interpretation of "general idea" as a logical condition or abstract
symbol (particularly in terms of abstract concepts such as white or large) is immune
to Berkeley’s criticism, but also of little use in understanding perception.18
Berkeley’s own belief on the nature of the universal has much in common with the
modem ideas of epicentric pattern recognition, and Watanabe’s notion of paradigmatic
symbol. He claimed:
“Note that in many cases here, both the philosophical ideas presented and the counter arguments seem to
both have merit, certainly to the author’s mind. Some of the complication arises because of the confusion
between the complementary processes of classification and grouping, in pattern recognition terminology,
which are both forms of generalization or inductive inference, (see section 6.2).
that all general ideas are nothing but particular ones [ideas], annexed to a
certain term which gives them a more extensive signification, and makes
them recall upon occasion, other individuals which are similar to them. [19,
Hume goes further, claiming that it is impossible to conceive any quantity or quality
without forming a precise notion of its degree. Everything that exists is, for Hume, a
particular idea. Yet, we are not excluded from considering general concepts which are
possibly ill-defined or involving an infinite extension, by the finiteness of our mental
capacity. This is because
... abstract ideas [though] in themselves individual, may become general in
their representation. The image in the mind is only that o f a particular
object, tho’ the application o f it in our reasoning be the same as if it were
universal. When we have found a resemblance among several objects that
often occur to us, we apply the same name to all o f them, whatever
difference we may observe in the degrees o f quantity or quality, and
whatever other differences may appear among them. After we have acquired
a custom o f this kind, the hearing o f that name revives the idea o f one o f
these objects, and makes the imagination conceive it with all its particular
circumstances and proportions.
(Chapter VII, A Treatise o f Human Nature), [19, p5 5 ].
And again, from chapter IV:
All simple ideas may be separated and reunited differently by the
imagination. There is no fixed rule fo r recombination by the imagination, but
there exist certain guiding principles. These principles are to be regarded
‘as a gentle force, which commonly prevails. ... nature in a manner pointing
out to everyone these simple ideas, which are most proper to be united in
a complex one. The qualities from which this association arises, and by
which the mind is after this manner convey’d from one idea to another, are
three, viz. Resemblance, Contiguity in time or place, and Cause and Effect.
[19, p 5 6 ]
There are three crucial aspects to Hume’s ideas: the notion that only particular
examples are ever instantiated in the mind; that these particular examples can ‘stand
for’ others in what amounts to generalisation, and finally, that the extent and type of
this generalisation is determined by a process of identifying resemblance.
The first aspect of Hume’s ideas is precisely what we would expect within the
framework of visual perception presented here: the mental representation of any
perceptual idea, either in the perception or in the recollection, consists of the
simultaneous activation of many different perceptual concepts at different levels of
abstraction. The latter two aspects of Hume’s idea amount to a description of an
inductive generalisation, in this case, based on resemblance. Now, Hume had rejected
the notion of a logical induction, but here describes an extra-logical non-necessary
generalisation as an intrinsic part of perception. Like Locke and Berkeley he believed
that complex ideas (perceived or recollected ideas) could be constructed from simple
ideas (more primitive sensations) by a process of learning through connection or
association. In common with the other empiricists, he rejects innate ideas because they
mean fixed association but he differs in his description of the process of learning
through association. He claimed that there are no fixed rules for recombination (of
simple ideas) by the mind. Rather, there exist certain guiding principles related to
resemblance, continuity in time or space and cause and effect —principles which can
be regarded as the non-necessary non-compelling heuristics which must be introduced
in order to overcome any inductive ambiguity19. (Cf. Chapter 6).
From Plato, then, we have the idea of Form which emphasises properties (predicates)
and function over substance20, and also the rejection of the real existence of particular
objects. This leads to the recognition that perception involves relationships between
groups of observations or measurements of predicates — this is the only way we can
come to know anything. Conversely, what we perceive with our senses are not objects
or sense data, but simply observations based on previous experience of similar
observations21. In truth, Plato’s concern was principally with the nature of reality and
what we are doing here is carrying over his ideas to a view of the nature of
perception. From the conceptualists on the other hand, we carry over Hume’s ideas on
(an extra-logical) inductive association of particular observations to form perceptions.
In addition, we get the notion that the visual sense only has a particular perception -
not an abstraction with fewer predicates — but that this particular perception can be
used qua a universal.
19H u m e ’s "guiding principles" might be the early precursors of our m o d e m information processing principles,
like the Hebb-type rules, or Linsker’s infomax principle, or Barlow’s ideas on reliable, non-redundant
communication elements.
20W e are not particularly interested here in the source of these Forms according to Plato, or their status as
"objects". It is the use of the Forms which is instructive in terms of developing an understanding of
2IW e return to discuss the implications of the regress involved in this idea later.
It may seem trite to say this, but in modem parlance, this view is in essence that
perception involves the communication of signals, and the processing of these signals
so that decisions can be made on the basis of them. The nature of these decisions is
not determined by the properties of the physical world alone (that is, the existance of
objects with given properties), but by the nature of the perceptual system whose
structure is compatible with a particular physical world, and whose particular decisions
about what is to be perceived, are triggered by signals from this world. What we
would like to know is, what is an appropriate architecture for such a perceptual
system, and what are the information processing principles which give it its structure,
consequent on past experience (particularly at critical times)? That the above
discussion on objects and universals needs to be entertained at all, in order to arrive
at this conclusion about signals and decisions, is indicative of the somewhat confused
thinking that characterizes the representational position.
The antithesis to the position taken above on the role of the universal in the processes
of perception, centres around the real existence of particular objects, which can only
be seen one way — the way they objectively are (i.e. objectivism). Seeing then
involves regenerating some explicit internal representation of the nature of these
objects, mediated by objective (though possibly ambiguous and noisy) information
about their nature (i.e. representationalism). In classical philosophy, this was
effectively the nominalist position, which though anti-realist, curiously shares much
with Aristotle’s emphesis on substance. Watanabe shows how the purely logical
extrapolation of nominalism is untenable, and it is to this subject that we turn in the
next section.
Most modem pattern recognition is based on some form of similarity theory — the
commonsense view of classes as a collection of particular similar objects. That is
(i) what really exist are particulars, not universals;
(ii) the particular objects in a class are bound together by similarity.
Here, the non-necessary, non-compelling induction associated with Hume’s notion of
similarity is often forgotten — or replaced by a heuristic device which is not always
made explicit. It is interesting to note how heavily this view of pattern recognition is
based on the Aristotelian philosophy of the reality of particular objects — the idea of
a fixed neutral object-predicate relationship and the existence of natural kinds. We
have already mentioned some objections to these Aristotelian ideas. Further objections,
some counter-examples and a thorough discussion on theill-defined nature of the
notion of similarity can be found in [19, Chap. 3].
This somewhat startling result comes to us in the form of the quaintly titled "Theorem
o f the Ugly Duckling "22. This theorem states that:
Insofar as we use a finite set of predicates that are capable of distinguishing
any two objects considered, the number of predicates shared by any two
objects is constant, independent of the choice of the two objects. [19, p.82;
47, p.376]
The use of the number of predicates shared (simultaneously affirmed or denied) as a
measure of similarity does not restrict the range of validity of the theorem. This is
because any given definition of similarity on a finite set of distinguishable objects can
(if necessary using an arbitrary degree of quantization of continuous variables) be used
as a basis for a similarity measure of this form. According to Watanabe this theorem
22The title seems to arise from the fact that logically, and on the basis of empirical data only, a swan and
a duck on the one hand, or two swans on the other, (insofar as they are distinguishable) are equally similar.
is simply a rigorous expression and logical implication of a radical form of
nominalism-, there is no such thing as similarity or dissimilarity as far as a logical
treatment or empirical data are concerned. Any general concept is applicable to any
arbitrary set of objects.
Clearly this cannot be the whole story. The existence of all intelligent life is based on
notions of similarity, classification and generalisation applied to the natural world. The
ability to make and use (and possibly share) mental concepts and generalizations is
probably a necessary characteristic of intelligence. Even the conditioned reflex
described by Pavlov and others requires some form of generalization (presuming the
ability to discriminate different stimuli). There must be some method of escape from
the "booming buzzing confusion" imposed by this radical nominalism. The problem
does not seem to lie with the particular objects and the definition of similarity. We can
quite easily apply measures based on a suitable definition of similarity in a restricted
problem domain and derive useful generalizations or classifications. The fact that
serious problems arise when we tiy to carry over our generalizations or classification
processes to logico-deductive systems, (which computers implement), indicates the
source of the difficulty. The proof of the Theorem of the Ugly Duckling is based on
a logical treatment of empirical data. What we need is some extra-logical or
extra-evidential elements to the argument for measures of similarity. That is, we need
some predicates to be more important that others or some predicates to be
incompatible with (and therefore to interfere with) others. The latter case is a denial
of the suitability of an Aristotelian or Boolean logical framework for a formulation of
the problem of similarity. This is examined further is Chapter 6 below.
overcome the radical nominalism only by axiological considerations. I do
not hereby mean any ultimate value, but various instrumental values towards
more fundamental ends. [19, p.84]
Watanabe considers that mathematically each predicate must be assigned a different
weight (what he calls a preferential pondération) that varies depending on the use that
is going to be made of the resulting classification. He uses an "entropy"-type function
to measure the distribution of these predicate weightings, concluding that we can only
see similarity, and hence grouping of objects, if there is an "uneven" emphasis on the
empirical data about objects:
epistemology can subsist only through its interaction with axiology. It will
be deprived of its major function, concept formation, if it relies only on
observational experience and logical manipulation. What makes cognition
possible is the evaluative pondération, whose origin is aesthetic and
emotional in the broadest sense of the term. [19, p .88]
2.4.1 Induction and evidence
A definition of induction which would probably find most general agreement is one
which says what induction is not: induction is the opposite process to deduction, i.e.
any inference whose premises do not logically entail its conclusions. The following
definitions are also often used: deduction is the derivation of particular facts from a
general rule and induction is the derivation of a general rule from a finite number of
particular facts. Alternatively the distinction is defined as one between logical or
demonstrable inference and probabilistic and non-demonstrable inference [19, p.97].
There are problems with both of these definitions. In the latter case there does exist
a probabilistic deduction and a logical refutation (called "infirmation" [44]) in
induction. In the former, the emphasis on particular and general belies the real nature
of induction. The following inferences illustrate some of these points. (Here H stands
for the hypothesis or general rule assumed; A for an auxiliary fact and D for an
experimental datum)
H: John is a boy.
A: John has brown hair.
D: John is a boy with brown hair.
H: Bill is a boy.
A: Bill has brown hair.
D: Some boys have brown hair.
Of these four inferences [54], the first has specific premises and a specific
conclusion, the second has general premises and a general conclusion, the third has
specific premises and a general conclusion, and the fourth has general premises and
a specific conclusion. All four are deductively valid inferences.
Of these four inferences [19, p.98], the first is deductive, the second is inductive, the
third is a probabilistic deductive inference and the fourth is a probabilistic inductive
inference. The point that is being emphasised here, is that the distinction between
deductive validity and inductive strength lies not in the generality or specificity of the
premises and conclusions, but instead lies in the evidential relationship that exists
between them.
between the two propositions and not on any human opinions or on any other factors
outside these two propositions. Thus, Carnap introduced the probability c(h,e) of a
hypothesis h, which is a function of the relationship between the hypothesis h and the
relevant evidence e only. That this view of the relationship between hypotheses and
evidence is completely untenable is shown below.
“The frequency view of probability can only be used in a roundabout way to discuss induction. See [47,
pp.350-351] for objections to the frequency view of probability. The personalistic view, which involves a
behaviourally observable way of measuring subjective probability is also described in this reference
where p(H) is the degree of confidence we place in hypothesis H without taking into
account the evidential factD and the auxiliary fact A. Thus p(H fDc\A) can be thought
of as an a posteriori inductive probability, while the personalistic probability p(H) is
the a priori inductive probability.
Hume is often credited with proving on logical grounds that induction does not exist
(see for example [44, p.51]). In fact Hume was interested in the connection between
cause and effect which like the universal, he believed, was not a necessary connection,
but was based on an association in the mind created by "habit". What he recognized
was the same origin for the formation of universal ideas and the formation of general
rules by induction, thus showing that induction has no logical foundation.
It is argued here however, that induction in general is not restricted to this particular
process of infirmation —whatever its merits in scientific discovery. Hume recognized
the process of confirmation by positive evidence and the work described here is based
on the assumption that some such process operates as the basis of sensory perception.
Again the Bayesian formula allows the process to be clearly demonstrated: the larger
the deductive probability p(D jH rA ), then the larger the inductive (a posteriori)
probability p(H/DnA), if the a priori probability p(H) remains the same. The a
priori (in the sense of prior to the evidential fact) probability p(H) does influence the
evaluation of a hypothesis p(H /D rA ), but in a extra-evidential, extra-logical way.
The quantitative strength of this factor can never be uniquely, logically and universally
determined. To this extent there is always remaining inductive ambiguity. This effect
is easily seen in the case of scientific discovery and theory building. If experiments
are repeated, particularly in an effort to refute a theory (infirmation), and all
experiments continue to support the theory within the calculated margin of error, then
the effect of confirmation will tend to overwhelm the a priori factor even if this theory
is considered particularly unlikely (p(H) is small). However, insofar as the body of
evidence is always of finite size we can always change the value of the a priori factor
to counteract the evidential factor. This would be the case for example if a rival theory
were proposed which was much simpler or more consistent with an existing
framework. In this case p(Ht) for the first theory would become smaller, and p(H2) of
the newer more pleasing theory would be larger than p(Hj).
In this context it may be useful to introduce to the discussion a notion about scientific
theories which we draw on below in the discussion of perception. Basically, this view
is that there is no such thing as truth in science. Any theory is just a useful model to
correlate the facts. Zukav’s direct style puts the idea very well:
So much for the relationship between the 'truth’ of a scientific assertion and
the nature o f reality. There isn’t any. Scientific ‘truth’ has nothing to do
with ‘the way that reality really is’. A scientific theory is ‘true’ if it is
self-consistent and correctly correlates experience (predicts events). In short,
when a scientist says that a theory is true, he means that it correctly
correlates experience and therefore, it is useful. If we substitute the word
‘useful’ whenever we encounter the word ‘true’ physics appears in its proper
perspective. [50, p 2 8 7 ]
A similar substitution — using ‘useful’ for ‘true’ — puts induction, particularly in
perception, into proper perspective. Induction is not a necessary logical progression.
Any particular inductive step (or inductive jump, or decision) finds its justification not
in how it was achieved, but in how useful it is. An induction is no more true (in the
sense of necessarily following from reality) than any scientific theory is true. As soon
as a more useful theory comes along [55] confidence in the original theory
“ The process of generating new hypotheses or theories and assigning a non-zero prior probability has been
referred to as abduction by Peirce [55]. Little is known about the process except that certainly in the case
of scientific theories it is very difficult to think of even one new hypothesis. It is possible that the process
of generating new hypotheses is related to the process of analogy or the idea of metaphor. These are
probably tempered by the logical consistency of the mind’s theoretical structure and particularly by the
aesthetic harmony between different parts. In any event the mind cannot generate all possible hypotheses
arising from a particular problem structure — the choice of those actually placed for evaluation is made in
a highly contingent fashion. In [30] Varela comments on the complete absence of common sense in the
representational position within cognitive science. In this view the aim isto successfully represent an external
world which is pre-given. Yet, according to Varela, precisely the greatest ability of cognition is to pose the
problems to be addressed at any given moment. See the relevant quotation from Varela in section 1.3.1
problem we cannot also arbitrarily determine p(e/h) because variations in p(h) would
allow this factor to immediately contradict the given value of p(hfe). All that can be
determined along with p(h/e), without being open to contradiction, is p(h). Thus
Carnap’s assumption that c(h,e) is determined by the necessary relationship between
h and e cannot be correct Even though the Bayesian formula is symmetric, there is
a fundamental asymmetry in conditional probabilities. c(h,e) should include the
extra-evidential evaluation embodied in p(h).
2.4.4 Abduction
The over-riding question with inductive inference is exactly what process or
‘reasoning’ allows the inductive jump or decision to be carried out. That is, induction
is not necessary (logical), nor is it based solely on the available evidence or theoretical
structure, nor is it even always correct. Yet induction demonstrably happens and is
usually useful to the organism that makes the generalization.
One possible presumption is that there exists a set of extra logical extra-evidential
guiding principles (like that of the principle of simplicity), which — though giving no
guarantee of the "correctness" of an inductive conclusion — do allow a tentative
evaluation of p(h). This factor, which often leads to the successful progress of an
inferential process, is called a heuristic. Whether or not organisms have a fixed set of
heuristics, the products of accidents of evolution, (consistently useful heuristics help
survival) is not known. Another possibility is that the mind has the ability to generate
heuristics to satisfy particular requirements. We return to the topic of induction to
discuss the various types of induction involved in pattern recognition in section 6.4
below. The notion of minimizing entropy as a heuristic for overcoming inductive
ambiguity in pattern recognition is discussed in section 4.5.
to as the "surplus of signification", the additional significance brought to a physical
world (or enacted) by cognition, and the intrinsic circularity or reciprocal causality of
the neuro-logic of cognition [26]. In the traditional representational view, strongly
embodied within the computer/robot vision community, perception —particularly visual
perception —is considered as something which allows greater control over action. The
primary direction of information flow is considered to be from scene to sensory system
to motor system. The picture suggested by Varela and his collegues turns this idea
almost on its head. Here action is considered primarily as the control of perception,
and information (devoid of the semantic connotations of representationalism) is
considered to flow equally from sensorium to motorium, and vice versa.
The fundamental logic of the nervous system is that of coupling movements
with a stream o f sensory modulations in a circular fashion. ... the state of
activity is brought about most typically by the organism’s motions. To an
important extent, behavior is the regulation of perception.
In fact, in the sort of operational explanation appropriate for discussing the
organization of a cognitive system, there will be no mention of information. The
description will instead involve just circular or cooperative dynamical interactions
between the sensorium and motorium within the cognitive system (which give it its
properties), and the circular dynamical interaction between the motorium and
sensorium, which are mediated by elements of the external physical world (and which
we describe as behaviour).
The neuronal dynamics underlying a perceptuo-motor task is, then a network
affair, a highly cooperative, two-way system, and not a sequential stage-to-
stage information abstraction.
We do not attempt here to situate our discussion solely within this alternative
viewpoint, though clearly our sympathies are strongly aligned with it. Our objectives
here are more of a transitional nature: promoting the transition away from the
traditional picture, by examining some of its shortcomings, and attempting to describe
alternatives. Our approach attempts to use the language and terminology of the
traditional or conventional position and make the corrections or point out the
difficulties as required. The starting point for the Maturana and Varela position is a
radical and complete break with the ideas and terminology adopted heretofore, and it
is sometimes difficult to see at exactly what point the traditional picture breaks down.
If both the ideas presented here and the Maturana and Varela position are correct,
there should be some convergence, and every attempt is made to point out the
parallels, where applicable, but our aim is not simply to present arguments which
support lets say, the autopoietic position.
Recall that in line with Varela’s view on the role of "information” in explanation it is possible to use the
term in a pedagogical or expositional way as long as we do not assume that this is operational for the
^Computers can even help in this process by making changes to visual data — enhancing or "cleaning up"
an image — which eases the task of the viewer.
light sensitive elements are spaced in a fairly irregular pattern. The average spacing
of the daylight sensitive cones changes by two orders of magnitude over the surface
of the retina. Finally, the retina is overlaid by a matrix of blood vessels and there is
a relatively enormous hole (the blind spot) just off-centre in each retina where the
ganglion cell axons exit. The single chambered eye then, is not characterized by its
image quality, but by its ability to move, to adapt, and to transmit an incredible
amount of information to the brain, considering the nature of the components of which
it consists.
Although all these factors cause predictable distortion of the retinal image and it
might, in principle, be possible to correct for them, producing a better representation
of the external world, this approach would betray a misconception of the rationale
behind the function of the eye. The process of extracting information from the
changing optic array has already begun in the retina. What is transmitted to the visual
cortex along the optic nerve is not a "neural image". It is a highly non-redundant set
of physical signal measurements28 extracted from the visual patterns formed on the
retina. In fact it is not even a transformed image in the sense of a synchronized set of
data. It is a continuous flow of information, where information concerning
simultaneous events on the retina can actually reach the cortex at very different times
depending on the nature of events.
“ Measurement is used here in the normal engineering sense rather than in the quantum mechanical sense
used elsewhere in this report.
We must be careful not to claim that such and such an interpretation is all that is
going on. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, to claim on the basis of introspection,
neurological data or mathematical arguments that early biological vision processes
"look like" edge detection or feature detection or Fourier analysis does not mean that
one or more of these must be the first step in a computer vision implementation. That
is an abuse of the role of metaphor. Marr shows that he was sensitive to this point (see
e.g. [9, p.348]) but his notions of computational theory, representation and separate
levels of analysis are particularly susceptible to abuses of this type.
A second, even more fundamental reason is pointed to by Varela [26,24]. This is that
our descriptions of the functional role of aspects of a living system are based on our
access, as observers, to both the system and its environment. But the concepts which
we use to describe the interactions between the system and its environment arc
privileged to us in our role as observers — the system does not have access to them
and they are not operational for the system. The system only has access to its world
through its interactions with what it is not. Whatever in its world is important to it, is
not so because of any objective intrinsic importance of the thing in itself (objectivism
or representationalism), or because the system has "decided" in complete isolation to
assign importance to it (solipsism). Instead the system and its world are the result of
the history of the system’s interactions with its world in the ongoing maintenance of
its (the system’s) identity. What in the system’s world is important to it, is not
necessarily important, or even necessarily accessible, to us in our world consisting of
the system and its environment. We do not necessarily have access to the system’s
perception of its world (as we would if there was an objective, well-defined fixed-
information world), nor does it have independent channels of access to its world other
than through its interactions as a result of its operation [26].
Aristotelian object-predicate notions. Because the visual system has found it useful to
"code" the external world in this way, this does not mean that this is the way the
external world is. It is, so to speak, a useful illusion created by the system, not the
modus operandi of the system. A more practical problem associated with the use of
constraints to discover a computational theory is that of the sufficiency of the
constraints. It is very likely that in all but a few reasonably trivial cases, such as the
cash register example that Marr uses [9], the computational theory will be
underconstrained by the available knowledge of what the system must achieve. Thus
further unjustified biases enter the problem through the introduction of heuristics to
overcome the ambiguity in solution. The assumption that we can understand the direct
computational theory of a perceptual system — "what is being computed, and why and
that this is in some sense sufficient" is in the author’s belief, a dangerous assumption
which has yet to be justified.
ever they occur at the sensory surface, and to do this non-topographical
mapping is required. In this way the whole cortex acquires its unity again,
for it all becomes association area, and the primary projection areas with
good topographic maps are simply regions specializing in the detection of
local association. This is an important change o f viewpoint, fo r the natural
question to ask about a particular cortical locus becomes ‘What types of
information are brought together here?’ rather that 'What is represented
here?’ [16]
From this point of view, a knowledge of the constraints or limiting factors on a real
perceptual system (rather than its imagined computational equivalent) convey much
more about the nature of the information processing problem. W e shall see that very
interesting inferences can be drawn from such things as the regularity of receptor
spacing in the fovea and periphery of the retina; the number of ganglion cells
compared to the number of receptors; the information capacity of neurons; the
connectivity of the cortex and so on. Fundamental to all of this must be the following
realization: Regardless of the length of time over which a species has evolved to its
current form, its perceptual system is not simply an ad hoc assemblage of components
with suitable properties engineered to implement a computational theory which has
been found to be useful. There simply are not enough variables in genes, nor enough
generations in the evolutionary time-span to discover and specify arbitrary perceptual
systems and brains in this way. Rather there must be underlying
information-processing principles which have been discovered by evolution and which
can be exploited to a greater or lesser advantage by each individual species depending
on its biochemical makeup and its ecological niche. These information processing
principles rather than a high level computational theory are what would be common
across species and across perceptual modalities. These are the goals of our research
— to recognise the importance of their existance and the nature of their operation.
In 1979, Francis Crick [57], one of the discoverers of DNA, warned of two dangers
which must be avoided in constructing a general theory of the brain. One is the fallacy
of the homunculus which is discussed below, the other is the fallacy of the "overwise"
neuron. If a computational theory is claimed to be any more than a "commentary" on
an evolved information processing system, it has fallen foul of one aspect of this latter
danger. In an attempt to understand and reproduce perceptual systems, such as a visual
sense, or particular modalities such as stereopsis, we should not presume to know or
be able to discover all there is to know about sensing in that particular way. Our
guesses and our framework are hopelessly biased. Instead we should try to discover
the constraints on existing visual systems and their underlying information processing
principles. We should try to discover what information is being brought together at a
locus in the system, taking care not to attribute too much to capabilities of any
particular components or subsystems. It is with these ideas in mind that we examine
information processing in the retina and cortex in the following chapters.
2.6 Summary
The ideas of object-predicate inversion introduced by Watanabe are extremely useful
for pointing out an alternative way of addressing the perception of an external world.
In particular we have tried to argue for the view that objects are not directly perceived
but rather are artifacts of our perceptual mechanisms which are mediated by the
observation, measurement or evaluation of predicates. This in turn leads to the
assertion that the nature of perception is one of relationships between predicates which
is discussed further in chapter 7 below. In addition we see that the only way of
overcoming the radical nominalism inherent in a completely logical empirical approach
to pattern recognition is to in some sense associate a value or level of importance to
predicates and this notion of value or usefulness is one to which we return again.
Finally in a discussion on the nature of the camera/eye analogy the fallacies of the
homunculus and the overwise neuron were implicated in some of the misconceptions
about the role of the visual system.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
Just over a century ago Ramon y Cajal published his first studies on the retina using
the Golgi method. Because of its orderly organization in alternate layers of cell bodies
and intercellular contacts and the easy identification of the main direction of the
nervous message flow, Cajal was able to draw important conclusions about the basic
organizational principles of the nervous system. These led directly to his theories of
the neuron doctrine and "dynamic polarization" of nerve cells which are the basis of
modem understanding of the information processing function of the neuron [58].
Over the intervening 100 years, the retina (which developmentally is part of the brain)
has continued to be a focus of great interest in terms of its anatomy, its physiology
and the processing functions which it contrives to carry out on the incoming visual
data. Much of the earlier work on electrophysiology (directly monitoring the activity
of single nerves) was carried out on the compound eyes of invertebrates, because of
the difficulty of using similar measurements on vertebrate eyes. Lately many of the
gaps have been filled in with work on the eyes of higher animals including cats and
monkeys and, as we shall see, the basic information-processing functions carry over
with only minor modifications and extensions.
The relevance here of this material is that because the structure and function of the
retina are quite well understood, and quite well explained in terms of signal and
information theoretic considerations, we are given an insight into the constraints that
these early parts of the visual system need to satisfy and the information processing
principles that they might use to satisfy them. The importance of a thorough
understanding of the concepts that underlie the operation of any part of a neural
system cannot be over-emphasised. Otherwise any attempts to model these systems
amounts to little more than mimicry. An example of the type of problem is the
arguments used by Marr [9, 59] and others to justify a theory of "edge-detection"
on the basis of what seemed to be the function of the ganglion cells in the cat retina.
This theory ignored an amount of relevant data which was available even then. This
data indicated that edge-detection was at the very least an over-simplification and most
probably an over-extension of what could be inferred from the evidence (cf. Barlow’s
"overwise" neuron fallacy mentioned in section 2.5.3). Nevertheless, the same
arguments continued to be used in the computer vision community for several years
This does not mean that we should be complacent about the information theoretic
explanations discussed here. After all, our explanations of the functioning of something
like a neural system are just that: our explanations, from the privileged position we
occupy as observers. They are not operational for the system. Thus, attributing the
property of detecting "edges" to a system is dependent on our ability to generate and
discriminate the concept of an edge, and simultaneously describe the operation of the
system with our criteria of discrimination - they are not properties that are theory
neutral. On the other hand, information theoretic ideas are at least nearer to the
operational level of a system than explanations in terms of edges or features, and are
therefore less tied-up with our particular conception of the way we see the world (our
world). These ideas are explored with an emphasis on the constraints that are
responsible for the present form of the retinal structures being examined.
'There has been some debate as to whether there are theoretical reasons why a log compression should be
used and ifthe compressive process in biological vision systems is best approximated by a log. It seems that
in any case, the actual function is different for different species, and different light levels, and is often best
modelled as a power law [60, 11].
slow temporal changes in light intensity such as those due to diurnal fluctuations, are
filtered out and cannot be seen.
Similarly Hartline et al discovered in 1956 [56, p.36] that slow spatial change in light
pattern across the eye are also ignored. The mechanisms which are mainly responsible
for implementing these filtering processes are mutual lateral inhibition (effectively
high-pass spatial filtering) and self-inhibition (effectively high-pass temporal filtering).
G anglion ceils
In n er synaptic layer
A m acrine cells
B ipolar cells
H orizontal cells
O u te r synaptic layer
R eceptor nuclei
R eceptors
P ig m en ted layer
(E p ith eliu m cells)
Figure 2. A highly schematic cross-section through the vertebrate retina. Note that the
light passes through the semi-transparent layers of neurons before being detected by
the photoreceptors. Adapted from [9, p.338].
The vertebrate retina is more complex than the arrangement of neurons in the
ommatidia of compound eyes of invertebrates [56, p.39, 61]. In information
processing terms however it still has much in common with these. It generally consists
of three layers of nerve-cell bodies separated by two layers containing synapses made
by the axons and dendrites of these cells. The first cell layer, nearest the back of the
eye consists of the light receptors —the rods and the cones. The middle layer contains
the bipolar cells, the horizontal cells and amacrine cells. The bipolar cells receive
input from the receptors and feed their output to the third layer of cells —the ganglion
cells which output directly to the brain. The bipolars are part of what is described as
the direct path, linking receptors to the output of the retina produced by the ganglion
cells. As well as this direct path of information flow, there are two lateral pathways.
In the outer plexiform layer the dendrites of horizontal cells (which, usually, have no
axons), form synapses with receptors and bipolars cells and "gap-junctions" with each
other. In the layer of connections nearest the front of the eye, the inner plexiform
layer, the processes of the amacrine cells, interconnect with the bipolar axons and the
ganglion cell dendrites. Some ganglion cells receive their input from bipolar and
amacrines, some receive input only from amacrines. The axons of the ganglion cells
pass across the inner (front) surface of the retina, collect in a bundle at the optic disk
(or blind spot) and exit as the optic nerve to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of
the brain.
Probably the most striking facts about the eye are: the number and arrangement of
photoreceptors; their ability to respond to single quanta of light; and their ability to
resolve to the diffraction limit. There are about 120 million rods which are responsible
for vision in dim light and about 6.5 million cones which do not respond in dim light
but are responsible for our ability to see colour, motion and fine detail in "normal"
daylight Our principal interest here is in the vision mediated by these cones. Recent
work has clarified the relationship between the cone mosaic in fovea and periphery,
the eye’s optics, and neural processing in the retina, in the provision of the acuity
measured by experiments in visual psychophysics [62]
3.3 Fovea
3.3.1 Foveal acuity
Diffraction at the pupil and aberrations in the optics of the eye cause the retinal image
to be blurred. Under optimal conditions the point spread function has a diameter of
about 1 min, of arc. In terms of spatial frequency, the contrast of a retinal image falls
Figure 3. Contrast sensitivity curves for the cat (left) and man (right). Adapted from
[11, p .l 18].
by an order of magnitude between 0 and 35 cycles per degree (c/°) and is negligible
above 60c/°. In the fovea, the blurred retinal image is sampled by an array of cones
which form an accurate triangular lattice. The cone inner segments (the active sensing
element) fill most of the area between them. This normally has the dual effect of
maximizing the quantum catch, (thereby minimizing the photon noise), but also of
reducing the spatial frequency response because of integration of light across the cone
aperture. However, with a point spread function of the eye of about 5pm, the 2.3pm
diameter of the cone aperture means that the blurring due to integration across the
aperture is small. (Loss of contrast is less than 25% at 60c/°). The minimum
centre-to-centre spacing between human foveal cones is about 2.8-3.0pm. With a row
spacing in the triangular2 lattice of 2.4-2.6pm (0.5-0.54 min. of arc) the spatial
sampling frequency yields a Nyquist limit of 56-60c/° [62]. These measurements have
been confirmed by the generation of fine laser interference fringes directly on the
retina of human observers who report the Moiré patterns formed by the cone mosaic.
The Moiré patterns are coarsest at a frequency of 110-120c/° and can be seen up to
^ e row spacing is important here because the lowcut spatial frequency gratings that can produce aliasing
in a triangular array are those oriented in one of the three orientations lying parallel to rows of sampling
frequencies of 150-160c/°. They also show a 60° rotational periodicity and some
distortion consistent with a slightly irregular triangular lattice.
The fact the Moiré fringes cannot be seen in the fovea under normal viewing condition
indicates that the eye’s optics remove the higher spatial frequencies from the retinal
images which would cause abasing. This would suggest that diffraction and aberration
are the limiting factors on spatial acuity rather than receptor density. The particular
form of the eye represents a choice between a larger pupil diameter, where diffraction
would be reduced at the expense of aberrations, or a smaller diameter which would
reduce aberrations but cause diffraction to limit acuity. Interestingly, it may actually
be the cones’ size and spacing which are the ultimate limit to spatial acuity, with the
optics evolving to a stage where they do not interfere with the acuity achievable with
the minimum cone spacing. Cones smaller that 2pm have never been found, even in
very small eyes, and there is remarkable constancy in cone diameter over a large range
of eye sizes [16, 63]. The apparent minimum "allowed" spacing of cones, may be
required to prevent optical "cross-talk" between the outer segments of receptors. These
segments are essentially short optical waveguides, with limited ability to retain incident
light due to the limited refractive index differences in the biochemical materials
available. Photons captured by one cone could easily cause a photopolymerization (the
first step in the detection of a photon) in a neighbouring cone, if the spacing were
sufficiently small. Many structural details of the eye, including the pupil diameter and
optical quality, may be a consequence of the need to optically isolate cone outer
segments, rather than the cone spacing being a consequence of the lack of further
evolutionary pressure from the poor optical quality. The match between the highest
frequency passed by the eye’s optics and the resolution limit set by the spacing
between cones at the foveal centre has long been known [64]. This recent
explanation of which of the two factors, optics or cone separation, is responsible for
the actual acuity value puts the meaning of acuity in new light [16].
as the hawk.3 Yet, even the compound eyes common in many insects have achieved
similar discriminatory capacity [11, 65]. It seems that remarkably simple neuronal
systems can derive substantial survival benefit from the vast amount of data, or the
high level of interactability, which high acuity vision supplies. It is mentioned above
that the optical quality of the single chambered eye is poor in relation to a simple
single lens camera. In an optical system where the sensing element spacing is
consistently pushed to its biochemical limit, not only is the processing system (the
retina and the brain) well able to deal with the vast amount of data, but it is also able
to extract useful information from poor optical- and geometrical-quality image
projections. This fact says quite a bit about neural systems. It indicates that it is
relatively easy to generate the appropriate neural hardware and get it to interconnect
and adapt to carry out useful functions. It tells us that while there may be some
specialist adaptation of neural systems, as in the retina, that largely we should expect
that neural systems of great power can be constructed with networks of basic neural
components coupled with general information processing principles widely and flexibly
applied. We shall see that with the exception of the retina itself, most of the
information processing apparatus of the cortex seems to be very flexible and based on
a small number of general information processing concepts. What innate structure there
is, seems to specify mostly the gross mapping from site to site. This type of mapping
can and has been subverted [66], exposing the effects of the underlying information
processing principles4.
As mentioned above, we do have to be careful about using evolution as a prop for our
theories. Crick warns of the danger of arguing in anything other than the broadest
’The fovcal depression (or pit), where the upper layers are spread aside, exposing the underlying receptors
to direct light may, in the hawk, act as a further optical element. The tissue of the retina itself, which
contains mainly transparent neurons and their processes, has a higher refractive index than the overlying
vitreous humour. This, coupled with the shape of the interface between the two, means that they act as a
diverging lens. It has the effect of both magnifying the image incident on the cone active elements and
correcting for aberration. This beautiful adaptation which helps to give the hawk 2-2Vi times belter acuity
than man, must surely represent the absolute limit of what is achievable with the available physical and
biochemical processes.
4It has been shown [66] that early developmental manipulations of the cortex can induce sensory projections
from one modality (eg. the retina) to project to cortex belonging to a different sensory modality (eg. the
auditory cortex). The fascinating result of these manipulations is that they can have a significant influence
on the internal connectivity, or microcircuitry of the cortex. This gives rise, eg., in the auditory cortex, to
cells with response characteristics similar to visual cortex. The laminar character and interlaminar patterns
of connectivity were not significantly affected - they were very much as they would have been in the visual
cortex — yet these structures are not observed in the auditory cortex under normal conditions.
possible terms about constraints imposed by evolution, — whether it could have done
this, or could not have done that [57]. On the other hand, The author would also
disagree with the argument commonly used in computer vision (see e.g. Marr [9,
p. 19]) that because such-and-such is a mathematically optimal solution to a problem
and evolution has had an enormously long time to work, it must have happened on this
solution. If as Crick suggests, constraints are searched for by us with caution and
confirmed with direct experiment then we may find valuable pointers to what is or is
not possible and avoid the pitfalls of over-specificity or over-presumption. The
"cross-talk" between receptors pointed to by Barlow is one such constraint which can
give a perspective on another aspect of the problem (in this case neural information
processing) and show the direction of a fruitful research framework.
That the neural processing of visual signals is not a factor which strongly limits acuity
has been implied by further results derived with the interference fringe techniques
mentioned above. These involve the measurement of foveal contrast sensitivity when
the fringes are constructed directly on the retina [67]. The results suggest that neural
blurring is roughly comparable to optical blurring under optimal condition. On average,
only 8% contrast was required by observers to detect fringes with a spatial frequency
of 60c/°. This indicates that the retina manages to carry out processing and coding
functions which involve massive data compression and extended lateral interactions
without substantially "blurring" spatial information — a further sign that it has not
reached the limit of what is possible with this type of neural processing. These results
are also consistent with the belief that the receptive-field centres of some ganglion
cells are fed by a single cone. Such a belief is quite tenable as it is the simplest
configuration which would maintain acuity, but it does not tell us very much about the
nature of the processing carried out by the configuration.
Wavelength (nm)
In contrast to the dual function of red and green cones, the blue-sensitive cones which
comprise the remaining 10% of the cone population contribute little to spatial vision,
but extensively to colour perception. Their absorption spectrum is strongly shifted from
that of the red and green and thus provides a strong colour difference signal.
Blue-sensitive cones are particularly sparse in the very centre of the fovea, which
minimizes the loss in resolution that would be caused by the interruption of the
red-green mosaic. It might be expected that the paucity of blue-sensitive cones in the
fovea would cause aliasing of blue components of incident light. Aliasing can be
demonstrated in the lab using the interference techniques mentioned above, but there
are two reasons why it is avoided in the natural course of events. Firstly chromatic
aberrations of the blue components cause strong blurring of these components without
substantial deleterious effects on the spatial acuity mediated by the red/green
combination. Of course this also contributes to the low spatial resolution of colour
perception (maximum acuity is 6-10c/° [68]). Nevertheless the brain seems to be
able to combine the high resolution luminance information with this low resolution
colour information to produce a unified high resolution spatial colour percept which
is accurate in most cases.5 The second way in which the blue mosaic is protected
from inaccurate percepts due to aliasing arises from the fact that blue-sensitive cone
mosaic forms a lattice which is somewhere between being perfectly regular and
perfectly random. The net effect of this is that frequencies above the nominal Nyquist
limits (given by the average inter-cone spacing) are not converted into conspicuous
Moire patterns, but instead are scattered into broadband noise [62,68,69].
3.4 Extrafovea
3.4.1 Extrafoveal sampling
Outside the fovea the average spacing between cones increases rapidly. At 4° of
eccentricity the average sampling rate has dropped by a factor of three. By 10° the
spacing is an order of magnitude down on the foveal value. Optical quality on the
other hand, declines slowly, suggesting that aliasing may be an important factor in the
visual performance of the extra fovea. Apart from change in average cone spacing
there is a striking change in the cone mosaic with increasing eccentricity from the
fovea. By 2-3° the cone mosaic has "degenerated" into an almost random lattice with
no obvious regularity and with the space between the cones filled with rod receptors.
The lattice is not completely random however. A perfectly random (2-dimensional
Poisson) array would have no Nyquist limit in the sense in which a regular anray does,
and therefore it would never produce Moiré effects due to aliasing. The cost is a
^Two cases where the eye is "fooled" by high resolution colour patterns are the heiringbone pattern of
coloured tweed viewed at a certain distance and the "pointillistic" style of painting. Here the eye can
distinguish the spatial variation of luminance, but the colours of the individual spatial features cannot be
resolved and "run" or bleed into each other.
B 120
S ru.
o ^
c2 g 80
o i 60
o «3
55 ^ 40
60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80°
Temporal on Retina Nasal
Angle from Direction of Gaze
Figure 5. Rod and cone distribution as a function of angular position on the retina.
Adapted from [60, p.31].
scattering of spectral energy of all frequencies into a "veil of white noise" [69]. Yellott
has shown, by taking the optical power spectra of cone array sampling points, that the
cones provide a novel form of optimal spatial sampling. The semi-irregular cone array
is optimal in the sense that the minimal noise is introduced for spatial frequencies
below the nominal Nyquist limits (computed on the basis of a regular array with the
same local sample spacing or sample point density). For spatial frequencies above the
local Nyquist limits, conspicuous Moire patterns are avoided by scattering the pattern
energy into broadband noise [69] .6
There are conflicting views about whether the irregularity of the extra-foveal cone
mosaic is a device which has been selected for by evolution to defeat aliasing
distortion [69], or if it is simply a residual disorder as a result of a lack of selection
sIn the same way that blue cones within the fovea avoid aliasing by virtue of forming a semi-iiTegular lattice
structure, the coloured fringes which appear on a television because of aliasing of the colour signal could
be avoided. This would require the resampling of the colour signal (which is initially sampled at the same
resolution as the luminance signal because of the use of RGB filtering) in a low-resolution semi-irregular
way as opposed to the low-resolution regular way now used. The properties of lattices other than square and
rectangular is a fascinating topic which deserves further study. For example it has been recently shown that
Penrose lattices with a 5-fold symmetry have the property of blocking out some frequency bands entirely
while allowing others.
pressure for further regularity [70]. Whichever is nearer to the truth there are a
number of reasons why aliased patterns (for a regular array) or aliasing noise (for an
irregular array) may not be a significant problem for extrafoveal vision. Most of the
time the eye is not well accommodated to objects projected on the periphery: to
scrutinize something, the eye makes a saccade to allow the image to be projected onto
the fovea and then accommodates to bring the foveal image into focus. It is also
suspected that light scatter in pre-receptoral layers of the peripheral retina causes a
blurring of the projected image in these regions. Finally it has been shown [71] that
natural scenes have most of their power appearing at low frequencies. These three
factors all have the effect of giving low contrast at higher spatial frequencies and
consequently reducing problems due to aliasing noise.
The decrease in sample spacing of the foveal mosaic to the limit allowed by the
refractive indices of available biochemical materials may have been closely associated
with the development of the parvo system in primates. The much older (in
evolutionary terms) magno system seems to be responsible in primates for the
detection and processing of motion, stereo and depth cues and for gestalt grouping
effects. It is not capable of the detailed and sustained scrutiny of patterns or objects
necessary for fine manipulation. The newer, and in the primate, much more extensive
parvo system is capable of sustained and detailed pattern scrutiny (though this ability
is substantially degraded by motion and lacks the gestalt abilities characteristic of the
magno system). It is impossible to say at this stage if any one of the three adaptations
of (i) fine cone sampling for high acuity (ii) the parvo system for object/pattern
scrutiny or (iii) the development of dexterous manipulation abilities, provided the
impetus for the development of the others. It does nevertheless seem that they are
closely related in some manner.
In contrast to the fovea where post-receptor neural processing hardly effects acuity at
all, neural mechanisms in the peripheral retina impose substantial limitations on visual
acuity. Extrafoveal acuity falls well below the cone mosaic’s average Nyquist limit and
this is reflected in the 5-to-l ratio of cones to ganglion cells in the far periphery [62].
This decrease in acuity caused by the subsequent neural processing may not be
surprising in view of the acknowledged role of the periphery in detection rather than
examination, and the fact that the processing in the fovea demonstrates that acuity can
be maintained, if required. It also further reinforces the rejection of the notion of a
retina which simply transduces and codes "images". Clearly the retina carries out the
role of detecting appropriate information available in the optic array. Our interest is
in knowing what the "appropriate information" is, and how it can be extracted or made
explicit The neural processing of the retina and how it develops may give clues which
would help to answer these questions.
o ON
Figure 6. Plot of cat receptive fields for cells with ON-centre responses. Adapted from
[11, p. 105].
recording of the electrical activity of single neurons. Kuffler working in the early
1950’s was the first to realize that localized spatial or temporal changes in light
intensity on the retina were required in order to affect the activity of mammalian
ganglion cells [72]. Recording from the retina of a cat, he discovered concentric
fields on the retina, within which spots of light would consistendy increase or decrease
the activity of the cell being recorded. He found that there were two interspersed
populations of ganglion cells. One set, called " O N -c e n tr e " responded with a burst of
impulses to the onset of a spot of light in the centre of its receptive field or to the
switching off of a spot of light in the surround area of the field. They gave no change
in response to stimulation outside this concentric region. The second population,
referred to as " O F F -c e n tr e " responded in the opposite fashion.
Enroth-Cugell and Robson (1966) were further able to differentiate two sub-categories
of the mammalian cells, in terms of whether they had a linear response (X-cells) or
a non-liner response (Y-cells) to sinusoidal gratings [73]. These, and further related
results, particularly the interpretation by Hubei and Wiesel [74] of the functions of
cells in the early mammalian visual cortex, have prompted what is the dominant theme
in studies of sensory systems over the last 20 years. This is that the activity of
individual neurons can represent particular aspects of a stimulus [75]. It is a view
that has also strongly permeated the computer vision community, providing
justification for processes of edge and feature detection as descriptions of the function
o f early vision. Marr’s raw primal sketch with its blobs and other primitives is a more
sophisticated extension of this idea [9].
However, not all observations on sensory neurons are easily reconciled with this view.
Recall Crick’s caution about the "overwise" neuron. He summed the idea up in terms
of edge detection as follows:
A s i n g l e ‘e d g e d e t e c t o r ’ d o e s n o t r e a l l y t e l l u s t h a t a n e d g e i s t h e r e . W h a t
i t is d e te c tin g is , lo o s e ly s p e a k in g ‘e d g i n e s s ’ i n t h e v i s u a l i n p u t , t h a t i s a
p a r t i c u l a r ty p e o f n o n u n ifo r m ity in th e r e t in a l im a g e th a t m i g h t b e p r o d u c e d
b y m a n y d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t s . ... t h e i n f o r m a t i o n r e l a y e d b y a s i n g l e n e u r o n is
b o u n d to b e a m b ig u o u s ... w e c a n e x tr a c t m o r e in fo r m a tio n b y c o m p a r in g
th e f i r i n g o f o n e n e u r o n w ith th a t o f o n e o r m o r e o th e r n e u r o n s . [ 5 7 ]
Recent observations support the idea that sensory coding may also depend on patterns
of activity within large populations of neurons [75,76,77,78]. One example is
the representation of movement in terms of a neuronal population vector. Another is
the observation of correlation or synchronization between neurons in the cat visual
cortex which share some attribute represented in the incident image. This includes
things like having overlapping receptive fields, or having non-overlapping fields but
responding to the same extended object Even the concept of receptive field itself
which provided the initial motivation for the notion of neurons as dedicated to a
particular task (like feature detection), is now difficult to reconcile with this notion.
Receptive fields appear to increase in size with distance along the visual pathway
despite the fact that the behaviour mediated by these neurons often require a high
degree o f spatial resolution [75]. An idea which has recently prompted a fresh look at
this phenomenon in terms of the collective activity of neural populations is that of
"point-images" in the presence of retinotopic mapping. That is, the problem is
examined from the point of view of how such populations deal with information from
a single visual point (turning the receptive field notion on its head).
Figure 7. Relationship between receptive field -centre size, cell density and retinal
coverage factor. The point at the centre of the diagram lies within the receptive fields
of the cells marked in black. Adapted from [75].
to all their receptive fields. Fischer’s original proposal was that any point on the retina
falls within the receptive field centres of a constant number of retinal ganglion cells.
If we consider the fact that only ganglion cells within one centre radius of a point will
cover that point with their receptive field centres, then the number of these cells is
given by the product of the area of the receptive field’s centre and the ganglion cell
density for that particular part of the retina. Fischer’s point is that even though these
factors separately vary enormously with eccentricity across the retina, their product
(called the " c o v e r in g fa c t o r " ) is approximately constant, because ganglion cell density
decreases and receptive field size increase with eccentricity.
Peichl and Wassle, working on the cat, showed [81] that for Y-cell, the coverage
factor is 3-6 for any retinal point. For X-ganglion cells the covering factor ranges from
7-10 in the periphery to above 30 in the fovea. The notions of covering factor and
point image, though related, do not correspond exactly. For example, the covering
factor does not take receptive field surrounds into account. Nor is the covering factor
as generally applicable as the idea of point image because it is difficult to apply to cell
layers other that the ganglion cells, such as those in the striate cortex. Also the
diameter of the point image can increase with increasing receptive field size across the
retina, regardless of covering factor.
The calculation of point images can be simplified using receptive field images. These
are the projections of a receptive field in visual space (on the retina) to the retinotopic
coordinate system (map) of the layer in which the cell is located. Then cells whose
receptive field images contain a particular map point have receptive fields that contain
the corresponding reference point in visual space.
In the cat superior colliculus, the point image of a retinal point is approximately 3mm
in diameter. This clearly rules out traditional ideas of point-to-point mapping from the
retina to parts of the brain in the nature of a recognizable image. After only 4 or 5
layers of synapses, the information provided by a single receptor is capable of
affecting the activity of an enormous number of neurons. In the case of the superior
colliculus, this type of diffuse mapping to an extended distributed representation, may
be part of a mechanism for translating visual coordinates into a motor code [75].
In the pathway from the retina, via the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) to the visual
cortex, the mapping seems to be much less regular than in the superior colliculus
pathway. Here there is substantial scatter in visual space of the receptive fields of
neighbouring cells. This could mean that the receptive field images are not centred on
the cells, or that the retinotopic map is discontinuous or even that there is more than
one retinotopic map into a number of interspersed neural populations. Again in the
striate cortex of the cat, Albus showed that the product of local retinotopic map
magnification and the aggregate receptive field diameter is equal to a constant of about
3mm in the area of the cortex representing the central 10° of the visual fields. This
means that each retinal point provides input to the same number of cortical cells
irrespective of whether it is within the fovea or outside [82]. Hubei and Wiesel,
working on the visual system of macaque monkeys claimed [83,84] that the
average receptive field image (and point image) diameter doesn’t change with
translation across the surface of the cortex and is approximately 2mm across.
These claims have been challenged in the intervening years [85,86] but recently
Wassle et al [87] claimed to have resolved the controversy over the constant size
of aggregate cortical point images. They were able to show that there are more than
three ganglion cells per foveal cone in the primate retina. (The overall ratio is about
1 million ganglion cells for 120 million rods and about 6 million cones). They also
showed that the ganglion cell density changed by a factor of 1,000-2,000 between the
fovea and periphery. Because this result is within the range of estimates of cortical
magnification factor there is no need to postulate selective magnification of the fovea
either in the LGN or in the cortex. The distorted representation of the visual field on
the cortex seems simply to be a manifestation of a simple rule which has been found
to hold true for other sensory modalities: the central representation follows the
peripheral receptor or neural density. This means that the architecture of the retina is
alone responsible for the fact that the fovea accounts for such a substantial fraction of
the cortical map. It also underlines a growing impression that cortical processing is
initially relatively uniform, both within and between modalities — the structure
apparent in mature organisms may be due almost entirely to the architecture of the
associated sensory system and the nature of the information7 impinging from the
external world [66]. We shall return to this point again below.
Of course speculating about how and why the cortex develops in such a way says
nothing about what the system is doing. The architecture of the retina has evolved so
that one part of the visual field is sampled (by photoreceptors) and represented (by the
ganglion cells) with a substantially larger number of units than the remaining visual
field. Because of the nature of distributed representations, this fact alone is sufficient
to account for the high degree of spatial resolution associated with the fovea. It is a
property of distributed representations that the accuracy of encoding a feature is
proportional to the number of units viewing the feature from slightly different
perspectives [75, 88]. What the overall system is doing is "magnifying" a particular
part of the visual field by providing more units to analyze that part of the field in the
retina. The cortex is unaware of this magnification in the sense that it must be pre-
structured in any way to deal with it. It simply receives projections from large
numbers of ganglion cells (via one relay at the LGN). Two nearby cortical cells in a
region representing the foveal visual field will belong to nearby points in the visual
fields. Two nearby cortical cells in a region representing part of the periphery will
belong to relatively widely separated points in the visual field. From this we would
expect that the pairs of cells would carry very different information and be correlated
in very different ways. These facts alone may be sufficient to set the two pairs of cells
on very different development paths.
Before leaving the discussion on point images there are a couple of points worth
noting. The first is that the aggregate point images are very large compared with the
spatial grain of the observed cortical structure of hypercolumns and blobs etc. which
is discussed below. There seems to be no fixed relationship between point images and
the cortical architecture. Because of the substantially vertical (many-layered) structure
of the cortex, the picture which the aggregate point image gives of cortical processing
is too general and lacks precision. Just as problems arose with the "overwise" neuron
because of an over-extension of the concept of receptive field, so too the notion of
point image needs to be used with caution.
associated with vision might not have needed to be as adapted to a particular
ecological niche as other anatomical structures such as limbs or mouth, etc. The notion
of substantial commonality among different species is belied by the difficulty of
making comparisons between, for example, the cat and monkey retinas on the basis
of these early descriptions. The issues involved are discussed in section 3.6.2
The ability to adapt to light intensities varying over several orders of magnitude
accounts for much of the functional architecture of the retina. From the rods and cones
there are three separate paths leading to the ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina
which mediate vision in daylight, twilight and starlight The various properties of these
paths are best characterised by the receptive fields of the bipolar cells which carry
signals from the outer to the inner plexiform layer. In the dark adapted retina the
receptive field consists simply of an e x c ita to r y centre and the bipolar cells act as
spatial summators of single quantal events. In the light adapted retina the bipolar cells
have a concentric e x c ita to r y centre and in h ib ito r y surround structure allowing the
bipolar cell activity to accurately represent local contrast It is believed [89,90]
that individual type B horizontal cells are responsible for the centre of the bipolar
receptive field in the cat. The receptive field surround seems to be the result of the
electronic interaction (via gap junctions), of many of the larger type A horizontal cells.
A detailed description of the various known retinal pathways and the role played by
the horizontal bipolar and amacrine cells can be found in Levine [11] and Hubei [61].
At the stage of the bipolar cells, the processing carried out by the light adapted retina
seems to be restricted to a linear combination of local transduced intensities. There is
one subtle difference between the centre and surround mechanisms which becomes
important in the next layer of cells, the ganglions. The response of a particular type
of bipolar cell, the C Bbj cell, to light and dark bands in its receptive field c e n tr e are
nearly equal, but of opposite polarity [89, 91]. The responses of this cell to light and
dark bars in its receptive field su rro u n d are of the same polarity. It seems as if any
change in a cone’s output, whether an increase or decrease, is rectified to give an
increased response in the bipolar’s receptive field surround. What this type of detail
illustrates is that in a very fundamental sense a d iffe r e n t ty p e o f s e e in g is involved
with the dark-adapted retina than the conventional interpretation of "seeing" which is
in light-adapted conditions. The retina literally changes its processing structure to place
a premium on detection rather than spatial shape and colour. In other words to
interpret these changes in c o m p u ta tio n a l th e o r e tic terms would necessitate a
completely different computational theory for the dark-adapted case from the normal
computational theory, and would also require a mechanism or description for the
gradual movement between these two extremes. On the other hand the in fo r m a tio n
In the cat it is possible on the basis of cell morphology to distinguish between two
different types of ganglion cell. The a l p h a - c e i l has a large soma and sparsely branched
dendrites which form a wide field. The b e t a - cell at the same location in the retina, has
a medium sized soma, and a smaller field of more densely branched dendrites.8 The
physiological distinction between the small receptive field and linear X-cell and the
larger receptive field and non-linear Y-cell was mentioned above. There is now
substantial evidence [89] to support the identification of the X and beta-cells and the
Y and alpha-cells. These cells share the cone bipolar cells as a common input, but
their substantially different connections to the cone bipolar cells gives the X/beta and
the Y/alpha cells very different properties.
The X/beta cells collect about 50 synapses from each of about 4 cone bipolar cells
with substantially overlapping fields, while the Y/alpha cells collect only a few
synapses from each of up to 700 cone bipolars whose receptive fields overlap to a
much lesser extent These connection mechanisms between the cone bipolar and
ganglion cells, seem to be sufficient to account for the very different properties of the
ganglion cell types, despite their common input In particular Sterling et al [89] argue
that they account for the transient and non-linear nature of the Y/alpha cells, though
this has yet to be verified.
It is interesting to note the extent to which the vertebrate retina has evolved to gain
the most from the available dynamic range of neural processing, and to minimise the
*The cell size and dendrite field vary with eccentricity across the retina and it is therefore important to
compare cells at the same eccentricity.
deleterious effects of noise from the quantal nature of transduction in starlight and
from random thermal isomerizations of receptor molecules. Because noise is a
particular problem in the dark adapted retina, the most significant efforts to offset it
can be found in the rod pathways [89]. The problem of the limited dynamic range of
neural processing and transport is common to all stages of light/dark adaptation and
the retina uses two approaches to maximise the overall functionality. The one which
is of particular interest to us is the extent to which the eye (and later the brain)
exploits redundancy inherent in the incident visual patterns to reduce the amount or
accuracy of data which needs to be processed or transported. From a theoretical point
of view it is important to understand what mechanisms are used, to reduce the
redundancy of the visual data and how these mechanisms develop. If they are entirely
genetically programmed —which is unlikely —we need to understand how they work.
If they are not fully genetically specified then we must find out what it is, on top of
the basic genetically derived structure, which allows the mechanisms to develop the
way they do.
From a more practical point of view, it is instructive to see how the capabilities of the
limited resources are maximized. Probably the most substantial and widespread
adaptation is the separation of processing into an "ON" pathway and an "OFF"
pathway. The "ON" pathway is one which involves, or responds positively to, a spatial
or temporal increase in light intensity from the current adapted level. The "OFF"
pathway is one which involves or responds to a decrease in light intensity. This
dichotomization between something akin to "black" and "white" is also apparent in
other sensory modalities as pairs like hot/cold, bitter/sweet, left/right etc. It probably
arises because less metabolic energy is expanded if a nerve cell’s normal firing rate
is zero or low. Because there is no such thing as negative activity (in spiking cells
anyway)9, one population of cells will then be required to signal "positive" excursions
above the adapted level and another to signal "negative" excursions below the adapted
level. Note that the division between "ON" and "OFF" populations does not extend
down to the transduction part of the photoreceptors themselves. It seems to arise at the
*The photoreceptors, horizontal cells, bipolar cells and most of the amacrine cells do not "spike" — i.e.
produce action potentials. Information is conducted by means of graded or "slow" potentials whose physical
values above or below the resting potential directly represent the required signal. In cells which produce
action potentials (which can travel long distances), it is the frequency of the spiking which represents that
receptor-bipolar synapse, possibly by different bipolars responding in opposite fashions
to the same neurotransmitter released by the receptors [61]. The receptors themselves
are unusual in the way they respond to incident light. In the dark the potential across
the core membrane (maintained by molecular ion pumps in the membrane) is about
-50 milliVolts, rather than the -70mV typical of nerve cells. When the core is
illuminated, the potential difference increases and the receptor membrane
hyperpolarizes, cutting down on the amount of neurotransmitter released. Stimulation
seems to "turn off' receptors [61]. It is not known if there is a metabolic reason for
Another mechanism which allows for increased gain and greater dynamic range
operates at the junction of core bipolars and X/beta cells in the inner-plexiform layer.
"ON" and OFF" cells synapse in different parts of the inner-plexiform layer — ON
cells in sublamina b and OFF cells in sublamina a. Two complementary types of core
bipolar innervate the ON-beta cell in sublamina b — designated CBbl and CBb2. The
CBbl cells depolarize and the CBb2 cells hyperpolarize to the same stimulus. The
response of the ON-beta cell is caused by increased excitation from the CBbl and
decreased inhibition from the CBb2 cells in the manner of a "push-pull" amplifier [89].
The concentric centre-surround antagonistic class of ganglion cell which Kuffler [72]
discovered in the 1950s comprises a number of different subclasses characterized by
ON/OFF, X/beta or Y/alpha, brisk or slow. However, all of these are still just one
general type of ganglion cell. Another type is the directionally selective cell and there
are many others with complex stimulus selectivities. Possibly the concept of a
receptive field plotted by spots of light is not even an appropriate way of investigating
the functioning of these cells. Ways of varying light intensity or pattern which more
accurately reflect the natural degrees of freedom of their dynamics need to be found.
At the level of the bipolar cells the basic centre surround mechanism already exists.
The transient nature of the Y/alpha cell response in the cat retina may be mostly
attributable to the distributed nature of the bipolar cell input to the Y/alpha ganglion
cell [89]. One role of some of the amacrine cells which are characterized by a very
transient response may be to sharpen this response in the ganglion cells. This however
is currently just speculation and still does not account for the large variety of amacrine
cells [93]. It has been shown that amacrine cells with different shaped dendritic trees
can be matched with an equally large variety (up to two dozen) of particular
neurotransmitters existing in the retina —further emphasizing the fact that the different
classes of amacrine cells must have different biological functions. Masland and his
colleagues have described the properties of four of these cells [93,94,95] which
give an indication of the diversity of functions that need to be carried out in the retina.
The amacrine cell with the clearest processing role of the four, is the cholinergic or
acetylcholine-accumulating amacrine cell — also referred to as the "star-burst" cell
because of its characteristic morphology. One of the most surprising facts about the
cholinergic cell is the degree of overlap between neighbouring cells in the retina. In
the peripheral retina, where the overlap is the greatest, a point on the retina is overlaid
by the processes of up to 140 cholinergic amacrine cells [93]. It has been shown
electrophysiologically that the cholinergic amacrine cell excites directionally selective
ganglion cells, among others. Directionally selective cells respond selectively to spots
of light much smaller than their receptive fields moving in certain directions within
their receptive fields. However, the acuity with which these directionally selective cells
can resolve small spots of light seems to be inconsistent with the size of the dendritic
field of the associated amacrine cells. Masland suggests an explanation of this
phenomenon, which if correct, could have far-reaching implications for the
understanding of retinal processing mechanisms. He suggests that the dendrites of the
cholinergic amacrine cell are locally electrically isolated and that excitation and
response involve local branches of the dendrites, rather than the entire cell, its soma
and processes, as is usually the case for neurons. This idea is supported by the length
and thin-ness of the dendritic processes. The electrical activity of these cells is solely
in the form of graded potentials which only travel quite small distances before fading
away entirely. It is also supported by the fact that input and output synapses on these
cells are typically situated side by side on the dendrites. Finally this way of
functioning of the acetylcholine amacrine cells is consistent with what is known about
the mechanism of directional selectivity [95] and provides an alternative explanation
to those advanced by Koch, Poggio et al [96]. This issue has yet to be resolved,
[97]10 but the possibility of autonomous local functions within regions of the
dendritic tree of amacrine cells, i.e. organization at a subcellular level, increases
enormously the degree and variety of function possible, as these cells mediate the
pathway between bipolar and ganglion cells.
The second amacrine cell whose operation has been substantially worked out is the A ll
amacrine cell. This cell is characterized by having a narrow lateral spread of its
processes and also by the fact that it appears to be bifunctional, operating with gap
junctions and chemical transmitters in the ON and OFF pathways respectively. It is
known to mediate the rod-bipolar to ganglion cell pathway for vision in dim light
[89,90,92]. The indoelaminergic amacrine cell, of which there seems to be five distinct
morphological types, is thought to have a major influence on the pathway by which
dim light passes through the retina, though exact details of the mechanism remain to
be elucidated [92].
10Recent findings, described by Miller [97] show that the cholinergic amacrine cells release neurotransmitters
which are both excitatory and inhibitory. The directionally selective ganglion cells are known to receive
strong excitatory cholinergic input. Pharmacological evidence suggests that the inhibitory neurotransmitter
GABA also released by the cholinergic amacrine cells provides the inhibitory input in the null direction. It
thus seems to be possible that a single cell type at a critical phase in the neural pathway may be responsible
for both excitation in the preferred direction and inhibition in the null direction of directionally selective
ganglion cells.
other amacrine cells. Dowling [95] has shown that the neurotransmitter dopamine can
diminish the effectiveness of horizontal cells in mediating lateral inhibition effects. It
does this by causing a decrease in conductance of gap junctions in the outer plexifoim
layer. One function of the dopaminergic amacrine cell may be to regulate the strength
of lateral inhibition and thereby the centre-surround antagonism as a function of
light/dark adaptive state. It may also mediate the overall excitability of inner retinal
neurons. This indicates that in addition to there being three separate paths for vastly
different ranges of light intensity, there is likely to be a continuous gradation of
adaptation within each of these ranges. Instead of being stuck with a fixed
centre-surround mechanism which must cope with large changes in light intensity, the
centre surround mechanism may be continuously adapted to optimize its response
depending on the ambient intensity at any time.
The picture that is now emerging is of a retina carrying out an amazing array of subtle
and complex processes, with a delicately balanced system of controls which confer
enormous adaptability. There are a number of possible reasons why the retina should
be so complex [92]. One possibility is that the process of conversion of light patterns
falling on the retina into an efficient and meaningful sequence of nerve impulses to
be sent to the brain is extremely difficult. The factor which most compounds this
difficulty is probably the need to operate with light levels varying over 10-11 orders
of magnitude. Another possible reason for retinal complexity may be that what seem
to be straightforward tasks may require sophisticated biochemical circuitry to
implement in the retina. As long as we feel we understand what function a certain
mechanism is carrying out there is nothing to stop us from engineering an
implementation which is more suitable to the type of hardware and processing
components available to us. It is important not to be too complacent about this
approach however as the neural circuitry may be solving some problem of which we
are not yet even aware.
The one factor which seems to distinguish the retina from other neural processing
systems in the brain is the need to package a complex transduction and coding process
into an extremely small volume. A number of mechanical and physical constraints
force the retina to be very thin and force receptors to be as closely spaced as possible
to minimize size and maximize acuity. Masland points out that if retinal neurons were
the same size as those in the brain, the eye would need to be the size of a tangerine
[92], It is clear from the ability of the eye to operate at limits imposed by physical
laws and from the enormous variety and complexity of its function, particularly in the
inner retina, that the eye is a masterpiece of miniaturization and of evolutionary
adaptation. The fact that it seems to be much more tightly specified by genetic factors
and rigidly constrained in its development and architecture than the bulk of the brain
is a hopeful sign. It suggests that we will be able to see to a much greater extent, the
action of underlying developmental and information processing principles in the
architecture and processing of the brain. In the case of the retina we seem to be
constrained in the immediate future to discovering exactly what it does and why these
functions are necessary and important Epigenetic factors seem to play a smaller role
than elsewhere in the brain.
If any further evidence were needed to distinguish what a retina does, from the process
of a camera, then it is provided by the ganglion cells. Instead of conceiving the eye
as an optical device which projects onto a sensitive film from which neural "images"
are transmitted to the brain, we are forced by the ganglion cells to modify our ideas.
A more appropriate metaphor is one of the retina being made up of many "neural
‘films’ overlaid on one another, each transmitting a separate filtered version of the
optical image formed by the eye" [98]. Now too, it is not "images" of intensity or
colour which are being transmitted but things like motion primitives and contrast and
data suitable for stereo and gestalt grouping on one hand or data suitable for detailed
scrutiny on the other. We would again echo Barlow’s sentiments:
... p e r h a p s th e s e a r r a n g e m e n ts s h o u ld b e ta k e n a s a h in t o f N a tu r e th a t th e r e
i s m o r e to th e p r o b l e m o f tr a n s m ittin g th e im a g e to th e b r a in th a n c a n b e
u n d e r s to o d f r o m s a m p lin g th e o r y . [ 1 6 ]
In the cat, ganglion cells are normally classified as X,Y or W where the distinction
between X and Y is made on the basis of their response to periodic gratings. The X
and Y cells are believed to be most important in terms of pattern perception because
of their high spatial sensitivity and the fact that their axons connect via the lateral
geniculate nucleus (LGN) to the primary visual cortex. The term W-cell is basically
a "catch-all" grouping which includes everything not classifiable as X or Y. The
W-cells include several sub-classes, many of which have slow conduction velocities.
One class of W-cells have a concentric centre-surround colour opponent response and
project to the c-laminae of the cat LGN and to the superior colliculus. It is worth
noting, because it has many properties in common with the cells in the colour-sensitive
parvo system which dominates primate visual systems.
The behaviour of Y-cells is consistent with their response being due to the summation
of many sub-units within their receptive field after some type of non-linear
transduction process. These subunits look like the response of entire X-cells and
probably correspond to individual core bipolar inputs. Sterling et al argue that the
overall non-linear response of the Y-cells is a result of the lack of polarity of the core
bipolar surround mechanism in conjunction with the large spread of bipolar inputs
which the Y/alpha ganglion cell receives [89]. An alternative site for the underlying
non-linearity is proposed to be at the bipolar-amacrine connection by Shapley and
Perry [98] and they support this by examples of similar non-linearities in some lower
While both X and Y cells are sensitive to contrast, the Y cells are about a factor of
three poorer in spatial resolution than neighbouring X cells. This poorer resolution is
despite the ability of subunits of the Y ganglion cell receptive field to detect patterns
with a similar spatial resolution as neighbouring X cells. It appears that Y cells signal
the presence, and particularly the movement of small patterns within their receptive
fields but because of the large spread of bipolar cells which are summed to give this
response, the Y cells only locate the pattern imprecisely. Finally, the Y cells respond
more transiently than X cells, particularly at high contrast and the average conduction
velocity of Y cells axons tends to be slightly faster.
Although there is a large degree of similarity in the gross structure and function of
vertebrate retina across different species, there are very significant differences which
make identifications of particular classes of cells in different species difficult This is
the case with the X and Y ganglion cells of the cat and classes of ganglion cells in the
primate retina labelled by the letters P and M (because they connect to parvo and
magno cells in the primate LGN respectively). A firm identification of a
correspondence, if any, would be very valuable because much work has been done on
the visual system of the cat which could be carried over to the primate visual system
if the similarities were sufficiently close. Briefly, the P-cells are the most numerous
in the primate retina. They exhibit a sustained response to monochromatic light at the
peak of the cell’s spectral sensitivity curve but a generally transient response to
broadband illumination. They have concentric centre-surround receptive fields and
often show some type of colour opponency within or between the centre and surround.
They send axons to four of the six layers of the LGN (2 for each eye). The M-cells
also have concentric centre-surround receptive fields and give a transient response to
broadband illumination. In contrast to the P-cells, they show little overt wavelength
sensitivity though they may receive antagonistic signals from different cones. Their
axons project to the two magnocellular layers of the LGN. In terms of spatial
summation and spatial filtering, about 80% of M-cells in the Macaque monkey behave
like X-cells with most of the remainder showing the non-linear behaviour typical of
cat Y ganglion cells. Again there is a ragbag of assorted ganglion cell classes which
are neither M- or P-type. None have been found to be selective to wavelength and they
provide the bulk of the retinal input to the superior colliculus [98].
The P-cells have small receptive fields which vary little in size up to eccentricities of
5°, unlike all other retinal ganglion cells and unlike the scaling behaviour of contrast
sensitivity or acuity functions. Small dense receptive fields are particularly good for
achieving high acuity yet the P-cells do not have particularly good acuity due to their
relatively small contrast gain. Shapley and Perry suggest that the P-cells may have a
"There may not in fact be two completely separate X-like and Y-like groups of M cells, but a continuum
between these two extremes.
role in supporting the low gain, low resolution colour system and that the small
receptive fields are for wavelength selectivity rather than acuity. If during
development, cones with different spectral sensitivity are virtually indistinguishable,
then the only way to guarantee that a ganglion cell achieves wavelength specific
inputs, is if the receptor—bipolar—P-ganglion cells connections are all one-to-one
contacts. This hypothesis is also consistent with the observed colour sensitivity and
P-cell receptive field scaling with eccentricity. Beyond 5° the P-cell dendritic field
gradually increases with eccentricity and many P-cells begin to lose the strong colour
opponency which they exhibit inside 5°. Similarly, the ability to see a full range of
colour is restricted to central vision and colour perception suffers substantially after
about 10° out from the fovea. Shapley and Perry neatly summarize the situation:
C a t X c e lls h a n d le f i n e d e ta il a n d a r e im p o r ta n t f o r p a tt e r n d e te c tio n w h ile
Y c e lls s ig n a l c h a n g e a n d m o v e m e n t. M a c a q u e m o n k e y M c e lls r e p o r t a b o u t
f i n e d e ta i l a n d a r e im p o r ta n t f o r p a t t e r n d e te c tio n . M a c a q u e P c e lls c a r r y
in fo r m a tio n about c o lo u r and about fin e d e ta il at h ig h c o n tr a s t.
T r a n s - s p e c ie s c o m p a r is o n s m a y c la r ify o r o b s c u r e th e s e f u n d a m e n ta l f a c t s
[9 8 ].
bipolars of vertebrate retina) is information transduction and transport, and noise
protection. To achieve these, a premium is placed on the efficient use of the available
information, the available bandwidth and low-noise amplification.
Most natural objects are visible because they absorb and reflect constant proportions
of the light falling on them in various parts of the visible spectrum. This is a physical
property determined by the molecular makeup and surface characteristics of the matter
comprising the object. It is a property which is invariant with normal changes in
ambient illumination of natural scenes and is encoded by contrast or relative intensity
(possibly as a function of frequency). Objects "look" the same to a contrast encoding
system as the mean intensity changes over a wide range of values. The ability of
individual photoreceptors to adapt their sensitivity to match the ambient light level is
important for coping with the 10,000-fold range of light intensities dining the day.
This type of adaptation automatically allows them to encode contrast in their outputs
(a) No Background
Figure 8. Schematic showing the range over which the Weber relation holds. Any of
the curves for fixed I 0 in (b) is comparable with the dynamic range of most electronic
imaging systems. From [60, p.33].
rather than absolute intensity. The ratio of just noticeable intensity difference to local
mean intensity, called the Weber fraction AI/I [60], is found to have a nearly constant
value of 2% over a wide range of intensities in human vision. As this ratio is
equivalent to a small change in the logarithm of intensity, A(log I), then just
perceivable contrasts at any mean intensity are directly related to changes in the log
of intensity. Consider a response where inputs are considered equivalent if the quantity
described by contrast, when superimposed on a background signal that increases with
mean intensity, is constant. This type of response is equivalent to a logarithmic
transformation of input intensity. It is a transformation which is found in a number of
different types of insect photoreceptors and vertebrate cones [15].
9 40
mV 20
-2 0
3 5 7 3 5 7 \ 3 5 7
‘daylight log I
log I
,2Since neuro-transmitters are released from synaptic vesicles in discrete amounts there is an intrinsic
quantization "noise" inherent in synaptic transmission. If large amounts of transmitter are released for a
given input signal, then this quantization effect is less noticeable.
lsThe pre-synaptic cell releases neurotransmitters which bind to receptor sites on the post-synaptic side of
the synapse. These cause a release of energy in the macroscopic form of a graded potential —energy which
was originally stored up by the metabolism of the post-synaptic cell. Simply at the expense of generating
neurotransmitter molecules, the pre-synaptic cell can cause a large release of energy in the post-synaptic cell.
more transient by an antagonistic mechanism corresponding to the process of
self-inhibition described in Limulus and similar effects in the vertebrate retinae. There
is also an antagonistic response from neighbouring cells in the fly retina which are
similar to the lateral inhibition which occurs in Limulus and the process mediated by
the A-type horizontal cells in vertebrate retinae. The effect of these types of
antagonism is to subtract away the background signal which remained after the
logarithmic transduction process of the receptors and thereby allow subsequent
amplification to expand the contrast signal alone to fill the dynamic response range of
the LMC.
Laughlin [15] describes how these antagonistic mechanisms can be explained in terms
of a predictive coding process which attempts to represent the visual data more
efficiently thereby increasing both the capacity of the neural system as an information
carrying channel and increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Within any image of the
natural world, spatial correlation will exist because, by the very nature of the external
world, neighbouring points are more likely to have similar intensity values than more
■ model tim e
_ data
S -N -R -1 .4 5 stimulus
widely separated points. There is also temporal correlation within signals transmitted
by photoreceptors in an eye which is introduced by the relatively slow time course of
these photoreceptors and also by virtue of continuity of existence in the external world.
These correlations can be described statistically. Given this information and the
intensity value of a particular element of a scene, predictions can be made about the
possible values of neighbouring or succeeding scene elements. Predictive coding is the
process of removing any components of a signal which can be predicted statistically
from the context The calculation of spatial and temporal statistical weighting functions
for prediction within natural scenes [99] indicates two interesting results. Firstly, the
weighting functions show little dependence on particular scenes. This finding runs
counter to the intuitive notion that images of different scenes are so dissimilar that
there could be little statistical relationship between them [100]. Secondly, there is
a strong dependence of the statistical weighting functions on the signal-to-noise ratio
in receptors, and therefore indirectly on light intensity. At the low intensities,
randomness in the quantal receptor signal becomes more prominent and has the effect
of decorrelating receptor signals. According to Laughlin, this means that the weighting
functions must be extended to include a sample of neighbouring or preceding elements
to give a reliable statistical estimate. By measuring the signal-to-noise ratio, impulse
responses and receptive field at different intensities, it was possible to show [99] that
predictive coding is a good model of the retinal process, so that for example, the
extent of retinal antagonism changed with intensity as described by the predictive
coding theory. The implication of this finding is that considerations of efficiency, noise
immunity and matching to the statistical properties of natural scenes are close to the
evolutionary pressures which conspired to bring the retina to its present state of
the process is to consider the response range as being best utilized if all output values
occur with equal probability regardless of the probability distribution of the input In
this way response values "contribute their fair share in carrying information" [99]. The
desired amplification process is achieved when equal increments in response
correspond to input changes equivalent to equal areas under the probability distribution
curve of the input signal levels. This means that the input/output transfer curve, i.e.
the relationship between stimulus contrast and LMC response in the fly, should follow
the cumulative distribution curve of the input signal. This process of matching the
amplification stage gain to the first order statistical characteristics of the input signal
is exactly equivalent to the process of histogram equalization used in image processing
as a means for improving contrast in a picture for human viewing. Considerations in
terms of efficiency for information transport are rarely used in this context
To summarize the material that has been covered so far: the retina of the fly has
evolved to minimize the effect of synaptic noise. It achieves this by using predictive
coding and matched gain to make more efficient use of the available neural dynamic
range. These processes happen as early as possible in the retinal circuit at the interface
between receptors and intemeurons so that maximum effect is achieved. The predictive
coding leads to a reduction in redundancy of the output signal from the retina. The
antagonistic mechanism which implements the predictive coding seems to be able to
adapt to the signal-to-noise ratio of the incoming signal.
Similar work, couched in exactly these terms has yet to be done on vertebrate retinae,
including critical experiments which would indicate the relationship between lateral
inhibition, receptive fields and the signal-to-noise ratio. The dopaminergic amacrine
cells described above seem to behave in a manner which is in qualitative agreement
with that required by the predictive coding model but the quantitative relationship
which would link theory to reality has not been investigated. The bipolar cells in the
vertebrate retina are the second order intemeurons equivalent to the fly’s LMCs and
the ones which first exhibit lateral antagonism in their receptive fields. It is the
response of these cells that we expect to see changing to match signal-to-noise ratio.
The gross changes which occur between the light-adapted state for daylight and the
dark-adapted state for twilight are too coarse to definitely support the predictive coding
model. It would be much more interesting to see the effect of relatively small changes
in ambient illumination completely within the light-adapted state.
The mechanism of colour opponency in human colour vision can also be explained
using redundancy reduction arguments similar to those used for predictive coding. As
described above the strong overlap in the spectral sensitivities of red and green cones
allows them to be used as alternate elements in the sampling of luminosity. This strong
overlap also introduces correlations between the red-sensitive and green-sensitive cone
outputs which make coding in terms of parallel red and green colour channels very
inefficient. Antagonistic colour opponent combinations have been observed in the
concentric centre-surround receptive fields of primate ganglion cells. Behavioral
studies of colour opponency also suggest that the human visual system codes colour
in terms of spectrally opponent channels [101,102]. It seems that these
mechanisms are compatible with the application of information theory to the reduction
of redundancy in colour coding also [15, 101].
in te n s ity c h a n g e s a n d th e lo c a tio n o f ed g es. T h ere n eed be no c o n flic t
b e tw e e n th e p r in c ip le s o f r e d u n d a n c y r e d u c tio n a n d fe a tu r e d e te c tio n . I n th e
a b s e n c e o f c r itic a l e v id e n c e , th e c o d in g e ffic ie n c y a r g u m e n t e m b r a c e s a l l
fe a tu r e enhancem ent a r g u m e n ts . E ffic ie n t c o d in g w ill, by d e fin itio n ,
e m p h a s iz e e v e r y fe a t u r e th a t c a r r ie s in fo r m a tio n , in c lu d in g th e lo c a tio n o f
e d g e s a n d th e tim in g s o f in te n s ity c h a n g e . T o r e je c t a c o d in g e ff ic i e n c y
a r g u m e n t in f a v o u r o f f e a t u r e e n h a n c e m e n t o n e m u s t n o t o n l y i n v o k e t h e
q u a lita tiv e b e n e fits o f e n h a n c e m e n t, o n e m u s t c o n s id e r a n d e v a lu a te th e
in fo r m a tio n th a t is lo s t o r c h a n n e lle d e ls e w h e r e . [ 1 5 ]
device of becoming "attuned" to the properties and structure of their surroundings.
Thus we see in the fly that the ability of the retina to adapt to different signal-to-noise
ratios and the matching of amplification to expected signal levels is a strategy which
makes maximum use of the available neural signalling power. In a manner of speaking
"assumptions" about the external world are built into the lowest level of neural
processing. There is every reason to suspect that similar information processing
principles are built into the processes of the cells of the vertebrate retina also. We find
ourselves in close agreement with Laughlin in taking this idea a step further. Matching
to the statistical properties of an organism’s environment is not necessarily restricted
to the lower levels of visual processing. In fact we suggest that it is a fundamental
principle of all neural processing that neural subsystems in the brain are or become
matched to the statistical properties of their input and indirectly to some properties or
structures of the external world. Such a strategy may be interpreted in terms which are
meaningful in our conception of our environment like edges, features, surfaces,
volumes, objects etc., but these fundamentally do not explain the strategies. Again we
take the opportunity to quote Barlow’s aphorism: it is not "What is represented here?
... rather what types of information are brought together here?" [16]. There is no high
level and low level vision with vastly different types of representation — there is only
low level vision at different degrees of abstraction, i.e. dealing with information with
different statistical properties.
The view proposed here however goes further than Laughlin. Inspired by Barlow’s
"activity of a sparse selection of reliable and non redundant ... elements" and by
Watanabe’s comparison of information processing and quantum mechanical systems,we
believe that there is a much more fundamental reason for matching to the structure and
properties of the environment than simply to get the most out of a neural transport
mechanism (which it does). The elimination of redundancy at progressively more
abstract levels, the detection of progressively more abstract invariants, the making
explicit of implicit information is perception. There is nothing more, no homunculus
in disguise "watching" what is going on. We return again to expand out these ideas
One very important question arises from this view of neural processing — what
mechanisms determine the characteristics of neural processing circuits and how are
they specified during development and maturation? For the visual system of the fly
this question can be readily if incompletely answered. The development of fly lamina
has been extensively documented and recent results suggest that both the performance
and wiring of the visual system are influenced by early visual experience [15]. It is
difficult to understand the position of the primate retina in this context as its
development seems to be relatively complete by the time of birth. The situation for the
primate cortex is more clear cut as effects of early experience on its development have
been demonstrated.
3.8 Summary
Many useful ideas become apparent upon a careful analysis of the detail of research
results that are available about the structure and operation of the retina. Thus we see,
for example, that the form of the eye has more to do with the limitations caused by
receptor cross-talk and organism size than striving to produce a faithful representation
of the external world. It is very difficult to sustain notions about image-type
representations when confronted with the details of the operation of the eye —
particularly the eyes of invertebrates which nevertheless can have comparable acuity
to ours. Also it seems that quite stable and quite powerful neural processing
capabilities are relatively easy to generate, implying that there may be underlying
structural dynamics or information theoretic principles which contribute to the final
observed system. These principles or dynamics could be quite far removed from the
apparent purpose of the system or unit. In other words, Marr’s computational theory
which emphasises the need to discover the role of a capacity: "what is being
computed, and why", by ignoring either evolutionary or ontogenetic development,
ignores a parallel system of structural modification —probably similar to what Varela
refers to as a m e t a d y n a m i c s [53]. This is related to the most important idea to emerge
from the above discussion which is that much of the form and function of the retina
can be understood in terms of information theoretic ideas. Because in turn the retina
is more constrained (or "programmed") genetically than other parts of the nervous
system, such information theoretic ideas may be even more relevant in these other
parts, like the visual cortex.
We also see coming through, the important distinction between different functions of
the visual system in terms of differentiation of into two or three different "strands"
(magno/parvo initially) along the visual pathway. Much of the introspective idea of the
way that the brain sees its environment seems to be strongly coloured by the properties
of the scrutinising parvo system. A visual sub-system with these properties may be
unique to primates. The magno system which is responsible for many of the less
"solid" and more intriguing properties of vision like figure/ground separation, gestalt
organisation, motion perception and so on, may be more representative of the visual
capabilities of other vertebrates like the cat This is yet another reason to try to erase
from our ideas of how to build computer vision systems, notions of 2V4-D sketches or
3-D representations.
Chapter 4
4 Information in Perception
V is io n is th e p r o c e s s o f d is c o v e r in g f r o m im a g e s w h a t is p r e s e n t in th e
w o r ld , and w h ere it is . V is io n is th e r e fo r e , f i r s t a n d fo r e m o s t, an
in f o r m a tio n - p r o c e s s in g ta s k , b u t w e c a n n o t th i n k o f i t j u s t a s a p r o c e s s . F o r
i f w e a r e c a p a b le o f k n o w in g w h a t is w h e r e in th e w o r ld , o u r b r a in s m u s t
s o m e h o w b e c a p a b le o f r e p r e s e n tin g th is in fo r m a tio n —i n a ll its p r o fu s io n
o f c o lo r a n d f o r m , b e a u ty , m o tio n a n d d e ta il. [ 9 , p 3 ]
(c) According to Marr [9, p.29], JJ. Gibson’s important contribution was to note that
the important thing about the senses is
th a t th e y a r e c h a n n e ls f o r p e r c e p tio n o f th e r e a l w o r ld o u ts id e o r , in th e
c a s e o f v is io n , o f th e v is ib le s u r fa c e s . H e th e r e fo r e a s k e d th e c r itic a lly
i m p o r t a n t q u e s t i o n , ‘H o w d o e s o n e o b t a i n c o n s t a n t p e r c e p t i o n s i n e v e r y d a y
life o n th e b a s is o f c o n tin u a lly c h a n g in g s e n s a tio n s ? ’
The answer according to Gibson was, in the direct detection of higher order variables
or invariants:
T h e s e in v a r ia n ts c o r r e s p o n d to p e r m a n e n t p r o p e r tie s o f th e e n v ir o n m e n t.
T h e y c o n s titu te , th e r e fo r e , in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e p e r m a n e n t e n v ir o n m e n t.
[ T h e ] fu n c tio n o f th e b r a in , is n o t to decode s ig n a ls , n o r to in te r p r e t
m e s s a g e s , n o r to a c c e p t im a g e s , n o r to o r g a n i s e th e s e n s o r y in p u t o r to
process th e d a ta , in m odern te r m in o lo g y . It is to seek and e x tr a c t
in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e e n v ir o n m e n t fr o m th e flo w in g a rra y o f a m b ie n t
en erg y.
(d) Consider the following which Dretske claims rests on the confusion of information
with meaning:
... s o m e t h i n g o n l y b e c o m e s i n f o r m a t i o n w h e n i t i s a s s i g n e d a s i g n i f i c a n c e ...
T o s p e a k o f in f o r m a ti o n a s o u t th e r e in d e p e n d e n t o f its a c tu a l o r p o te n t ia l
u s e b y s o m e in te r p r e te r , a n d a n te d a tin g th e h is to r ic a l a p p e a r a n c e o f a ll
in te llig e n t life , is b a d m e ta p h y s ic s . I n fo r m a tio n is a n a r tifa c t, a w ay o f
d e s c r ib in g th e s ig n ific a n c e f o r som e a g e n t o f in tr in s ic a lly m e a n in g le s s
e v e n ts . W e in v e s t s tim u li w ith m e a n in g , a n d a p a r t f r o m s u c h in v e s tm e n t, th e y
a r e in fo r m a tio n a lly b a r r e n .
(e) Dretske [22, p.ix] puts the thing back into perspective:
I t i s m u c h e a s i e r to t a l k a b o u t in fo r m a tio n th a n to s a y w h a t i t is y o u a r e
ta lk in g a b o u t. A s u r p r is in g n u m b e r o f b o o k s , a n d th is in c lu d e s te x tb o o k s ,
h a v e th e w o r d i n f o r m a t i o n in th e i r title w ith o u t b o th e r in g to in c lu d e i t in
th e ir in d e x .
4.1 Introduction
The extracts above are intended to give a flavour of the sense in which the term
information is typically used in computer vision. If one begins to question exactly
what it is that perception is, the vagueness and plurality of connotations of the term
information becomes an immediate stumbling block. Information can have an objective
and quantifiable quality as in the pulses on a wire, or the bytes stored in a computer’s
memory. Alternatively, it can have a more abstract, less quantifiable quality, as in the
message or "news" earned by these pulses or in the bytes. And this ambiguity can be
useful — it allows us to move from the concrete structure of the environment to the
vagueness of meaning or ideas. The author can at each stage feel free to rely on
whatever intuitive understanding the reader has of the term to convey their meaning.
Like "knowledge" and "perception" it is one of these terms associated with (natural)
intelligence which has so far substantially eluded definition or explanation in an
objective context.
The aim of this chapter is to clarify some of the different quantitative interpretations
o f the term information as applied to signal processing, communications, the human
visual system, pattern recognition and neural networks. Starting with the origins of the
concept o f entropy in physics, we first examine how this idea was generalized and
adapted for use in describing discrete symbol systems in the work associated with
Shannon. The key concepts described here are those of s u r p r is e , e q u iv o c a tio n and
n o is e , and we return to these several times in the remainder of this dissertation. A
quite separate development of quantitative ideas about information was concerned with
continuous or analogue systems and notions of sampling and quantization in these
systems. This area provides the basis for the Gabor filtering and coding described in
the next chapter and used there to interpret the filtering or coding properties of the
visual cortex. The Shannon-type notions of information have also been used to
quantify the human visual system (HVS) considered as a communication channel and
this topic is discussed in section 4.4. A more general formulation of the physical
concept of entropy than that used in information theory has been applied as an
explanatory device in pattern recognition and pattern description and this is dealt with
in section 4.5. Perhaps not surprisingly, the ideas of redundancy and equivocation have
been shown to be very useful in describing the information processing function of
certain types of simple artificial neural networks. However the simulation results
achieved by Linsker, and described in section 4.6, present a great opportunity to begin
to describe the developmental "forces" which are responsible for the information
processing functions of natural sensory systems also. Finally having discussed many
of the different aspects of quantitative and statistical interpretations of information in
signals and in living systems we turn our attention to the issue of whether of not there
is any other relevant aspect of the application of information to sensory perception, in
a discussion of statistical and form redundancy in section 4.7. This topic is returned
to in more detail in section 7.4, when we describe Dretske’s semantic theory of
information and relate it to the ideas being developed here.
at least a strong association and some sort of interchangeability between these concepts
[9,107,109,110,111]. This association itself is no coincidence — the modem
concept of computation grew out of attempts to understand the brain as a logical
machine [30,112], It is unfortunate that the terms "information processing" and
"computing" in the sense of the modem digital computer have become virtually
synonymous. It is often useful to describe what biological sensory organs (including
the brain) do, as the "processing of information", without implying that it is "cold",
logical, unbiased functioning in the sense of a digital computer. Here we use the term
"information processing" mostly in its more general sense.
A major driving force behind the study of human vision is the expectation that
explanatory links can be forged between the experience of being able to see and the
structure or processing of the visual system. In other words, while it is interesting in
itself to explore and understand the workings of a complex system — and the visual
system is certainly that —to find and understand neural correlates of subjective visual
perception in a comprehensive way is one of the major outstanding unsolved problems
[113]. One of the first major hurdles in this quest is the confusion that exists
between the concept of information as it is used in science, the information that is
represented by the activity and processing of neurons and neural systems and the
information which the mind can conceive as knowledge and to which it can attach
(probability theory) and communications. The history and present usage of
"information" in mathematics and physics is deeply intertwined with the concept of
entropy introduced by Clausius [19, p. 139] in the formulation of a conjecture — now
called the s e c o n d l a w o f t h e r m o d y n a m i c s 1. The ideas involved arose out of work on
heat engines done by Carnot in the early 19th Century. In any system undergoing a
reversible change, the change of entropy is defined as the energy absorbed, divided by
the thermodynamic (absolute) temperature: d s -d q lT . The entropy of a system is thus
a measure of the availability of its energy for performing useful work. This is a
definition in terms of macroscopic physical quantities: work, temperature, heat engines
and so on. With the advent of statistical mechanics as a microscopic level of
explanation for thermodynamical quantities, the interpretation of the concept of the
entropy of a system found a natural extension as a measure of the way in which the
total energy of the system is distributed amongst its constituent atoms [114]. This
re-interpretation of the thermodynamic quantity from an atomist point of view is due
mainly to Boltzmann, Gibbs and Maxwell, working in the late 19th Century on
statistical interpretations of mechanical systems [115]. In the statistical
interpretation, the idea of entropy has been extended to include changes of the system
that do not necessarily involve changes in energy. In general, the entropy of a system
is used as a measure of its degree of "order" — the more disordered a system, the
higher its entropy. In the subjectivist theory of entropy, originally due to Szilard
[116], the entropy of a system increases whenever our information about it
decreases. According to this theory "any gain of information or knowledge must be
interpreted as a decrease in thermodynamic entropy: in accordance with the second law
it must be somehow paid for by an, at least equal, increase in entropy". Entropy is
r e l a te d to the lack of information.2
'The second law states that entropy can only increase in a closed system. Experience teaches us to associate
increasing entropy with the forward movement of time. Time "flows" in the direction of high probability,
which is the direction of increasing entropy. The second law is statistical - "individual subatomic particles
are conceived as such conceptually isolated short-lived entities that the second law does not apply to them
... Time reversibility exists in potentia, i.e., while the particles are represented by propagating wave functions
[in Quantum dynamics]. Time irreversibility is an artifact of the measurement process [50, p.239],
2These ideas have recently been extended to logical computation, where a measure of randomness algorithmic
complexity, is defined without recourse to probabilities (see Shannon’s definition of entropy below).
Algorithmic complexity sets limits on the thermodynamic cost of computations.
The first use of entropy outside of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics is
attributed [19, p. 139] to John von Neumann in his 1932 book on the foundations of
quantum mechanics [48]. He introduced a quantity which he referred to as
"microscopic entropy" defined as S = —T r a c e ( o L o g c ) , to demonstrate the
irreversibility of the process of physical observation. Here a is a density matrix over
an ensemble of identical quantum mechanical systems [115]. He did not make any
reference in this treatment to order, or structuredness or co-operation. In a series of
articles [117,118], Watanabe claims to have used von Neumann’s "microscopic
entropy" as a measure of structuredness or degree of co-operation between nuclear
particles [19, p. 140]. He used the term " b u ild in g b lo c k e n tr o p y " to distinguish it from
the usual thermodynamic entropy. It was shown to measure
(i) the degree of indeterminacy of the nuclear state of a single particle taken
(ii) the degree of interaction and interdependence of particles constituting an
organised system.
In the terminology of modem information theory (see below), the first measure
corresponds to "ignorance" or uncertainty, and the second corresponds to
"organisation" or "redundancy" [47, p.50].
o p e r a te f o r e a c h p o s s ib le s e le c tio n , n o t j u s t th e o n e w h ic h w ill a c tu a lly b e
c h o s e n s i n c e t h i s i s u n k n o w n a t t h e t i m e o f d e s i g n r*. [ 1 2 1 ]
We assume that the £ ,’s can be experimentally tested but that the probabilities p, are
assigned, before testing which one of the E 's turns out to be true in this particular
experimental test Now, assuming that the test is made, our state of knowledge changes
drastically. Now we know that one (and only one) of the E /s has turned out to be true
and we have a new "probability" distribution over the set of propositions or events:
p 'j = 1, for some j ; p '. = 0 , i * j (2)
’Dretske suggests that one source of the confusion which is endemic in the use of the term information is
the fact that while between 1928 and 1948 American engineers and mathematicians began to talk about a
theory o f information in quantitative terms associated with communication, in the UK the usage moved away
from communication towards a more general interpretation o f the term.
Considering again the situation before the test The probability is a measure of our
expectation that £, will turn out to be the case given our existing state of knowledge.
If A is small for some particular i, we do not think it likely that the event Et will
occur. If in our test E t does occur or the proposition becomes true, then our "surprise"
is large. Alternatively, if p t = I for some / then our state of knowledge guarantees us
that E, will happen in the test and we are not at all surprised when it does. Our
"surprise" is zero. Any monotonic decreasing function <p(pj can act as a measure of
our surprise caused by the result Ec Two useful functions are
<P(W = -lo g Pi (3 )
<P(PJ = ~Pi ( 4)
The logarithmic expression is more convenient and somewhat more intuitive because
it satisfies an a d d i t i v i t y constraint over two sets of mutually independent partitions [47,
p. 8ff]. If this property is not required then eqn. (4) is just as useful. The probability
Pi means that we will suffer "surprise" < p (p j if the event £, occurs in the test We
expect that this event will occur with a probability p„ however, and so the "expected
(or average) suiprise" is
E { < p (p i) } = X, P i ( t fP i) = -X ; P i lo g P i (5 )
Given our "state of knowledge" before the test then the expected surprise is also a
measure of our i g n o r a n c e with regard to the outcomes of the test:
ig n ( E ) = P i lo g p , (6 )
Before the test given our pre-test state of knowledge, we have some distribution of
probability values p; amongst the possible outcomes of the test This state of
knowledge can be assigned a measure of ignorance as in eqn. (5). After the test the
probabilities become the p'(- values of eqn. (2) with a corresponding zero measure of
ignorance. The measure of information supplied by the test can be considered as the
decrease in a corresponding measure of ignorance as a result of the test:
in fo r m a tio n = d e c r e a s e in ig n o r a n c e
= ig n (E ) - ig n ( E )
= -X , P i lo g Pi
As Watanabe points out, even though ignorance and information have exactly opposite
connotations, we end up with the same formula as a m easure of each, in the case
where the set of propositions E are testable. If the propositions E are not directly
testable, the probability distribution of the p '/s in eqn. (2) cannot be achieved in one
test Eqn. (6) however can still be interpreted as a good measure of our degree of
ignorance or of indeterminability and (7) can still be interpreted as the amount of
information or the decrease in ignorance supplied by any test that yields a new
distribution over the p /s.
*111 this context it is important to distinguish the amount of information (measured in bits) generated by a
particular event, and the number of binary digits required to represent the possible outcomes of that event
or state of affairs. In general, a redundant message will have more binary digits than bits of information, but
in addition "bits" is a unit that can have fractional values while binary digits can only ever come in multiples
o f whole units.
sWhen discussing the notion of entropy itself we use the symbol S, but when talking about the infonnadon
generated by an event we use the symbol I. They both refer to the same formula, just in different contexts
or with different emphasis.
possible outcomes can be considered in isolation as a generator or source of
information. However some situations or events r with discrete, mutually exclusive
possible outcomes can be considered as r e c e iv e r s of information and more precisely
as receivers of information about s. So instead of just being interested in the
information generated by r, I(r), we are concerned with how much of the information
I(r) is information received from, or about, the outcome of the event s. This quantity
is labelled by I J r ) . In other words, if there is a "reduction in possibilities" at r —what
we have been calling an "outcome" — then IJ r) is a measure of how much of this
reduction is related to the outcome of the event at s — a measure of the dependency
between s and r. From this definition two important ideas arise:
IJ r ) = I(r) - n o is e <I(r)
Now usually in communications theory the noise and equivocation are numerically
equal in value, because I(s) and I(r) are defined to be the same: the sam e set of
possibilities (or symbols) are used at both the source and receiver. In the more general
case of interest to us here, this is not necessarily the case [22, p.239]. Increasing noise
(the information available at the receiver which is independent of the information
7The "event” at r related to the arrival of information from s need not necessarily involve one single discrete
outcome happening. It might simply involve a redistribution of the probability distribution over the possible
outcomes r, so that some become more likely and some less.
generated at the source), does not n e c e s s a r ily result in a reduction in the amount of
information received at r. However, increased noise can eclipse part of the received
signal, increasing the equivocation and reducing I , ( r ) .
Dretske makes an important point that is often not immediately apparent in treatments
of communications theory even though it is hinted at in the quote from Shannon
above: because communications theory is concerned with sources rather than particular
messages the primary quantities of interest are the average amounts of information
generated by particular sources (the source entropy I ( s ) = X p ( s j I(sJ ), rather than the
amount o f information generated by a p a r tic u la r event I(s). Nevertheless in the
context o f epistemology it is precisely the amount of information generated by
p a r tic u la r events that is relevant:
F o r w h e n w e ta lk a b o u t w h a t c a n b e k n o w n , w e w ill b e c o n c e r n e d , n o t w ith
a v e r a g e s , b u t w ith th e a m o u n t o f in fo r m a tio n tr a n s m itte d b y (h e n c e , th e
e q u iv o c a tio n a s s o c ia te d w ith ) p a r tic u la r s ig n a ls . [2 2 , p 2 6 ]
This treatment of the quantities of information associated with events, sources, and
receivers, like most of Shannon’s 1949 book [121], is based on discrete events.
Shannon’s communication channel models, accepted inputs and delivered outputs, at
discrete instants in time, where the input and output symbols are drawn from a
countable set By means of coding theorems, he was able to rigorously establish the
limits o f information communication over such channels and these results could be
expressed in numbers of bits transmitted per channel use [124]. The extension of
these ideas to the continuous case of a model describing real communication systems
was more troublesome. We examine this next
independent numbers in time T [124]. It was necessary to wait until the work of
Landau and Pollack before the notion of 2W T degrees of freedom for signals of
5(f) |
*David Slepian gives an excellent thought-provoking account of the paradox of real finite duration signals
being band-limited in [124].
The motivation for Gabor’s work published in 1946, and the related work of Ville
[129] and Page [130], was a fundamental analysis and clarification of the
physical and mathematical ideas needed to understand what a time-varying frequency
spectrum is [131,132]. The application was the conveyance of information in
communication channels and the optimal utilization of frequency bands. Up until that
time communication theory was based on the two mutually exclusive idealized
alternatives of time-domain analysis and frequency domain analysis.9 Time-domain
analysis employs operations at sharply defined instants in time. Fourier analysis
employs infinite duration wave-trains of sharply defined frequency. Both of these
methods of analysis are at variance with our intuitive notions of time and frequency,
based on everyday experience —particularly our experience of auditory sensation like
tones, and varying pitches in music, and also of human speech with its intricate
modulations. The approach introduced by Gabor is to represent a signal in
2-dimensions with time and frequency as co-ordinates. This means having to find a
2-dimensional joint distribution, a function of time and a function of frequency, which
describes the energy density or intensity of a signal s im u lta n e o u s ly in time and
frequency. Gabor called these 2-dimensional representations " in fo r m a tio n diagrams",
as areas in them are proportional to the n u m b e r o f in d e p e n d e n t d a ta which the "area"
can convey. This sampling theoretic interpretation of time-frequency distributions was
claimed by Gabor to arise from the fundamental "uncertainty relation" that exists
between time and frequency description:
T h e f r e q u e n c y o f a s ig n a l w h ic h is n o t o f in fin ite d u r a tio n c a n b e d e fi n e d
o n ly w ith a c e r ta in in a c c u r a c y , w h ic h is in v e r s e ly p r o p o r tio n a l to th e
d u r a tio n , a n d v ic e v e r s a . [ 1 2 8 ]
’Results using the short-time Fourier transform in the form of the "sound spectrogram" were published at
almost the same time as Gabor’s work. See [128,129] for details. The problem with the short-time Fourier
transform is choosing the time domain window-width suitable for a given time-varying signal.
‘"Because the Gabor information diagram is a Cartesian product of time and frequency, areas in the diagram
are dimensionless quantities: pure numbers or scalars, literally data.
(a) -i
Figure 12. Illustration of Gabor elementary functions (a) on the information diagram,
(b) in the time domain and (c) in the frequency domain.
At this stage Nyquist, Hartley and others had already concluded that the total amount
of information that may be transmitted down a communications channel is proportional
to the product of frequency bandwidth and time allowed for transmission. Gabor was
attempting to put this result on a more rigorous footing, and at the same time give
expression to more intuitive representations of signals. He described how no physical
instrument for transducing sound can be represented either on the one extreme by a
“While the main advantage of the Gabor elementary function (GEF) scheme for representing signals is the
achieving o f the lowest bound on the joint entropy (defined as the product of effective spatial extent and
frequency bandwidth), and the GEFs form a complete set, the GEFs are not independent An analytical
solution of the problem of finding expansion coefficients requires the introduction of an auxiliary elementary
function as described in [132],
delta function, or on the other extreme by a pure harmonic oscillation. For eveiy
resonator ("oscillograph" or "reed"), finite damping times and tuning widths can be
defined when the oscillations or response have fallen by some fixed amount (say
lO d B ). Then there is a fixed relation of the form
and a characteristic rectangle in the information diagram with order unity area, for all
types of resonators. Thus
p h y s i c a l in s tr u m e n ts a n a ly z e th e tim e - fr e q u e n c y d ia g r a m in to r e c ta n g le s
w h ic h h a v e s h a p e s d e p e n d e n t o n th e n a tu r e o f th e in s tr u m e n t a n d a r e a s o f
t h e o r d e r u n ity , b u t n o t le s s th a n o n e -h a lf. T h e n u m b e r o f th e s e r e c ta n g le s
in a n y r e g io n in th e n u m b e r o f in d e p e n d e n t d a ta w h ic h th e in s tr u m e n t c a n
o b ta i n f r o m th e s i g n a l , i.e ., p r o p o r tio n a l to th e a m o u n t o f in fo r m a tio n . T h is
ju s tifie s c a llin g th e d ia g r a m fr o m n o w o n t h e ‘d i a g r a m o f in fo r m a tio n ’ ".
[12 8 1
Gabor attributes the fundamental limit, on the size of rectangles in the information
diagram corresponding to physical instruments, to the making of a function of one
variable — time or frequency — a function of two independent variables — time and
frequency. He proves mathematically that this fundamental limit exists but offers no
physical or intuitive explanations:
. . . a s a r e s u lt o f th is d o u b lin g o f v a r ia b le s w e h a v e th e s tr a n g e f e a t u r e th a t,
a lth o u g h w e c a n c a r r y o u t th e a n a ly s is w ith a n y d e g r e e o f a c c u r a c y in th e
tim e d ir e c tio n or in th e fr e q u e n c y d ir e c tio n , we cannot carry it out
s i m u l t a n e o u s l y i n b o t h b e y o n d a c e r ta in lim it.
If At and Af are uncertainties inherent in the definition of the epoch t and the
frequency f, i.e. they are the damping time and tuning width respectively, then for all
physical resonators we have
A t. A f ~ 1 ( 8)
This expression bears a formal resemblance to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of
quantum mechanics. Gabor introduced the concept of the complex or analytical signal
as the sum of the physical signal and its Hilbert transform in quadrature. He was able
to use this function, along with the quantum mechanical wave-function formalism due
to Schrodinger, Bohr, Pauli and others [46], and along with the usual procedure for
deriving the Heisenberg uncertainty formula, to derive an uncertainty formula for
signals described in time and frequency:12
A t. A f > Vi
Ai = - r)2, A/ = ~ f)2
are the "effective duration" and the "effective frequency width" respectively [128],
. ÎS
2 -
0 3 5 7 -* •/
m i
»11 1 »i
II ii
12Note that this result does not derive from quantum mechanics. It does not arise because of the quanta! state
of matter at microscopic levels. It is simply the result of a formal mathematical analogy which exists for
underlying reasons that Gabor does not pretend to explain.
signals is formally identical, the same function describes a communications signal
which is simultaneously localized to the greatest possible extent in both time and
frequency domains. The time domain description of the minimum uncertainty function,
the GEF or logon, is a Gaussian modulated sine or cosine. In the frequency domain
it is two Gaussian functions on opposite sides of the origin. It turns out that the
information diagram gives an intuitively very satisfying description of phenomena such
as chiips signals, frequency modulation (FM) or time-division multiplexing [128].
Just as in the spectrogram, however, there is a free parameter in this GEF signal
representation scheme. In this case it is the ratio of the sides of the GEF/logon
rectangle in the information diagram, (and it is related to the notion of Q factor for an
oscillator). We shall see below that the primate biological vision system may have
come up with an appropriate way of selecting values for this parameter based on the
statistics of images of natural scenes. The specific type of approach used in biological
vision systems is not usually one availed of by engineers in general signal processing
or communication problems because the signal ensembles in this case are assumed to
be so general, but the freedom to vary this ratio can be useful here also.
As mentioned above, Gabor in the case of one time dimension, and more recently
Daugman [134] in the case of two spatial dimensions have shown that the class of
Gabor filters achieve a minimum value of uncertainty as measured by the product of
effective widths in the spatial and spectral domains respectively. That is, the
uncertainty (as it relates to entropy) is measured separately along each dimension of
the joint spatial/spectral representation [135]. Recent results published by Jacobson
and Wechsler have thrown more light on the issues of resolution and uncertainty
[136]. They claim that uncertainty should be measured in a joint Cartesian product
domain rather than being the result of separate computations over two independent
dimensions. They also show that the spectrogram, the difference of Gaussian (DOG)
representation (see below) and the Gabor power representations are all smoothed
versions of the Wigner-Ville distribution and as such cannot improve on the resolution
achieved by this distribution.13 The Wigner distribution is in turn a member of an
infinite set of a more general class of distributions described by Cohen [137].14
Like Gabor, Cohen [131] makes it clear that the quantum analogy evoked by Gabor,
and Ville is a formal analogy only. According to Cohen, the similarity arises because
the probability distribution describing the likelihood of finding a particle at a certain
position, is given by the absolute square of a wavefunction (which is the solution of
a second order partial differential equation). The probability of finding that the particle
has a particular momentum, is given by the absolute square of the Fourier transform
of the wave-function. By associating a signal in communication theory with the
wave-function, time with position and frequency with momentum, it is found that both
systems have identical marginal conditions and are formally the same, even though the
variables have different physical interpretations.
1’Another advantage of the Wigner distribution over power representations is that it encodes phase implicity.
Even though the distribution is strictly real valued the original signal can be recovered to within a sign.
14See [131] for a thorough review of the various time-frequency distributions which have been explored
within this set, a description of their properties and some application.
(a) No. of Pixels/line N (b) No. of Pixels/Line N
Figure 14. Isopreference curves for (a) most energy is in low frequency part of the
spectrum and (b) energy is spread throughout the spectrum. Dashed lines are lines of
constant bit rate. Adapted from Gonzalez & Wintz [139].
distributed throughout the available spectrum (b). Hardly surprisingly, he found that
the quality of images tends to increase with n and m . This being said, there were a few
instances, where for fixed N, perceived quality improved by d e c r e a s in g m , possibly
because this increases the apparent contrast of an image. Secondly, he found that
curves tend to be more vertical, as detail in the image increases (i.e. with an increase
in power at higher frequencies). This result suggests that for images with a large
amount of detail, only a few grey levels are required to represent the content of the
image. Finally, Huang found that the isopreference curves depart markedly from the
curves of constant numbers of bits b = N xm . Points on the isopreference curves can,
with some care, be considered as representing images which, for humans, contain
roughly equivalent amounts of perceptually (or semantically) relevant information.
Lines of constant b represent what is, for the computer, constant amounts of data (also
normally called information). The departure between the two again illustrates the
difference between Shannon-information and semantic information.
4.4.2 The human spatial MTF
The spatial m o d u la tio n tr a n s fe r fu n c tio n (MTF) of the human visual system, has
always featured strongly in psychophysical approaches to describing the capabilities
and properties of the visual system [11, 64]. Its use assumes that at least to a first
approximation, the visual system (including the optics, retina and the transduction and
processing leading to a perceptual experience) can be modelled as a linear system.
This assumption is not true [11,140,141,142,143,144], not least
because of the logarithm-like non-linear compression which occurs in the
photoreceptors. Notwithstanding this and other non-linearities, the first order
approximation is sufficiently accurate in many cases for the MTF to be an extremely
useful tool for quantifying aspects of the HVS.
For sinusoidal input, the spatial MTF is defined as the ratio of output contrast to input
contrast as a function of spatial frequency. If it were possible to measure input and
output contrast values directly, the human visual system (HVS) could be completely
characterized (to this approximation) in the spatial Fourier domain. Unfortunately it
is not possible to measure perceptual contrast output because of the many assumptions
about the systems behaviour required to evaluate psycho-physical variables. Instead,
the c o n tr a s t s e n s itiv ity function (CSF) in the form of the threshold of contrast
perception as a function of spatial modulation frequency C jfu ), is used:
M T F = H (u ), a ss u m e = C S F (u ) = H C Ju ).
Roetling [145] showed how it is possible to use the MTF to make an estimate of
the Shannon-information (in units of bits per pixel) that is retained by the visual
system. He points out that normally in image processing for human re-viewing, the
sample spacing and quantization levels are chosen so that the eye does not see
degradations due to either process. On the basis of the high frequency cut off of the
visual systems the sample spacing is assumed to be 20 pixel/mm or 60c/°. On the basis
of the ability to perceive low-contrast differences in intensity at somewhat lower
frequencies it is assumed that the visual system quantizes and represents signals to an
accuracy of 8-bits per pixel. But this combined estimate is based on two different
visual limits corresponding to two different points of the MTF curve, Figure 15. The
estimate of the number of grey-levels required is made at a much lower frequency and
therefore needs to be supported by a much smaller set of samples than the maximum
sampling frequency. At the maximum sampling frequency, the visual system is very
Figure 15. Visual contrast sensitivity (horiz. dashed line) and high-frequency cutoff
(vert, dashed line) represented on the contrast sensitivity curve (with linear spatial
frequency axis. Adapted from Roetling [145].
insensitive to contrast and only very few grey levels need to be coded. The
combination of these limits, results in an over estimate of the "information" perceived
by the eye.
Using a fitted curve to describe the MTF of psychophysical data, Roetling was able
to show that an improved estimate of "visually useful bits of information" based on
the entire MTF rather than just two points, is:
N o . o f b i t s l p i x e l ~ 2 n A 2( 1 7 7 . 5 )
~ 2 . 8 b its p e r p ix e l f o r a s a m p le s p a c in g o f 2 0 /m m
Briefly, he derived this result as follows. For the MTF he used the fitted curve [64,
146] which is normalized so that the peak of the curve corresponds to a just
detectable modulation of 0.005:
M TF = 5 . 0 5 ( e - ° I38f) ( l - e M lf) , fin c l° .
Assume that at every spatial frequency, grey values should be quantized so that the
just detectable modulation represents one quantization step. The modulation is
i.e. the number of intervals is the reciprocal of the just detectable modulation (original
form of MTF data). So, (taking out normalization and converting to c/mm)
U le v e ls = 1 0 1 0 ( e - o m : ^ ) ( 1 . e W ) ) + L
-I/ 2 A I/2A
- L
K 2A 2 A
The visual performance data has (assumed) circular symmetry so this can be rewritten
Note that the number of bits/pixel «= A2, so that assuming binary quantization of 1 bit
per pixel, a sample spacing of 33.4 mm'1 would yield the same amount of visually
useful information as the actual mechanisms of the eye. This is the reason why only
black and white dots in the form of dithered or half-tone patterns are able to reproduce
full grey-scale representations if sampled at a sufficiently high frequency. Figure 17
shows the approximate equivalent low contrast reproducibility of different numbers of
bits per pixel as a function of frequencies lower than the Nyguist limit. The human
MTF curve is superimposed for comparison.
4.5 Entropy and Structure
The development of the concept of entropy from a purely thermodynamic quantity to
the modem variants of the term is described above. The notion of entropy was
subsequently used, by analogy, as one of the central planks in information theory. Its
use in information theory does not however exhaust the possibilities of this notion as
an explanatory device. An extension of the notion of entropy is useful for capturing
the notion of the structure involved in pattern description and classification. This
extension is based on Von Neumann’s use of the quantity which he called m i c r o s c o p i c
e n tr o p y
S = T race (a L o g a ), T race a = 1
structure means that knowledge about a part allows us to more accurately predict the
rest of the whole. "The possible variety of the state of the whole is restricted in spite
of the [large] variety of states of the individual parts separately taken" [19, p. 142].
Structure is maximized when the individual parts have large entropy but they act in
consort so that the joint distribution has small entropy. The entropy of the whole is
simply the sum of the entropy of the parts when there is no correlation or
interdependence between the individual parts. If there is correlation or structure, this
fact is measured by the disparity between the entropy of the whole and the sum of the
partial or marginal entropies. The stronger the structure, the more the sum of partial
entropies exceeds the entropy of the whole. Watanabe defines a function which
captures a measure of the structure of a multipartite system:
J = s tr e n g th o f s tr u c tu r e
= s u m o f p a r t ia l e n tr o p ie s - e n tr o p y o f w h o le .
If for example, the system consists of two parts represented by the variables x and y
/ = - I jJ ( x ) L o g p (x ) - X> p ( y ) L o g p (y ) + XX p ( x ,y ) L o g p ( x ,y )
In non-physical applications, like image analysis, it often happens that the partial
entropies do not appreciably change from one to another, so the structure often is a
decreasing function of the entropy of the whole. Thus, the smaller the entropy (of the
whole) the stronger the structure. In pattern recognition, this idea can be used as a
heuristic principle: what Watanabe refers to as our "conceptual framework"15 should
be adjusted so as to maximize the structure, or in most cases, so as to minimize the
entropy of the whole.
It is useful to explore this idea of structure further and to try to relate it to invariants
and symbol systems in primitive perceptual observations. Consider the example of a
pair of experiments; each experiment individually is a "part" and the joint experiment
of the two taken together is the "whole". Independence between this pair of
“ Recall that the process of making information explicit involves first determining a probability distribution
over a symbol set which is equivalent to expanding our data vector in a certain co-ordinate system (axes are
the eigenvector of the measurement operator corresponding to the symbol set). The choice between different
symbols is easiest (the information or structure in the system is most apparent) when the probability
distribution is as uneven as possible. This corresponds to minimizing the entropy of the whole as the symbols
are defined in terms of the whole (or joint statistics), not in terms of the parts (or marginal statistics).
experiments means that there is no redundancy between them - our "suiprise" at the
result o f the second experiment is not affected by the result of the first, and vice versa.
Each time we carry out the second individual experiment we are getting new
information about its outcome (our a p r io r i uncertainty about the outcome goes to zero
after the result becomes known). This is information which we had no reason to expect
to know beforehand. The amount of information conveyed by the individual
experiments is maximized and the structure function is zero.
Suppose now that there i s some connection between the experiments — say we use one
or other of two differently biased coins in the second experiment, depending on the
result of the first experiment Then, even before we carry out the second experiment
we have an inkling of what the result is likely to be, and so are not terribly surprised
on average when this result happens. On average then, we do not get as much new
information as is possible in an unbiased experiment. There is structure in the
experimental setup (witness our extended description). The results are redundant to
some extent and so the J function is non-zero.
hard-wired, but develops under the influence of genetic specification, and epigenetic
factors such as neural electrical activity, both anti- and post-natally.
Much work has been done and continues to be carried out in embryology to investigate
the mechanisms of the genetic specification of the development of the nervous system.
In terms of epigenetic factors a number of specific details are known. Firstly, naturally
occurring "noise", probably arising from thermal isomerisations in the photoreceptors,
plays an important role in the in utero development of ganglion cell axons from the
retina to the LGN in primates. Secondly, in the period immediately before and after
birth, the visual cortex is being innervated by axons growing from the LGN, whose
growth was in turn triggered by the arrival of the ganglion cell projections from the
retina. There is a critical period during which the visual system must be subject to
normal visual experience in order for the usual cortical structures to develop.
Deprivation of visual experience in specific ways, such as blocking all light, or
blocking all horizontal patterns to one eye, results in very specific corresponding
deficits in the cortical structure [153]. These three factors, naturally occurring
receptor "noise", early visual experience, and critical periods, are all known to be
important in visual system development but the precise reasons why is what Linsker
set out to investigate.
prejudiced by our particular values, or our particular observables, and closer to what
is actually operational for the system, as opposed to our symbolic explanations. They
might also give us an insight into exactly what quantities developmental rules or
mechanisms act on, that are important to the information-processing function of a
perceptual system.
The justification for the type of neural structure he investigates is as follows. The
visual system of mammals is roughly organised into a multi-layered structure with
connections within and between the layers. This is particularly true in the case of the
early visual pathways including the retina, LGN and early visual cortex, The cells in
each layer take their inputs signals from within that layer and from other layers and
give a non-linear response which depends on these inputs and on the internal state of
the cell. As well as the expected feed-forward of signals from the sensory surface
towards "higher" layers within the nervous system, there are substantial feedback
pathways where outputs from "higher" layers are used as inputs to the earlier stages.
Nevertheless, if interesting self-organisational properties could be demonstrated in
much simpler models involving feed-forward connections only, and involving cells
Figure 18. A schematic multi-layer feedforward network with linear nodes and random
connections between layers.
with linear responses only, then we would know that these properties are not a
function of the non-linearities or the feedback mechanisms. This knowledge is vitally
important if we are to investigate what is the role of these latter mechanisms.
Function Function
Figure 19. Schematic diagram illustrating the various symbols and functions used in
the mathematical formulation of Linsker’s network.
lsNote that any transformation implemented by a multi-layer feedforward network with linear nodes as
described could just as easily be implemented by a single layer with the appropriate weights. But the point
here is not to develop any particular transformation (cf. a computational theory), but to examine how the
various layers of the network self-organize with random input or visual input to the first layer and using
various weighting adaptation rules.
17The Hebb rule increases the strength of a connection between an input to a cell and that cell’s output if
the activity of the input is correlated with the output and vice versa.
A more precise version of the relationship between any two particular layers18 is
illustrated in Figure 19. Here a and P label cell positions in whatever layer is the input
layer19 for the connections being considered, while x and y label cell positions in the
output layer for these connections. Each of a, P, x and y range over the full range of
positions in the 2-D layers. Let LJt) be the activity of a cell in the input layer at a
at time t and M Jt) be the activity of a cell in the output layer at x at time t. The
connections between the two layers are described by an "arbour" function A(x-a), and
the connections between cells within the output layer are described by an "interaction"
function I(x-y). The input to position y at time t is given by
G,(/) = £ s „ W 2(i.(«))
This in turn affects the output of a neighbouring cell in the same layer at position x.
Thus the activation at x at time t is
If S fjt) is the connection strength between a cell at position a in the input layer and
a position x in the output layer then a typical Hebb modification is described by
/,(L .W ) - YS „ (0 -
Now Linsker uses a Gaussian arbour function and ignores interaction within the output
’*The formulation described here is more general than that used by Linsker so as to accommodate the
description of a system where the output layer can take input from two completely separate layers as in the
ocular dominance model described by Miller el al [153], and also to describe the decorrelation ideas
presented by Barlow et al [17 J.
i4(*-a) = «-<*-■>* I(x -y ) = Ô(x->)
and gets the following differential equation for the change of connection strengths over
time (averaged over large numbers of presentations):
In a related series of experiments Miller et al [153] simulate the effect of having two
separate sets of inputs corresponding to a right and a left view, with separate
weighting functions 5° = S* + & and four separate correlation functions CM, Cu , C“
and C*1. With Gaussian correlation within and between layers, (and also anti
correlation in certain cases), Gaussian and difference of Gaussian (DOG) layer
interaction functions, and "box" arbour functions, they have demonstrated the type of
"ocular" dominance patterns that are known to exist in the early visual cortex.
Marshall [154] shows how Hebb-adaptive layered feed-forward networks with a
natural propagation delay within layers, can develop quite sophisticated visual-motion
processing capabilities (including direction and velocity sensitivity). He even suggests
that it may be possible to show that higher-order capabilities, such as depth perception
and object-recognition, can arise as self-orginizing properties in suitable network
These results are tremendously interesting, although much work needs to be done to
investigate and understand them fully. It could be argued that they are little more than
structural mimicry, and do not even seem to carry out any particularly useful function
to boot, what they demonstrate is that quite diverse aspects of the structure of a certain
complex information-processing system (the nervous system) can be related to
common and relatively simple adaptive mechanisms. This relationship puts a different
complexion on attempts to explain these processing structures as separate aspects
within a computational theory for something or other. It shows that there may be a
more "primitive" level of explanation, nearer to the dynamics of development and
activity of the information-processing system, where a unified account of the separate
aspects can be given. The emphasis here is on may. Exactly what is happening in these
simulations, and what this means, needs to be properly understood
Linsker goes further than the simulations, and attempts to understand what the Hebb
adaptations are actually achieving in information theoretic terms. Consider each
presentation of inputs L = (Llt...JLN) as a message, with L, denoting the activity of the
f* cell in the input layer, where the L, values are quantized so that the N-dimensional
space of L vectors is partitioned into boxes. (Two input messages are regarded as
identical if they lie in the same box). If p(L) is the probability that a randomly chosen
message will lie in box L, the information obtained by selecting this message is I(L)
= log p(L), as described above. The average information conveyed is —HiP(L)log
p(L). Now each input message L generates an output vector M which similarly lies in
some box in an N-D space. Now the question is, if we know M, then how much more
information do we need to reconstruct L? The answer is given by the amount of
equivocation — the information about L that was not "transmitted" to M, i.e., the
information we have about L given that we know M, IjJL) = —log p(L/M ). The
average rate R of transmission of information from the cell’s inputs to its output is
given by
R = <log p(L/M ) / p(L) >
= <I(M)> - <IL(M)>
So on the basis of an examination of the effect of the Hebb rules described above,
particularly when the cell output is affected by noise relative to its input, Linsker
claims that the network adapts to a transformation which maximizes the rate of
transmission o f information from L to M, subject to constraints or additional cost
terms. Furthermore he illustrates how depending on the level of noise, the Infomax
principle organises a tradeoff between the benefit of having redundant M cell
responses, which mitigate the information destroying effects of noise, or the
informational value of having different cells evaluate a different linear combination of
the input [18]. This description in information theoretic terms of the effect of a certain
type of adaptation mechanism, yet again provides a different perspective on the
"purpose" of perception: there is no need for any higher layer to attempt to reconstruct
the raw sensory data or a "real" world representation, from what information it
extracts. Rather the point is to enable the higher layers to use environmental
information to discriminate the relative value of different actions. If the required
information is discarded at any stage, it is no longer available for further use.
Alternatively, if a local optimization principle is used at any stage, it cannot attempt
to take account of global goals of the system and cannot know what information can
be discarded. The principle of maximum information preservation ensures that the
maximum information is transmitted through the system at all times, in a way which
is neutral to the overall goals of the system. Remember the overall goals are not
available at any level lower than the system as a whole anyway.
similarities seem to only emphasize the gulf between the two. Bossomaier and Snyder
[155] characterize the difference as a distinction between statistical and form
redundancy. For example, in the English language, the letter q is always followed by
the letter u; therefore in this context, the letter u carries no information (it does not
help to discriminate symbols) and so can be omitted without loss. The letter e occurs
more frequently in English than any other letter and so for example is assigned a short
code in the Morse code. This is a statistical analysis of information. It involves
correlations and frequencies of occurrence of letters or combinations of letters —first
and higher order statistics — and it can be used to reduce statistical redundancy. It
operates independently of words or meaning.
On the other hand Bossomaier and Snyder give the example of improving coding by
using "a lexicon of English words". Coding can be made more efficient by rejecting
nonsense combinations of letters which cannot occur (even though compatible with the
statistics) or by introducing abbreviations which do not cause ambiguity. This is an
analysis based on the semantic content of the message or text to be coded and it
allows a reduction of form redundancy. It would seem that no achievable amount of
logical computation can ever allow form redundancy to be directly analyzed on the
basis of various orders of statistical redundancy. Yet there are reasons to believe that
biological organisms are able to carry out this process. According to Bossomaier and
Snyder, the processing of form information is a multi-level task which involves many
operations in parallel. While very little other than this is known about the process, the
authors claim that it is
greatly assisted by removing statistical redundancy and producing an
economical representation at each level.
They also argue that local spatial frequency analysis is the optimum strategy for
removing statistical redundancy in vision.
One of the proposals considered here is that the removal of statistical redundancy is
important, not because it assists later analysis, but because it is the first of many
similar steps in the processing of visual data. The later steps (probably corresponding
to the processing of form redundancy) have essentially the same nature as the earlier
ones — like those that involve statistical redundancy reduction. The later stages have
the same underlying nature, but are not identical with the early analysis for three
reasons. Firstly, simply because the earlier processes have already happened and
statistical redundancy has been removed, subsequent analysis will be operating on
input with very different (statistical) properties from the input to the earlier processes.
Secondly, the formation of cortical regions and the gross immature projections between
them seem to be genetically specified and it seems to be this that determines the
overall character of the sensory, motor and cognitive functions.21 Thirdly the
dynamics of signal flow within cortical regions, involving both afferent and reafferent
travelling of information seems to play an extremely important, though as yet poorly
understood role [37, 40]22. One reason why the early processing stages of biological
vision systems, seem to deal with the aspect of visual data that would normally be
described by statistical measures, might simply be that at this early stage of
processing, this is the only aspect of the overall visual data which is available to
mechanisms whose connections are very restricted in spatial range.
2,It is interesting at this point to recall Crick’s general description of the architecture of the brain in terms
o f a series of discrete maps which nonetheless interact to some extent at their edges. He also claims that
when new functional areas of the brain arise in evolution, they arise in pairs [57],
“ A t the ESPRIT workshop in Killaraey, Vision in Context, mentioned in the preface, the suggestion was
made that "upwards" (or afferent) projection of information from the sensory surfaces, meeting the downward
(or reafferent) flow of information from processing in "higher" regions of the cortex could be thought of
using the metaphor of "controlled hallucination". Freeman’s models seem to emphasise more of a dynamic
"resonance" between these two flows of information [37, 40].
device and its expanded inteipretation in terms of Watanabe’s structure function helps
to make clear the notion of statistical redundancy applied to pattern recognition.
Linsker’s work on simulations of simple neural networks leading to the infomax
principle, allows an intriguing insight to the possible developmental mechanisms that
cause the observed arrangements in biological vision systems to arise. These
quantitative views of information are contrasted with semantic inteipretations of
information discussed by Bossomaier and Snyder and this topic is returned to again
in much more detail when we discuss Dretske’s semantic theory of information in
chapter 7. Finally, the concepts introduced here allow us to begin to discuss different
possible explanations or theories of perception, which is what we turn to next
Chapter 5
5 Theories of Perception
5.1 Introduction
To properly describe the functioning of a biological visual system, one needs more
than just a catalogue of different unit responses at different stages in the processing
system. Not only do we need to know how neural mechanisms work at various
physiological levels of abstraction, but also why that particular way is appropriate and
what it is doing. Marr [9] was one of the first to clearly point out that description of
the behaviour of neural system alone is not sufficient to allow man-made
implementations —description alone in fact is dangerous: it subtly leads to mimicry.
Explanation of behaviour in terms of the "whats?" and the "whys?" was the missing
factor which accounted for much of the lack of progress in both biological and
computer vision in the 1970s. His "computational theory" and "levels of analysis" is
an attempt to fill the gap. Possibly because of the lack of time and the need to
introduce a completely new approach to understanding natural and artificial sensory
processing, Marr concentrated on explaining properties of the mature neural
mechanisms, but in exactly the same way that we need an explanation of the mature
mechanism’s functioning as well as a description, so a description of how the
mechanisms arise or develop is not the whole story. We also need to explain why they
arise in this particular form carrying out this particular function. The computational
mechanism which Mair describes as the first stage of his computational theory of
vision calls for a very specific set of neuronal connections between different
processing stages. To argue that such a specific programme of connections can arise,
needs more justification than simply that the completed system is useful a posteriori.
The work described here arose out of an attempt to allow an explanation of why the
mechanisms for processing of visual information evolved and develop the way they
must and apparently do. At least one important aspect of these problems of function
and development can be illuminated by examining the issues in information theoretic
terms. In the context of this chapter this means thinking of the visual data and the
processing mechanisms in statistical terms. In chapter 7 we return to discuss a
semantic theory of information which concentrates on the information in specific
signals rather than ensemble or statistical averages.
Returning for a moment to the operation of the mechanisms for visual processing
rather than their development, we need to construct a theory which explains this
functioning. At this stage there have been several candidate theories some of which
have been discredited for various reasons. The two interpretations of the properties of
single cells in the visual pathway which have been around the longest are the rival
theories of feature detection and spatial frequency filtering [56, chap. 3]. Historically
these have had ample, if patchy influence on the development of computer vision. The
concepts of, and basis for these theories are reviewed, in addition to arguments as to
why they are untenable.
5.2 Feature Detector and Frequency Analysis Theories
The feature detection theory tries to interpret the input/output relationship of single
cells as detectors of geometrical features involving a local analysis of the transduced
visual pattern. The interpretation was originally motivated by the strong response
which cells in the striate cortex of the cat show for edges or bars of
luminance-contrast at specific orientations [159]. It was supposed that the sparse
activity of "edge detectors" would produce an economical representation of the visual
pattern. In later stages of the visual pathway it was found that cells seemed to become
more specialized, needing more and more specific features to provoke a response, in
what was described as a simple, complex, hyper-complex cell hierarchy [40, chap.5].
The location of the trigger feature needed to elicit a response also became less precise
with progression along the pathway showing that later cells had larger receptive fields.
These facts indicated the possible existence of a hierarchically organized visual system
with increase in abstraction and decrease in localization with progression up through
the hierarchy. At the base of the hierarchy were the precisely localized edge detectors.
The top of the hierarchy it was expected to find cells which only responded when very
particular objects — such as one’s grandmother, or a yellow Volkswagen — came
anywhere within the field of view.
With the increasing sophistication of knowledge about the visual system it has become
clear that this interpretation of the response of single neurons in the cortex is untenable
[160]. One of the first pieces of contradictory evidence was the demonstration by
Stone in 1972 [161] that complex cells which were supposedly higher up in the
hierarchy than simple cells because of their more complex response pattern and wider
receptive field were actually driven directly by visual input from the LGN and
responded before the simple cortical cells. A more crucial objection described in Bruce
and Green [56, p.65] claims to refute the notion of feature detector altogether. To be
a detector for a particular pattern a unit would have to respond to that and only that
pattern at its input. In fact the cells typically give a range of responses which depend
for example on the particular pattern at the input, its contrast or orientation. The rate
of response only provides ambiguous information about the pattern of light in its
receptive field, ie., it does not make explicit any specific type of information. Almost
every part of a real visual image would have enough contrast to provoke some
response in virtually all of the cells in earlier stages of the visual pathway.
One answer to this criticism is to reject the notion of single cells as feature detectors
and claim only that they carry out some type of filtering operation. A further
alternative position is to claim that single cells do not do anything which is identifiable
by examining a single cell at all and that the real "movers" are groups of neurons
acting in consort:
As members of local cooperative assemblies, they could collectively offer
more exact descriptions ... More information may be represented by the
pattern o f temporal relationships between the firings of neighbouring units
that by the firing patterns of any unit in isolation. [162].
An even more radical position is to abandon attempts to explain the activity of cortical
neurons in terms of a visual processing algorithm altogether and to rely on human
ingenuity alone to devise a suitable computational theory of visual processing.1
Despite the fact that a feature detecting theory is unsustainable as an explanation of
the activity of single cortical cells in vertebrate visual systems, the principle of using
edge detection as the first step in computer vision systems and theories is wide-spread
in the computer vision community. The justification that edge detection has proved to
be an effective means of coding many types of images is pragmatic, but somewhat of
a "cop-out". There are many situations where edge detectors do not work, yet the
human visual system does and we need to understand why, because these situations
are as, if not more important than the ones where edge-detection does work. In
addition an account compatible with biological vision systems might be very useful
in the explication of later visual processing. A different account is quite likely to lead
in the wrong direction.
'See for example, [56, p.86]. There seems to be an implication that whether or not Man’s theory is
compatible with physiological findings, it is sufficiently well-grounded to stand on its own as an explanation
of perceptual processing.
about local properties of visual pattern at all, but instead are involved in the processing
of global properties such as spatial frequencies. (Its a weak argument!)
^The original work suggested four spatial frequency channels. More have been described since, and even the
suggestion of an unlimited number (135]. Recently, Barlow and Ffildiik have cast some doubt on the
technique of response saturation which was often used in the investigation of spatial frequency properties
of cortical systems [17]
ambiguity in single cell responses making the interpretation of their responses in terms
of spectral component power very difficult.
Several suggestions (most of which did not amount to full theories of perception as
the feature detection and Fourier analysis aspired to be) were made to explain the
channel mechanism [56, p.72]. One of the most successful of the theories in terms of
its explanatory power and subsequent exploitation is the idea proposed by Marr and
Hildreth [59] that the multi-channel mechanism is an intrinsic part of an edge-detection
process3. Marr objected to the two more traditional explanations on a number of
grounds —the most important of which is the function which the theories imposed on
the visual system in an attempt to justify properties of units within the system. Each
of the two rival traditional theories — feature detection and Fourier analysis — is
assumed to have as its goal the recognition of objects, not necessarily because of any
a priori decision that this is the goal that needs achieving but because it is the logical
conclusion of the assumptions made about single cells. In the case of the "feature
detection" theory it is argued that pattern recognition is achieved by detecting the
invariant set of geometric features that specify an object In the Fourier analysis theory
it is argued that recognition is achieved by detecting the invariant spatial frequency
components that specify an object
The problem with both of these theories is the "large degree of commitment of the
visual cortex to a particular kind of abstraction of information; that required to identify
objects" [56, p.84], when in fact there is a large amount of other information available
from the environment about such things as the positions of objects, their depth and
relative movement etc. In both of the traditional theories, this type of information is
thrown away at an early stage in the visual pathway.
Marr claimed that his "raw primal sketch" still retains all the information about
position and movement etc., present in the input images. This means that it can in
theory be used as the input to a wide variety of processes for recognizing objects,
analyzing three-dimensional structure and computing motion. But a careful analysis
of the type of processing that must be involved in visual perception
Vield [71] presents an alternative explanation in terms of the statistical redundancy of natural images which
we shall discuss below.
[166,167,168,169] and constraints on the computational resources
[170] indicate that there must be form/motion subdivision of visual processing
which is incompatible with Marr’s generalized feature detection (edge; blob; orientated
line segment, etc.) theory. Wilson et al show that attempts to simultaneously measure
spatial position and spatial frequency are incompatible — measurements of position
destroy all spatial frequency information and vice versa. The analysis of form requires
the extraction of detail at high spatial resolution which implies a large spatial
frequency bandwidth; (a delta function has infinite bandwidth). Measurements of
velocity then result in large uncertainties due to the consequentially wide temporal
frequency bandwidth. (Velocity is related to the ratio of temporal to spatial frequencies
[170,171]). This reasoning is strongly supported by a growing body of evidence
which describes the existence of a foim/motion subdivision of the visual pathway in
primates [13,172]. It is now becoming clear that the cortex, including the primary
visual cortex VI, has a more complex set of interconnection, including multiple
reciprocal pathways, than could possibly be consistent with any of the step by step
theories of early visual perception mentioned — including Marr’s based raw
primal sketch and full primal sketch models [173,174]4. To an extent, the
difficulty of building a complete theory of perception and the virtual impossibility of
reconciling it with the growing body of knowledge of biological sensory systems,
particularly vision, has encouraged a different line of attack. Instead of trying to see
the "big-picture" in terms of a global theory of vision, like feature-detection, Fourier
analysis or Marr’s theory of vision, many researchers in biological vision have
concentrated on trying to better understand the functioning at a local level in the
cortex or in parts of the visual pathway. The hope is that a more precise description,
possibly in mathematical terms, would constrain the functional possibilities sufficiently
to construct a full scale theory. Much research work has been carried out on the
parallel subdivisions of the visual pathway mentioned above; on the topographic and
non-topographic maps between peripheral and cortical subsystems and within the
^For example, it has been shown in these references, that the response of "even" cells to bar stimuli can be
modulated by motion of a textured background, while most complex striate cells show different responses
to texture and bars. More recently it has become clear that many of the response properties and selectivities
ascribed to cortical neurons are only displayed in anaesthetized animals. Under normal sensory conditions
when the animal is awake and behaving, the stereotyped neural responses to "features" are no longer as
apparent or as stable. Even such factors as posture, affect the response for unchanging visual stimulus. This
and other recent evidence lends increasing support to the notion that the function of perception is not to map
an environment, but to control the organisms own movement and more generally, interaction within the
environment [26].
cortex; on the processes of learning and development at individual neuronal and
synaptic levels; and on thoroughly describing the selectivities of individual cells to a
wide variety of visual stimulus attributes. Included among the stimulus attributes
investigated are various aspects of location in visual space, size, orientation, motion
(direction and magnitude), colour, stereo and perspective depth, depth from shading,
spatial frequency and many others.
5.3 Invariants
Much play is made of the term "invariant" in describing the process of perception,
particularly from the semantic viewpoint. The feature detection theories relied on the
detection of invariant features despite changes in illumination, pose, amount of
occlusion etc. Marr [9, p.29] credited J.J. Gibson with directing debate on visual
perception away from the "philosophical considerations of sense-data and the affective
qualities of sensation" to the notion that the senses "are channels for perception of the
real world outside". Gibson’s starting point is the question: "How does one obtain
constant perceptions in everyday life on the basis of continually changing sensations?"
According to Marr this showed that Gibson correctly understood the problem of
perception as one of recovering "valid" properties of the external world from sensory
information. The properties or invariants that Gibson had in mind were "higher-oider"
variables like time-to-collision, the rate of change of texture density, binocular
transformation, the ratio of angular height to angular width and other ratios and
proportions like these.
These invariants correspond to permanent properties of the environment. ...
The function o f the brain, when looped with its perceptual organs, is not to
decode signals, nor to interpret messages, nor to accept images, nor to
organize the sensory input or to process data, in modern terminology. It is
to seek and extract information about the environment from the flowing
array o f ambient energy [175],
Also, according to Marr, he thought of the nervous system, as "resonating" in some
way to these invariants. The adherents of this so-called "ecological" approach were
content to leave further explanations of the mechanisms by which the perceptual
system "resonates" to invariants to the neuroscientists. Their concern became the study
of animals in their environments in an attempt to discover perceptually useful
invariants to which their nervous systems might resonate.
In line with his ideas on the importance of the environment (the real external world)
to perception, Gibson claimed that the starting point for visual processing is the
structure of light in the optic array rather than the point intensities of light
representing the projected image on the retina. From the optic array the higher-order
variables representing the invariant information could, according to Gibson, be directly
detected without ambiguity or indeterminacy. The traditional theories of perception
which considered the retinal image as the primary input were plagued by ambiguity
and multiple interpretations because of the impoverished nature of the 2-d retinal
image. Since the time of Helmholtz, it was believed that perception required "...
inference to supplement the supposedly impoverished nature of the flat, static retinal
image. These processes of inference were held to mediate between retinal image and
perception". [56, p.321]. According to Gibson the necessity to introduce these indirect
"mediating" inferential processes only arose because of the restricted nature of the
retinal image as a description of the perceptual input
The interest in using invariants of the environment as a means to perceiving the nature
of the external world is one of a number of points in common between the
"traditional"5 approach typified by Marr’s computational theory and the "ecological"
approach to perception introduced by Gibson. The principal point on which they differ
is how the visual systems are organised to perceive the external world. In the
traditional approach, objects are perceived (or "reconstructed") by piecing together
primitive elements such as edges and blobs using knowledge of the external world. In
the ecological approach
there is information to specify shape in higher-order invariants in the light,
and it is not necessary, or even possible to decompose such processes into
more primitive psychological operations or ' computations’ ...I t may be a
task for physiologists to unravel the complexities of how nervous systems are
attuned to such high order invariants, but the ecological psychologist need
enquire no further once invariant information has been described [56J.
In any theory of perception there must be some level at which direct detection of a
physical quantity takes place. For the traditional theories this is normally taken to be
the function of the photoreceptors which is then regarded as an "elementary process
closed to further analysis" [56, p.322]. In the sense that traditional theorists would
argue that this detection of incident intensity does not involve "mediation" by
knowledge of the world, the detection process of the receptors is a perfect example of
what Fodor and Pylyshyn [176] would call a cognitively impenetrable process.
Bruce and Green point out that a biochemist would not be content with this
parcellation of the function of photoreceptors. He would seek explanations in terms of
isomerizations induced by the absorption of photon energy and the subsequent
"tidal-wave" of biochemical and ionic transport processes which amplify the signal.
In a similar way, the proponents, such as the ecologists, of the so-called "direct"
theories of perception are content to regard the detection of invariants as a cognitively
impenetrable process, not mediated by knowledge of the external world, and from their
point of view, requiring no further explanation.
sagacious to know what perception needs to do. There is a big gulf between
"perception helps us to ‘know’ about the external world", and the activity of neural
systems, and we argue below that Marr’s progression of representations is untenable
as an attempt to bridge that gulf. Thus knowledge of invariants discovered say by
ecological optics does not help us to know how to characterize these invariants in
terms of the operations that need to be implemented to extract this "structure" from
the optic array. Similarly, introspective descriptions of things of which we have
"constant perceptions ... on the basis of continually changing sensations" like some
planar surfaces, would seem on the face of it, to be suitable candidates for invariants.
But are they really primitive directly detectable invariants, and if not what are —edges,
blobs, features? We are again reminded of Francis Crick’s admonition about our mind
deceiving us at every turn about what our brain is doing. On the other hand,
assumptions of the physical invariance of things like surfaces based on substantive
ideas of reality closely related to Aristotelian philosophy do not necessary imply that
these things are perceptually invariant as well. I personally have great difficulty in
understanding how Marr and Nishihara’s [178] 3-d representation could be
extended to cope with natural objects and substances such as trees and water. What
are the invariants in these and other similar cases? Birds and bees can build nests in,
and fly around trees. What invariants are these creatures detecting? Are they the same
as each other and as the invariants of our perception? Perhaps the invariants we should
be talking about are not those of the illusion of physical reality presented to our
consciousness, but instead elements of the neural signalling received by the brain
which remain invariant despite changes in the light pattern projected on the retina.
These signals are real physical quantities which we can measure and quantify and
whose statistics we can estimate. Redundancy either in an individual signal or between
many simultaneous signals indicates the presence of invariants. Elimination of
redundancy as in the way suggested by Field described above, and the subsequent
measurement of variables in the visual data makes these invariants explicit This
approach where we can measure and quantify the variables involved seems more
promising than traditional approaches to the problem.
[179,162,180]. Under the assumption of linearity (which is usually the case for
simple cells6, and components of complex cell activity) it was realized that
descriptions in terms of features and in terms of global spatial frequencies are
complementary. "Selectivities in either domain imply complementary [selectivities] in
the other and the crucial experimental results could be captured equally well by
modest versions of either theory" [134]. This realization suggested that a fuller
description of cortical cell responses should be couched in both spatial and spectral
terms rather than in either alone. Marcelja [179] and independently Daugman [134]
were the first to point out that the representation of the image in the visual cortex must
involve both spatial and spatial-frequency variables in its description. This type of
representation, which is intermediate between spatial sampling and Fourier analysis is
exactly that described by Denis Gabor in the 1940s. Although Gabor’s work (see
section 4.3 above) was concerned with the communication of information, rather than
information processing, or analysis or understanding. Coincidently, the inspiration for
Gabor’s interpretation arose from perceptual psychophysical qualities attributed to the
human sensing of sound.
sSimple cells actually show a rectified linear activity .. Their response to a moving sinusoidal grating
is a rectified sine wave with the neurons in their normally silent state for about half of the stimulus cycle.
This property is probably related to the separate "ON" and "OFF' processing of visual data. By adding visual
noise to the stimulus pattern, to increase the background activity well above the rectification level, the
response of the cell is shown to be linear [179].
An alternative formulation of the signal uncertainly principle in terms of simultaneous
windowing or truncation operations in space and spatial frequency was explained by
Slepian et al in a series of classic papers [124,125,126]. Here the problem was
formulated in terms of maximizing the energy in a finite spatial interval of a
band-limited function (or vice versa). Like Gabor, their interpretation was in the form
of a sampling theorem [167]. Wilson and Spann used feature sets based on finite
versions of the functions described by Slepian and colleagues, called finite prolate
spheroidal sequences (FPSS’s) to describe and segment texture images. They showed
that by using multiple-scale representation, the effects of uncertainty can be minimized
if some assumptions are allowed about the nature of the image [168,169]. It may be
that rather than any one particular mathematical model having priority over all others
as the one "selected" by the visual system, many of these methods of analysis captures
in their own way, something of the character of what processing function the visual
system implements.
Following the initial use of GEFs as models for simple cortical cells much work was
done to confirm the hypothesis that experimentally determined simple-cell receptive
fields could be combined together to represent a coding of visual data as a Gabor
pseudo-expansion [162,182,183,184,185,71,186,134]. Apart from the
fact that Gabor signals with suitably chosen parameters provide a good fit to the
receptive field profiles, an important discovery was made by Pollen and Ronner in
1981. They found that pairs of nearby cells with overlapping receptive fields often had
virtually identical stimulus response selectivities for parameters like orientation and
spatial frequency but their phases were related in quadrature within their receptive
fields. This is exactly the relationship required between harmonic components to
provide a complete representation in the frequency domain of the signal amplitude in
the spatial domain for a restricted region of visual space.7 This quadrature phase
relationship was demonstrated in pairs of cells even when their receptive fields did not
display even or odd symmetry (That is, the receptive fields were orthogonal in the way
sine and cosine functions are, with a constant relative phase, but with arbitrary
absolute phase).
7A complete set o f GEFs spanning information space is not orthogonal. The transform based on these basis
sets o f functions will not be reversible like a Fourier transform [71] without the introduction of auxiliary
functions biorthogonal to the GEF [132], Presumably this problem does not arise in biological vision systems
and with appropriate spacing the GEFs can be quasi-orthogonal.
'The effective area of a 2-d GEF in either of the spatial or spectral domains separately is given by the
product of its marginal second moments along the principal axes of the Gaussian ellipse. The modulation
wave vector must be parallel to one of the principal axes of the Gaussian profile ellipse - rotating out of
alignment will in general increase the effective area.
9The (dot) product of an input image region with a GEF gives a coefficient which is the amount of energy
contained in the minimum "quantal" information volume corresponding to that GEF. It is the independent
datum corresponding to the GEF.
achieve the theoretical minimum "information volume" of 1/16k2 (regardless of the
values of their eight parameters) in the 4-d "information hyperspace" with x, y, u and
v as its orthogonal axes.
The GEFs for 2-D signals like images, have eight degrees of freedom [134]. Two
coordinates, specify the location of the filter in 2-D (visual) space. Two "modulation"
coordinates specify the location of the filter in 2-d frequency space where the most
useful representation is the polar coordinate system of spatial frequency and preferred
orientation. These four coordinates must be spanned in order to completely represent
Figure 20. A perspective plot of 2-D GEF in the spatial domain (real-part) and the
frequency domain. From [134].
the energy of the input image10. One degree of freedom specifies the phase of the
modulation component This can have an arbitrary value as long as there is another
filter with identical values for all the other parameters (overlapping receptive field;
identical frequency selectivity, bandwidth etc.) but with a quadrative value for this
phase parameter. (There is no preferred absolute phase value, and the components do
not even have to display even or odd symmetry). Finally, two parameters specify the
10The fact that the Gabor functions are not used to sample the image in the spatial domain as often as in the
pixel representation, and do not sample the image in the frequency domain as often as in the Fourier
representation, but do sample in both domains simultaneously means that there are exactly as many degrees
of freedom — exactly as many Gabor coefficients - as there were pixels in the original image.
length and width of the Gaussian envelope (reciprocally related in the conjugate
domains) and one specifies the angle between the principal axes of the Gaussian
ellipse and the modulation wave vector orientation. They parameterize bandwidths and
the "axes of separability".
In the 1-d case, Mackay [162] described how the receptive fields of simple cells
(which were invariably measured as 1-d profiles at that time - 1981) represented a
near-optimal solution to the problem of sampling optical images in both the frequency
and the spatial domains. But he goes on to point out that "their relatively wide
bandwidth (low "Q") suggests that at this stage the inevitable information-theoretic
compromise is weighted in favour of spatial resolution". The extension to a description
in the framework of 2-d GEFs shows the same trends in bandwidth (as it must) but
now includes the added sophistication of allowing a division of labour which could
favour either spatial resolution or orientation bandwidth, i.e., any gain in
spatial-frequency resolution is offset by a loss in orientation resolution and vice versa
if the filter effective area remains unchanged.
x (2Au - 1)
A0^ = arcsin X
2 (2Aw + 1)
where A0^ is the orientation half-bandwidth and Aco is the spectral half-bandwidth
(in octaves). This relation is independent of the receptive-field modulation frequency
cDq, though both orientation and spectral bandwidths can be made sharper at the
expense of spatial accuracy by increasing co0 or increasing the size of the 2-D spatial
Figure 21. Schematic illustration of the relationship between the Gabor profiles in the
spatial and the frequency domains. Adapted from [71].
Pollen and Ronner [184] discuss this latter issue in terms of whether bandwidth is
reciprocally related to preferred spatial frequency or whether receptive field size is
inversely proportional to the centre frequency where the bandwidth in octaves would
be a constant independent of the prefeired spatial frequency. They conclude from
experimental evidence that neither system is solely in operation; although there is a
tendency for bandwidth to narrow with increasing spatial frequency, there is
considerable scatter in the bandwidth at any spatial frequency. An intermediate system
with scatter and redundancy may be used; narrower tuning might be useful for periodic
stimuli while broadly tuned spatially restricted fields would be more useful for scrutiny
of fine detail. In the region of the cortex receiving axonal projections from the fovea,
the aspect ratio X varies between X
A and 1. In the same region there is a 30:1 range in
the diameters of simple-cell receptive-field centres —corresponding to a 1000:1 range
of areas. Thus it seems that for some as yet unknown reason, the ratio b/a is
constrained and relatively stable, while the product ab is either unconstrained or forced
to span a large range and varies by a factor of 1000 between cells in the same region
of cortex. In the same way, it seems the modulation axis is constrained to lie along the
receptive field axes but there seems to be no strong constraint on the absolute
modulation phase value (only on the relative phase value of a quadrature pair).
Lest one gets carried away with enthusiasm for the Gabor theoretical framework on
the basis that because it is optimal in some sense, the visual system must implement
it; it is important to remember a few caveats. Most of these results have been derived
for the cat visual cortex —we have no real idea how the results will carry over to the
more complex primate cortex. Not all simple cells, even in the cat, fit this model.
There is some evidence that other models may better represent a larger set of cells
[189]. Although the authors in this case admit to having more parameters in their
model than in the 2-d GEF, they do point out ways in which the Gabor model differs
from the experimental data. The main reason why GEFs do not provide a precise fit
for the spatial-frequency tuning curves of cortical simple cells is because they fail to
capture the relative symmetry of the cells’ tuning curves on a log axis [71]. Field
describes a log-Gabor function which is symmetric on a log axis and so may provide
a better description. The fact that the Gabor framework, which has very strong
theoretical reasons for being the processing model "of choice" in the cortex, is not
exactly implemented again leads one to believe that it is not a mechanism based on
some particular mathematical processing model that the visual system implements.
Either it seems to indicate that the system develops in a way that may not be
describable a priori by a theoretical model because the final operational mechanism
depends on accidents of development, or whatever underlying quantities are being
optimized lead towards some ideal or optimal configuration but don’t succeed, or
perhaps even need to get there for successful operation. At least one gets the
impression that, in spite of the fact that it is difficult with the current level of
knowledge to ascribe a purpose to this type of processing, of the sort envisaged by
Marr as a computational theory, that the results and models are nearer to the processes
that cause the system to develop than the computational theoretic descriptions.
Although thus far the Gabor ideas have only been used in a comparative, descriptive
manner, the overall unified theoretical framework is a solid basis from which to begin
the "interpretive debate" about what Gabor-like representations achieve and beyond
that to constructing a new theory of perception.
fundamental reason that image data compression is possible. ... Images
containing non-random structure or coherence, as natural images do, have
a statistical complexity which does not correspond to their resolution
(number o f resolvable states).... Efficient neurobiological or artificial visual
systems must exploit the statistical correlations inherent in image structure.
This theme of the efficiency of a processing or coding system depending on the
statistics of its input was taken up David Field in a paper published in 1987 [71], We
examine Field’s ideas and findings in detail because of the clear insight which they
give to perceptual coding.
Perhaps one reason for this tendency to concentrate on what we think needs to be
perceived rather than what has been influencing the development of our senses
throughout evolution, is the fact that much of the development of computer vision has
been motivated by the application areas of robotics and automation. The objects of
perception here are usually quite unlike anything in the natural world. They are often
simple regular geometric shapes, easily interpreted in terms of geometric concepts such
as lines, planes and volumes. (Cf., for example, the geometric cylinders representations
of Marr and Nishihara [9, 191] and others). Another possible reason is the strong
reductionist philosophy which permeates all fields of scientific endeavour. To our
mind, what might seem conceptually like a simple or primitive stimulus might bear
scant resemblance to what the visual system is optimized to see. Symptomatic of this
is the concentration within the computer vision community or extracting information
from "snap-shot" image stills. Nothing in the world we have grown to be able to see
is ever really still —either we are moving or things within our environment are moving
— and this is reflected within our visual system12. If an image is stabilized on the
retina it disappears within seconds. The older magno system (which we seem to share
to some extent with lower vertebrates like the cat and) which seems to be responsible
for detecting movement and depth and the structure of the world around us, is
particularly vulnerable in this way. Field points out that our present theories about the
function of the visual cortex
... are based primarily on the response of such neurons to stimuli such as
checkerboards, sine-wave gratings, long straight edges, and random dot
patterns ... There seems to be a belief that images from the natural
environment vary so widely from scene to scene that a general description
would be impossible.
He thus sets out to show that images of the natural environment show a number of
consistent statistical properties which help in the interpretation of the processing of the
visual system.
The goal of the system, needed to satisfy Fields’ first criterion for an efficient code,
comes from Horace Barlow. For thirty years Barlow has been emphasizing the need
to understand visual processing in terms of the reduction in the redundancy inherent
in natural images [16,192,103,104,105,193]. The purpose of natural image
processing is according to Barlow
,2An even stronger position on this point is that our visual systems are not "optimised" to perceive our
environment at all, regardless of whether it is "natural" or geometric, but to control our movement. The fact
that w e are capable of appreciating or describing our environment may be a side-effect of the main purpose
of vision, or possibly a later adaptation associated with the development of the parvo system.
to represent visual scenes by activity of a sparse selection of reliable and
non-redundant (ie„ independent) elements [105].
Field introduces a coding model based on the Gabor theoretical framework, in order
to show how the response properties of cortical cells could be an efficient way of
representing spatial visual information from the external world. There is nothing
special about the Gabor framework in this context: It simply provides a tractable
mathematical structure which quite accurately models the cell responses. The Gabor
code has many different elements and levels which are normally distinguished in a
verbose descriptive manner, and so to avoid confusion he uses the following
terminology. A sensor is an individual Gabor elementary function with particular
values for all its eight parameters. A channel is a spatial array of sensors tuned to the
same spatial frequency and orientation. A code is the entire set of channels required
to represent an image. The GEFs are not in general orthogonal, so there is no unique
or canonical way of constructing a code or selecting the parameters for channels and
sensors — as mentioned above, different combinations give different "divisions of
labour". The model used by Field has characteristics which makes it compatible with,
and allows it to span the parameter combinations found in mammalian vision systems.
(i) The code is chosen so that the sampling distance in space (sensor spacing) and
in frequency (channel spacing) is proportional to the size of the function in
space and spatial-frequency domain respectively. This means that the channel
separation in the frequency domain is determined by the frequency bandwidth
which determines the width of the individual sensors and the spacing along the
width of the sensor.
(ii) Similarly, the orientation bandwidth specifies: the spectral distance between
adjacent orientation channels; the length of the sensor (parallel to the
modulation lobes, perpendicular to the modulation wave vector); and the
separation between neighbouring sensors in the length direction.
(iii) The model is chosen with the sensor frequency bandwidth proportional to the
sensor central frequencies. This means that the orientation bandwidth is
constant in degrees and the spatial-frequency bandwidth is constant in octaves,
leaving the freedom to choose the actual size of the bandwidths.
(iv) Like the pairs of cells described by Pollen and Ronner [184] with quadrature
relative phases, this model contains pairs of orthogonal phase-selective sensors.
(v) The combination of sampling, bandwidths, etc., used in this model mean that
the output code can represent the same number of independent data as there are
input pixels. That is, the total number of sensors (each one gives an output
coefficient) is constant and equals the number of free parameters in the input
image which is simply the total number of input image pixels. The
spatial-frequency or orientation bandwidths can be chosen without affecting
these values.
This last point illustrates one of the convenient features of the Gabor framework
mentioned above: it allows the freedom to vary parameters of the sensors without
loosing information or adding free parameters [71].
13For a 1/f2 power falloff, Field quotes a fractal dimension value of 2.5 for the luminance profile of the
,4Just to clarify this last point: the channels are selective for ranges of frequency in the Fourier spectrum
which become relatively broader with increasing frequency. There is a corresponding selectivity in the spatial
domain to patterns with ranges of feature size or detail. The range of sizes of detail selected for by a
particular channel decreases (becomes more selective in range of sizes that give response) with decreasing
detail size. (Proportionately equal differences between two small objects and two large objects involve much
assumption of stationary statistics across the entire image is made, then different
sensors have roughly the same probability distributions and they thus carry
approximately equivalent amounts of information on average.
The use of the 1/f2 power falloff of natural images to show that cortical cells seem to
be "tuned" to carry approximately equal amounts of information (because of the
constant bandwidth in octaves) is very encouraging. It shows a metabolic balance
between the work rates of different cells which is compatible with the average demand
made by the external world on them to carry out their diverse processing activities,
measured in terms of Shannon information. As Field points out however, the constant
bandwidth in octaves does not make the code more or less efficient —even the original
pixels carry equal amounts of information if the image statistics are stationary. Other
parameters need to be varied consonant with the constant octave bandwidth to increase
the efficiency. One of these parameters is the bandwidth value itself. A constant octave
bandwidth means that all the sensors have the same value of bandwidth (in octaves).
But they could all be changed to some other constant value in octaves it this were to
change the efficiency.
To achieve the goal set out above by Barlow (representing information by "a sparse
selection of reliable and non-redundant elements") our code must satisfy a number of
(i) Its coefficients (the sensor output) should be statistically independent — or
approximately so. This means that the possibility of a few sensors representing
a particular image is not compromised by two sensors with strongly
overlapping overall selectivity. Also, because sensors code for different
(orthogonal) aspects of the input, information about these aspects is made more
(ii) Information should on average be evenly spread over the arrays of channels
and sensors. This gives a better utilization of available processing resources,
greatly increasing the amount and breath of processing ability over codes which
make less effective use of their resources.
smaller absolute differences in the smaller case). Equal variances in these channels mean that differences
between objects occur in proportion to the objects overall size, rather than these differences being equally
distributed on an absolute scale, as is the case with white noise.
(iii) The sensors should have a large signal to noise ratio. In the case of cortical
neurons which have a small dynamic range and are relatively noisy, this means
that they should signal strongly or not at all. At the very least they should not
be required to carry signals which depend for their interpretation on subtle
changes in the activity of an already noisy component. Implicit in this is the
suggestion that any particular image should be encoded by the smallest
possible number of active sensors. The image information is thereby spread
over a few sensors which are consequently very active for this particular
image, (they are carrying all the "energy" for this image), with large
signal-to-noise ratios.
The first two criteria are automatically satisfied by the Gabor code described. It is
interesting to try to satisfy the third criterion, by varying the sensor bandwidth, which
is a free parameter of this Gabor model.
represented to capture the original image information. For this ensemble of images, the
Fourier code would be a grossly inefficient way of coding the image data.
As with the two extreme cases presented by Field, the goal of a code in a system
where "natural" images are the primary visual input, is to represent most of the image
variance, (ie maximize the energy) within the smallest possible number of strongly
active sensors, for each image.15 By measuring the proportion of the variance
represented by the most active sensors, as a function of sensor bandwidth, Field was
able to show that the optimal sensor bandwidths in the sense of the efficiency of the
representation of image energy (or variance, or information), are in the range 0.5 to
1.5 octaves for the natural images used. When sensors with bandwidths in this range
are used to code "natural" images the maximum amount of energy is represented by
the large activity of the fewest sensors. Because few sensors represent the total energy
of any particular image with relatively high activity, if the sensors are noisy (as in the
case of cortical neurons), they do so with the best possible signal-to-noise ratio.
1sNote that different subsets of sensors will be active for different images. This means that efficient coding
in this context can not involve the reduction of dimensionality to a particular subset of sensors, as is the case
with the Karhunen-LoSve transformation. Sooner or later each one of the sensors w ill be strongly active.
wider sensor bandwidth (i.e. > 1 octave). It is also more compatible with the polar
distribution of sensors in the frequency domain used in his Gabor model. Once again
this illustrates the point, that it is not which theoretical model of the processing or
coding function is optimal (in our terms) that is important It does not matter what
theoretical model we use as long as it captures the "real goal" of the processing or
coding system. So far the best description of the "real goal" that we have is not feature
extraction or spectral estimation, but Barlow’s "sparse activity of reliable and non-
redundant elements". This is exactly the spirit in which Fields’s analysis is carried out
The visual system during development is not trying to build Gabor or log-Gabor filters
or Canny edge detectors because it "knows" from millennia of years of evolution that
these are optimal is some sense. It is trying to find the best way of extracting
maximum information from its environment with the available metabolic resources.
This means attempting to represent information in as efficient a manner as possible,
which can only be effective if the system is "tuned" to the statistical properties of this
Thus we see that the response properties of cortical cells, captured in this case by
Gabor or log-Gabor functions in 2-dimensions, are quite well matched to the statistics
of natural images. Their range of bandwidths measured in octaves show that there are
probably interspersed populations of neurons optimized to carry out efficient
information processing on different types of input (and therefore with different
statistical properties) as there must be to support the form/motion division of labour,
for example. Interestingly, the fact that the cortical coding systems seem to be matched
to the statistical properties of their particular type of input giving a representation in
which only a few units are active at any time (the units "giving a large response or no
response at all"), bears a resemblance to the implicit goal of feature-detection systems.
The output of a feature detecting system, like the pandemonium model in cognitive
psychology [107], feature-detection in mechanical pattern recognition [194], or
edge-detection in computer vision [195], is also presumed to consist of the reliable
activity of a small number out of a large set of independent detectors. However,
Field’s coding model does not describe any type of "feature-detection" in the general
sense of the term normally used in the vision community. He does not attempt to
determine statistics of the environment which might be biologically significant to the
animal, or to give arbitrary preference to any particular object or event in the
environment. Rather, "information is defined in relation to the variability of the
images, not any specific feature" (emphasis added) [71], The goal of the code (to be
an efficient representation), and the statistics of the ensemble of input images, alone
determine the response properties of the Gabor sensors in this model and by
implication in many of the cortical simple cells. Human selected feature sets or
top-down theories of what a visual system should be representing play no role.
5.6.1 Redundancy
First, we carefully define what we mean by redundancy and than discuss Field’s
results about efficient coding in the visual cortex in terms of the usual ideas about
redundancy. The n'h order redundancy in an ensemble of digitized images is defined
in terms of the nlh order conditional probabilities of the pixels. Assume for the moment
that the images are ideally sampled at k points arranged in an appropriate lattice and
than the sampled values quantized with an accuracy of m bits per sample. Then if the
probability of grey levels is constant (all levels equally likely) and independent of all
other pixel values in the image the entropy takes on a maximum value of m bits per
pixel. Knowing previous or neighbouring pixel values tells us nothing about the value
we could expect from a particular pixel before we look at it. This figure of m bits per
pixel acts as reference against which predictability and redundancy can be measured.
If there is some redundancy between this pixel and others in the image, then knowing
the values of the other pixels concerned allows us to make predictions about the
likelihood of the pixel having each of its possible values. In other words, we can
construct a probability distribution over the possible grey levels for this pixel, p(i). If
there is redundancy, the probability of getting grey level i depends on the particular
values of (some of) the neighbouring pixels. Suppose n neighbouring pixels affect the
value of the pixel under consideration. These n pixels can appear in (2mf different
combinations or states (labelled bj, for j = 1 to 2mn, say), assuming order is important
Each one of the possible 2™ states that the neighbouring n pixels can take up can
affect the probability of our grey-level i differently. So for each grey level i we can
define a function of the set of states labelled by bjf p(i/bj), called the conditional
probability of grey-value i, given (or conditional on) the particular combination or
state, bj. In reality, this is a set of 2™1different probability distributions labelled by
bj, over the grey-levels labelled by i which our particular pixel might take up when
next observed. Suppose the n neighbours are found to be in a particular state, bj, for
some particular value of j. Then the probability distribution p(i/bj) allows us to work
out our expected (average) ignorance of the grey-levels of this pixel on condition that
the neighbours are in state b}. This is described by the conditional entropy of the
distribution over grey-levels for the pixel assuming its neighbours are in the state b ‘.
S \ = log p(i\bp
’ j=i
But the n neighbours are just normal pixels which can take grey values in the range
0 to 2m- 1, each with its own probability distribution p /i) over the grey-levels i, where
/ ranges as a label from 1 to n. We can thus define a probability distribution over the
2"" states, where the state b, occurs with probability p(bj). If SbJ is the entropy
assuming that state A>; has occurred among the neighbours then the expected value of
Sbj over the ensemble of states of n neighbours is
and p(i lbj).p(bj) = p(i,b}) which is the joint probability distribution over the n +
1 pixels. 5" is the n'h order conditional entropy for the ensemble of images. The limit
as n —> k is the minimum average number of bits per pixel required to code images
from the ensemble.16
Recall that p(i) is the a priori distribution for the pixel grey-levels before the values
of any of its neighbours is known. There is a corresponding entropy function S°
measuring our "average surprise" when the pixel value becomes known. It describes
an uncertainty or ignorance about the grey-level values. p(i/bj) is the a posteriori
distribution of probabilities when the values of n of its neighbours are tested. 5" is the
corresponding a posteriori n'horder entropy measuring our remaining uncertainty about
the grey-level values of our chosen pixel when the values of a particular set of n of
its neighbours is known. The information that the n pixels convey to us about their
common neighbour which is the subject of our interest is
r = S° - Sn
Two possible definitions of the n‘h order redundancy could then be
Kersten uses the latter, which simply assumes that all pixel grey-values are equally
likely (a flat histogram) before the information about this pixel conveyed by its
neighbours, is taken into account His goal is to estimate the entropy of a set of natural
images. However, the calculation of anything other than the lowest order entropies is
impractical. Instead he computes bounds on the entropy and redundancy of the image
set using human and algorithmic nearest-neighbour predictors to guess pixel values.
leStrictly, the calculations just apply to the pixel selected for discussion, but if stationary statistics are
assumed the same calculations hold for the whole image.
Both the human and median predictors gave upper bounds on the entropy for the set
of images used, of around 1.3 to 1.4 bits per pixel.
First order statistics concern the probability distribution p(i) of the grey-levels of a
pixel without any knowledge of its neighbours. The grey-values are mutually exclusive
"events" which can be indexed by a finite subset of the natural numbers. Each
probability assignment p(i) is a number drawn from the reals which satisfies
The natural representation of this probability distribution is a 1-d array of real numbers
indexed by i, or graphically as a block histogram indexed by i in its natural order.
Kersten [157] has shown that even third order entropy, S2, does not capture all the
predictability that can be achieved by humans or a simple nearest neighbour median
predictor. There typically is redundancy in the values of three and more neighbouring
pixels that is exploited by humans, but not captured by the power spectrum and
autocorrelation functions. One of the stated objectives of Fields’s code model is that
the sensor responses be non-redundant Depending on the overlap of the GEFs in space
and spatial frequency, this condition is approximately fulfilled by the quasi-orthogonal
functions. But the code model which Field describes contains as many sensors (64K)
as there are pixels in the original image, so the overall redundancy of the code must
be exactly the same as the overall redundancy of the image ensemble. A reduction in
redundancy would allow the set of images to be coded with fewer total independent
data —reducing the dimensionality —which clearly does not happen. The problem is
not with a superfluity of sensors channels. The full complement of sensors is required
to completely cover the information space defined by the size and bandwidth of the
image. To omit any sensors or increase the relative spacing would result in the loss
of information as well as data. It would seem, that despite the semi-orthogonality
between individual sensors, we are no nearer Barlow’s goal of reducing overall
Fortunately the code, which is previously described as efficient because of the high
signal-to-noise ratio and paucity of simultaneously active elements, can also be
described as efficient because of its substantial transformation of the data redundancy.
In the original image ensemble, the overall redundancy is spread over many orders —
the more one knows about the nearest 4, 8 or 16 neighbours and sometimes about
pixels much further away, the more predictable is the value of the pixel under
consideration. But the GEFs (sensors) of Field’s Gabor-code model are
quasi-independent Having knowledge about the values of the responses of
neighbouring sensors, or indeed any other sensors in the model, hardly makes the
response value of the sensor of interest any more predictable This means that between
the output values of the Gabor code there is very little 2“1, 3rd or higher order
redundancy. Since the overall redundancy has remained unchanged, the Gabor code
model must have the effect of converting high-order redundancy in the input images
into large first order redundancy of the output code. First-order statistics describe the
probability distribution of the grey-levels of a pixel or the probability distribution of
the response-va/u^s of a sensor. Large first-order redundancy means that the sensor
responses are very unevenly distributed with some values occurring very often (for
example, very large values or very small values), and some very seldom (intermediate
values). This was the case with the spatial representation of the sparse point intensity
image and with the spectral representation of the largely periodic image, and now with
the Gabor code representation of natural images if the code bandwidth is chosen
With a one octave bandwidth, the information [in a set of natural images]
is packed into the smallest number of sensors, giving a highly skewed
distribution and therefore a redundant code. In other words, the most
efficient code by our terminology is the code with the most redundant
first-order statistics [71].
Overall redundancy has not been reduced by this type of representation. It remains for
further stages of processing to make the most efficient use of the outputs with these
first-order statistics by coding only the non-redundant elements (in other words, the
highly active sensors), or whatever other processing is relevant to the continued
existence of the organism. Since any of the sensors can be highly active at some time
or another, subsequent processes cannot simply ignore the output of some sensors, as
happens by definition with the KLT. Perhaps Barlow’s goal should be altered to the
necessity of reducing the redundancy of the code at any instant
The point about ignoring the output of any sensors is important here. The
Karhunen-Louve transform, which is based on coding in terms of the largest
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the input data, is an efficient code in the
sense that it minimizes the mean-square-error (MSE) for any given data reduction. The
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix are automatically fully orthogonal. They can also
be arranged in order of the amount of energy they represent in the input image
ensemble by the size of the eigenvalues (which are the square-root of the variances of
the ensemble along the corresponding eigenvector). The KLT works by making the
information carried by the complement of sensors as unevenly distributed as possible
and eliminating those which account for small amounts of the information (or energy,
or variance).17 (Recall how the Gabor code model distributes the information as
evenly as possible between the complement of sensors).
,7A point of note here is that perceptually important information is often contained in low-amplitude high
frequency components of image data. Because the KLT removes the lowest-energy components, the
transform often causes a level of perceived distortion which is belied by the contribution to
mean-square-error. This effect could be overcome by transforming the data in a perceptually relevant way,
so that equal amounts of energy in different coefficients are equally perceptually relevant.
5.7 Sum m ary
Like Marr, our aim is to try to find the answers to the "What?" and "Why?" questions
about visual perception. Unlike Marr we believe that the key to answering these
questions lies, not in a computational theory for vision, but in the three crucial notions:
information, development and measurement The notion of development is an
undercurrent to the logic of our approach which is dealt with explicitly in the previous
chapter in the section on Linsker’s Infomax, but plays a much more background role
in this one. Measurement is something which is taken up in the next chapter and the
following one. In this chapter the development of the role of information theoretic
concepts in understanding visual perception problems, begun in the last chapter, is
The notion of cortical cells as feature detectors is first discussed and discarded as
untenable. At the level of each cell there may a localized filtering function but the
belief here is that a more general description in information theoretic terms is more
appropriate. Certainly there is no basis for any sort of Fourier-analysis type model.
Even though the information theoretic notions go a long way to helping us to
understand the role of parts of the cortex, it is difficult to be as precise as in the retina
because effects are much more dispersed and much less is known about the system.
Certainly the form/motion or parvo/magno division and the macro-structure of the
cortex seem to be related in some way to the structures that we see in Gabor codes but
we cannot yet be sure of the details, or why. The notions of a statistical redundancy
interpretation of Gabor codes allows useful insights into the possible functions of these
codes and gives hints to possible applications not related to vision.
Chapter 6
'The Aristotelian view of the world as consisting of a discrete number of self-identical objects with a
relatively fixed set of properties or predicates is a tacit assumption of modem mechanical pattern recognition.
W e have already argued against this view but continue to use it in this discussion because it is in these terms
that the ideas are normally formulated.
The ability to recognize similarity allows us to recognize or identify an object as a
member of a family or class. It allows us to group objects together. This clustering
habit —characteristic of intelligence —may have grown out of adaptation to primitive
generalizations: similar causes have similar effects. Whatever its origin, man in
particular seems to have a natural instinct for recognizing groups and making a
classification of his own. The word "cognition'’ is sometimes used to describe the
formation of new classes —the process of "clustering", ie., "taking cognizance of the
existence of a group of similar objects". In this terminology, "re-cognition" is reserved
for the process of identifying an object as a member of an already known class. In
general usage of the term "recognition", this distinction is not made and the woxd
covers both cases.
'This use of the tenn pattern is associated below with mathematical notions of entropy and structure.
use either. Instead, intelligence seems to be able to generate and use concepts with
enormous, and often ill-defined, intensions and extensions, by means of a few class
samples or paradigms4 (and sometimes samples from outside the class or negative
paradigms). "Theoretically [or logically] speaking this is not a definition of a class, but
it generates a working capability of distinguishing a member from a non-member of
a class".
Mechanical pattern recognition does not deal with concepts or classes in terms of the
logical concepts of intension and extension. Rather, like human pattern recognition, the
aim is to be able to show a few paradigms (and their class affiliation) in a learning
phase, and subsequently be able to classify an object (whose properties, but not class,
is known), in a decision phase. This is the essential function of both human and
mechanical pattern recognition: inferring a general concept from a few concrete cases.
It is an inductive inference, with no necessary or logical basis. In mechanical pattern
recognition, extra-logical, extra-evidential heuristic measures of similarity are often
introduced to overcome the inductive ambiguity and allow the classification to proceed
by logical computations. These heuristics either implicitly or explicitly express the
value judgement of the computer programmer through the weight we attach to each
variable, or threshold which we set, etc. While the heuristic principles have a role to
play in resolving the inductive ambiguity of generalization, they are not foolproof.
They can only be judged by the usefulness of the resulting classification. As well as
this "paradigmatic" pattern recognition, there is pattern recognition in the sense of
clustering or forming new classes (or cognition). This involves further inductive
ambiguity which is discussed below.
*The word "paradigm" which Walanabe uses in this context, is in the sense of its meaning a pattern, example
or model — a sample of a class. See footnote 1, chapter 2.
measurement, and also in terms of grouping processes which are capable of associating
the activity of the primitive observations at different levels of abstraction, often in
parallel pathways. Watanabe’s comparison implies that our theory is at least along the
right lines, so we examine this relationship between perception and the formal theory
of pattern recognition more closely. But first we discuss the role that sensory
experience plays in the development of a perceptual system.
To tease out a little better what we mean by this we consider the example of learning
a natural language. Prelingual infants have an innate ability to learn language. In fact,
we can make an even stronger statement than this. Children have an innate ability to
construct language. When a heterogeneous group of adults with no common language
are thrown together by force of circumstances, they develop a pidgin in order to
communicate. This is not a true language with grammatical structure and syntax. The
dictionary describes it as "a jargon incorporating the vocabulary of different languages"
—a hotchpotch of words separated from their function as nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.,
in their own language and used in a virtually arbitrary fashion. It is a makeshift
language with a limited vocabulary and with almost non-existent structure and syntax,
and few prepositions [197, p.l79ff]. What is astounding though is what happens
in the first generation after the original mixing of cultures and languages:
The adults who create pidgin speech are not able to provide it with any
structure; they're past the critical age at which syntax develops. The
children, however, are not. Syntax develops in them just as naturally as any
other part of their bodies. It’s natural, it’s instinctive, and you cannot stop
them doing it. I think the only explanation you can have for the way syntax
works is that, somehow, it is built into the hard wiring of the brain
The children in these circumstances create a creole language. This is not a language
with a history, and literary or oral tradition, fashioned over thousands of years. It is
a proper language with well-defined vocabulary and a relatively complete grammatical
structure. It is a completely new language constructed by children in one generation.
As further evidence that people have in their brains the inherent machinery to make
language, grammatical similarities have been found among creoles spoken all across
the world.
Notice that we have said: brains have the machinery to make language - not that
brains have the inherent machinery of language. Chomsky claimed that
linguists should search fo r ‘language universals’ — the similarities among
all languages ... The capacity for language is uniquely human and is not
learned through experience ... but is innate [197, p.178].
However, the search for true universal similarities in all languages has been singularly
unsuccessful and the notion of a "universal grammar that determines much of the
surface structure" is without support There are further indications of what is
happening in the brain during the development of language. At birth, any child
anywhere in the world is capable of learning to speak any language. By eight months,
a child will have lost the capacity to make or to distinguish some sounds of other
languages which are not present in its mother-tongue. By the end of a sensitive period
lasting until the age of seven or eight years a child must have been exposed to some
kind of language if a true language is ever to be leam t Children seem to innately have
the mechanisms that allow a language capacity to develop, but the language capacity
itself is not innate as Chomsky claimed The mechanisms for developing syntax
generation and comprehension modules within the brain require language experience
in order to carry out their task, and this experience must occur during a critical phase
lasting up to seven or eight years. It is experience that determines the exact path that
the development will take, and the final linguistic ability. Yet this experience, as
evidenced by creole development need not even be a proper language. Any type of
communicative interaction is sufficient to trigger and guide the development of true
linguistic capacity. Children do not simply have neuronal mechanisms which allow
them to learn to imitate language. They can actively construct their own concepts
about their environment, their cultural milieu and about communication and its
structure, based on (often) indirect experience from, or about, any of these.
iPrimary sensory and motor capabilities are located in cach hemisphere for the opposite side of the body.
So, for example, each hemisphere processes visual information in an identical fashion to the other - at least
in the early stages that are known about. It is really only high level cognitive abilities, with a locus relatively
remote from the primary areas, that show the traits listed here.
there is no unique universal pre-language or syntax which is a foundation for the
learning of all languages, so there is no necessary view of the world which is
instrumental in causing visual abilities to operate in a certain way or perception to
involve one particular way of looking at things. Just as language, even sign-language
cannot develop in the absence of attempts to communicate, so vision cannot develop
in the absence of appropriate visual experience.
We have suggested, following Platonic ideas described by Watanabe [19] that what we
perceive is based solely on the relationships between different observations: the nature
of our perception is determined by a life-time of visual experience. This is a bit like
Locke and Berkeley’s ideas about perception being constructed through a process of
learning through association. It is also a bit like the "transactional functionalism" idea
that "what one sees will be what one expects to see, given one’s life-time of perceptual
experience" [56, p.92]. One significant difference between these philosophical or
psychological positions and the model presented here based on psychophysical and
neuroscientific evidence is the following. The implicit assumption in the former
positions is that the type of process involved in the relationship between observations
is describable at an abstract or cognitive level similar to the language based tokens and
procedures normally associated with A.I. programming in Lisp or Prolog. In the latter
an attempt is made to explicitly define statistical relationships between observations
in terms of redundancy and Shannon-information content Another point of note is that
virtually all the development leading to the mature perceptual capacity takes place
within a number of relatively short critical periods early in a child’s life. The onset of
any of these critical periods like that associated with the development of binocular
vision coincides with the first arrival of neuron axons growing from more peripheral
parts of the perceptual system. The critical period usually lasts for several weeks or
months and thereafter little further long-term adaptation — certainly on this scale —
occurs again. This burst of development followed by a life-time of relatively quiescent
application is difficult to reconcile with an ongoing process of perceptual construction
by association. In visuo-semantic terms the range of perceptual experience available
to an infant in the first weeks and months of its life is usually very restricted. In fact
there is some suggestion that early parts of the visual pathway develop in utero in
ways that do depend on the neuronal signals being carried even when these signals
arise from random fluctuations in receptors without any external perceptual input The
burst of development is compatible with interpretations of the mechanisms driving
development in terms of statistics and information theory. Despite the limited semantic
range of early perceptual experience it is expected that the range of statistical variation
is as extensive as the total ensemble of possible images of all possible scenes. In fact
the existence of a critical sensitive period during which most development takes place,
followed by a stable period of application may be a necessary part of some as yet
unknown aspect of the mechanism of perception. It may even be a necessary aspect
of the development of an ontogenetically flexible but perceptually stable system.
conditions and {DJ is the set of possible outcomes. According to Watanabe there are
three types of inductive inference:
(i) Given D, and Ak we are interested in guessing the right Hjt i.e. in evaluating the
inverse conditional probability p(Hj / £>, n AJ.
(ii) given D, and Hj we want to derive p(Ak / D- n H}).
(iii) given only Dt we want to derive p(Ak n Hj / DJ.
Pattern recognition involves two stages of inductive inference of different kinds, and
extra-evidential, non-necessaiy factors are involved in each stage.
Suppose we have two classes labelled by k = 1,2 where A1 states that "object O
belongs to class 1" and A2 states that "object O belongs to class 2". Suppose that H}
states that each member of class 1 has probability f }(DJ of giving experimental result
(a representation vector) Di and each member of class 2 has probability f 2(DJ of
giving experimental result Dr
p W =E Y , P ( D i \ A f t o p P ( A p h p
J *
= E W W i ) + f JiWp<Aj)p(Hp
If A is given,
PfP) = T,PlfPt\H)p(flp
During the training period of a pattern recognition process, the classifier is shown a
D t with its class affiliation At The training process is one of evaluating the hypothesis
Hj using the Bayesian rule
d (H ID) -
* ‘ Y.PiPiWpS-H
) pM
and improving the quality of the credibility through the experimental facts D, r> Ah
This improvement process is a sequential one involving the substitution of the a
posteriori probability of one stage for the a priori probability of the next stage. As the
number of stages increases, the influence of the a priori probability of H} on the a
posteriori probability of Hj decreases, though insofar as the evidence is finite, the prior
probability can always overcome the evidential factor.
During the application period of the process, the classifier is given £>, and asked for
the probability of its class affiliation Ak. That is, it is required to evaluate (for the
second type of inductive inference mentioned above)
p<AADi = — I----------------------
1 *
Usually, e.g. in a single neural network, only one H} is taken as true at any one time
so we use
p W - m
E p/ A I ' W ' 4»)
An example where many hypotheses would be current and under evaluation at any
given stage would be the application of a genetic algorithm to a population of artificial
neural nets with different internal structures and processes.
Usually the prior probability of class p(AJ is taken from the actual relative frequency
of members of the various classes but this might not be justifiable. For example, the
known and unknown class samples may be taken from different populations. So, quite
apart from the problems associated with reliably evaluating probability density
functions in situations where there are only a small sample of class elements available,
the process of pattern recognition intrinsically involves at least two different sources
of inductive ambiguity of different kinds.
6.4.2 Clustering
Usually in pattern recognition, the number of classes and some paradigms (class-
samples) are given during the training period, and objects without class-assignment are
given during the application stage. The task of the classifier is to place these latter
objects into the classes exemplified by the paradigms. The number of classes and a set
{Hj} of possible hypothesis, i.e. possible statistical definitions of classes, are available
to the classifier. In the clustering problem, neither of these things are known.
Clustering is the process of grouping objects into classes where only the properties of
each object are available —no information is available on possible class assignment
of these objects. It is assumed that the members assigned to any particular cluster are
in some sense "bonded" together more intensely than members of different subsets.
The task of deciding how many clusters there should be and statistically defining the
classes or clusters corresponds to Pierce’s "abduction" and hence involves further
inductive ambiguity above and beyond that involved in supervised pattern recognition.
As well as these theoretical difficulties there are practical difficulties associated with
the entirely arbitrary measurement variables available, and, if the classification is based
on similarity, the measure of similarity chosen (i.e. the metric in the data space).
During the training period of a pattern recognition task, the inductive probability of
the first kind p(H¡ / D¡ n A¡) is determined. If each object is represented by an n-
component vector x , then D, is a point in the corresponding /i-dimensional space. Ak
designates the class to which this point belongs. In many problems we do not need to
know the exact value of p(H¡ / D¡ n AJ, but only want to obtain the particular Hj that
would maximise this. This is the approach of parametric methods of pattern
In the application stage we are concerned with the second kind of inductive probability
or simply
= p ^ tW p D )
using only the H¡ with the current highest credibility. Here D, is the vector of the new
object whose class affiliation is yet to be decided upon.
Suppose there are two class, At and A2. We would expect to classify an object x in
class 1 if
p fA jn fk ) >
p<A2\H fk )
However, if "misclassifying" an object from class 1 into class 2 causes a greater loss
than vice versa, then we could classify an object to class 1 only if f(x) > 0 for 0 < 1.
Now 0 can be determined if the loss function is known. The border surface or
"decision function" f(x) - 0 = 0 depends on the loss which in turn depends on the
usage of the classification.
‘Remember that from a computer’s "point of view", all images stored in its memory, no matter how visually
realistic to us, "look" as unintelligible as random noise does to us.
It seems clear that small changes in the intensity of individual pixels would not greatly
affect the inteipretability of most images, nor would changes in the overall average
intensity. In the geometric representation, these translate into images corresponding to
nearby points in the data hyperspace, looking very similar, or images corresponding
to vectors with identical directions, looking very similar. The fact that interpretable
images are redundant means that they can be represented by fewer bits (or equivalently
that they correspond to a proper subset of the signal space), and still carry the same
information for us.
cv = £ x *i x ‘j = n x n-
D “p = Y , x *i x *i ¿M W = N xN .
In fact, Watanabe shows that the eigenvalues of both of these covariance matrices arc
identical, and the author has pointed out the relationship between these ideas related
to the KLT and the singular value decomposition (SVD). The identical eigenvalues of
the two covariance matrices correspond to the (square of the) singular values of the
original data considered as an N x n matrix, under the Singular Value Decomposition7.
This relationship is discussed in more detail in chapter 8.
Continuing the theme of the geometric interpretation of the object-predicate data, the
outer-product of any vector with itself has very particular properties. If A, 5, and C
are any three vectors then the outer or dyad product of A and 5 (often just written as
juxtaposition) is defined by the following equation:
(ABJ.C = A(B.C)
Thus the outer product of a vector with itself is a linear operator with the following
(i) it produces a vector whose length is the dot-product of itself and the vector it
operates on (to the right).
(ii) the direction of this new output vector is the direction of the vector whose
outer product was taken.
That is, the outer product of a vector with itself produces a projection operator onto
this 1-D vector subspace defined by the vector. This means that the covariance matrix
7Sirovitch and Kirby [222] use an algorithm equivalent to this system of object-predicate inversion to apply
the Karhunen-Loève transform to the coding of images of faces in registration. In fact, while the
diagonalization of the dual covariance matrix and the singular value decomposition are equivalent
mathematical procedures, from a purely numerical computation point o f view, the SVD introduces lower
order «tors.
is the sum of the all the projection operators corresponding to each vector in the
Now, the principal conclusion drawn from the discussion on realism in chapter 2 was
that the mind can only apprehend the particular by virtue of it being able to apprehend
universals. It was based on a belief in the need to subvert the notion of substance
which held a primary position in Aristotle’s philosophy8. Consider the following, more
explicit statement of this idea in answer to the question of how an object (particular)
is identified:
It is identified by observation, just as a predicate is confirmed or denied by
observation. A raven is identified by first observing all kinds of predicates
that ravens are supposed to satisfy, and then by observing some special
marks o f this-ness, such as the one that lives in a certain tree, or the one
that has a defective right wing or some other characteristic. ... We
mentioned a recent work by Strawson, which maintains that a particular
*Watanabe compares this subversion of substance implicit in the object-predicate inversion with the negation
o f substance (anatman) in Buddhism. A similar shift from substance to function is noted in the introduction
of the quantum theory o f elementary particles where the self-identity of elementary particles must be
object can only be identified through testing applicability of some general
concepts (universals), which, in our context [pattern recognition], amounts
to observation of some predicates. If we agree that an object can be
identifiable only by a group of observations, the object-predicate relation is
no more than a relation between two groups of observations. [19, p.92]
Now, consider the following extract from C.S. Peirce which further supports this view
and extends its implications even into logic:
I have maintained since 1867 that there is one primary and fundamental
logical relation, that is illation ...A proposition, for me, is but an argument
divested of the assertiveness of its premise and conclusion. That makes every
proposition a conditional proposition at bottom ... This is the very same
relation that we express when we say that ‘every man is mortal,’ or 'men
are exclusively mortal.’ For this is to say, ‘Take anything whatever, M, then
if M is a man it follows necessarily that M is mortal.’ [199]
These ideas supply us with an indication of how to represent predicates in the
geometric representation of pattern recognition data [19, p.510]. A proposition P(a)
that an object a satisfies predicate P means, according to the usual Aristotelian
interpretation of pattern recognition, that object a is placed in class P; (the class of all
elements for which P is true). The interpretation of P(a) suggested by Peirce, is that
if x satisfies A, which is the predicate or property of being a (i.e. A-ness), then x
satisfies P. In other words the Aristotelian logical formula P(a) becomes an
implication between predicates: A —>P. Peirce goes further though, in the first part of
the extract above, claiming that the relation which underlies all logic is implication.
So for our geometric representation of predicates, we need to find some way of
representing the predicates such that the implication relation is also represented
geometrically. In turn then, representations of all other logical connectives in
geometric form can be derived from the basic geometric representation of implication.
This means that extensive logical formulas involving our pattern recognition primitives
(observables) can be decided by referring to the solution in the corresponding
geometric picture, and in fact even the underlying structure of the logic can be derived
from the geometric picture. What we find is that different types of pattern recognition
situation (e.g. comparing absolute or relative data vector component values) give rise
to different geometric representations of predicates and implication and even to
different logical or algebraic structure underlying the interactions of these terms.
In the situation where the value of each component has meaning, which is the
so-called "volume" picture, a predicate A is represented by a subset of the metric space
(usually a volume):
Va = {x/A(x)}
In the case where only the relative values of the vector components corresponding to
a single object are meaningful, each object is represented by the direction of a unit
vector in the vector space; i.e. by a 1-dimensional subspace of the space. The subspace
corresponding to a predicate A is then:
M A = { x ¡ A (x)}
where if two vectors satisfy A, any linear combination of the two vectors satisfy A.
The corresponding geometric representation of implication is the subspace inclusion
relation: "is a subspace o f:
A -> B => Ma c Mb
The predicate 0 that represents the constant absurdity has no member and corresponds
to the zero vector
M0 = {x 10(x) } = 0.
The predicate □ that represents the constant truth is satisfied by every object and
therefore is represented by the entire vector space:
Ma = {x I Qx) } = {x} => 0 c A c O
*It is important to distinguish relations belonging to the "object language" and relations belonging to the
"meta-language". Consider a collection of predicates A, B, C,..., each of which can be true or false [47, p.2].
An operation which combines members of the collection to produce a member of the collection is a part of
the object language. This corresponds to using the predicate A , regardless of its truth or falsehood in a
particular case. But, when we assert that A, in a particular case, is true, this assertion is not itself a predicate
— we are talking about the predicate A and so this assertion belongs to the meta-language. Here -» and =
belong to the meta language. r \ u and -> belong to the object language. Note the difference between A in
A -» B and A in A n B. The former is in the meta-language and means "the proposition that the predicate
A is true". The latter is in the object language and simply means "the predicate A is true".
Using the definition of implication —» we can define conjunction A n B and
disjunction A vj B for any two predicates A and B. (They correspond to the meet and
join operations in lattice theory respectively).
A n B -» A;
A n B —>B;
If X -» A and X —» B, then X —» A n B.
Thus the subspace corresponding to the conjunction A n B is the largest subspace
which is a subspace of A and is a subspace of B.
A -» A u fi;
B -» A u B;
If A -» X and B —> X, then A u B —*X
MAnB is the set of all vectors that can be expressed as linear combinations of vectors
belonging to MA or MB or both. (Note that the combination can produce a new vector
which does not belong to either MA or MB). The following laws still hold:
Idempotent Law: A n A = A, A u A = A.
Commutative Law: A n B = B n A, A u B = B u A.
Associative Law: (A n B) n C = A n (B n C)
(AuB)uC = Au(BuC).
Absorptive Law: (A n B) u A = A
(A v B) n A = A
0 n A = 0, 0 u A = A
O n A = A, D u A = D
However, the distributive law breaks down when C is not a subspace of A or B:
( A n B ) v C * (A u C) n (B u C)
(AuB)nC 94 ( A n C ) y j (B n C)
For finite dimensional vector spaces a less restrictive modular law holds:
(AnB)KjC = A n ( B v C )
which is equivalent to the distributive law when C —> A because A u C —» A.
Another case where the distributive law holds in the subspace picture is if the
predicates A and B are compatible.10 This is the case, for example, if there is a
rectangular coordinate system in the vector space, and the subspace in the geometric
representation of any predicate, is a subspace subtended by some of the coordinate
axes [19, p.514]. In general, the distributive law holds in the subspace picture when
predicates share a common coordinate system.
The subspace picture, which is derived on the basis of the relative values of the vector
components of the vector representing a particular object, being the meaningful
quantities, shows that in certain cases the distributive law does not hold for
incompatible predicates. This is equivalent to saying that the order in which predicates
are measured is important and changing the order can give a different result
10The terminology comes from quantum mechanics and means that it is possible to simultaneously measure
both predicates to an arbitrary accuracy, unconstrained by uncertainty relations. This is not the case with
position and momentum in quantum mechanics or equivalently with position and spatial frequency in signal
theory (see discussion on Gabor above)
There are two ways of incorporating this conditional probability, which encodes the
veracity of a logical implication, into a logic system. The conventional approach is to
assume Boolean or Aristotelian logic as the starting point and to incoiporate notions
of probability into this system. This is the approach developed by Kolmogorov, where
probability is defined as a measure on a Borel field which satisfies certain
properties .11 Watanabe shows how this definition of probability is only consistent if
the underlying lattice satisfies the distributive law [19, p.518]. He credits Louis de
Broglie withpointing out that the use ofprobability isanomalous in quantum
mechanics. Thisis because [47] the distributive law does not hold forobservables in
quantum mechanics12 while the use of the usual Kolmogorov concept of probability
requires the distributive law to hold.
One way of getting around this problem is to relax the definition of probability. The
usual definition of probability requires:
(i) p(A) > 0;
(ii) p (0 ) = 0;
(iii) p ( Q = 1;
(iv) If A n B = 0 then p(AvjB) = p(A) + p(B).
In the distributive case (iv) is equivalent to (iv)':
(iv)’ p(A) + p(B) = p(AnB) + p (AkjB)
To cope with a non-distributive lattice, replace (iv) by (iv)":
(iv)" P(A) + p(-'A) = 1
which is a restricted version of (iv)’ when B is ~>A.
In order to inteipret the conditional probability P(AfB) consider the case P(Ajx)
where x stands for B when the geometric representation of B is a 1-dimensional
‘’Borel fields form a lattice which differs from a Boolean lattice only in the fact that a countably infinite
conjunction and disjunction is allowed in the case of Borel ñelds. This does not materially change the results.
[19, p-5173.
,2In quantum mechanics observables can be represented by operators in a Hilbert space or as matrices in
Dirac’s bra/ket form. The fact that operators corresponding to incompatible observables do not commute (the
order o f operation is important) is a mathematical representation of the fundamental nature of quantum
systems. TTiis non-commutativity leads directly to the breakdown of the distributive law.
Define p(A /x) = |Ajc |2/ |jc |
where Ax is the projection of x on the subspace corresponding to A.
p(Alx) + pf-'A ¡x) = 1
by the properties of subspaces [19, p.519]. If P(A /B) is considered as the average over
all vectors x contained in B then p(AjB) + p(-<A/B) = 1, which is a weaker form of
the conditional probability version of (iv) above.
This problem with the distributive law needing to hold in the case of a probability
defined on a Borel field can be avoided in another way. While the conventional
approach assumes Boolean logic and then defines probability on top of this, an
alternative approach starts with the conditional probability and uses this to derive a
logical structure.13 Watanabe claims that although the orthodox way of introducing
probability is to add it to an existing logical structure,
it seems to be the opposite of the natural order of development of ideas in
human cognition ... In ordinary thinking, a vaguely conceived association
between cause and effect with a graduated degree of certainty is generated
first in mind, and in rare occasions it is crystallized as an infallible
implicational law. The logical axioms can be considered as a formalization
o f such exceptional cases of singular associations [19, p 5 2 0 J .
Recall again that our starting point is the implication A(x) —» P(x), and we want to
introduce some way of dealing with "a graduated evaluation of the veracity" of the
implication. According to Watanabe the most natural way of doing this is to allow a
continuous range for the truth value of A(x) or P(x) which usually have one of the
dichotomous values 0 or 1. To represent this he introduces a function f(Ajc) (for A
say), such that
0 <f(Apc) < 1
where as usual the value 1 means that the object x definitely satisfies the predicate A
(is in class A), and the value 0 means that the object x definitely does not satisfy the
predicate A (is outside class A). The class A can be understood as the extension of the
predicate A (the set of all objects that satisfy A). W hen/is limited to the values zero
and one we get the usual Boolean logic out of the formalism. This is equivalent to the
assumption that at any instant each predicate corresponds one-to-one to a well-defined,
’^Recall the discussion above about the conditional probability being a more fundamental concept than the
unconditional (absolute) probability. This discussion is on the basis of the conditional probability being a
more fundamental concept than logic which is derived from it
fixed set of objects that satisfy the predicate (i.e. a fixed extension). This is an
assumption which Watanabe calls "the postulate of definite (or fixed) truth set" and
which he attributes to Frege with the name "the Frege Principle", [19, p.521; 46,
The fact that the result of two tests depends on the order in which they were carried
out could be because:
(a) the observed object is changed due to the observation, or
(b) the observer changes as a result of an observation on an object, or
(c) both observer and observed change as a result of an observation [19, p.522].
The quantal nature of microscopic physical systems seems to arise from reason (a).
The effect of the measuring apparatus on the physical system being measured (and
therefore interacting with the measuring apparatus) has been discovered to be finite.
This means that the effect of measurement on the measured system cannot be ignored,
which was one of the basic assumptions of classical mechanics. Watanabe [47, sections
5.3, 5.4] discussing the fact that information loss is an inevitable consequence of
observation or measurement, indicates that the term measurement is somewhat of a
misnomer —the actual process is something more akin to preparation. Our knowledge
about the system before the act of "observation" is entirely probabilistic and random.
Our knowledge about the system after the act of "observation" is that the system is in
a definite state which can be represented by the eigenvector (of the measurement
operator) whose corresponding eigenvalue was the outcome of the act of "observation".
An example of the need for a propensity theory on the basis of reason (b) is possibly
the psychology of medical diagnosis: "when A and B are very close or similar to each
other, the ordinary human doctor will tend to classify a patient with a higher
probability into A when A is considered before B than when B is considered before A".
[19, p.522].
We are generalizing the predicate A used above from the simple dichotomous case of
a predicate defining a set or its set-complement, to the polychotomous case of a
predicate classifying objects into one of several mutually exclusive sets - a partition.
This does not affect the underlying theory, as every finite multi-way classification can
in theory be reduced to a finite number of binary dichotomies.
notion of a universal due to Plato. In this chapter the properties of classification or
pattern recognition are described in more detail, particularly the sources of the various
inductive ambiguities that are involved in the process. The properties of various types
of classification are discussed using the idea of a geometric representation of sampled
data and we find that the properties of different types of geometry are reflected in the
corresponding type of pattern recognition problem, In particular, for problems where
the relative values of predicates are important (e.g. contrast), rather than absolute
values, we find that the representation in terms of subspaces means that the distributive
law is not guaranteed to hold. This means that it is sometimes not possible to
simultaneously evaluate some (conjugate) predicates. The actual process of evaluating
a predicate (measurement) also comes under scrutiny and the reasons why different
predicates might not be compatible are mentioned. Because probability is based on
Borel sets, it is not strictly correct to use probability in cases where the distributive
law does not hold. The propensity theory introduced by Watanabe is described as a
means of overcoming this problem. This chapter finally brings us to the stage where
we can begin to meaningfully discuss what it is that we mean by an observation or
measurement, the implications of this in terms of the breakdown of Boolean logic, and
the relationship to perception in general.
Chapter 7
7 Perception as Measurement
7.1 Introduction
In a book published in 1978 on the "Fundamentals of Measurement and Representation
of Natural Systems" [20], Rosen attempts to clarify the relationships between
(i) the theory of measurement, which forms the basis for all our knowledge of
physical properties;
(ii) the theory of recognition mechanisms in biology and engineering;
(iii) the theory of discrimination which deals with the specificity of interactions
between systems, and
(iv) the theory of classification as used in the establishment of diverse taxonomies.
A common factor in all these topics is the generation of some sort of invariants such
as numbers, which serve to label the processes with which they are associated. This
happens in such a way that processes which are considered to be alike bear the same
label, and those which are considered different bear different labels. This definition of
the basic element which connects these related processes prompts a number of
questions which Rosen attempts to address [p.x]:
(1) What has been learned about a system when we have measured it, or
recognised it, or classified it, or otherwise labelled it in a particular way?
(2) How is this knowledge related to that obtained from a different procedure for
measuring, recognising or classifying it?
(3) What does it mean to say that distinct systems (which can be distinguished
according to some criterion), nonetheless bear the same label (and are thus
indistinguishable according to some other criterion)?
(4) When does indistinguishability with respect to one type of observation entail
indistinguishability with respect to some other type of observation?
The approach he uses to begin to confront these questions is based on the idea that
every recognition, measurement, discrimination or classification process depends on
the capacity of a given system S to induce a dynamics (in other words, a change of
state) in another system M, which he refers to as a meter, discriminator, recogniser or
I have been constantly and continually confronted with these very questions,
in a variety of guises, in the course of my investigations into the
organisation, development and evolution of biological systems, for as long
as I can remember. Over the course of time I have come to realize that these
questions are not merely subsidiary matters to be dealt with cursorily within
the confines of a specific investigation as circumstances indicate; rather they
are the primary questions on which the resolution o f all the other questions
essentially depend [pjcJ.
In chapter 2 above we discussed the problem of the status of universals and how one
aspect of the position associated with Plato is that the basis of our knowledge about
the external world is not the direct perception of real objects but the ability to
apprehend universals. In chapter 6 the notion of what it means to "apprehend
universals" is made more explicit: it is an evaluation of whether or not a particular
concept, or value of a property, or predicate, applies in a given case; it is something
we could represent as a number, as a component in a particular component position
of a vector. According to Peirce, the most fundamental relation of logic, and therefore
of all relations, is the implication relation between predicates. Furthermore, by
representing this implication relation with different interpretative models (set-based,
or vector-everbased) corresponding to different possible applications, we find that it
is possible to have very different logical or algebraic formulations for the association
between the predicates of our systems. One of these corresponds to the usual Boolean
framework. Another is described which does not, and there are likely to be yet other
formulations. The aspect of the problem concerning whether or not a particular
predicate or value is applicable — abstractly depicted as a test — was discussed, and
some of its properties described. We thus suggest that Rosen is correct in emphasising
the measurement problem as the primary problem of the nature of the interaction of
a system with its world, and therefore the primary problem of the nature of perception.
accidental and therefore without explanation. Perception is compatible with physics
and with, at the very least, the statistics of the medium of our existence, i.e., the
statistics of what we call signals or physical properties. As observers, we can describe
the structure of other living organisms, as having various capacities to interact with
what we describe as their environment The parts we describe as having the specific
and primary function of mediating the ingoing signals we refer to as perceptual (sub
system s. Nevertheless, our descriptions and explanations of the functional role of
these parts of the organism cannot be a part of the organisation and structure of that
system, because our functional descriptions necessarily invoke what we see as the
organism’s environment That environment is something that only exists to us. In
particular, our conception of that environment may have little or no relevance to the
organism concerned. Our explanations of that organism’s perception in terms of
representations of its environment might be useful for us, but cannot be relevant to the
organism, because they (the explanations) again involve our conception of that
So, what is relevant to the organism? Well, the physical properties of the medium in
which it exists, the signals mediating its interaction with that medium, its organisation
and structure which determine how these signals affect i t and what if any relevance
they have. There are two points here: the seemingly arbitrary character of what is
observable or what is relevant and the fact that what is relevant is not determined by
a single objective world, but by the current state of the organism and the history of
interactions that compatible with its world and maintaining it viability, have led to this
state. The first point the choice of observables and the relationship between them are
the issues that Rosen is concerned with in the four questions he poses above. But the
second point the appropriate level of explanation of a living organism is a more
fundamental issue and therefore something that needs to be discussed first
Now the type of explanation at a particular level is tightly bound up with the level of
explanation, so that for example, a description in terms of the dynamics of a complex
system will also entail a particular "outlook" on the interaction of the system with it’s
environment Thus for example, in a discussion on a systems dynamics, one would not
expect to reference to 3-D representations. If then, the dynamical system can do
without 3-D representations, they may be less necessary than would seem on initial
consideration. Consider for example, how the following description of an "information-
processing" system in dynamical terms actually reverses many of the accepted ideas
on the relationship between perceptual systems, the environment, and information:
Perception does not begin with causal impact on receptors; it begins within
the organism with internally generated (self-organised) neural activity that,
by re-afference, lays the ground for processing o f future receptor input. In
the absence of such activity, receptor stimulation does not lead to any
observable changes in neural dynamics in the brain. It is the brain itself that
creates the conditions fo r perception by generating activity patterns that
determine what receptor activity will count for it. Perception is interaction
initiated by the organism, not a reaction caused by the object at the receptor
level. Thus the story o f perception cannot be told simply in terms of feed
forward causation in which the object initiates neural changes leading to an
internal perceptual state. What is missing in the reflex-based model is
recognition of the role played by self-organised neural processes and by
dense feedback among subsystems in the brain that allow the organism to
initiate interaction with its environment [39].
The picture that is emerging from the work of Freeman [37, 40], Zak [41], Grossberg
[203], Rosen [12] and others, is that what we describe as the functional properties
of a perceptual system, are a direct result of the dynamical interactions of the
components of that system, which collectively compose its structure. According to
Maturana and Varela, this exactly is the appropriate level of explanation of the systems
operation, because it is defined completely in terms of the systems organisation, and
its realisation as a structure of components and relations between components. The
system’s world perturbs this structure and the system tries to maintain its identity, but
these perturbations are not part of the definition of the system’s organisation [24].
The work to understand the details of the dynamics of these systems is in its infancy.
It seems though, that the dynamics may contain stable attractor states where the system
goes into a period of relatively stable oscillation. Under the influence of external
perturbation, the dynamics can very quickly switch from one stable global activity
consisting of a distributed group of neurons oscillating in synchronisation, to another
attractor and a completely different distributed pattern of activity. The precise nature
of the attractors, particular the distributed pattern of activity, seems to be a function
of many factors including the previous experience of the system, its state of arousal,
its posture and so on. Loosely, however the system could be described as having a
"fast" dynamics (the actual moment-to-moment collective and distributed neural
activity), and a "slow" dynamics, involving the gradual change of attractor
configuration and characteristics. This latter "slow" dynamics has, more correctly, been
referred to as a metadynamics by Varela and others [53], because it involves, not just
the change in the operating parameters or operating conditions of a dynamical system,
but the actual change of the system itself. A description in terms of a particular
Newtonian dynamical model would be slowly invalidated as the metadynamics
transforms it into a different system1.
Nevertheless, while this level of description in terms of dynamics is the only level that
can be operational for the system, the system can be described at other levels. The
central thesis of this dissertation is that information theoretic (IT) and measurement
theoretic (MT) terms, are an appropriate level at which to usefully describe a
perceptual system, even if ultimately any proper artificial realization will involve
designing a dynamical system. This is the case, because this level of description
displays many of the properties that are implicit in the organisation of the system,
despite being at a more accessible, better understood level of description. On the other
hand, because a description in terms of information/measurement is nearer to the level
of operation of the system, it is less influenced by our particular prejudices on what
observables are appropriate, than a purely functional description in the spirit of Marr’s
computational theory would be.
’This is one of the points that Rosen [12] makes in arguing against the standard reductionist approach to
describing complex systems, which is what he claims biological organisms are.
7 .1 .2 Redundancy and inferences
Having carefully defined what we mean by measurement in chapter 6 and clarified the
nature of our level of explanation above, we can apply this notion to attempt to
explain what happens in a perceptual system. We examine the notion of a transition
from signals to symbols and the role of symbols. The active or dynamic aspect of
perception also is discussed
Several authors have emphasized the fact that we can only see because of structure or
correlations in natural images.
Our own ability to interpret the images that our eyes receive involves
making inferences about the environmental causes of image intensities, often
from incomplete data. This ability to make predictions or inferences depends
on the existence o f statistical dependencies or redundancies in natural
images [157].
Attneave’s [204] and Barlow’s description of biological vision as encoding the
visual image in a less redundant form carried the implication that eliminating
redundancy automatically makes the structure contained in the image clearer, by
separately representing some of the more important aspects of this structure. The
Principle of Prägnanz which embraces such properties as regularity, symmetry and
simplicity was introduced by the gestalt school of psychologists to capture the notion
of form-discerning. It has much in common with the heuristic principle of least
entropy or the principle of simplicity [19]. All of these heuristic principles point to the
existence of correlations between different parts of images when the image is of the
real world It is these correlations at many different statistical levels, which when
appropriately distributed, allow an image to be interpreted by a biological vision
system. The immediate questions is: what are these correlations or redundancies of the
various orders, and why are images which contain these, automatically interpretable?
That is, how does a visual system know exactly what correlations are important and
how to use them.
of the visual system. So, according to this argument, we can see because our visual
systems have adapted to the structure (redundancy, interdependence) contained in the
ensemble of visual data of natural scenes and described by various orders of statistics.
If our visual system was exposed to an ensemble with a completely different set of
statistical properties, one would expect it to adapt to be able to interpret the images
of this ensemble. Images of our natural world would then "look-like" random noise or
little better. Unfortunately, while the idea is quite plausible, the author is not aware
of a direct explanation which links the notion of redundancy and that of inference,
other than in a very imprecise way.
correlations2; but information has to do with what exactly we communicate using
these physical events or signals. A proper theory of information should thus be a
theory about the content of our messages, as well as the form of the messages in
which this content is embodied - in other words it should be a semantic theory as well
as a quantitative one.
Now, according to Shannon as illustrated in the extract in section 4.1.1, the semantic
aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem of describing and
designing communication systems. Nevertheless, as Dretske points out, this does not
mean that the engineering (quantitative) aspects are necessarily irrelevant to the
semantic aspects; (see for example, Weaver’s introduction to [121]). While information
theory does not pretend to say anything about what specific information a signal
carries, it does tell us how much information a particular signal carries and therefore
places a constraint on what information a signal can cany. This is the basis of
Dretske’s attempt to use information theory as the framework on which to built a
proper semantic theory of information, which information theory does not claim to be.
The first problem is to decide exactly what is meant by the term "semantic" in this
context Weaver, for example, cautions that in a semantic theory of information, the
term information in this semantic sense should not be confused with meaning, and
similarly it should not be confused with the value of the information or with
knowledge [22, p.41]. While information in the term’s ordinary usage does have a
semantic connotation, this is not the same as meaning, "for, on the face of it there is
no reason to think that every meaningful sign must carry information or, if it does, that
the information it carries must be identical to its meaning" [p.42]. Usually people
communicate (i.e. exchange information) by employing the customary meaning of
signals or signs, but the two ideas are not synonymous: signals may have a meaning
by convention and agreement but they carry information. Exactly what this
information that signals or signs carry, is not completely clear. In ordinary usage the
2Dretske makes it clear [22, chap.l] that there does not necessarily even need to be a causal relationship
between events for the communication of information between them. Ia fact the two extreme cases of having
full information without causality and having no information with causality are both possible. "From a
theoretical point of view, however, the communication channel may be thought o f as simply the set of
dependency relations between [a source] s and [a receiver] r. If the statistical relations defining equivocation
and noise between s and r are appropriate, then there is a channel between these two points and information
passes between them, even if there is no direct physical link joining j with r." [p38].
term information has different interpretations and connotations, but Dretske claims that
there is a common nucleus to these different interpretations and that this can be
captured in the notion of truth.
What information a signal carries is what it is capable o f 'telling’ us, telling
us truly, about another state of affairs. Roughly speaking, information is that
commodity capable of yielding knowledge, and what information a signal
carries is what we can learn from it. If everything I say to you is false, then
I have given you no information. At least I am giving you no information o f
the kind I proported to be giving. If you happen to know (on other grounds)
that what I am saying is false, then you may nonetheless get information,
information about me (I am lying), from what I say, but you will not get the
information corresponding to the conventional meaning of what I say.
The key to using the quantitative viewpoint of information theory to tell us something
about the semantic aspect of information, is that while information is a commodity that
is capable of yielding knowledge, given the right recipient, exactly what and how
much the recipient can learn, is limited by the amount of information available. The
critical factor in this changeover from a purely quantitative theory concerned with the
properties of sources and channels, to a semantic one, is "the difference between the
study of the conditions of any message whatsoever and the study of the content of
particular messages" [p.47]. The average information carrying capacity of a channel
is irrelevant to the understanding of semantic information.
Information is a question of both what and how much can be learned from
a particular signal and there is simply no limit to what can be learned from
a particular signal about another state o f affairs ... Channel capacity (as
understood in communication theory) represents no limit to what can be
learned over a channel (from a specific signal) and therefore represents no
’Note that there are other informal or colloquial usages of the term information which are at variance with
the notion described here, but Dretske claims that if you try to carefully tie down what the semantic aspect
of the term means, than the central notion must be one of truth.
limit to the amount of information (in the ordinary sense) that can be
transmitted [p J l].
^i) = X>CyJri)
log /?(sjri)
= 0
In this case 6 bits of information are sent down the 1 bit channel because
In the case that a binary zero is received, the recipient knows that the coin is placed
on some one of the 63 squares — that it is not on the special square. The number of
possibilities is reduced from 64 to 63 so the conditional probability pfsfrg) = 1/63 for
i = 2,...64 and 0 for i = 1. Thus the equivocation for r0 is given by
£(ro) = £I P(st ko) lo8P(si ko)
= 5.977
In order to get a definite measure of the information generated by a source or arriving
at a receiver from a particular source, we must be able to evaluate the distribution of
probabilities associated with the full range of possible outcomes of the source and
receiver events. This is possible in the toy scenario envisaged above, or in typical
Figure 22. Illustration of the connection between source and receiver events (symbols),
in the cases of maximum average information capacity (a), and maximum surprise (b).
An important point that needs to be stressed is that the conditional probabilities used
to define the equivocation between the source and receiver are intended to be objective
quantities. Whether or not they are known or can even be evaluated is irrelevant to the
value of the equivocation and therefore irrelevant to the relationship between the
information carried by the signal and that carried by the source. "How much
information a message carries is not a function of how much information the recipient
thinks it carries. It is a function, simply, of the actual possibilities that exist at s and
the conditional probabilities of these various possibilities after the message has been
received" [p.55].
To sum up this idea about the amount of information a signal carries about a source:
"if a signal carries the information that s is F (where s is some item at the source),
then the amount of information that the signal carries about s must be equal to the
amount of information generated by s's being F. If s ’s being F generates 3 bits of
information, no signal that carries only 2 bits of information about s can possibly carry
the information that s is F" [p.58]. Note that Dretske is speaking here about a
particular signal like the signal that is generated when Sj occurs in Figure 22(b).
In other words the message must be a true message. In addition, to ensure that the
message is not only carrying enough information, but enough of the right information
we need a further condition:
(iii) the quantity of information that the particular signal carries about s is that
quantity generated by s’s being F, and not for example, by s ’s being G.
These three conditions collectively are the basis for Dretske’s semantic theory of
information. They clearly mark out the separate requirements of the message in order
that its information content be described. In a more precise reformulation, Dretske also
includes the notion of what the receiver might know about the possibilities that exist
at the source:
Informational content:
A signal r carries the information that s is F - The conditional probability of
s ' s being F, given r (and k), is 1 (but, given k alone, less than 1).
Dretske uses the example of the difference between a picture of a cup with coffee in
it, and the statement "The cup has coffee in it" to illustrate the distinction between the
two forms of information. The statement (in its usual meaning and use) carries
information about the cup and its contents in digital form. No more information about
the situation is available from this message or signal. The picture on the other hand
also carries this information, but this is not the most specific information that the
picture carries, nor is it the only information. The picture might also carry all sorts of
subde information about the size, shape and texture of the cup, the amount and colour
or the coffee and so on, but these are not explicit What is explicit in this case, what
is the most specific information carried by the picture would be the sampled and
quantized intensity values of the pixels making up the image (presuming that it is a
digitized image in the conventional sense of digital), or the analogue light intensity
emitted by the phosphors on a TV screen (in the conventional sense of analogue).
4A n important point to note is that the terms analog and digital, in the sense that Dretske uses them, are
always relative. What might be analog in tenns of one source and the information about it, could actually
be digital in terms of another related source.
form. The speed information generates 6.64 bits of information, but there is positive
equivocation involved in the transformation or classification involved in the speed to
gear transition. Because of the different speed ranges classified into the individual gear
indications, each of the (four) gear values carries different amounts of information:
2.75 bits, 3.32 bits, 2 bits and 1 bit respectively5. The process of transforming
information from an analog to a digital form is always one that involves a loss of
information: "Until information has been lost, or discarded, an information-processing
system has failed to treat different things as essentially the same. It has failed to
classify or categorize, failed to generalize, failed to ‘recognise’ the input as being an
instance (token) of a more general type" [p. 141]. We show next how this is related to
the process of going from "signals to symbols".
7 3 Going Symbolic
Several authors, such as Marr [9], and Wilson et al [166, 201,167] have described the
process of perception in terms of "going symbolic". In Marr’s case this is seen as a
once-off transition that takes place as early as possible in the processing stages of
visual information
Most would agree that an intensity array I(x,y) or even its convolution
V2G*7 is not a very symbolic object. It is a continuous two-dimensional
array with few points o f manifest interest. Yet by the time we talk about
people or cars or fields or trees, we are clearly being very symbolic, and I
think again that most would find suggestions of symbols in Hubei and
WieseI’s (1962) recordings. Our view is that vision goes symbolic almost
immediately, right at the level of zero crossings, and the beauty of this is
that the transition from the analogue arraylike representation of the discrete,
oriented, sloped zero-crossing segments is probably accomplished without
loss of information [9, p343J.
The careful analysis of information theoretic ideas in this and the previous chapters
was carried out so that exactly this type of confusion on the meaning and role of
symbols could be eliminated. The most obvious problem with Marr’s statement is the
notion of a transition to symbols happening without any loss of information. By
definition a classification, or so-called signal-to-symbol transition must involve positive
5A subtle point about this example which is nonetheless important for understanding the nature of perception
isthe following. Even though the information about what gear the driver should be in, is contained implicitly
in the speed value (say 30kph), it is the classification process that makes this explicit and decides what it
means. There is nothing intrinsic in the signal "30 km/h", regardless of its representation, which also says
"3rt gear". Ifthere was we could make a logical deduction; if speed is 30 kph, then gear must be third, but
of course we cannot
equivocation. It must involve some notion of invariance — some notion of different
input events, states or signals being somehow grouped together, or considered as alike
in some way, and labelled with a single symbol. In other words, each symbol must
represent a whole class of signals —it is a process of generalization in which symbols
express invariances or define equivalence relations among the set of signals. That is,
according to the definition of what symbols are and what they do, the process of
"going symbolic" necessarily involves a loss of information. Without a loss of
information, we cannot associate two different input signals and call them the same.
One possible source of this confusion of the role of symbols is the emphasis on the
referential idea of symbol without considering fully the infoimation theoretic
relationship between signals and symbols.
Syntactic Axis
Figure 23. Illustration of the relationship between explicate (symbolic) and implicate
(non-symbolic) in Cariani’s basic semiotic functionalities of organisms and devices.
From [28, p.75].
is just as much a signal as the input6, albeit a different signal with different properties
and carrying less information, but a signal nonetheless7.
sCariani uses the term "sign" to denote the physical token embodying or carrying the associated abstract idea
of a symbol. The point being made here is that there is no need to distinguish the output "sign" from the
input "signal": they are both embodied as some physical value or property. Certainly they are not the same
signal, but introducing the distinction of a "sign" only serves to hide the relative nature of a generalisation
or classification or measurement
’Despite clearly pointing out the relative nature of what he calls an "analogue-to-digital" transition or
generalization, Dretske actually goes on to take exactly the position as Cariani on the relationship between
sensory (analogue) and cognitive (digital). Here we do not pretend to clarify the status of "cognitive"
processes, but we do emphasize that there is not one single level of transition between signals and symbols,
but rather the possibility of many such transitions.
by, or are equivalent to, symbols. The input to a visual system is ambiguous in many
ways. It is a flux of signals impinging from many different sources and is capable of
carrying to the perceptual system, perturbations correlated with (or carrying
information with respect to) the properties of these sources. Much of the information
about the external world is implicitly contained in the distribution of grey level (or
colour if appropriate) intensities across the image (pixels). The intensities are the only
quantities that are explicit at this stage8. Notice that the intensity detected at a
particular pixel is one of a mutually exclusive set of possible values — there is no
"vagueness" about the value — one and only one is selected (deemed to be
appropriate). This notion can be extended to any quantity which one wishes to know,
or which is required to be measured. The only way we can know something is to
decide that it is one and only one of a set of possible alternatives, i.e. to make its
value explicit if a numerical representation is suitable. There can be no overlap,
superposition or ambiguity about the answer: a quantity is only known if it has a
particular value. This is a straight-forward classification process, which is one of the
vital steps in classical pattern recognition processes. If the value of a quantity or its
classification is ambiguous — if there are a number of alternative possible
classifications, if the classification is anything other than trivial, then the classification
process is inductive: there is no necessary solution9. But furthermore, not only must
we decide what value to pick if there is any ambiguity, but we even determine what
information we are going to extract by deciding what measurement to make. We
determine what is important in the flux of signals perturbing our perceptual system.
We are not simply trying to extract some objective, if ambiguous, information which
is the only information that is available.
'Recall the discussion on direct and indirect "detection” vis-a-vis the photoreceptors above — a detector is
a device which makes the value of a quantity explicit.
’This process of deciding on one out of several possible alternatives is also referred to as measurement,
particularly in the context of quantum mechanics. In substance it is the same as the common-sense notion
of measurement: assigning one particular value out of an often continuous range of values, although in the
common-sense case, the assignment is trivial (only one value is possible), while in the quantum mechanical
case, there is often a probability distribution over the range of possibilities.
— they are combinations of the input data which capture in some way the statistical
structure (in the sense of redundancy) contained in the image. Some of these variables
do have names and include things like orientation, shading, illumination, texture, depth
etc., etc. But the most important thing to remember about the meaning of these
variables is that they are not some ad hoc "knowledge of the world", which has been
acquired by undetermined means, to assist in the process of interpreting or inferring
hypotheses from an inadequate and ambiguous image representation. The basis of the
meaning of these variables, and therefore of the perceptual decisions involving them,
can only be the relationship between this observation and others in space and time
(made by us), captured by the statistics of the ensemble. This emphasis on observation
and the relationships between observations, as opposed to considerations of objects and
their properties, is a point of view introduced to pattern recognition by Watanabe and
originally inspired by some of the ideas of Plato10.
We have seen that the step of going from signals (containing implicit ambiguous
information) to symbols (where information is explicit and unambiguous), is vital to
the process of perception —without this there can be no perception; no knowledge. It
was suggested that this step is somehow related to the redundancy contained in an
ensemble of images. We will now try to make these connections somewhat more
transparent One of the connections is particularly simple: if there is implicit
information there is ambiguity (except in the trivial case). If we want to make
information explicit we should try to get rid of ambiguity — or at least make it as
small as possible before the measurement or classification decision. This means
making the probability of class choices as unevenly distributed as possible, or
equivalently, minimizing an entropy function over the set of possibilities for the values
of the explicit information.
10For example, Watanabe considers the object-predicate table as simply a set of relationships between
different observations: those which we use to "recognise" "objects", and those which we use to "recognise"
different ways, but the application of propensity is solely on the basis of reason (a) in
section 6.5.4 above: the effect of observation on the observed.
In line with the ideas proposed by Wilson et al [166, 201,167] we can consider the
sensory data as defining a probability distribution over the set of possible outcomes
"in discussions in other parts of this dissertation, particularly those associated with the enaclive approach
to perception and cognition, the tenn observer is used in something like the conventional sense specifically
being excluded in this section, although there ithas the additional connotation of someone separate from the
machine or organism being focussed on. In this chapter the specific sense in which the term observer is
being used is a sense akin to the notion of a quantum mechanical measurement apparatus.
IJN o real phase-locked loop might act in the way imagined here but we will consider as a "thought" system
in the spirit of the "thought experiments" in theoretical physics.
for a particular primitive measurement or observation process. Then, consonant with
Watanabe’s notion of the "preparation" of a quantum mechanical state, we define the
A-test (the test of A-ness) to be a random selection o f one of the possibilities allowed
by the polychotomy defined by the predicate A, where the likelihood of a particular
selection is given by the probability distribution. That is, the A-test is the generation
of a sample of a discrete random variable with the appropriate probability distribution.
If our N sensory data are represented by an N-tuple of complex numbers in a linear
complex vector space C?, then an observation will correspond to the application to an
initial vector v a Hermitian operator A to yield a final vector u:
u = Av.
In general the vector u will have several non-zero coefficients corresponding to the
likelihood of different possible classifications in the A-test Remember, just as in
quantum mechanics the only possible outcomes of the A-test are those represented by
the eigenvalues of the A operator. In other words, to make an A-test here means
deciding between one of a number of possible outcomes13. No result is allowed which
is not one of these outcomes. No result is allowed which involves thinking that two
mutually exclusive and therefore contradictory outcomes can simultaneously be the
case. The predicate A defines a number of possible mutually exclusive outcomes,
which in the geometric vector space representation, are represented by the eigenvalues
of the corresponding measurement operator A. The result of applying A to a vector is
another vector which must be one of the eigenvalues of A. A result of any other vector
is simply not valid.
The non-zero co-efficients of the vector u which result from the application of the
operator A to the input vector v are best thought of as the values for the projection of
v onto the corresponding eigenvectors of A. Then, as described by Wilson and
Granlund [167] we need a decision rule for assigning probabilities to the eigenvectors
of A (which are the only possible outcomes of the measurement of A), considered as
final vectors. If the vectors n = 0,..., N - 1 are the eigenvectors of A then we
need a rule which gives the probability pJA.v) that <p^„ is a final vector, given that
the initial vector is v. The natural choice for a general vector uses the co-efficients of
ISIn the case of a measurement of position the decision is between one of an uncountably infinite number
of possibilities; the probability distribution becomes a continuous distribution; and the possibilities are
represented by an uncountable infinity of position eigenfunctions in an infinite dimension Hilbert space. The
underlying ideas are not however changed in substance.
v expressed as a linear combination of the (pVs (M*s the representation of v is the
co-ordinate system with the eigenvectors of A as basis vectors).
v i, Vn <P*,
V= X Pn =
a £ |V*|2
Note that the output of the measurement of A is not a simple expansion of v in terms
of the eigenvectors of A. Rather the process described here is one of inference or
decision: "pick the eigenvector (p4, which best represents v and if you cannot decide,
toss a (n-sided) die to help you" [167].
Explicit information is the decision that a particular case (or possibility) of the set of
possible outcomes defined by this concept (predicate), is the one that was implicitly
contained in the input signal. But there usually is no necessary result for this decision
— any one of the possibilities with non-zero probability could have been (and if the
measurement were repeated on the same data, sooner or later would have been)
selected. Note that in explicitly deciding that one particular possibility (whatever its
probability defined by the data set) is implicitly described by the input data, we are
loosing implicit information about other possible, but incompatible inteipretations that
could be made. If we wish to simultaneously know the result of two different
observations or measurements, the input for the second must be the output of the first
W e can do two different measurements of two different predicates or concepts on the
original data (like to measure the position of edges and measure the class, or type of
edges) but the two explicit results are not simultaneously true. The very statement that
we would like to make: that an edge of a certain class lies at a certain position, is
exactly the statement or conjunction that we are not allowed to make when the
measurements are incompatible. At least we are not allowed to make this statement
with a joint accuracy or specificity in the pair of observables, which is greater than a
certain amount defined by an uncertainty relation [166, 201]. The information lost
when one possibility defined by the first predicate (the position) is selected, is exactly
the information needed to decide between members of the second set of possibilities
(the edge type or class). The non-distributive or quantum logic involved in primitive
perceptual observations enters the system for the following reason. If there is any
doubt, any ambiguity about which class a signal falls into (or the value of a
measurement on input data), and the signal is subsequently classified into one
particular class defined by the concept or generalization, then the propensity theory
(for which the distribute law does not hold), immediately applies. Deciding that some
signal does belong to a particular class, changes that signal if there was any ambiguity
about which class it belonged to before the observation.
making a primitive observation, sits a bit uncomfortably at first One alternative is to
pick the most probable result each time, but on average this rule fails to capture the
essence of how the input data implicitly weighs the various possibilities. Wilson and
Granlund give a thorough analysis of why the rule for deciding between different
possible alternatives in a classification process is appropriate [167].
A much broader view of metadynamical procedures for changing the dynamics of the
system has been taken in the area of artificial life (Alife). Varela has categorized at
least three different metadynamical strategies [53]:
(i) neuronal strategies: the number and types of nodes in a network are fixed
throughout the period of adaptation, the connections vary in number and/or
strength according to some rules (e.g. Hebb rule);
(ii) genetic strategies: the emphasis is on the application of rules for replacing and
updating nodes (there may be no interaction between nodes within the adapting
system) [205,206,207];
(iii) immunological strategies: the connections between nodes are not modified per
se , but the list of active or participating agents (nodes) changes continuously
— not as a recombination of old nodes, but in the form of new recuits [208].
Consider a dynamical description of an autonomous system’s closure giving rise, not
to a unique solution, but to an ensemble of possible solutions or trajectories for the
system. In order that the system remain viable the system must pick a trajectory so as
not to depart from the domain of constraints which guarantee the systems continuity
— the viability subspace [209]. At any moment the system must guess an appropriate
set of solutions by eliminating all the others. This process is basically what Peirce
refers to as abduction:
the capacity to guess the hypothesis with which experience must be
confronted, leaving aside the vast majority of possible hypotheses without
examination [53].
The metadynamical strategies above are intended to ensure that the operational closure
of the system is respected, not only in the state space, but also in this continual change
in the defining dynamics so that the chances of remaining in the domain of viability
are maximized.
our cognitive concepts of the real world like edges, surfaces or volumes, but we must
be careful for two reasons:
(i) Such interpretations are notorious for being wide of the mark. For example,
work on artificial neural networks has shown that cells in the cortex which
were interpreted as being edge and comer detectors using the classical bar and
edge stimuli of neurophysiology, may be better interpreted as estimating 3-d
shape from shading, and measuring curvature, respectively
(ii) These interpretations also give no clue about why the system developed in the
particular way it did; what the mechanism of development was, or what
variable or function was being optimized. As Laughlin [15] and Barlow [16]
both claimed, our cognitive judgements about the perceptual importance of
things such as edges and surfaces etc., are probably more caused by our
perceptual systems than explaining them.
transformation and for any linear transformation there is a unique decomposition of
the vector space into irreducible subspaces. Each symbol is associated with a particular
eigenvector and so for an Af-dimensional space the symbols are organized into groups
of N which are associated with a particular transformation or operator. Different
transformations, if they do not commute, give different, incompatible sets of
eigenvectors and therefore symbols. Wilson and Knutsson then go on to show that the
eigenfunctions of the translation operator (the class-defining symbols which must be
invariant to translation) are the complex exponentials, and the expansion of the input
signal in terms of these symbols is equivalent to the Fourier transformation. These
Fourier co-efficients are the probability distribution over the set of symbols discussed
above. The Fourier symbols are one particular way of interpreting the given data
vector. In the propensity theory there is an /-function for each particular Fourier
symbol measuring the degree of certitude that our input vector can be represented by
that symbol alone. The Fourier expansion still implicitly contains all the information
in the original data vector but it contains no explicit information — we do not know
which of the mutually exclusive possibilities (the complex exponentials) should be
selected as the one to represent explicitly the implicit information contained in the
original data. As soon as the Fourier information is made explicit and one particular
Fourier symbol (complex exponential) is selected, other implicit information is lost.
The data can no longer be reconstructed. Thus in this case, observation —the inductive
decision that a particular symbol is suitable for representing input data — means that
some information is made explicit at the expense of an overall loss in implicit
information that would allow the determination of other symbol interpretations. This
selection of a particular Fourier symbol is similar to the attempt to decide that a
particular class of edge exists in an image. In theory there is no limit to the amount
of spread that must be allowed to determine the class of edge. But this means that all
information about the position of the edge is lost. Position is coded by a different, and
incompatible set of symbols.
The position symbols correspond to the subspaces that are invariant when an operator
or transformation which switches between classes is applied, i.e. they are invariant to
"translation" in the Fourier domain, or equivalently, they are simply invariant to
classification. The eigenfunctions are the set of delta functions on (F — one for each
component of the ¿V-tuple representing each vector. The probability distribution over
the position symbols for a particular vector is just the set of components in the N-tuple
representation of the vector, i.e., the original data. The making explicit of the implicit
positional information in the input data corresponds to selecting one of the positions
in the data vector. All the implicit information required to subsequently decide that a
particular class of edge, say, exists in this data is then lost These two systems of
representation are fundamentally incompatible in the sense that the class symbols
(complex exponentials) cany no positional information and the position symbols
(impulse functions) carry no class information. Only limited resolution can be
simultaneously achieved in both of these extreme representations and the trade off in
simultaneous resolution is described by the Gabor/Daugman uncertainty relations. The
symbol set which achieves the limit described by the uncertainty relations are the
logons or elementary functions described by Gabor (GEFs). Note that any particular
set of N GEFs (for vectors in C^),M forming a complete set of symbols15 does not
capture all the information implicit in the input data. Parallel sets of primitive
observations need to be simultaneously carried out on the same input data. If these
parallel "channels" suitably represent different trade-offs in simultaneous localization
in the two incompatible domains, the maximal amount of information can be extracted
(made explicit) from the input data. (See Field [71], Daugman [134] or Porat et al
[132] for different ways of tiling the information diagram).
Grossberg and his colleagues have also used similar arguments about fundamental
"minimum uncertainties" inherent in visual perception, to motivate a distinction
between two very different types of processes, which are both concerned with "edges"
or contours in an image [203], He describes these processes as boundary contour (BC)
and feature contour processes. The reason for concern with contours in the first place
is the need to "discount the illuminant". Only at the image projection of scene
contours, where a transition in reflection but not in illumination takes place, is there
reliable information available about the reflectance. However this information cannot
be made explicit in a single process because
14StricUy speaking the GEFs are only defined in the continuous domain so sampled versions need to be used
in the example given here, but we do not want to get lost in the nitty-gritty.
,iThe set of symbols are not complete in the sense that they cover all of Gabor’s information diagram. They
are complete in the sense of a complete set of W-eigenvectors in an /^-dimensional space. The set of symbols
corresponding to the eigenfunctions of a particular transformation are equivalent to one of Field’s channels.
... there exist fundamental limitations on the visual measurement process -
that is, uncertainty principles are just as important in vision as in quantum
mechanics. For example the computational demands placed on a system that
is designed to detect invariant colors are, in many respects, complementary
to the demands placed on a system that is designed to detect invariant
boundary structures [213].
This is why the BC systems and the FC systems must process incoming signals in
parallel. Now Grossberg does not explicitly couch the argument in terms of
incompatible sets of symbols or subspace inference, but the effects are the same.
Certain classifications or labellings are not simultaneously decidable, so either a level
of minimum uncertainty is accepted in a single processing pathway, or two or more
parallel pathways need to be involved in the classification processes representing
different compromises in the tradeoff of incompatible variables or concepts.
(incompatible) requirements of different interpretations (e.g. form vs motion, BC vs
FC), of information implicit in the constant stream of sensory data. The primitive
observations however, are only one side of the perceptual duality. The perception of
real extended patterns and objects demands that many different primitive observations
at different levels of abstraction be somehow associated with each other. Recent results
in neurophysiology discussed below, indicate that this linking process may be
implemented by the synchronized activity o f neural circuits. We also discuss below the
mechanisms by which the neural connections required to subserve both the process of
primitive observation and the association or linking circuits, are set up. Before this
however, there are two other aspects of perception that need to be examined —
attention, and bias or value-weighting.
the elimination of derived predicates (variables) with small weighting (dimensionality
reduction), form the complete mathematical basis for the principal axis transform and
the Karhunen-Lo£ve transform. It is important to remember that these extra-logical
extra-evidential considerations are heuristic guiding principles. They do not guarantee
a correct solution to the problem of overcoming inductive ambiguity, though often
prove to be successful or useful in particular cases. In the next chapter we describe
how dimensionality reduction, based on a modified version of the KLT (inspired by
a Platonic view on universals), can be used as a preprocessing stage before
The overall impression we get from our considerations of the problems of biological
vision is that sensory perception is not a passive and unbiased transmission of physical
stimuli. Rather it is an active selective formation of valuable information. This idea
of "active perception" involving interaction with and exploration of the external world,
rather than passive forbearance with restricted input has recently received some
attention in computer vision. Normally, active perception implies an active movement
for the sensing organ (eye, camera) depending on what has just been seen. A typical
example is moving ones head to introduce depth parallax, or looking at something
"from different angles" if a single view is not sufficient for purposes. These ideas can
be extended to purely internal processes involving active selection of data or
processing function within the perceptual apparatus. This leads to a rejection of the
notion of a passive acceptance of a real world which imposes its reality on perception
without any room for individual interpretation. Each individual organism actively
constructs its own perception based on statistical properties of real world images, but
also on value-weighting (which depends on usefulness, emotions, attention etc.) and
on random primitive classification events. Note that the gross structure of the brain and
its perceptual subsystems seems to be largely genetically predetermined, but with the
exact detail of the wiring depending on visual activity - some of it noise generated
in the retina prenatally, some of it as a direct result of visual experience.
7.10 Attention
A weak form of active perception involves the notion of attention. Some work has
been carried out in psychophysics and neurophysiology which demonstrates
quantitative and some qualitative differences in function depending on attention. For
example, the pattern of saccadic movements that people make in viewing a scene has
been shown to be influenced both by the scene, and by what questions people are
asked about the scene [107]. The phenomenon of attention is closely related to gestalt
organization. There have been suggestions that the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN),
a relay station on the path between the retina and visual cortex, which is embedded
in a part of the brain shown to be connected with emotion, may play a role in attention
[37, 40]. While there have been some tantalizing clues about the nature of attentional
mechanisms and their role in perception little concrete can be said at this stage other
than that like the gestalt organizational properties of perception, attention and its
switching may play an important role in the nervous system.
(iii) the concentration of this information by non-topographical mapping into
adjacent visual areas of the cortex.
The spatial acuity of the visual system is well known, as is its hyperacuity abilities in
particular situations. For example, a vernier displacement can be seen by the eye/brain
down to a resolution which is an order of magnitude better than what would be
expected from the sample spacing and modulation transfer function. Barlow argues that
the very large number of primary cortical cells per retinal sampling point is quite
sufficient to allow this type of hyperacuity with appropriate computation. Less well
known are the temporal characteristics of the eye/brain system. The "noisy" character
of individual cortical neural activity means that in many neurophysiological
experiments, response activity is averaged over 10-15 milliseconds before results are
analyzed. Psychophysical results which show that temporal frequencies higher than
about 8 hz are very difficult to see, are in complete agreement with our everyday
experience with television and cinema which have full stationary picture update rates
of 25 per second and field rates of 50 per second. Recent work by Burr and Ross
[214] has demonstrated that the extraction of motion information involves
integration over times of the order of 100ms. This is not simply a temporal integration
process at a fixed position in the visual field It is a spatiotemporal integration
"following the motion" and has been shown to yield a temporal hyperacuity involving
the utilization of timing information which is accurate to the order of 150ps.16
A system capable of such spatial and temporal accuracy must surely need extreme
precision in its connections and their strength. It is believed that chemical gradients,
lsBarlow points out that this value of 150jis should be compared with the latency of neural activity, which
is about 100 times longer.
presumably genetically specified, are responsible for guiding fibres to their target areas
and positioning the terminals across the target area [215,216,217]. However,
the actual synaptic connections, their number and efficiency, are believed to be
determined by processes which depend on neural activity of both the projecting and
target cells. Much of the projection from the LGN and retina to the visual cortex is
already in place before a baby monkey is bom. The work described above by Linsker
[18] on artificial neural nets and Mastronarde [218] on the correlated firing of
retinal ganglion cells has shown that random fluctuations generated in the retina may
be responsible for the activity-dependent pre-natal mappings which are constructed in
the early visual pathways. Prenatal interruption of neural activity in the retinal
projections to the LGN and cortex have shown similar disruptive effects to the
deprivation of visual experience during the post-natal critical period.
Gestalt organization was mentioned above as one of the two fundamental aspects of
pattern recognition, and possibly of perception. Barlow suggests that the keys to
collecting together the information for detecting global properties in spite of the very
localized connections in any particular part of the cortex, are what he calls "linking
features", and also non-topographical maps17 between different regions or patches of
cortex. Barlow defines linking features as
those locally detectable qualities of a portion of the visual scene that in
Gestalt terms, cause segregation, or separation o f figure from ground.
Colour, texture, disparity, direction and velocity of motion, and orientation
are examples18 [16].
The localized ( * 1mm) connectivity throughout the cortex means that in order for
information to be allowed to interact, it must be "brought together". Thus as we have
quoted Barlow as saying already, the important thing about any patch of cortex is what
information is "brought together" there —for unless cells whose activity represent the
information in question are within a small distance of each other they (usually) cannot
’’Topographical maps are maps in which neighbourhood relations are preserved. In other words points are
mapped near together, which have similar values of some spatial parameters. In non-topographical maps,
points which have similar values of some other parameter such as colour or orientation or motion are mapped
nearby in the target region.
"It seems [13] that the magno system which comprises only a fraction of the visual processing machinery,
(even though it is evolutionally older than the more extensive parvo system) may be responsible for the
familiar grouping or gestalt effects associated with perception as well as aspects of depth and motion
processing. In short itis principally concerned with the "where" part of the "what versus where" dichotomy
identified by Marr [9], i.e. it is responsible with the perception of spatial structure. The magno system is
apparently "colour-blind" and at equiluminance, many of its functions cease, with startling effects.
interact The linking features are detected in VI (area 17) according to Barlow by a
"local analysis of the topographically organised reconstructed image". Projections to
other regions of the cortex subsequently redistribute this information for further
Much less is known about the response properties of cells in these extra-striate regions,
V2-V5 and the projections to them from the retina and VI. There does seem to be a
progressive functional segregation into at least three fairly identifiable parallel
pathways for separately processing colour (blob pathway), high-resolution static form
(parvo-interblob), and movement and stereo depth (magno pathway) [13]. These
pathways are not isolated from each other —there are cross projections and cells often
seem to retain some responsiveness to stimuli not nominally coded for in their
pathway. Higher cortical areas such as V4 and MT (middle temporal area) do have
cells which are fairly specialist in their tuning, but it is not known if they are
organized in the way the LGN, VI and V2 seem to be.
And for the next step —Barlow has his own ideas:
what is done with the information that there is a region of the visual field
with some common direction o f motion, or that collinear orientation
detectors are being activated? I like the idea that this information is
signalled back to the reconstruction in 17, enabling the area that has the
common characteristic to be ''flashed" or "cross-hatched" in some way,
though I am not sure that this idea would be so appealing if we had
successfully banished the homunculus from that area [16].
This suggestion by Bariow is particularly interesting as it seems to be the first time
that anyone has seriously suggested a role in perception for the very extensive back
projections from the "higher" visual areas to V I. It also provided one of the impetuses
for the theory of perception presented here.
As mentioned above there have been several attempts, which are widely known, to
elaborate a theory of perception, i.e., how all the various components or visual
properties into which the visual system seems to decompose its input are re-integrated
into a single percept Hubei and Wiesel proposed a system of hierarchial feature
detectors of increasing specificity. An alternative suggestions at about the same time
was in terms of Fourier analysis. Marr combined ideas from both, justified by his
computational theoretic approach, to describe a succession of filtering processes
between well-defined representations which culminated in an object-centred
3-dimensional description. The logical conclusion of the hierarchical feature detector
theory is the idea that somewhere in a "higher" cortical area, there could be a
"grandmother" cell, with obvious response properties. This idea, which was probably
just a "straw-man" originally anyway, is demolished by the inevitable combinatorial
Recently an alternative notion has begun gaining ground [219]. This is the idea that
the representations in the brain of various visual properties of objects in the world are
only transiently combined, rather than in fixed receptive fields. This is done "in some
way that makes the conjoint output of different property-specific detectors available
to the mechanisms for perception or action. A possible mechanism for the "transient
combination" may be illustrated by the result that "neurons in the visual cortex
activated by the same object in the world, tend to discharge rhythmically and in
unison. (This gives a whole new meaning to Gibsons notion of the visual system
"resonating" to "invariants" in the external world).
One of the reasons why these correlations had not been reported before was the
difficulty of recording the activity of one neuron, let alone two or more. With the
advent of procedures for recording and cross-correlating data from several individual
cells, a whole new vista has been opened up on the brain. Visual stimulation seems
to cause many neurons in the visual cortex to fire rhythmically at 40-50Hz or 40-80Hz
[220] and the oscillation seems to originate in the cortex. Oscillations in the range
20-80 hz are usually called y-waves. The oscillations are usually in phase, when
recorded from neurons with overlapping receptive fields, irrespective of selectivity for
stimulus orientation. For cells more than 2mm apart, (no receptive field overlap),
oscillations are only in phase for neurons with the same orientation tuning. For very
distant pairs of neurons (7mm; same orientation specificity) the cells’ activities were
strongly correlated when a single long bar cut both receptive fields. Two shorter bars
which did not bridge the gap between the receptive fields did not produce correlated
outputs. The correlated patterns of activity seem to encode a global property of the
stimulus, in this case whether or not the stimulus is a single contiguous object The
power spectra for the oscillations seem to be broadly distributed indicating a chaotic
rather than sinusoidal source [2 2 0 ].
Over the last 100 years, as more and more of the cortex has been identified as being
directly or indirectly related to some or other sensory or motor activity, the
"uncharted" areas of cortex for which no such link had been established (often called
the association cortex), have been steadily decreasing. Barlow’s approach with linking
features and non-topographic maps puts the cortex into a completely new light The
fact that some areas of cortex contain well-organised neighbourhood-preserving
(topographic) maps of the sensory surfaces (retina, cochlea, skin, etc.) is not just so
that they can carry a "representation" of the sensory surface. Rather, the information
contained in a visual data stream has a natural representation in terms of a large
number of parameters, including space, time, colour, motion, orientation, binocular
disparity, etc. The topographic maps onto the primary sensory areas of the cortex are
simply those maps where the spatial parameters are made explicit and spatial data is
brought within the processing range of the cortical machinery. In this way local
properties of the visual data can be detected or processed Local interactions in the
formation of these topographic maps can and do give rise to more global ordering of
sensory parameters which cannot be immediately mapped within the cortical
processing range. Thus we see in the topographically organised primary visual cortex,
that parameters such as ocular dominance and orientation selectivity are mapped on
the primary cortex in an organized way. But interactions explicitly involving this
information cannot be fully implemented at this stage because they are out of range.
Subsequent non-topographic maps to so-called secondary sensory areas on the cortex
seem to make these parameters —colour, motion, stereo —more explicit and the spatial
parameters less so. This is exactly the type of mapping needed to detect and process
more global properties of the data which depend on data which is "nearby" in some
sensory parameter "space", and not necessarily nearby or local in physical space. This
also helps to explain why there are projections from the LGN (carrying data from the
retina) directly to these secondary areas: in these cases the spatial parameters is not
the one which dominates in the initial projection but some other parameter associated
with this cortical region.
In this way the whole cortex acquires its unity again, for it all becomes
association area, and the primary projection areas with good topographic
maps are simply regions specializing in the detection of local associations
... the natural question to ask about a particular cortical locus becomes
"what types o f information are brought together here?" rather than "what
is represented here? [16]
This quote from Barlow sums up what we believe is the appropriate way of trying to
understand the visual cortex in biology, and in trying to implement artificial systems
with visual perceptual components. This idea of the whole cortex as association cortex,
coupled with a mechanism for transiently making explicit the associations for a
particular stimulus (coherent oscillations), led us to formulate the viewpoint on
perception which is presented here. It is probably best not described as a full "theory"
of perception as there are several important gaps. It is so to speak an initial position
— a theoretical framework — from which a full theory of perception might be
Hubei [61] asks the question of "how all the information [processed by the cortex] is
finally assembled, say for perceiving a bouncing red ball?. It must be assembled
somewhere, if only at the motor nerves that subserve the action of catching. Where it’s
assembled, and how, we have no idea". Our light-hearted reply to this question is, "For
what purpose would the motor system need to know that the ball is red?" The motor
system receives the appropriate abstract information to cany out its function. No, we
suggest that the perception of a red bounding ball "out-there" in the external world
depends on the coherent activity in all the various visual cortical regions, but crucially,
on the activity in VI, the direct topographic link with the external world. If all of the
other regions are active but VI is silent we may be dreaming or imagining but we are
not "seeing". If VI is active because of the action of drugs or whatever, not input from
the retina then we are "seeing" —but not the real world, we are seeing hallucinations.
Recent work on neural correlates of perception seems to confirm that VI is not active
during imagery but that other visual cortical regions are [221]. To summarize, it
is fairly clear that each visual area brings together particular types of visual
information, and a particular stimulus with a range of characterising attributes
simultaneously arouses activity in parts of many of the appropriate visual areas. We
suggest that the collective synchronized excitation of cells in all of these particular
regions is visual perception.
Our explanation of the function of each particular cortical region differs somewhat
from the detection of linking features described by Barlow in 1981 [16], but is
supported by Barlow’s more recent work. Because of the limited range of connections
in the cortex, any particular cell only receives relatively local input. We suggest that
like the coding system described by Field [71], neighbouring cells in any small region
of cortex act to remove redundancy from their (relatively) common but local input
Because, initially the mapping from the many dimensional visual parameter space to
the cortex preserves locality for the spatial parameters, it is only the redundancy
defined in the visual data by these parameters that gets eliminated The activity of the
cells still exhibits redundancy for less local spatial relations and for all the other
parameters in the visual data. But little by little, the redundancy in each of these is
eliminated too, after non-topographic maps to further cortical regions.
populations, where it might be more appropriate to investigate or model some aspects
of perception. The observational level of description may be only an approximation
to this operational level and may be too rigid to capture some of its features. The
organisational closure description of Varela and the notions of circularities of
description may be one suitable direction in which to continue this investigation.
Chapter 8
The topic of this chapter is not a direct development of, or application within, the
theoretical framework which comprises the primary subject matter of this dissertation.
It is rather, an attempt to show that the philosophical ideas discussed in chapter 2 are
not completely divorced from real, down-to-earth problems. As such, it reinforces the
message of chapter two, that there are alternative ways of addressing the issues of
pattern recognition, objects and features, to the conventional, Aristotelian-influenced
8.1 Introduction
A problem with existing feature-based methods of automated visual inspection is the
difficulty of selecting suitable feature sets. Usually the features used for error
classification are heuristically determined. In this chapter we describe an attempt to
improve difficult and repetitive inspection tasks by automatically selecting feature
sets which best (in a well-defined sense) represent the distinctions required in a
classification. The method is based on a modified version of the Karhunen-Lo&ve
transform (KLT) applied to sets of normalized imagelets of individual joints. The
modification is a direct consequence of the "object-predicate inversion" ideas proposed
by Watanabe as an alternative to more conventional pattern recognition approaches in
certain cases. Watanabe’s description of the theory involved is in terms of covariance
matrices and this is reviewed below. We show how these ideas can be reinterpreted
in terms of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and illustrate the method by
describing its application to the inspection of solder joints on surface-mount
technology (SMT) printed circuit boards. The output of the coding method is a small
coefficient set suitable for use with standard statistical classification techniques or with
novel neural-network based classification. We describe how a simulation of a straight
forward neural-network classifier was used to classify the original solder joints with
very good accuracy. This coding/classification implementation also gave us an
opportunity to investigate the possibility of interpreting nodes within the network in
symbolic terms.
The work described in this chapter is one aspect of a project which was originally
motivated by the difficulty experienced in automating a particular industrial inspection
process: the examination of solder joints on the legs of Surface Mount Technology
(SMT) Integrated Circuit (IC) devices during the assembly of PCB-based products1.
However, because of their generality the ideas described here have a much wider
applicability. This particular application is simply one good example of their use.
Experience has shown that the best basis for a decision on the long term reliability of
a solder joint is often not the electrical or mechanical properties at the time of
manufacture, but the visual appearance of the joint2. It has however proved to be
particularly difficult to describe the criteria that humans use to detect defects.
Consequently efforts to reliably and robustly code these criteria in automated
inspection systems using standard statistical image analysis has had only limited
success. These facts suggest that an alternative approach might be of benefit.
This approach is described in the next section, 8.2. The first steps in this approach rely
on the dimensionality reduction properties of the KLT, which is described in section
8.3.2. While the KLT is particularly well suited in theory to the type of application
discussed here, there are major computational disadvantages. These disadvantages can
be overcome by the implementation of a modified version of the KLT, which allows
the eigenvectors to be found indirectly. This modified KLT was originally described
in the Pattern Recognition literature by Watanabe [19] and more recendy by Sirovich
and Kirby [222,223]. The modified KLT and normal KLT are shown to be
simply different facets of the SVD of the original data and this is described in section
8.3.3. The interpretation of the modified KLT in terms of the SVD allows for
'At the moment there is a growing sentiment within manufacturing industry that inspection of a product at
the end of the production line does not add value to the product, in other words: "quality cannot be inspected
into a product". Instead there is an effort to maintain much greater control over the production process and
the production-line equipment itself. It is in this spirit that inspection is discussed here: not as an end point
in the manufacturing process but as a sensing mechanism which is integrated at as many points as is
necessary into the process, providing notjust information about the product, but a feedback path for control
of the process itself [5,7], This type of implementation imposes a completely different set of requirements
on the inspection sub-system(s) than finished-product inspection. In particular it means that many more
inspection systems will need to be engineered, in shorter time, by people who are not necessarily vision
engineers [6J. Not only does the automatic feature-set selection process described here allow problems to
be solved which might not hither to have been possible, but allows this to be carried out in a very much
problem-independent, and therefore not knowledge intensive way.
2Thermal and thermo-mechanical properties of joints are quite powerful as a basis for diagnostic procedures
but are often considered unacceptably invasive by their nature. X-ray imaging is another direct way of
determining the integrity of a solder joint but it can be quite expensive.
increased accuracy, particularly in limited word length applications. It also allows for
the possibility of more efficient implementations based on modem algorithmic
techniques for matrix decomposition though this part of the calculation is in any event
carried out off-line. Finally, in section 8.4, examples are presented of the modified
KLT/SVD being applied to a set of imagelets for the application concerned.
The structure of the problem concerned here is one of supervised adaptation to suitable
decision classes. In other words, examples of both satisfactory and unsatisfactory
versions of the solder joints are available for off-line "practice". During this, the
system is expected to adapt to the criteria most suitable for distinguishing one set from
the other. The on-line process is then required to use these criteria to automatically
make the classification. There are indications that relatively simple neural nets, such
as the multi-layer perceptron type, are capable of accomplishing this type of adaptation
and classification —at least on data sets with quite small numbers of input parameters
[224]. So while this type of pattern recognition is possible in principle, the large
number of inputs (images of size 150 x 50 = 7500 pixels are used here) effectively
rules out the direct application of neural nets with currently available technology.
8.2.1 Karhunen-Lofeve Preprocessing
In addition to the final classification step, the large numbers of inputs involved for
pattern recognition on entire images, mean that some type of dimensionality reduction
step must also take place. It is assumed that the input parameters (pixels in images)
are not completely independent. They are correlated with each other and thus are
dependent on some smaller number of unknown underlying parameters. The extent of
this correlation is increased by taking care during the image formation and acquisition
process to "pose" or register the individual images so that all unnecessary variation due
to the position or size etc., of the item being imaged is removed [222]. Experiments
with particular types of multi-layer neural nets applied to problems with a small
number of inputs where there is some correlation between the inputs, have been
carried out [18,225,226]. They have shown that the initial layers of the neural
net adapt to effectively "code" the input data in terms of a much reduced number of
parameters (dimensionality reduction). Different nodes within the networks often
converge to semi-orthogonal combinations of the input parameters in a manner
reminiscent of the KLT [18,225,227]. Indeed, Oja [228] shows theoretically that
certain types of constrained adaptation in particular types of network lead the relevant
network to estimate the eigenvectors of the input covariance, which is the KLT.3
(i) that the preprocessing KL step reduces the number of parameters required to
represent the input data to a number suitable for neural nets — of the order of
tens rather than thousands or more,
(ii) that the remaining parameters are sufficient to distinguish between the required
classifications, and
The first aim of the work described in this chapter is to use the linear analysis
methods of the KLT to determine the number of parameters required to code the
images to allow reliable and robust classification. The disadvantages described above
of getting the neural net to carry out this step would thus be avoided, without losing
the desirable discriminating properties of particular neural architectures.
A useful tool in the analysis of this type of pattern recognition problem is the
mathematical concept of a vector space [230,231]. If each pixel is considered
as an independent variable, then any image can be represented as a point in a space
with as many dimensions as there are numbers of pixels. Thus a particular 150 x 50
image is a particular point in a 7500-dimensional space. Most operations in this space
are simply generalizations of the familiar vector and matrix operations in two and
three dimensions.
*In Machine Vision, the term "feature" usually refers to some measurement taken on an image, such as
distances, moments, areas, lines, etc. Jain [229] classifies features as spatial, transform, edge/boundary, shape,
moments or texture on the basis of the type of processes used to derive them. Here w e will be content with
the more general idea of a feature described above. The term feature is simultaneously used on the one hand
for single pixels, and on the other, for particular combinations of pixel values with the same dimensionality
as the original images, ie. image-like combinations of pixels with particular properties
Consider, for example N images with M pixels each (ie. N objects, each subjected to
the observation of M variables). We can express these as N feature vectors with M
elements each: PCJ, where i = 1....M labels components and a = 1....JV labels
Figure 24. Schematic of SMT IC leg showing the positioning of a window used to
"cut-out" the leg "imagelets".
vectors. In the case of general images, sizes are usually of the order of 512 x 512.
Here we are dealing with segments "cut-out" from the original images (see Figure 24),
referred to as "imagelets", which are typically of the order of 150 x 50, ie. M = 7500
pixels (see Figure 25). To make any solution practical, we need to reduce this to the
order of M' = 10 to 100.
Figure 25. Ten examples of leg "imagelets" placed side by side for display purposes.
Figure 26, the data are scattered in the plane defined by the orthogonal axes. In this
contrived case the data seems to fall into two clusters, which might possibly be a
useful basis for classification. Consequently the X1 and X2 axes are equally important
or equally necessary in the classification process.
Figure 26. A schematic plot of a 2-D data set with substantial redundancy, but roughly
equal variance in each variable.
If however we pick a different set of axes X', and X'2 as shown, then the X'2 axis is
now relatively unimportant for distinguishing in which cluster a particular point lies.
That is, X'2 is less important for representing the data, and by implication, as a basis
for classification. In fact, components along the X'j axis alone are sufficient to allow
a clear discrimination in this example. The dimensionality has been reduced from two
to one and the classification step is correspondingly simpler. This is exactly the type
of dimensionality reduction that we wish to achieve in our application. The only
difference is that here our initial dimensionality is of the order of thousands or tens
of thousands, while we can only cope with a number of variables of the order of ten
to one hundred in the classification step.5
5This discussion somewhat over simplifies the situation by assuming that a good representation allows good
classification. As Duda and Hart [230] and Therrein [231] state, this is not necessarily the case.
83 . 2 The Karhunen-Loeve Transform
Consider an n x m image or image sub-block. This is usually written and displayed as
a 2-D matrix with n rows and m columns but for the purposes of mathematical
analysis is often written as an nm x 1 column vector (labelled here by X). The actual
ordering of the vector is not important as long as the same ordering is maintained
throughout The KLT is based on the statistical properties of an ensemble of images
of this type X“. In general, a ranges over the elements of the ensemble, though if only
a finite number of samples of the ensemble are available a is taken to range over these
Wintz [139]). This transformation of the data vectors is reversible and the original data
vectors X“ can be recovered without error by means of the inverse transformation, i.e.
X“ = + r^. Also Cx real symmetric => A'1 = A T. The transformation by itself
does not give any reduction in dimensionality because the transformed data vectors are
still of dimension nm x 1, but the coefficients of the 7“ vectors are uncorrelated.
Suppose that, instead of using all the eigenvectors of only the k eigenvectors
corresponding to the k largest eigenvalues are used to form the columns of A (which
will now be of size nm x k). The Y vectors will then be ^-dimensional and the
reconstruction given above will not be exact. The mean square error is
mse = 53 Xj
so the representational error is minimized with respect to all other possible orthogonal
transforms coding to k coefficients by selecting the eigenvectors associated with the
k largest eigenvalues. The KLT is optimal in a least-square-error sense over the sample
set of data vectors selected by packing the most signal energy into the first k
Computational Complexity
In the case of the n x m imagelets described above, the direct application of the KLT
requires the construction and diagonalization of an nm x nm matrix. For n = 150 and
m = 50, the covariance matrix has 75002 elements. For image processing applications
of the KLT the n x m image array is usually divided into a number of equally sized
blocks of size p x q. Each p x q block is coded as a unit (possibly represented as a pq
x 1 vector) independently of all other blocks. Also, the statistics are often assumed
ergodic. The size of these blocks is usually in the range 8x8 to 16x16 pixels. This
latter point is because correlations which exist between pixels and which the KLT is
designed to remove, usually only exist over short distances in the neighbourhood of
each pixel. Bigger blocks in general give diminishing returns due to the lack of a
substantial amount of long range correlation. There are some notable exceptions to this
point in particular applications and it is one of these exceptions that is exploited in this
Consider the case where all of the images in the ensemble are of the same type of
object, with the objects all in register in precisely the same position in the image. The
grey levels are also normalized to have identical grey level mean and variance. Then
it is likely that whatever variation still exists between the individual objects that
comprise the chosen set may be described by a small number of parameters. This is
the case if say, all the images in the ensemble consist of human faces in register [2 2 2 ],
or if in the case under consideration here, all the images are of a particular type of
SM TIC leg and its solder joint to a PCB. Examples of some of these imagelets of IC
legs are displayed in Figure 25.
In theory the ordinary KLT is capable of optimally reducing the original set of
measurements or pixels to any required smaller number of parameters. It also directly
gives the residual error introduced by representing with only this number of
parameters. Unfortunately, the direct application of the KLT requires the calculation
of the covariance matrix of the data vectors and its diagonalization. In the case of the
IC leg imagelets (which are relatively small images of size 150 x 50 = 7500 pixels),
the covariance matrix has dimensions of 7500 x 7500. Fortunately there is a way of
carrying out the required dimensionality reduction without incurring impossible
computational penalties. The ideas involved are most easily explained in terms of the
singular value decomposition (SVD).
*We sometimes write the matrix {X°J simply as X but it will usually be possible from the context to
distinguish it from the random vector X .
approximate eigenvectors, the matrix (X^J will be of size 7500 x 100. (Note a =
labels the columns of while i = 1,...,M where M = nm, labels the elements
in each column, i.e. each row).
r N-r —>
r 0 r J
Ai X = HAivT = £ ^ ( Up)(vP) T
t + p=l
H -r 0 1 0
I □
The columns of the unitary matrix V are composed of the M x 1 eigenvectors m, of the
symmetric square M x M matrix X X T. The columns of V are the eigenvectors va of
the symmetric square N x N matrix X^X. The X,- are the identical non-zero
eigenvalues of both the X X T and X*X matrices. Since N < M, there are at most r <
N non-zero eigenvalues. The A,14, are called the singular values of X and the vectors u,-
and v“, the Ith left singular vector and the a "1 right singular vectors respectively. The
outer products up^ T form the set of unit rank M x N matrices mentioned above. The
SVD is also called the spectral representation or the outer product expansion of X. The
row transformation matrix V performs the diagonalization operation VXTXV = A,
while the column transformation matrix U performs the diagonalization operation
V X X U = A. The SVD has many useful properties [229, p.177]. Probably the most
useful one here is the fact that if the r Nxl right singular vectors v“ are known, the r
M xl left singular vectors m, can be determined:
cMxl) (MxN) (Nxl)
This is the crucial point of both the modified KLT and the SVD as it is applied here.
Calculating the large (7500 x 1) left singular vectors is often virtually impossible in
reasonably realistic problems of this type. But in fact they do not need to be calculated
directly. They are available upon solution of potentially smaller problem.
The parallel drawn for our application between the KLT and the SVD is quite different
from the general case described in the previous paragraph. Here the matrix
decomposed by the SVD is a data matrix. Each of its columns is a vector representing
a particular object That is, each column vector in the data matrix could itself be an
image. The entire set of N samples of images is represented in the single matrix X
undergoing the SVD.
The SVD is not interesting here so much for its decomposition properties of X, but
rather that it provides an alternative method for accessing the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix XX T. This can be done either via a direct SVD
algorithm such as the LINPACK QR factorization algorithm used in Matlab™
[233,234,232] or using the eigenvectors of the other "pseudo-covariance" matrix
X'X . The latter case is particularly interesting for image processing and image coding
where typically M is much larger than N. For example, 100 imagelets, each of size 150
x 50 means that M = 7500 while N = 100. Solving for the right singular vectors by
diagonalizing the covariance matrix means diagonalizing a 7500 x 7500 matrix. On the
other hand, solving for the left singular vectors involves either implementing some
type of reduced SVD algorithm (such as the "economy" SVD from Matlab) on the data
matrix X or simply diagonalizing the 100 x 100 matrix X'X. The eigenvectors of this
matrix which are also called the left singular vectors of the matrix X are 100 x
1 vectors. They can be used to directly calculate the originally required 7500 x 1
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix (the left singular vectors or eigenimages) of X
by straightforward dot product operations using X, as described above. Remember the
7500 x 7500 matrix XXT and the 100 x 100 matrix X ^ have the same number of
non-zero eigenvectors and have identical eigenvalues. Knowledge of one set of
eigenvectors is equivalent to knowledge of the other, due to the ease with which one
set can be calculated from the other.
Figure 27. Mean image (first imagelet on left), and examples of "caricature" imagelets
(original minus the mean).
picked out for processing. These 100 images were converted to vectors and loaded into
7The implementation of the coding and classification procedures described here was carried out by James
Gunning as a part of his Ming, project under the author’s supervision.
386-Matlab as a 7500 x 100 matrix. The mean column (imagelet) was calculated and
subtracted from each of the 100 images to produce "caricatures" of the imagelets, as
shown in Figure 27. The 100 x 100 matrix X l i was calculated, diagonalized and its
eigenvectors/values found. These 100 x 1 eigenvectors (right singular vectors) were in
turn used to calculate the corresponding 7500 x 1 left singular vectors (or
eigenimages). The first 10 eigenimages with largest eigenvalues are shown in Figure
27. Some test images were coded with the first 30 and the first 5 eigenvectors to yield
30 and 5 coefficients respectively. The test images were then reconstructed by linear
combinations of the eigenimages. As shown in Figures 28 more eigenvalues give better
results, but the main point is that images with 7500 pixels (variables) can be accurately
coded with as few as 30 parameters.
Figure 28. The ten eigenimagelets with the largest eigenvalues (decreasing from left
to right).
Figure 29. Caricature imagelets reconstructed with 30 coefficients (left) and with 5
coefficients (right).
Eigenvalue Magnitude (xle+07)
Figure 30. Plot of normalized eigenvalues vs eigenvalue index. Adapted from [235].
The 7500 x 1 and 100 x 1 left and right singular values were also calculated using the
"economy" SVD function provided in Matlab. This took much longer, possibly due to
the virtual memory swapping arrangement within 386-Matlab. With the IEEE floating
point precision offered by Matlab, the results were virtually identical to those of the
modified KLT. The eigenvalue data is plotted in Figure 30 and a graph showing the
profile of two lines from original and reconstructed images is plotted in Figure 31.
These results are only qualitative, and given purely to illustrate the ideas involved.
Remember that the only part of this process that needs to be carried out on-line is the
capture of test images and their coding with preselected eigenvectors. If for example
30 coefficients are required, then the computations involve 30 dot products of pairs of
7500 x 1 vectors.
V a lu e
Pixel Intensity
Figure 31. Plot of two succeeding lines (50 pixels per line) from the reconstructed
caricatures. From [235].
This involves adding a term to the weight adjustment that is proportional to the
amount of the "previous weight change". The weight adjustment equation is modified
to become
A W ^in +1)=t) (&qJcxOUTJ+cc(A W^/n)) (3)
using the notation described in [236]. a the momentum coefficient, is normally of the
order of 0.9. Note that the "previous weight change" A w MJ n ) is the cumulative
average weight change taken over the entire training set. This additional term increases
the memory requirement by a factor of three but convergence rate is greatly improved.
(Note: Convergence is quantified here using the root-mean-square (RMS) measure
described by Dayhoff [236]. An RMS value below 0.1 is taken to indicate that the
network has learnt the training set). As well as increasing the convergence rate the
momentum term helps to avoid getting stuck in local minima.
1. The time required to train and test a neural network grows linearly with the
number of connections. Hence a smaller network is more efficient.
2. A neural network which is too large will simply memorise the training set and
have poor generalisation ability. But if the neural network is too small it may
never solve the problem.
Pruning involves estimating the sensitivity of the error function to the exclusion of
each interconnection in the network. This is achieved by introducing "shadow" arrays
that keep track of the incremental changes to the weights during backpropagation
learning. The network is pruned by discarding the connections with the lowest values
of sensitivity. The computation is relatively straightforward and the sensitivities can
be estimated using the equation,
AM /, \
V io Tr(n)Aw<tn) (4)
where is the estimated sensitivity of the error function to the removal of the weight
W jj, N is the number of training epochs, is the initial value of the weight and v / tj
On the basis of these results 20 eigen-imagelets with the largest variance were used
to represent the imagelets initially. In other words the neural network classifies
imagelets on the basis of 20 coefficients only. For initial testing the eigen-imagelets
were obtained from a 5 0 x 5 0 covariance matrix. To ensure the eigen-imagelets were
representative of a global data set, the 50 imagelets included in the covariance matrix
calculations were an admixture of good solder joints, and defective joints from the
classes with excessive solder, insufficient solder, bridging and displaced legs. The
coefficient sets obtained in the coding stage were then used in training and testing the
neural network.
Quantity of Eigenimages used in Reconstruction
40 Imagelet Set
im agelet Set — - -
magelet Set -
bû magelet Set - - - -
ea magelet Set --------
.§ magelet S e t --------
'T ' 2000
1 1800
u. 1600
§■ 1400
s 1200
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Quantity of Eigenimages used in Reconstruction
Figure 32. Plot of average reconstruction errors for "internal" images (a) and for
"external" images (b).
The Neural Network Configuration
The number of input nodes is usually decided by the data preprocessing stage, one
node for each input variable. The number of output nodes is task dependant,
determined by the number of classes - five in our case. The problem is to decide on
the number of hidden nodes or layers.
Three active layers were chosen to allow the most general type of classification, if
required. The issue of the number of hidden nodes is discussed in the literature
[224,239,240] but no clear rules are available for a particular case. After some
experimentation the numbers were chosen as 12 nodes in the first hidden layer and 8
nodes in the second hidden layer, ie., a 20:12:8:5 neural network. It does not matter
if this is in excess of the optimum requirements, because of the subsequent pruning.
Value of Coefficient
Figure 33. Plot of the coefficients corresponding to the eigenimagelet with the largest
variance. From [235].
The overall results of this pruning process was to reduce the neural network from a
20:12:8:5 to a 7:7:7:5 configuration with only a slight decrease in classification
robustness. This meant that classification of image content with as few as 7
coefficients (down from 7500) was possible. The pruning implemented was a modified
version of the original algorithm which was designed for pruning individual low
sensitivity weights. Our main concern is with nodes - particularly input nodes - so
entire nodes with low sensitivity weighted inputs were pruned out and discarded.
Some indication of the features the nodes in the neural network extract is shown in
figure 34. Each image corresponds to a single node, i.e., 7 nodes in the first hidden
layer, 6 in the second and five output nodes. Each image is calculated by averaging
all images that activate a particular node and subtracting the average of the images that
inhibit the node. The result is a picture of the internal representation of the ANN.
Figure 34. Characteristic images of each of the nodes (7:6:5) in a three-layer network.
From [235].
Two methods of analysis were used on the coefficient data. Firstly the Fourier
transform was taken of the coefficients for each image in a sequence. This clearly
showed the periodicities associated with the movement of the legs, arms and body
during walking. The second type of analysis was to use a neural network to learn the
particular position in a pose cycle corresponding to the coefficients of the image of
that position in the cycle. The output of the neural net (a pose cycle position value)
was then used to control the pose of a graphical "stick figure". The pose positions of
the stick figure were derived by associating a particular angle for each of the major
body joints with a position in a walking pose cycle. The computer graphics sequence
generated using the cycle position output by the neural network was then animated into
a video display. The result was that the stick figure quite accurately followed the
motion of the person in the corresponding images. No attempt has been made to
implement a person recognition as opposed to a pose recognition process as yet,
though the results from the pose recognition were very encouraging.
Chapter 9
9 Conclusions
Originally, at the start of the project which has led to this dissertation, we saw vision
as a very useful capacity with which to equip a robot manipulator, particularly when
we expected the manipulator to operate in a relatively unconstrained environment We
did not set out to prove any particular thesis about how this sh o u ld be done, but
sought to find a way that it c o u ld be done. In other words we wanted to find and use
some suitable "theory of vision", or some appropriate formalism, that would allow us
to understand the processes and problems of vision, that would allow us to design a
vision system with particular goals in mind. After extensive research through a broad
range of literature, after extensive efforts to understand and describe visual perception,
to come to terms with what really are the problems with vision, and to see the scope
for potential solutions to these problems, we have come to a position which partially
answers these questions: at this stage it appears that there are at least three different
ways that we can approach vision problems. These are the conventional
representational approach, the radically different enactive approach, and the primary
topic of this dissertation which is the an information theoretic approach.
with a level of approximation which is constantly bounded1. Because of this, there is
a direct sense in which the amount of information required to describe the situation
is fixed. Furthermore, our use of this information is instructive, in the sense that the
machine which uses this information is, in a very literal way, just carrying out our
The actual means of instructing the machine within this approach, may be made
increasingly flexible by the use of sophisticated interfaces, such as natural language
interfaces or voice activation, or alternatively by using sophisticated programming
languages like prolog and programming techniques like sub-symbolic computation as
in artificial neural networks. Nevertheless, we must be careful to always acknowledge
the special role of the designer, programmer or engineer as the ultimate source of
instruction —the grounding for the system’s information or symbols. This role is thus
one of an ob server, separate from the system, whose function is to provide the
appropriate mechanisms, the appropriate computational processes, and the appropriate
connections or definitions for the system’s symbols. In this sense the major thrust of
the recent upsurge in interest in connectionist approaches for information processing
is not qualitatively different from the more established computational approach which
is explicitly representational. The basic epistemological position of much of
connectionism is still representational by design. Of course there is absolutely no
problem with this, as long as the fact is realized. The majority of artificial neural
systems are simply trained to do exactly what we teach them to do, and often do it
quite successfully.
'See the discussion on Rosen’s meaning o f the tenns simple and complex in one of the footnotes in section
2 2 3 above.
success of machine vision will always only be as good as our understanding of the
problem or the implications of our heuristics2.
This approach on the other hand, is not suitable for describing biological systems, and
it is not suitable for designing truly autonomous systems capable of displaying
anything like the level of "intelligence" or "common sense" that we expect of humans.
In other words it is not suitable for many of the applications or situations usually
associated with general computer vision systems, where the emphasis is on
unconstrained environments, behaviours and interactions. Now, whatever the merits of
the representational approach, there was implicit in our research from the very
beginning, a desire to consider relatively flexible and unconstrained situations as the
environment for the visual processes that we were investigating. Thus, in hindsight,
we can be quite sure that representational approaches are not the way to ensure success
and we are forced to consider alternatives.
2It is worth commenting that at the moment, neither of these factors are the primary constraints on what level
of penetration it is possible to achieve with machine vision in industry. The effort and expertise required to
engineer each individual application with current hardware and software technology are generally more
immediate constraints [6].
It is impossible to do justice to this approach here by trying to explain what is a quite
radical reappraisal of the nature of being and knowing, strongly at odds with the
mainstream of objectivism. Nevertheless I try to make what are the major points that
differ from the representational approach above. From the perspective of this approach,
for which Varela has recently coined the term e n a c tiv e , information is literally in
The only things relevant to the cognitive system’s ontology in the enactive perspective
are its organisation, its realization of that organisation in terms of a particular structure
and the maintenance of its organisation. The relationship between the observer, the
system, the system’s environment and the system’s identity are all made clear to avoid
confusion, particularly confusion about the source of signification (or meaning). There
is a symbolic role for information in this context, where an observer (or observer
community) can decide to use a symbol as an abbreviation for a chain of nomic links
relative to the organisation of the system. But this assignment of a symbol makes no
sense outside the context of the organisation of the system and it is also not
operational for the system itself. This is the case, because the symbol is defined by the
observer who is in the privileged position of being able to interact with b o th the
systems and its environment, but who suffers from the disadvantage that they cannot
see what they think is the system’s environment from the system’s point of view —
what the system sees as its w o r ld .
An example from autopoiesis of the type of circularity typical of the enactive approach
is the so-called genetic "code". The meaning or significance of, or specification by, the
base sequences of the genetic "code", makes no sense outside the context of the
metabolic machinery which interprets that code to regenerate itself3. Neither the
genetic code nor the metabolic machinery are logically prior to the other. They are co
dependent and exist by mutual definition. Similarly in the cognitive domain we again
have an example of the pervading circularity, not in a paradoxical sense, but in the
nature of the definition of the phenomenon itself. The world that we perceive is not
a particular objective world waiting for us to open our eyes and to look at it. What we
perceive as o u r w o r ld , along with our ability to perceive, have arisen by mutual
definition, in the history of each of our individual interactions with what is not us in
the medium of our realization. We actively determine what is important, what we want
to see, in a way that gives us an illusion of a stable solid world that could, it seems,
not be any other way.
For a variety of reasons, the enactive approach, (or what has also been called
autopoietic theory) has had little direct success in computer or information technology
applications, including vision, to date [241]. The primary reason is that the ideas
were never directly aimed towards addressing engineering issues: the principal aim
was to understand the grounding or basis of biological systems and cognition. In fact
the main reason for any change in this, is not that the emphasis in autopoietic theory
has changed very much. It is that in research areas like computer vision and artificial
’Seeing that the genetic structure is stable through many generations of reproduction and ongoing metabolic
regeneration we might refer to the chain of nomic links that involves this structure, and gives it stability by
some label or symbol. But this is an arbitrary reference made by us from our viewpoint. It does not describe
the dynamics of the system which provide the nomic reason for the stability of this particular structure. Note
that we can still describe the components involved in the genetic structure in information theoretic terms,
and describe their capacity to be a link in the specification of regularities over many generations, in terms
of an information charnel capacity. However, their meaning still comes from the entire organisation: genetic
and metabolic components.
life, engineering has begun to address issues which are normally proper to the domain
of biology and cognition.
to highlight problems with the conventional view of computer vision, but does so in
a less radical way than the e n a c tiv e approach. It is this that we turn to next.
The notion of "closing the control loop", coupled with the desire to understand how
to build machines which could learn and behave in unstructured environments set the
opening agenda for our research. Although it was not initially apparent, it is now clear
that the representational approach described above would not be suitable for this type
of situation. In the early stages of the research, literature on biological vision ranging
from neuroscience to cognitive psychology was used to try to give a better
understanding of the issues involved. After a time it was realized from this literature
that there were deep-rooted problems in understanding visual perception, either
biological or artificial, in terms of the conventional representational approach. A part
of this process was the realization that there is much more in common between
biological and computer vision than there is between computer and machine vision.
Machine vision was seen to occupy a world of fixed information, controlled variation
and restricted representations — a man-made world where man-made ideas about the
world are perfectly useful. But at a certain stage it became apparent that these ideas
were no longer valid within the research agenda that had been adopted; that they
cannot be the basis of explanations within biological vision, and that they cannot
provide a suitable basis for examining the issues of general computer vision systems
or autonomous systems.
In general, the processes and representations involved in machine vision are relatively
accessible. The decisions to be made automatically by the system, and the analysis or
heuristics leading to them, are usually formulated explicitly. One of the main issues
that arises on the realization of a fundamental shift in perspective between machine
and computer vision, is to find a suitable theoretical framework and mathematical
formalism for describing the development and operation of biological vision systems
in a way that would be common with the related computer vision capacities. On the
other hand, it must also be realized that it was not good enough to simply copy
biological processes and functions. If we were to be able to use results from biological
vision in any meaningful way, we would need to have some fundamental
understanding of what problems were being solved by visual sensing and sensory
systems. A suitable theoretical framework for dealing with these issues is presented
and argued for in this dissertation. The development of an appropriate mathematical
formalism, based on the fundamental groundwork laid here, is the next step. We
already have some clues as to how we should progress in the work of Rosen, Varela
and Wilson.
There were three main topics of influence which helped to put some structure on the
approach to solving the problem of finding a suitable theoretical framework within
which to work. The first was the anatomy and physiology of the early visual system,
particularly (i) the mappings (topographical and non-topographical) between different
visual areas, (ii) the pathways through the visual system for separately processing
form, colour and motion/depth4, and also including (iii) the massive reafferent
projections in the "opposite" direction to the expected direction of information flow.
These mapping or projection ideas, and the multiple pathways ideas are largely not
represented in this dissertation. This is because they are not central to the conclusion
presented here that information theoretic concepts are the appropriate means for
answering many of the questions posed about the nature of vision. They would also
have made the dissertation unmanageably large, and biased it towards biological
vision, which was not the intention. They have however informed a particular way of
understanding the nature of vision which is a subtext for the primary presentation.
*The idea being alluded to here is the magno/parvo separation described by a number of research groups
working in neuroscience, particularly the work of Livingstone and Hubei. On the basis of anatomical,
physiological and psychophysical evidence they identified three pathways through the early visual system
of primates which are at least somewhat specialized for the separate processing of shape and fine detail,
colour, and 3-D organization including depth and motion. The basic dichotomy here is like the original
"what" versus "where" one identified by Marr. More recent work by Goodale and Milner has suggested that
a "what" versus "how" dichotomy might be a better characterization.
The second direct influence was the use of information ideas and information theory
to describe and explain a wide variety of visual concepts and phenomena, ranging
from the processing stages in the retina of the fly, to the uncertainty relationships
between various parameters in visual analysis. This of course has become central to
the research approach or theoretical framework which is presented here as an
appropriate way of dealing with the issues arising in vision, either artificial or
biological. Now there are at least four distinct interpretations of the term information,
and attempting to distinguish and relate these different views has been a part of the
research methodology used here to support the primary aim of understanding
perception. This for instance, is the subject of chapter 4 where the quantitative concept
of information is traced from its roots in physics and engineering to the position
presented here of using it as the basis of explanations in biological sensing systems.
Prior to this, in chapter 3, an extensive survey of aspects and examples of biological
vision is presented, to illustrate the extent to which much of what is known about
biological vision can in fact be explained in information theoretic terms alone.
The third major influence which led to the theoretical framework for understanding
perception which is presented here, was an analysis of the pattern recognition aspects
of perception and a philosophical reinterpretation of the roots of pattern recognition,
which is described at some length in chapter 2. Having assumed that it makes sense
to talk about perceptual systems, the next step was to try to discover or describe the
processes or properties that allow a system to be described as perceptual. This careful
reexamination of the nature of pattern recognition led to the conclusion that it is
possible to describe a fundamental perceptual primitive — the basic unit or event or
process which is essential in order to describe a system as perceptual. Furthermore, we
make the claim that this fundamental level of description can be effectively applied
to all sensory modalities in particular organisms like ourselves, and also to perceptual
capacities in different organisms, though more evidence needs to be gathered to fully
validate this conviction. This is a property that is essential to any attempt at a unified
treatment of perception. The human nervous system for example, does not build 3-D
representations for vision, or pitch/location representations for sound, because these
are the particular solutions of computational problems in visual perception or aural
perception respectively. We do not pretend to understand why our conscious
perception distinguishes as it does, between different subjective aspects of perception
within one sensory modality, or between different modalities. But we do claim that,
in terms of the processes or mechanisms of perception as they are currently
understood, there is nothing to distinguish different modalities, other than say, the
intrinsic dimensionality or statistical properties of the sensory signals, or the type of
transduction involved, or the gross genetically specified architecture of the
corresponding neural systems. Acknowledging that there is a level of genetic
programming in the gross architecture of the nervous system, which affects the way
its properties are expressed, it is still possible to claim that the primary determinant
of the development and operation of a perceptual system is the same across modalities,
and can be explained in terms of information and measurement theory alone, without
recourse to representational notions of modelling aspects of the world.
With the benefit of hindsight it is possible to see that progress in solving these
problems was only possible in the context of the shift of emphasis away from
representationalism and objectivism, and this shift was prompted by the effect of these
three areas of influence on the development of my understanding of the problems. This
new way (for the author) of looking at visual perception is based first and foremost
on the realisation that how we see depends on us, and our perceptual system’s
capacities, and on its history of visual experience —particularly at certain critical times
during development It is based on the realisation that we cannot "see" objects: we
construct (some might say hallucinate) "objects", on the basis of interpretations of light
signals, based on our structure and our prior experience. Furthermore we claim, on the
basis of the treatment of the philosophical foundations of pattern recognition described
above, and on the basis of the understanding of the notion of r e l a t i v e in fo r m a tio n and
s ig n a l-to -s y m b o l transitions in the context of information theory, that the most
primitive signal transformation which can be of any relevance to an organism
interacting with its environment is just such a signal-to-symbol transition, in other
words, a primitive measurement or classification process.
Overall this approach is based on the realisation, that in order to allow something we
design to escape our particular conception of reality, we must not try to incorporate
our interpretations of the functional capabilities of our visual system. There must be
a freedom for the system to find its own relevance in its own environment with its
own organisation. The highest level at which we can describe this, without encoding
our observables, or our values, is, I submit, at an informational level: at the level of
particular information-carrying signals relative to a source and relative to a receiver,
and at the level of ensemble averages of information rates, equivocation and so on.
This level of description is not intended to be incompatible with the e n a c tiv e one. It
is intended to be a level which captures some of the important properties of the
underlying system’s organisation, not to replace it, but if necessary to generalize it to
other realizations and other mechanisms or structures. It is not intended either to be
directly operational for the system, but one might find aspects of the system’s
dynamics, and particularly the system’s organisation, which are reflected in properties
of the informational description. Thus for example the attractor states described in
dynamical models of cortical operation and the capability to quickly switch between
different attractors seems to have a parallel in the primitive decisions or measurements
of classifications postulated as one of the fundamental components of the informational
The main justification for the informational approach presented here, as opposed to the
purely o p e r a tio n a l of the enactive viewpoint, is that we need to get "low" enough to
find common explanations across many different realizations of the visual capacity. By
explaining biological vision we are explaining vision, as long as our explanations are
at a level where they are not trying to interpret what are actually accidents of
Abstraction Predict
(Abduct) (Hallucinate)
Afferent Reafferent
Figure 35. Schematic illustration of the basic signal flow in a sensory information
processing primitive.
these are intended only for explanatory purposes. The operational description of this
loop would be purely in terms of signals (i.e., information theoretic concepts) and/or
dynamics. In this picture, the process of making a decision might be interpreted as a
back and forth flow of signals until a resonant state is arrived at which involves
consistent or compatible "interpretations" between the different levels. In this sense,
the level at which a decision-making or recognition process takes place, even though
it can be formulated in information theoretic terms, is a different level of description
from the processes that control the connections of signals into and out of this system.
There are parallels between this picture and the work of Freeman on the olfactory
system (the sense of smell). He describes recognition as chaotic attractor states of
coupled systems of distributed oscillators. Some initial work by Marshall on coupled
oscillators used for recognition also supports these conclusions.
dynamics. We should be trying to understand and model the dynamics of perceptual
systems in biological organisms. We should be trying to formulate a more complete
picture which encompasses the results of self-organization-based information
processing ideas, with the results on recognition based on relative information and
signal-to-symbol transitions.
To make this more concrete, consider for instance Grossberg’s model of the early
stages of human visual perception, which is a phenomenological model, formulated in
terms of differential equations. The model seems to be uniquely successful at
describing the properties of certain aspects of human visual perception like object
recognition, intensity, colour, texture and stereo perception, and so on. The fact that
this is a phenomenological model means that it gives little clue of the developmental
pressures which might have led to this particular type of processing. But these
questions about development are on the other hand, the very types of questions
answered by Linsker’s work. Unfortunately, at the moment there is not a unified way
of coupling the domains of these two sets of research results. The fact that Grossberg’s
models are dynamic models, described in terms of differential equations, gives no clue
about whether the processes can be described in other terms, such as algorithmic terms
that do not need the painstaking incremental integration of the differential systems.
Reinterpreting Grossberg’s results for example, in information theoretic terms which
are compatible with other results, like Linsker’s, already expressed in informational
terms would give tremendous insight into the mechanisms of perception. The
conclusion of this dissertation is that this is the sort of thing we need to do. A
theoretical framework for doing this, centred around information theory is presented.
The mathematical formalism based on this framework, within which explanatory
models of perceptual capacities could be constructed, is the next step in this research
G lo ssary
Action potential The interior of a nerve cell has a negative electrical charge relative
to the exterior. If the axon of a nerve cell is stimulated electrically, the
membrane allows current to cross it and the charge is momentarily reversed.
This change in membrane behaviour spreads rapidly down the axon and the
wave of change in voltage across the membrane which it causes is called an
action potential.
Aliasing The generation of low frequency artifacts when a high frequency signal is
sampled below the Nyquist frequency (twice the maximum frequency contained
in the signal).
Allonomy Literally external law. Used by Maturana and Varela to refer to control, or
input-process-output type systems where the system is d e fin e d in terms of its
input and output by some external agent
Autonomy Literally self-law. Used by Maturana and Varela to refer to systems with
a circular organisation which are self-defining or assert their own identity.
They can be perturbed by external influenced but are not defined by these. A
more general concept than autopoiesis below.
Bandwidth The range of signal frequencies over which a signal processing device can
Bausteinentropie Literally building block entropy. It is simultaneously a measure of
the individual entropies of parts of a multi-partite system and of the entropy
of the whole system. Introduced by Watanabe, it is related to the notion of
redundancy in information theoiy.
Borel fields are effectively equivalent to sets of subsets of a given set, but can involve
countably infinite unions and intersections of these subsets.
Complex system Term used by Robert Rosen to describe systems which cannot be
accurately modelled by a Newtonian type of dynamical system.
Complex cell Cell in the visual cortex responding either to an edge, a bar or a slit
stimulus of a particular orientation falling anywhere within its receptive field.
Cone receptors Cone shaped photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina which are
sensitive to the wavelength of light in normal lighting conditions.
Control theory An extension of dynamic systems theory which puts the emphasis on
forcing a system to follow or tend to a particular trajectory under the influence
of externally determined inputs. See also allonomy.
Dendrites The processes of nerve cells which carry slow potentials from synapses to
the cell body.
Directional selectivity A difference in the response of a cell to a pattern of light
moving through its receptive field according to the direction of movement
Ergodicity A topic dealing with the relationship between statistical averages and
sample averages.
Essentialism A term Popper uses to denote the classical realist position on the status
of the universal.
Exact differential A differential form which is the total derivative of some function.
That is an exact differential can be integrated.
Extra-fovea The part of the retina immediately outside of and surrounding the fovea
(between 1° and 5-10° off the visual axis).
Frege principle A term used by Watanabe to indicate the view that every predicate
has a finite extension, i.e., a finite and definite set of objects in the set
corresponding to that predicate. It is a notion closely aligned with Boolean
logic and set theory.
Ganglion cell A type of cell in the vertebrate retina. The axons of ganglion cells are
packed together in the optic nerve and carry information from retina to brain.
Graded potential or slow potential. A potential difference between the inside and
outside of a neural membrane which is relatively constant with time (compared
with a "spiking potential"). They do not travel far along dendrites without
significant attenuation.
Homunculus Literally a tiny man. Associated with the fallacy that in order for us to
see there must be a little man in our head looking at images coming from the
Hyperacuity Humans can carry out a variety of tasks to accuracies that are more
precise than the dimensions of the retinal cones from which the information
originates. Foveal cones have a diameter of about 27" (of arc), yet many tasks
yield accuracies of around 5", and stereoscopic acuity may be as good as 2".
Such tasks are said to fall within the range of hyperacuity.
Hypercolumn A block of the visual cortex in which all cells have receptive fields
falling in a single area of the retina.
Hyperpolarisation A change in the membrane potential of a nerve cell such that the
interior becomes more negatively charged relative to the exterior. If the
membrane of an axon is hyperpolarised, action potentials are generated with
lower frequency.
Imagelets A term used to indicate that the objects of interest are images of a sort, but
with far fewer pixels than would typically be the case.
Inner plexiform layer Layer in the vertebrate retina where the bipolar, ganglion and
amacrine cells synapse with each other.
Large monopolar cells Neural cells in the compound eye of the fly which are roughly
the anatomical analogue of the bipolar cells in the vertebrate retina.
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) The part of the mammalian brain where the axons
of retinal ganglion cells terminate, and from which axons run to the visual
Logon A term used by Gabor to denote the "minimum uncertainty" signal which is
now usually called the Gabor elementary function.
Moiré fringes The low spatial frequency interference pattern formed when we look
through two overlaid grids or gratings with high spatial frequency.
Nominalism A position opposed to realism which holds that there are no general
kinds like doghood, only particular words.
Nyquist limit The highest frequency that can be sampled in a digital system without
causing aliasing.
Outer plexiform layer A layer in the vertebrate retina where receptors, bipolar and
horizontal cells all synapse with each other.
Paradigm Either the original sense of (i) a pattern, example, model, class sample, or
(ii) the Kuhnian sense of an ideological theory or approach to scientific
Periphery The part of the retina greater than approximately 10° off the visual axis.
Phase space For a dynamic system model with N degrees of freedom, the phase space
is the 2N-dimensional space with the configurational variables, and their
velocities (or momentum) as coordinates. The state of the system is uniquely
defined by giving its position in phase space (or its position and velocity in
configuration space, for comparison).
Processes One sense of the term refers to the elongated extensions of nerve cells
divided into dendrites and axons.
Raw primal sketch In Marr’s theory of vision, a rich representation of the intensity
changes present in the original image.
Reafferent A ffe r e n t designates a nerve cell that transmits ingoing signals from the
peripheral receptors to the central nervous system. R e a f f e r e n t designates signals
that go from the CNS back towards the peripheral sensory receptors.
Distinguish e ffe r e n t.
Receptive field The area of the retina in which light causes a response in a particular
nerve cell.
Retinal eccentricity Angular distance of a point on the retina from the centre of the
Retinotopic map An array of nerve cells which have the same positions relative to
one another as their receptive fields have on the surface on the retina.
Rod receptors Vertebrate photoreceptor with long outer segment sensitive to light of
low intensity.
666ple cell Cell in the visual cortex showing linear spatial summation of light
intensities in parts of its receptive field separated by straight line boundaries.
Simple systems Used by Rosen to designate systems that can be fully modelled in
terms of the rate equations of a Newtonian dynamics.
Solipsism Literally, ‘only-oneselfism’ The view that nothing exists outside one’s own
mind, or that nothing such can be known to exist
Striate cortex The primary visual cortical receiving area in the monkey and in man.
So called because of the stria of Genarii, a band of white matter running
through only this region of the cortex.
Synapse A point where the membranes of two nerve cells nearly touch and where
electrical activity in one cell influences the membrane potential of the other
Topographic map A map which preserves in its range, the spatial ordering of its
Visual cortex Primary region of the mammalian cortex in the occipital lobe receiving
input from the LGN. Cells in the primary visual cortex respond to light falling
on the retina and are arranged in a retinotopic map. In primates, this region is
also known as the striate cortex5.
’References [9] and [56] are gratefully acknowledged for assistance in preparing this glossary.
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