Classification of Archean Granitoids
Classification of Archean Granitoids
Classification of Archean Granitoids
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The end of the Archean aeon (3.0–2.5 Ga) was a period of fundamental change in many aspects of the geological
Received 11 December 2013 record. In Archean cratons, this timespan is marked by a considerable diversification in both the nature and
Accepted 15 June 2014 petrogenesis of granitoid rocks. In this article, we review the nature, petrogenesis and global evolution of late-
Available online 24 June 2014
Archean granitoids and discuss their geodynamic significance.
Late-Archean granitoids can be classified into four groups: (1) volumetrically-dominant and juvenile tonalites,
Archean–Proterozoic transition
trondhjemites and granodiorites (TTGs), whose geochemistry is consistent with an origin through partial melting
Continental crust of meta-igneous mafic rocks at various pressures; (2) Mg-, Fe- and K-rich, metaluminous (monzo)diorites and
Granitoids granodiorites, referred to as sanukitoids s.l., which derive primarily from hybridization between mantle perido-
Geochemistry tite and a component rich in incompatible elements; (3) peraluminous and K-rich biotite- and two-mica granites,
Geodynamics formed through melting of older crustal lithologies (TTGs and meta-sediments, respectively); and (4) hybrid
Plate tectonics high-K granites with mixed characteristics from the first three groups.
The chronology of granitoid emplacement in late-Archean times is different from one craton to another but, in
general, follows a very specific two-stage sequence: (1) a long period (0.2–0.5 Ga) of TTG emplacement; (2) a
shorter period (0.02–0.15 Ga) during which all other granitoid types were generated. We propose that this
sequence represents the first global subduction–collision cycle in the Earth's history. Although possibly present
in the geological record prior to 3.0 Ga, such mechanisms became progressively prevalent on a planetary scale
only between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga, indicating that the late-Archean geodynamic changes resulted from the global ini-
tiation of “modern-style” plate tectonics. The Archean–Proterozoic transition thus represents a major change in
the mechanisms of the Earth's heat loss: before 3.0–2.5 Ga, it took place by large-scale magmatic differentiation
characterized by generation of proto-continents that underwent crustal maturation locally, but without obvious
cyclic activity on a planetary scale. After this, heat loss became accommodated by plate tectonics and global
Wilson subduction–collision cycles. These changes were the consequence of the Earth's cooling, which in turn
controlled a number of different parameters locally (thickness, temperature, volume and rheology of the
crust). This explains why the changes took place over a short timespan (~0.5 Ga) relative to the Earth's history,
but at different times and with different characteristics from one craton to another.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
2. The diversity of late-Archean granitoids: a petrogenetic classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
2.1. TTGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
2.1.1. Geology and petrography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
2.1.2. Key geochemical features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Mineralogy, Institute of Geosciences, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Tel.: +49
69 798 40133.
E-mail addresses:, (O. Laurent).
0024-4937/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 209
rocks of the sanukitoid suite (monzodiorites, monzogabbros and their Limpopo mobile belt). Late-Archean granitoids from this area, as
differentiated products). Both groups were found in almost all Archean well as from most Archean cratons worldwide, are characterized by a
terranes worldwide, but show some internal heterogeneity and com- very specific temporal evolution on which we base our attempt to deci-
plexity (e.g. Laurent et al., 2011; Martin et al., 2009; Meyer et al., pher both the nature and origin of the geodynamic changes that took
1994; Moyen et al., 2003; Sage et al., 1996; Whalen et al., 2004). place between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga.
Other, less common granitoid types, such as two-mica peraluminous
(A/CNK N 1.1) leucogranites and metaluminous to peralkaline syenites 2. The diversity of late-Archean granitoids: a petrogenetic
and “A-type” granites, were also found in some cratons. Recent work re- classification
ports other late-Archean granitoids which cannot be ascribed to any of
these groups, either because of mixed characteristics (Almeida et al., Compiling published data in order to establish a global “descriptive”
2010; Jayananda et al., 2006; Mikkola et al., 2011a,2011b; Prabhakar classification of late-Archean granitoids (i.e. based on petrography and/
et al., 2009) or local particularities (Laurent et al., 2014; Steenfelt or geochemistry) is a difficult task, severely hindered by (i) the internal
et al., 2005). On the other hand, TTGs are not restricted to early Archean variability of each group, owing to local conditions and to the potentially
times; they also represent a large fraction of the granitoids emplaced heterogeneous composition of available sources; (ii) local terminologies
between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga, adding even more complexity to the late- that make comparisons difficult; and (iii) the frequent compositional
Archean granitoid record. overlap between the different groups. Therefore, in this paper we pro-
Several studies have been conducted locally in order to identify, in a pose to build a classification for late-Archean granitoids based on both
given cratonic area, the composition of the source and the processes the nature of their sources and mechanisms of their petrogenesis. As
that led to the genesis of late-Archean granitoids, as well as their such, it should theoretically not be used prior to careful petrogenetic
temporal evolution (e.g. Almeida et al., 2013; Champion and Sheraton, modelling, although in most cases the granitoids belonging to a given
1997; Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Halla et al., 2009; Hill et al., 1992; Jahn group share several unique characteristics in terms of petrography
et al., 1988; Jayananda et al., 2000; Käpyaho et al., 2006; Mikkola and/or geochemistry, making them easy to identify.
et al., 2011b; Moyen et al., 2001; Oliveira et al., 2011; Percival et al., This “genetic” typology is based on a review of available data and
2006; Smithies and Champion, 2000; Whalen et al., 2004). However, models (see summary in Table 1). These discriminate late-Archean
despite efforts to formally define and classify late-Archean granitoids granitoids into four different groups:
(e.g. Heilimo et al., 2010; Martin et al., 2009; Moyen et al., 2003),
(1) sodic granitoids (TTGs) derived from melting of hydrous
there is a lack of global perspective about the significance of this par-
metabasalts at various depths;
ticular magmatism: the origin of granitoid diversity and the reason
(2) sanukitoids s.l., i.e. magmas resulting from interactions between
why they all were emplaced over a short timespan across all the cra-
the mantle and a component rich in incompatible elements, and
tons remain unclear. The present review aims to address these issues
their differentiated products;
by proposing a schematic classification of late-Archean granitoids
(3) biotite- and two-mica granites generated by partial melting of
based on their petrogenesis. This classification is mainly supported
pre-existing, felsic continental crust;
by examples from the Archean granitoid basement of South Africa,
(4) hybrid granitoids, generally granodiorites and granites, formed
where the transition from Archean to Proterozoic is well exposed be-
through interaction (e.g. metasomatism, mingling, mixing) be-
tween the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons (Pietersburg block and
tween magmas or sources of any of the former three groups.
Kaapvaal Craton Limpopo Belt In the following, we review the key geological and geochemical
Unexposed Unexposed traits of each group as well as their petrogenesis, based on examples
Granitoids / Greenstone belts Granulites (undifferentiated) from the northern Kaapvaal craton and the Limpopo Belt (South
Sedimentary basins Africa). The northernmost part of the Kaapvaal craton, known as the
~2.0 Ga-old Bushveld Pietersburg block (Fig. 1; de Wit et al., 1992; Eglington and Armstrong,
layered complex Zimbabwe
Craton 2004; Zeh et al., 2009), was tectonically and magmatically accreted
Crust-scale structure Fig. 2 between 3.1 and 2.7 Ga to the northern margin of a 3.6–3.2 Ga-old
nucleus of continental crust (Block et al., 2013; de Wit et al., 1992;
Central Zone e SZ
ipis Eglington and Armstrong, 2004; Laurent et al., 2013b; Poujol et al.,
Pietersburg 2003; Zeh et al., 2009, 2013), now represented by the Swaziland and
block Witwatersrand blocks (Fig. 1). Subsequently, collision between the
N -Zoe
Palalatein SZ
Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons resulted in the formation of the Limpo-
po mobile belt between 2.7 and 2.5 Ga, with reactivation at, or continu-
Kimberley rc hiso ation until, ca. 2.0 Ga (Barton et al., 2006; de Wit et al., 1992; Eriksson
block azi mb et al., 2009; Kramers and Houri, 2011; Kramers et al., 2006; Roering
et al., 1992; van Reenen et al., 1987; Zeh et al., 2009 and references
t therein). Therefore, the Pietersburg block and Limpopo Belt consist
of a portion of Archean crust formed over ~ 1 Ga across the Archean–
d old granitoid rocks (Fig. 2; Laurent et al., 2013b; Poujol et al., 2003;
zil ck Zeh et al., 2009), which make it ideal for illustrating the present study.
ck nd
Sw blo
2.1. TTGs
100 km TTGs are the dominant lithology of Archean crust, and consist of
abundant in all Archean cratons, even in b 3.0 Ga-old terranes where 2.1.3. Petrogenesis
they are still the volumetrically dominant rock type (Table 1). For exam- It is widely accepted that TTGs were generated by differentiation of a
ple more than half the surface of the Pietersburg block, in South Africa, basaltic parent, either by partial melting (e.g. Atherton and Petford,
consists of grey gneisses, themselves largely made up of TTGs (Fig. 2). 1993; Barker and Arth, 1976; Ellam and Hawkesworth, 1988; Foley
et al., 2002; Martin, 1986, 1987, 1994; Martin and Moyen, 2002;
Martin et al., 2014; Rapp et al., 1991, 2003) or fractional crystallization
2.1.1. Geology and petrography (e.g. Kamber et al., 2002; Kleinhanns et al., 2003). Moyen and Martin
In the field TTGs consist either of several banded, deformed and/or (2012) stressed out that a number of observations are at odds with frac-
migmatized magmatic phases intruding each other (Fig. 3a), or of a sin- tional crystallization (notably the lack of any mafic and intermediate
gle, homogeneous orthogneiss (Fig. 3b). In some places TTGs can form phases in TTG suites), pointing to partial melting of a meta-basalt, leav-
well-defined plutons where the rocks are weakly- to un-deformed, for ing a garnet amphibolitic or eclogitic residue, as a more likely origin.
instance around the Murchison greenstone belt in the Pietersburg This hypothesis is consistent with the major element geochemistry of
block (Fig. 2; Baderoukwe and Maranda intrusions; Poujol et al., 1996; the Pietersburg block TTG samples (Fig. 6).
Poujol, 2001). The internal diversity within Archean TTGs could have resulted from
TTGs are typically characterized by high modal contents of sodic pla- subsequent subordinate fractional crystallization (Martin, 1987), but
gioclase and quartz with respect to alkali feldspar. For example, TTGs of recent studies have shown that it depends primarily on the pressure
the Pietersburg block consist of fine- to medium-grained (1–5 mm) and temperature conditions of melting (Almeida et al., 2011; Halla
trondhjemites and granodiorites, made up of an assemblage of sodic et al., 2009; Moyen, 2011; Moyen and Martin, 2012; Moyen and
(An15–30) plagioclase (~50%), quartz (~30%) and biotite (5–15%), with Stevens, 2006). Many late-Archean TTGs display high Sr and low Y–
subordinate K-feldspar (b 5%). Accessory minerals are magnetite, apa- HREE contents (Table 2; Fig. 5), thus belonging to the “high-” and
tite, epidote (pistacite and/or allanite) and zircon. No hornblende was “medium-pressure” groups of Moyen (2011). Such magmas derived
indentified in TTGs from the Pietersburg block, although in other places from melting of metabasaltic sources at ≥10 kbar, which roughly corre-
it can be present in the most mafic rocks (Moyen and Martin, 2012). sponds to depths N35 km. Such conditions allow for the presence of gar-
net in the residue, accounting for low HREE contents, whilst being
beyond the stability field of plagioclase, explaining the TTGs' richness
2.1.2. Key geochemical features in Al2O3, CaO and Sr and the lack of negative Eu anomaly. As noted
The major-element geochemistry of TTGs is well represented by sam- above, a small fraction of late-Archean TTGs show low Sr, Al2O3 and
ples from the Pietersburg block in South Africa (Table 2; Fig. 4). TTGs are CaO contents and less fractionated REE patterns, locally with a negative
calcic to calc-alkaline, slightly peraluminous (1.0 ≤ A/CNK ≤ 1.1) silica- Eu anomaly (e.g. Almeida et al., 2011; Althoff et al., 2000; Halla et al.,
rich magmatic rocks (65 ≤ SiO2 ≤ 75 wt.%) with low contents of ferro- 2009), which pinpoints melting at shallow levels in the plagioclase sta-
magnesian oxides (FeOt + MgO + MnO + TiO2 ≤ 5 wt.%; Fig. 4a–c). bility field and a garnet-free or garnet-poor residue.
Typically, they are K-poor and Na-rich, leading to low K2O/Na2O ratios
(≤ 0.5; Fig. 4b). CaO contents range from 1 to 5 wt.%, resulting in 2.2. Sanukitoids s.l.
moderate CaO/(Na2O + K2O) ratios (Fig. 4d).
Contrastingly, trace element contents in TTGs show significant This group encompasses a wide diversity of rocks, which share a
variations depending on the pressure at which their meta-basaltic common petrogenesis: they derive partially or totally from interactions
source melted. This issue has been discussed in detail by Almeida between a mantle peridotite and a component rich in incompatible
et al. (2011), Halla et al. (2009), Moyen (2011) and Moyen and elements. This includes the sanukitoids s.s., first described in the
Martin (2012). They broadly range between a “high-HREE” or “low- Superior Province (Bédard, 1996; Shirey and Hanson, 1984; Stern and
pressure” end-member (high HREE–Y and low Sr contents) and a Hanson, 1991; Stevenson et al., 1999; Sutcliffe et al., 1990) and recently
“low-HREE” or “high-pressure” one (low HREE–Y and high Sr contents). redefined on the basis of geochemical criteria by Heilimo et al. (2010)
It has been proposed that late-Archean TTGs (b3.0 Ga-old) are richer in and Martin et al. (2005, 2009). Those were further described in
Sr and poorer in Y–HREE than the older TTGs (Champion and Smithies, most late-Archean terranes (see Table 1), including the Slave Craton
2007; Martin and Moyen, 2002), thus belonging to the “high-pressure” (Davis and Hegner, 1992), the Wyoming Province (Frost et al., 1998),
group. This is well illustrated by the composition of the Pietersburg the Baltic shield (Bibikova et al., 2005; Halla, 2005; Halla et al., 2009;
TTGs (Table 2; Fig. 5). These are moderately rich in incompatible Heilimo et al., 2010; Käpyaho et al., 2006; Kovalenko et al., 2005;
elements (1 to 10 times the primitive mantle values), with negative Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2005, 2008; Samsonov et al., 2005), the
Nb and Ta anomalies, a positive Sr anomaly and a typically fractionated Dharwar Craton of South India (Jayananda et al., 1995; Krogstad et al.,
REE pattern (Fig. 5a), due to low HREE concentrations (Yb ≤ 1.5 ppm; 1995; Moyen et al., 2001, 2003; Sarvothaman, 2001), the North China
LaN/YbN N 30). Y contents are also low (≤ 10 ppm), leading to high Craton (Jahn et al., 1988; Wang et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2008), the
Sr/Y (20–200; Fig. 5b). TTGs also show moderate contents in HFSE Pilbara Craton in Western Australia (Smithies and Champion, 1999a,
(1 ≤ Nb ≤ 7 ppm; 45 ≤ Zr ≤ 245 ppm) and REE, and are poor in tran- 2000), the Amazonian Craton (Althoff, 1996; Leite et al., 2004;
sition elements (V b 20 ppm; Fig. 5c–d). Their REE patterns generally Medeiros and Dall'Agnol, 1988; Oliveira et al., 2009) and southern
lack any significant Eu anomaly (Fig. 5d). Africa (Kampunzu et al., 2003; Laurent et al., 2011; Zhai et al., 2006).
On the other hand, some studies also reported “low-” and “medium- This group also includes other late-Archean rocks that differ from
pressure” TTGs of late-Archean age, for example in the Amazonian cra- sanukitoids s.s. in compositional detail, but whose petrogenesis is very
ton (Almeida et al., 2011; Althoff et al., 2000), the Baltic shield (Halla similar (see Section 2.2.2). Such rocks were described as quartz diorites
et al., 2009; Mikkola et al., 2011b) and the Superior Province (Feng in the North Atlantic Craton (Steenfelt et al., 2005) and the Baltic shield
and Kerrich, 1992; Sage et al., 1996; Whalen et al., 2002), with higher (Mikkola et al., 2011b), as well as “syenite–quartz monzonite–granite
Y contents, flatter HREE profiles, as well as lower Sr and Al2O3 contents suite” in the Superior Province (Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Sage et al.,
than “high-pressure” TTGs. This shows that the late-Archean period 1996) and includes the Matok pluton in the northern Kaapvaal craton
represents a diversification of TTG magmatism rather than a strict evo- (Laurent et al., 2014). All these granitoids are collectively grouped
lution towards the “high-pressure” group. However, it must be noted here under the term of “sanukitoids sensu lato (s.l.)”.
that in all the cases mentioned above, the “low-pressure” TTGs proper Sanukitoids s.l. generally represent a minor, albeit ubiquitous, com-
are clearly subordinate in volume with respect to “medium-” and ponent of late-Archean terranes (roughly b15% in surface). For instance,
“high-pressure” TTGs. in the northern Kaapvaal craton and the Limpopo Belt, this group is only
Table 1
Kaapvaal • Goudplaats–Hout River unit [3.40] • Matok pluton ~2.69 • Turfloop and Lekkersmaak 2.84–2.77 • Mashashane, Mashishimale, ~2.69 [1] to
(±Limpopo) • Groot-Letaba Duiwelskloof unit 3.30–2.85 (• Bulai pluton) (~2.60) batholith Matlala, Moletsi plutons [8]
• Baderoukwe, Malati Pump, • Various intrusions embedded in
Maranda intrusions TTG gneisses
Amazonian • Arco Verde, Caracol, Mariazinha 3.00–2.84 • Rio Maria suite ~2.87 • Mata Surrão, Xinguara granites 2.87–2.86 • Guarantã suite 2.87–2.86 [9] to
craton tonalites [14]
(Carajás • Agua Fria, Mogno trondhjemites
Baltic Shield • Various trondhjemites, tonalites [3.10] • Amindomaoja, Arola, Bergaul, Bolshozero, Chalka, 2.74–2.68 • Katajavaara, Konivaara, Pieni 2.70–2.68 • Leucogranite–granodiorite 2.72–2.68 [15]
and granodiorites 2.95–2.74 Elmus, Hautavaara, Hizhjärvi, Ilomantsinjärvi, Tuomaanjärvi intrusions suite (Kuhmo district) to
(many local names) Jalonvaara, Kaapinsalmi, Kaartojärvet, Koitere, (Kuhmo district) [24]
Kuittila, Kurgelampi, Kuusamo, Lieksa, Loso, Nilsiä, • Vaamankallio
Njuk, Panozero, Peuravaara, Purnu, Sharavalampi, leucogranite + leucosomes
Siikalahti, Sjargozero, Sysmanjärvi, Tulos, Voloma (Suomussalmi district)
• Lentiira and Riihivaara “quartz diorites”
Dharwar • Peninsular gneisses 3.00–2.55 • Dod gneisses ~2.55 • Bangalore leucogranite 2.54–2.51 • Felsic phases of Closepet 2.62–2.52 [25]
• Krishnagiri tonalites • Bisanattam granitoid • Kadiri, Krishnagiri, Lepakshi, batholith to
• Gneisses in the Hutti–Gurgunta • Mafic phases of Closepet batholith Madanapalle, Nandi hills granites • Arsikere–Banavara and [30]
area • Kolar granodiorite Chitradurga–
• Guramkonda, Vendodu granites Jampalnaikankote–Hosdurga
• “Transitional TTG” in the
Hutti–Gurgunta area
East European • Granitoids of the West Azov group [3.25] • Osipenkovskii massif 2.92–2.86 [31]
(Ukrainian • Parts of the Obitochnen 3.12–2.91 • Parts of the Obitochnen Complex
Shield) Complex
Madagascar • Nosy Boraha suite [3.35] • Masoala suite (very heterogeneous, different granitoid 2.54–2.51 [32]
3.15–2.75 phases with characteristics of all three groups)
North Atlantic • Disko Bugt, Fiskefjord, Ikkattoq 3.20–2.80 • Disko Bugt diorites 3.00–2.80 • Qôrqut granite ~2.55 [33],
gneisses, Âta tonalite • Qeqertaussaq diorite • Rodebay granodiorite? [34]
North China • Taishan granitoid gneisses 2.75–2.55 • Taishan diorites 2.55–2.52 • Monzogranites of Qinhuangdao 2.55–2.44 • Granodiorites of Anziling, 2.55–2.52 [35]
• Eastern Hebei gneisses • Zhong Tian Men granodiorites pluton Jiekouling, Qinhuangdao to
• Fuping Complex • Hornblendites and diorites of Anziling, Jiekouling, • Some granites of the Wutai plutons [38]
Qinhuangdao plutons Complex • Some granites of the Wutai
Pilbara • Unnamed tonalitic, trondhjemitic 3.26–2.99 • Peewah suite: Peewah and Wallareenya ~2.95 • Unnamed monzo- and 2.94–2.93 • Portree Complex ~2.95 [39]
and granodioritic gneisses granodiorites, Geemas, Jallogoonina, Jones Wells, syenogranites
Malindra, Nr. 1 and Toweranna stocks
Slave • Banded gneisses [3.5] • Part of the “Type I” granitoids 2.63–2.60 • “Type II” granitoids 2.60–2.58 • Part of the “Type I” granitoids 2.63–2.60 [40],
3.10–2.65 • Concession and Defeat suites • Morose and Prosperous suites [41]
Superior Province • Lac Flavrian, Bourlamaque, Round 2.89–2.70 • Abitibi, Mattachewan batholiths, Lebel and Otto 2.72–2.69 • GMG granite suite (Pontiac Subp.) 2.69–2.65 • Watabeag batholith, Garrison 2.69–2.68 [42]
Lake complexes (Abitibi Subp.) stocks (Abitibi Subp.) • Ghost Lake batholith stock (Abitibi Subp.) to
• Tonalites, trondhjemites, • Stormer Lake and Okanse Lake plutons (Sioux Lookout terrane) • Granodiorites of the KMGS [49]
granodiorites (Wabigoon Subp.) (Berens River Subp.) • Granites and granodiorites suite (Wabigoon Subp.)
• Gutcher Lake, Hawk Lake, • Lac Fréchette and Lac Rémigny complexes (Wabigoon Subprovince) • Hermann Lake stock
Jubilee Lake suites (Wawa Subp.) (Pontiac Subp.) (Wawa Subp.)
• Barnum, Blalock, Burchell Lake, Lappé, Penassen
Lake suites (Quetico Subp.)
• Mafic phases of the KMGS suite, Jackfish Lake, Lac
des Îles, plutons, Eye-Dashwa, Norway Lake, Roaring
River, van Nostrand suites (Wabigoon Subp.)
• Dickenson Lake, Kabenung Lake, Maskinonge Lake,
Troupe Lake stocks (Abitibi Subp.)
214 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
Botswana Zimbabwe
100 km
Zone N
b e r
n s
S o u t p a
Louis Trichardt
n e
hern GGB
er GHR
Mt Mo ea
Tzaneen Lk
PGB Ma Lin
e am
Tf iso
Thabazimbi- M u rch
Sanukitoids and related rocks (2.7-2.6 Ga) Proterozoic intrusive complexes (~2.0 Ga)
Sedimentary cover (<2.6 Ga)
’’Hybrid’’ granites (~2.69 Ga)
Greenstone belts (3.3-2.8 Ga)
Biotite-, two-mica granites (~2.78 Ga) Limpopo Belt : granulites
TTG gneisses and associated small Undifferentiated granitoids of the
Bt-(Ms-)granite bodies (3.3-2.8 Ga) Witwatersrand block (>3.1 Ga)
Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of the different late-Archean granitoid groups in the Pietersburg block and part of the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt in South Africa (after Kramers et al., 2006;
Laurent et al., 2013b and Robb et al., 2006). The abbreviations refer to the granitoid plutons or units described in this study: Bu = Bulai; GHR = Goudplaats–Hout River gneiss suite;
GLD = Groot Letaba–Duiwelskloof gneiss unit; Lk = Lekkersmaak; Ma = Mashishimale; Mk = Matok; Ms = Mashashane; Mt = Matlala; Mo = Moletsi; Tf = Turfloop. Also abbrevi-
ated are the names of the Giyani (GGB), Murchison (MGB), Pietersburg (PGB) and Rhenosterkoppies (RGB) greenstone belts.
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 215
Fig. 3. Field photographs showing examples of late-Archean granitoids from the Pietersburg block and the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt: TTGs, with (a) typically polyphased outcrop of
highly deformed and partly migmatitic orthogneisses of TTG composition (Goudplaats–Hout River gneiss unit); and (b) example of homogeneous, foliated and unmigmatized granodio-
ritic gneiss (Groot Letaba–Duiwelskloof gneiss unit); Sanukitoids s.l., with (c) K-feldspar porphyritic, relatively dark granodiorite, containing comagmatic mafic enclaves of monzodioritic
composition (Bulai pluton); and (d) dark, fine-grained (monzo)diorite containing phenocrysts of plagioclase (Plag) and clinopyroxene (Cpx) (Matok pluton); (e) Biotite- and two-mica
granites: homogeneous, equigranular biotite-bearing monzogranite (Turfloop batholith); (f) Hybrid granites: heterogeneous, coarse-grained and porphyritic monzogranite (Mashashane
represented by two intrusions, the Bulai and Matok plutons (Laurent 2011; Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2005; Mikkola et al., 2011a). Granites
et al., 2011, 2014; Fig. 2). s.s. are invariably scarce.
The granodiorites often contain large (1–6 cm) K-feldspar pheno-
2.2.1. Geology and petrography crysts within a medium-grained (0.1–1 cm) matrix made up of pla-
Sanukitoids are syn- to post-tectonic intrusions, ranging from well- gioclase (An20–35), quartz, and very characteristic mafic aggregates of
foliated to undeformed. They most often consist of composite magmatic biotite and amphibole. Ortho- and clinopyroxene are relatively com-
complexes: for instance, the dominant phase of the Bulai and Matok mon, especially in the mafic clots where they occur as relict cores within
plutons is a porphyritic granodiorite (Fig. 3c) associated with abundant biotite and amphibole. Magnetite, ilmenite, apatite, zircon, allanite and,
mafic bodies of quartz-(monzo)diorite (Fig. 3d), whose size ranges from locally, titanite are abundant accessory phases.
small microgranular magmatic enclaves (MME) to bodies several
kilometres in size. In some areas, the latter locally form individual and 2.2.2. Key geochemical features
monogenic stocks, for instance in the Superior Province (Sage et al., A number of definitions based on strict geochemical criteria have
1996; Stevenson et al., 1999), the North China craton (Wang et al., already been proposed for sanukitoids s.s. The original one only consid-
2009), the Pilbara craton (Smithies and Champion, 2000) or the Baltic ered LILE- and LREE-rich diorites with high Mg# (N 0.6; e.g. Stern et al.,
shield (Heilimo et al., 2010). Some sanukitoid intrusions are also associ- 1989), but it has since been widened to include their differentiated
ated with lamprophyre dykes and/or ultrapotassic rocks (Laurent et al., products (granodiorites and granites of the “sanukitoid suite”; Heilimo
216 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
Table 2
Average major- and trace-element compositions of the four types of late-Archean granitoids in the Pietersburg block and the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa).
N = 23 N = 77 N = 34 N = 104
Average St. dev. Average St. dev. Average St. dev. Average St. dev.
et al., 2010; Martin et al., 2005) as well as the “high-Ti” sanukitoids variable K2O contents (1.5 ≤ K2O ≤ 5.0 wt.%) leading to a wide range
(Martin et al., 2009), also referred to as “Closepet-type” granitoids of K2O/Na2O ratios, albeit generally ≥0.5 (Table 2; Fig. 4b). Such rocks
(Moyen et al., 2003), which are distinctively rich in FeOt, TiO2 and are typically characterized by high contents of ferromagnesian oxides
other HFSE. Our group of sanukitoids s.l. is even looser, as it also com- (5 ≤ FeOt + MgO + MnO + TiO2 ≤ 25 wt.%) and CaO (Fig. 4c–d).
prises granitoids that do not match all the criteria proposed by these Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of sanukitoids
definitions. However, they are all demonstrably formed by similar s.l. are relatively similar to those of TTGs, notably characterized by
processes as sanukitoids s.s., i.e. through interaction at mantle level negative anomalies in Nb–Ta, but shifted to higher concentrations in
between peridotite and an incompatible element-rich component. all incompatible elements (Fig. 5a). These rocks are typically rich in Ba
All sanukitoids s.l. share several key geochemical characteristics. They (generally N1000 ppm) and Sr (generally N 400 ppm), which results in
are calc-alkaline to alkali-calcic, metaluminous (0.7 ≤ A/CNK ≤ 1.0) high Ba/Rb and Sr/Y ratios (Fig. 5b), and also have high contents in tran-
granitoids characterized by a large range of SiO2 contents, extending sition elements such as V (N50 ppm; Fig. 5c), Ni (15–200 ppm) and Cr
down to mafic compositions (45 ≤ SiO2 ≤ 70 wt.%), in contrast with (20–500 ppm). This dual geochemical character, i.e. richness in both
other late-Archean granitoids (Fig. 4a–b). They are potassic, with “crustal” and “mantle” elements, is a unique and very typical feature
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 217
12 1.2
(a) (b)
k al 0.8
al lk
al lc
–4 0.6
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
SiO2 (wt.%) K2O / Na2O
(c) (d)
FeOt + MgO + MnO + TiO2 (wt.%)
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
SiO2 (wt.%) CaO / (Na2O + K2O)
Fig. 4. Major-element geochemistry of the four groups of late-Archaean granitoids, illustrated with examples from the Pietersburg block and the Limpopo Belt (symbols) as well as liter-
ature data (fields; compilations from Martin et al., 2009; Moyen, 2011; Moyen and Martin, 2012). (a) MALI index ([Na2O + K2O]–CaO) vs. SiO2 diagram of Frost et al. (2001); (b) A/CNK
(molar Al2O3/[CaO + Na2O + K2O] ratio) vs. K2O/Na2O ratio; (c) sum of “mafic” oxides (FeOt + MgO + MnO + TiO2) vs. SiO2; and (d) Al2O3/(FeOt + MgO) ratio vs. CaO/(Na2O + K2O)
of all sanukitoids s.l. Some of them, such as the Bulai and Matok granit- of the metasomatic agent that could be represented, in addition to TTG
oids, are very rich not only in Ba and Sr, but also in other incompatible melts, by H2O- or CO2-rich brines (Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2008;
elements such as REE and HFSE (ΣREE ≥ 250 ppm; 20 ≤ Y ≤ 70 ppm; Stern et al., 1989), fluids or melts derived from sediments (Halla,
300 ≤ Zr ≤ 1000 ppm; Table 2; Fig. 5c,d), a typical feature of the 2005; King et al., 1998; Laurent et al., 2011; Mikkola et al., 2011b;
“high-Ti” sanukitoids (Martin et al., 2009; Moyen et al., 2003). Thereby, Wang et al., 2009), or even alkaline melts (Heilimo et al., 2010) and
some sanukitoids s.l. display a Sr negative anomaly in multi-element carbonatites (Steenfelt et al., 2005). In the case of sanukitoids s.l. show-
patterns (Fig. 5a), owing to a greater enrichment in REEs than Sr with ing notably high FeOt/MgO ratios, low Al2O3 and flat HREE profiles, such
respect to primitive mantle compositions. Sanukitoids s.l. show a wide as the Matok pluton from the Pietersburg block (Figs. 2, 4 and 5) and
range of LaN/YbN ratios (10–75, but most often N25), and a variable Eu other granitoids reported from different cratons (Jahn et al., 1988;
anomaly (0.5 ≤ EuN/Eu* ≤ 1.0; Fig. 5d). Mikkola et al., 2011b; Steenfelt et al., 2005), asthenospheric mantle
could also have played a role as a source component (Laurent et al.,
2.2.3. Petrogenesis 2014).
Experimental and geochemical constraints show that sanukitoids s.s. On the other hand, the widespread felsic rocks of sanukitoid
result from interaction between mantle peridotite and a component suites (i.e. granodiorites) derive from differentiation of the most
rich in incompatible elements, most often a TTG melt (Almeida et al., mafic magmas, regardless of the nature and source of the latter, by
2013; Dey et al., 2012; Halla et al., 2009; Heilimo et al., 2010; Martin fractionation of amphibole- and plagioclase-rich solids with little or
et al., 2009; Moyen et al., 2001, 2003; Oliveira et al., 2011; Rapp et al., no involvement of pre-existing felsic crust (Bédard, 1996; Laurent
1999, 2010; Smithies and Champion, 2000; Stern and Hanson, 1991). et al., 2013a; Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2005, 2008; Oliveira et al.,
Geochemical variability of sanukitoids s.l. would result either from (i) 2010; Stern and Hanson, 1991). Therefore, most of the chemical vari-
different petrogenetic processes at mantle levels, especially regarding ability in sanukitoids s.l. (including the felsic rocks) results from mantle
the physical conditions of the metasomatic interactions (P, T and relative processes, as described above, rather than reflecting contamination
volume of peridotite and contaminant; Martin et al., 2009; Mikkola et al., at shallower levels of emplacement. This legitimates the identity of
2011b; Rapp et al., 1999, 2010), and/or (ii) the nature and composition sanukitoids s.l. which, although compositionally diverse, are all related
218 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
1000 500
(a) Average sanukitoids (b)
Average Bt-granites 200
Sample / Primitive mantle Average TTG
100 50
Sr / Y
10 5
Er Yb 1
Rb Th Ta Ce Nd Hf Eu Tb Y
1 0.5
Ba Nb La Sr Zr Sm Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Ba / Rb
1200 2.0
(c) (d)
EuN / Eu* Positive
Zr (ppm)
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 200 400 600 800 1000
V (ppm) ΣLREE (ppm)
Fig. 5. Trace-element geochemistry of the four groups of late-Archaean granitoids, illustrated with examples from the Pietersburg block and the Limpopo Belt (symbols) as well as
literature data (fields; compilations from Martin et al., 2009; Moyen, 2011; Moyen and Martin, 2012). (a) Multi-element patterns of average composition for each group, normalized to
primitive mantle concentrations (“Pyrolite Silicate Earth” of McDonough and Sun, 1995); (b) Sr/Y vs. Ba/Rb ratios; (c) HFSE (represented by Zr) vs. transition element (represented by
V) concentrations; and (d) amplitude of the Eu anomaly (EuN = Eu concentrations normalized to C1 chondrites; McDonough and Sun, 1995; Eu* = √SmN·GdN) vs. sum of light rare
earth elements (ΣLREE = La + Ce + Nd).
somehow to interactions between peridotite and incompatible 2012) and the Kaapvaal Craton (Henderson et al., 2000; Meyer et al.,
element-rich components at mantle levels. 1994; this study).
After TTGs, biotite- and two-mica granites are the second most
widespread lithology in late-Archean terranes (e.g. Moyen et al.,
2.3. Biotite- and two-mica granites 2003; Sylvester, 1994). For instance, they are largely exposed in the
Pietersburg block as large plutons or batholiths (Turfloop and
This group basically consists of “purely crustal-derived” granites Lekkersmaak granites; Fig. 2) or occur as diffuse sheets, small bodies
(i.e. generated by melting of grey gneisses: TTGs ± metasediments). and dykes intrusive in, and intimately associated with, the TTGs of the
They are widespread in every Archean craton (Sylvester, 1994; see Goudplaats–Hout River and Groot Letaba–Duiwelskloof gneiss units
Table 1), including the Superior Province (Breaks and Moore, 1992; (Laurent et al., 2013b; Robb et al., 2006).
Feng and Kerrich, 1992), the Slave Craton (Davis and Hegner, 1992),
the Wyoming Province (Frost et al., 1998, 2006), the Baltic Shield 2.3.1. Geology and petrography
(Käpyaho et al., 2006; Martin and Querré, 1984; Mikkola et al., Texturally, the biotite- and two-mica granites usually consist of ho-
2011b), the Dharwar Craton of South India (Dey et al., 2012, 2014; mogeneous, grey to pink, equigranular granites and leucogranites
Jayananda et al., 2006; Moyen et al., 2001, 2003; Vijaya Kumar et al., whose grain size ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 cm (Fig. 3e). Some porphyritic
2011), the North China Craton (Jahn et al., 1988; Liu et al., 2004; Yang varieties do occur, but are generally largely subordinate (e.g. in the
et al., 2008), the Pilbara and Yilgarn Cratons in Western Australia Turfloop batholith of the Pietersburg block; Henderson et al., 2000;
(Champion and Sheraton, 1997; Champion and Smithies, 1999, 2007), Kröner et al., 2000). Like sanukitoids, they are generally late- to post-
the Amazonian Craton (Almeida et al., 2010, 2013; Althoff et al., tectonic and show variable levels of deformation from one area to
2000; Leite et al., 2004), the Tanzania Craton (Mshiu and Maboko, another. Their modal composition is fairly constant, with ~ 30% K-
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 219
3 CaO granites are described as partial melts of older felsic crust, especially
TTGs (e.g. Almeida et al., 2013; Althoff et al., 2000; Dey et al., 2012;
Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Frost et al., 2006; Henderson et al., 2000;
Moyen et al., 2001, 2003; Mshiu and Maboko, 2012; Sylvester,
Low-K mafic rocks High-K mafic rocks
1994; Vijaya Kumar et al., 2011; Whalen et al., 2004). Major element
compositions of such granites are consistent with this model, matching
the composition of experimental melts derived from tonalites
(Fig. 6). Furthermore, these rocks are equivalent to the potassic gran-
ite subgroup of Archean grey gneisses defined by Moyen (2011),
Tonalites Metasediments which he interpreted as partial melts of sodic TTGs at crustal pres-
sure (b 10 kbar). A plagioclase-rich and garnet-free residue accounts
for the low Ba/Rb and Sr/Y ratios and negative Eu anomalies of these
As pointed out by Watkins et al. (2007), most TTGs are too sodic to
Al2O3 K2O
5 produce the large volumes of late-Archean potassic granites. Therefore,
(FeOt + MgO) Na2O
these authors proposed an alternative hypothesis, assuming that these
Fig. 6. Ternary diagram Al2O3/(FeOt + MgO); 3 ∗ CaO; 5 ∗ (K2O/Na2O) on which the
granites could derive ultimately from a highly metasomatized, K-rich
composition of late-Archean granitoids from the Pietersburg block and Limpopo Belt is mantle source. Nevertheless, their very silicic nature, the absence of in-
plotted (symbols as in Figs. 4 and 5). The multiplication factors were only added for scaling termediate to mafic phases and the lack of geochemical affinities with
purposes. The fields represent the composition of melts derived from a range of potential sanukitoids s.l. (Figs. 4 and 5), which definitely derive from such an
sources (tonalites, metasediments, low- and high-K mafic rocks), determined using the
enriched mantle source, are at odds with this model. Moreover, the
major-element compositions of experimental studies: Patiño-Douce and Beard (1995),
Singh and Johannes (1996), Skjerlie and Johnston (1996), Watkins et al. (2007) for K2O contents of melts produced experimentally by partial melting of
tonalites; Patiño-Douce and Beard (1996), Patiño-Douce and Johnston (1991), Vielzeuf low-K TTGs range from 2 to 6 wt.% at 70–75 wt.% SiO2 (Patiño-Douce
and Holloway (1988) for metasediments; Beard and Lofgren (1991), Rapp et al. (1999), and Beard, 1995; Singh and Johannes, 1996; Skjerlie and Johnston,
Rapp and Watson (1995), Wolf and Wyllie (1994) for low-K mafic rocks and Sisson 1996; Watkins et al., 2007), with an average K2O content of 3.8 wt.%,
et al. (2005) for high-K mafic rocks.
which is comparable to that of biotite- and two-mica granites in the
Pietersburg block (4.1 wt.%; Table 2). On the other hand, melting of
metagreywackes and metapelites would provide an additional source
of K2O: the two-mica-bearing late-Archean granites, such as the
feldspar, ~ 30% sodic plagioclase (An5–15), and ~30% quartz; the other Lekkersmaak pluton in South Africa, show A/CNK values N1.1 similar
major mineral phases are biotite, and in places primary muscovite. to that of post-Archean S-type granites, pointing to the contribution of
For instance, in South Africa, most of the Lekkersmaak pluton such a metasedimentary source (e.g. Breaks and Moore, 1992; Jaguin
(Jaguin et al., 2012) as well as some phases of the Turfloop batholith et al., 2012; Jahn et al., 1988). Therefore, we consider that late-
(Henderson et al., 2000; Kröner et al., 2000) are two-mica granites. Archean biotite- and two-mica granites derive from variable contribu-
Accessory phases are ilmenite, magnetite, apatite, zircon, allanite tions of two distinct crustal sources, i.e. sodic orthogneisses (TTGs)
and, locally, pistacite. Exceptionally, the two-mica phases also bear and paragneisses (metasediments).
Al-rich minerals such as cordierite, garnet and tourmaline, and are
associated with rare metal-bearing (e.g. Sn and Li) pegmatite fields
(e.g. Breaks and Moore, 1992; Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Frost et al., 2.4. Hybrid granitoids
1998; Kinny, 2000).
Late-Archean granitoids with hybrid characteristics were identi-
2.3.2. Key geochemical features fied from most cratons. These formed through interaction (e.g. meta-
As shown by examples from South Africa (Table 2; Fig. 4a–c), typ- somatism, mingling, mixing) between magmas or sources of any of
ical chemical characteristics of biotite- and two-mica granites are the previously defined groups. They form an extremely heteroge-
their high silica contents (68 ≤ SiO2 ≤ 75 wt.%), peraluminous affinity neous family that cannot be defined on geochemical criteria alone,
(A/CNK ≥ 1.0), low amounts of ferromagnesian oxides (1 ≤ FeOt + because sources and petrogenetic mechanisms differ from one place
MgO + MnO + TiO2 ≤ 4 wt.%), and a clear potassic signature, with to another. They most commonly result from interactions between
K2O of ~ 4 wt.% resulting in K2O/Na2O ratios N 0.5. Low CaO concen- sanukitoids s.l. and biotite- or two-mica granites, for example the
trations (b2 wt.%) and moderate Al2 O3 contents lead to low CaO/ Mashashane, Mashishimale, Matlala and Moletsi plutons of the
(Na2O + K2O) and high Al2O3/(FeOt + MgO) ratios (Fig. 4d). Pietersburg block (Fig. 2), as well as several granitoids in the Superior
The trace element geochemistry of biotite- and two-mica granites Province (Stevenson et al., 1999; Whalen et al., 2004) and the Dharwar
from the Pietersburg block in South Africa is fairly representative of craton of southern India (Jayananda et al., 2006; Moyen et al., 2001).
the whole group. Their primitive mantle normalized patterns are similar Some relatively common granodiorites and monzogranites, which are
to those of TTGs, except for higher contents in highly incompatible clearly too mafic to represent pristine crustal melts, also fall into this
elements (see Table 2) such as Rb (average = 155 ppm) and Th (aver- category (e.g. “high-Ca” granites of the Yilgarn Craton; Champion and
age = 11 ppm), systematic negative Ba and Sr anomalies and higher Sheraton, 1997). In addition, this family includes all granitoids recog-
concentrations in Y–HREE (Fig. 5a). Thus, such granites have lower nized as being hybrids between TTGs and sanukitoids or biotite-
Ba/Rb and Sr/Y ratios than TTGs (Fig. 5b). Both HFSE and transition bearing granites, i.e. the so-called “Transitional TTGs” from the Yilgarn
element contents are low (Zr b 265 ppm; V b 20 ppm; Table 2; Fig. 5d), Craton (Champion and Smithies, 2003) and the Dharwar Craton (Dey
and their REE contents are moderate, with variously fractionated et al., 2012; Jayananda et al., 2006; Prabhakar et al., 2009) as well as
REE patterns (15 ≤ LaN/YbN ≤ 65 for most samples) but significant monzonite–granodiorite–granite suites of the Amazonian Craton
negative Eu anomalies (EuN/Eu* ~ 0.5; Fig. 5d). (Almeida et al., 2010, 2013) and Superior Province (Feng and Kerrich,
1992). The rare Archean alkaline granites and syenites (Champion and
2.3.3. Petrogenesis Sheraton, 1997; Corfu et al., 1989; Feio et al., 2012; Mikkola et al.,
In all Archean cratons worldwide, including the Kaapvaal Craton, 2011a; Sage et al., 1996; Smithies and Champion, 1999b) may also be
slightly peraluminous, potassic and calc-alkaline biotite-bearing akin to this group, as they presumably derived from a lower crustal,
220 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
metasomatized basaltic source (Smithies and Champion, 1999b, mica granites by the absence of primary muscovite, their greater
2000). richness in biotite and the presence of magmatic epidote (pistacite),
The global distribution of hybrid granitoids is very heteroge- which is ubiquitous in hybrid granitoids from the Pietersburg block in
neous. They are not reported in every late-Archean craton, and where South Africa as well as in the Amazonian and Dharwar Cratons
they do occur, they can represent either a very small volume (e.g. in (Almeida et al., 2010, 2013; Jayananda et al., 2006). Hornblende is
the Kuhmo district of the Baltic shield; Mikkola et al., 2011b) or a signif- generally rare or only present as relics: some monzogranites from
icant crustal component, like in the Pietersburg block in South Africa the Pietersburg block contain cm-sized mafic clots, interpreted as
where they form several large granitic plutons (Fig. 2). pseudomorphs of early amphibole crystals into biotite + epidote as-
semblages (Laurent, 2012), a characteristic also reported from hy-
brid granitoids of the Dharwar Craton (Jayananda et al., 2006).
2.4.1. Geology and petrography Accessory minerals are magnetite, ilmenite, apatite, titanite and
In general, late-Archean hybrid granitoids are well-defined plutons, allanite.
like in the Pietersburg block (Fig. 2). They generally consist of com-
posite magmatic complexes where, in contrast to the sanukitoids,
the monzogranitic phases largely prevail over granodiorites and diorites. 2.4.2. Key geochemical features
For example, in the northern Kaapvaal craton, the latter are restricted There is no systematic geochemistry of hybrid granitoids, because
to scarce, small (b 1 m) enclaves enclosed within the dominant coarse- the different components that are involved in their genesis differ from
grained (0.5–2 cm), equigranular to porphyritic monzogranites one craton to another. Nevertheless, as reported by all authors, they
(Fig. 3f). In other areas, granodioritic phases can be more abundant are typically intermediate in composition between the granitoids
(e.g. Almeida et al., 2010; Champion and Smithies, 2003) but there, from the other three groups (Almeida et al., 2010, 2013; Champion
too, mafic rocks are scarce or even absent, and clearly distinguish and Sheraton, 1997; Champion and Smithies, 2003; Jayananda et al.,
these intrusions from sanukitoids s.l. 2006; Moyen et al., 2001). For example, the Mashashane, Mashishimale,
Most often, the dominant monzogranites consist of sodic plagioclase Matlala and Moletsi monzogranites from the Pietersburg block
(An5–20) (~30%), K-feldspar (~30%), quartz (~25%), with biotite (b15%) resemble biotite- and two-mica granites in being calc-alkaline to
as the dominant mafic mineral. They differ from classic biotite- and two- alkali-calcic, silica-rich rocks (SiO2 N 68 wt.%), with high K2O/Na2O
Wyoming Dharwar
China Tanzania
Fig. 7. Proposed ternary classification diagram for late-Archean granitoids: 2 ∗ A/CNK (molar Al2O3/[CaO + Na2O + K2O] ratio); Na2O/K2O ratio; 2 ∗ (FeOt + MgO)wt.% ∗ (Sr + Ba)wt.%
(=FMSB). The multiplication factors were only added for scaling purposes. Examples of each group of late-Archean granitoids were plotted on the diagram, including samples from
the Pietersburg block and the Limpopo Belt in South Africa (symbols) as well as 7 other cratons worldwide (for references, see Table 2). This diagram can be used as a petrogenetic
indicator, each pole representing an end-member source of late-Archean granitoids: (1) pre-existing crustal rocks (pole A/CNK); (2) low-K mafic rocks (pole Na2O/K2O); and (3) a
LILE-rich, metasomatized mantle (pole FMSB). The hybrid granitoids plot in the convergence area of the other three groups. See text for details.
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 221
ratios (0.5–1.5) (Table 2; Fig. 4a–b). However, they are poorer in 2.5. A synthetic classification diagram
Al (12 ≤ Al 2 O 3 ≤ 14 wt.%) and richer in ferromagnesian oxides
(1 ≤ FeO t + MgO + MnO + TiO 2 ≤ 7 wt.%; Fig. 4c) leading to The review presented above pinpoints the involvement of three end-
metaluminous affinities (0.85 ≤ A/CNK ≤ 1.05; Fig. 4b) and lower member petrogenetic processes in the origin of late-Archean granites. We
Al2O3/(FeOt + MgO) ratios (Fig. 4d), which is more typical of sanukitoids therefore propose to use a synthetic ternary diagram for purposes of clas-
s.l. sification, in which each pole represents a key geochemical characteristic
The same observation can be made for trace elements. Trace element of granitoids produced through one of these processes (Fig. 7):
patterns of hybrid granites are similar to those of biotite- and two-mica
(1) Na2O/K2O for melting of meta-igneous mafic rocks with low to
granites in their high Rb, Th contents (Table 2) and negative Ba, Sr
moderate K2O contents;
anomalies (Fig. 5a), as well as their Ba/Rb ratios (Fig. 5b). However,
(2) FMSB ([FeOt + MgO]wt.% ∗ [Sr + Ba]wt.%) for the interactions be-
like sanukitoids, they are also very rich in REE and HFSE (Fig. 5c–d),
tween peridotite and components rich in incompatible elements
which results in lower Sr/Y ratios than in any other granitoid type
(in particular LILE); and
(Fig. 5b). Zr and V contents are also intermediate between those of
(3) A/CNK for melting of Al-rich, felsic crustal lithologies (TTGs,
sanukitoids s.l. and high-Al granites (Table 2; Fig. 5c). Due to high
HREE contents (3.0 ≤ Yb ≤ 10.4 ppm), REE patterns are moderately
fractionated (5.0 ≤ LaN/YbN ≤ 17.6) and have a marked negative Eu We plotted the composition of late-Archean granitoids from South
anomaly (0.2 ≤ EuN/Eu* ≤ 0.7; Fig. 5d). Africa together with those from other Archean cratons worldwide in
this ternary diagram (Fig. 7). Three important observations can be
2.4.3. Petrogenesis made: (i) all members of a given group show relatively similar compo-
Fig. 6 shows that the major-element composition of hybrid gran- sitions regardless of their geographic origin, highlighting the relevance
itoids does not unambiguously point to an origin through melting of of the classification; (ii) the diagram is fairly effective at discriminating
a single crustal lithology. Most authors that have studied such granites late-Archean granitoids, as the different groups are clearly distinct from
worldwide therefore propose a mixed origin, which basically involves each other: TTGs trend towards the Na2O/K2O pole, whilst biotite- and
any of the magma or sources of the previously defined groups: mixing two-mica granites plot close to the A/CNK pole and sanukitoids s.l. are
between a differentiated sanukitoid magma and a TTG liquid (Almeida concentrated around the FMSB end-member; (iii) there is however a
et al., 2010), contamination of melts originating from the lower mafic significant overlap between the different granitoid groups, especially
crust by an older crustal component (Jayananda et al., 2006; Smithies in the central part of the ternary diagram where they all converge to-
and Champion, 2000), hybridization of TTG magmas by enriched man- wards the field of hybrid granitoids, a problem obviously inherent in
tle (Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Prabhakar et al., 2009) or a complex inter- the petrogenesis of the latter. This issue further emphasizes that there
play of these different mechanisms (Champion and Sheraton, 1997). In is a compositional continuum between the four granitoid groups de-
the Pietersburg block, the hybrid granites are akin to both sanukitoid fined here and that, therefore, many samples actually represent
suites (high FeOt + MgO + MnO + TiO2 as well as high REE and HFSE magmas derived from relative contributions of the three end-
contents; Figs. 4c, 5), and biotite- and two-mica granites (low CaO/ members. Likewise, this illustrates that this diagram must be used in ad-
[Na2O + K2O], similar Rb, Ba, Th contents and K2O/Na2O; Figs. 4, 5). dition to other, classical geochemical projections, and cannot substitute
Therefore, in that case, they likely originate from interactions between careful petrogenetic modelling.
felsic magmas derived from the differentiation of sanukitoids and
crustal melts (similar in composition to biotite- and two-mica gran- 3. Late-Archean crustal evolution: a two-stage sequence
ites). This model is supported by structural and textural evidence of
magma interaction (magma mingling, rapakivi textured feldspars and 3.1. Evidence from geochronology
quartz ocelli; Laurent, 2012; heterogeneity in zircon populations and
compositions; Laurent et al., 2013b), as well as variable Nd–Hf isotope It has long been demonstrated that during the Neoarchean,
compositions in hybrid granitoids (εNd = 0 to −5; Laurent, 2012) com- emplacement of dominantly granitic and potassic magmas followed
pared with sanukitoids s.l. (εNd = −3 to −4; Laurent et al., 2014). the massive formation of sodic TTGs in most Archean cratons
3.3 IV
bodies in
Small bodies
Ib ? Emplacement of TTG
Fig. 8. Compilation of (1) U–Pb and Pb–Pb emplacement ages obtained for the four granitoid groups in the Pietersburg block (data from Brandl and Kröner, 1993; Brandl et al., 1996; de Wit
et al., 1993; Henderson et al., 2000; Kröner et al., 2000; Laurent et al., 2013b; Poujol, 1997, 2001; Poujol and Robb, 1999; Zeh et al., 2009, 2013) — the different groups are colour-coded as in
Figs. 4 to 7; and (2) all age data from detrital zircons in the Pietersburg greenstone belt (PGB; grey boxes) (Zeh and Gerdes, 2012). See text for discussion.
222 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
Age (Ga)
phase 2
2.85 Magmatic
phase 1
TTG Sanukitoids "Hybrid" Biotite- and two-
magmatism s.l. granitoids -mica granites
Fig. 9. Top: map of exposed Archean crust (after Bleeker, 2003) in grey, and selected cratons of interest (in red) where the late-Archean granitoid evolution is well documented. Bottom: for
each one of these areas, simplified age distribution for the four groups of late-Archean granitoids defined in this study (modified and completed after Heilimo et al., 2011). The same
sequence is systematically repeated in every terrane, with a preliminary, long-lasting period of TTG emplacement (Phase 1) and a subsequent, much shorter time during which all the
other three groups are emplaced together or in rapid succession (Phase 2). For references and interpretation, see text and Table 1.
(e.g. Almeida et al., 2013; Champion and Smithies, 2003; Condie, 1981; during that period, but Zeh and Gerdes (2012) identified dis-
Heilimo et al., 2011; Jahn et al., 1988; Martin and Querré, 1984; Moyen crete episodes of more intense magmatic activity at ~ 3.30,
et al., 2003; Sylvester, 1994). Such an evolution is well illustrated by a ~ 3.25, ~ 3.20, ~ 3.10 and ~ 2.95 Ga (Fig. 7).
compilation of emplacement ages obtained from all granitoid rocks (2) Between 2.84 and 2.69 Ga, a briefer period during which all
of the Pietersburg block (Fig. 8). According to these data, the tempo- other types of granitoids were generated. Firstly, small masses
ral evolution of late-Archean granitoid magmatism in this area took of biotite- and two-mica granites intruded TTGs at 2.84 Ga;
place in two main stages: this event was followed, 2.75 to 2.79 Ga-ago, by the for-
mation of the compositionally similar, but larger Turfloop
(1) Between 3.30 and 2.85 Ga, a long period of almost exclusively and Lekkersmaak batholiths. All the hybrid granites were
TTG magmatism was recorded by emplacement ages from the then emplaced within a very short time span at around 2.69 Ga,
gneiss units. The ages of detrital zircons from sediments in the together with the sanukitoids s.l. of the Matok pluton and coeval
Pietersburg greenstone belt span this whole range (Fig. 8), in- with another major episode of crustal anatexis (e.g. Kreissig et al.,
dicating that TTG emplacement was more or less continuous 2000; Taylor et al., 2014).
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 223
Fig. 9 shows that there is a striking similarity between this emplace- tholeiitic mafic rocks; and (ii) the subsequent melting of the latter, giv-
ment sequence in the northern Kaapvaal Craton and granitoid evolution ing rise to the TTGs. The homogeneously high Hf–Nd isotope composi-
in other Archean terranes worldwide. Initially there is a long period (up tions and the wide spread of model ages over this long timespan
to 0.5 Ga, but generally in the range of 0.2–0.3 Ga) of almost exclusive TTG indicate that mafic rocks were being continuously generated from the
magmatism, building up large volumes of felsic continental crust. Imme- mantle and subsequently re-melted to produce TTGs over several
diately after TTG emplacement, and within a shorter timespan (~0.05 Ga hundreds of Ma, and that the length of time between the two steps
on average), the whole range of high-K granitoids (sanukitoids s.l., remained relatively short throughout this period. In sharp contrast,
biotite-and two mica-bearing granites, hybrid granites) is generated the isotopic signature of the second stage points to the coeval involve-
and emplaced. ment of mantle sources (many sanukitoids have positive εNd(t);
The planetary scale of this event is highlighted by the fact that, in Fig. 11) and recycling of the continental crust generated during the
most cratons, it took place at the end of Archean aeon, between 3.0 first stage. This second stage has a greater diversity of sources and
and 2.5 Ga (Fig. 9). However, a comparative scrutiny of the evolution petrogenetic mechanisms, which can be separated into three catego-
shows two main temporal differences from one craton to another: ries: (i) melting of an “enriched” mantle, to generate mafic magmas
which subsequently differentiated to give rise to sanukitoid (s.l.)
(1) The absolute lengths of the two magmatic stages vary widely suites; (ii) melting of pre-existing crustal rocks (mostly TTGs and
from one region to another. Extreme examples are the Amazo- minor metasediments) to produce biotite- and two-mica granites;
nian Craton, where the episode of TTG emplacement lasted (iii) interaction between magma types from (i) and (ii) (or their
~ 0.1 Ga, and the second magmatic stage less than 30 Ma sources) to generate the hybrid granitoids. Crustal recycling may
(Fig. 9), and the Kaapvaal Craton, in which these two events therefore have resulted either from direct intracrustal melting (pro-
spanned over ~ 0.50 and ~ 0.15 Ga, respectively (Figs. 8 and 9). ducing biotite- and two-mica granites) or introduction of crustal-
However, the relative duration of the two stages was identical derived material into the mantle, forming the metasomatized mantle
in both cases. source of the sanukitoids s.l. and explaining why some of them have
(2) The transition from one magmatic stage to the other took relatively evolved isotopic signatures (Figs. 10 and 11).
place at very different times globally (as early as ~ 2.95 Ga in
the Pilbara Craton, but as late as ~ 2.55 Ga in the Dharwar and 4. Geodynamic implications: late-Archean granitoid evolution
North China cratons; Fig. 9), highlighting the diachronic character reflecting subduction and continental collision
of late-Archean magmatism, as already discussed by Almeida
et al. (2013), Heilimo et al. (2011) and Champion and Smithies 4.1. First stage: genesis of TTGs
4.1.1. Possible geodynamic environments
3.2. Evidence from isotope data The geochemical diversity of TTGs, which is the main component
of Archean crust, indicates that these were generated by melting of
The temporal evolution of late-Archean granitoid magmatism is metabasalt at various depths, which can be achieved in several
recorded not only by the geochronology, but also by Hf-Nd isotope sys- different geodynamic settings (see Moyen, 2011; Moyen and
tematics. Fig. 10 shows the evolution of initial isotope compositions of Martin, 2012 for review). These include (i) subduction-like settings
Hf (zircon) and Nd (whole-rock) in granitoids in the northern Kaapvaal in which subducted meta-basalts (oceanic crust or plateaus) melted
Craton. The first magmatic stage (3.33–2.85 Ga) is characterized by pos- due to higher Archean geothermal gradients (e.g. Defant and
itive εHf values in zircons from TTGs (εHf(t) = 0 to +5; Fig. 10a), as well Drummond, 1990; Martin, 1986, 1987, 1999; Martin and Moyen,
as a close similarity between magmatic ages of TTGs (2.85–3.33 Ga; 2002; Martin et al., 2014; Rapp et al., 2003); (ii) tectonic environ-
Fig. 8) and their Nd model ages (2.95–3.30 Ga; Fig. 10b). Both lines ments unrelated to plate boundaries, such as the progressive matura-
of evidence unequivocally indicate that this was a period of juvenile tion of an oceanic plateau above a long-lived mantle plume (e.g.
magmatism and therefore of continental crust extraction from the Bédard, 2006, 2013; Bédard et al., 2003; Smithies, 2000; Willbold
mantle. In contrast, granitoids emplaced during the second stage (bi- et al., 2009; Zegers and van Keken, 2001) and (iii) intermediate scenar-
otite- and two-mica granites, sanukitoids s.l. and hybrid granites) ios, such as delamination at the base of a magmatically or tectonically
clearly show more scattered and more evolved, “enriched” signa- over-thickened (N30 km) mafic crust (e.g. Bédard et al., 2003;
tures (εNd(t) = 0 to − 5; εHf(t) = + 2 to − 5), pointing to significant Johnson et al., 2013; Moyen, 2011; van Thienen et al., 2004). Here, we
reworking and recycling processes. In other words, the geological propose that subduction is arguably the most plausible geodynamic en-
history of the Pietersburg block is characterized by long-lasting, in- vironment to explain the genesis of TTGs in the first stage of the late-
tense juvenile crust formation and ended up with the recycling of Archean granitoid evolution.
this preexisting crust.
A review of available whole-rock Nd isotope data from late- 4.1.2. Late-Archean TTGs formed in a subduction setting: geometric and
Archean granitoids in four reasonably well-documented cratons geochemical constraints
(Baltic Shield, North China Craton, East Dharwar Craton and Superior As discussed earlier, most of late-Archean (b3.0 Ga-old) TTGs are
Province; after Dey, 2013) shows that this evolution is systematic Sr-rich and Y–HREE-poor, thus corresponding to the “low-HREE”
(Fig. 11). The first stage of the magmatic sequence defined in group of Halla et al. (2009) and the “medium-” to “high-pressure”
Section 3.1 is characterized either by (i) emplacement of juvenile groups of Moyen (2011), which these authors consider as having been
TTGs, having dominantly positive εNd(t), over a long period; or (ii) generated at pressures N1.0 GPa (i.e. at depths N35 km). Such melting
major crust-forming events depicted by Nd model ages of TTGs is unlikely to have taken place in the crust, especially in the Archean
ranging over that time span (Fig. 11). In comparison, the much context where a higher heat flux from the mantle resulted in a weaker
shorter second magmatic stage is always associated with greater crust, unable to sustain thicknesses N30 km (England and Bickle,
variability of Nd isotope compositions (up to 10 epsilon units; Fig. 11) 1984; Johnson et al., 2013; Rey and Coltice, 2008). Thus, the genesis
and obvious involvement of older crustal components in granitoid of these magmas requires that (hydrous) mafic rocks were somehow
sources (highly negative εNd(t)). introduced deep into the mantle.
According to the petrogenetic model of TTGs described in This requirement is easily achieved in the context of a subduction
Section 2.1.3, new crust was formed during the first magmatic setting. It may also be fulfilled by other scenarios, though, especially if
stage in two successive steps: (i) melting of the mantle to produce the base of the mafic crust becomes gravitationally unstable owing to
224 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
(a) +8 (b) +6
Detrital zircons from the Pietersburg greenstone belt
DM Stage 2 Stage 1
ft and
el, 20
+4 +3 (dePaolo,
1981) TTG Model Ages
–4 –3
Isotopic evolution of Pietersburg
TTGs samples
Stage 2 Stage 1
–8 –6
2.50 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30 3.50 2.50 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30 3.50
Age (Ga) Age (Ga)
Fig. 10. Hf–Nd isotopic evolution of late-Archean granitoids in the Pietersburg block (symbols as in Figs. 4 to 7): (a) εHf(t) of zircon vs. age diagram for samples investigated by Zeh et al.
(2009, 2013) (one symbol = average of several LA-MC-ICPMS zircon analyses, typically ~15) and individual analyses of detrital zircon grains from sediments of the Pietersburg greenstone
belts (grey circles; Zeh and Gerdes, 2012). DM model is after Blichert-Toft and Putchel (2010); (b) εNd(t) of whole rock vs. age diagram (data from Henderson et al., 2000; Laurent, 2012
and Laurent et al., 2014); the dashed grey lines represent the isotopic evolution of TTG samples for which no absolute age is available (data from Kreissig et al., 2000). The two stages of the
magmatic evolution defined on geochronological grounds in Section 3.1 and Fig. 8 are also shown (yellow and grey areas). Note that Stage 1 corresponds to (i) a long period of
suprachondritic Hf isotope composition and (ii) a major crust-forming event as witnessed by TTG model ages, whereas Hf–Nd signatures are more scattered and evolve towards negative
values during Stage 2.
+4 +8
+3 +6
DM TTG Model Ages
+2 DM
εNd (t) Whole rock
εNd (t) Whole rock
Baltic shield –4 North China
–4 Finland –6 craton
–5 –8 Mafic rock
One sample at –10
–6 –10
2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10
Age (Ga) Age (Ga)
+6 +6
+2 +2
εNd (t) Whole rock
–2 –2
Early reworking ?
–4 –4
Superior Province East Dharwar
–6 –6
Canada craton
–8 –8 India
–10 –10
2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20
Age (Ga) Age (Ga)
Fig. 11. Compilation of εNd(t) of whole rocks vs. age diagram for late-Archean granitoids in four different regions. Each sample is assigned to one of the four groups of our classification:
TTGs (squares), sanukitoids s.l. (triangles), biotite- and two-mica granites (circles) and hybrid granites (diamonds). The grey dashed lines represent the isotopic evolution of TTG samples
for which no absolute age is available. The two stages of the magmatic evolution are as in Fig. 9. The isotopic evolution is comparable to that of late-Archean granitoids in the Pietersburg
block (Fig. 10), as the first stage (yellowish fields) is characterized either by emplacement of juvenile TTGs (and coeval mafic rocks) or represents a protracted period of crust formation (Nd
model ages), whereas the second stage (greyish fields) shows much more scatter over a shorter timespan, and overall a salient trend towards more negative εNd(t). Modified and
completed after Dey (2013); for references, see Table 1.
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 225
the formation of eclogites at depth. Formation of an eclogitic root can 4.1.3. The meaning of “subduction”
be due to partial melting of mafic material at the base of an oceanic The conclusion that late-Archean TTGs formed in a “subduction”
crust or plateau, producing garnet- and pyroxene-bearing residues environment does not imply necessarily that those “subduction” zones
(e.g. Bédard, 2006; Zegers and van Keken, 2001). However, such were similar to present-day situations (i.e. a long-lived, continuous
delaminated residues would consist of anhydrous and refractory ma- slab regularly plunging along an active margin several thousands of
terial, which is unlikely to melt any further and thus yield the great kilometres long), neither that they were the driving force of plate tec-
volumes of TTG observed in late Archean cratons. Alternatively, de- tonics at that time. Moyen and van Hunen (2012) proposed that, unlike
lamination can take place “spontaneously” if the mafic crust is the present-day situation, an Archean subducted slab could not have
thick enough for eclogitic assemblages to be stable at its base, but been stable, but would have been subjected to frequent break-off, lead-
this can take place only if the crust has a komatiitic composition ing to the episodic sinking of basaltic fragments into the mantle. Such a
(N 21 wt.% MgO; Johnson et al., 2013), whilst the source of TTGs is basal- process is a possible scenario for the late-Archean period and would
tic rather than komatiitic. The only way to generate “medium-” and typically result in several pulses of TTG magmatism, as seen in the
“high-pressure” TTGs by melting delaminated mafic rocks is therefore Pietersburg block (Zeh and Gerdes, 2012; see Section 3.1 and Fig. 8)
to consider a tectonically over-thickened (i.e. gravitationally unstable) and several other terranes of that age (Figs. 9 and 11). Likewise, if one
basaltic crust (Moyen, 2011). considers melting of subducted oceanic plateaus, the episodic produc-
Although plausible to explain the origin of TTGs as such, this tion of the latter would account for successive pulses of TTG magmatism
possibility is challenged by the whole evolution of late-Archean (Martin et al., 2014).
granitoids, and in particular the subsequent emplacement of On the other hand, if late-Archean subduction was actually an unsta-
sanukitoids (s.l.) during the second stage of the magmatic se- ble, transient process, then it was probably unable to drive plate tecton-
quence. Sanukitoids were generated by interactions between man- ics efficiently (Moyen and van Hunen, 2012; O'Neill et al., 2007b; Sizova
tle peridotite and LILE-, LREE-rich material (see Sections 2.2.3 and et al., 2010; van Hunen and van den Berg, 2008). Recently, Bédard et al.
3.2). Such material had to be water-rich in order to account for (2013) proposed a solution to this paradox proposing that nuclei of
the generally high H 2 O contents of the “primary” sanukitoid continental crust were actually the active tectonic agent, drifting in
magmas (Laurent et al., 2013a; Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2008; response to the entrainment of their stiff mantle keel in mantle convec-
Oliveira et al., 2009, 2010). Delaminated basalts would not be rich tion currents. At their leading edges, such drifting proto-cratons would
enough in incompatible elements and water to represent such material. override oceanic, mafic crust or plateaus, which in turn would be buried
Alternatively, melting of delaminated basaltic rocks might have pro- deep in the mantle and eventually melt to produce “medium-” to “high-
duced LILE-, LREE-rich and hydrous TTGs, which in turn were responsi- pressure” TTGs; a scenario equivalent to subduction from a geometric
ble for metasomatism in the surrounding mantle. In that case, (and geochemical) point of view.
sanukitoids would be expected to have been produced at any time
together with TTGs, in response to the successive events of mantle re- 4.2. Second stage: genesis of sanukitoids s.l., biotite-, two-mica granites and
enrichment by delamination of lower crustal material. Instead, the evo- hybrids
lution of late-Archean granitoids shows that sanukitoids s.l. are rather
associated with biotite-, two-mica and hybrid granites and largely re- 4.2.1. Possible geodynamic environments
stricted to the second stage of the magmatic evolution (see Section 3 In all late-Archean terranes the granitoids emplaced during the
and Figs. 8 to 11). second magmatic stage (sanukitoids s.l., biotite- and two-mica granites,
Moreover, many authors proposed that the mantle source of some hybrid granitoids) result from different degrees of interaction between
sanukitoids s.l. interacted with sediments, or sediment-derived two main source end-members: (i) the local continental crust and (ii)
fluids/melts (Halla, 2005; King et al., 1998; Laurent et al., 2011, mantle peridotite metasomatically enriched in incompatible elements.
2014; Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2008; Mikkola et al., 2011b), which This implies that both geochemical reservoirs were associated geomet-
are most easily introduced to mantle depth by subduction. Delami- rically, and requires a thermal anomaly to account for their coeval melt-
nation of supracrustal material could be an alternative to subduction ing. There are two different geodynamic environments which fit these
(e.g. Bédard, 2013), but such buoyant material would be hard to constraints: (i) an event of terrane accretion (i.e. continental collision)
transfer to lower crustal depths even considering a classical convective where crustal thickening followed by slab breakoff, retreat or litho-
overturn. And if so, it is unlikely that it would survive its transfer spheric delamination provides the required heat source (Dey et al.,
through a hot, convective and certainly partially molten crust. Finally, 2014; Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Halla et al., 2009; Heilimo et al., 2010;
the radiogenic isotope signature of many sanukitoids (Fig. 11) indicates Laurent et al., 2013a, 2014; Mikkola et al., 2011b; Smithies et al., 2007;
that the interactions between mantle and enriched components took Whalen et al., 2004), or (ii) an intraplate setting, where the
place shortly (b0.3 Ga and most often b0.1 Ga) before emplacement lithosphere is affected by a thermal event such as plume upwelling
(Halla, 2005; Käpyaho et al., 2006; Kovalenko et al., 2005; Laurent (Jayananda et al., 2000) or rifting and break-up of a stable continent
et al., 2011, 2014; Shirey and Hanson, 1984). This supports the (Smithies and Champion, 2000). Following most authors, we prefer
hypothesis that sanukitoid genesis took place soon after a subduc- the model of terrane amalgamation and continental collision, as
tion event. discussed below.
Importantly, the presence of “low-pressure” (Sr- and Al-poor, Y- and
HREE-rich) TTGs in the late-Archean geological record (Almeida et al., 4.2.2. Continent–continent collision: analogy with post-Archean collisional
2011; Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Halla et al., 2009; Whalen et al., 2002; granitoids
see Section 2.1.3) does not preclude a convergent plate setting. As pro- Clearly, the range of granitoids formed during the second stage of
posed by several authors, subduction can take place in an “intra-ocean- the late-Archean evolution are more akin to those formed in post-
ic” setting, e.g. beneath a thick oceanic plateau (Almeida et al., 2011, Archean collisional settings than intraplate environments. Indeed,
2013; Halla et al., 2009; Heilimo et al., 2010). This particular setting calc-alkaline, K-rich granitoids generated in syn- to late-collisional con-
would adequately account for the coexistence, and even the co- texts of b 2.5 Ga-old orogens also derive from the respective contri-
magmatic character in some cases (Almeida et al., 2011), of “low- bution of local crust and metasomatized lithospheric mantle, whilst
pressure” and “high-pressure” TTGs. The latter thus represent “slab granitoids formed in purely intraplate settings are invariably alka-
melts”, whilst the former originated through partial melting at the line and less diverse (Bonin, 2004; Clemens et al., 2009; Debon and
base of the thick, overlying mafic pile heated up by thermal conduc- Lemmet, 1999; Downes et al., 1997; Ferré et al., 1998; Frost et al.,
tion and advection. 2001; Harris et al., 1986; Liégeois et al., 1998; Turner et al., 1992). For
226 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
instance, Cenozoic magmatism in the Himalayas is characterized by the Melting of enriched
coexistence of high-K granitoids generated by melting of local crust (ei- mantle
ther metasediments for the High Himalayan Leucogranites or meta- Melting of
igneous lithologies for calc-alkaline granitoids; e.g. Aikman et al., crustal lithologies
2012; Chung et al., 2003; Guo and Wilson, 2012; Harrison et al., 1997, 2000
1999; Le Fort et al., 1987; Reichardt et al., 2010; Zeng et al., 2011) and
Sr + Ba (ppm)
high-K calc-alkaline, shoshonitic to ultrapotassic, mafic and intermedi- 1000 UC
Mantle enrichment
ate volcanics, derived from metasomatized phlogopite- and/or BC
Zhao et al., 2009).
In order to support this analogy, we present here a comparison of the
granitoids emplaced during the second stage of the late-Archean
magmatic evolution with Paleozoic granitoids from the French Massif
Central (FMC). There, erosion has exposed the mid-crustal levels
of the Variscan orogenic belt and in particular, huge amounts of Carbon-
iferous syn- to late-collisional granitoids. These granitoids can be classi- 500
fied into three groups (Fig. 12):
Mantle enrichment
Turpin et al., 1990). All were generated by partial melting of
a crustal (generally meta-sedimentary) source (Barbey et al.,
1999; Williamson et al., 1992, 1997). 10
(2) High FeO t + MgO, metaluminous, intermediate to mafic
(SiO2 = 45–60 wt.%) monzo- and syenodiorites, rich in K 5
and incompatible elements (4 ≤ K2O ≤ 9 wt.%), locally referred
to as “vaugnerites” (Aït-Malek, 1997; Couzinié et al., 2014;
Galán et al., 1997; Gardien et al., 2011; Ledru et al., 2001; 1000
Michon, 1987; Montel and Weisbrod, 1986; Solgadi et al.,
2007). Their genesis requires an enriched mantle source
(e.g. Agranier, 2001; Couzinié et al., 2014; Debon and Lemmet,
1999; von Raumer et al., 2013).
(3) “Sub-alkaline” granites, which are K-rich, generally amphibole-
Nb + Zr + Y (ppm)
bearing granitoids containing abundant microgranular mafic BC
enclaves (e.g. Didier et al., 1989; Solgadi et al., 2007). These
Mantle enrichment
granitoids are believed to result from mixing or mingling of 100
the previous two groups (Downes et al., 1997; Solgadi et al.,
2007) which gave rise to a great variety of hybrid and hetero- 50 "Mantle
geneous phases.
As shown in Fig. 12, the composition of these three groups of granit- 20
oids from the FMC overlaps those of granitoids emplaced during the sec-
ond stage of the late-Archean granitoid evolution. The “vaugnerites” are 10
the richest in both ferromagnesian oxides and incompatible elements, 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50
thus displaying the same features as sanukitoids s.l. On the other FeOt + MgO (wt.%)
hand, FMC peraluminous granites are comparable to late-Archean
biotite- and two-mica granites, in the sense that they derive from Peraluminous
similar petrogenetic processes, i.e. melting of the dominant crustal
"Subalkaline" granites
lithologies (which are mostly TTGs in Archean terrains and and their enclaves
BC UC Bulk / Upper Crust
metasediments in post-Archean orogens, thus accounting for the
limited occurrence of two-mica granites before 2.5 Ga). In addition, a Fig. 12. Plots of incompatible element contents (Sr + Ba; La concentrations normalized to
variety of granitoids range between these two end-members, i.e. C1 chondrite value of McDonough and Sun, 1995; and sum of HFSE = Nb + Zr + Y)
the late-Archean hybrid granitoids and the late Carboniferous “sub-al- plotted as a function of FeOt + MgO (wt.%) concentrations. These plots illustrate the sim-
kaline” ones. Therefore, it can be reasonably concluded that ilarity between post-Archean, late-collisional granitoid associations (represented by the
three groups of late-Variscan granitoids of the French Massif Central (FMC): “vaugnerites”,
the granitoids which characterize the second magmatic stage of the
peraluminous granites, “subalkaline” granites — coloured fields; database available on
late-Archean evolution were generated in a syn- to late-collisional request), and the late-Archean granitoids emplaced during the second stage of the mag-
geodynamic environment. matic evolution discussed in Section 3: sanukitoids s.l., biotite-bearing granites and hybrid
This hypothesis is also supported by isotope data from late-Archean granitoids (represented by samples from the Pietersburg block; symbols as in Figs. 4 to 7).
granitoids: the second stage of the magmatic evolution is indeed The composition of the average bulk and upper continental crust (data from Rudnick and
Gao, 2003) as well as the composition of mantle-derived magmas (MORB and OIB) are
marked by a greater diversity of initial Nd–Hf isotope signatures than
also presented for comparison. The dashed line separating compositions of magmas
the first one, and notably of a spread towards less radiogenic composi- derived from crustal- and enriched mantle sources is qualitatively represented by the
tions (see Figs. 9 and 11 and Section 3.2). In the post-Archean record, “intracrustal” differentiation trend, i.e. the line joining the upper- and bulk crustal
such distinct isotopic evolutions are generally observed when a conver- compositions.
gent (i.e. subduction) environment turns into continental collision, for
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 227
example in the Lachlan fold belt in SE Australia (e.g. Hawkesworth (which can be limited, for example in the case of a “hot” or retreating
et al., 2010; Kemp et al., 2009) or the Kohistan area in Pakistan orogen). Nevertheless, we emphasize here that the common factor in
(Bouilhol et al., 2013). The drift towards less radiogenic Nd–Hf iso- all these scenarios is the involvement of both metasomatized mantle
tope compositions is also very consistent with an increase in and crustal lithologies in the genesis of granitoid magmas, irrespective
reworking and recycling processes, respectively associated with of the geometry of the system and the heat source at the origin of
thickening of the crust during collision (genesis of biotite- and two- crust and lithospheric mantle melting.
mica granites) and melting of “enriched” mantle sources with low
Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf ratios during the post-collisional stage.
Finally, sanukitoids s.l., biotite-, two-mica granites and hybrid 4.3. A global geodynamic model
phases are either coeval or emplaced within a short time span immedi-
ately after the waning of TTG magmatism. This very specific evolution The above evidence points to the evolution of late-Archean granit-
took place on a planetary scale between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga, but at slightly oids recording an episode of subduction (first stage) and subsequent
different times from one craton to another (see Section 3.1). If the continent–continent collision (second stage). This conclusion is consis-
activity of mantle plumes was at the origin of these granitoids, then tent with those of previous studies focusing on the diversity of late-
plume upwelling would have taken place at different times from Archean granitoids in a given cratonic area (Almeida et al., 2011,
place to place, but always immediately after a period of TTG magmatism, 2013; Dey et al., 2014; Feng and Kerrich, 1992; Halla et al., 2009;
which is implausible. Moreover, there is a strong structural control on Käpyaho et al., 2006; Moyen et al., 2003; Smithies and Champion,
granitoid emplacement during the second stage: magmas specifically 2000; Whalen et al., 2004) and with reviews of geodynamic evolution
intrude along crustal-scale structures (Champion and Sheraton, 1997; in individual Archean terranes (Percival et al., 2006; Smithies et al.,
Jayananda et al., 1995; Moyen et al., 2001), at the boundaries between 2007; van Kranendonk et al., 2007). Hence, a tentative, generic
distinct crustal domains (Bibikova et al., 2005; Heilimo et al., 2010; geodynamic evolution for late-Archean terranes is proposed in Fig. 13.
Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2005; van Kranendonk et al., 2007) and/or in During the first stage, subduction takes place with possible episodic
association with regional tectono-metamorphic overprints (Laurent break-off and foundering of “rafts” of basaltic oceanic crust and/or oce-
et al., 2011, 2014). In addition, in a given cratonic area, late-Archean anic plateaus (Fig. 13a). This leads to (i) several pulses of juvenile TTG
granulites are generally coeval with the granitoids emplaced during magmatism over a long period of time and (ii) metasomatism of the
the second stage of the magmatic evolution (Percival, 1994). All lines overlying “mantle wedge” by fluids or melts derived from metabasalts
of evidence thus support the granitoids being spatially and temporally (i.e. TTGs) and/or crust-derived, terrigenous sediments. Subduction
associated with terrane amalgamation rather than a plume or rifting can take place either along a pre-existing, Paleoarchean continental
event. nucleus (e.g. in the northern Kaapvaal Craton) or in an “intra-oceanic”
setting, for instance beneath a thick and recent oceanic plateau
(Almeida et al., 2011, 2013; Halla et al., 2009) (Fig. 13a; see also
4.2.3. The meaning of “continent–continent collision” Section 4.1). Ultimately, this first stage leads to the closure of an
The terminology of “continent–continent collision” that we use here oceanic basin and welding of two (proto)continental blocks (conti-
has a very general meaning and refers primarily to the amalgamation of nental collision). At that stage, sanukitoids s.l. can be generated by
two continental blocks. Continental collision can be accommodated by significant interaction between the last TTG melts and peridotite,
different orogenic styles, including retreating or advancing plate bound- whilst thickening of the crust triggers its partial melting, giving rise
aries followed by collision proper, which can itself take place and evolve to biotite- and two-mica granites (Fig. 13b). Sanukitoid s.l. can also
according to different scenarios (such as slab retreat, break-off, or ongo- be emplaced during the late- to post-collisional period owing to
ing convergence and formation of an orogenic plateau) depending on thermal relaxation and extension, which induce melting of the previ-
the thermo-mechanical conditions of the system (Cawood et al., 2009; ously enriched lithospheric mantle (Fig. 13c). Slab break-off, slab
Duretz and Gerya, 2013; Vanderhaeghe, 2010; and references therein). retreat or lithosphere delamination, which is likely to take place in
These different possibilities vary primarily in terms of geothermal gradi- the late- to post-collisional stages (e.g. Bonin, 2004; Duretz and
ents, kinematics, deformation patterns and extent of crustal thickening Gerya, 2013; Liégeois et al., 1998; van Hunen and Allen, 2011;
Fig. 13. Synthetic, conceptual cartoon illustrating the proposed geodynamic environment corresponding to the evolution of late-Archean granitoids, i.e. a subduction–collision sequence.
See text for discussion.
228 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
Age (Ga)
tween sanukitoids s.l. and crust-derived melts potentially generates
a wide spectrum of hybrid granitoids. 3.4
Depending on local conditions, such as the composition of the
sources involved in magma genesis, the nature of the resulting granit-
oids can vary from one craton to another. This reliably explains (i) 3.2
why some granitoid types are more common in certain cratons than
( a)
others, and (ii) the internal differences within each group from distinct
terranes. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 13b–c, the granitoids
related to the second magmatic stage can be generated at different
periods during continent-continent collision, adequately explaining
the differences in the relative and absolute chronology of granitoid
/ CN
emplacement from one craton to another. Furthermore, the geometry
Na2O / K2O
of the system and orogenic style are also likely to play a role. For
instance, the Pietersburg block is believed to have formed as a 3.9
“Cordilleran” convergent margin, with successive accretion of micro-
continents at the northern edge of the Kaapvaal craton (e.g. Zeh et al., 3.8
Age (Ga)
2013). In this context, a protracted period of crustal reworking and
mantle enrichment would be expected, explaining the long duration
of the second stage (~ 0.15 Ga) relative to other cratons (see Figs. 8 3.6
and 9).
5. The onset of “modern-style” plate tectonics
to 3.0 Ga
TTG magmas to the emplacement of high-K granites, has also been
reported in some early Archean terranes: (i) the area of the Barber-
ton greenstone belt (southeastern Kaapvaal Craton; see Fig. 1) Na2O / K2O
between ~ 3.55 and ~ 3.09 Ga (Clemens et al., 2010; Kamo and Davis,
1994; Sanchez-Garrido et al., 2011; Yearron, 2003; Zeh et al., 2009); 3.5
(ii) the North Atlantic Craton (Greenland) between ~ 3.85 and
Age (Ga)
~ 3.50 Ga (Friend and Nutman, 2005; Nutman et al., 2007, 2013);
and (iii) the East Pilbara Craton (NW Australia) between ~ 3.50 and
For each region, when these granitoids are plotted in the ternary 3.1
synthetic classification diagram (see Fig. 7 and Section 2.5), the oldest
to 3.0 Ga
granitoids match the “TTG field”, whilst the youngest one show more
diversity (Fig. 14). In the case of the East Pilbara (Fig. 14a) and SW
Greenland (Fig. 14b), these “second-stage” granitoids spread between
the fields of the biotite- and two-mica granites, on one hand, and that GMS suite
of the TTGs, on the other hand. However, both terranes strikingly lack
a sanukitoid s.l. component (Fig. 14a–b), and are therefore not equiva-
to that of modern subduction–collision settings (see Section 4), it can be Ga (Fig. 15a), thus “modern” behaviour could not be adopted until the
concluded that such geodynamic mechanisms have only been operating very end of the Archean. This threshold would actually have been
globally since 3.0 Ga. Thus, whilst subduction and continental collision reached somewhat earlier (~ 3.0 Ga) considering that komatiites asso-
could have taken place before 3.0 Ga as discrete events in both space ciated with basalts in the oceanic crust would have significantly decreased
and time, it is only from the late-Archean that global plate tectonics its buoyancy (Barbey and Martin, 1987; Johnson et al., 2013; Martin et al.,
were characterized by a cyclic pattern of successive assembly and 2014). Alternatively, Hargraves (1986) proposed that a higher heat pro-
break-up of continental masses, with the late-Archean evolution being duction in the early Earth could have been accommodated by increasing
the very first of these cycles. the ridge length rather than the thickness of oceanic crust. In this case,
the size of oceanic plates would have been smaller than today (de Wit
5.2. Support from other geological evidence and Hart, 1993; Lagabrielle et al., 1997), and the geometry of subduction
systems different. If this was the case, then the establishment of “modern-
Our interpretation of the late-Archean granitoid evolution is sup- style”, stable subduction zones by the end of the Archean reflects a pro-
ported independently: (i) the chemistry of continental basalts changed gressive increase in oceanic plate size.
across the Archean–Proterozoic boundary, reflecting an evolution The emergence of continental collision and the increasing impor-
towards LILE-richer mantle sources (Condie, 1989; Keller and Schoene, tance of reworking processes at the end of the Archean are due to an
2012; Smithies et al., 2004, 2007), which is consistent with the initiation evolution of both the volume and thermo-mechanical characteristics
of crustal recycling into the mantle owing to either rising volumes of of continental crust. Firstly, a trivial but fundamental parameter is
continental crust or increasingly efficient subduction processes; (ii) Hf that, before being able to recycle continental crust, a significant volume
and O isotopic compositions of detrital and magmatic zircons indicate of this crust must already exist. Hence, the late-Archean period follows a
changes in crustal growth rates and granitoid sources at 3.0–2.5 Ga, long period of predominantly juvenile magmatism (Dhuime et al., 2011;
interpreted as the onset of subduction- and collision-driven continental Guitreau, 2012; Kramers and Tolstikhin, 1997; Taylor and McLennan,
recycling (Dhuime et al., 2011; Valley et al., 2005); (iii) Shirey and 1985, 1995; Fig. 15b) and thus marks the moment when the volume
Richardson (2011) noted that lithospheric inclusions in diamond crys- of the continental blocks became sufficient for them to be welded to
tals changed from peridotitic to peridotitic and eclogitic at ~ 3.0 Ga, each other to form collisional belts, and undergo significant internal dif-
interpreted as reflecting the initiation of subduction and collision pro- ferentiation (producing large amounts of anatectic granite, i.e. biotite-
cesses; (iv) the appearance of shelf sequences and mature sediments and two-mica granites). Secondly, these mechanisms depend not only
in supracrustal lithologies, typical of Wilson cycles, at the end of the on the volume of continental crust, but also on its ability to thicken
Archean (Veizer and McKenzie, 2003) and (v) the style of crustal defor- and to maintain thickening during a sufficiently long time for the
mation changed from the late Archean to the middle Proterozoic, with recycling mechanisms to start and develop. In other words, conti-
an increasing number of orogenic belts characterized by predominantly nental crust must be stiff enough for deformation to be focused
horizontal deformation and focused high-strain zones (Cagnard et al., along sub-linear orogenic belts. England and Bickle (1984) and Rey
2011; Chardon et al., 2009; Smithies et al., 2007). and Coltice (2008) proposed that due to higher Archean heat flux, the
In addition, Wilson cycles are characterized by a global balance continental crust was weaker and unable to sustain thicknesses N30
between crustal formation and crustal recycling into the mantle, such km, such that collision between crustal blocks did not result in the for-
that the net continental growth is presently close to zero (Cawood mation of collisional belts at plate boundaries. Instead, deformation of
et al., 2009; Clift and Vannucchi, 2004; Clift et al., 2009; Hawkesworth Archean continental crust was dominated by volume forces, coaxial
et al., 2010; Scholl and von Huene, 2009). Many studies pointed out shortening and lateral flow rather than sustainable vertical thickening
that the crustal growth rate significantly decreased between 3.0 and (Chardon et al., 2009; Choukroune et al., 1995; England and Bickle,
2.0 Ga ago, i.e. by the end of the Archean (Dhuime et al., 2011; 1984; Rey and Coltice, 2008; Thébaud and Rey, 2013). Specifically, Rey
Guitreau, 2012; Kramers and Tolstikhin, 1997; Taylor and McLennan, and Coltice (2008) proposed that the continental crust was too hot
1985, 1995), confirming that modern Wilson cycles were not operating and weak to sustain high topographic anomalies (N 2 km) until 2.5 Ga
efficiently prior to that. This observation is also supported by the ago (Fig. 15c). Therefore, collisional orogens would have become stable
present study (see Section 3.2), which shows that late-Archean gran- only from 3.0 to 2.5 Ga (Fig. 15c).
itoids derived largely from crustal recycling processes (intracrustal Importantly, the strength of the crust, and thus its capacity to sustain
melting; introduction of crustal-derived material and formation of high topography, has important implications for hypsometry. It has
metasomatized mantle; see also Figs. 10 and 11). Hence, the geodynamic been proposed that continental emersion was not significant until
changes at the Archean–Proterozoic transition also correspond to a the late-Archean (Flament et al., 2008; Rey and Coltice, 2008), resulting
major shift in the balance between growth and recycling rates of the in a major obstacle to the establishment of effective sedimentary
continental crust. cycles before ~ 3.0 Ga. The absence of thick sedimentary deposits
on the oceanic crust (coupled to less efficient subduction processes)
5.3. Possible origins of the changes implies that the recycling of sediments into the mantle remained
negligible until that time. The emergence of sanukitoids s.l.,
Because of the higher heat flux from the mantle, Archean oceanic some of which required a sediment-metasomatized mantle
crust was thicker, more buoyant and less coupled to the underlying con- source (Halla, 2005; King et al., 1998; Laurent et al., 2011, 2014;
vective mantle (e.g. Abbott et al., 1994; Hargraves, 1986; O'Neill et al., Lobach-Zhuchenko et al., 2008; Mikkola et al., 2011b), is therefore
2007a,b; van Thienen et al., 2004). This must have resulted in smaller- a good chronological marker of the onset of crustal recycling into
scale, less coherent and “weaker” Archean subduction, unable to drive the mantle.
plate tectonic processes and Wilson cycles efficiently as it presently To summarize, the establishment of “modern-style” subduction–col-
does (Moyen and Martin, 2012; O'Neill et al., 2007b; Sizova et al., lision mechanisms depended on several different parameters, namely
2010; Moyen and van Hunen, 2012; van Hunen and van den Berg, the thickness, temperature, composition and rheology of oceanic and
2008; see also Section 4.1.3). Abbott et al. (1994) proposed that, besides continental crusts as well as the net volume of continental material.
its composition, the thickness and temperature of oceanic crust exert a However, as noted by Moyen and Martin (2012), the single mechanism
first-order control on its capacity to subduct. They concluded that mod- that controls all these parameters is the evolution of the Earth's thermal
ern, steep subduction geometry could only be achieved with a relatively regime. This global control over a number of local parameters adequately
thin (b 10 km), cold crust (Fig. 15a). They calculated that most oceanic accounts for the ambiguous nature of the late-Archean geodynamic
crust reached the 10 km thickness threshold between ~ 2.5 and ~ 2.0 changes: they follow a global scheme (similar magmatic evolution in
230 O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235
8 closely resemble those of the second stage, being characterized by
coeval involvement of metasomatized mantle sources, and intracrustal
40 melting. This type of evolution is scarce in the N3.0 Ga-old Archean
6 record, and takes place only locally, indicating that the global extent of
30 late-Archean geodynamic changes likely heralds the initiation of sub-
duction–collision (Wilson) cycles on a planetary scale and thus of “mod-
4 ern-style” plate tectonic processes.
This late-Archean change in global geodynamics likely resulted from
the evolution of several parameters, such as the thickness, temperature
2 and rheology of oceanic and continental crusts, as well as an increase in
the global volume of continents. In summary, the onset of “modern-
style” plate tectonics resulted from the stabilization, by the end of the
Archean, of lithospheric plates that were large, cold and stiff enough
1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
to undergo subduction and collision. This complex interplay of several
Age (Ga)
factors induced local differences from one craton to another, but the
overall evolution depended on a single, unifying mechanism: the pro-
Fig. 15. Evolution of some key properties of the oceanic and continental crusts between 4.0
and 1.0 Ga, being possible causes for the onset of “modern-style” plate tectonics during the
gressive cooling of the Earth. As a result of this global control, the late-
Archean–Proterozoic Transition (APT): (a) progressive thinning of the oceanic crust Archean geodynamic changes took place within a relatively short period
through time, according to thermal models (modified after Abbott et al., 1994). Between (~0.5 Ga) and affected the whole planetary system.
2.0 and 3.0 Ga, ~50% of oceanic crust became thinner than 10 km, the “threshold” below
which “classic” subduction is stable; (b) several models of crustal growth, all predicting
that at the end of the Archean, ~70% of the present-day volume of continental crust was
already formed. This highlights the switch from dominantly juvenile to dominantly
recycling processes at that time; (c) stiffening of the continental crust through time, as a This work was principally funded by two scientific co-operations be-
result of its cooling. The compressive strength of the crust increased significantly (by a fac- tween France and South Africa, the PICS n°4828 as well as the !Khure
tor of 2) during the last 0.5 Ga of the Archean, so that at the end of this period it was able to programme, and was also supported by the European Research Council
sustain positive topographic anomalies of N2 km, i.e., collisional orogens (modified after
(ERC StG 279828). This paper was originally requested on the basis of an
Rey and Coltice, 2008). See text for discussion.
abstract presented at the EGU General Assembly 2012, and O.L.'s partic-
ipation to this conference was possible thanks to funding by Région
Auvergne. We are grateful to N. Eby and T. Horscroft for their invitation,
their kind editorial assistance and their patience throughout the prepa-
every craton, within a relatively short time span on a planetary scale) ration of the manuscript. We also appreciated the detailed and con-
but with local characteristics (different ages from one craton to another; structive reviews by R. Dall'Agnol and an anonymous referee that
diversity in magma sources and relative chronology). contributed to significantly improve the original manuscript. We
O. Laurent et al. / Lithos 205 (2014) 208–235 231
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