Farhana, 2018
Farhana, 2018
Farhana, 2018
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The regional seismic hazard in Pakistan and adjoining regions is assessed using the Neo-deterministic
seismic hazard assessment approach (NDSHA). Synthetic seismograms are generated by the modal
summation technique at the nodes of a grid that covers the studied area. The main input for the
computations consists of a set of earthquake sources and of the structural model where the seismic
waves propagate. The earthquake sources are parameterised within the active seismogenic areas by
defining the focal mechanism, the depth and the magnitude, obtained through the analysis and re-
elaboration of the past seismicity. The peak displacement (Dmax), peak velocity (Vmax) and design ground
acceleration (DGA) are then extracted from the synthetic signals and plotted on the 0.2° x 0.2° grid to
construct the seismic hazard map of the studied area. There are few probabilistic hazard maps
available for Pakistan, however, this is the first study aimed at producing a neo-deterministic seismic
hazard map for Pakistan and adjoining regions.The most severe hazard is found in the epicentral zone
of the great Muzaffarabad earthquakes of 2005 and its surroundings, where the DGA estimate falls in
the highest range 0.60 g – 1.2 g. The peak velocity and displacement in the same region are estimated as
60−120 cm s−1 and 30−60 cm, respectively.
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences www.tnsroindia.org.in ©IJONS
Pakistan is situated in a highly seismically active region which has experienced many disastrous earthquakes during
historical as well as in recent times. The geographical map of Pakistan with adjoining regions considered in our
studies is shown in Fig.1 .The strongest earthquakes that hit Pakistan in the recent history are the 1935 Quetta
earthquake, ; the 1945 Makran coast earthquake, above 8.0; the August 1931 Mach earthquake, ; the
1974 Pattan earthquake, ; the October 2005 Muzaffarabad earthquake, [1], the 28 October 2008 Ziarat
earthquake, ; the 24 September 2013 Awaran district (Balochistan) earthquake, and its September 28,
2013 aftershock. Given the high seismicity of the region, it has become necessary to better quantify the
seismic hazard, to evaluate the rate of vulnerability and to develop tools to prevent or mitigate as much as possible
the potential damaging effects of earthquakes. A reasonable approach is to apply the Neo-deterministic seismic
hazard assessment (NDSHA) technique [2],[3]that can be effectively combined with intermediate term middle-range
predictions [4], [5], [6] at least to identify priorities of interventions for retrofitting and new urban planning. In
recent times awareness has grown that people are usually not killed by earthquakes themselves but by their
collapsing houses and other manmade structures or induced secondary effects. In many developed and
industrialized countries,like Japan, protection from earthquakes, in conjunction with improved seismic hazard
assessment, is entrusted chiefly to the broad application of advanced engineering know-how. But unfortunately,in
developing countries like Pakistan the situation is different. Pakistan cannot yet afford excessive costof engineered
earthquake-resistant buildings and still foresee potential applications of results of earthquakeprediction research for
reducing human losses. However, earthquake losses could be significantly minimizedwith elementary design know
how only, and by constructing rural housing at minimum cost by applying low-costtraditional measure of
retrofitting, i.e., building materials and local skills. More emphasis should be givento pre-disaster planning and
development and efforts must be put to cost effective prior actions focused atdeveloping knowledge-based hazard
resilient public property, rather spending our time and resources on postdisaster relief and rescue operations that are
not only expensive but difficult as well. Good understandingand know-how of the maximum credible earthquake
that might occur, the threat to infra structures at thegiven site or zone, the geographical site effects and the dangers
we confront, is essential for this sort ofscenario modelling and to achieve our purpose NDSHA is a more practical
Seismic Hazard
Among the possible definitions of seismic hazard analysis, [9] describes it as the estimation of some measure of the
strong earthquake ground motion expected to occur at a selected site. Approaches to seismic hazard assessment can
be grouped into two broad categories: Deterministic (DSHA) and Probabilistic (PSHA)[10]. In both the approaches,
available historical seismic records and geological data are used to identify and characterize the main seismic sources
relevant to the site of interest, and to define the earthquake potential. The difference between these two
methodologies lies in the way the seismic scenarios are defined. The PSHA defines the hazard as the likelihood for a
specified ground motion parameter (e.g. peak ground acceleration, PGA) value to be exceeded within a certain time
interval. The DSHA is defined by a controlling earthquake, an earthquake with a given magnitude that may occur in
a given time interval (disastrous [say 500 years]; strong [say 140 years]; frequent [say 70 years]; etc.), without given an
indication on how likely that given scenario is to occur [4].
approach is also preferable in view of the limited seismological data availability and of the intrinsic difficulty of the
probabilistic evaluation of the occurrence of earthquakes. As explained by the multiscale seismicity model [11], the
actual problem is the selection of large enough dimensions of the areafor analysis without violating the Gutenberg-
Richter as well as other related laws.
NDSHA, being based on the computation of a large set of synthetic seismograms, addresses some aspects largely
overlooked in the probabilistic approach: (a) the effect of crustal properties on attenuation are not ignored; (b) the
ground motion parameters are not derived from overly basic attenuation functions, but from synthetic time
histories,and (c) the resulting maps address the issue of the deterministic definition of ground motion in a way which
permits the generalisation of design parameters to locations where there is little seismic history [12], [13]. Various
studies have been performed in the past to evaluate PSHA in Pakistan [e.g. [1], [14], [15]. The deterministic approach
for seismic hazard analysis is not well documented in literature, and it is practiced differently in different parts of the
world and even in different application areas [9].
In this study, we compute the seismic hazard in the country using the NDSHA approach described in [2],[3], that
allows for a first-order seismic zoning at regional scale, based on the knowledge of the average properties of seismic
sources and structural models [16]. With NDSHA, the available information on the Earth structure parameters, the
seismic sources and the level of seismicity of the area are used for the computation of synthetic seismograms,
according to the flow chart shown in Fig. 2. Once estimated for the available data the synthetic seismograms permit
us to calibrate in a quitepractical manner the engineering standards essential to appropriately design or retrofit the
buildings, even in those areas that are seismically quiet, or where no proper data is available. In addition, the
technique also permits to estimate the impact of several input factors on the concluding results. The immediate
results of the technique are the maps exhibiting the distribution of the Dmax, Vmaxand DGA for the studied area. The
full description of the methodology is discussed in [17].
The input data needed to compute the synthetic seismograms are structural models, historical earthquakes
catalogue, seismogenic zones and focal mechanisms.
Structural model
Structural models are defined by regional polygons (Fig. 3) that separate areas characterized by different average
lithospheric properties; they are represented by a number of flat layers, each one described by its thickness, density,
P- and S-wave velocities and corresponding Q values. The structural models and Q-Structure beneath the studied
area has not been very well studied so far. In order to propose a suitable structural model, all available geophysical
and geological information for the investigated territory have been considered after an extensive bibliographic
research [18], [19], [20] [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28]. An average model is prepared giving more weight to
the results obtained by [18]. For depths larger than 120 km the data has been taken exclusively from [18]. For each
polygon an average structural model is prepared for our computation which is shown in Fig.4
Earthquake catalogue
An earthquake catalogue has been prepared after merging the Pakistan Metrological Department (PMD) catalogue
and the National Earthquake Information Centre (NEIC) catalogue for a period of 102−years from 1905 to 2007 [29]
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences www.tnsroindia.org.in ©IJONS
and from Indian catalogue for a period of 01-01-500 to 30-12-2016 [30], [31]. In NDSHA completeness of catalogue is
not as essential as in PSHA and is in principle required only for events of M=5 and above. Furthermore, only the
spatial distribution of those events is considered, disregarding their time distribution, which is often unreliable for
ancient events. We may be misjudging the seismicity just in those Seismogenic Zones wheredamaging events are not
reported in the catalogue, and only in those areas where the magnitude smoothing, described in Section 3, is not
enough to account for the missing information. This insufficient information would also influence significantlythe
results obtained with PSHA[18], where catalogue completeness at lower magnitudes is also required for a good
characterization of the seismicity rate.As given by [32], attainable partial solution to find maximum expected
magnitude can be achieved through aimed field studies of active faults for the identification of the seismogenic
potential.A formal approach to the identification of seismogenic nodes has been developed by [33]. About Pakistan,
in 1972 [34] used planar morphostructural nodes of the Pamirs and Tien Shan as candidates for earthquake-prone
Seismogenic zones
Seismogenic zones identify the areas with the active faults of the region. Pakistan geologically overlaps both with the
Indian and the Eurasian tectonic plates where its Sindh and Punjab provinces lie on the north-western corner of the
Indian plate while Balochistan and most of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa lie within the Eurasian plate which mainly
comprises the Iranian plateau, some parts of the Middle East and Central Asia. The Northern Areas and Kashmir lie
mainly in Central Asia along the edge of the Indian plate and hence are prone to violent earthquakes where the two
tectonic plates collide [35]. Seventeen seismogenic zones have been defined for the entirearea of research comprising
of Pakistan and adjoining regions of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, China, India as shown in Fig. 5. They represent
areas characterized by a significant level of seismicity. The stress regime and the tectonic behaviour are assumed to
be reasonably homogeneous within each zone. Most of the seismogenic zones are located along the collision plate
boundary, i.e., along the Kirthar Suleiman Hindukush, Himalaya[18]. Seismic activity has generally been
concentrated in the northern part of the country, the northern and southwestern parts of Balochistan Province, and
the coastal areas of Sindh Province. Khattri[36] identified twenty-four source zones in India and neighbouring region
on the basis ofseismotectonics and historical seismicity but the region around the Killari earthquake of 1993 (Mw 6.3)
was not recognized in his study. Bhatia[37] identified eighty-six source zones for India and adjoining regions, based
on the analysis of past data, and the Killari source zone was among them. The identified areal sources were smaller in
size compared to those of Khattri [36]. In our study we have followed the same pattern of zoning as given in [18] and
owing to the same justification by [18] the zoning suggested by [36] and [37] is not adopted as the proper definition
criteria for zoning is not been followed for the complete studied area. For instance [36] has formed twenty-five zones
for the complete region but due to varying size of the zones as some are considerably big and so cannot be
considered homogeneous in their properties. Similarly, there is not a single event assigned to seismogenic zone 1 of
[37] whereas for zone 81 an earthquake of M 7 is lying just outside it. As could be seen that few source zones 70-75
are formed on the basis of low magnitude local events, whereas in other parts of the studied area similar size
earthquakes are not considered in the definition of Seismogenic zones. As in [38] the India and its neighbouring
regions are divided into “32” Seismogenic zones, that were established on historical seismicity, geology and tectonic
features but there is no zone with zero seismic activity and Seismogenic zones without gaps but in our research, we
are focused on events with M ≥5 and focal depths <50 km.
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shows thrust fault mechanism due to the collision between Indian and Eurasian plate (zones 1and 2), Hunza and
Gilgit valleys are situated in this zone.Generally, thrust faulting mechanism can be observed in the region of Hindu
Kush (zones 3,4,14 and 15) occasionally normal faulting (zones 3 which comprise Main Karakoram Thrust MKT),also
in Kashmir (zone 4) the earthquakes mainly shows thrust fault mechanism, zone 14 lies in the central Afghanistan
which is seismically inactive. The zone- 5 comprises Kangra Valley fault (KVF) India, the mechanism is generally
normal faulting while zone 6 and 7 shows thrust fault mechanism and consists of the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT)
and represents the extensive zone of modern deformation and the devastating earthquakes. In Pakistan active faults
are rather densely distributed on and in the vicinity of the MBT [35]. For zone 8 the CMT database do not have any
focal mechanism solution, the solution has been taken from [18] which is vertical dip slip, the area lies in the region
Rajasthan in India. In the zone 9,10 there are strike slip faults including Chaman fault, indicating that the boundary
between Indian and Eurasian plate is of transform type. For zone 11, thrust as well as strike slip faults are dominating
although no large earthquake is observed in this zone except 2011 earthquake [35], this zone has main cities namely
Panjgur, Dalbandin, Nokundi and areas of Iran.The zone -12 and 17 has Kirthar fault with a relatively diffused
seismicity. In the southern part of Pakistan, including Makran subduction zone(zone 13), faults are thrust and normal
type due to the subduction of Arabian Sea plate under Eurasian plate and due to Murray ridge, we also observe that
Nai-Rud fault is an active fault in this zone and has a NE-SW trending, almost parallel to the Nai-Rud valley and
bears the characteristics of a thrust with left-lateral strike-slip component, the main cities in this region are Gawadar,
Pasni, Karachi.Zone 16 shows reverse thrust mechanism and include Parts of Iran and boarder of Afghanistan.
For the definition of the seismic sources used to generate the synthetic seismograms, the seismicity described in the
historical earthquake catalogue is discretised into cells of 0.2° × 0.2° (latitude and longitude) and each cell is assigned
the magnitude value of the largest event that occurred within it (Fig. 6). This map of seismicity is then rearranged
through a smoothing procedure to account for the spatial uncertainty in epicentres location that may be particularly
severe for historical events [e.g. [33]] and for the source extension. A centredsmoothing window with a radius of
three cells is considered, and the maximum value found in the window is assigned to the central cell. After
smoothing, only the cells located within the seismogenic zones are retained, obtaining the conservative distribution
of the maximum magnitude shown in Fig. 7.
A double-couple point source is then placed in the centre of each cell, with a focal mechanism consistent with the
properties of the corresponding seismogenic zone. The observation points are placed at a grid with dimension of 0.2°
× 0.2° over the whole studied area. They do not overlap with the sources, because the sources are placed in the center
of each cell falling within the seismogenic zones, whereas, the observation points are placed at the corners of the grid,
and inside the structural polygons of Fig. 3.
The synthetic signals are computed for frequencies up to 1 Hz. Depending upon the magnitude the hypo-central
depth is not considered as constant parameter , it is taken as 10 km for sources with M <7:0, for sources with 7 ≤ M <8
it is fixed to 15 km whereas it is fixed to 20 km for catastrophic earthquakes of M≥8:0 as in previous studies
[47],[48],[49],[50],[51],[52],[53], [54]. This procedure is adopted to justify the relationship of magnitude-depth which is
shown in the statistical parameters of the earthquake occurrences [e.g. [11]].To limit the number of synthetic
seismograms to be computed, the maximum epicentral distance considered in the generation of the time series
depends on the source magnitude: 150 km for M < 6, 200 km for 6 ≤ M < 7, 400 km for 7 ≤ M < 8 and 800 km for M ≥
8.After the seismicity, the source mechanisms, the structural models and the observation points are all defined,
synthetic signals are computed. In the far field, i.e. roughly speaking for epicentral distances larger than the source
depth, the modal summation technique [55, 56, 2,3] is used, as it is very efficient from the computational point of
view. For paths, shorter than the hypocentral depth the discrete wavenumber technique is adopted [57], which gives
the full wave field, including all body waves and near field, at the penalty of a longer computational time. At each
site, the horizontal components (P - SV) radial and SH transverse syntheticseismograms are first computed for a
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences www.tnsroindia.org.in ©IJONS
seismic moment of . The magnitude and the finiteness of thesource are accounted using the size and time
scaled point source model [58] which is based on an extendedsource model provided by the PULSYN06 algorithm
[59]. As shown by [2] site structural model is utilizedalong the complete path if source-site path goes across one or
more boundaries amongst structural models,as the station records are generally more sensitive to the local structural
environment. A vector sum isestimated after rotating the horizontal components into a reference system at each site
that are mutual tothe entire region (N-S and E-W directions). Resulting from any adjacent source, signal of highest
amplitudeis selected and associated to the specific site. We concentrate on Dmax, V max and DGA amongst the strong
ground motion representativeparameters. 1 Hz upper limit of frequency is adequate as observed by the Fourier
spectra of displacementand velocity to consider controlling role of seismic waves but the same is not true for
acceleration [e.g. [48]].Then again, choice of higher frequency limit cannot be applied in computations as the
necessary informationof seismic sources and as well as of lateral heterogeneity are normally not accessible for the size
of theareas usually required in zoning. The present average design response spectra can be used for extendingthe
deterministic modeling for frequencies >1Hz for the case of acceleration [48]. The DGA values are obtained by scaling
the chosen normalized design response spectrum (normalized elastic acceleration spectraof the ground motion for 5
per cent critical damping) with the response spectrum computed at frequencies<1Hz. After the October 8, 2005
earthquake, the government of Pakistan realized that implementation of building code according to the international
standards was an imperative to avoid such losses of human lives. To address this issue, a Pakistan specific standard
building code was developed but not properly implemented. Therefore, the EC8 European code for soil A is used in
this study. The choice of the soil A, i.e. stiff soil, is justified by the fact that in all the regional structural models of Fig.
4 the topmost S-wave velocity is greater than 0.8 km/sec.
For displacement and velocities, the highest values are obtained in Muzaffarabad, Kashmir, Awaran, Makhran
coast, Quetta and its surroundings with velocity and displacement in the range of 60−120 cm s−1and 30−60 cm,
respectively. In the other parts of the region, such as the capital of Pakistan Islamabad and its twin city Pindi, areas
of Balochistan namely Khost, Surab, Pasni, and NWFP, Chitral, the maximum velocity is up to 30−60 cm s−1 and the
maximum displacement is 15−30 cm. In the area of lower Punjab, the maximum velocity and displacement are in
the range 2−4 cm s−1and 7−15 cm, respectively. The areas of Sind like Karachi, Khairpur, Sukkur, Thar desert have
velocity in the range of 15-30 cms-1and displacement in the range of 15- 30 cm.
By computing realistic synthetic seismograms, the deterministic seismic hazard map has been prepared for Pakistan
and adjoining areas in terms of Dmax, Vmaxand DGA values.The seismic hazard is found to be highest in
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences www.tnsroindia.org.in ©IJONS
Muzaffarabad, as the seismic hazard is controlled by the largest event in the area. The DGA value for this region is
found to be 0.6 g – 1.20g. In the other regions of high seismicity, such as Islamabad, capital of Pakistan and Quetta,
estimates of DGA values are as high as 0.30− .60g. The peak velocity and displacement are also high in these
earthquake-prone zones. The ground shaking values are definitely high for the existing infrastructure and could
result in great damage and huge socio-economic losses due to the high economic importance of the areas.
The neo-deterministic modelling of seismic hazard for the Pakistan and adjoining regions yields meaningful results
and gives us a reasonable and economically logical scientific means for seismic zonation and hazard assessment. The
main benefit of the approach lies in its capacity to directly evaluate the outcomes of source mechanics and wave
propagation, while local site effects are roughly considered when using the design spectra to obtain the DGA from
the synthetic response spectra. The expected PGA and computed DGA for a few strong earthquakes in Pakistan is
shown in Table 1. We believe that the research and data we submit here will enrich the understanding of the seismic
hazard in Pakistan and adjoining regions. Moreover, our research may help those civil and earthquake engineers
who desire to launch thorough and detailed studies of earthquake hazard.
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Fig. 4a. Layering of the regional structural models for polygons 1 to 6 of Fig. 2. The models continue to a
depth of about 1000 km, but only the uppermost 200 km are shown here to better appreciate the details of
crust and upper mantle properties.
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences www.tnsroindia.org.in ©IJONS
Fig. 5. Boundaries of the seismogenic zones, and the focal
mechanism associated with the sources belonging to each
seismogenic zone.
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Fig. 6. Map of the observed seismicity, gridded Fig. 7. Representation of the seismicity smoothed
into 0.2° x 0.2° cells. within the seismogenic zones.
Fig. 8. Map showing the horizontal DGA values for Fig. 9. Map of the maximum horizontal
the studied area. velocity for Pakistan.
Table 1. The expected PGA and computed DGA for a few strong earthquakes in Pakistan[4].