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1981 Iwasaki

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Missouri University of Science and Technology

Scholars' Mine
International Conferences on Recent Advances in 1981 - First International Conference on Recent
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Dynamics & Soil Dynamics

Apr 26th - May 3rd

Soil Liquefaction Potential Evaluation with Use of

the Simplified Procedure
T. Iwasaki
Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Japan

K. Tokida
Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Japan

F. Tatsuoka
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

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Recommended Citation
Iwasaki, T.; Tokida, K.; and Tatsuoka, F., "Soil Liquefaction Potential Evaluation with Use of the Simplified Procedure" (1981).
International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. 12.

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Soil Liquefaction Potential Evaluation with Use of the
Simplified Procedure
T. Iwasaki and K. Tokida
Ground Vibration Division, Earthquake Disaster Prevention Department, Public Works Research
Institute, Ministry of Construction, Tsukuba Science City, lbaraki-ken, Japan

F. Tatsuoka
Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

SYNOPSIS A simplified method based on both a liquefaction resistance factor, FL and a liquefaction potential factor,
PL has been proposed for evaluating soil liquefaction potential. The factor FL indicates the liquefaction potential at a
given depth of a site, and the factor PL indicates the one at a site. The effectiveness of the proposed method is inves-
tigated by calculating the factors FL and PL at both liquefied and non-liquefied sites during past typical earthquakes
in Japan, and carrying out shaking table tests.

where N is the number of blows in the standard
As a result of various and detail studies on the liquefaction penetration test, Ov' is the effective overburden
of sandy soils, several simplified and complex methods pressure (in kg£ /cm2), and Dso is the mean particle
have been proposed to evaluate the liquefaction potential. diameter (in mm). L in Eq. 1 is the dynamic load
The authors, Iwasaki et al. (1978), proposed a simplified induced in the soil element by a seismic motion,
method with use of a liquefaction resistance factor FL and can be estimated by
and a liquefaction potential factor PL • Based on the asmax Ov
simplified method, the liquefaction potential of sandy soils g rJ/ (3)
can be estimated from its N-values, its unit weights, its
mean particle diameters, and the maximum acceleration where 'max is the maximum shear stress (in
at the ground surface. In this paper, the simplified kgf/cm2), <Xsmax is the maximum acceleration at

method is described and to prove the effectiveness of the the ground surface (in gals), g is the acceleration
method, the factors FL and PL at 64 liquefied sites and of gravity(= 980 gals), avis the total overburden
23 non-liquefied sites during past various earthquakes pressure (in kfg /cm2), and rd, the reduction factor
are calculated according to the proposed simplified for dynamic shear stress, accounting for the deforma-
method, and also the factor FL is calculated for the tion of the ground. In 1971, Seed and Idriss proposed a
model ground in the shaking table tests on soil liquefac- relationship between rd and depth. However, in this
tion. paper, the relationship,


In the proposed simplified method an ability to resist the (a) (b)

liquefaction of a soil element at an arbitrary depth can be
expressed by the factor of liquefaction resistance (FL).

( 1) ]

. F~


where R is the in- situ resistance (or undrained a.

cyclic strength) of a soil element to dynamic loads a
and can be simply evaluated, based on undrained 10 10
cyclic shear test results, as follows :

for 0.04 7IU1l • D,o · 0.6 TIUII

15 15
~ 0.35
R ~ 0.0882 J07+Q? + 0.225 log 10 D;; (2a)

20 20

R = 0.0882 A Oy'
+ 0. 7 - 0 05
(2b) Fig. l Integration of FL


Nishi Oh- hat a Cho in Ni igata City

rd =l - 0, 0 15 Z (4)
D5o (mml ( el'ltimsted )
0I 02 05 I0
where Z is the depth in meters, is used,
o---o N( after earthquakt•)---... FL
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 I0 20
It is obvious that the damage to foundations due to soil
liquefaction is considerably affected by the severity of ks' 0 17
liquefaction, As only the ability to resist liquefaction r, oJ-0.015Z
at a given depth can be evaluated by FL , an index of
liquefaction potential, PL, can be introduced to express --¥=
the severity of liquefaction as,

(5) $

in which F = l - FL for FL 1,0 and F = 0 for FL > 1,0
as illustrated in Fig, l(a), and W (Z) = 10- 0,52 (Z in I0

meters), as illustrated in Fig, l(b), For the case of

FL = 0, 0 for the entire range from Z = 0 to Z =20m,
tJ 050

PL becomes 100, and for the case of FL 1,0 for the

entire range from Z = 0 to Z = 20 m, PL becomes 0, 0,


Kuribayashi et al, (1974) accumulated data on liquefaction

observed during past 44 earthquakes in Japan, and made
clear the distribution of liquefied sites and damage of
structures due to liquefaction, Furthermore in 197 8
liquefaction was observed at about 30 sites during the
Miyagi-ken-oki Earthquake (Iwasaki et al, (1980) ), Fig, 2 Relationships between FL and Z at the Non-
Both the liquefaction resistance factor, FL and the Liquefied Site
liquefaction potential factor, PL were calculated for
liquefied sites and non-liquefied sites where geotechnical Shows Bridge in Nii~ata City (Bori~ Not)

information was available, during each of the following 6 Dso lmml

earthquakes : the Nobi Earthquake ( 1891), the Tonankai 01 02 05 10

Earthquake ( 1944), the Fukui Earthquake ( 1948), the c:--<> ( a f tf"r ear thcpake) --....... FL
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 00 I 0 20
Niigata Earthquake ( 19 64), the Tokachi-oki Earthquake
(1968) and the Miyagi-ken-oki Earthquake (1978). § ks' 0.17
Calculations were made for 64 liquefied sites and 23 non- r, 'i-0.015Z
liquefied sites, The geotechnical and seismic data at the
sites are summarized in Table l,

Figs, 2 and 3 show the typical variation of FL with depth

at a liquefied and a non-liquefied site, respectively. It
can be seen that FL is, in general, less than 1,0 in the
liquefied layers, and greater than l, 0 in the non-liquefied
layers, The tendency of FL at other sites was similar,
Fig, 5 summarize the calculations of FL with depth at all 10 ----- Dso
liquefied and non-liquefied sites in Niigata Earthquake
(see Table 1), The liquefied layers shown by black dots
in the figure were estimated based on damage to struc- X ''
tures (see Fig. 3). It can also be seen that FL is mainly
less than l. 0 in the liquefied layers and the liquefied
layers are mostly located at shallower depth than 10 m, 15

* lL is estimated from the damage to piles

Fig. 3 Relationships between FL and Z at the

Liquefied Site
Table 1 Geotechnical Data at Liquefied Sites and Non-Liquefied Sites
(A) Liquefied Sites (B) Non-Liquefied Sites

Sot! Deptn of P, Rel. ;\lo, Site

Soil Depth of
.. '
MaJor Soil Type P, I Rei.
No, S1te Earthq.ldke D5o MaJor SoLI Type Data i Water Table (gall
Data WHer Table (gal!

~-Om _ M Fme to Me<l. Sand 9.0 -~---~ ' A , 2.3m E f1ne Sand 0.0

1.~ l -~-·'----~--~-~---+---M·~~J.~:ns~ ~--o.ol

2.) M 24.'J K-~-g~ne-.-~-ho . ~---~ ·-
0. 3
£,:-.1 Fu'l.C to Coarse Sand 5.8 H•gash 1 Kosen 1 Br, 5
~iigata City
~--s 2.5 ____ ~:.-_'_':,~_to.Coarse~.~n_d__j ~~
2.<; M 1.3 4
+-Shtn • Bn , "'.l_j
Mats~a~--·---~--~ Ni•gata, ~-~ --r l.l M 'Med. toCoarse~~~-d-~ ~_:~.:_6_j (J)

0.6 1964, I A I 0.0 M I ... FtneSand __; 170

-: -~:~~~;;~ho-
0. 0 ~1 20.2 1
I A 0. 0 E ~ed1um Sand I 4. 6 I
,___ I I I 1- - +
0. 0 E, '-1: ftne to Me d. Sand 18.3 :::;,
j A 3. 5 E Fme to Mt-d. Sand I ~

' ' '

Br. 5 0.0 E.~ 39.3 8 Gotanda Bridge ~ : A 0. I I M_t' :m_e -~~.=dty Sand ~ ~~
Br. 7 0.0 E,M lb.l (3) Br.l ~--- 4. 3 M F1ne Sand to Silt : 1 0. 0
Med. to Coarse Sand 2-1.0
Br.!. 0.0
1948, 1.8 1
M ! Sdt to Med. Sand j 295 j 18.7 (2)

uu~t~;;;-~;_;-;:-;:;-;;;:,;.0;•---i ·'"- .._1 ..... _,

Coarse Sand 32.9
Br. l

_..,_ __Br.!.

M 19.6 11 :\akamura

I .l- 0.85
Sr. L 0. 0 E Coarse Sand 28.2
12 l A ~ 0.90 t M ~-S•l~_y_to~~Sand_+~ 4
\led. to Coarse Sand 16.5
Br. 2 0.0
" 110 14.3
13 Yunage-kami
-:----L~-3~~- t-; 1 -Fin~-~~~~ -~--~~:;


Br. 2.
~Lt'o)ata C1ty :'\ 1 q~a t"
, 0.0
o.o " ~--~~---···-· ~--<
ll. 7

Kttakaml R1ver

:--laton Rtver, 3.2 Km M1yagi-ken- 2.50 E ~toCoarseSand · 180


M:7.S --·. -·--·· ..- ----+---

B Q. 0 23.2 Ok1,
Br. 3 16 Pg 4. 0 , M Slit to Silty Sand 195 ,6 (8}

'·' 13.1
Ktnnou Budge
Abukuma Brtdge Br.1
M1yag1 Pre!. 1978,
M=7.4 4. } ---1-M : Me d. to Co~-rs; Sa-n~ - t--m-:;
o.;, \1 C'Jarse Sand 2.8.6 (-1)
Br. 2 3,9 ;·M- ;- I
'-' fu1e Sand 20.1 " l
Br. l
~ F1ne to Med. Sand 5.8
19 EaL Bndge ;\lo.l I A 8.0 Fme Sand to Clay


F1ne S«nd 13.3 "' 20 : MtnamiSendal ;o..;o.Z

; '·' Sandy S1lt to Gravel

l:lr.l 0.63
" 21 Uomach1 A·l 13 '
0.0 Med. to Stlt~_Sand

Br. 1
" C0arse Sanrl


23 I Wabuchi
.,1 0.0
3,l5 F'tne to ~ed. Sand
Br. 2
Br. 3
" 18.9

l. 2 ~
·" B: Soil Data before Earthquake A : So1l Data after Earthquake
BCll-2 1.2 Mer:hum Sand 5.1
Estunated by Vs1ng Table 2 M: Measured
BCZI-l _______1:2. 9. 7-- (ll
Compacted by Sand Compaction Piles, near Uornachi B~l and !3-Z
-~~-~~.:!. ~-
I Recorded Value at Ka.wagishi~Gho
BCI1 1._3_3------~--F'~? ~d. Sand ----~- _ _ -1_._:1
Estlmated from Recorded Value at Other S1tes
fme Sand
!lakodate Tokacht·Ok•, Recorded Value at Hachinohe
Ctty 19611,
0.95 zoo -~~- (6)

Estimated by the Empincal Equation for Alluv1al Deposits (

... )._~---- ---

-----·-·- --
-+ 2.~7--~ (!J
Estimated from Damage to Structures

6 Estimated by Using Fq;:. 4

().9 Med•urr1._S_and -~52_____4___ ... 36_._~
Esttmated by Dynam1c ~~!sponse Analyses of Ground
:-;Obi, 0.7:; Gravelly Sanr:! ll_Q 13.0
G.fe~ Prei.
l ~''l'
M;:;~, 0
t.l 210 '-' Reference

1.2 M ~and to Grav. Sand Z70 2.3.7 (I) BRI (19651

.\l!"dl-J!ll S<1nrl 19.5

:--/a~o)'a Ctty
" C"J.l.T»<' ;,and zoo 2.6.3 '"

BRI 11969)

Japanese Soc1ety of CIVil Eng1neers

M=:~. 0 17.7
O.!l ;,,:v.- !•.) r, .....'>«nd {4) Ishihara (1976)

FcllH.a, 4.?. ·o Coarse :::ian'! 32; a.1 {51 J.S.S.M.f.E. (19761

+ ~-a-~~-ya 45 F U.u,
.\1.--: . .">an-:: to Gr,.,,·e! 31') l·L'l (6) K1shida {1970)
__ 4_~ __ i__Ma_~~ka :-.lo.Z Pref. M~7.
\1 • :>andy s,l\ to .\i"t·~. ::.ar~d ~~ 5 ll.-1 (71 Ohashtetal. (19771
-~~_L Ta_~~y_a l-16':1
C?arse Sand 173 ~ U,l 18) Yasur:la et al. 11980)
46 Abuk"ma Br~~-~--- ----~- .J ------
47 j Morth o[ Ab:lklHT\.1 R1ve: o.o 180 20.-1

l. ~~ \{ .)dt to Coarse ~and 180 10,3

48 J YurLa_g_e_~k_amL __ • Y-l
49 Y·Z 0. ~5 ~ F,n._. to Co"r~e S.!.r~d 180 9.9

50 Yurtage Br1r:lge :\o.l <.7 M Ftn" to Mt··i. ;,ancJ 11:15 1.0

51 ~o. 2 1.3 \.lecJ. to Co<>r~.- S.on-1 185 fi o. ~

)(o.) 0.?.6 185 ~ .! l. ~

- -+--
53 Yama;.akt ~l.!Y"O:' MIYil'll-kcn· 0. ~7 ::. .. nr:lv Slit to Mecl. Sand 190
Pre!. Ok1, 6
eta, to ~er:!. Sand 210 4.1 (1:1)
54 ! Otri (IJ
" ZIO 4.1
56 T Uomao;;hi
\i•J.2 M~7. 4 2.4
" :vlc·l. to :>dty Sand 23 0 ~

0.0 2.30 6 36.?

57 '
:\o.l?. !.72 • Cldy to Coarse Sand 185
~~- -~-rhfu
__ ___,___
59 Shtomi
:"<o.l 0.0
fme toM<·!. :.and ns
~ 1-1.1

60 " ~o.l f'tne ""n-1

61 -1---- :\u.l 0.0 as 6 11:1.2

.\1 1!:10 12.3

- ;, .. ..,..jy Sdt to Me<:!. Sand
62 ::-lakamura :\·4 0.5 fi
---+--------- ·----
63 " :-.-5 1.3 M fme to Coarse Sand 11:10 5,6
-------+---------- 295--t--i·l~-,-
~4 I Wabucht W-G ! A S·lt to ftne Sane!

Table 2 Average Values of the Unit Weights and Mean Fe

Particle Diameters of Different Type of Soil
(This table was used only when these values
were not tested)

Unit Weight, Mean Particle

Soil Type lt( t/113) Diaaeter, Dso (-)

Surface Soil 1.7 0.02

Silt 1. 75 0.025
Sandy Silt 1.8 0.04 I:
Silty Sand 1.8 0.07 a.
Very Fine Sand 1.85 0.1
Fine Sand 1.95 0.15
Mediua Sand 2.0 0.35
Coarse Sand 2.0 0.6
Gravel 2.1 2.0

<lJ 200
(./) 100 Fig, 5 Relationship between FL and Z at the Liquefied
"'0 and Non-Liquefied Sites during Niigata Earth-
~ 50
Fig, 7 summarize the calculations of PL at all liquefied
~ and non-liquefied sites in Table 1, i,e,, both relation
;:n between number of case and PL and relation between
accumulative percentage of PL and PL, According to
;:n Fig, 7, it is found at non-liquefied sites PL is less than
10 ~ ,_~lion USod 20 and the probability that PL is less than 5 is 70 %, on
the other hand at liquefied sites the probability that PL
u Measured Value is less than 5 is only 20 %and 50 %of the sites range
5 (Kuribayasht & more than 15, Based on the above results, the assess-
Iwasaki ,1980)
ment for soil liquefaction potential using PL can be clone
E as follows,
30 50 100 200 500 1000 Liquefaction potential is very low and
Epicentral 01stance, IJ (km) detail investigations on soil liquefaction
aren't needed in general,
Fig, 4 Relation between Maximum Acceleration at the
ground surface, ftsmax , and Epicentral Dis- O<PL 5 --- Liquefaction potential is low but detail
tance, L1, during the Miyagi-ken-oki Earth- investigations on soil liquefaction are
quake needed only for specially important
Fig, 6 shows the frequency and accumulative incidences
5<PL 15 -- Liquefaction potential is rather high and
of FL values for both liquefied and non-liquefied layers
detail investigations on soil liquefaction
at all sites in Table 1" Hereupon the liquefied layers
are needed for important structures and
were estimated based on damage to structures or if not
countermeasures of soil liquefaction are
estimated by soil conditions, i, e,, the saturated sandy
neededed in general,
layers whose N-value is less than 15 and whose D_, 0
ranges from 0,02 mm to 2,0 mm were regarded as 15 < PL ---- Liquefaction potential is very high and
liquefied layers, The distribution of FL at liquefied detail investigations and counter-
layers is very different from that at non-liquefied layers, measures on soil liquefaction are needed,
At liquefied layers most (about 87 o/o) of FL values dis-
tribute in the range less than 1,0, and while at non-lique- As mentioned in the above, it has been shown that the
fied layers most (about 89 %) of FL values distribute in liquefaction potentional factor PL may be used to assess
the range more than 1,0, However it must be noticed the liquefaction potential at a certain site reasonably,
that about 13 % of FL values exceed 1, 0 at liquefied layers Moreover the nee es sity for detail investigations on soil
and about 11% of FL values indicate less than 1,0 at non- liquefaction also can be judged based on the factor pL
liquefied layers, calculated by the proposed simplified method,

~ ~

Estimated Liquefied Loyer Depth 0 0

2.5 !

0 0 0 0 0

t==·;iJ~g 0 20 100
2.0 2.5 3.0 0
6 0
~ 0
ll lO

15 5
"- '"'
<l -l
10 10
"" ~
~ ~
00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 25 3.0 &
~ ~
0 0

Fig. 6 Distribution of FL Values and Their Accumu-

lative Incidences, in Percentage, Comparing
Liquefied Sites with Non-Liquefied Sites in
Table 1 Fig, 8 Relationships between Pore Water Pressure
and Acceleration of Non-Liquefied Sand Layers
Non-Lq.Jefoction Uquefoction
(•4) and FL Values in Shaking Table Tests

§ "5
10 ~

! j 50


100 0 Depth
('%) 0 H
[ 30CM
60CM ~

Distribution of PL Values and Their Accumu- ~ BOCM 0

Fig. 7
' cig
lative Incidences, in Percentage, Comparing
Liquefied Sites with Non-Liquefied Sites in
l== ;J'U
100 100
Table l

8 ~
"- 0
<: g.
flo :30 ~
The authors carried out shaking table tests to clarify the ------------ <l "'
effectiveness of FL for assessing liquefaction potential of 1.0 50 ~
sandy soil. A loose saturated sandy ground model with ~ "" 0
about 0, 95 m depth, 6 m length and 3 m width was pre- ;_ a;
pared on shaking table and shaked by sinusoidal wave, l; ~
The frequency of the inputted motion was 7 Hz and the
magnitude of the table acceleration ranged from 30 gals
to 250 gals, The acceleration and pore water pressure of
,.. .••../,

0 0
ground model during shaking were measured,
Figs, 8 and 9 shows the relationships between ground
acceleration, pore water pressure and FL for non-
liquefied and liquefied test, respectively. In these Relationships between Pore Water Pressure
Fig, 9
figures, FL values were estimated by equations (2) and and Acceleration of Liquefied Sand Layers
(3) based on test results, It can be seen that according and FL Values in Shaking Table Tests
to the increase of pore water pressure, FL values de-
crease to less than 1.0 in the liquefied layers (see Fig, 9)
and on the other hand FL values are more than 1, 0 in the
non-liquefied layers (see Fig, 8),

Fig, 10 summarize the relation between F L and the rate REFERENCES

of ground liquefaction, du/ <Jv' ( du: an excessive pore
water pressure, Ov' an effective overburden pressure) BRI (1965), "Report on Damage to Building during the
for liquefied layers, FL decreases according to the Niigata Earthquake, "The Building Research Institute,
increase in du/ oy', and on the average FL is less than Ministry of Construction, No, 42, 1965 (in Japanese),
1.0 when,JU/Ov'is more than 0,5 andwhendu/ov'is 1,0,
i, e,, the sand layer liquefy perfectly, FL decreases to BRI ( 1969), "Investigation on Liquefaction of Saturated
less than about 0, 6. Sand and Some Problems on Soil-Structure-Interaction,
"The Building Research Institute, Ministry of Construc-
As mentioned in the above, it's been clarified in these tion, No, 55 (in Japanese),
shaking table tests that FL is adequately equivalent to
the liquefaction phenomena and may be used to estimate Japanese Society of Civil Engineers, "The Report on the
the soil liquefaction potential of saturated sandy layers, Damage during the Niigata Earthquake of 1964" (in

Ishihara, K, (1976), "Report of Liquefaction Tests of at

0 If the Site of Shinanogawa Water Gate, "Report to the
0 I Hokuriku Regional Construction Bureau, the Ministry
I o of Construction (in Japanese),
0 \
\ \ 0
0 \ ~ d\ Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering ( 197 6), "Report on Earthquake Damage of
00 \ Subground Streets and Structures, "March (in Japan-
~~ \
ob, 0

oo '......., Kishida, H. (1970), "Characteristics of Liquefaction of

co 0
0 --
Level Sandy Ground during the Tokachi-Oki Earth-
1.0 _':-.._ ____f!__ __o_o_g~-~~ quake", Soils and Foundations, Vol.X, June, No.2,
0.8 -----~---..;:..:.-~.:..--o-
__ -:--0----- 0

Ohashi, M,, Iwasaki, T., Wakabayashi, S, and Tokida,

K. (1977), "Statistical Analysis of Strong-Motion
Acceleration Records", 9th Joint Meeting, U.S. -Japan
Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, U.J.N.R., May,

Yasuda, S, and Tokida, K, (1980). "Soil Liquefaction

Evaluation with use of Standard Penetration Resist-
ances", Proc., 7th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Instanbul, Turkey
Fig, 10 Relationships between FL Values and the Rate
of Ground Liquefaction du/ Ov' in Shaking Table Iwasaki, T. and Tokida, K, (1980), "Studies on Soil
Tests Liquefaction Observed During the Miyagi-ken Oki
Earthquake of June 12, 1978", Proc,, 7th World
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul,
Kuribayashi, E. and Tatsuoka, F. (1977), "History of
The simplified method based on the liquefaction resist-
Earthquake - Induced Soil Liquefaction in Japan",
ance factor, FL and the liquefaction potential factor, PL
proposed to assess the liquefaction potential was investi- Bulletin of Public Works Research Institute, Ministry
of Construction in Japan, Vol. 31,
gated by calculating the factors at 64 liquefied and 23
non-liquefied sites during past 6 Earthquakes in Japan
Iwasaki, T,, Tatsuoka, F., Tokida, K, and Yasuda, S,
and shaking table tests, From these studies, it was
(1978), "A Practical Method for Assessing Soil
found that most values of FL are less than l, 0 at liquefied
Liquefaction Potential Based on Case Studies at
layers, and are larger than 1,0 at non-liquefied layers,
Various Sites in Japan", 2nd International Conference
Further, the values of PL and their incidences at lique-
on Microzonation for Safer Construction Research and
fied sites differ from the ones at non-liquefied sites.
Application, pp. 885-896,
Therefore, the liquefaction potential can be predicted
reasonably by calculating the factors FL and PL ,


This study was greatly assisted by Dr, S, Yasuda,

Kisojiban Consultants Co,, Ltd, and S, Yoshida also
greatly assisted in conducting shaking table tests, The
authors wish to express their thanks to them,

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