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Tissue Salt Kit

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Tissue Salt Kit

Tissue salts are also known as Cell salts or Biochemic Cell salts (Biochemic means the chemistry of life). 12
major salts make up the composition of our cells and our blood, enriching the blood and ensuring proper nutrients
are being carried to the cells. A healthy balance within ourselves can be maintained or recovered by using cell
salts. Tissue salts are completely safe. They may be used by infants, children, pregnant, nursing women, the sick
and the elderly. They may be used at any time.
#1 Calcarea fluorica (Calc fluor.) #2 Calcarea phosphoricum (Calc phos.)
(Fluoride of Lime) (Phosphate of Lime)
Function; maintains the elasticity and contractive power Function; aids normal growth and development. Restores
of muscles, arteries, and veins. Vital to the ability of the tone and strength. Necessary for injury repair. Aids in
periosteum to cling to the bones. Helps maintain connective digestion, bone and teeth formation. Essential for recovery
tissue integrity. Deficiency symptoms; cracks in the skin, from and prevention of anemia. Deficiency symptoms;
loss of elasticity in muscles and tissues, relaxed condition of anemia, low blood volume, tendency to bruise easily,
veins and arteries (leading to hemorrhoids, varicose veins blood coagulation problems, imperfect circulation, bone
and aneurysm), sluggish circulation, loose teeth, spinal weakness, poor assimilation of nutrients, shriveled, wrinkled,
injuries, hard lymph nodes in the neck, ganglion cysts, bones or pasty looking skin, chronic sore throat, enlarged tonsils,
spurs, fibrocystic breast disease, cracks and fissures in the inability of the body to maintain warmth particularly in the
hands, depression, ringing in the ears and conjunctivitis. tip of the nose, the hands, and the ears. General feeling of
Great depression, indecision and fears about money. Nat chilliness. Impaired memory, inability to concentrate and
phos is always needed in order to absorb Calc fluor. Kali mur increased anxiety. Nat mur and Nat phos are often needed
is also recommended to be taken along with, or just before, for optimum absorption of Calc phos. Protein, magnesium,
Nat phos. sodium (from sea salt), and potassium are also required.
#3 Calcarea sulphurica (Calc sulph.)
(Sulphate of Lime) #4 Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferrum phos.)
Function; blood purifier and healer that removes waste (Phosphate of Iron)
products from the blood. Aids in the production of bile Function; first-aid, oxygen carrier, supplementary remedy.
and the proper digestion of fats. Deficiency symptoms; Deficiency symptoms; Anemia with accompanying
pimples, sore throat, colds, all conditions arising from symptoms of fatigue and the need for abnormal amounts
impurities in the blood, abscesses of any sort anywhere of sleep. Dizziness, rapid heart beat, shortness of breath
in the body, pneumonia, croup and acne. Changeable and headache with slight amounts of exertion, difficulty
mood, sudden loss of memory or consciousness, being concentrating, leg cramps, insomnia, craving for unusual
absent-minded, increased irritability, discontented, full foods and cracks at the corners of the mouth. Lack of
of fears, anxiousness that is better for being outside. red blood corpuscles. Nose bleeds, inflammatory pain,
Calc sulph should be given whenever there is a wound high fever, quickened pulse, conjunctivitis, varicose veins,
or a sore with potential for infection. Excellent for boils and constipation as intestinal walls become too relaxed.
and for infected areas of the skin that just will not heal. Indifference to the details of daily life, loss of hope and
Silica hastens the expulsion of infection and foreign courage, small things seem like huge difficulties and create
materials while Calc sulph encourages the closing of the extreme annoyance, delirium, maniacal mood swings,
wound and the processing of the infection through the dizziness as a consequence of anger, inability to find the
eliminative organs of the body. It is usually advisable to right word. Give Ferrum phos at the beginning of a fever.
administer both Calc sulph and Kali mur should a Calc
sulph deficiency occur.
#6 Kali phosphoricum (Kali phos.)
(Phosphate of Potash)
#5 Kali muriaticum (Kali mur.) Function; the maintenance of the nervous system through
(Chloride of Potash) movement of nutrients through cell walls and from cell to
Function; aids in the treatment of burns, and digestion cell. Deficiency symptoms; nerve problems include the
by increasing bile which is needed to process fats and fat whole spectrum of emotional issues, some of which are listed
soluble vitamins. Cleanses and purifies the blood. Deficiency here. Muscle fatigue, muscle spasms, menstrual cramping,
symptoms; sluggish conditions, catarrhs and mucus general weakness, nervous headaches, lack of energy,
discharges that are white in color, sore throat, torpidity of sleeplessness, all symptoms associated with exhausted
the liver, gall bladder problems, white colored tongue, light adrenal glands, poor vision, gums that bleed easily, poor
colored stools, cough, colds, anemia, restless sleep, ingrown digestion and elimination, diarrhea/constipation, vomiting,
toenail (supplement Silica also here) and seizures. Kali mur skin problems, nervous asthma, low blood pressure, heart
deficiency promotes the swelling of tissues throughout the palpitations and arrhythmias, irritability, memory and
body. Examples include: swollen ankles, enlarged ovaries, concentration issues, instability of emotions and thought
swollen arthritic joints, enlarged lymph nodes, inflammation patterns (unable to connect cause and effect where personal
in eustachian tubes and nose, increased swelling after actions and choices are concerned), depression, dark
sprains and fibromyalgia (also a magnesium deficiency). forebodings, looking only at the downside of situations,
Great sadness alternating with cheerfulness, irritable and timidity, tantrums, over-sensitivity to noise. A key-note of
angry at trifles, often sits in silence, and intense fear of evil. Kali Phos deficiency is the omission of letters or words when
Kali mur reduce obstructions in the heart, liver, gall bladder, writing, The use of wrong words, and confusion of ideas
kidneys, and bladder. Aids in the removal of heavy metals and thoughts when making a presentation or explaining
from the body. Kali mur is necessary for the utilization of something. Periods of extreme stress or illness, as well as
fatty acids. Fatty acids are vital to the absorption of minerals prolonged less severe stress, deplete the bodys stores of
and the functioning of basic body systems and organs. Kali Kali Phos. Kali Phos is often deficient in elderly persons.
mur prevents stores of Nat phos from becoming depleted. Nat Sulp is a necessary preliminary treatment for Kali Phos.

Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2017, 2022

Tissue Salt Kit
#7 Kali sulphuricum (Kali sulph.) #8 Magnesia phosphoricum (Mag phos.)
(Sulphate of Potash) (Phosphate of Magnesia)
Function; oxygen carrier, maintains hair, benefits Function; the outstanding function of Mag phos is
perspiration and respiration. Deficiency symptoms; on the nervous system, particularly as it communicates
intestinal disorders, stomach catarrh, inflammatory with muscles, including the heart muscles. It affects
conditions, shifting pains, and eruptions on the skin and the elasticity of muscles, preventing or eliminating
scalp with scaling. Feelings of being boxed in physically muscle spasms and muscle fatigue throughout the
or emotionally. Extreme irritability, always being in a hurry body. Deficiency symptoms; menstrual pains, stomach
but unable to get everything that is wanted done, anxiety cramps, flatulence, bloating, constipation, neuralgia,
in the evening, timid in crowds, any mental exertion neuritis, sciatica, headaches with darting stabs of pain,
aggravates all symptoms. Viral infections, colds, and flus cramps, muscular twitching, exhaustion, night sweats,
deplete Kali sulph. This deficiency must be corrected in sleep and memory problems, resistance to new ideas,
order for the patient to fully recover. Never-the same- hiccups of babies (even in utero), water retention, swelling
since (NSS) symptoms from any cause usually indicate a of tissues, restless leg syndrome, tourettes syndrome,
Kali sulph deficiency. depression, lack of self-esteem, asthma and Reynauds
syndrome. Nerves are on edge with the inability to relax
#9 Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur.) emotionally (showing as anxiety, nervous disorders,
(Chloride of Sodium) depression); susceptible to stress, pain, anxiety, and
Function; water distribution, nutrition and glandular depression. Magnesium is one of the minerals that binds
activity, cell division, growth and aids the digestion with heavy metals and other toxic substances so that
process. Deficiency symptoms; weakness bordering they can be eliminated from the body safely. Mag phos
on collapse if the deficiency is severe enough. and Nat phos are precursors to all the cell salts. They
Headaches with constipation. Runny stools, thin and should be taken together before, or along with, any cell
watery blood, heartburn, toothache, hay fever, constant salt regimen.
sore throats with a nose that is running clear liquid,
abnormal appetite with thirst, sense of coldness, low # 10 Natrum phosphoricum (Nat phos.)
blood pressure that is alleviated by adequate intakes (Phosphate of Sodium)
of salt and water, excessive perspiration with exertion, Function; Acid neutralizer, promotes liver and gall
inability to digest meats, pale and waxy looking bladder functions which aid in the breaking down of
complexion, and neuralgic pains. Low spirits, feelings fats and the assimilation of nutrients, disperses lactic
of despair about the future, dwelling on depressing acid which can build up in muscles causing stiffness
subjects or events, continually bringing up the past and paralysis. Deficiency symptoms; stiffness
and dwelling on it, feeling like a good cry for no reason and swelling of the joints, acidic blood conditions,
but consolation from others aggravates and annoys, rheumatism, lumbago, worms, golden-yellow coating
angry irritability with passionate outbursts, excessively at the root of the tongue, indigestion, poor sleep,
excited and fast moving, mental exhaustion—mental waking up with indigestion, and gout. Irritability,
exertion causes fatigue. tension, crabbiness, argumentative tendencies. Nat
phos and Mag phos are precursors to all the cell salts.
#11 Natrum sulphuricum (Nat sulph.) They should be taken together before, or along with,
(Sulphate of Sodium) any cell salt regimen.
Function; eliminates excess water. Ensures adequate
bile. Removes poison-charged fluids from the interior
of cells, treats rheumatic ailments. Deficiency #12 Silica oxide (Silica)
symptoms; Influenza, asthma, malaria, liver ailments, (Pure Silica)
brownish-green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in Function; cleanser and eliminator, initiates the
the mouth, urinary incontinence, bed wetting, water healing process, insulator of the nerves, restores the
retention, type 2 diabetes, parasites, tendency to activity of the skin. Deficiency symptoms; Smelly feet
excessive bleeding, post-partum hemorrhage (use with and arm pits, pus formation, abscesses, boils, styes,
Calc phos here). Poor short term memory, stumbling clogged tear ducts, tonsillitis, brittle nails, stomach
over words, inability to recall the word wanted. pains, diseases affecting bone surfaces, whitlows,
gout, enlarged thyroid, cracked nipples in nursing
mothers, suppressed perspiration, difficult wound
Bioplasma (BBCIOPLASX4) healing, ingrown toe nails, falling out of the hair, and
Bioplasma is made up of all 12 tissue salt combined. spinal irritation. Firmness of purpose but lacking the
It coagulates the blood in a serious, deep cut where physical stamina to carry through. Inability to focus or
bleeding is profuse. Bioplasma stimulates the body to maintain attention for even short periods of time, over
uptake and utilize trace minerals. It stabilizes nerves sensitivity to noise, anxiety, great irritability, gloomy
and nerve tissue and promotes healing in any type and despondent.
of wound or injury. Great for fatigue, colds, nervous
tension, bleeding, and headaches.
For more information on Tissue Salts please refer to
Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies I
by LaRee Westover
Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2017, 2022

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