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Tissue Salts For Pets - A Holist - DR Eva F. Schoenfeld

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Text copyright © 2016 Dr Eva F.


All rights reserved

This book is dedicated to pet lovers preferring
to use natural remedies found in rocks and
A handy guide shows the most common health
disturbances and treatments.

For more information about

Facial Analysis & Tissue Salts, as well as
testimonials, please consult:

Table of Contents
Minerals are more than just
nutrients!............................................................................................... 4
Dr Schuessler’s Biochemical Tissue
Salts............................................................................................. 4
Life in the
....................... 5
........................ 6
Causes of mineral
.......... 6
Animals in need of Tissue
Salts........................................................................................................ 7
Recognition of a
............ 7
........................................ 8
........................................ 8
........................ 9
Vitamins & food
............. 9
............................. 9
Different ways to dose Tissue Salts to
animals............................................................................. 10
......................................... 10
Can one overdose Tissue
Salts?................................................................................................... 10
Duration of
.................. 11
.......................... 11
The 12 basic biochemical Tissue
Salts............................................................................................. 12
Tasks of Tissue
............. 12
No 1 Calcium fluoratum – Elasticity, protection,
bones............................................................... 13
No 2 Calcium phosphoricum – Cells, muscles,
blood................................................................... 14
No 3 Calcium sulfuricum – Channel opener, cleanser,
shock....................................................... 15
No 4 Ferrum phosphoricum - Anti-Inflammatory, 1st
aid............................................................. 16
No 5 Kalium muriaticum – Glands, detoxification,
lungs.............................................................. 17
No 6 Kalium phosphoricum – Energy, nerves,
tissue..................................................................... 18
No 7 Kalium sulfuricum – Pancreas, pigmentation,
detoxification.............................................. 19
No 8 Magnesium phosphoricum – Painkiller,
nerves.................................................................... 20
No 9 Natrium muriaticum – Water and temperature
controller................................................. 21
No 10 Natrium phosphoricum -
Acidity......................................................................................... 22
No 11 Natrium sulfuricum - Liver Cleanser &
Support................................................................... 23
No 12 Silicea - Connective Tissue, nerves,
cleanser..................................................................... 24
Additional Tips and
....... 25
...................................... 25
Food-Allergies with dogs and
cats............................................................................................... 25
............... 25
............... 26
..................................... 26
.......................... 26
Small wounds, bite
..... 27
...................................... 27
Tick bite / Lyme
.......... 27
............... 27
ATIFA TONIC for healthy, shiny
hair/fur/coat/feathers.................................................................. 29
Animal Tissue Salt
............ 30
...................................... 30
.......................... 31
.............................. 33
Minerals are more than just nutrients!
With the correct combination and preparation, Tissue Salts can positively
influence health disturbances. Dr Schuessler’s Biochemistry takes this fact in
account for a successful use… also with animals. From this finding he
concluded that these salts play an important role in the body. He also realized
that these salts were already present in most homeopathic remedies so the salts
should also work on their own. Further analysis allowed him to find which
salts affected which organs and parts of the body.
Chief Seattle’s remarkable speech in January 1854:

“All things are connected…

Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the
Man does not weave the web of life; he is merely a
strand of it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
What is man without the beasts?
If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a
great loneliness of the spirit.
For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to

All things are connected!”

Hence much of our nutrition is similar to our animal friends, comprising all
essential components for a viable organism, with the most important basement:
mineral compounds = Tissue Salts. They ensure perfect function of the
organism for human and animals as vital inorganic nutrients. If the body cannot
produce them, they need to be supplied with foodstuff on a daily base.

Dr W.H. Schuessler established the knowledge of every farmer: an ailing plant

needs to be watered with specific salts (minerals) to flourish. By administering
homogenous molecules of an inorganic salt in the case of an illness due to a
dysfunction, we can cure an ailing animal tissue.
Schuesslers approach in this context makes it clear that he indicated the human
body as ‘animal-like’ and that his cure of treatment will also be successful
when the active substances are used for disturbances in animal organisms.
Dr Schuessler’s Biochemical Tissue Salts
Dr W.H. Schuessler discovered in the early 18th century that human and animal
bodies are built from 12 different minerals (Tissue Salts) plus carbon and
nitrogen. Those minerals need to be properly balanced for a normal state of
good health. Schuessler realized, that with a disturbed balance disease would
follow. His further discovery confirmed that by administering the deficient
mineral, the balance of minerals in the body could be re-established. But he
found that if he would prescribe the ‘macro’ (large untreated) form of those
missing minerals, the body couldn’t absorb them and they wont be helpful.
Hence he used some kind of a potency, which needs a carrier for the minerals.
He chose the optimal carrier (lactose) and energized the raw minerals to make
them ‘micro’ (tiny) via the trituration process (D6). He diminished the size of
the minerals until they could be absorbed in minute aperture and used in the
cells. When cells are well supplied with minerals, they are able to create an
innate vibration field of energy. An individual well supplied with minerals has
usually an oscillating, radiating energy.
Molecular micro components are getting absorbed by minute apertures inside
of the cells. Foodstuff are macro components, feeding the extracellular part,
they need the presence of the micro in order to be fully absorbed and utilized in
the cells.
Warm-blooded creatures are depending on minerals to maintain all body
functions. As we live close together with our animals, we are exposed to
similar situations hence the causes of mineral deficiencies will be the same.

Tissue Salts are building blocks of life!

Those minerals ensure perfect function of the organism as vital inorganic
nutrients. Tissue Salts are operating agents in the body and if deficient, the
body cannot maintain the functioning of all organs. The organism will adjust to
the available deposit of minerals with an unbelievable innate wisdom. A
diminished amount of minerals available in the deposits will lead the body to
reduce the functions.
The first signs of reduced ‘work’ we usually can find in the most obvious parts
of an individual: hair, nails, skin – to speak animal: fur, coat, feathers, claws,
hoofs and skin. If not treated, the deficiency will manifest in the body and
show complaints.
With the correct combination and preparation, Tissue Salts can positively
influence health disturbances, as they are working with the cause – not the
symptom; this takes usually a bit longer, but with a long-lasting correcting
Life in the cells
Thanks to recent research we know that the cell metabolism regarding minerals
solely happens on the molecular level. Hence the cell needs to be surrounded
with the intracellular fluid, enriched with the needed minerals for the cells.
Depending on the scope of their tasks and belonging to a cell complex, cells
have different requirements. A heart cell surely has different needs than a
kidney cell or maybe a bone cell. Hence in order to accomplish all functions
the cells need to be supported by specific minerals (priorities):

Nerve cells:
#8 Mag phos, #6 Kali phos, #10 Nat phos, #4 Ferr phos

Muscle cells:
#2 Calc phos, #8 Mag phos, #5 Kali mur, #6 Kali phos, #9 Nat mur, #4 Ferr

Connective tissue:
#12 Silicea, #2 Calc phos, # 3 Calc sulph

Elastic tissue cells:

#1 Calc fluor

Bone cells:
#1 Calc fluor, #8 Mag phos, #2 Calc phos

Nerve, brain cells:

#2 Calc phos

Cartilage, mucous cells:

#9 Nat mur

Hair, crystalline lens:

#4 Ferr phos (+ others)

When cells are well supplied with minerals, they are able to create an innate
vibration field of energy. For instance all heart cells have the same oscillation
and altogether they generate the energy or oscillation field of the heart. All
organs and body parts together are creating an endogenous oscillation field,
which is depending on the mineral balance outside the cells.
Animals in general, but predators specifically are able to see a low oscillation
field of a weak animal and will just hunt this one, as it is supposed to be an
easy target.
Disturbed balance
A car without fuel, will not work at all. The car will just quit any movement
and stands still. We will experience an opposite reaction with living beings,
where the basic functions of a body are still maintained, even with a huge
deficiency, but certainly with restrictions. The living being will most probably
suffer during months or even years completely unnecessary, as we can prevent
this situation, by taking Tissue Salts early enough.
The organism of an animal will adjust exactly the same way to the available
deposit of minerals with an unbelievable innate wisdom. Less minerals
available in the deposits more the body will reduce the ‘work’ which shows in
physical ailments. Once the deposits are getting refilled, the physical
operational work will be rebooted and every task can again taken care of.
If the deficiency of a certain operational matter is increasing and no support
with minerals is happening, a damage of the related organs or tissues is
possible. In this case it is not certain that the replenishing of the urgently
needed minerals can reverse the damage.
Causes of mineral deficiencies
Humans and animals are exposed the same way to many
environmental strains, intoxicated food, radiation to
name just a few, with one little difference: animals are
more susceptible and their energy field is more subtle,
similar like with children. And: they can’t choose their
food and sometimes also not the place of their sleep. Hence animals are
completely at the mercy of the owner.
We notice – maybe as a surprise for some people - that animals are more
sensitive and react even faster and stronger on negative influences. Animals
will not pay a visit to the GP and ask for help (usually a chemical drug). For
animals a health disturbance has nothing to do with inconvenience, as they
(usually) also do not have to get to work – except maybe race-horses and
If animals are exposed to Electro Magnetic Radiation or lay-lines (Geopathic
Stress), they will react quite quickly. Very often they get sick, usually with
non-explainable disturbances – like we do!
But be aware: Cats are loving it and benefit from
EMR, but none of the other pets will. Cats have a
left spin opposite to all other animals, that’s why
they love Electro Magnetic Radiation.
An important part plays the situation where animals
are sleeping – the same is valid for us humans as
well. If the sleep is disturbed i.e. from EMR etc, then
the body can’t restore during night and this has
massive consequences.

Hence animals are at our mercy regarding our

decision where a horse barn, doggie bed or bird cage is standing.
If an animal’s sleeping place is close to plugs, geopathic stress zones (lay-
lines) or walls with water pipes it will deplete the animal the same way as it
does to us. Pets are often reacting stronger and faster on such kind of
disturbances, foremost with itching skin, loss of fur/coat/feathers and eczemas.

You probably bring your animal to the vet. It is to be expected that it will be
treated with some heavy chemical drugs… this in addition to the already
overloaded system. Unfortunately this contributing to worsen the existing
situation - a cleansing of the system is needed!
Sometimes they show (for us) unexplainable strange behavior patterns,
eating/biting their paws, chasing their tail etc.
Watch your animal! If it doesn’t want to go to his ‘bed’ there is something
wrong! Children do the same, some adults as well… Also animals get used to
many things, like the place given by us, maybe they gave up to fight for a
better sleeping place… Maybe we didn’t listen.
Animals in need of Tissue Salts
If the system is so depleted of minerals that the body functions are restricted,
the body will not any longer be able to detoxify properly.
Hence toxins and waste will stay in the body.
The wise body system tries to get rid of those harmful substances via the
largest organ: the skin! This can cause itching, eczema, rashes etc.
Adding chemical drugs to treat this expression of a
disturbance will increase the critical situation, as the
body is forced to use even more minerals on a cell
level. If there is nothing left to do the work… then
the situation is getting really bad.
Recognition of a deficiency
We seldom will be able to do a facial analysis with an animal therefore we
have to find different ways to discover what mineral our companion is missing.
Some ideas how to discover mineral deficiencies:

§ Kinesiology or Dowsing is a good way to check (if familiar with)

§ You certainly can see with a very light colored fur, i.e. grayness in the face,
which would guide us to #6 Kali phos.
§ If the animal is producing eyes or nose discharge, you can allocate the
missing Tissue Salt according to the color, see description of the single TS
§ Consistency and color of any elimination are the most important indicators
§ Hard skin on elbows/knees show a deficiency of # 1 Calc fluor
§ Dogs with a dry nose need # 9 Nat mur
§ Loss of hair from fur/coat is the same as loosing feathers of a bird.
§ Constant shaking of the head will guide us to the ears – sometimes we need
the support of a vet to clean out the ears.
§ A shiny fur/coat confirms usually good nutrition and is a sign of health.
§ If the claws or hoofs are in a weak brittle shape, there is an urgent need of
Tissue Salts, mainly # 1 Calc fluor, # 7 Kali sulph and # 12 SIlicea.
§ Extreme thirst is an indicator for missing minerals and sometimes it guides
us to diabetes.
§ Not drinking sufficient water will guide us to a deficiency o TS # 9 Nat mur.
This might be caused by feeding pellets – see below.
§ Animals can suffer from Thyroid problems as well, often caused by
radiation exposure, as this is depleting the operational agent for gland # 5
Kali mur.
Food with high nutritional value is for all animals – as it is for us – an
imperative demand and ‘medicine’; it is the base to maintain good health.
There is lots of specific literature available about feeding animals; to go more
into the details would exceed the scope of this course.
But a little note regarding dog and cat food: all pellets are processed and the
cheap brands contain usually nasty compounds as well as colorants,
preservatives and GMO.
To buy pet pellets at the supermarket, because it is cheap – is saving money at
the wrong place, you will have to spend the difference at the Vet. Tin cans are
actually the most expensive way of buying water…
The attractive bag with colorful pellets promises healthy food and wants to
make you believe that vegetables are included. But the usual composition of
cheap pellets is: meat derivatives (usually waste products), oils and fats (often
old deep-frying oil), soy, wheat, corn (main contributors to allergies, as most
are GMO). Colorants and preservatives, artificial antioxidants (causing most
often skin allergies), taste enhancers etc.
Dogs actually don’t need grains, they often get an
itchy skin from wheat or maize – hence barley, oats
and rice are generally better tolerated.

Pellets can cause dehydration, if not soaked! The

pellets are using up lots of the body own fluid for digestion and assimilation
that depletes the animal of minerals.
If you feed pellets to your cat or dog, make sure you soak them! Pellets are
contributors to kidney problems. Hence they can deplete the system from No 9
Nat mur (water distributor). A mineral depletion can cause a very thirsty
animal or one that doesn’t drink at all. This can later lead to joint problems and
a general toxic situation, as the deficiency will not allow to absorb water and
the toxins can’t be flushed out. Be prepared for kidney problems…
Don’t feed the leftovers from your table. The animal will probably get too
much salt, which can create kidney problems later in life as well.
Food digestion begins in your pet’s mouth as she chews. When the food
reaches her stomach, it mixes with hydrochloric acid and gastric juices. This
mixture then travels to the small intestine where the pancreas secretes enzymes
and the gallbladder secretes bile to further assist digestion.

The chemical digestive process continues in the small intestine, where bacterial
degradation takes place. Once the food is sufficiently broken down, the
membranes of the intestinal mucosa absorb the smaller, simpler nutrients.
The remaining food is either further digested and absorbed, or moves into the
large intestine where it's ultimately passed out of your pet’s body as feces.

Some animals are reacting with digestive disturbances. Even

they have different digestive systems than humans they need
Tissue Salts to enable a proper absorption of nutrients.
If the minerals in the cells are not any longer available because Tissue Salt
deficiencies have been there for a long period of time, the nutrients from food –
it might even be the best – can’t be fully absorbed.
Without a proper absorption, the animal can get malnourished - it might show
as obesity. The body is unable to use or eliminate, hence everything will be
stored in the system. Often it is appropriate to add Probiotics and Omega Oils
to their food. If a mineral deficiency exists for a long-time, it will take some
time to get the animal back into a better shape and break the malnutrition
Immune system
Different food for different animals, but one guideline is valid for all of them:
A balanced nutrition with the most important nutrients: protein, carbohydrates,
fats, minerals, trace elements and vitamins… and of course fresh clean water.
Too often animals are given wrong nutrition, which makes them fat and acidic
– like us.
If an acidic situation exists for a long period of time, then Tissue Salt # 10 Nat
phos will be used up. This is affecting the immune system, as the acidity is
attaching itself to the white blood cells and as a result they will loose their
Hence a little injury can in this case cause a huge inflammatory site, which is
most often difficult to treat. As inflammation is also using up # 4 Ferr phos, the
immune defense gets even more
reduced and the animal will be affected from the slightest disturbance and react
heavily. Like i.e. a little draft can cause a cough and can end up in Bronchitis.
This suffering is not needed – we can prevent such kind of situations just by
giving Tissue Salts precautionary.
Like us humans, all animals are some kind of mineral depleted – just by the
way we are living and… pets are living with us.
Sometimes it is needed to add macro-minerals as well, but only once the
deposits are refilled and the body can really make use of the supplements and a
mineral balance in- and outside of the cells is achieved.
Vitamins & food supplements
Reading the labels of animal food, we will discover, that many are GMO based
and if with a vegetable part, most often the do not contain much nutrients.
Hence the same situation is valid for us: we do not get sufficient vitamins from
our nutrition and we need to add supplements.
It is essential to know that the absorption of vitamins and food-supplements
(macro) needs the presence of Tissue Salts (micro) in the cells. Hence it can be
difficult to decide when and if one has to provide macro supplements. The
usual rule is to first administer Tissue Salts and once the body is supported and
at least the working deposit is supplied with the needed micro minerals the
absorption of the macro will happen.
To support the bones we need sometimes to administer macro calcium
products. This mineral is the most difficult to be absorbed by the body and
needs to be provided very carefully, as many calcium preparations can cause
kidney/ bladder-stones or calcium deposits (calcification). Large amounts of
macro iron is creating side-effects like constipation, stomach problems etc. The
same goes for humans!
Hence all of the supplements need the presence of Tissue Salts for better
absorption. We have to take in account that the products created for humans
have of course similar effects on animals. Sometimes it is not advisable to give
human Vitamins/food supplements to animals; please consult the vet to be on
the safe side, or just provide minimal amounts.
Mineral storage
If supplied with sufficient minerals, the body will store the molecules in
different deposits. When we replenish the deposits, the minerals will first refill
the urgently needed working deposits and only if there are minerals left, they
can be stored in the intermediate deposit. If the refill and use of the mineral
molecules is balanced, the body will be able to start filling up also the long-
term deposit. This can take a long time, depending on how depleted the system
is. This is linked to the period of time we need to take Tissue Salts in order to
achieve full benefit and health.
The following deposits are present in a living being:

§ Working deposit – here we find the immediately available minerals for the
daily use
§ Intermediate deposit – This deposit will be used when the working deposit
is already empty
§ Long-term Deposit – this is the last possibility for the body to collect the
essential minerals for a proper functioning of the body.
Different ways to dose Tissue Salts to animals
The absorbing of the active ingredients happens through the laryngeal mucous
membranes of the mouth. With animals we can never be sure how long the Tissu
Salts will have contact with the mucous membranes in the mouth. Hence it is
sufficient if they get in touch (also for a short time) with the minerals and they
will derive benefit by administering Tissue Salts. Basically the deficiency define
the amount of Tissue Salts, but the recommended dosage needs to be adapted to
the size of the animal. Different sizes of animals will need different amounts of
Tissue Salts.
o The different needed Tissue Salts can be mixed together.
o The correct biochemical trituration for Tissue Salts is: # 1 Calc fluor, # 4 Fer
phos and # 12 Silicea are in D12 all other numbers in D6. This is according to
Dr Schuessler the optimal grade for best absorption.
o Sprinkle the Tissue Salt tablets into the bowl for drinking water if you have
just one animal to treat.
o Best results are achieved by providing the mixture of Tissue Salts in two lots
(morning and evening).
o You may mix the Tissue Salts with the food.
o Tissue Salts may be given to cubs, puppies, even newborns: Smear the
slightly dissolved tablets as a paste on the lip and they will lick it away. If you
are bottle-feeding to bring up an abandoned animal, you can add the needed
o Some ideas about the size of a animal/pet:
daily amount for 5-10 kg: 7 tablets
11-20 kg: 10 tablets
20-30 kg: 15 tablets
above 30 kg: 20 tablets daily
Can one overdose Tissue Salts?
If you compare the following example you will see, that overdosing is not
possible. One litre still mineral water contains usually about 2’200 mg dissolved
solids (macro minerals). If you want to take a similar amount of those macro
minerals as Tissue Salts (micro), you would need to take 2’200 kilo Tissue Salts
in D6!
Duration of treatment
Taking Tissue Salts is of course a completely different approach than taking any
chemical drug. The latter one is normally taken once and the symptom is
successfully suppressed until it comes up somewhere else. It is important to
remember the three different deposits. Hence it is advisable to take Tissue Salts
for a much longer period of time than just until the disturbance disappeared, we
are working with the cause and not suppressing symptoms – that takes longer. Al
the deposits need to be refilled for a long-lasting absence of complaints.
If a disturbance can’t heal or the cause of an illness can’t be removed, it will end
up in chronic complaints. Clearly the amount of collected toxins and waste
determines the time span of the treatment. If the deficiency and the complaint are
continuing for a long period of time (chronic complaints), the road to recovery
will take much longer. But in any case, first signs of improvement are often to se
quite quickly.
Many not so well informed people take Tissue Salts like drugs = once! As those
minerals are working with the cause, it needs of course more than that. The
statement we will often hear in such a case is: Tissue Salts are not working. This
is sad, just because uninformed people don’t know HOW to take them.
External applications
You may apply Tissue Salts additional also externally, please follow the
procedure below.

Dissolve the required Tissue Salts with little water and apply the paste on the
injured spot. Leave it for about 20 minutes (+/-) and clean the area with water
until no residue is left. Repeat several times.

First aid injuries:

No 4 Ferr phos (relieves pain and stems blood flow) see above ‘coating’.

You may dissolve the required Tissue Salts, leave it for 30 minutes stand, pour
through paper coffee filter and fill the solution into a spray bottle; apply where
the problem appears.
Tissue Salt Creams # 1-12 are the easiest way and an excellent replacement for
coatings as the additional massage is usually very welcome and supports the
healing process.
If not available you may prepare your own TS creams. Use a natural cream
without Parabens, Paraffin, Mineral Oils (Petrochemicals) and mix in the crushed
The 12 basic biochemical Tissue Salts
No 1 Calcium fluoratum
No 2 Calcium phosphoricum
No 3 Calcium sulfuricum
No 4 Ferrum phosphoricum
No 5 Kalium muriaticum (chloratum)
No 6 Kalium phosphoricum
No 7 Kalium sulfuricum
No 8 Magnesium phosphoricum
No 9 Natrium muriaticum (chloratum)
No 10 Natrium phosphoricum
No 11 Natrium sulfuricum
No 12 Silicea

Different TS #: Dr WH Schuessler eliminated Calcium sulfuricum from the

range of Tissue Salts, so he ended up with eleven minerals. Later the
Biochemical Associations in Europe
added Calcium sulphuricum again as an essential mineral.
The German speaking countries included the Calc sulph at the end of the
range as No 12; the English speaking countries after the two Calciums as the
No 3.
Tasks of Tissue Salts
All phosphoricums are builders:
Tissue Salts No 2 Calc phos, 4 Ferr phos, 6 Kali phos, 8 Mag phos and 10 Nat
All sulfuricums: are eliminators:
Tissue Salts No 3 Calc sulph, 7 Kali sulph, 11 Nat sulph

The quick acting Tissue Salts:

No 4 Ferr phos (1st aid), No 6 Kali phos (Energy), No 8 Mag phos (Pain

The anti-aging and stabilizing Tissue Salts:

No 1 Calc fluor, No 2 Calc phos, No 3 Calc sulph, No 12 Silicea

The metabolic Tissue Salts:

No 9 Nat mur, No 10 Nat phos, No 11 Nat sulph
As well as No 5 Kali mur, No 6 Kali phos, No 7 Kali sulph
No 1 Calcium fluoratum – Elasticity, protection, bones

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Protection Forms the cover of the body, hence its Skin surface, bone exterior,
Coating protection vascular and cell walls, teeth
Elasticity Elasticity in all tissue, mainly tendon and Hardened tendons, ganglions, poor
ligaments claws/hoofs, loose teeth, organ
Keratin Binds/attaches keratin in the body Calluses, cracks, chapped skin

Physical signs
Acne, rashes
Caries, tooth decay
Chronic inflamed processes, suppuration
Cracked, inflamed and hardened skin
Ganglion cyst
Hardened tendons
Loss of fur, coat, feathers
Organ prolapsed
Splintering brittle claws, hoofs
Teeth, loose teeth, bad quality

Horses: windgall, leg injuries (such as in young race horses),

and capped hocks.
No 2 Calcium phosphoricum – Cells, muscles, blood

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Protein Calc phos supports the binding of protein If the protein cannot be
for the organic growth, hence assimilated/digested, it will be
responsible for cell formation deposited; can cause obesity.
Important: hormonal balance
Teeth Needed for the interior of teeth Poor quality of teeth
Bones Calc phos is the most important mineral Bone fracture, osteoporosis,
for the bone building (interior of bones) growing pain. Acts on thyroid gland
(release of Calcitonin to regulate
bone metabolism)
Muscles Calc phos is the operating agent for the Sleeping disorders, muscle cramps,
voluntary muscles sensitive to changes of weather,
barking cough, fast pulse,
nervousness, tensed muscles
Blood formation Blood is regarded as liquid connective Anaemia (lack of iron), lack of
tissue containing protein. Calc phos is blood (i.e. after surgery, delivery)
very important for this process.

Physical signs
Anaemia i.e. after surgery
Chronic enlarged tonsils
Hacking coughProblems with stomach and digestion
Pulse fast
Problems with vertebra
Sciatic nerve
Weak muscles, nerves and bones

Horses: Is stimulating appetite in young horses, addressing

signs of anemia in work horses.
No 3 Calcium sulfuricum – Channel opener, cleanser, shock

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Connective Permeability of tissue Purulent tonsils and throat
Tissue inflammation, chronic bronchitis,
purulent middle ear infection, gum
inflammation, abscess
Acidity Calc sulph supports the release of acid Rheumatism, gout
deposits in the connective tissue
Harmful Calc sulph is deposited mainly in liver, Catarrhs
substances gallbladder and muscles. It acts
expectorant and supports excretion
Secretion Supports all matter to be excreted Chronic ulceration, gout
Shock Calc sulph supports life! The most important support with
shock and trauma. Also owner

Physical signs
This main Tissue Salt for suppuration, abscesses and
inflammation works from deep inside to the outside and
supports the excretion of pus. It is very useful for chronic
and blocked ailments.
Abscesses (eye, teeth etc), purulent
Blocked-up issues
Boils, carbuncles with pus
Bronchitis (chronic)
Colon ulcers
Deafness with discharge from middle ear, possibly with
Gout and Rheumatism
Inflamed gums
Mouth sores, ulcers
Horses: indicated by skin eruptions that have become septic
or can progress into ulcers or abscesses
No 4 Ferrum phosphoricum - Anti-Inflammatory, 1st aid

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Oxygen Binding oxygen into red blood Diarrhoea or constipation
Circulation corpuscles, to ease the way to the cells Lack of concentration (competing
Transport, Most important transport agent, with Increases the body’s resistance and
Immune syst., huge influence on energy metabolism strengthens the immune field
1st aid, injuries, It is the 1st aid remedy for pulsating, Fresh wounds, ear ache, middle ear
pain throbbing pain, which goes together with inflammation, pulsating pain
heat. Pain gets worse with motion.
Inflammation 1st Ferr phos has a strong antioxidant effect Inflammation with low fever (until
stage of any and supports the entire metabolism, 39,8°)
illness which is reducing inflammation

Physical signs
All ailments are aggravating with motion and relieved by
Aching muscles
Bladder incontinence
Bronchitis (+ no 9 Nat mur)
Conjunctivitis (acute)
Colds, infection, flu, catarrh (1st stage)
Cramping muscles
Cystitis (1st stage) with heat, pain
Diarrhoea or constipation
Ear pain, deafness, middle ear inflammation
Eyes inflamed, red, burning, grainy
Fresh wounds, injuries, bruises
Mastitis (1st stage)
Weak muscles, aching muscles
Horses: can also be used with “bleeders”, a common
occurrence in racehorses in which the horse will bleed from
his respiratory tract after a hard work out.
No 5 Kalium muriaticum – Glands, detoxification, lungs

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Fibrinous matter Creating the fibres from the protein White mucous cough, saliva
bricks (built from Calc phos) in order to threads, whitish secretion
hold the fibrinous matter together
Glands Kali mur is the operational agent of the Tendency to obesity, gland
glands swelling, support for all glands
Blood viscosity Kali mur holds the fibrinous matter in Will regulate the blood viscosity by
solution, a deficiency causes a reduced binding the fibrinous matter,
viscosity (blood thickening) hearing impairment
Chemical Kali mur is able to bind chemical toxins Anaesthesia, vaccinations,
Toxins in the body Advantix, Frontline
2nd stage of an If the organism lost the fight against an Swelling of lymphatic nods, cough.
illness illness (1st stage Ferr phos), the ailment Lungs
will manifest in the body. Illness-causing
matter will be held in a solution, (lymph)
glands need to work harder.

Colour of discharge

Physical signs
Abscesses, boils, carbuncles (external)
Asthma, bronchial asthma
Blisters on cornea
Cystitis (chronic) chief remedy!
Inflammation/suppuration of throat
Mucous membrane problems
Ovaries, testes
Soft Swellings
Benefit: Elimination of medical drugs, anaesthetics,
antibiotics, Anti-Tick/flea applications:
TS # 5 Kali mur, # 6 Kali phos, # 9 Nat mur (most), # 11 Nat
During two weeks: one week before and one week after the

Horses: slow wound healing, treating inflammation

accompanied by swelling, burns, bruising, or pain, and in
treating wounds that could develop of keloid tissue.
No 6 Kalium phosphoricum – Energy, nerves, tissue

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Energy, nerve- Kali phos is found in all brain and nerve General remedy for exhaustion (on
substance cells as well as in blood and muscles all levels), all kind of paralysis,
weak nerves, despondency,
bleeding gums, gum recession
Building of Kali phos and Nat mur are together Growth, pregnancy, regeneration
tissue builders of tissue (exhaustion) wound healing,
muscular and any other atrophic
Antiseptic agent, Kali phos is acting like a disinfectant to Decomposition of tissue happens
remedy for high avoid the spreading of illness germs. with high temperature in order to
fever A deficiency will cause decomposition of speed up the transport. This speedy
tissue in order to get the needed minerals dramatic process needs Kali phos
not to reduce the fever, but to
remove the cause for it.

The most important Tissue Salts for adopted, abandoned

or maltreated animals!

A deficiency of this mineral is often related to a strain that

appears during sleep (i.e. EMR geopathic stress zones).

Colour of discharge

Physical signs
Anxiety and stress
Deafness, eventually with foul discharge
Halitosis (if not tooth infection or stomach problems are the
Nervous stomach weakness, ulcers

Horses: helpful for nervous horses that frequently shy or are

easily spooked, or are that is lethargic, irritable, nervous, or
No 7 Kalium sulfuricum – Pancreas, pigmentation,

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Oxygen Oxygen transmission into the cells with Asthma, lactic acid in muscles,
Ferr phos. Important for cell renewal Candida
Pancreas Kali sulph is the operating agent of the Nausea from excitement, Diabetes
pancreas regarding the Insulin 1 (part of the mix)
Pigmentation Kali sulph is responsible for the Dandruff on sticky ground, chronic
Skin pigmentation by regulating the Melanin skin problems, pigmentation
secretion (skin colour agent) disturbances
Cellular Kali sulph has the ability to collect Skin deposits (moles, nevi) need to
cleansing harmful substances from our cells be combined with Nat sulph for
3rd stage of an Is used when the metabolism is Chronic illnesses, mainly in the
illness hampered or too lazy, especially in scope of pollutant load, i.e. skin
persistent cases. problems, Psoriasis, itch

Colour of discharge

Physical signs
Kali sulf is also used to support the liver; most important
Tissue Salts for the skin

Asthma, bronchial asthma (yellow expectoration)

Bowel gas with sulphurous odour
Chest rattling, rattling of mucous
Ear problems (catarrh Eustachian tube), with discharge of
watery/yellow matter
Loss of fur, coat, feathers
Rheumatism migrating
Stomach, burning heat, chronic issues

Benefit for sport animals (and yourself):

To avoid lactic acid: before No 4 Ferr phos and after workout
No 7 Kali sulph

Horses: assists with conditions requiring oxygen on a cellular

level including inflammation, dry skin, fungal infections and
mucus discharges.
No 8 Magnesium phosphoricum – Painkiller, nerves

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Muscles Mag phos is the working agent for the Mag phos is navigating the
involuntary muscle activity – responsible autonomic nervous system,
for glands, nerves, colon peristalsis, influencing heart, circulation
rhythm of the heart muscle glandular system, digestion and
metabolism. Main remedy for
cramps like bellyache, bloating and
Nerves Involuntary inner tension Nervous animals, insomnia,
excellent for sport animals
Energy An important mineral for energy gain in Weak constitution and for long-
the cells (ATP) term efforts

Physical signs
Mag phos is the main pain killer in Biochemistry, sustaining
the nerve ends, especially those of the organs: stomach,
colon, bladder, gallbladder and blood vessels.

Cramping, nervous cough
Circulation poor
Colic of stomach, colon-, gallbladder
Disc complaints
Heart problems, nervous palpitation
Muscle cramps
Rheumatic complaints
Sciatic pain

Horses: assists with muscle spasms, anxieties,

hypersensitivity, depression, tension and neuralgia
No 9 Natrium muriaticum – Water and temperature controller

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Fluid, Nat mur regulates the fluid and the Sensitivity to cold conditions and
temperature temperature of the body. If deficient, the drafts, dandruff, cold paws, thirsty
water intake cannot be absorbed and or not at all. Dry or watery eyes,
used, what can cause dehydration. water retention, ‘slobbery belly’
(bubbling), dry skin, dry fur/coat.
Phlegm Binding the phlegm and creates the Watery cold, sinuses, inflammation
mucous membranes of bladder/kidney
Cartilage, discs, In charge of all parts with little or no Damages to the inter-vertebral
eyes blood flow (tendon, ligament, cartilage, disks, cracking joints, dry or watery
discs and eyes). Nat mur is increasing the eyes, dry skin, cataract
number of red blood cells, is building the
cartilage and synovial fluid
Biological toxins Nat mur is able to render biological Insect bites, gout, main remedy for
toxins harmless. Also important with allergies
gout as a result for unprocessed purines

Distinction of water retention:

Pressing a finger into puffy tissue and the dent stays, it is a
No 9 Nat mur deficiency. If the dent in the tissue disappears,
it is a No 11 Nat sulph deficiency.

Colour of discharge
Transparent, clear

Physical signs

Bladder and kidney problems

Burns v
Constipation (lack of fluid)
Dandruff, white scales on scalp
Dry mucous membranes (anywhere)
Ears: deafness (tympanic cavity), purulent discharge
Hay fever, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis
Heart: palpitation with anxiety, sadness
Joints cracking
Loss of fur, coat, feathers
Obstruction of tear duct
Saliva excess or poor
Skin diseases (chronic), acne, eczema
Sunstroke (chief remedy!)

v Nat mur is very helpful when applied as a paste on fresh burns. If this is too
painful, dissolve TS and spray solution on fresh burns, maybe add some No 4
Ferr phos for inflammation.

Horses: assists with slow bowel function, which will reduce the likelihood of
food fermenting in the intestinal tract due to constipation.
No 10 Natrium phosphoricum - Acidity

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Acidity Nat phos is in charge for the regulation Gastritis, rheumatism, swelling of
of uric acid, to avoid any deposits. lymph nodes, chronic fatigue,
Acidity is linked to all rheumatic tiredness, joint pain, stones i.e.
disorders bladder, kidney, gallbladder
Fat metabolism Nat phos regulates the fat metabolism Sebaceous glands, obesity (fat)
Immune system Acidity is clinging to the lymphocytes, Slow wound healing, often
what is weakening the immune system recurring inflammation, muscle and
joint pain
Sugar brake Causes a disturbance in the fat Hopefully your pet don’t get sweets
down metabolism

Colour of discharge

Physical signs
Nat phos supports the gallbladder, is neutralising acidity and
helps with the elimination of grains or stones from
gallbladder, kidneys and bladder, while it boosts at the same
time the metabolism.

Acid smelling secretions, burping

Chronic fatigue, tiredness
Ears: burning, itching
Eyes: yellowish discharge, gummed up lids
Hives, itching all over, like insect bites
Legs: give way while walking (paralyzed)
Horses: assists with conditions caused by incomplete
breakdown and elimination of metabolic wastes including
uric and lactic acid in tissue.
No 11 Natrium sulfuricum - Liver Cleanser & Support
Scope Biochemical Connection Application
Liver, pollutant Nat sulph is supporting the liver in the Pains in joints, gout, rheumatism,
elimination process to transform accruing slag or itching skin/eczemas (slag will be
harmful matter into excretable substances excreted via the skin, as it is an
aggressive solution, it is causing
itching), warts, nevi (as a deposit of
Sugar Nat sulph supports the liver regarding the High glucose values, Diabetes II
Slagging Nat sulph is eliminating a water surplus Slag is linked to smelly winds and
from the system, supporting the diarrhoea
detoxification and elimination of toxins.
It is the biochemical support for liver and
Colon A deficiency of Nat sulph can impair the Colon problems
digestive activities and toxins cannot
properly be eliminated

Distinction of water retention:

Pressing a finger into puffy tissue and the dent stays, it is a
No 9 Nat mur deficiency.
If the dent in the tissue disappears, it is a No 11 Nat sulph

Colour of discharge

Physical signs
Nat sulf supports the secretion of toxic fluids and the activity
of the excretory organs: colon, kidneys and bladder.

Asthma (worse with damp weather)

Diabetes (chief remedy!), leg ulcers
Ear pressure, irritable mucous membranes
Itching skin and eczema
Limb pain
Puffy tissue
Urine: gravel, sandy deposits

Horses: can help a mare with infected discharge from the

reproductive organs.
No 12 Silicea - Connective Tissue, nerves, cleanser

Scope Biochemical Connection Application

Connective Structural set-up and strengthening of Weakness of connective tissue,
Tissue connective tissue early ageing
Skin, fur/coat, Silicea is responsible for the connective Lifeless fur, coat, brittle claws,
feathers, tissue regarding fragility/brittleness. The hoofs, feathers
claws/hoofs skin as one of the most important organs
for toxin elimination is a reliable
indicator for the state of health
Nerves Silicea is in charge for the conductivity of Light and noise sensitivity,
the nerves twitching lids, sciatic nerve
Acidity Silicea is neutralising and binding acidity Rheumatism

Silicea is important for normal health and strength of fur,

coat, feathers and claws, hoofs.

Physical signs

Abscesses, boils, carbuncles

Bronchitis chronic
Claws, hoofs: crippled, brittle together with No 1
Ears: Inflammatory swelling of Eustachian tube, Otitis,
discharge, deafness
Eyes: stye on eyelids, abscess of cornea, boils + cystic
tumours around eyes, lids
Heart: chronic disease
Mouth: ulcerated, cracked corners
Much sneezing
Skin: itching worse daytime
Sleep: jerking of limbs
Varicose veins (horses)

Horses: used in treating conditions involving abnormal

calcification of bone, cartilage, ligaments, or tendons.
Additional Tips and Info
Colic is always a sign for mineral deficiencies. The body is
missing certain minerals as functioning agents hence the
disturbances are getting worse this will affect the digestive
tract and causes gas. The following Tissue Salts are

General colic:
# 8 Mag phos, # 10 Nat phos, # 11 Nat sulph, # 20 Kalium*
alum sulf.

Digestive colic:
# 2 Calc phos, # 8 Mag phos, # 10 Nat phos, # 11 Nat sulph

Bladder/Kidney colic:
# 4 Ferr phos. # 8 Magphos, # 9 Nat mur, # 10 Nat phos.

Gas/Wind colic:
# 4 Ferr phos, # 8 Mag phos, # 10 Nat phos
Food-Allergies with dogs and cats
To treat successfully food-allergies it is important to avoid
during 1 month: NO Tin-Can food, Egg White, Pork,

Tissue Salt Mixture: Calc fluor, Kali sulph, Nat mur (double
amount), Nat phos, Silicea

You may include: Bach Flower Remedies: Beech, Crab

Apple, Chestnut
Hip-Dysplasia (HD)
This is a not fully developed or deformed
joint, hence cannot grip properly into each
other. This Sublaxation can appear after an
injury, but most often HD is caused via
over-breeding of pedigree dogs. A very
important part we’ll find in the nutrition. A
puppy fed to many proteins for too long can experience a too
fast growth, which can positively influence the building of

ATIFA created a wonderful and supportive Tissue Salt

mixture ‘Hip dysplasia’.
Tissue Salts Calc fluor, Calc phos, Ferr phos, Kali phos, Mag
phos, Nat mur, Nat phos, Silicea, Manganum sulf, Calcium
It is important to feed the Tissue Salt Mixture during a very
long time, an additional external application with Tissue Salt
Creams is recommended.
Hypothermia /cooling
Cooling produces profound disruption of normal body
function, and this doesn't revert to normal the minute an
animal is rescued and in the warmth.
Don’t cover the animal – it needs to produce the warmth
from inside!
Provide the mixture of Tissue Salt # 2 Calc phos (double), #
4 Ferr phos, # 6 Kali phos, # 9 Nat mur
There are several possibilities causing itching with an
Allergies, nervousness, toxicity, vaccinations or tick
treatments just to name a few. Hence the treatment is then
also different.
Food with preservatives, colorants and GMO can cause
allergies, nervousness and/or itching beside some other
ailments. Sometimes it is sufficient to change the food and
maybe add some Probiotics.
Too often the animals will then been given Cortisone, which
adds an even bigger strain to the overloaded system but
actually is only working with the symptom.
A helpful Tissue Salt Mixture for itching is:
# 4 Ferr phos, # 7 Kali sulph, # 8 Mag phos, # 11 Nat sulph
and if possible the higher TS # 14 Kalium bromatum, # 24
Arsenum jodatum
Larger wounds
The larger wounds often need to be stitched. Rather pay a
quick visit to the vet’s in order to have everything properly
cleaned, disinfected and stitched. Then we need to support
the system with internal and external applications:

Tissue Salts # 1 Calc fluor, # Calc phos, # 4 Ferr phos, # 6

Kali phos, # 9 Nat mur, # 12 Silicea

You may dissolve Tissue Salt tablets with little water and
apply directly onto the wound, the carrier Lactose is acting
antiseptic and as all is natural the animal can lick the paste
away without any problem. Or else use the related (also
natural) TS Creams.
Small wounds, bite wounds
Small wounds, resulting from a short fight, should
immediately be disinfected with salt water or better
‘Colloidal Silver’. Afterwards treat the small wound – when
there is no need to be stitched - with a paste from tablets:

Tissue Salt # 4 Ferr phos, # 6 Kali phos

Wash wound with water until residue from lactose is
An animal needs to replace its body fluids (blood, lymphs,
gastric juices) and water is the main component. If the body’s
fluid is reduced from excessive exposure to heat/sun (left
behind in the hot car or without any shade on a hot and sunny
day), it will reduce the circulating blood volume. The blood
turns thicker, looses the electrolytes and a chemical reaction
is taking place. With not sufficient electrolytes in the
organism the animal gets weaker and experiences
coordination disturbances within the muscles, the heart is not
any longer beating regularly and the innate regulation of the
body temperature is collapsing.

Possible signs: fainting, short of breathe, racing pulse, tongue

and mucous membranes turn blue, fever, vomiting – all signs
for an abnormally high temperature in the brain.
Tissue Salts: # 4 Ferr phos and # 9 Nat mur (with vomiting
add # 6 Kali phos) injected with a syringe (no needle) in
small portions of the dissolved TS, also Flower-Rescue-
Remedy can assist. In extreme cases a vet’s visit is necessary.
Tick bite / Lyme Borreliose
A tick-bite takes usually 24 h, until the bacteria has entered
the system (animal or human). If you notice following signs,
please immediately see the vet:
Re-occuring fever, lethargy, loss of appetite and weight,
lame, swelling of lymph nods, heart problems, neurologial
disturbances and kidney problems.
The vet will have to apply a heavy chemical bomb, hence we
need to treat the after effect of the medical treatment and
strengthen the system with: Tissue Salts # 4 Ferr phos, # 5
Kali mur, # 6 Kali phos, # 9 Nat mur, # 11 Nat sulph
Anti-Tick/flea treatments
The usually available remedies against ticks and fleas are
applied on the skin and reach the Central Nervous System
via the blood. It is possible that the animal is suddenly
reacting aggressively - nobody knows why and sometimes
they create itching and eczemas. It is the same process as
with women dying their hair…
Please provide 3 days before and after the following

Tissue Salt mixture: # 8 Mag phos, # 11 Nat sulph, # 13

Kalium arsenicosum internally and externally
Or alternatively: TS #5 Kali mur, # 6 Kali phos, # 9 Nat mur,
# 11 Nat sulph
ATIFA TONIC for healthy, shiny hair/fur/coat/feathers
What you need:
• 1 bottle (normal, spray or drop)
• 250 ml boiled, but cooled down water

• Tissue Salts #:
Calcium fluoratum
Kalium phosphoricum
Kalium sulphuricum
Natrium muriaticum (double amount)
Natrium phosphoricum

Drizzle one teaspoon of the Tissue Salt mixture into the

water (room temperature) and leave it stand for 20 minutes,
do not stir! Pour the solution carefully into a bottle and
dispose the white residue, as all minerals have now dissolved
into the water.

Massage this tonic daily into the hair/coat/feathers and/or

rinse; can be repeated unlimited.

Store the bottle in the fridge. Out of hygienic reasons, it is

advisable to renew this solution every 3rd day and
cleanse/rinse the bottle thoroughly.

Best results can be obtained by administering the same

Tissue Salt mixture. This procedure should be continued for
about 3 months to achieve a long-lasting effect, even the
symptoms have disappeared.
Animal Tissue Salt Combinations

Disturbance Indication Tissue Salts daily tabl.

Colic general VET 8 Mag phos 10

10 Nat phos 30
11 Nat sulph 20
20 Kali alum s. 20

Colic Digestive colic 2 Calc phos 20

8 Mag phos 20
10 Nat phos 20
11 Nat sulph 20

Equine laminity, hoof Dry, brittle 1 Calc fluor 20

also external application 6 Kali phos 20
daily footbath with mix 9 Nat mur 10
12 Silicea 10

Equine laminity, hoof dislikes movement 1 Calc fluor 20

also external application Keratin disturbance 2 Calc phos 10
4 Ferr phos 10
6 Kali phos 20

Hoof abscess Foreign object / VET 3 Calc sulph 20

also external application 4 Ferr phos 10
5 Kali mur 10
10 Nat phos 20
11 Nat sulph 20
12 Silicea 10

Hoof crack Brittleness 1 Calc fluor 20

also external application 6 Kali phos 10
9 Nat mur 10
12 Silicea 10
Disturbance Indication Tissue Salts daily tabl.

Itching summer eczema 3 Calc sulph 20

4 Ferr phos 20
7 Kali sulph 10
8 Mag phos 20
11 Nat sulph 20 to 40

Itching ears also around ears/VET 1 Calc fluor 7

8 Mag phos 10
9 Nat mur 10
10 Nat phos 20
11 Nat sulph 10

Performance low unclear / PowerMix 4 Ferr phos 20

6 Kali phos 20
9 Nat mur 20

Disturbance Indication Tissue Salts daily tabl.

Change food,
Allergy (food) NO tincans 1 Calc fluor 5
NO milk, eggs, pork, 7 Kali sulph 5
sausage, Biltong 9 Nat mur 10
10 Nat phos 5
12 Silicea 5

Biochemical Eye Drops Dissolve TS in pure water 3 Calc sulph 7

Filter and pour through 4 Ferr phos 10
Suitable also for humans! paper coffee filter into 7 Kali sulph 5
dropper 9 Nat mur 7
10 Nat phos 15
12 Silicea 5

Bone fracture Supports bone growth 1 Calc fluor 7

And healing 2 Calc phos 10
12 Silicea 10
Disturbance Indication Tissue Salts daily tabl.

Diarrhoea NO food during 24h 4 Ferr phos 5

TS into water, if persistent,
see vet 6 Kali phos 10
9 Nat mur 10
19 Cuprum ars. 5
21 Zincum mur 7

Doggie smell (strong) 2 week cure advisable 3 Calc sulph 5

Organism is overloaded 4 Ferr phos 5
With waste, toxins etc. 6 Kali phos 5
7 Kali sulph 5
9 Nat mur 5
10 Nat phos 5
11 Nat sulph 10
26 Selenium 10

Eczema (skin general) Dissolve TS spray or 4 Ferr phos 5

coating, wrap 6 Kali phos 5
7 Kali sulph 5
9 Nat mur 7
11 Nat sulph 10
26 Selenium 7

Heat stroke, sun stroke Vet! Rescue drops or 4 Ferr phos 10

Calc sulph repeat all
5 minutes, Cold water 9 Nat mur 10
wrap on forehead
Dissolve and use syringe

Itching, nervous Itching can be caused 8 Mag phos 10

psychosomatic, nerves, 11 Nat sulph 10
allergies 13 Kali arsen* 7
14 Kali brom* 7
Paws, bleeding Use TS also externally 4 Ferr phos 10
also TS creams 6 Kali phos 10
9 Nat mur 5
Disturbance Indication Tissue Salts daily tabl.

Shock Dissolve TS, only if fully 3 Calc sulph 10

conscious, else rub the
TS into gums 4 Ferr phos 5
Repeat, until signs disapp. 6 Kali phos 5

Teething (puppy) Dissolve into water or 1 Calc fluor 7

mix with food 2 Calc phos 7
4 Ferr phos 7
6 Kali phos 5
9 Nat mur 7

Tic bite After removing carefully 3 Calc sulph 5

desinfect with Coll. Silver 4 Ferr phos 5
Coating or wrapping 5 Kali mur 5
6 Kali phos 5
9 Nat mur 5
11 Nat sulph 5

Vaccination Prep and aftercare 2 Calc phos 5

3 days before + after 4 Ferr phos 5
5 Kali mur 7
20 Kali alum sulf. 7
Dog Reflexology
Food stuff that is harmful or fatal to dogs

Alcoholic Can cause intoxication, coma or death.


Avocado Can cause difficulty breathing; fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart; or pancreatitis.
(fruit, pit, &

Baby food Can contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. (Please see onion below.) Can also result in
nutritional deficiencies, if fed in large amounts.

Bones from Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.

poultry, or
other meat

Bones Can splinter and tear a dog’s internal organs.


Cat food Generally too high in protein and fats.

Chocolate, Contain caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous
coffee, tea, systems. Chocolate can cause seizures, coma and death. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous
& other it is. But any chocolate, in large enough amounts, can kill a dog. An ounce of chocolate can poison a
caffeine 30-pound dog, and many dogs will happily consume more than this. The symptoms may not show up
for several hours with death following within twenty-four hours.

Citrus oil Can cause vomiting.


Dairy Can cause pancreatitis, gas and diarrhoea. A small amount of non-fat, plain yoghurt is usually safe.

Egg whites Raw egg whites contain a protein called avidin, which can deplete your dog of biotin, one of the B
(raw) vitamins. Biotin is essential to your dog’s growth and coat health. The lack of it can cause hair loss,
weakness, growth retardation, or skeleton deformity.

Fat Too much fat or fried foods can cause pancreatitis.

Fruit pips, Apple seeds, cherry pits, and peach pits, pear pips, plums pits, peaches, and apricot pits contain
seeds cyanide, which is poisonous.

Grains Grains should not be given in large amounts or make up a large part of a dog’s diet, but rice is generally
(large safe in small amounts.

Grapes & Can cause kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raisins can kill him. If the dog doesn't
raisins eat enough at one time to be fatal, he can be severely damaged by eating just a few grapes or raisins

Ham & Contain too much fat and too much salt, and can cause pancreatitis. Also, large breeds of dogs that eat
bacon salty food may drink too much water and develop a life-threatening condition called bloat. This is
where the stomach fills up with gas and within several hours may twist, causing death.

Hops Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death.

Human Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and
vitamin kidneys.

Liver Raw liver or too much cooked liver (three servings a week) can lead to vitamin A toxicity. This can
(large affect muscles and cause deformed bones, excessive bone growth on the elbows and spine.

Macadamia Contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscle. Can cause
nuts weakness, muscle tremor and paralysis. These symptoms are usually temporary.

Marijuana Can depress the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in the heart rate.

Milk & Some adult dogs and cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the
other dairy lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhoea.

Mouldy or Can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhoea and can also affect other organs.

Mushrooms Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death.
Wild mushrooms can cause abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting,
diarrhoea, convulsions, coma, or death.

Nutmeg Can cause tremors, seizures and death.

Onions & Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anaemia. Cats are more
garlic (raw, susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
cooked, or

Pennies Contain zinc, which can cause kidney failure and damage to red blood cells. A dog that consumes even
(made from one penny can become quite sick, or even die, if the penny is not removed.
the 1980s to

Persimmons Seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis.

Pits from Can cause obstruction of the digestive tract.

peaches and

Potato, Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. Potato peels and green
rhubarb, & potatoes are dangerous.

Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead
to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.

Raw fish Can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe
cases, death. More common if raw fish is fed regularly.

Salt If eaten in large quantities it may lead to electrolyte imbalances and kidney problems. Large breeds of
dogs that eat salty food may then drink too much water and develop bloat, which is fatal unless
emergency treatment is given very quickly.

String Can become trapped in the digestive system; called a "string foreign body."

Sugary Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus.

Table scraps Table scraps are not nutritionally balanced. They should never be more than 10% of the diet. Fat should
(in large be trimmed from meat; bones should not be fed.

Tobacco Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat,
collapse, coma, and death.

Tomatoes Can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias. Tomato plants and the most toxic, but tomatoes themselves
are also unsafe.

Walnuts Walnuts are poisonous to dogs.

Xylitol Diet products containing the sweetener Xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar, resulting in
depression, loss of coordination and seizures. Unless treatment is given quickly, the dog could die.

Yeast dough Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach
or intestines.

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