Lesson 3 PDF
Lesson 3 PDF
Lesson 3 PDF
Now starts the exciting journey into the study of homeopathic remedies. A Materia
Medica is a collection of remedies, their description and therapeutic action on the
body. Trying to memorize the whole Materia Medica would be an exercise in
disaster. It should be used for reference. Produced below is the description of a
medicine called Aconite taken from Boericke’s Materia Medica, this is just for
A state of fear, anxiety; anguish of mind and body. Physical and
mental restlessness, fright, is the most characteristic manifestation of
Aconite. Acute, sudden, and violent invasion, with fever, call for it.
Does not want to be touched. Sudden and great sinking of strength.
Complaints and tension caused by exposure to dry, cold weather,
draught of cold air, checked perspiration, also complaints from very
hot weather, especially gastro-intestinal disturbances, etc. First
remedy in inflammations, inflammatory fevers. Serous membranes
and muscular tissues affected markedly. Burning in internal parts;
tingling, coldness and numbness. Influenza. Tension of arteries;
emotional and physical mental tension explain many symptoms.
When prescribing Aconite remember Aconite causes only functional
disturbance, no evidence that it can produce tissue change--its action
is brief and shows no periodicity. Its sphere is in the beginning of an
acute disease and not to be continued after pathological change
comes. In Hyperæmia, congestion not after exudation has set in.
Influenza (Influenzin)
Mind.--Great fear, anxiety, and worry accompany every ailment,
however trivial. Delirium is characterized by unhappiness worry,
fear, raving, rarely unconsciousness. Forebodings and fears. Fears
death but believes that he will soon die; predicts the day. Fears the
future, a crowd, crossing the street. Restlessness, tossing about.
Tendency to start. Imagination acute, clairvoyance. Pains are
intolerable; they drive him crazy. Music is unbearable; makes her
sad (Ambra). Thinks his thoughts come from the stomach--that parts
of his body are abnormally thick. Feels as if what had just been done
was a dream.
Head.--Fullness; heavy, pulsating, hot, bursting, burning undulating
sensation. Intercranial pressure (Hedera Helix). Burning headache,
as if brain were moved by boiling water (Indigo). Vertigo; worse on
rising (Nux. Opium) and shaking head. Sensation on vertex as if hair
were pulled or stood on end. Nocturnal furious delirium.
Eyes.--Red, inflamed. Feel dry and hot, as if sand in them. Lids
swollen, hard and red. Aversion to light. Profuse watering after
exposure to dry, cold winds, reflection from snow, after extraction of
cinders and other foreign bodies.
Ears.--Very sensitive to noises; music is unbearable. External ear
hot, red, painful, swollen. Earache (Cham). Sensation as of drop of
water in left ear.
Nose.--Smell acutely sensitive. Pain at root of nose. Coryza much
sneezing; throbbing in nostrils. Haemorrhage of bright red blood.
Mucous membrane dry, nose stopped up; dry or with but scanty
watery coryza.
Face.--Red, hot, flushed, swollen. One cheek red, the other pale
(Cham, Ipec). On rising the red face becomes deathly pale, or he
becomes dizzy. Tingling in cheeks and numbness. Neuralgia,
especially of left side, with restlessness, tingling, and numbness. Pain
in jaws.
Mouth.--Numb, dry, and tingling. Tongue swollen; tip tingles. Teeth
sensitive to cold. Constantly moves lower jaw as if chewing. Gums
hot and inflamed. Tongue coated white (Antim crud).
Throat.--Red, dry, constricted, numb, prickling, burning, stinging.
Tonsils swollen and dry.
Stomach.--Vomiting, with fear, heat, profuse sweat and increased
urination. Thirst for cold water. Bitter taste of everything except
water. Intense thirst. Drinks, vomits, and declares he will die.
Vomiting, bilious mucous and bloody, greenish. Pressure in stomach
with dyspnœa. Hæmatemesis. Burning from stomach to œsophagus.
Abdomen.--Hot, tense, tympanitic. Sensitive to touch. Colic, no
position relieves. Abdominal symptoms better after warm soup.
Burning in umbilical region.
Rectum.--Pain with nightly itching and stitching in anus. Frequent,
small stool with tenesmus; green, like chopped herbs. White with red
urine. Choleraic discharge with collapse, anxiety, and restlessness.
Bleeding hæmorrhoids (Hamam). Watery diarrhœa in children. They
cry and complain much, are sleepless and restless.
Urine.--Scanty, red, hot, painful. Tenesmus and burning at neck of
bladder. Burning in urethra. Urine suppressed, bloody. Anxiety
always on beginning to urinate. Retention, with screaming and
restlessness, and handling of genitals. Renal region sensitive.
Profuse urination, with profuse perspiration and diarrhœa.
Male.--Crawling and stinging in glans. Bruised pain in testicles,
swollen, hard. Frequent erections and emissions. Painful erections.
Female.--Vagina dry, hot, sensitive. Menses too profuse, with
nosebleed, too protracted, late. Frenzy on appearance of menses.
Suppressed from fright, cold, in plethoric subjects. Ovaries
congested and painful. Sharp shooting pains in womb. After-pains,
with fear and restlessness.
Respiratory.--Constant pressure in left chest; oppressed breathing
on least motion. Hoarse, dry, croupy cough; loud, labored breathing.
Child grasps at throat every time he coughs. Very sensitive to
inspired air. Shortness of breath. Larynx sensitive. Stitches through
chest. Cough, dry, short, hacking; worse at night and after midnight.
Hot feeling in lungs. Blood comes up with hawking. Tingling in
chest after cough.
Heart.--Tachycardia. Affections of the heart with pain in left
shoulder. Stitching pain in chest. Palpitation, with anxiety, fainting,
and tingling in fingers. Pulse full, hard; tense and bounding;
sometimes intermits. Temporal and carotid arteries felt when sitting.
Back.--Numb, stiff, painful. Crawling and tingling, as if bruised.
Stiffness in nape of neck. Bruised pain between scapulae.
Extremities.--Numbness and tingling; shooting pains; icy coldness
and insensibility of hands and feet. Arms feel lame, bruised, heavy,
numb. Pain down left arm (Cact, Crotal, Kalmia, Tabac). Hot hands
and cold feet. Rheumatic inflammation of joints; worse at night; red
shining swelling, very sensitive. Hip-joint and thigh feel lame,
especially after lying down. Knees unsteady; disposition of foot to
turn (Aescul). Weak and lax ligaments of all joints. Painless cracking
of all joints. Bright red hypothenar eminences on both hands.
Sensation as if drops of water trickled down the thigh.
Sleep.--Nightmare. Nightly ravings. Anxious dreams. Sleeplessness,
with restless and tossing about (Use thirtieth potency). Starts up in
sleep. Long dreams, with anxiety in chest. Insomnia of the aged.
Skin.--Red, hot, swollen, dry, burning. Purpura miliaris. Rash like
measles. Gooseflesh. Formication and numbness. Chilliness and
formication down back. Pruritus relieved by stimulants.
Fever.--Cold stage most marked. Cold sweat and icy coldness of
face. Coldness and heat alternate. Evening chilliness soon after going
to bed. Cold waves pass through him. Thirst and restlessness always
present. Chilly if uncovered or touched. Dry heat, red face. Most
valuable febrifuge with mental anguish, restlessness, etc. Sweat
drenching, on parts lain on; relieving all symptoms.
Modalities.--Better in open air; worse in warm room, in evening and
night; worse lying on affected side, from music, from tobaccosmoke, dry,
cold winds.
Vinegar in large doses is antidotal to poisonous effects.
Relationship.--Acids, wine and coffee, lemonade, and acid fruits
modify its action.
Not indicated in malarial and low fevers or hectic and pyæmic
conditions, and in inflammations when they localize themselves.
Sulphur often follows it. Compare Cham and Coffea in intense pain
and sleeplessness.
Agrostis acts like Acon in fever and inflammations, also Spiranthes.
Complementary: Coffea; Sulph. Sulphur may be considered a
chronic Aconite. Often completes a cure begun with Aconite.
Compare; Bellad; Cham; Coffea; Ferr, phos.
Aconitine.--(Heavy feeling as of lead; pains in supraorbital nerve; icecold
sensations creep up; hydrophobia symptoms. Tinnitus aurium 3x). Tingling
Aconitum Lycotonum.--Great yellow wolfsbane.--(Swelling of
glands; Hodgkin's disease. Diarrhœa after eating pork. Itching of
nose, eyes, anus and vulva. Skin of nose cracked; taste of blood).
Aconitum Cammarum.--(Headache with vertigo and tinnitus.
Cataleptic symptoms. Formication of tongue, lips and face).
Aconitum ferox.--Indian Aconite.--Rather more violent in its actions
than A. napellus. It is more diuretic and less antipyretic. It has
proved valuable in cardiac dyspnœa, neuralgia, and acute gout.
Dyspnœa. Must sit up. Rapid respiration. Anxiety, with suffocation
from feeling of paralysis in respiratory muscles. Cheynes-Stokes
breathing. Quebracho (cardiac dyspnœa) (Achyranthes.--A Mexican
drug--very similar to Aconite in fevers, but of larger range, being
also adapted to typhoidal states and intermittents. Muscular
rheumatism. A great diaphoretic. Use 6x). Eranthis hymnalis--
(Winter Aconite--acts on solar plexus and works upwards causing
dyspnœa. Pain in occiput and neck).
Dose.--Sixth potency for sensory affections; first to third for
congestive conditions. Must be repeated frequently in acute diseases.
Aconite is a rapid worker. In Neuralgias tincture of the root often
preferable, one drop doses (poisonous), or again, the 30th according
to susceptibility of patient.
Trying to memorize such a big description for more than three thousand remedies
would be difficult; hence Materia Medica should be used only as a reference. The
remedy selection is done with the help of a repertory about which we shall learn
later. What we need to remember about each drug are it’s characteristic symptoms
and it’s differentiation from other similar remedies.
The first remedy Cuprum has breathlessness (dyspnoea) with epigastric uneasiness which
usually appears before menses and is better drinking water. The other remedy also has
breathlessness but what distinguishes it from the first is that the dyspnoea is worse lying
down, symptom not found in the former. This is how the homeopathic medicines are
We are now taking you into the journey of homeopathic Materia Medica. When you
come out of it, you would already to affect some cures.
Homeopathic remedies are taken from all conceivable sources – Vegetable kingdom,
Animal kingdom, diseased toxic matter and the Minerals and their compounds.
Vegetable Kingdom
All most all plants of the “Ranunculi” are poisonous and some of its members are slightly
narcotic. Ranunculies are hypersensitive both mentally and physically, have violent anger
and suffer ailments after anger, they are absent minded, they don’t like company, they
suffer from ailments due to fright, most of them are chilly, Complaints more on right
side, they are usually psoric (shall learn later in Miasms), they have perspiration on single
part or one sided, they suffer from menstrual problems, they have dryness of the tongue
and mouth, medicines from this group act prominently on breasts.
Main members of the Ranunculaceae group are - Aconite, Actea Racemosa, Actea
Spicata, Clematis, Helleborus, Hydrastis, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus bulbous, Ranunculus
sceleratus, Staphisagria, and Adonis vernalis
It affects the sensory nerves, causing tingling, followed by numbness. It accelerates the
heart's action, causes a rise in temperature, with chills, fever and sweat; large doses
producing paralysis of the heart and nerves, with collapse. Mental distress is an invariable
concomitant condition. It’s indicated in neuralgia when the parts are violently congested,
hot and swollen; when brought on by exposure to dry, cold winds and when the pains
are tingling, with numb sensations, driving the patient to despair. Pains are worse at
night. It has unquenchable thirst for cold water; large drinks at long intervals, or drinks
little and often
It is indicated in the young and plethoric, who are attacked suddenly with illness of an
acute character, such as sudden congestions, violent fevers, acute colds, desperate pains,
benumbing tingling neuralgias, etc.
Sthenic (intense febrile state) fevers, with chilliness on the slightest movement; dry heat
of skin, thirst, red cheeks, quickened respiration; full, bounding, rapid, tense pulse, with
mental anxiety and aggravation towards evening. Every motion makes the patient chilly;
he is at the same time very restless from the mental anxiety
Aconite—hard, quick, bounding pulse; restless, anxious, tossing about in bed, fear of
death; the patient even predicts the day of his death
Gelsemium —soft, flowing, compressible pulse; drowsy, quiet, tendency to stupor,
countenance suffused.
Veratrum Viride, another remedy for fevers, has more arterial but less nervous
excitement than Aconite, and a characteristic of Veratrum Viride is a bright red streak
through the centre of the tongue
In dysentery; frequent scanty with tenesmus; especially in autumn, when days are warm
and nights cold. Diarrhoea of inflammatory origin from cold drinks or checked
Pain in the heart extending down the left arm (Kalmia and Rhus Tox), with numbness,
palpitation and lancinating stitches, full, hard and rapid pulse; uncomplicated hypertrophy
of the heart
Aconite ceases to be of use in the second stage of inflammation; when it has localized
Pulmonary congestions, with hard, dry, painful cough, anxiety and restlessness, and
perhaps a little blood streaked expectoration is another area for its use
It’s indicated in suppressed menses when it occurs in plethoric patients from fear or fright
or after exposure to cold.
This is the medicine I would recommend all new comers to start with. It works for all
diseases whether cardiac, pulmonary, digestive, febrile, menstrual, headache etc. from
exposure to cold, if given within twenty four hours of onset. Start with 30C potency four
times a day and reduce to once a day as improvement ensues. Nothing should be eaten
half hour before and after taking the medicine. Coffee should not be taken with
homeopathic medicines as they tend to antidote the action of the remedies.
It has the property of contracting the blood vessels, especially of the pelvic organs, thus
producing a relatively anaemic condition of the same, and it is, therefore, useful
in many conditions of the female organs which are accompanied with hemorrhage,
further: It acts on mucous membranes, relaxing them, producing a thick, yellowish, ropy
secretion. It also produces a condition of marasmus, and is particularly active in old,
easily tired people, cachectic individuals, with great debility, emaciation, prostration and
weak digestion.
Nasal Catarrh: Watery, excoriating coryza, with burning and rawness in the nose and a
sensation as if a hair were in the nose, the discharge being more profuse out of doors;
later, thick, yellow, tenacious discharge and a constant dropping from the posterior nares
into the throat. Kali Bich is similar but there is a tendency to deep ulceration, and the
mucus is even more tenacious and stringy than with Hydrastis
Stomach: A sinking, gone feeling at the pit of the stomach; an empty, gone feeling, as if
the patient had suffered from diarrhoea for a long time; there is also putrid or sour
eructations and some nausea; ulceration, cancer and chronic gastric catarrh.
Constipation: After the use of purgatives (Nux Vomica), when there is present the
sinking, gone feeling at the epigastrium, with symptoms of gastro-duodenal catarrh, such
as torpidity (inactive) of the liver, yellow skin and tenderness in the hepatic region and
light coloured stools
Leucorrhoea: it is thick, yellow and tenacious, and is accompanied with great weakness
and constipation
Ears: Muco-purulent discharge, roaring in the ears and catarrhal deafness, with heavy,
dull condition of the head
It seems to act chiefly on the genito-urinary organs, prostate gland especially, and
corresponds to many conditions proceeding from abnormal states in this region.
Characteristic applications
Mental: Sad and irritable, especially depressed after a fit of anger or after an insult; a sort
of mental colic; very peevish and gloomy
Nervous System: Memory weak. The nervous system is worn out, exhausted; the patients
are pale, the nose is peaked, the eyes are sunken and surrounded by dark rings. Moody,
depressed, prefers solitude, is shy of the opposite sex; sexual excesses and especially self-
abuse from allowing the mind to dwell too long on sexual subjects.
Skin: eruption with violent itching, which, when scratched, changes place and itches
somewhere else (Anacardium and Mezereum).
Teeth: turn black and crumble as soon as they appear (Kreosote, first turn yellow then
dark) a condition found in sycotic children
Eyes: Itching of margin of lids, styes, nodosite, chalazae on lids, one after another,
sometimes ulcerating
Stomach: sensation as if the stomach were hanging down, relaxed; it seems to be flabby
and weak; a great desire for wine, brandy or tobacco. Pain felt in abdomen after every
morsel of food and drink (Ipecac).
General: It may be employed like Arsenicum, Apis, Nitric acid and Hepar Sulph in
scarlatinal dropsies when the urine looks quite dark, or is mixed with dark flocks. In such
a case frequent doses of the tincture, two or three drops at a time are useful.
It acts especially on the muscular tissue and skin, and its most characteristic effects are
upon the chest walls, causing pains like pleurodynia. Its symptoms are especially worse
from change of weather
General: Sensation as if painful parts were ulcerated. Aggravation of the troubles in damp
weather, and from changes in temperature is an important symptom. It may be employed
in case of dropsy from kidney affections, hemiplegia from apoplexy, and in epidemic
cerebro-spinal meningitis with relief of the symptoms from sweat and sleep
Skin: It produces an eruption similar to herpes zoster or shingles, which occurs along the
course of nerves; there are burning vesicles filled with serum and are associated with
sharp, stitching pains; non-syphilitic pemphigus (watery blisters) in children
It develops a vesicular eruption on the skin with tendency to form large blisters, from
which exude an acrid discharge, making the surrounding parts sore. It’s more severe than
the Bulb
Characteristic Symptoms:
Mental: changeable disposition; first mild, tearful and yielding, and then irritable, peevish
and fitful; Natrum Mur has this mild, tearful disposition, but consolation aggravates,
while the Pulsatilla patient seeks consolation
Chlorosis (anemia caused by iron deficiency): After abuse of iron and quinine, the system
is relaxed and the patient feels worn out and she suffers from uterine and menstrual
derangements. It will probably be the first remedy to use if the case comes from
allopathic hands.
Varicose Veins: Blue, distended veins, with soreness and stinging pains; Hamamelis is
the better remedy for the soreness
Cold: it’s indicated in the later stages, when the cold is ripe, the discharge is thick, muco-
purulent, yellow, and not excoriating; the blandness of the discharge is characteristic. In
case of violent sneezing with these symptoms, Cyclamen is the remedy
Eyes and Ears: Yellowish-green, bland discharges are characteristic of the drug and
indicate it in ophthalmia and otorrhoea; it has sharp, tearing and pulsating pains in the
ears, which are worse at night; earache in children. Chamomilla is given in case of
nervous children who cannot tolerate pain, where one cheek is red and the other pale
Stomach: Tongue coated thickly white, dry mouth, no thirst, weak digestion, fullness
after eating and a sensation as if the stomach were ulcerated; there is a distress which
comes on about two hours after eating, with a great deal of flatulence, which tends to
shift about. If these symptoms are caused by eating cakes; fat, rich and greasy food, then
it is more strongly indicated; all food tastes as if saturated with salt. Ipecac, Thuja and
Carbo Veg also have indigestion from fatty foods. Sensation of a lump in the stomach
like a hard boiled egg is found in Abies Nigra.
Diarrhoea is yellow, watery, greenish and changeable; worse after late suppers and after
Male: Orchitis and epididymitis, where the testicle is retracted, enlarged, sensitive and
dark red, with pains along the spermatic cord; especially useful when due to suppression
of a gonorrhoeal discharge (Rhododendron, Clematis, Iodine and Spongia)
Female: menses changeable both as to color and time, associated with colic and
chilliness; late; scanty; suppressed after getting feet wet. Leucorrhoea thick, yellowish-
green and bland; indicated in threatened abortion, changeable character of the labour
pains; faintness and oppression of the chest; retained placenta from too weak contraction
of the uterus; it stimulates their growth and prevents irregular development; milk fever.
Breasts swollen and painful, with scanty, almost suppressed flow of milk, this is
accompanied by the gloomy, tearful disposition.
Fever: Chilliness predominates; fever without thirst, with oppression and sleepiness;
worse about two or three in the afternoon
Extremities: Changeableness and tendency to shift about from joint to joint (Bryonia,
Colchicum, Kali Sulph and Sulphur), their aggravation from warmth and their relief from
cold. Useful in neuralgias also, which tend to shift about.
Cimicifuga produces many cerebral, spinal and pelvic symptoms, acting more
prominently on females. Many of its symptoms point to hysteria and rheumatism; its
general character is manifested by agitation, nervousness, sleeplessness and pain
Head: A sensation as if the top of the head would fly off; neuralgic pains over the scalp;
there is an aching at the base of the skull as if a bolt were driven from the base to the
top of the head. There is also a sensation of waves of pain going over the head, often
associated with intense aching in the eyeballs.
Mental: Depression; delirium tremens with visions of rats, mice, etc. A sensation as if
there were a pall or gloom, or a horrible sadness settling over her—a feeling as if
going crazy
Female Reproductive Organ: is the main sphere of action of this drug, especially in the
pregnant state. The symptoms are pain going across the abdomen from hip to hip,
seeming to double the patient up. Spasmodic after-pains, and a predisposition to abortion,
with nervousness, weeping mood; ovarian neuralgia, with other reflex left-sided pains
Compare: it needs to be compared with Caulophyllum; both have the rheumatic diathesis,
both have the hysterical spasms, both have the trembling; the keynote of Caulophyllum,
however, is rheumatism of the small joints, with uterine complaints, while the
rheumatism of Cimicifuga is in the fleshy part or belly of the muscles. Cimicifuga
produces persistent tonic contractions or spasms. Caulophyllum produces intermittent or
clonic spasms followed by atony
Extremities: Laming pains in left hip, pain becoming so acute as to drive him out of bed,
better sitting up, relieved by pressure. It differs from Actea Spicata which acts on the
smaller joints of the hands and feet, especially the wrist joint, while in Actea Racemosa
the bellies of the muscles are affected
Its main use is in orchitis of gonorrhoeal origin, and when the testicle is indurated and
hard as a stone and very painful; in Rhododendron too the testicle is affected but it tends
to atrophy; there is a crushed feeling in the gland, and it is more useful in chronic cases;
both drugs have pains which course up the spermatic cord
It increases arterial tension, regulates the heart beats by lessening the frequency of the
pulse and increasing the force of the cardiac contraction. It acts rapidly and increases the
Papaveraceae Family
They act on the circulation of the blood, tending to produce narcosis of a greater or less
degree by engorging the blood vessels of the brain. The effect thus produced on the
sensorium ranges all the way from sleepiness to stupor. This is eminently true of Opium
and to a less degree of Sanguinaria and Chelidonium which are the main remedies in the
It acts upon the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nervous systems, producing brief
excitation, rapidly followed by depression and paralysis; hence symptoms of torpor
(lethargy) and depression characterize this drug. Drowsy stupor, stertorous breathing, loss
of consciousness; apoplectic states always remind of Opium.
Cough: It has a dry, tickling cough, which is especially worse at night and is relieved by a
drink of water
Its main characteristic is a pain under the angle of the right scapula (shoulder blade); in
affections of the liver, where there is a great deal of pain and soreness in the region of
that organ; jaundice; yellow tongue, taking the imprints of the teeth; bitter taste and
craving for sour things
Headache: Pains begin in the morning in the occiput, travel up over the head and settle in
or over the right eye. The pains are so severe that the patient can neither tolerate noise nor
light, and vomits everything; the patient buries the head in the pillow or presses it on
some thing hard for relief. Temporal veins distended. Belladonna ache does not start from
occiput and is throbbing, is relieved by being propped up in bed, while Sanguinaria has
relief from lying down
Respiratory: congestion of the lungs, bright red face and flushing of one or both cheeks.
Burning in the chest; dry, hacking cough and feeling of dryness in the air passages.
Oppression of breathing and a tenacious, difficult expectoration, which is apt to be rust
coloured; there are also sharp stitching pains through the right lung; pneumonia; always
better when lying on his back; also phthisis Florida; purulent expectoration, smells bad,
even to the patient himself
Rheumatism: Sharp, stitching pains, with soreness and stiffness of the muscles.
Rheumatism of the right deltoid (shoulder joint) muscle (Magnesia Carb), which is very
painful; Ferrum met and Nux Moschata ha rheumatism of the left deltoid muscle
Composite family
They represent sudden shocks, traumatism, injury and wounds. These remedies have a
feeling as if shocked, bruised, traumatized, victimized, wounded and "dislocated". They
do not really like to be approached, moved, or touched because they are < worse contact
[emotional and physical], jar, being hit, or sudden movements. Many of these remedies
have never well since shocks, traumas, operations, wounds and injuries. They have
flushes of heat, heart and circulatory problems, easy hemorrhages, bloody discharges and
blood poisoning. Many are useful in cancer treatment. They are useful in infections,
worms, parasites, septic states, and rapid decomposition, accompanied by nervous
complications, continued and remittent fevers with high fever, chill and sweats with bone
and muscles aches, hard bed sensations, prostration, and restlessness. The remedies are
antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic and antihelminthics (worms). Patient feels dizzy and must
lie down because of great weakness. The patient is < cold, excitability, restlessness,
changeable, and subject to mood swings. They are < cloudy, damp weather. they are
more morose then melancholic. They produce allergenic diseases, hay fever, sneezing,
asthma, yawning, and fainting. They are troublesome patients in that they do not answer
questions well either of out dullness, denial, and/or irritability. there is plethora,
cardiovascular, rheumatic, and arthritic diathesis with soreness, stitching, aching, bruised
feelings, hard bed sensations, inflamed tissue, as if beaten or broken in pieces. These
remedies have bilious indigestion, liver and gall bladder complaints with temple
headaches, yellow eyes, photophobia, yellow coating on the tongue, slimy, bitter, yellow
discharges, bitter and sour eructation, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding,
constipation, and parasites.
It produces conditions in the system quite similar to those resulting from injuries, falls,
blows, contusions. It is especially suited to cases where any injury, however remote,
seems to have caused the existing trouble. After traumatic injuries, over-use of any organ,
strains; limbs and body ache as if beaten, bed feels too hard. On the skin it produces an
acute dermatitis.
Characteristic Symptom: A bruised, sore feeling all over the body; the patient
feels as if he had been pounded. Its given in mechanical injuries, sudden wrenching of
muscles from strains; hemorrhages from injuries; for injuries to the soft parts
accompanying fractures, bruises, ecchymoses, concussions of the brain and spine. Rhus
Tox is preferred when the ligaments (tissue that connects bones) rather than the soft parts
are injured, for it acts more on the fibrous tissues. Hypericum is indicated when there is
injury to the nerves. Calendula is given when the wounds are ragged and there is loss of
substance (open bleeding wound) with great soreness and pain; it reduces inflammation
and promotes healthy granulation. Staphisagria is for surgical operations; smooth, clean
cuts. In case of fractures and injury to the bones, the remedy is Symphytum; it is also
useful in cases of injury to the eyes.
Typhoid Fever: Indifference to everything; patients do not know or care that they are
sick; go to sleep in answering questions; hot head, cool body and a bruised feeling all
over the body; complain that the bed is too hard and toss about to find a soft spot;
involuntary stools and urine; petechiae all over the body; ecchymoses and bed sores; later
a condition of stupor in which the lower jaw drops.
Rheumatism: resulting from exposure to dampness, cold and excessive muscular strain
combined; the parts are sore and bruised; gout, with extreme soreness
Skin: It produces a peculiar form of erysipelas (red rash) with much itching and soreness,
dark blue in color. Boils with great soreness
External Use: it can be applied to traumatic areas but be diluted before being applied
Acts on the sensory nerves given off from the spinal cord, producing a state of excessive
hyperaesthesia. This over-sensitiveness is accompanied by a corresponding mental state,
a snappish irritability. It acts prominently also on the digestive tract, and is especially
suitable for many complaints of children during the teething period
Mental: Crossness and irritability; the child is impatient and restless; wants to be carried
about and petted; wants and cries for things and when it gets them it throws them
away; children that are especially sensitive to pain, snappish, short and cannot be civil,
consequences of anger. Staphisagria and Bryonia also have bad anger and are prescribed
foe bad affects due to that
Sleep: children start during sleep, the muscles of the hands and face twitch, there may be
colic, and the face is red, especially one cheek. If there is delirium, Belladonna should be
substituted. Cypripedium should be thought of in case children are wakeful at night.
Passiflora has nervous sleeplessness and a clean tongue, it is also useful in convulsions
and tetanus.
Rheumatism: drive the patient out of bed and compel him to walk about; the pain almost
drives him crazy; Rhus Tox, Ferrum met, and Veratrum alb, have rheumatic pains
relieved by moving about but they lack the irritability and feverishness of Chamomilla
Nasal: nose is stopped up (Nux Vomica, Sambucus and Sticta) yet runs a watery mucus;
sneezing and inability to sleep; a dry, teasing cough, keeping the child awake, or else a
rattling cough, as if the bronchi were full of mucus
Diarrhoea: Stools of yellowish green, slimy mucus, looking like chopped eggs and
spinach, of foul rotten-egg odor, occurring in teething children, or after taking cold,
accompanied by colic; the anus is sore, caused by the hot stools
Labour: When the pains begin in the back and pass off down the inner side of the thighs,
and when the patient is intolerant of the pain, makes a great fuss, is impatient and
spiteful, the os being rigid. It is given in case of suppression of milk in nursing mothers
due to a fit of anger
Mental: Children awake in a fright, scream, tremble and cannot be quieted; they are proof
against all caresses; are cross, irritable, nervous and peevish; they want to be rocked.
Influenza: Great soreness and aching of the entire body; hoarseness and cough, with great
soreness of the larynx and chest; a great deal of coryza and thirst, and drinking causes
vomiting; the cough (Drosera) hurts the head and chest and the patient holds the chest
with the hands.
Intermittent fever: The chill commences about 7 or 9 in the morning in the back,
accompanied by thirst, and there is intense aching in all the bones, as if they were
broken; this is followed by heat and an increase of the aching, and this by a scanty or
profuse sweat.
Gastric: patient vomits water or food that has been taken, or bile as the chill passes of
Dysuria, frequent painful urging with either excessive or scanty flow of urine, which is
high colored and contains mucus; there is also aching in the region of the kidneys.
In hemorrhage from any part of the body of bright red blood and occurring after
mechanical injuries. Haemoptysis, epistaxis, or hemorrhages from the uterus or bowels.
Erigeron: hemorrhage is of bright red blood, and is increased by every motion of the
Cinamonum: Profuse haemorrhage from a strain or misstep; tendency to hemorrhages;
frequent attacks of nose-bleed
Trillium pendulum: Active or passive haemorrhage; threatened abortion, with a gush of
blood on each movement, with a sensation as if the hips and back were falling apart;
relieved by bandaging the hips tightly.
In young, pallid, weakly girls, whose tendency is towards catarrhal phthisis; there is a
dry, hacking cough, with profuse expectoration; they are sensitive to cold air, always
taking cold. In these cases Senecio will often establish the flow and relieve the general
catarrhal state
Haemorrhage: Tendency to hemorrhage from all the mucous membranes of the body,
especially if accompanied with catarrhal conditions, or dropsy from anaemia, in waxy,
chlorotic girls, who have a tendency to hemorrhage. Vicarious hemorrhagic
Uterine troubles and leucorrhoea, with extreme constipation, great efforts being required
to evacuate the bowels; also weakness of digestion; patient is weak and tired
Grand Characteristics
Muscular tone: loss of muscular tone is shown by the dull backache, the tiredness, the
tendency of the uterus to prolapse, hemorrhages and leucorrhoea
Depression: dull, inactive mental state, fullness in the head increased by thinking, loss of
appetite, a weary and drowsy feeling and tendency to chilliness.
Uterus: there is great soreness and weight in the womb, what Dunham termed a
"Consciousness of a womb." Tired, aching feeling in the back and limbs, with impaired
nutrition; burning in the region of the kidneys
A mapped tongue; liver trouble, with soreness in the region of the liver and bilious
diarrhoea; Hahnemann recommended it in glucosuria
Carduus Marianus: Jaundice, dull headache, bitter taste, tongue white in middle with red
edges. Nausea and vomiting of an acid green fluid; bilious stools, urine golden yellow,
fullness in region of liver and stitching pains
Myrica: It causes a suspension of biliary secretion, resulting in jaundice; there are clay-
colored stools and soreness in the region of the liver. Other symptoms are drowsiness
with dull frontal headache, worse in the morning; yellowness of the eyes; scanty urine;
tongue dirty, yellow; great muscular soreness and aching in the limbs.
Septic disorders, adynamic conditions, such as malignant scarlet fever, diphtheria and
typhoid states. It has also proved of use in boils and carbuncles.