Homeopathy For Body and Soul
Homeopathy For Body and Soul
Homeopathy For Body and Soul
By Antonie Peppler
Page 5
over 30 years ago, at the beginning of my career in homeopathy, I asked myself how
symptoms arise in a remedy proving (see final chapter) and where they come from. Many
test persons had similar symptoms but each expressed it in their
For example, "I simply can´t stomach that anymore" or "it makes me want to throw up " or
"it gives me the shits just to think about it". The symptoms of a homeopathic remedy
proving described something... they described a life situation that was typical The
symptoms of a homeopathic remedy proving described something... they described a life
situation that was typical.
This insight opened up worlds of undestanding for me. It became clear to me that people
who had knee pain were supposed to or had to submit to someone or something.
They got the knee pain because it was just this "having to bow down" that they did not
want to do. Knee pains are a key symptom of sticta pulmonaria the remedy of maids or
service personnel those who think that they have to serve others.
Many test persons had similar symptoms, but each expressed it in their own special way
often in colourful vernacular. For example "I simply can´t stomach that anymore" or " it
makes me want to throw up " or it gives me the shits just to think
Sticta pulmonaria gives us the remedy and symptom picture of people who are trying to
work their their way up, who want
pag 2: supongo el comienzo del libro.
“Two very different things appeal to us equally: the habitual and the unfamiliar.” Jean de La
We perceive the new not only as an exciting realm of the unknown but also as something
that is insecure and the often quoted communal customs as a protection for the traditional
And so-at second glance- it makes sense to set aside for once our own evaluation of
concepts and to look for the reasons why we often prefer the safe to the adventurous. And
so it is with this book: our objective is to sharpen the “second glance,” the perception of
the complexity of individuality behind the the facade of the symptoms and indications of
illness. . they got the knee pain because it was just this "having to bow down "that the did
not want to do. Knee pains are a key symptom of sticta pulmonaria the remedy of maids
or service personnel those who think that they have to serve others. Sticta pulmonaria
gives us the remedy and symptom picture of people who are trying to work their
Not infrequently it happened that , upon introducing this topic in my seminars, I heard the
prophets of doom call out: "but Hahnemann said you are not supposed to interpret ".
Hahnemann who seeing the tendency of his students to categorize their patients according
to their own therapeutic opinions and theories, partly doubted their ability to make exact
observations and specifically warned against lack of patience in the observation of patients.
He lived in an era of the most varied medical theories, and accused his colleagues of
pressing their patients into these theoretical molds instead of observing them properly and
recording their symptoms exactly.
Those who wish to work with the interpretation of body language in the sense that
Hahnemann had in mind , must observe the symptoms of the patient very exactly in order
to arrive at a description of the conflict. The consistent application of a language
description, which is as exact and as inwardly deep-reaching as possible, has become an
essential pillar of creative homeopathy. A number of years ago I had the idea to jot down
the psychological significance of diseases as an essential part of creative homeopathy so
that my students would have something to refer to when touching upon the various topics
in my courses. This was ,as i said years ago, but things went quite differently than expected.
To formulate the topics verbally is one thing ;to put them down in writing is another.
The topic of catarrh of the eustachian tube can serve as an example: the remedies that are
often used here are used here are , for example, Silica with the psychological significance:
"heady feelings suppressed because of hurt" or Pulsatilla: "Buries head in the sand,
avoidance of conflict.
The explanation of why a patient develops catarrh of the eustachian tube takes on a new
depth, however when we take into consideration that the rubric also includes Iodium with
the psychological significance: ""Does not feel nourished or loved" and Hydrastis: "Rejects
life´s pleasures and makes others responsible for it.
A fundamental rejection of life is more difficult to heal than the avoidance of conflict.
At the same the "pressure in the ear is a warning to the other person: "if you put any more
pressure on me I won´t hear you at all anymore " or more
Over many years I always learnt a huge amount while assembling the topics of this book-
above all, that profound knowledge cannot just be "jotted down quickly "I should have
known for both my previous works on "The psycological...