APC Nov 2017 Specimen Examples Complete
APC Nov 2017 Specimen Examples Complete
APC Nov 2017 Specimen Examples Complete
November 2017
To assist all candidates in preparation for the Assessment of Professional Competence, SAICA
has made these examples (specimen answers) available, to illustrate examples of candidate
responses deemed LC (limited competent), C (competent) or HC (highly competent) for each of
the sections of the case, along with examiner comments (on each of the sections of the case
study) on our website.
We recommend that the 2017 case study be reviewed in detail prior to reviewing examples of
LC, C and HC attempts to sections. Thereafter, review the examiner’s comments on each
attempt and absorb this for the purposes of your preparation for 2018.
No illustrated examples of candidate responses deemed BC for each of the sections of the case
study has been included, but rather examples of LC and C. BC attempts would have features of
both LC and C attempts but would not be distinguishable as either.
Good morning
I received the attached documents from Azania last night. Metagog wants us to assist them with
working out the accounting for the acquisition of shares in Vame in Metagog’s statement of
financial position on the acquisition date of 1 November 2017. We are under a bit of pressure to get
this done asap as I have a meeting with Azania and Tyler on Friday. Metagog acted quickly to reel
in Vame, but the accounting considerations were left behind somewhat.
Azania forwarded the draft goodwill calculation that has been prepared by Metagog’s financial
manager (see extract 1.3 attached). Kindly send me specific comments/critique on this calculation.
I only need you to consider the effect on the consolidated financial statements as the impact on the
separate financial statements is straight forward. Also, there’s no need at this stage to do further
number crunching; just high-level commentary for now.
Please keep in mind that Azania, Tyler and I are not qualified accountants, so don’t make it overly
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Vame due diligence and other documents related to the acquisition (extracts)
Extract 1.1: Extracts from auditor’s report on the 2017 annual financial statements of Vame
Qualified opinion
We have audited the financial statements of Vame (Pty) Ltd as set out on pp. 4–37, comprising the
statement of financial position as at 30 June 2017, the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash flows for the
year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant
accounting policies.
The company has failed to disclose a contingent liability stemming from an ongoing legal dispute
with a major customer, while there is a possibility that the claim will be successful, according to
independent legal opinion. In terms of International Financial Reporting Standard IAS 37,
Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, such contingent liabilities shall be
disclosed. The claimed amount is R2,5 million and the amount to be awarded as well as the timing
of any outflow will be determined by a court of law. Furthermore, no re-imbursement will be
We draw attention to note 24 of the financial statements, which indicates that Vame (Pty) Ltd
incurred a net loss of R1,3 million during the year ended 30 June 2017 and, as of that date, the
company’s current liabilities exceeded its current assets by R28,1 million. As stated in note 17,
these events or conditions indicate that a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt
on Vame (Pty) Ltd’s ability to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified in respect of
this matter.
Though Vame is currently making losses, we are prepared to pay the amount per the sale of
shares agreement for amongst others the following reasons:
1. With Vame’s intellectual capital (mainly vested in Tebogo and James) and Metagog’s
established relationships with educational partners, Vame can become profitable within
the next 2–3 years, if not sooner. The company has huge potential.
2. In addition to owning a property in Rosebank, Vame has top-end computer equipment.
3. Vame has unique game design and rendering technologies that were developed and
patented by the company.
4. Though the business is young, there seems to be a loyal customer base.
5. Vame has an existing contract with a leading local university to design a number of
online learning games for it over the next three years.
6. Vame has a sizeable assessed loss that it is for some reason not carrying as an asset
on its balance sheet.
We plan to restructure Vame’s operations at an estimated cost of R500 000 after the
The attorney’s fee for drawing up and advising on the agreements amounted to R277 480
(paid by Metagog).
What we pay
Upfront cash payment 1 000
Issue of 200 shares ((15 195 000) total equity Metagog x
200/1 500 shares) (2 026)
Take-on bonus 1 500
Additional cash payment (highly probable) 2 000
1. The amount for intellectual capital represents the expertise of mainly Tebogo and James, the
founding members of Vame. This asset is valued at R1 500 000, being its cost price. That is
the amount of the take-on bonuses payable to Tebogo and James to stay with the company
until at least June 2021.
2. The value of customer relationships was determined by discounting expected revenues from
existing customers, as estimated by Vame, over the next five years (conservative) at the SA
prime interest rate.
The value of the contract with the university was determined by discounting expected revenues
from this contract, as estimated by Vame, over the next three years at the SA prime interest rate.
Hi Ingrid,
Thank you for forwarding me the relevant workings and documents on the goodwill calculation
from Azania. I have created a table below where I have included commentary on the amounts that
appear to be incorrect or need further consideration, and any omissions that have been made.
Although the auditors noted a going concern material uncertainty, now that Metagog has acquired
them, the assets and liabilities will be reflected at fair value so this does not have an immediate
Please let me know once you have reviewed my commentary and any adjustments or updated you
would like me to make.
Kind Regards,
Junior Consultant.
Examiner Comments: n addressing this task, the candidate displayed a high degree of
professional competence. The latter is specifically important as it was required from the
candidate to comment/critique on the draft goodwill calculation prepared by the financial
manager of Metagog. Hence, the tone used on delivering the commentary/critique is of utmost
importance. Furthermore, it was also required that the commentary/critique should not be
overly technical and should not be accompanied by calculations. The manner in which the
candidate provided commentary, which included reference to only applicable technical
principles, without it becoming a technical opinion of sorts, is commendable.
Various other aspects of the attempt also resulted in the candidate distinguishing him/herself
from just being assessed as competent:
The technical accuracy of the commentary.
The ability to provide commentary with appropriate justification and a sound rational.
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 8 © SAICA 2017
Overall good coverage in addressing all the elements in the calculation provided.
Identifying that Metagog will have 1,700 shares in issue post acquisition of Vame and not
Identifying that deferred tax has not been taken into account on the asset/liability
adjustments due to possible revaluations on the acquisition date of Vame.
Questioning whether any other intangible assets need to be recognised at fair value which
were previously expensed in the individual financial statements, and may possibly now be
allowed to be capitalised in the consolidated financial statements in terms of IFRS 3
Business Combinations.
Advising that non-controlling interest can be measured at fair value as an alternative.
Overall, the task was addressed in a professional and highly competent manner.
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: Wednesday, 22 November 2017
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Re Acquisition of shares in Vame
I have reviewed the drafted goodwill calculation and below please find my comments on the deferred
The drafted goodwill calculation is based on 30 June 2017 accounts and balances as goodwill is
recognised at the date of acquisition of the 1 November 2017 as the excess of fair value of net assets
acquired, whereby Metagog will own a 55% portion of it. The account balance of Vame at 1
November should be obtained. This will be in the form of a trail balance.
As we received the extract of the Independent Auditors’ report, Metagog should use it to advantage
in supporting the basis of the goodwill calculations.
In order to determine the correct goodwill, I have commented on the consideration paid as well as
the net asset value. The consideration paid is required to be at value as well as the assets and
liabilities, referred to onwards as net asset value.
Consideration paid
Upfront cash payment: The upfront cash payment of R1 million is payable within 30 days of
acquisition date. The financing component can be considered to be immaterial on the basis that it is
only deferred 30 days. However, as Metagog I would consider the effect of R7 000 (based 9,4% for 30
days. Therefore it up to Metagog’s discretion to adjust the R1 million to net present value or to keep
it at R1 million as the interest is immaterial.
Issue of 200 shares in Metagog: For the consideration paid to Vame, Metagog is required to place a
fair value consideration on the shares offered to the shareholders of Vame. Therefore by taking the
total equity, Metagog had calculated and determined the value per share. Thus is incorrect for a
Take-on bonus: The take-on bonus related to shareholders of Vame not leaving Vame. Therefore
payment that relates to future services are not included in the consideration paid as this does not
serve part acquisition success.
Acquisition costs
o In the goodwill calculation attorney’s fees have been incorrectly included.
o Any fees attributable to the acquisition will be an expense. These fees include attorney’s fees
for drawing up and advising about the Vame agreement.
o Therefore attorney’s fees should not be included in the consideration paid to Vame.
Customer relationships
o The customer relationships lists and existing relationships can be classified as an intangible
asset in business combinations.
o However, Metagog should determine a more appropriate rate for fair valuing the customers
list and the relevant risks will either increase or decrease the interest rate.
New contract: The new contract will be treated as an intangible asset as it is identifiable and the
necessary interest adjustments need to be made at either prime plus/less rates based on risk.
o The following liabilities, namely bank loans, trade payables, accruals, deferred revenue, are at
fair value at the acquisition date of 1 November 2017.
o Therefore based on the incorrect date and assumption the liabilities were not fair valued as the
values in the goodwill calculations are incorrect.
After all the necessary adjustments above are addressed, Metagog will either have goodwill value or a gain
on bargain purchase.
However, attention should be raised in case of goodwill value. The Metagog Group has to establish the
accounting policy now that they will account for the non-controlling interest as this will have an impact if
Metagog will have 100% of goodwill value or only 55% of it or 45% of the non-controlling interest.
The deferred tax considerations need to be taken into account when fair valuing assets and liabilities at
Thanks, Junior
Examiner Comments: Overall good coverage of the issues (i.e. commentary on the
consideration and net assets obtained) to be addressed was displayed in this attempt. The
tone used and technical accuracy was appropriate overall. The depth and rationale of the
response were appropriate.
Although a good response, some aspects of the attempt detracted from the quality of the
response. These included:
In the introduction to the response, an unnecessary discussion on how goodwill is
calculated, is provided.
Some technical errors, which are forgivable, were noted in connection with the suggestion to
discount the upfront cash payment and the capitalisation of the restructuring costs incurred.
Some aspects of the response were a bit technical, but still understandable by a non-
The candidate also identified the fact that deferred tax should be accounted for as a result of
recognising assets and liabilities at fair value as part of the business combination in the
consolidated financial statements. This suggestion adds value to the overall response.
Overall, this attempt displayed the required competence in completing the task at hand.
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: Wednesday 22 November 2017 09:05 AM
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Acquisition of shares in Vame
I have reviewed the goodwill calculation and I have provided my comments regarding the impact on
the consolidated financial statements below as requested:
I hope you consider the above insights and comments meaningful. Please let me know if I can be of
any additional assistance.
Kind regards,
Junior Consultant
Examiner Comments: Overall this attempt did not display the required competence in the
Although the candidate did address most of the issues in the goodwill calculation (i.e.
commentary on the consideration and net assets obtained), several inappropriate, inaccurate
and unjustified comments/critique were provided which showcased limited competence in this
Overall, this attempt was disappointing and in practice would be referred to another individual
to re-perform.
Please note that our 10:00 meeting has been cancelled. Instead, could you please prepare a first
draft of a reply that I can send to Azania Njeke, in response to her email queries below, for me to
Partner: Millennial Consultants SA
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Dear Ingrid
Unfortunately, I must cancel our meeting scheduled for 10:00, as I have to deal with a crisis. Our
content providers are now questioning the integrity of the figures that we have reported and paid to
them as their share of the revenues.
This crisis resulted from an anonymous email that was sent to all our content partners. I suspect
that this was done by a competitor, but I have no evidence … As I am sure you will understand, this
could have dire consequences for Metagog, if not managed properly. My point of departure, in
dealing with this matter, will be to evaluate whether those aspects of our internal control system
aimed at ensuring that the revenue share due to each of our content partners is not understated,
are strong (as has been claimed by my staff).
Therefore I would like your firm to prepare a checklist reflecting (i) the areas that we should
consider when undertaking the evaluation, as well as (ii) the nature/examples of the internal
controls that should be operating in each area, to ensure that our system does not understate the
share of revenues due to each content partner.
I attach a brief outline of the systems description, prepared by my team, to this email – but
unfortunately it seems rather light on internal controls (I can only hope that these have been
omitted!). I will use your checklist to engage with my team on the matter.
Also: Any further advice you can provide in assisting us to manage this situation will be greatly
Description of system used to compute share of revenue
due to content partners
1. In terms of the agreements we concluded with our content partners, the partner’s share of the
revenue from a short course is settled in two payments:
Forty percent of the partner’s share becomes due when delegates register for a course.
The remainder becomes due upon the completion of a particular course offering.
2. Our website, the online learning platform, as well as much of our software and databases, are
hosted on servers operated by Amazing Web Services, a service organisation with whom we
have contracted for this purpose.
3. When a person wishes to register as a Metagog delegate for the first time, s/he provides all
relevant personal information on the registration page of our website. This information is used
to update our delegate database.
4. When the registered delegate wishes to register for an online course, s/he selects the course
from the course catalogue pages of our website. The course information displayed (e.g.
course outcomes, syllabus, course fee, duration) is extracted from the course database for
the delegate’s review. Once the delegate has confirmed the course selection, s/he has to
indicate whether the registration is to be paid by a corporate client, or by the delegate
5. Once all the pertinent data required for completion of the registration has been captured, and
the necessary verifications undertaken, the course registrant database is updated.
6. At the end of every month, our accountant extracts two reports from the course registrant
database: one report reflecting all new course registrations for the month, and a second
report reflecting completed courses for the month. The details in these reports include the
course registration date, course completion date, course fee and the content partner. These
reports are downloaded and imported into an MS Excel spreadsheet on the accountant’s
7. The accountant then sorts this data by content partner and uses the ‘=sum function’ to cast
the course fee column to determine the fees generated by each content partner with regard
to new registrations and completed courses.
8. The accountant then prepares a schedule (spreadsheet) summarising these totals and uses
an MS Excel formula to multiply the amounts with the appropriate percentages, depending on
whether the amount relates to new course registrations or completed courses. This amount is
recorded on a credit note and posted to the content partner’s account in the creditors’ ledger.
9. In the event that delegates for a particular short course on average give a course evaluation
of below 60%, a 10% discount is granted to the participating delegates (which is shared
equally by Metagog and the content partner). This amount is recorded on a debit note and
posted to the content partner’s account in the creditors’ ledger.
10. The CEO and CIS authorise the EFT payment in respect of each content partner’s revenue
share, after agreeing the EFT amount to the balance on the partner’s account in the creditors’
11. Once the payment has been effected the accountant sends the credit and debit notes to each
content partner.
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 15 © SAICA 2017
Highly competent
Task B
Dear Ingrid
I trust this email finds you well. In response to your email about the draft mail prepared for Azania
Njeke with regards to the internal control checklist and additional support to assist Metagog with
the crisis of confidence
Please go through the above checklist to ensure these specific controls are implemented
General Matters
It is very important to ensure there is appropriate segregation of duties. All duties should be clearly
specified and designated to the appropriate skilled employee. The environment in which Metagog
revenue system is computerized and the use of computer automated controls should be implemented
more efficiently to reduce human errors.
Furthermore i recommend that Metagog utilizes the ISAE 3403 report which entails the following:
1. System description of the revenue share
2. Control Objectives in the system description
3. Risks that threaten controls in the system description
4. Design, implement and maintain controls to provide reasonable assurance that the control
objectives is achieved.
5. Provide a written assertion to accompany the description of the completeness and accuracy of the
information provided and the state the criteria used as a basis for making the assertion
The external auditors from Metagog will audit the report and the design and operating effectiveness
of the various controls included in the report. This report can be shared to the auditors of the
content providers which will give them comfort around the control environment of the revenue
sharing processes and the reliability of the accuracy of the revenue figures. The report will also
benefit Metagog to the extent that it gives Metagog extra assurance on their controls and potentially
a competitive advantage for when universities consider outsourcing work for Metagog. It is thus
evident that this report will assist Metagog in identifying risks, ensuring controls are effective, and
ensuring that risk of misstatements are mitigated. This will ensure that confidence in the revenue
share figures are restored by Metagog and the content partners
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 18 © SAICA 2017
For any further information after your review of the above please do not be hesitant to contact me
Kind Regards
Junior Consultant
Examiner Comments: The candidate displayed a high level of competence in their response
as evidence by the following:
The candidate addressed both aspects required by the task – i.e. providing appropriate
controls, which will prevent and/or detect the understatement of revenue AND provides
means to address the crisis of confidence.
The layout used by the candidate and the communication skills displayed are most
The candidate furthermore displays an understanding of the revenue generation process
of Metagog and links the controls to each part of this process. The controls suggested are
appropriate and suitable and address the risks prevalent in each part of the revenue
generation process. Superb coverage of the issues was achieved.
The candidate correctly focused on the understatement of revenue through the
suggested controls. They also differentiated between the electronic and manual parts of
the process.
The initial commentary on the service level agreements to be in place are insightful and
value adding.
The recipient of this report would have been very impressed with the candidate’s
response to the task!
Task B
Hi Ingrid,
Hi Azania,
I am sorry to hear about this situation which Metagog faces. Please find our response to your
queries as follows:
2 The system should not allow delegates to register for a course unless they
have selected a method of payment.
3 A verification email should be sent to the newly registered delegate
confirming their ID number, email and course registration and fees.
4 A reconciliation of number of courses registered for on the website to
number of registrations on the masterfile database should be performed
5 When delegates select the course for which they register the course fee and
Partner should automatically be prepopulated from the masterfile.
Access to Course 1 Access controls to the online learning platform to ensure that only delegates
Content who have paid for the course content have access:
- Username and password required to be entered to gain access to course
- Encryption techniques to prevent non-registered delegates from accessing
the content
- Firewalls to prevent non-registered delegates from accessing the content
2. Consider whether Metagog should hire their external auditors to issue an ISAE 3402 report. This
should be added to the audit committee agenda.
3. Investigate whether Metagog's IT experts are able to trace the email sent to the content partners
Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,
Junior Consultant
Limited competent
Task B
Dear Ms Jansen
Please see below a first draft of a reply to the e-mail you received from Azania Njeke, where she
requested our assistance regarding their internal control system over the revenue share for their
content partners.
Dear Anzania
Thanks for your e-mail. Please find below a checklist reflecting the areas that you need to consider
as well as the nature/examples of the internal controls for the relevant areas.
Advice on crises
I would setup meetings with the partners, to reassure and explain to them that Metagog has sound
internal controls to ensure that the correct share of the revenue is paid to them.
You also might consider getting a ISAE3402 report done. You mentioned it to me before and I
think it will be beneficial to the company to have such a report drawn up. By doing such a report
you can show your partners that the company has sound internal controls over the revenue sharing.
Examiner Comments: Although the candidate attempted to address both parts of the task
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 23 © SAICA 2017
(i.e. responded to the request for controls which management could implement in the revenue
generation process as well as to provided appropriate means to manage the crisis of
confidence) the following issues evidence limited competence:
Instead of providing a suitable list of control measures addressing the risks of an
understatement of revenue at Metagog, the candidate provide a list of tests of controls
to be performed – this does not address the task. The candidate should have provided a
list of controls, which should be implemented.
The candidate does not display an understanding of the entire revenue generation
process nor the risks posed in each. Some of the key risks, for instance those be
addressed through access controls – for instance to limit unauthorised changes to the
course database – are not addressed by the candidate.
The candidates does not adequately address the understatement of revenue risk
resulting in an incorrect profit share amount.
Notwithstanding the fact that the candidate did address the crisis of confidence (although
the response could have been clearer regarding in respect of whom the ISAE 3402 report
needed to be obtained [namely for Metagog]), the candidate did not appropriately
respond the request for examples of controls to be provided so that the management of
Metagog could implement these.
Overall the candidate displays a lack of depth and breadth in their approach.
Hi again
Looks like today is going to be a long day. Please see Azania’s request below. Could you draft a
response to her for me to review? Thanks a mil.
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Hi Ingrid
Our Board needs preliminary advice regarding issues we had identified during our last Audit
Committee meeting.
Patsy has this idea that we can present our revenue line item on a gross basis before deducting
our partners’ share? For me this just does not sound right from an accounting perspective. We
currently treat it on a net basis – i.e. we present revenue net of our partners’ revenue share in our
accounting records and financial statements. Also, Metagog currently charges delegates VAT at
14% on the tuition fees and claims input VAT on our South African partners’ 50% share even
though they do not issue VAT invoices or credit notes to us. Is this the correct VAT treatment?
Please keep it reasonably simple as I will forward your response to the rest of the Board.
Azania Njeke
Task (c)
TO: Azania Njeke
FROM: Ingrid Jansen
DATE: 22 November 2017
Dear Azania
As Metagog is a South African registered company it is required to comply with the Companies Act,
which requires the application of IFRS. Furthermore, the correct treatment of VAT is required under
the VAT Act. Please find below how we believe the revenue and VAT should be treated.
There are currently two accounting standards that apply to revenue. As Metagog has not decided to
early adopt IFRS 15, IAS 18 will apply. However please note that IFRS 15 will become effective
and be applicable to Metagog's 2018 financial year.
The issue of whether to account for revenue on a gross or net basis depends on if Metagog is acting
as a principal or as an agent. This is not straight forward and IAS 18 provides guidance on
determining if an entity is in fact an agent or a principal. This does however require judgement and
consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances. Please find below my assessment given my
understanding of Metagog's revenue arrangement as is applicable to the standard:
Under IAS 18 the following indicate that an entity is acting as a principle:
The entity has the primary responsibility for providing the goods or services to the customer or
fulfilling the order, for example by being responsible for the acceptability of the product or
service purchased by the customer. Metagog is responsible for dealing with the customer and the
customer interacts with the service using Metagog's portal. The partners are not responsible for
managing access to the site. However regarding 'fulfilling the order', the content partner is still
responsible for online lectures and interacting with the student. As Metagog and the content
partners both fulfill the order, this would indicate an agency relationship.
The entity has discretion in setting the price. From our understanding it appears that Metagog
sets the price for the courses. We have not been given any information that I am aware of
indicating the partners have a strong say in setting price. Furthermore Metagog is responsible for
advertising the course and thus have responsibility for accessing (and increasing) the popularity
of the course, thus in gauging the correct price that should be set. Please let me know if I am
incorrect in this understanding. This suggests that Metagog is acting as the principle.
The entity bears the customer's credit risk for the amount receivable from the customer.
Metagog has allowed corporate customers 30 days from registration to pay, however Metagog is
required to pay the partners 40% of the fee upon registration. This indicates that Metagog is
supposed to have already paid the content partner before receiving the funds from the customer.
If the customer does not pay it appears the risk lies with Metagog. Furthermore Metagog is
accessing the customer's credit worthiness by allowing 30 day payment terms and thus it would
make sense for Metagog to take on the risk if they granted credit to an unworthy customer. As
the content partner does not decide who the customer is and the payment term, I think it is safe
to conclude that Metagog takes on the credit risk. Please let me know if I am incorrect in my
Based on the above, by assessing both the number of factors and the weighting of each factor, I
would conclude that according to IAS 18, Metagog is acting as the principle. According to the
standard, if acting as a principle, the gross amount must be shown as revenue, with the partner's
share being shown separately. Therefore Metagog's current revenue treatment is incorrect. I would
recommend an explanatory note describing the profit sharing arrangement and that the revenue
amount is shown as a gross amount. This will provide useful and relevant information to the users.
It is important to comment on the effect on the financials next year. As preciously stated, IFRS 15
will be applicable to Metagog's 2018 financial year. IFRS 15 is unchanged in terms of IAS 18 in the
respect that if we conclude that Metagog is acting as a principal, the revenue amount must be shown
as a gross figure, whereas it should be shown as a net amount if it is concluded that Metagog is
acting as an agent. The only major difference is that in determining if Metagog is acting as a
principal, the credit risk feature has been removed. However I would still conclude that Metagog is
acting as the principal by weighting the different factors. I would also recommend a note in the
financials stating that Metagog will be adopting IFRS 15 in the 2018 financial year, but this will not
change the way that revenue is shown as a gross figure and under the new standard Metagog is still
acting as the principle.
The levying of VAT has a few factors to consider. These factors broadly can be divided into
agency, imports and exports. We can split this between the local and foreign partners as they will be
treated differently, depending on how we conclude on agency.
Similar to accounting standard, the VAT Act (s54) requires an entity acting in an agency
relationship to treat the VAT differently to if the entity was acting in a principle arrangement.
However the VAT Act differs to the accounting standards as it does not provide much assistance or
definitions in determining if a relationship is in fact principle or agent. We would apply our
judgement. Metagog is not acting on the partner's behalf, nor does Metagog act and contract on
behalf of the partners. Metagog is in fact a legal party to the transaction and not an agent acting for
someone else. Metagog takes the content from the partner and repackages and edits it into a
different format, Metagog is acting as a principle. Taking guidance from the revenue standards
where we conclude that Metagog is a principle. Thus, in concluding that Metagog is acting as a
principle for VAT purposes, s54 does not apply.
Vattable Supplies
Metagog is conducting an enterprise. Per the definition of an enterprise, the services do not relate to
exempt supplies. As Metagog is making taxable (vattable) supplies of over one million rand per
year, Metagog is a vendor as defined, irrespective of if Metagog has registered for VAT with SARS.
Our supplies to customers are not educational services as defined, as Metagog is not registered
under any of the mentioned legislation. Thus all sales of our services will have VAT levied on them.
The VAT treatment may differ depending on local or foreign partners as well as if we are exporting
or not.
Output VAT
S1 of the VAT Act defines "export" as moveable goods. "Goods" is defined as corporeal and
moveable We are thus not exporting goods. However as per s11(2), exported services (services
rendered outside of South Africa) are zero rated. It is naturally difficult to determine where the
customer is situated given the nature of the business, thus SARS determines the service to be
exported if payment is received from a foreign bank account. If the money is received from a local
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 27 © SAICA 2017
bank account the service is not exported.
Thus the location of the customer matter. If they are in South Africa (paying with an SA bank
account) the invoiced amount must include VAT levied at 14%. If the customer is not in SA (paying
with a foreign bank account), the service is zero rated and the invoiced amount must include VAT
levied at 0%.
Input VAT
Metagog's local partners are also carrying on an enterprise. Thus as discussed they will be VAT
vendors and must levy VAT on their supply. The value of the supply is the amount we charge for
our services, being 50% of the revenue. Thus the amount Metagog's local partners charge and
invoice us for, should include VAT levied at 14%. Metagog can claim this VAT back from SARS as
input VAT. However as you mentioned, the local partners do not invoice Metagog. Input VAT can
only be claimed upon issue of a valid VAT invoice. This invoice must state the amount, description
and quantity of goods and services, both party's VAT numbers and state that VAT is levied and at
what amount. Therefore, Metagog is currently in violation of the VAT act. I would recommend
obtaining these invoices with immediate affect from your local partners as you may be liable for
fines as it currently stands.
With regard to foreign partners, they are unlikely to be registered for VAT in South Africa. Thus
their invoices will not have VAT levied on them. However SARS only requires VAT to be paid
over to SARS for imported services if the importer is not a VAT vendor or makes 100% exempt
supplies. Thus Metagog is not required to pay VAT on imported services from foreign suppliers and
thus cannot claim input vat on amounts paid to foreign suppliers.
However I must stress that I am not a tax expert and Metagog should consider hiring a Tax/VAT
Please let me know if you need any more assistance or have any queries with this
Ingrid Jansen
Partner: Millennial Consultants SA
Examiner Comments: This candidate identified and addressed all the financial reporting and
VAT issues to be considered. The candidate solution addresses the IAS 18 considerations as
to whether Metagog should be accounting for revenue as an agent or a principal. The
candidate has in sufficient depth and breadth considered the indicators per IAS 18 and applied
the indicators to Metagog. The solution shows a clear thorough understanding of the pre-
release information in terms of Metagog’s Partner’s and the service solution offered which has
been correctly applied to the IAS 18 indicators.
In answering the VAT component of this task, the candidate’s solution correctly deals with the
supplies made by Metagog which should be charged VAT at 14% as Metagog is not providing
educational services, the export supplies which will have VAT charged at 0%, the Input Tax on
services acquired from Partners and that valid tax invoices are acquired to claim an Input Tax.
The following issues raised elevated the attempt from a solid C to highly competent:
The depth, breadth and coverage of the candidate solution in both the financial
Hi Ingrid
I have prepared a draft response to Azania with regards to the financial accounting and VAT
implications relating to the revenue sharing agreement for you to review.
Accounting implications:
In order to determine whether Revenue should be recognised by Metagog on a gross or net basis it is
important to first determine whether Metagog is acting as a principal or agent in terms of the
An agenet acts on behalf of a principal whereas a principal acts on their on behalf. A principal will
be exposed to signficant risks of invetory and credit. Metagog appears to be acting on their own
behalf and not on behalf of the partners based on the fact that:
Metagog is responsible for providing delivery of world class online learning interventions and
soultions, the raw content from the partners is converted into online learning material thus they are
not simply offering what the partner provides and there is a process of converting that material to be
suitable for online learning. Metagog mainains the responsibility for the intergrated online learning
platform which facilitates the following:
Content development and management
Delegate aquisition tools and methodologies
Admission applications
Delegate and faculty support
Virtual classrooms
Metagog also has its own studios in which video sessions are recorded.
The price of the courses is likely to be discussed between the partners and Metagog so that both
parties will be satisfied with the prices charged on courses.
The credit risk is shared by Metagog and the partners as in the event that a delegate course
evaluation is below 60% a 10% discount is granted which is shared equally by Metagog and the
partners thus the credit risk is shared.
Based on the assessment above most of the risks related to the provision of online services are
shared by Metagog and the partner but due to the fact that Megagog can operate indeperndatly from
the current parners and are able to work with diffirent parners this suggested that they are acting in
their own capacity and thus should be treated as a principal for accounting purposes, thus revenue
should be recognised on a gross basis, the partners share is a cost that is directly related to the
revenue generating activities and thus should be recognised as an expense, the appropriate
presentation is to show the partnership as cost of sales.
VAT implications
Due to the fact that Metagog has been concluded to be a principal for accounting purposes, the VAT
treatment will take into account the treatment of VAT from the perspective that Metagog is a
Metagog are involved in the supply of taxable services as they provide an online platform for
educational services and they do not personally provide educational services. Taxable supplies
include services which will be charged at the standard rate of 14% as well as zero rated items where
VAT is charged at 0%.
Metagog will charge output vat on their taxable supplies which includes the provision of services to
both local and foreign delegates/professionals. The VAT charged on the local services will be
charged at 14% where as the the export services will be charged at 0% as exports are zero rated.
Metagog should not claim VAT input on South African partners who are registered under the
Higher Education Act as they are providing educational services and are thus exempt from tax, this
is further supported by the fact that they do not issue VAT invoices or credit notes. In order for
VAT input to be claimed there must be a valid tax invoice and thus the fact that VAT has been
claimed proviously is a Non-Compliance in terms of the VAT Act and the Companies Act thus I
would advise you (Azania) to take action to correct this to rectify this as it could lead to interest and
penalties charged by SARS.
I trust this this will guide you regarding the accounting and VAT treatment of the revenue sharing
agreement going forward. I advise that the Revenue be restated (revenue recognisedon gross basis)
as from the earliest comparative period being 2014 for consistency of financial statements.
Kind Regards
Junior Consultant
However the financial reporting component of the task the solution addresses the indicators
that would need to be considered as to whether Metagog should be accounting for revenue as
an agent or a principal, however the solution lacks sufficient depth and breadth. While the
solution provides details on Metagog’s Partner’s and the service solution which was contained
in the pre-release the information is applied very superficially to the indicators. Furthermore it
was not clear from the solution whether IFRS15 or IAS 18 was being applied.
Limited competent
Task C
Dear Ms Njeke
With regards to your queries regarding the accounting and VAT treatment of revenue and the
partner share.
When looking at if you should be accounting for revenue on gross or net basis, you need to consider
if you are acting as the agent or as the principal. Under IAS 18 (revenue) as well as IFRS 15
(Revenue from contract with customers that comes into effect 1 January 2018) it is pretty clear that
you should not include amounts collected on behalf of other parties into your revenue.
If you are acting as an agent, then you are limited to arranging the provision of goods or services for
another party. In other words you are not responsible for providing the services.
In Metagog's case the content is developed and owned by the partners. They are also responsible for
Metagog do provide the partners with access to software solutions and facilities to help the partners
transform the material into engaging interactive online content, but that is only to assist them.
Metagog is not involved in developing the actual content of the courses.
Metagog also collect the fees from the delegates, so it does have some credit risk should a corporate
client (who has 30 days to pay) not pay.
Although Metagog provide the software and access to the online course, ultimately the content is
developed and owned by the partners. Metagog acts as an agent and should be accounting for the
revenue on a net basis.
VAT treatment
Metagog is correct in charging the delegates 14% VAT on the tuition/course fees .
It is however not correct to claim input VAT on the South African partners share without an proper
tax invoice from the partner. All the local partners operate an enterprise for VAT purposes, so they
need to provide Metagog with an invoice for their revenue share. The tax invoice needs to show the
full details as well as the VAT registration number of the partner.
Examiner Comments: This candidate attempts to deals financial reporting and VAT issues to
be considered, but the candidate is assessed as LC because the solution is far too superficial
and the candidate solution does not clearly deal apply the information on Metagog business
model to the indicators used to assess the principal and agency relationship. The financial
reporting component in this tasks is extremely weak and lacks the depth of understanding
expected from an entry level CA and in a task which was clearly triggered.
Similarly the VAT component has almost no discussions and conclusions are presented no
substantiation. The candidate concludes, incorrectly that the all Metagog’s services would be
considered a 14% taxable supply.
In practice, the candidate would have been asked to redo the task or someone else would
have been asked to do so.
Hi again. I would appreciate your views on the tax implications of Ron Langley’s loan.
Azania asked me about this recently after discussions at the last Metagog Audit Committee
meeting and I said that I would get back to her. She apparently attended a seminar recently in
which she gathered that the tax consequences of convertible loans (and specifically hybrid interest
in relation to any debt issued by any company) are fairly complicated. I’m not sure if those
complications apply to Metagog.
Azania also mentioned that Ron requested that the terms of his loan be reviewed as he feels that
the fixed rate of interest does not give him an appropriate return in view of the high risk he is taking
on the unsecured loan. He suggested a profit share of 2,5%, calculated with reference to
Metagog’s net revenue as disclosed in the annual financial statements, over and above the fixed
rate of 12%, which will give him an adequate return for the risk he perceives he is taking. Metagog
will therefore pay a fixed rate of interest of 12%, plus a profit share of 2,5%. What are the tax
implications (income tax and VAT) for Metagog if it agrees to the restructuring request from Ron? I
was also wondering whether the profit share will be treated in the same manner as the profit share
of the partners.
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Highly competent
Part d)
Hi Ingrid
Thank you for your email regarding the tax implications of Ron Langley's loan. Please refer to the
attachment I have prepared in response to your email.
Kind regards
Junior Consultant
Tax consequences of convertible loans and specifically hybrid interest in relation to any debt issued
to any company:
Currently, the loan from Ron Langley is classified as a financial liability. The loan granted by Ron
is able to be settled in Metagog's own shares or in a single bullet payment of 50 million Rand in
2024. This does give it the potential to be an equity instrument, however, the number of shares to be
issued in order to settle the debt is variable as it is determined by the value of 1 Metagog share at the
date of conversion and therefore the conversion to shares option does not classify the loan as an
equity instrument.
The loan is a present obligation triggered by a past event leading to the outflow of economic
benefits (either in the form of shares or in the payment of cash), whereby the outflow is measurable
and therefore it meets the definition of a financial liability.
The deductibility of interest expenditure for income tax purposes for a financial liability should be
considered in terms of the Income Tax Act. Ron is an issuer of an instrument to Metagog and
Metagog has an obligation to repay any amounts of interest in terms of the instrument. This
therefore means that the 12% of interest charged every year is deductible for tax purposes. This
interest is deductible under section 24J of the Income Tax Act.
Consideration should be given to the capitalisation of borrowing costs for the interest on the loan as
the loan was borrowed from Ron specifically for the development of their technology platform used
to provide their services. This qualifies to be capitalised on the balance sheet as part of capitalised
technology and development costs and would qualify as a qualifying asset, however, I will not go
any further into this as you have not requested that I address the accounting aspects of the loan.
Hybrid debt instruments are governed by section 8F of the Income Tax Act. Currently, this section
does not apply to the loan from Ron as the number of shares into which the instrument is converted
is not fixed and therefore it is not a section 8F instrument.
A section 8F hybrid debt instrument is any instrument in respect of which a company owes an
amount during a year of assessment if in terms of any arrangement, that company is in that year of
assessment entitled or obliged to convert that instrument (or any part thereof) or exchange that
instrument (or any part thereof) for shares unless the market value of those shares is equal to the
amount owed in terms of the instrument at the time of conversion or exchange.
However, as the conversion is currently for equity shares of equal value, the exemption specified in
the Income Tax Act applies, in that this type of debt would be a hybrid debt instrument UNLESS the
market value of those shares is equal to the amount owed in terms of the instrument at the time of
the conversion or exchange. This means that the shares to be issued on conversion will be worth
R50 million. As such, the loan is currently not considered to be a hybrid instrument and therefore
interest is allowed as a deduction under s24J of the Income Tax Act
What are the tax implications for Metagog if it agrees to the restructuring request from Ron?
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 34 © SAICA 2017
Should Metagog agree to the restructuring request, the following would apply:
The above will result in the interest rate being increased due to interest being paid on a basis of
2.5% of the net profit and therefore the interest will meet the definition of hybrid interest as follows:
Hybrid interest in relation to any debt owed by a company in terms of an instrument (Metagog owes
Ron R50 million in terms of a debt instrument) means:
Any interest where the amount of that interest is:
Not determined with reference to a specified rate of interest (there will be a profit share of
2,5% which is not a specified interest rate) or
Not determined with reference to the time value of money or (not applicable)
If the rate of interest has in terms of that instrument been raised by reason of an increase in the
profits of the company, so much of the amount of interest as has been determined with reference
to the raised rate of interest as exceeds the amount of interest that would have been determined
with reference to the lowest rate of interest in terms of that instrument during the current year of
assessment and the previous 5 years of assessment
As can be seen from the above definition, the interest paid to Ron is dependent on the performance
of Metagog and therefore, the interest is classified as hybrid interest.
Due to the interest being classified as hybrid interest, the interest that would be payable at 2.5% of
the net revenue is no longer deductible for tax purposes, however, for accounting purposes, the
interest will still be deductible and therefore this will create a permanent difference for deferred tax
The interest that would be payable at 2.5% of the net revenue would be declared as a dividend in
specie and Ron would include this as a dividend received in his personal taxable income calculation.
The company would be liable to pay a 20% dividend tax to SARS and a dividends tax liability
would be created.
In summary:
Currently, the loan is not a hybrid instrument and the interest is deductible under section 24J of the
Income Tax Act, which means that the R6 million charged every year will be used to decrease the
taxable income of the company.
If Metagog agrees to the new terms, the additional interest will not be deductible which would lead
to deferred tax implications and a tax reconciliation would be required. The interest would be
classified as a dividend in specie and dividend withholding tax liability is paid by Metagog at 20%,
therefore creating a dividends tax liability to SARS.
This would be declared from after tax profits and the interest would not be able to be used to
reduced the taxable income of the company.
The interest at 12% per annum would continue to be treated the same as currently.
Other considerations:
You have enquired if this would be treated in the same manner as the profit share for the partners
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 35 © SAICA 2017
and the short answer would be no, this would not be treated in the same manner.
The partners should be treated as a cost of sale as I explained in the email regarding the accounting
and VAT treatment of the revenue line item. Although Metagog is currently not disclosing revenue
as gross on the financial statements, the amounts payable to the partners are being deducted from the
taxable income of Metagog, however, the additional interest payable to Ron would be paid out of
after tax profits.
Consideration must be given to the cash flow that is needed to pay the additional interest to Ron. If
we use the 2016 figures as an example, the net revenue figure was R83 516 000 and Ron's share
would have been R2 087 900. This is more than 2 million rand extra for 2016 and the company has
indicated that the revenue is expected to grow over the next years. This extra 2 million rand, added
with the existing interest of 6 million rand per year would give us an effective rate of over 16% per
annum. Whilst the dividends tax payable by Metagog would have been R417 580. The company
needs to evaluate if they have the cash flow available for this extra outflow to Ron. The interest rate
of 12% is already significantly higher than prime and, although the company has an assessed loss,
this can be justified taking into account the expenditure spent on developing its technology
platforms and systems. Perhaps thought should also be given to additional forms of finance. If
additional finance could be obtained for less than 12% per annum, the company could use this to
begin paying off its debt to Ron.
Consideration should also be given to the fact that the company is technically insolvent and the
areas in the Companies Act that deal with this as well as sections dealing with the director's
fiduciary duties. Ron could be using his position as a director to unduly benefit himself and not
taking the best interest of the company into consideration. This is shown by him forcing the
company to incur on average over the years as comparison to the prime rate an additional cost of
over 2.25% per year and this could possibly be seen by a breach in fiduciary duty.
Examiner Comments: The candidate identified and addressed all the key income tax issues
to be considered in dealing with the current loan structure and the restructuring of the loan. The
candidate appropriately addressed the application of section 24J as it relates to the interest,
section 8F as it relates to the possible hybrid instrument and s8FA as it relates to the hybrid
interest. Furthermore the candidate’s solution has depth and breadth in its application, though
potentially it could be considered too long winded, while the references to financial reporting
are not necessary for the purposes of the task.
Despite that the following issues raised elevated the attempt from a solid C to highly
The layout, language and structure of the solution, which could be easily understood by
a non-accountant (Ingrid Jansen).
The warning that agreeing to the 2.5% profit share could have negative consequences
for Metagog considering the company’s liquidity and funding risks.
Recognising the punitive consequences for Metagog of the 2.5% profit share would be
a dividend in specie which would not be deductible for income tax purposes and that
the company would have to pay the dividends withholding tax as well.
I have addressed the following issues in this email relating to the tax implications of the loan:
Tax Implications of the loan
Hybrid interest
Treatment of the profit share (Same manner as partners).
I would like to indicate that I am not a tax expert and it would be advisable for Metagog to confirm
with a tax specialist on the matter.
I would firstly like to address the definition of a hybrid instrument and hybrid interest per the
income tax act.
S8F defines a hybrid instrument as:
Any instrument in respect of which a company owes any amount during a year of assessment of an
arrangement as defined in Sections 80L
The company is in that year of assessment entitled or obliged to:
Pay an amount in respect of a debt that is conditional on the market value of the assets of the
company not being less that the market value of the liabilities.
This would not be applicable as it is not a requirement by Ron for payment of the loan.
Repayment date is greater than 30 years
This would not be applicable as the repayment date is in 2024 which is less than 30 years from now.
Loan is converted into a fixed number of shares
This requirement is also not met, as Ron has requested an increase the interest rate. The current
conversion option is also for a variable number of shares and is dependent on the value of the share
at the time of conversion.
Based on the above, the Loan to Ron Langey does not meet the definition of hybrid instrument.
S8FA however deals with hybrid interest and contains the following definition:
Provides that where the interest rate on a debt is not determined with some specified rate of interest
or time value of money, or the interest rate is increased by reference to the profits of the company,
then the applicable portion will be re-characterised as a dividend in specie.
If the above criteria is met, it indicates that, the portion which relates to profits will be classified as
dividend in specie. The implications relating to Hybrid interest specifically will be applicable to
Ron Langley has requested profit share of 2.5%. in addition to the 12% interest rate. The profit
share of 2.5% would meet the definition of "interest rate increased by reference to the profit of the
VAT Implications: There would be no VAT implications on the loan, interest on the loan or any
dividend payments arising from the above Loan from Ron Langley. The loan, interest an equity
on the loan is specifically regarded as a financial service as is Vat exempt.
Donations Tax Implication: The transaction does not contain any elements of a donation and as
such would not attract any donations tax implications.
Income Tax Implications: Metagog would be entitled to the interest deduction at a rate of 12%
on the yield to maturity basis as per section 24J of the income tax act.
Dividends Tax Implications: The additional 2.5% requested by Ron Langley would be seen as a
dividend in specie. The deduction of interest relating to the 2.5% is disallowed for Metagog
from taxable income. This dividend is deemed to be declared and paid on the last date of the
year of assessment. Metagog will have to withhold and pay over dividends tax to SARS at a rate
of 20% of the dividend amount.
CGT Implications- There are no CGT implications are there has not been any disposal or
discharge of debt.
Securities tax: There would not be any securities tax as there has not been a transfer of shares.
I have also thought about the treatment of the profit share of 2.5%.
The additional 2.5% would not be deducted from the Net revenue figure. The revenue figure in the
statement of Comprehensive income should be shown at a gross amount. The additional 2.5% paid
to Ron Langley should thereafter be shown as an expense or profit share. There should be no effect
on the revenue figure in the statement of comprehensive income relating to the 2.5%.
I hope my above responses provide clarity on the matters raised. Please do not hesitate to contact me
if additional explanations are required.
Examiner Comments: The candidate identified and addressed the application of sections 24J,
8F and s8FA. The attempt though as it relates to the deductibility of the interest in terms of 24J
is very superficial and lacks depth in terms of a task that was clearly triggered in the pre-
release information. Furthermore the solution is potentially too long winded with quotations
from the Income Tax Act in terms of s8F.
In addition the candidate has incorrectly quoted the provisions of s8F(1) as it relates to the
definition of a hybrid instrument, though reaches the correct conclusion that the loan from Ron
is not a hybrid instrument.
It was disappointing to that the candidate in answering the task, which only requested for the
income tax consequences also made references to a number of taxes; donations tax,
securities tax, taxable capital gains; which was not relevant.
That being said the candidate’s solution provided sufficient coverage of the issues relating to
the loan and it possible restructure.
Task D
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: 22 November 2017
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Tax treatment of loan
Dear Ms Jansen
The loan that Ron Langley provide to Metagog is a convertible loan because it can be converted into
equity at any time.
It is therefore a hybrid debt instrument and is covered by Section 8F of the Income Tax Act. The
hybrid interest payable is not deductible for tax purposes and deemed to be a dividend in specie that
is declared and paid on the last day of the year of assessment.
If Metagog agrees to the restructuring of the loan, the tax implications will be as follows:
Tax implications
1. The 12% fixed interest paid will not be deductible for tax purposes. It will be deemed as dividend
in specie, that is declared and paid on the last day of the year. The company will be subject to
dividend tax on the dividend amount.
2. The profit share of 2.5%, calculated with reference to the net revenue, will still be classified as
hybrid interest and therefore a dividend in specie. Although there is no specific rate of interest, it is
still being regarded as hybrid interest under Section 8FA of the Income Tax Act. So the company
will be liable for dividend tax on this amount as well.
Profit share
The profit share paid to Ron Langley is not the same as the profit share for the partners. It can
therefore not be treated in the same way. The revenue for Metagog cannot be shown as net of this
amount, only net of the partners revenue.
Examiner Comments: The candidate identified that sections 24J, 8F and s8FA are applicable.
But the candidate solution is far too superficial, the candidate solution contains very limited
discussion and application of the applicable sections.
Furthermore the candidate’s application of these sections, in particular s8F and s24J contains
major flaws. The candidate incorrectly applied the definition of a hybrid instrument in terms of
s8F(1) and incorrectly concluded that the initial loan from Ron is a hybrid instrument. The
candidate conclusion then on s24J is therefore incorrect as well.
In practice, the candidate would have been asked to redo the task or someone else would
have been asked to do so.
Hi again
Please see another request from Metagog below – this time from the Chair of the Audit Committee.
Could you please draft the Audit Committee work plan for the next 12 months, in the format
requested by Patsy Zieberman, for me to review.
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Dear Ingrid
In recent months, I have become concerned that the agendas for our Audit Committee meetings
are rather ad hoc, and that the scope of our work is too limited. I previously rationalised this on the
basis that Metagog has voluntarily established the Audit Committee, but I think that the time has
now come for the Audit Committee to become fully functional and effective.
Following an item that I tabled at last week’s Board meeting, I can confirm that the Board has
approved –
the appointment of Millennial Consultants to advise the Audit Committee on how to become
fully functional and effective – also taking into account the recommendations of the recently
published King IV Report; and
the establishment of a separate Risk Governance Committee.
As you are no doubt aware, the next Audit Committee meeting is scheduled for 12 December 2017.
With our financial year end of 31 December 2017 fast approaching, we must get our ‘ducks in a
row’ for the FY2017 audit, while not forgetting about FY2018.
I would therefore appreciate your assistance with the preparation of a work plan that will guide the
Please email your proposed work plan to me asap, so that I can revise the December 2017 agenda
in line with your suggestions, and include the full proposed work plan as part of the agenda pack.
Kind regards
Highly competent
Task E
Audit Committee Work Plan
A concern was raised in the 2016 external audit report about the internal controls over revenue.
Recently, an anonymous email was sent to the partners in respect of the same issue. As a result,
Metagog decided to perform an evaluation of the internal controls.
Discuss the results of the assessment of the evaluation of internal controls over revenue and how the
audit committee will follow up on any weaknesses identified in internal controls to improve these in the
Discuss the possibility and benefits of tasking the external auditors with issuing an ISAE 3402 report
for Metagog.
Discuss the fees payable to the external auditors in respect of the upcoming 2017 audit.
Discuss the possible renegotiation of the loan terms in respect of the convertible loan from Ron
Langley and whether this does not infringe on Ron's independence in respect of Metagog.
Ron Langley may not be present for this discussion.
Committee matters
King IV requires that the audit committee is comprised of 3 independent non-executive directors with
sufficient skills to fulfill their duties.
Ron Langley cannot be considered independent due to his loan to Metagog.
He is also a retired golfer and may therefore not have the skills to fulfill the duties of an audit
committee member.
The composition of the audit committee in terms of independence and skills should be discussed.
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 41 © SAICA 2017
Discussion of the new risk committee to be established
o Responsibilities of the committee
o Committee Members
Examiner Comments: The candidate identified many of the points relating to external audit-
related responsibilities, fraud, bribery and corruption and committee matters and made an
excellent attempt to schedule the tasks. The integration of the facts and circumstances from
the case (eg. Internal controls over revenue, audit committee members independence and
skills, new accounting standards implementation, ISAE3402 report) is notable. The layout and
format of the work plan was also considered appropriate. This was a very good response in a
difficult task.
Please find attached the draft Audit Committee Workplan as requested. (see excel spreadsheet).
This workplan has been compiled taking into account the Companies Act requirements regarding
the responsibilities of the audit committee and King IV principles and recommendations.
Trust that my suggestions in the workplan will assist the committee to become fully functional and
Workplan FY2018
How to be Dates (Audit Reasons for proposed
Tasks/ Matters allocated Meetings) Timing
External audit related
In terms of the Companies Act the This to be discussed Dec-17 To consider the need to
audit committee has statutory that this meeting as appoint new auditors for the
responsibility that deal with the the auditors should 2018 financial year
external auditors' appointment, be appointed yearly.
fees and independence
Determine the fees paid to the Auditors to provide Jun-18 Before the commencement of
Examiner Comments: The candidate identified the key points relating to external audit-related
responsibilities, fraud, bribery and corruption and committee matters and made a reasonable
attempt to schedule the tasks. The layout and format of the work plan was also considered
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 43 © SAICA 2017
appropriate. The explanations provided for the timings and allocations were also useful. This
response was enough to demonstrate competence in a difficult task.
Limited competent
Task E
Dear Ingrid
I have come up with the work plan for the Audit Committee as per your request.
Please find the document attached.
Junior Consultant
Work plan
In designing this work plan, I have applies the principles recommended by King 4 (applicable to
Metagog as it has been effective from 01 April 2017) and the requirements per the Companies Act.
The Company is obliged to comply with the Companies Act however it is not required to follow
King 4 principles as it is not a public or listed company. However it is necessary that Metagog
considers the recommended principles as the company wants to further strengthen corporate
Companies Act
Per section 94 of the Companies Act, the responsibilities of the audit committee members are stated.
The audit committee should ensure that it covers the following responsibilities relating to the
external audit:
- Nominate an auditor who is independent (Should Metagog was to change their current auditor the
committee should nominate the prospective auditors at the meeting)
- Determine the fees to be paid to the auditor (As the audit is approaching, the audit committee
should agree on a fee that Metagog is willing to pay and discuss such fee with the auditors)
- Ensure appointment of auditors complies with the Companies Act (The Companies Act requires
that auditors must be registered auditors and should not have performed any executive duties for
Mategog. As Metagog was audited for the first time for the prior year the mandatory rotation of
auditors after 5 years per the Companies Act is not applicable, however should consider this in
future meetings)
- Determine the nature and extent of non-audit services the auditor may provide (Decide on whether
Therefore from the above, it is evident that the audit committee will be responsible for financial
statements and audit oversight.
The Companies Act does not require the Audit committee to be responsible for matters relating to
Fraud, bribery and corruption however the Board may allocate this to the Committee.
King 4
The duties of the audit committee per King 4 comprises of providing oversight of:
- the effectiveness of the organisation's assurance functions and services, including external
assurance providers, internal audit and the finance function
- the integrity of the annual financial statements
The board could delegate other responsibilities to the committee, such as risk governance, however
it should ensure that it delegates sufficient time to its responsibilities.
Whether or not the governance of risk is delegated to the audit committee, the audit committee
should oversee the management of financial and other risks that affect the integrity of external
reports issued by the company.
Therefore base on the above, it is evident that risk management relating to the integrity of external
reports is recommended to be overseen by the audit committee specifically. Other risks may be
overseen by a different committee.
The only the committee that could deal with the risk governance of Metagog will be the risk
committee, however it won't be practical to have such a committee as it requires both executive and
non-executive directors, majority being non-executive. Based on the board structure, all the non-
executive directors are part of the audit committee. Therefore instead of forming a different
committee, risk governance should be allocated to the audit committee.
Should risk governance also be allocated to the audit committee, overseeing the management plan
for fraud, bribery and corruption will be handled by the committee as well.
The specific matters to be dealt with at the upcoming meeting should relate to:
External audit
- Negotiate the acceptable audit fee at the next scheduled meeting
- Draft the audit committee report for the financial statements stating how the audit committee
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 45 © SAICA 2017
carried out it's functions; whether satisfied with the independence of auditor; and commenting on
the financial statements, the accounting practice and internal finance control of the company, this
should be discussed after the audit of the current year is completed (meeting thereafter)
- Deal with concerns or complaints regarding accounting policies, audit and internal financial
controls, such as the internal controls for revenue at the next meeting
At the moment there is no need to appoint an auditor for an audit or non-audit services. Should there
be a need, then these issues should be discussed at the meeting.
Other matter that should be discussed at the meeting that would ensure effective functioning of the
committee is the establishment of an internal audit function.
Examiner Comments: This candidate’s work plan was far too theoretical, with a list of content
from Section 94 of the Companies Act and King 4.
The application was generally poor – for example, the candidate did not discuss the
independence of the audit committee members. The candidate also did not make a reasonable
attempt at scheduling of the tasks. Many of the points stated were either meaningless or
irrelevant. The layout of the plan is also poor, specifically not properly dealing with external
audit-related responsibilities, fraud, bribery and corruption and committee matters.
In practice, the candidate would have been asked to redo the task. Hence, this has been
assessed as an LC.
Hi again
Azania is clearly not getting enough sleep and rapidly becoming our major client! She has now
requested that we review the attached slides prepared internally by the Human Resources Division
at Metagog. The HR Division has only outlined a bonus scheme for the marketing and business
development and delegate monitoring divisions. If this scheme works, they will roll it out to the other
Metagog divisions. The proposed incentive scheme is in response to a directive from the Board of
Directors of Metagog that such a scheme should be designed and implemented as a matter of
Please review the attached slides and email your initial thoughts for my eyes only at this stage. Let
me know what you think of the key principles and the individual schemes. Thanks.
You probably will think that you need a performance bonus after all the stress I have put you under
today! Sorry, but consulting is a dynamic and wild business! Hang in there dude.
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Key principles
The primary purpose of Metagog is to serve our customers (partners and
ultimately delegates)
Employees should act in the best interests of Metagog in the long term
The incentive scheme should eliminate agency costs – Metagog and its
employees’ interests should be aligned
The employee incentive scheme should lock in good staff, reward excellent
performance and encourage underachievers to leave
Incentives should be a cash bonus – share options are meaningless as
Metagog is not a listed company
Incentives need to be linked directly to key performance indicators (KPIs)
Peer reviews are critical – each eligible employee should evaluate every other
team member’s performance, including those of managers. Results of ratings
Hi Ingrid,
Thank you for forwarding on the attachment's from Azania. I have drafted some review points in the
tables below for your consideration:
Specific Schemes
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 50 © SAICA 2017
Marketing and Business Development
KPI: achieve budgeted number of registrants This is a good basis as it is controllable to some
extent by employees and should have tough but
achievable goals. Additional KPI's could
include the number of new partners, brand
awareness and market share to shield from
market declines.
Incentive Basis 90% of the KPI is a very high target and may
be unrealistic. Peer review should play a
smaller role than manager review for reasons
discussed above.
People Champions
KPI: delegate ratings This KPI may be unacceptable to employees as
they are not responsible for developing or
delivering the course content, lectures or
tutorials. They would be unable to control the
delegate's perception of the course or
enjoyment. Preferable KPI's could include:
number of delegate interactions, delegate's
giving their champion a separate performance
rating or delegate completion rates.
Incentive basis Whereas marketing and business development
are eligible for 50% of their base pay, it may be
unfair and not transparent to make this 25% for
people champions. This difference may create
employee dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
The key principles of the employee incentive scheme also omit some important aspects, which could
improve the scheme and bring the programme inline with some key governance principles of King
IV: that the scheme be fair (achievable but challenging), responsible (aligned to strategic objectives
and the six capitals) and transparent (clearly presented and communicated).
1. Rewarding employees with non-cash incentives: Metagog could motivate employees with
additional vacation, free or subsidised lunches or additional voluntary training. They could also
allow employees time to work on their own projects which could result in innovations for the
2. Long-term cash incentives: the cash incentives mentioned have a short term focus and could be
improved by making them long-term, such as with the creation of 'Bonus Banks' whereby an
employees bonus each year is put into a pot and paid out in the short, medium and long term based
on continuing performance.
3. Non-financial measures: reward employees for their contributions in the business towards more
than financial goals - developing human, social and intellectual capital.
review: thoughts on key principles and individual schemes
If the key principles are updated, the individual schemes should be updated to reflect these changes.
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 51 © SAICA 2017
Given the urgency from the Board and the recent bad press about working conditions at Metagog
(per the press release you sent to me), it may be beneficial for them to focus on improving their
scheme and discussing it with employees instead of simply handing it down.
Kind Regards
Junior Consultant
Examiner Comments: The candidate is considered to be highly competent on this task given
the following:
The candidate firstly responded to the requirements of the task – both dimensions – being
providing their thoughts on the overall key principles and providing critical comments on the
individual schemes.
The candidate, using a clear and well-articulated approach, provides unbiased thoughts on the
key principles of the scheme. The answer displays depth through the candidate’s reasoning of
the key principles and issues embedded in these principles. The candidate furthermore
displays breadth in their response, by achieving good coverage of the key principles identified
in slide 1.
The candidate not only demonstrated competence but also demonstrated a number of higher-
level thinking – agency costs can only be reduced, they cannot be eliminated; integrating the
scenario into the issues addressed (bad press), amongst others.
The candidate interrogated both incentive schemes, displaying depth and making feasible
suggesting as to how to improve the measurement of performance of the respective teams of
The candidate identifies that staff should be stretched through the targets set.
Task F
From: JC
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Re: Help
Thank you for providing me with the platform to give my opinion with regards to the incentive
scheme. I have noted the following with regards to your request below.
Cash bonus might put further strain on the cash flow of the
entity in the short term.
Main KPI - The KPI should be a balanced scorecard which includes a basket of KPIs. The main
KPI should be 1) achieving budgeted number of delegates 2) creating brand presence in the
Incentive basis - This should be based on a number of measures including financial and non
financial measures.
The current scheme only focus on number of delegates that enrol. In South Africa, the consumer is
under pressure and short courses would be considered a discretionary spend. The consumer will cut
such expenditure first in this circumstance. Therefore market conditions are at play and the
marketing team has no control over such. Having 90% of budget achieved is a strict one
dimensional measure and might discourage staff in the long run
People Champions
Main KPI - KPI should be a balanced scorecard which includes a basket of KPIs. The main KPI
should be based on survey to delegates on the service the received from the people champions.
Incentive basis - This should be based on a number of measures mostly non financial measures
as this is a support function and doesn't generate revenue.
Non Financial
1) Number of referrals received
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 54 © SAICA 2017
2) Rating on surveys
It is important for the staff to buy in to the policy which will be drafted for the company. It would be
useful to get their input as well so that they feel like they are part of the process since the incentives
will be a reward to them for all their hard work and efforts.
If you have any clarity seeking questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Examiner Comments: The candidate’s response reflects a good, solid competent response to
the task. The candidate is deemed to be competent on the task for the following reasons:
The candidate addressed both dimensions of the task – provides commentary on the key
principles of the incentive scheme as well as interrogated the individual schemes.
In respect of the commentary on the key principles, the candidate provide a broad
response, achieving good coverage of the principles. The candidate’s ability to reason is
evident in their response. The candidate’s response was also objective and unbiased.
The candidate clearly exhibits that they understand the issues and themes underlying an
effective performance management system.
The candidate interrogated both schemes, provide relevant and appropriate critique on
the structuring of the individual schemes as well as providing alternative KPIs which can
be used.
Identifying that employee buy-in is an important attribute of an effective performance
management system is a value-adding comment!
Limited competent
Task F
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: Wednesday, 22 November 2017 16:00
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Re: Help!
Hi Ingrid
I have managed to review the slides prepared by the Human Resource Division of Metagog and I have the
following views:
1 Key principles
The primary purpose should be clear, that is, how do they define serving their customers.
o This should be described in line with the roles of the marketing and business
development and delegate monitoring.
o Therefore each division should have a clear definition of what their role is in achieving
the primary purpose of serving customers (this cannot be the same for all divisions, as
their roles and responsibilities are not the same.)
2 Individual schemes
Marketing and business development employees
o Should be in line with KPIs that are specific to their roles and responsibilities.
o KPIs should be directly linked to marketing and business development.
Employees who monitor and support delegates
o Should be in line with KPIs that are specific to roles and responsibilities of monitoring
and support.
The incentive scheme needs some improvements here and there. I hope that you find this in order.
Junior Consultant
Examiner Comments: The candidate is assessed as being limited competent on the task for
the following reasons:
Although the candidate addressed both dimensions of the task (provides commentary on
the key principles and commentary on the individual schemes), the response lacks both
depth and breadth.
With regard to the key principles, the candidate lacks breadth – the candidate should
have critically evaluated all the principles and provided negative and/or positive feedback
on the principles. In terms of coverage of the key principles, the response is too limited.
The candidate’s response regarding the individual schemes lacks depth. The approach in
responding to this part of the task is too ITC-like. The response is too superficial and
does not address specific issues resulting to the KPIs used and the targets set. The
candidate should have interrogated the KPIs used (are they appropriate, if not why?),
provided alternative KPIs relevant to work performed by the particular employees (value-
adding commentary in terms of how to improve the measures) and finally issues around
targets set / % of salary serving the basis for the bonus calculation.
Hi there
I was just thinking about Metagog’s acquisition of Vame. Strategically it makes sense for Metagog
to expand into gamification and gain access to the skills at Vame. However, we know that strategic
investments and acquisitions are always easier on paper than in reality. What do you think are
going to be the key issues for Metagog in unlocking value post acquisition of Vame? In other
words, what are the five practical things that Metagog and Vame will need to agree on and/or focus
on to ensure that their partnership delivers the value they expect?
Please drop me an email with your thoughts on the above issue in the morning. Thanks. Sleep
NOTICE: Please note that this email and the contents thereof are subject to the standard Millennial Consultants SA email disclaimer. See
http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Highly competent
Take G
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: Wednesday 22 November 2017, 15:30pm
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Vame Acquisition
Hi Ingrid
With regards to your request for the five practical things that Vame and Metagog need to do/focus
on, I've listed them below:
1. Identifying and eliminating duplication: Prior to acquiring Vame, Metagog had performed some
gamification on its platform and thus they need to identify the duties which are duplicated as a
result of their acquisition of Vame and ensure that the tasks are adequately defined amongst the
existing gaming department and Vame to reduce costs and time wasted as a result of duplicating
tasks or research. Various departments can be integrated, depending on what each company has
2. Cultural integration: one reason that a merger or acquisition fails is due to cultural clashes. As
Tebogo and James will be staying on as employees, it is important that they are introduced and
incorporated into the culture of Metagog. Culture is a major part of any company and can alter
the employees experience at work. This integration can be done through team builds, after-work
drinks and other means to ensure that employees meet Tebogo and James and that they are fully
integrated into the culture and organisation.
3. Giving Tebogo and James autonomy: Metagog bought Vame to improve their gamification and
ultimate product offering. As such, they need to ensure that they give their new employees some
autonomy to develop and gamify the platform. If they feel restricted in any way, they will not
perform to the best of their ability and will be unhappy, potentially leave which will defeat the
purpose of the acquisition. The have been working for themselves for a number of years and if
they feel that they are being observed or micor-managed, it could create conflict and restrict the
potential growth that can be achieved from this acquisition.
4. Vame's University Contracts: Discussions need to be had over how Vame should handle its
contracts with the big university as Metagog does not want to have its employees and subsidiary
offering services to a company that could become a direct competitor. This discussion needs to
be had relatively early on to avoid any possibly conflict later. Metagog could approach the
university to be their platform and thus it could provide an opportunity for increased revenue.
The benefits and drawbacks of continuing, renewing or cancelling the contract must be assessed
to determine the best possible outcome for the group as a whole. Regardless, open, honest and
frank discussions need to be had.
5. Possible disposal of PPE: There is a possibility that there is excess machinery or equipment that
is not required as a result of the acquisition. As such, any excess machinery should be disposed
of the allow for a cash injection into the business. This is critical, especially given the net
liability position of both Vame and Metagog. By streamlining the processes, we will not only
have an injection of cash but it will allow for the companies to integrate fully, working together
and building the corporate culture.
I know that mergers and aquisitions is risky business and that often the synergies are not realised but
I think that if the companies implement the above that the chances of a successful acquisition are
Examiner Comments: This candidate included multiple factors in most of the five suggestions
however, this was forgiveable. Some insightful suggestions included the retention of key Vame
executives, expansion into graduate degree programmes and the expansion of Vame’s service
offering. It appeared that the candidate had pre-researched the gamifaction industry and this
impressed the markers.
From: JC
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Re: Vame acquisition
I have noted the following with regards to your request on the key issues for Metagog unlocking
value post acquisition.
1) Integrating information technology, communication and other systems - the entities will need to
agree on which IT and other systems they will use in order to deliver the integration between online
learning and gamification. There is a risk that there could be an unanticipated issue in this regard.
Metagog and Vame will need to test their systems and ensure they are integrated else this could
have negative financial implications on the entities. This may result in the entities having to spend
more money on integrating the systems which will set back the entities from unlocking value
immediately or at all.
2) Values, policies and culture - the combined entity will need to come up with new or adjusted
values system, policies and possibly a new culture. The cultures of the two entities will need to be
integrated or the new entity will need to develop a new culture. The buy in from employees on the
new culture and policies is paramount to the success of the combined entity. If the cultures of the
two entities is not in line, this could affect how they employees interact with one another and
possibly have a negative impact on service delivery.
3) Management structure and employee integration - the combined entity will be larger than before
and both the founders of Vame will be staying on as employees in the combined entity. A clear
management structure will need to be outlined in terms of the roles and responsibility of each
employee. If the employees are not working towards a common goal, this will affect the ability of
the combined entity to deliver a work class service to it's stakeholders being the delegates and
partners. An adequate employee integration strategy needs to be in place so that each employee
understands what they need to do and that nobody steps on each others toes. The two development
teams will need to work closely together and develop an understanding of what is expected from
them and how they can achieve it.
5) Increase client base - the combined entity will need to increase their current client base in order to
achieve the budgeted financial goals of the combined entity. The client base is currently focused on
working professionals and university students and this could be increased to include high school and
primary students. Gamification will be able to stimulate the younger age group a lot more. This will
ensure that Vame staff is kept busy, stimulated and can add directly positively towards adding value
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 59 © SAICA 2017
to the group. The current customer base of both entities will also need to be combined.
If you have any clarity seeking questions or need the above to be enhanced, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Examiner Comments:This was a competent response leaning towards HC. Culture issues in
mergers and acquisitions are critical and the candidate identified this. Also, ensuring
management structures are appropriate and integration of physical operations are valid issues
in the near term. The suggestion about expanding into providing services to schools was
Limited competent
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: Wednesday 22 November 2017 15:05 AM
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Vame acquisition
I have listed the 5 key issues that will unlock value post acquisition of Vame below as requested:
2)Provide and Improved learning environment by adding new graduate degree programs
-Metagog will need to add graduate level programs with new and current clients
-Gamification will offer and informal and effective learning environment helping learners to
practice real life situations in a safe environment.
-This makes the leaner much more engaged and thus facilitates more information retention.
I sincerely hope this addresses your requirements sufficiently. Please let me know if I can be of any
additional assistance.
Kind regards,
Junior Consultant
Examiner Comments:This candidate did not communicate well. The task required candidates
to identify 5 key ssues to unlock value post acquisition of Vame. The first point referred to two
separate issues – increasing the number of clients and retention of key Vame executives. Both
are valid issues in our opinion. Point 2 is unclear – Vame does not provide graduate
programmes, it provides services to universities. Points 3, 4 and 5 are generic and not well
On reflection, Ingrid Jansen would not be able to show this response to Metagog. Ingrid may
require the Junior Consultant to redo it or ask someone else to provide assistance.
Oh dear – refer attached for a press article that was published online overnight regarding our client,
Metagog. I was certainly not aware of any of these allegations. Azania will probably be calling
shortly for advice on how to respond to this. Your thoughts on what the Board of Directors of
Metagog should do as a matter of urgency and some of the key issues that need to be addressed
in the short to medium term?
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http://www.millennialconsultsa.co.za/disclaimer/email.htm for more details.
Yet another IT blip – Tuesday 21 November 2017
A former employee of Metagog Institute alleged that the company failed to discipline a manager at
Metagog for numerous misdemeanours. Simona Delerus, an educational specialist employed at Metagog
from November 2016 to September 2017, made the allegations in a lengthy blog post. Delerus, now a
fulltime online blogger, claims that her manager at the time sent her many WhatsApp messages while
under the influence of alcohol. Her manager boasted that he had set up several fake Twitter accounts and
had regularly posted nasty comments about Metagog’s competitors. He also bragged that he hacked into
Metagog’s server using a password obtained from a friend in the IT division. Delerus’s manager apparently
accessed numerous personnel files to read job interview notes, disciplinary records and salary details of
Metagog employees.
Delerus allegedly reported the WhatsApp messages to the HR division prior to her resignation. She was told
by HR and a senior executive that the manager in question had an exemplary record and that this was the
first complaint made against him. Furthermore, she was told that Metagog would not be taking action
against him and felt it more appropriate to give him a verbal warning. She also said that the working
environment at Metagog was toxic. The working hours were insanely long and employees were encouraged
to join in alcohol-fuelled dinners. It appeared that Metagog assumed that all its employees were single and
had no lives besides work.
Ms Azania Njeke, the CEO of Metagog, was unavailable for comment on the allegations.
Please see below for the work I have performed regarding your previous email.
Press release
Metagog needs to urgently issue a press release saying that the matter will be investigated and that
steps will be taken to ensure this does not happen again in the future. The longer Metagog waits to
comment, the more guilty / ignorant they may appear.
Launch investigation
Metagog should launch an investigation into the claims. This should include confirming the
submission of the issues by Simona to the HR division and the follow up undertaken by the HR
division. IT should also include discussions with the accused manager to confirm if the allegations
are true.
It may be preferable to suspend the manager (with pay) until the investigation is complete due to the
extreme nature of the accusations. Any action take against the manger (including the discussion,
suspension, etc) should first be discussed with a labour lawyer to confirm the actions are legal.
If the manager did set up fake Twitter accounts to insult competitors, legal opinions should be
obtained with regard to potential lawsuits Metagog could be involved in (the competitors may claim
the manager did this with permission from Metagog). Further, if the reports are true, the manager to
issue a public apology and be sent for remedial training with potential written warning as well.
Password resets
Due to the security breach regarding possible sharing of passwords, all passwords should be reset
(preferably using 2 factor authentication).
Employee training
Employees need to be trained on social media, specifically when they are representing Metagog.
Employees should be discouraged from taking action into their own hands to defend Metagog
(including posting negative comments about competitors).
Password policy
Metagog needs to ensure that employees understand that access rights are there for a reason.
Username's and passwords should not be shared. Passwords should also be required to be changed
regularly. Further, employees that shares passwords should be disciplined in line with the policy
(written warnings, etc).
All sensitive or confidential information should be encrypted. Thus, even if an employee gains
unauthorised access to the information, it will not be usable.
Social events
It is understandable that employees work hard and thus also want to relieve stress by partying hard
as well. However, when it is an official Metagog function, alcohol should be limited and employees
should be encouraged to act responsibly.
Working hours
Metagog should determine if employees are working longer hours than stipulated in their
employment contracts and the reason for the long hours. Metagog should promote a work / life
balance for its employees by discouraging frequent long work hours.
Kind regards
Junior Consultant
Millennial Consultants
Examiner Comments:This candidate responded with immediate actions and medium term
suggestions. The immediate actions were balanced and the candidate did not jump to
conclusions. Obtaining legal advice on labour law and the potential litigation by competitors are
insightful recommendations.
The suggestions for the medium term are all valid and relevant. Overall, the board of directors
of Metagog would be well pleased with the sound and balanced advice provided by Millennial
Task H
From: JC
To: Ingrid Jansen
Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to give my opinion on how the press release
article should be handled. I have noted the following with regards to your request.
This is a very unfortunate situation for Metagog and has dire consequences if the allegations are
found to be true. The statements in the article could affect the reputation of Metagog in the market
and this could potentially result in a boycott of their services. This is a very serious and delicate
situation which will need to be handled with care.
As a matter of urgency, a media press release will need to be issued by the board of directors to
acknowledge that they are aware of the allegations and indicate that they will deal with the issue
In the short to medium term, I suggest that an investigation should be conducted by Metagog in
order to ascertain whether the statements are true or not. This should happen in an arbitration with
an independent individual to lead the inquiry into the allegations. The manager involved should be
suspended with immediate effect subject to the outcome of the investigation. This is to ensure that
the manger doesn't intimidate potential witnesses or destroy possible evidence which will implicate
him of any wrong doing. This course of actions will be an indication to stakeholders that Metagog is
against the alleged unethical behaviour and takes the allegations very seriously.
I would also suggest that Metagog develops and implements a policy which will govern how
employees conduct themselves while using social media. The policy should cover how employees
interact on social media platforms like Twitter. If a set policy was in place this could have deterred
the manager to creating fake Twitter accounts in order to discredit competitors.
The allegation around hacking into the server to get information on personal and private information
on employees is also very serious. Controls around this information need to be strengthened and IT
should not have the passwords to such information. A third party like Sage HR should be outsourced
to keep such information safe. The dissemination of the information is in contravention of the
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI act). This could have consequence of non compliance
with laws and regulations under the NOCLAR which was issued by IRBA.
The HR division will need to write a report in which they should highlight why they didn't take the
allegations seriously when they were brought to their attention. It seems as though a verbal warning
is a very light punishments of these actions and maybe a written warning or even suspension subject
to a hearing would be more appropriate.
A staff meeting will need to be held in order to get input from employees whether they feel over
worked and how the management can support them in delivering on their deliverables. An
anonymous survey directed at the staff will also be valuable to get an impression on how they find
the working environment at Metagog.
Metagog should provide employees with training on ethics and how to deal with ethical dilemmas in
the work place. This is a measure which will root out unethical behaviour in the entity.
APC 2017 – Specimen answers 65 © SAICA 2017
I hope the above sufficiently answers your questions regarding the issues in the press article. Please
let me know if you'd like more detail on the above. I would suggest the appointment of a
professional public relations company to assist Metagog in dealing with the issue.
Examiner Comments:This candidate started strongly and provided sound advice regarding
immediate actions that Metagog board should take. The suggestions regarding investigation
the allegations, introducing a social media policy and improving access controls are all valid.
The conclusion that POPI has been contravened may not be true. It may be more appropriate
to suggest that Metagog considers whether POPI has been breached and improving controls
regarding personnel data. The reference to NOCLAR appears to be an attempt to impress
markers as opposed to a well considered action.
This candidate makes sound recommendations and then lists some which are not that
convincing. Convening a staff meeting to discuss the working environment is unlikely to be a
constructive interaction – employees may feel intimated and uncomfortable to air their views in
Overall, this candidate was assessed as competent in the task but it was not the strongest
Limited competent
From: Junior Consultant
Sent: Wednesday 22 November 2017 15:35 AM
To: Ingrid Jansen
Subject: Metagog in the press
Good day Ingrid,
I have provided my thoughts on what the Board of Director should do as well the key issues to be
adressed in the sort to medium term below as requested:
1)Board of directors
-The board should schedule an urgent meeting to discuss the issues identified
-The IT governace committee and the Risk governance committees as well as the Legal division
should be invited to the meeting to discuss the issue.
-The manager, HR and the Senior executive in quetion should be invited to the meeting where they
can explain the allegations.
I sincerely hope this addresses the key issues sufficiently. Please let me know if I can be of any
additional assistance.
Kind regards,
Junior Consultant
Examiner Comments:This response was too brief and did not address the numerous issues
raised in the blog. The first suggestion of convening a meeting between the board of directors
and its sub-committees, and HR and the manager in question lacks clarity of thought. Having a
meeting without first investigating the allegations seems premature.
The candidate failed to explain the potential implications of the blog going viral and did not
provide any suggestion of limiting damage to Metagog and responding to some serious
allegations. Deleting Twitter messages is not going to remove the digital footprint and solve the
The candidate jumps to conclusions that the manager in question has admitted guilt - that is
merely an allegation by an ex-employee and may or may not be true.
There was insufficient depth and breadth in this candidate’s attempt. The board of directors of
Metagog would be most disappointed with tis type of advice.