Theory of Field Extensions
Theory of Field Extensions
Theory of Field Extensions
Semester – II
Paper Code – 20MAT22C1
Price : Rs. 325/-
Publisher: Maharshi Dayanand University Press
Publication Year : 2021
M.Sc. (Mathematics) (DDE)
Paper Code : 20MAT22C1
Theory of Field Extensions
M. Marks = 100
Term End Examination = 80
Time = 3 Hours Assignment = 20
Course Outcomes
Students would be able to:
CO1 Use diverse properties of field extensions in various areas.
CO2 Establish the connection between the concept of field extensions and Galois Theory.
CO3 Describe the concept of automorphism, monomorphism and their linear independence in field
CO4 Compute the Galois group for several classical situations.
CO5 Solve polynomial equations by radicals along with the understanding of ruler and compass
Section - I
Extension of fields: Elementary properties, Simple Extensions, Algebraic and transcendental Extensions.
Factorization of polynomials, Splitting fields, Algebraically closed fields, Separable extensions, Perfect
Section - II
Galios theory: Automorphism of fields, Monomorphisms and their linear independence, Fixed fields,
Normal extensions, Normal closure of an extension, The fundamental theorem of Galois theory, Norms
and traces.
Section - III
Normal basis, Galios fields, Cyclotomic extensions, Cyclotomic polynomials, Cyclotomic extensions of
rational number field, Cyclic extension, Wedderburn theorem.
Section - IV
Ruler and compasses construction, Solutions by radicals, Extension by radicals, Generic polynomial,
Algebraically independent sets, Insolvability of the general polynomial of degree n ≥ 5 by radicals.
Note :The question paper of each course will consist of five Sections. Each of the sections I to IV will
contain two questions and the students shall be asked to attempt one question from each. Section-V
shall be compulsory and will contain eight short answer type questions without any internal choice
covering the entire syllabus.
Books Recommended:
1. Luther, I.S., Passi, I.B.S., Algebra, Vol. IV-Field Theory, Narosa Publishing House, 2012.
2. Stewart, I., Galios Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2004.
3. Sahai, V., Bist, V., Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
4. Bhattacharya, P.B., Jain, S.K., Nagpaul, S.R., Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition), Cambridge
University Press, Indian Edition, 1997.
5. Lang, S., Algebra, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
6. Adamson, I. T., Introduction to Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
7. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1975.
1.1. Introduction.
1.2. Field.
1.9. Summary.
1.1. Introduction. In this chapter field theory is discussed in detail. The concept of minimal polynomial,
degree of an extension and their relation is given. Further the results related to the order of a finite field
and its multiplicative group are discussed.
1.1.1. Objective. The objective of these contents is to provide some important results to the reader like:
(i) Algebraic extension and transcendental extension.
(ii) Minimal polynomials and degree of an extension.
(iii) Splitting fields, separable and inseparable extensions.
1.1.2. Keywords. Extension of a Field, Minimal Polynomial, Splitting Fields.
2 Theory of Field Extensions
1.2. Field. A non-empty set with two binary operations denoted as “+” and “*” is called a field if it is
(i) abelian group w.r.t. “+”
(ii) abelian group w.r.t. “*”
(iii) “*” is distributive over “+”.
1.3. Extension of a Field. Let K and F be any two fields and : F K be a monomorphism. Then,
F F K . Then, K , is called an extension of field F. Since F F and F is a
subfield of K, so we may regard F as a subfield of K. So, if K and F are two fields such that F is a
subfield of K then K is called an extension of F and we denote it by K \ F or K | F or I KF .
We observe that K becomes a vector space over F under this scalar multiplication. Thus, K must have a
basis and dimension over F.
1.3.1. Degree of an extension. The dimension of K as a vector space over F is called degree of K | F ,
that is, degree of K | F = [K : F].
If does not satisfy any polynomial over F, then is called transcendental over F. For example, is
transcendental over set of rationals but is not transcendental over set of reals.
Note. Every element of F is always algebraic over F.
Extension of a Field 3
1.3.5. Example. R | Q is an infinite extension of Q, OR, [R : Q] = .
Every element of F is obviously algebraic. Now, K be any arbitrary element. Consider the elements
1, , 2,…, n in K.
Either all these elements are distinct, if not, then i j for some i j . Thus, i j 0 .
If 1, , 2,…, n are all distinct, then these must be linearly dependent over F. so there exists
0 , 1 , 2 ,..., n F (not all zero) such that
Proof. Since F is a field so F[x] must be a unique factorization domain and so division algorithm hold in
F[x]. therefore, there exists polynomial q x and r x such that f x p x q x +r x where
either r x 0 or deg r x deg p x .
Now, f 0 p q +r 0 r 0 [ p( ) 0]
Hence p x f x .
1.4.2. Unique Factorization Domain. An integral domain R with unity is called unique factorization
domain if
(i) Every non-zero element in R is either a unit in R or can be written as a product of finite number
of irreducible elements of R.
(ii) The decomposition in (i) above is unique upto the order and the associates of irreducible
Remark. Let F be any field and F[x] be a ring of polynomials over F, then division algorithm hold in
1.4.3. Corollary. Minimal polynomial of an element is unique.
Proof. Let p(x) and q(x) be two minimal polynomials of . Since p(x) is a minimal polynomial of ,
so p x q x . Thus,
Now, p(x) and q(x) are both monic polynomials, so comparing the co-efficients of leading terms on both
sides, we get 1 . Therefore, p(x) = q(x).
Extension of a Field 5
Remark. F iff deg p( x) 1, where p(x) is minimal polynomial of . In this case, p( x) x .
Then, 0 p q t either q =0 or t 0
which is not possible because deg q x deg p x and degt x deg p x and p(x) is an irreducible
1.4.6. Definition. Let S be a subset of a field K, then the subfield K ' of K is said to be generated by S if
(i) S K'
(ii) For any subfield L of K, S L implies K ' L and we denote the subfield generated by S by
<S>. Essentially the subfield generated by S is the intersection of all subfields of K which
contains S.
1.4.7. Definition. Let K be a field extension of F and S be any subset of K, then the subfield of K
generated by F S is said to be the subfield of K generated by S over F and this subfield is denoted by
F(S). However, if S is a finite set and its members are a1 , a2 ,..., an , then we write
F ( S ) F a1 , a2 ,..., an . Sometimes, F a1 , a2 ,..., an is also called adjunction of a1 , a2 ,..., an over F.
1.4.8. Definition. A field K is said to be finitely generated over F if there exists a finite number of
elements a1 , a2 ,..., an in K such that K F a1 , a2 ,..., an .
In particular, if K is generated by a single element ‘a’ over F, that is, K = F(a), then K is called a simple
extension of F.
1.4.9. Definition. Let K | F be any field extension and let F[x] be the ring of polynomials over F. We
F[a] f (a) : f ( x) F[ x]
Remark. a1 F iff F a1 F .
6 Theory of Field Extensions
1.4.10. Theorem. Let K | F be any field extension. Then, a K is algebraic over F iff F (a) : F is
finite, that is F(a) is a finite extension over F. Moreover, F (a) : F n , where n is the degree of
minimal polynomial of ‘a’ over F.
Proof.Let F (a) : F is finite and let F (a) : F n . Thus, dim F F ( a ) n
0 1a 2 a2 ... n an 0
As F[x] is an Euclidean ring, so we get g.c.d.(p(x), f(x)) = 1. Therefore, there exists polynomials
h x , g x F[ x] such that
1 f x g x p x h x
Now, g x F[ x] g a F [a ] f a is invertible .
We know that an integral domain in which every non-zero element is invertible is a field. Hence, F[a] is
a field.
But we know that F[a] F (a) , where F(a) is the field of quotients of F[a]. Therefore,
F[a] = F(a).
Let t F[a] F (a) t f (a) for some f ( x) F[ x] .
Extension of a Field 7
Now, f ( x) F[ x] and p( x) F[ x] , so by division algorithm, we can write
Note that we are saying nothing about 0' , 1' , 2' ,..., n' 1 which enables us to take degree of r(x) is equal
to (n-1).
Then, t f a p a q a r a r a 0' 1'a 2' a 2 ... n' 1a n1
Thus, t is a linear combination of 1, a, a 2 ,..., a n 1 over F. Thus, the set 1, a, a 2 ,..., a n 1 generates F(a).
Thus, there exists scalars 0 , 1 ,..., n 1 F (not all zero) such that
That is, ‘a’ satisfies a polynomial of (n-1) degree, which is a contradiction to minimal polynomial.
Hence 1, a, a 2 ,..., a n 1 is linearly dependent and so it is a basis for F(a) over F.
Therefore, F (a) : F n .
1.4.11. Theorem. Let K / F be a finite extension of degree n and L / K be a finite extension of degree
m, then L / F is a finite extension of degree mn, that is
[L : F] = [L : K][K : F].
-OR- Prove that finite extension of a finite extension is also a finite extension.
Proof. Given that L / K be a finite extension such that [L : K] = m, that is dim K L m .
Let x1 , x2 ,..., xm be a basis of L over K. Now, given that K / F is finite extension such that
[K : F] = n, that is dim F K n .
Let L . Then,
1 x1 2 x2 ... m xm i xi , i K
i 1
m m n
Thus, i xi ij y j xi ij xi y j , ij F and xi , y j L .
i 1 i 1 j 1 i, j
8 Theory of Field Extensions
Therefore, x1 y1 , x1 y2 ,..., x1 yn , x2 y1, x2 y2 ,..., x2 yn ,..., xm y1, xm y2 ,..., xm yn spans L over F and have mn
elements in number.
We claim that these mn elements are linearly independent over F.
If 0 , then
m n m
0 ij xi y j ij y j xi i xi
i, j i 1 j 1 i 1
Again, since y1 , y2 ,..., yn are L.I. over F. Thus, ij 0 for j 1, 2,..., n .
So x1 y1 , x1 y2 ,..., x1 yn , x2 y1 , x2 y2 ,..., x2 yn ,..., xm y1, xm y2 ,..., xm yn is L.I. and hence it is basis for L over
Therefore, [L : F] = [L : K][K : F] = mn.
1.4.12. Proposition. If F E K and a K is algebraic over F, then
E a : E F a : F .
f x 0 1 x 2 x 2 ... n x n F [ x]
such that f a 0 .
If p(x) is the minimal polynomial of ‘a’ over F and p1(x) be minimal polynomial of ‘a’ over E, then
p1 x | p x , since p(x) may be reducible in E[x], that is deg p1 ( x) deg p( x) .
Hence E a : E F a : F .
1.4.13. Theorem. Let K / F be an algebraic extension and L / K is also algebraic extension, then L / F
is an algebraic extension.
-OR- Prove that algebraic extension of an algebraic extension is also a algebraic extension.
Extension of a Field 9
Proof. To prove that L / F is algebraic extension, it is sufficient to show that every element of L is
algebraic over F. Equivalently, we have to prove that if a L , then F a : F .
Now, ‘a’ satisfies some polynomial f(x) over K[x], say f x 0 1 x 2 x 2 ... n x n K[ x] ,
where i K for 0 i n .
Now, 0 , 1 , 2 ,..., n are elements of K and K / F is an algebraic extension. Thus, each i is algebraic
over F.
Consider the element 0 . Then, 0 is algebraic over F. Thus,
F 0 : F F0 : F , where F0 F 0
and we have F F0 K .
F0 1 : F0 F 1 : F
So, we have F F0 F1 K .
F2 : F1 F1 2 : F1 .
In general similarly, we choose Fi 1 i Fi , then Fi : Fi 1 .
Therefore, Fn a : F Fn a : Fn Fn : F .
10 Theory of Field Extensions
Thus, Fn ( a ) / F is a finite extension. So Fn (a ) is algebraic extension over F. In turn, ‘a’ is algebraic over
Hence L is algebraic extension of F.
1.4.14. Theorem. Let K / F be any extension and let S x K : x is algebraic over F . Then, S is a
subfield of K containing F and S is the largest algebraic extension of F contained in K.
Proof. Let F K . Since satisfies a polynomial f x x in F[x], so is algebraic over F.
Thus, S and so F S . So, S is non-empty.
Let a, b S . We claim that a b S and if b 0 , then ab1 S . Since K is a field, therefore, trivially
a b K and if b 0 , then ab1 K .
Now, to prove that a b S and if b 0 , then ab1 S it is sufficient to show that a b and ab 1 are
algebraic over F. We have a S , that is, ‘a’ is algebraic over F. Thus, [ F (a) : F ] .
[ F1 (b) : F1 ] [ F (b) : F ]
Now, [ F1 (b) : F ] [ F1 (b) : F1 ][ F1 : F ] . Thus, F1(b) is finite extension of F and, thus, F(a,b) is an
algebraic extension of F, as F1(b) = F(a,b). Hence every element F(a,b) is algebraic over F.
Proof. If a and b are algebraic over F, then F(a,b) is algebraic extension of F. So, every element of
F(a,b) is algebraic over F. This implies a b, a b, ab and ab 1 (b 0) are also algebraic over F.
Let, if possible, [ E : Q] n .
Since f(x) = xn+1-p is irreducible monic polynomial satisfied by E , therefore, f(x) is minimal
polynomial of over Q. So,
[Q( ) : Q] n 1
1.5. Factor Theorem. Let K / F be any extension and f x F[ x] , then the element a K is a root of
polynomial f(x) iff ( x a) | f ( x) in K[x], that is, iff there exists some g(x) in K[x] such that f(x) = (x-
Proof. Let ( x a) | f ( x) in K[x]. Then, we have f(x) = (x-a)g(x) for some some g(x) in K[x]. Therefore,
f(a) = (a-a)g(a) = 0
Thus, ‘a’ is a root of f(x).
12 Theory of Field Extensions
Conversely, let ‘a’ be a root of f(x) where a K .
Consider thepolynomial x-a in K[x].
Now, f x F[ x] K[ x] . Therefore, by division algorithm in K[x], there exists unique polynomials
q(x) and r(x) in K[x] such that
f x ( x a ) q ( x) r ( x)
where either r(x) = 0 or degr(x) < deg(x-a) = 1, that is, r(x) = constant.
But f(a) = 0, implies that r(a) = 0. Thus, r(x) = 0.
Hence f(x) = (x-a)g(x). Therefore, ( x a) | f ( x) in K[x].
Note. We have earlier proved that if ‘a’ is algebraic over F, then F[a] = F(a).
1.5.1. Theorem. Let K / F be any extension and a K is algebraic over F. Let p( x) F[ x] be the
minimal polynomial of ‘a’. Then,
F [ x] p ( x) F [a] F (a) .
Proof. Consider the rings F[x] and F[a]. We define the mapping : F[ x] F[a] by setting
f ( x) f ( a )
f ( x) g ( x) f (a) g (a) f ( x) g ( x)
Then, h( x) h(a) .
Thus, is onto.
Ker p( x) .
Again, let f ( x) p( x) .
f (a) p(a)q(a) .
f ( a) 0 .
f x 0 f x Ker
p( x) Ker .
F [ x] p ( x) F [a ]
1.5.2. Conjugates. Let K / F be any extension. Two algebraic elements a, b K are said to be
conjugates over the field F if they have the same minimal polynomial, that is, we can say that all the
roots of a minimal polynomial are conjugates of each other.
1.5.3. Corollary. If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two conjugate elements of K over F, where K / F is an extension.
Then, F (a) F (b) .
Proof. Let p(x) be the minimal polynomial of ‘a’ and ‘b’ both. Then by above theorem
F[ x] p( x) F [a] and F[ x] p( x) F [b] F[a] F[b]
1.5.4. Corollary . If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are any two conjugates over F, then there always exists an isomorphism
: F[a] F[b] such that (a) b and ( ) for all F .
Proof. Given that ‘a’ and ‘b’ are conjugates over F, therefore, they satisfy same minimal polynomial,
say p(x), over F. Then, there exists an isomorphism 1 : F (a) F [ x] p ( x) given by
1 ( ) p( x) and 1 ( a) x p( x) . …(1)
Further, p(x) is also minimal polynomial for ‘b’, so there exists an isomorphism
2 : F (b) F [ x] p( x) given by
1.5.5. Definition. Let K / F be any extension and f ( x) F[ x] be a non-zero polynomial. Then, ‘a’ is
said to be a root of f(x) of multiplicity m 1 if ( x a) m | f ( x) but ( x a ) m 1 | f ( x) .
1.5.6. Proposition. Let p( x) F[ x] be an irreducible polynomial over F. Then, there always exists an
extension E of F which contains atleast one root of p(x) and E : F n deg p x .
Proof. Let I = <p(x)> be an ideal of F[x]. Now, we know that a ring of polynomials over a field is a
Euclidean domain and any ideal of Euclidean domain is maximal iff it is generated by some irreducible
element. So, F[x] is a Euclidean domain and I = <p(x)> is a maximal ideal as p(x) is irreducible.
Now, since every Euclidean domain possess unity, therefore, F[x] is a commutative ring with unity. We
further know that if R is a commutative ring with unity and M is a maximal ideal of R, then R/M is a
field. So, F [ x] p( x) is a field.
Therefore, is a homomorphism.
Also, if (1 ) (2 ) 1 I 2 I 1 2 I I p( x)
1 2 p( x) p( x) | 1 2 1 2 0 1 2
Therefore, is monomorphism.
Thus, (E, ) is an extension of F.
Let p x 0 1 x 2 x 2 ... n x n I p( x)
0 1 1 x 2 x 2 ... n 1 x n 1 0, identity of E
0 1 x 2 x 2 ... n 1 x n 1 I I
0 1 x 2 x 2 ... n 1 x n 1 I p ( x)
p( x) | 0 1 x 2 x 2 ... n 1 x n 1
0 1 2 ... n 1 0 ( deg p( x) n)
We can write f(x) = p(x)q(x) + r(x), where either r(x) = 0 or degr(x) < degp(x).
f ( x) I p ( x)q ( x ) r ( x ) I
p( x)q ( x) I r ( x) I I r ( x ) I r ( x ) I
If n = 1, then f ( x) x , , F, 0 .
f 0 0 1
So, any extension K of F contains the only root 1 of f(x). Therefore, K cannot contain more than
one root of the polynomial f(x).
Since K was an arbitrary extension, so Theorem is true for n = 1.
Let us assume that the result is true for all polynomials of degree less than degree of f(x) over any field.
16 Theory of Field Extensions
Now, let E be any extension of F. If E does not contain any root of f(x), then result is trivially true.
So, let E contain atleast one root of the polynomial f(x) say ‘a’. Then, we have to prove that E does not
contain more than n roots. Since a E and ‘a’ is a root of f(x). suppose the multiplicity of ‘a’ is m.
Then, by definition, we can write
f ( x) ( x a) m g ( x), g ( x) E[ x]
and ( x a) m | f ( x) but ( x a ) m 1 | f ( x) .
Now, ( x a) m | f ( x) , therefore, m n .
Therefore, by induction hypothesis, any extension of E does not contain more than n-m roots of g(x). So,
E / E being an extension of E cannot contain more than n-m roots of g(x). Now, any root of g(x) is also
a root of f(x) and a root of f(x) other than ‘a’ is also a root of g(x). Hence f(x) cannot have more than
(n-m)+m, that is, n roots in any extension of F.
1.5.8. Theorem. Let f ( x) F[ x] be any polynomial of degree n. Then, there exists an extension E of F
containing all the roots of f(x) and [ E : F ] n!.
Proof. We prove the result by induction on n.
Given that f ( x) F[ x] be a polynomial of degree n.
, F 1 F .
Hence F contains all the roots of the given polynomial with [ F : F ] 1 1! .
Thus, result is true for n = 1.
Let n > 1 and suppose that result is true for any polynomial of degree less that n over any field.
Then, f ( x) F[ x] is either irreducible or f(x) has an irreducible factor over F. Now, let p( x) F[ x] be
any irreducible factor of f(x). Then, deg p( x) deg f ( x) n .
Let be a root of p(x) in E ' , then is also a root of f(x). So, we get that f ( x) F[ x] is a polynomial
with root E ' such that [ E ' : F ] m n . Since E ' is a root of f(x) so ( x ) | f ( x) in E '[ x] .
Hence we can write f ( x) ( x ) g ( x) where g ( x) E '[ x] and degg(x) = n-1. Now, g ( x) E '[ x] and
degg(x) = n-1 < n.
Therefore, by induction hypothesis, there exists an extension E of E ' such that E contains all the roots
of g(x) and [ E : E '] n 1! .
Extension of a Field 17
Since E ' E E also.
Therefore, E is an extension of F which contains all the roots of f(x). Then, we have
[ E : F ] [ E : E '][ E ' : F ] n 1!.m n(n 1)! n!.
1.5.9. Remark. Let R and R ' be any rings and : R R ' is an isomorphism onto. Consider the rings
R[x] and R '[t ] . Then, can be extended to an isomorphism from R[x] to R '[t ] .
Therefore, is a monomorphism.
We claim that is onto.
Let f '(t ) R '[t ] and f '(t ) 0' 1't ... n' t n where i' R ' .
Now, since : R R ' is onto, therefore, there exists i R such that ( i ) i' .
( f ( x)) f '(t )
Therefore, is onto.
18 Theory of Field Extensions
Remark. If f ( x) 0 1 x 2 x2 ... n xn . Then, f '(t ) 0' 1't ... n' t n where (i ) i' is called
the corresponding polynomial of f(x) in R '[t ] .
*( f ( x) A) f '(t ) ( A) .
1.5.10. Proposition. Let : F F ' be an isomorphism onto. Let p(x) be any irreducible polynomial of
degree n in F[x] and p '(t ) be corresponding polynomial in F '(t ) . Let u be any root of p(x) and v be any
root of p '(t ) in some extension of F and F ' respectively. Then, there exists an isomorphism, say
: F (u) F '(v) which is onto and is such that ( ) ( ) for all F and (u) v .
Proof. Given that p( x) F[ x] is irreducible polynomial over F with root u which is in some extension
of F. Then, we know that there exists an isomorphism onto, say 1 : F [ x] p ( x) F (u ) given by
1 ( f ( x) p( x) ) f (u )
Now, : F F ' is given to be an isomorphism onto. By last remarks, we have is also an extension
of from F ( x) F '(t ) with ( p( x)) p '(t ) and correspondingly, we denote the isomorphism for
F[ x] p( x) F '[t ] p '(t ) by again. Now, we have
11 : F (u) F[ x] p( x)
: F[ x] p( x) F '[t ] p '(t )
2 : F '[t ] p '(t ) F '(v)
Consider 211 : F (u) F '(v) .
Now, 2 , and 11 are all isomorphism onto, therefore, is also isomorphism onto.
For F , we have
Now, compute
(u) 211 (u) 2 ( x p( x) ) 2 (t p '(t ) ) v .
Extension of a Field 19
1.6. Splitting Field. Let F be any field and f ( x) F[ x] be any polynomial over F. An extension E of F
is called a splitting field of f(x) over F if
(i) f(x)is written as a product of linear factors over E.
(ii) If E ' is any other extension of F such that f(x) is written as product of linear factors over E ' ,
then E E ' .
Remark. We have proved a theorem that for any polynomial f ( x) F[ x] , where degf(x) = n, there
always exist an extension E of F such that E contains all the roots of f(x) and [ E : F ] n!. So, we can
say that splitting field of a polynomial is always a finite extension.
1.6.1. Another Form. Let f ( x) F[ x] and let 1 , 2 ,..., n be roots of f(x). Consider the extension
K F 1 , 2 ,..., n . By definition, K is the smallest extension of F containing 1 , 2 ,..., n . Also, let E
be the splitting field of F.
Now, F E and also 1 , 2 ,..., n E , therefore, K E .
1.6.2. Example. Let F be any field and K be its extension. Let a K be algebraic over F of degree m
and b K be algebraic over F of degree n such that (m, n) = 1. Then, [ F a, b : F ] mn .
[ F a, b : F ] mn .
1.6.3. Definition. A field F is said to be algebraically closed field if it has no algebraic extension.
Thus, a field is called algebraically closed if f(x) has splitting field E, then E = F. For example, field of
complex numbers is algebraically closed.
1.6.4. Remark. Algebraically closed fields are always infinite.
Proof. Let F be any algebraically closed field and, if possible, suppose that F is finite. Then,
F = {a1,a2,…,an}. Consider the polynomial
f(x) = (x-a1)(x-a2)…(x-an)+1
in F, where 1 is unity of F.
This polynomial has no roots in F. So, F cannot be algebraically closed.
Hence our supposition is wrong and so F must be infinite.
1.6.5. Example. Find the splitting field and its degree for the polynomial f(x) = x3 – 2 over Q.
Thus, E Q( , w)
[ E : Q] [ E : Q( )][Q( ) : Q]
Now, Q , therefore,
[Q(w) : Q] = 2
since basis of Q(w) over Q is {1,w}. Also,
[E : Q] = [E : Q(w)][Q(w) : Q]
Since (2, 3) = 1, so we have [E : Q] = 6 = 3!.
Extension of a Field 21
1.6.6. Algebraic Number. A complex number is said to be an algebraic number if it is algebraic over
the field of rational numbers.
1.6.7. Algebraic Integer. An algebraic number is said to be an algebraic integer if it satisfies a monic
polynomial over integers.
Exercise. Find the splitting field and its degree over Q for the polynomials
(a) f(x) = xp-1
(b) f(x) = x4-1
(c) f(x) = x2+3
Exercise. Show that the polynomials x2+3 and x2+x+1 have same splitting field over Q.
Exercise. Show that sinm0 is an algebraic integer for every integer m.
aX Y …(2)
But X F (a 2 ), Y F (a 2 ) -YX 1 F ( a 2 ) a F (a 2 ) .
F (a) F (a 2 )
Again, let F = {0, 1} be the given field and f(x) be a polynomial over F given by
f ( x) x10 x 9 ... x 1
f ( x) ( x ) m g ( x), g ( x) K [ x] and g ( ) 0
f '( x) m( x ) m 1 g ( x) ( x ) m g '( x)
Conversely, let is a common root of f(x) and f '( x) . Then, we have to prove that is a multiple root
of f(x).
1.6.10. Lemma. Let f ( x) F[ x] be irreducible polynomial over F, then f(x) has a multiple root in some
extension of F iff f '( x) 0 identically.
Proof. Let f ( x) F[ x] has a multiple root of multiplicity m > 1, in some extension K of F where f(x) is
an irreducible polynomial over F.
W.L.O.G., we can assume that n 1 so that f(x) is monic and irreducible polynomial and hence is
minimal polynomial of . But satisfies f '( x) . Therefore, f ( x) | f '( x) .
Conversely, let f '( x) 0 and K the splitting field of f(x) over F. Let deg f ( x) n .
Proof. Let f(x) be any irreducible polynomial over F of degree n and is separable. Let
f ( x) 0 1x ... n xn , n 0
Since f ( x) F[ x] is irreducible polynomial and is inseparable, so f(x) must have repeated roots.
f ( x) 0 p x p 2 p x p ... m x p F[ x p ]
2 m
Conversely, if f ( x) F [ x p ] . Then,
f ( x) 0 p x p 2 p x2 p ... k xkp
where 0 , p , 2 p ,..., k F .
Extension of a Field 25
g (a p ) 0p 1p a p ... np1a( n1) p anp 0 1a ... n1a n1 a n f (a) 0
p p
26 Theory of Field Extensions
Further, F(ap) and F(a) both are vector spaces over F and F (a p ) F (a) , therefore,
[ F (a p ) : F ] [ F (a) : F ] n
We claim that [ F (a p ) : F ] n .
We shall prove that g(x) is minimal polynomial of ap over F. For this, it is sufficient to prove that g(x) is
an irreducible polynomial.
Let h( x) F[ x] be a factor of g(x). Then,
g(x) = h(x)t(x)
for some t ( x) F[ x] . Thus,
g(xp) = h(xp)t(xp)
and so h(xp) is a factor of g(xp) in F[x].
f ( x)
But g ( x p ) 0p 1p x p ... np1 x( n1) p x np 0 1 x ... n1 x n 1 x n
h '( x p ) px p 1 k f ( x) f '( x) 0 k f ( x)
k 1 k 1
f '( x) [ch.F p]
Conversely, suppose F (a p ) F (a ) .
Let f ( x) F[ x] be the minimal polynomial of ‘a’. Then, by our assumption f(x) is not separable over F.
Since ch.F = p > 0 and f(x) is inseparable over F.
So, f ( x) F [ x p ] .
deg f ( x) n
deg f ( x) , where n = deg f(x).
p p
Therefore, degree of minimal polynomial of a p .
So, we get n [ F (a) : F ] [ F (a p ) : F ]
which is a contradiction. Hence ‘a’ is separable over F.
1.8. Check Your Progress.
1. Find the splitting field of x5-1 over Q.
2. Find the splitting field of x2-9 over Q.
3. Show that [K : F] = 1 if and only if K = F.
1.9. Summary.
In this chapter, we have defined Extension of a field and derived various results. The result worth
mentioning is that if p(x) is a polynomial of degree n over some field F, then the number of zeros, to be
considered, of this polynomial depends on the extension that we are considering.
Books Suggested:
1. Luther, I.S., Passi, I.B.S., Algebra, Vol. IV-Field Theory, Narosa Publishing House, 2012.
2. Stewart, I., Galios Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2004.
3. Sahai, V., Bist, V., Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
4. Bhattacharya, P.B., Jain, S.K., Nagpaul, S.R., Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition), Cambridge
University Press, Indian Edition, 1997.
5. Lang, S., Algebra, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
6. Adamson, I. T., Introduction to Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
7. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1975.
Galois Theory
2.1. Introduction.
2.3. F-Automorphism.
2.7. Summary.
2.1. Introduction. In this chapter, we shall discuss about normal extensions, fixed fields, Galois
extensions, norms, traces and the dependence of all these on normal extensions.
2.1.1. Objective. The objective of these contents is to provide some important results to the reader like:
(i) Normal Extensions.
(ii) Fixed Fields, Galios Groups
(iii) Norms and Traces.
2.1.2. Keywords. Normal Extensions, Galois Group, Fixed Fields.
2.3. Normal Extension. An algebraic extension K of F is said to be normal extension of F if each
irreducible polynomial f(x) over F having a root in K splits into linear factors over K, that is, if one root
is in K, then all the roots are in K.
If E is the splitting field of f(x) over F such that a root ‘a’ of f(x) is in K, then E K .
Galois Theory 29
2.3.1. Lemma. Let [K : F] = 2, then K is normal extension of F always.
Proof. Let g ( x) F[ x] be any irreducible polynomial over F. Let be a root of f(x) and K . Now,
we have
[ F ( ) : F ] [ K : F ] 2 [ F ( ) : F ] 2 deg f ( x) 2 .
If degf(x) = 1, then let
f(x) = ax+b with a, b F , a 0 .
Then, 0 f ( ) a b ,a 0 .
But F K K .
If degf(x) = 2, then let f(x) = ax2+bx+c with a 0 . If be a root of f(x), then,
f ( x) ( x )( x ), a K
( ) is other root of f(x).
b b
Since F K and K ( ) K .
a a
Hence K is a normal extension of F.
2.3.2. Theorem. Let K be a finite algebraic extension of a field F then K is a normal extension of F iff K
is the splitting field of some non-zero polynomial over F.
Proof. Let K = F(a1,a2,…,an) be a finite algebraic extension of F. Suppose K is normal extension of F.
For each ai K , let fi(x) be the minimal polynomial of ai over F. Since K is normal extension of F, so
fi(x) splits completely into linear factors over K.
Let f(x) = f1(x)f2(x)…fn(x).
Let ‘a’ be any root of f(x), then ‘a’ is also a root of some fi(x) and hence a K . Let E be the splitting
field of f(x). Then, E K .
Now, F (ai ) f j (ai ) 0 . Therefore, ai is a root of f(x), that is, ai E .
j 1
Thus, K = E.
Hence K is the splitting field of f(x) over F.
30 Theory of Field Extensions
Conversely, let K be the splitting field of some non-zero polynomial f(x) over F. Let a1,a2,…,an be the
roots of f(x). Then, K = F(a1,a2,…,an).
By definition, [ K : F ] n! .
So, K is finite algebraic extension of F. Let p(x) be any irreducible polynomial over F with a root in
K. p(x) is also a polynomial over K with ( x ) as a factor in K[x]. So p(x) is not irreducible over K.
Further, K ( ') F (a1 , a2 ,..., an )( ') F ( ')(a1 , a2 ,..., an ) gives K ( ') is a splitting field of f(x) over
F ( ') . Then, there exists an isomorphism : K K ( ') such that
Hence : K K ( ') is an onto isomorphism, such that ( ) ' and ( ) for every in F . If
f ( x) n ( x a1 )( x a2 )...( x an )
'( f ( x)) '( 0 1 x ... n1 x n1 n x n ) '( 0 ) '(1 ) x ... '( n 1 ) x n1 '( n ) x n
( 0 ) (1 ) x ... ( n 1 ) x n 1 ( n ) x n 0 1 x ... n 1 x n 1 n x n
f ( x)
'( f ( x)) '( n ( x a1 )( x a2 )...( x an )) '( n ) '( x a1 ) '( x a2 )... '( x an )
n ( x (a1 ))( x (a2 ))...( x (an ))
We get that (a1 ), (a2 ),..., (an ) are also roots of f(x). Since is one-one, so
K ( ') ( K ) F (a1 , a2 ,..., an ) F ( (a1 ), (a2 ),..., (an )) F ( a1, a2 ,..., an ) K
Proof. Let K be the splitting field of the non-zero polynomial f(x) over F. Since 1, 2 are conjugates
over F there exist an isomorphism such that : F(1) F(2) defined by
(1) = (2) and () = for all F.
Now [F(1) : F] = [F(2) : F] = degree of minimal polynomial of 1 (or 2).
Now , f(x) F[x] F(1)[x] and f(x) F[x] F(2)[x]
Therefore, K is splitting field of f(x) over F(1) as well as F(2).
Then there exists : K K s.t. () = () for all F(1) and () = () = for all F.
Then (1) = (1) = 2. Hence is an F-automorphism of K such that (1) = 2.
Now, let us assume, as our induction hypothesis, that 1 , 2 ,..., n 1 are L.I.
If any of i is zero, then the above relation reduces to a combination of (n - 1) i ’s and by induction
hypothesis, all i ’s are zero. Hence we assume that 1 , 2 ,..., n are all non-zero.
where bi i n1 .
1 ( x1 ) n ( x1 )
1 x1 x x
b1 1 x b2 2 1 2 x ... bn 1 n 1 1 n 1 x n x 0 …(*)
n x1 n x1 n x1
x x x
b1 1 1 1 1 x b2 2 1 1 2 x ... bn1 n1 1 1 n1 x 0 …(3)
n x1 n x1 n x1
1 ( x1 ) 1 ( x1 )
Since 1 ( x1 ) n ( x1 ) 1 1 0
n ( x1 ) n ( x1 )
Now as above equation (3) holds for every x E , so
x x x
b1 1 1 1 1 b2 2 1 1 2 ... bn1 n1 1 1 n1 0
n x1 n x1 n x1
which is a combination of (n-1) i ’s. So, we get
x x x
b1 1 1 1 b2 2 1 1 ... bn 1 n1 1 1 0
n x1 n x1 n x1
(x )
Now, as 1 1 1 0 , so b1 = 0 and so 1 0 , which implies 1 0 , a contradiction.
n ( x1 ) n
Hence any set of n monomorphism is linearly independent.
2.3.7. Definition. Let K be any field, then the set of all automorphisms on K is denoted by AutK.
2.3.8. Corollary. AutKconsists of linearly independent elements.
Take E = K in above theorem, the result follows.
2.3.9. Exercise. The set of all automorphisms of K form a group under composition of mappings.
2.4. F-Automorphisms. Let F be any field and K be any extension of F. An automorphism : K K
is called F-automorphism of K if
( x) x for all x F .
Notation. G(K, F) will denote the group of all F-automorphisms of K. G(K, F) is called Galio’s group of
K over F and known as group of automorphisms from K to K which fixes F.
2.4.1. Exercise. Prove that G(K, F) is a subfield of AutK.
2.4.2. Theorem. If P is a prime subfield of K, then prove that AutK = G(K, P), that is every
automorphism on K fixes P.
Proof. Let Aut (K) then (0) = 0 and (1) = 1
Case 1. CharK = P for some prime p.
Then P Zp = {0 , 1 ,......, p 1}. If Zp then = 1+1+......+1 ( times)
namely, 3
2 in K. Since K is a field of real numbers. Let be any Q – automorphisms of K. Then
2 K is a root of x
3 3
– 2. So, 2
3 3
2 . Let x be any element of K, then x can be expressed as:
2 c , where a, b, c Q .
a 3 2b 3
I . Thus, AutK = { I }.
Hence in this case K itself is the fixed field under AutK.
Galois Theory 35
2.4.6. Theorem. Let G be a finite subgroup of AutK. If F0 is fixed subfield under G, that is,
F0 {x K : ( x) x for all G} . Then, [K : F0] = o(G).
1 x j u1 2 x j u2 ... n x j un 0 …(1)
Note that 1 x j , 2 x j ,..., n x j are elements of K and u1, u2, . . . , un are variables.
Since the number of equations is less that the number of variables, so the system (1) has a non-trivial
solution, say, y1, y2, . . . , yn, here not all yi’s are zero.
1 x j y1 2 x j y2 ... n x j yn 0 …(2)
for j = 1, 2, … , m.
Now, if x K , then
x 1 x1 2 x2 ... n xn , where i F0 .
Thus, m n .
Now, if possible, suppose that m > n.
Then, there exist (n + 1) L.I. elements, say x1, x2, . . . , xn+1 in K over F0. Consider the system of n linear
homogeneous equations in (n+1) variables
j x1 u1 j x2 u2 ... j xn1 un1 0 …(3)
for j = 1,2,…n.
Since the number of variables is again greater than the number of equations, so these homogeneous
equations have a non-trivial solution. Let z1, z2, . . . , zn+1 be a non-trivial solution of the system (3). Let r
be the smallest non-zero integer such that zj = 0 for all j r 1 .
If all z1l , z2l ,..., zrl 1 are in F0, then from (6), we get that x1, x2, . . . , xr are L.D. over F0, which is not
Since G is a group, the set i1 , i 2 ,..., i n coincide with the set 1 , 2 ,..., n , though the order
of elements will be different. So, we get
j x1 z1l i z1l j x2 z2l i z2l ... j xr 1 zrl 1 i zrl 1 0
j x1 t1 j x2 t2 ... j xr 1 tr 1 0
where t1 0 . Thus, (t1, t2, …, tr-1, 0, 0, …, 0) is a non-trivial solution of given system, which is a
contradiction to the choice of r. Therefore, n m
So, m = n. Hence the proof.
2.5. Galois Extension. A finite extension K of a field F is said to be Galoi’s extension of F if F is the
fixed subfield of K under the group G(K, F) of all F-automorphisms of K i.e. K/F is Galoi’s extension if
KG K , F F .
2.5.1. Simple Extension. An extension K/F is said to be simple extension if K is generated by a single
element over F.
2.5.2. Corollary. Let K F ( ) be a simple finite separable extension of F. Then, K is the splitting field
of the minimal polynomial of over F iff F is the fixed field under the group of all F-automorphisms of
K, that is K is Galoi’s extension of F.
Proof : Let f(x) be the minimal polynomial of over F and let degree f(x) = m.
Then [K : F] = m. Let 1 = , 2 , 3 ,…, r be the distinct conjugates of in K.
Then K = F (i) for all i = 1, 2, …, r. Since and i are conjugates over F, so an isomorphism, say
i : F(1) F(i) given by i(1) = i and i() = for all F. But K = F(i) for all i, so we
have that
i : K K s.t. i(1) = i and i() = for all F.
Since 1 generates K over F, each i is uniquely determined. Further, we know for any F-automorphism
of K , i(1) is a conjugate of 1 and hence i(1) = i for some i.
From this, it follows that = i for some i.
Hence the group G(K , F) consists of 1 , 2 ,…, r . Let F0 be the fixed field under G(K, F). Then by
theorem 2.4.6.,
[K : F0] = o[G(K , F)] = r.
38 Theory of Field Extensions
So , F = F0 if and only if r = m. Hence F is the fixed field under G if and only iff f(x) has all m roots in
K, that is, if and only if K is the splitting field of f(x) over F.
2.5.3. Theorem. Let K be a finite extension of F and ch.F = 0. Then, K is normal extension of F iff the
fixed field under G(K, F) is F itself, that is, K is Galoi’s extension of F.
Proof. We know that any finite field extension of a field of characteristic zero is simple extension so
K F is a simple extension. So , let K = F() for some K.
Now, suppose that K is a normal extension of F. Then, by definition, every irreducible polynomial over
F having one root in K splits into linear factors over K. Since [K : F] is finite , so is algebraic over F.
Let f(x) be minimal polynomial of over F and K be its splitting field over F. Then K K. Also,
K , F K
K K.
So K = K i.e. K is splitting field of f(x) over F. Hence, by corollary 2.5.2., F is itself fixed subfield under
G(K , F), that is, K F is Galois extension.
Conversely, suppose that F is itself the fixed subfield under G(K, F). Again, by corollary 2.5.2., K is the
splitting field of the minimal polynomial of over F. Further we know that if K is a finite algebraic
extension of a field F iff K is the splitting field of some non-zero polynomial over F. Hence K is a
normal extension of F.
2.5.4. Fundamental Theorem of Galoi’s Theory.
Given any subfield E of K containing F and subgroup H of G(K, F)
(i) E KG ( K , E )
(ii) H G( K , K H )
(iii) [K : E] = o(G(K, E)) and [E : F] = index of G(K, E) in G(K, F)
(iv) E is a normal extension of F iff G(K, E) is a normal subgroup of G(K, F)
(v) when E is a normal extension of F, then
G( E, F ) G( K , F ) .
G( K , E )
Proof. (i) Since K is a finite normal extension of F and F E K , we must have that K is a finite
normal extension of E. so, by above theorem fixed field under G(K, E) is E itself, that is E = G(K, E).
(ii) By definition, K H {x K : ( x) x H } , that is each element of KH remains invariant
under every automorphisms of H. So, clearly, we have
H G(K , K H )
Now, we know that if F0 is fixed subfield under subgroup G, then [K : F0] = o(G).
Here KH is fixed subfield under H, so we must have [K: KH] = o(H) …(1)
Galois Theory 39
Now, K is normal extension of KH, so KH is fixed subfield under G(K, KH), by above theorem. So again
we have
[K : KH] = o(G(K, KH)) …(2)
By (1) and (2), we obtain
O(H) = o(G(K, KH))
So, H = G(K, KH)
(iii) Since K|F and K|E both are finite normal extensions, so by above theorem fixed field under G(K,
F) and G(K, E) are F and E respectively.
Hence [K : E] = o(G(K, E)) and [K : F] = o(G(K, F))
Now, [K : F] = [K : E][E : F]
[ K : F ] o(G ( K : F ))
So [E : F ] index of G(K, E) in G(K, F)
[ K : E ] o(G ( K : E ))
(iv) Let E be a normal extension of F. Then, E is algebraic extension of F. Let a E , then ‘a’ is
algebraic over F. Let p(x) be the minimal polynomial of ‘a’ over F. Then, E|F being normal and E
contains a root of p(x), then all roots of p(x) are in F.
Hence E contains all the conjugates of ‘a’ over F. Let G( K , F ) , then (a ) is a conjugate of ‘a’ and
hence (a) E .
Let G( K , E ) then : K K such that ( ) for all E . In particular,
( (a)) (a) [ (a) E ]
1 ( ( ( a))) 1 ( a) a ( 1 )( a) a 1 G( K , E )
Hence G( K , E ) G( K , F ) .
Conversely, let G( K , E ) G( K , F ) .
We shall prove that E is a normal extension of F.
Let a E K a K and K is normal extension of F.
Therefore, K contains all the roots of minimal polynomial p(x) of ‘a’ over F. Equivalently, if L is the
splitting field of p(x) over F, then L K .
Let b be any other root of p(x), then b L K and b is a conjugate of ‘a’ over F. Hence there exists an
isomorphism : K K such that
(a) b and ( ) for all F
Let G( K , E ) , then 1 G ( K , E ) . Therefore,
1 (a) a ( (a)) ( a) (b) b for all G ( K , E )
But E is fixed under G(K, E), therefore, we get
b (a) E b E L E
Thus, E is normal extension of F.
(v) Let E be a normal extension of F. Then, E = F(a) for some a E . For any G( K , F ) , let E
denotes the restriction of to E. Since (a) E , we get ( E) E .
40 Theory of Field Extensions
Let a= e4 ,
Then roots are x = a , a3 , a5 , a7
Therefore, splitting field K of x4+1 over Q is given by
K = Q(a , a3 , a5 , a7) = Q(a).
Clearly, x4+1 is irreducible over Q , so it is minimal polynomial of x4+1 over Q.
Now , [K : Q] = [Q(a) : Q]
= degree of minimal polynomial of ‘a’ over Q
= degree (x4+1) = 4
Since K is splitting field of some non-zero polynomial over Q, so K must be normal extension of Q.
Also, charQ = 0, so we must have that the fixed field under the Galois group G(K, Q) is Q itself.
So, we must have o G( K , Q ) = [K : Q] = 4
Galois Theory 41
Now , K = Q(a) and [K : Q] = 4
so {1, a, a2, a3} must be a basis of K over Q. If y K be any arbitrary element, then
y = 0.1 + 1. a + 2 . a2 + 3 . a3 , i Q , 0 i 3.
and (y) = (0.1) + (1. a) + (2 . a2) + (3 . a3)
= 0 + 1 (a) + 2 ( a) + 3 ( a)
2 3
So, the Galois group G(K, Q) contains no element of order 4 which in turn implies that
G(K, Q) is isomorphic to Klein’s four group.
2.6. Norms and Traces.
Let E be a finite separable extension of degree n over the subfield F and K be a normal closure of E over
F. Then, there are exactly n distinct F-monomorphisms, say, i ,1 i n , of E into K. Consider the
mappings NE/F and SE/F of E into K as:
n n
N E / F ( x) i ( x) , S E / F ( x) i ( x) ,
i 1 i 1
n n n
N E / F ( x) i ( x) i ( x) i ( x) N E / F ( x)
i 1 i 1 i 1
n n
and S E / F ( x) i ( x) i ( x) i ( x) S E / F ( x) .
i 1 i 1 i 1
Therefore, norm and trace of x belong to the fixed field under G(K,F). Since K is a normal closure of a
seperable extension, so it is finite separable normal extension of F. Hence it follows that the fixed field
under G(K,F) is F itself. Hence N E / F ( x), S E / F ( x) F .
Now, we only need to prove that SE/F is not the zero homomorphism. On the contrary assume that
S E / F ( x) i ( x) 0, for all x E
i 1
However, it concludes that the set { 1 , 2 ,..., n } of distinct monomorphisms of E into K is linearly
dependent over K, which in turn contradicts as we already have proved the result “If E and K be any two
fields, then every set of distinct monomorphisms of E into K is linearly independent”. Hence the proof.
Now consider two possibilities:
1. Let D be a finite separable extension of subfield F and E be a subfield of D, containing F. Then
D is a separable extension of E and E is a separable extension of F. Thus if x is any element of D,
define the norm N D / E ( x) of x from D to E, which is an element of E as obtained in Theorem 1,
and then define the norm of N D / E ( x) from E to F, which is an element of F.
These mn mappings are distinct F-monomorphisms of D into K and hence they form a complete set of
F-monomorphisms of D into K. If x D, then we have
N D / F ( x) ( x)
ij i
j ( x) i' j ( x)
1i n
1 j m
1i n
1 j m
1i n 1 j m
i' N D / E ( x) i N D / E ( x) N E / F N D / E ( x)
1i n 1i n
3.1. Introduction.
3.9. Summary.
3.1. Introduction. In this chapter, we shall discuss about finite fields, cyclic and cyclotomic extensions.
Also it will be derived that a field of composite order does not exist. Further, the relation between finite
division rings and finite fields is obtained.
3.1.1. Objective. The objective of these contents is to provide some important results to the reader like:
(i) Normal bases.
(ii) Cyclic and Cyclotomic Extensions.
(iii) Cyclotomic Polynomials.
3.1.2. Keywords. Galois Field, Normal Extensions, Splitting Fields.
Galois Field 45
3.2. Galois Field. A field is said to be Galois field if it is finite.
3.2.1. Theorem. Let F be a field having q elements and ch.F = p, where p is a prime number. Then,
q = pn for some integer n 1 .
Proof. Let P be the prime subfield of F. Now, we know that upto isomorphism there are only two
prime fields, one is Q and other is Z p. Since P is finite prime field. So, P must be isomorphic to Z p.
Hence P must have p elements. Now, F is a finite field and P F so F is a finite dimensional
vector space over P.
Let [F : P] = n(say) and let {a1, a2, …, an} be a basis of F over P. Then, each element of F can be written
uniquely as
1a1 2 a2 ... n an where i P .
q1 1
where 1 is the multiplicative identity of F. Thus,
q1 q q 0
That is, satisfies the polynomial f ( x) x q x . Therefore, all the elements of F* are root of
f ( x) x q x . Also, f(0) = 0 and so
f ( ) 0 for all F
Since f(x) is of degree q, so it cannot have more than q roots in any extension of P. Thus, F is the
smallest extension of P containing all the roots of f(x).
Hence F is the splitting field of f(x) over P.
Remark. In above lemma, we have proved that every finite field is splitting field of some non-zero
46 Theory of Field Extensions
3.2.3. Theorem. For every prime p and integer n 1 , there exists a field having pn elements.
Proof. Since p is a prime number. Therefore, Zp = {0, 1, …, p-1} is a field w.r.t. +p and xp and is also a
prime field. Consider the polynomial
f ( x) x p x Z p [ x]
Let K be the splitting field of f(x). Then, K contain all the roots of f(x).
Since degree of f(x) is pn, so f(x) has pn roots in K. Let these roots be a1 , a2 ,..., a pn . Then, we can write
x x ( x ai )
where ai K .
i 1
Now, 1 K and 1p 1 1 T .
k T
So, every element of Zp is in T, that is, T contains prime field Zp of K. Further, consider ai any root of
f(x). Then,
f ai 0 aip ai 0 aip ai ai T
n n
( ) p p p 0 T
n n n
( ) p p p T .
n n n
Now, if T , then p p 0 f ( ) 0
n n
We have f ( x) x p x . Any root ai of f(x) is a multiple root of f ( x) iff ai is a root of f '( x) . But
f '( x) p n x p 1 1 ch.Z p p
So, ai is not a root of f '( x) . Therefore, no root of f(x) is a multiple root. So, all elements of T are
distinct. Hence
o(T) = pn = o(K).
Thus, we have obtained a field of order pn.
3.2.4. Theorem. Finite fields having same number of elements are isomorphic.
Proof. Let K1 and K2 be finite fields such that o(K1) = o(K2).
Let ch.K1 = p1 and ch.K2 = p2, where p1 and p2 are primes. Then, we have
Then, we have o K1 p1n1 and o K2 p2n2 for some integers n1 and n2. So, we have
Now, P1 P2 so P1[ x] P2 [ x] .
Hence there exists atleast one element F * such that o( ) o( F*) q 1 .
Therefore, F* is cyclic.
Conversely, suppose that F* is cyclic. Let F* = < a >.
If a = 1, then o(F*) = o(a) = o(1) = 1. So, F = {0, 1} is finite.
So, let us assume that a 1 .
Case I. ch.F 0
Since 1 F * 1 F * . Therefore, 1 an for some integer n.
W.L.O.G., let n 1 , then
a 2 n 1 o(a) 2n o(a) is finite o( F *) is finite o( F ) is finite.
Thus, ‘a’ satisfies the polynomial f(x) = xn – x – 1 over P[x] and hence ‘a’ is algebraic over P.
Then, [P(a) : P] = degree of minimal polynomial of ‘a’ over P = r (say)
Therefore, P(a) is a vector space over P of dimension r. Thus, P(a) P( r ) {(1 ,2 ,...,r ) : i P} .
be the Galois group of K over F. If x K , then a basis of the form 1 ( x), 2 ( x),..., n ( x) for K over F is
called a normal basis of K over F.
3.3.1. Theorem. Let K be a finite separable normal extension of degree n over a subfield F with Galois
group G( K , F ) 1 , 2 ,..., n . The subset x1 , x2 ,..., xn of K is a basis for K over F if and only if the
1 ( x1 ) 1 ( x2 ) 1 ( xn )
( x ) ( x ) ... 2 ( xn )
i ( x j ) 2 1 2 2
n ( x1 ) n ( x2 ) n ( xn )
is non-singular.
Proof. Suppose first that the matrix i ( x j ) is non-singular.
Since [K : F] = n, so it is enough to show that the set x1 , x2 ,..., xn is linearly independent over F. For
this, consider
a1 x1 a2 x2 ... an xn 0
where ai ,1 i n, are elements of F.
Again, due to the theory of homogeneous linear equations, it follows that there exist a non-trivial
solution for the system
a1 1 ( x1 ) a2 1 ( x2 ) ... an 1 ( xn ) 0
a1 2 ( x1 ) a2 2 ( x2 ) ... an 2 ( xn ) 0
. . .
. . .
. . .
a1 n ( x1 ) a2 n ( x2 ) ... an n ( xn ) 0,
in K, say, 1 , 2 ,..., n . Since trace is a non-zero homomorphism, so there exists an element α of K such
that SK/F(α) is non-zero. If αk is non-zero, we multiply the above system of equations by ααk-1 to obtain:
1 1 ( x1 ) 2 1 ( x2 ) ... n 1 ( xn ) 0
1 2 ( x1 ) 2 2 ( x2 ) ... n 2 ( xn ) 0
. . .
. . .
. . .
1 n ( x1 ) 2 n ( x2 ) ... n n ( xn ) 0,
where j k1 j (j = 1, …, n). Applying the F-automorphisms 11 , 21 ,..., n1 to the above equations
respectively, to obtain
11 ( 1 ) x1 11 ( 2 ) x2 ... 11 ( n ) xn 0
21 ( 1 ) x1 21 ( 2 ) x2 ... 21 ( n ) xn 0
. . .
. . .
. . .
n1 ( 1 ) x1 n1 ( 2 ) x2 ... n1 ( n ) xn 0,
Adding all these equations, as i runs through the group G, so does i1 . we deduce that
SK/F(β1)x1 + … + SK/F(βn)xn = 0.
Galois Field 51
As SK/F(βk) is a member of F and k k1 k , so SK/F(βk) = SK/F(α) is non zero, hence the set
x1 , x2 ,..., xn is linearly dependent over F and so it does not form a basis, a contradiction to the
assumption. Hence the result follows.
3.3.2. Corollary. The collection 1 ( x), 2 ( x),..., n ( x) , images of an element x under the automorphisms
in the Galois group G( K , F ) 1 , 2 ,..., n , form a normal basis if and only if the matrix i j ( x) is
Next result proves that every separable normal extension of finite degree has a normal basis. However,
we will prove the result for an infinite field first.
Before starting the main result we are defining some terms:
1. If K is any field, then Pn(K) represents the collection of all polynomials in n indeterminates with
scalars from the field K.
2. If K is any field and f(x) is a polynomial over F, for K , we define ( f ) f ( ) . Further, if
f Pn ( F ) , means it is a polynomial in n inderminates, say x1 , x2 ,..., xn , then for any n-tuple
1 , 2 ,..., n we can obtain ( f ) by replacing xi with i for 1 i n .
3.3.3. Theorem. Let K be some extension of an infinite subfield F and f be a non-zero polynomial in
Pn(K). Then there are infinitely many ordered n-tuples 1 , 2 ,..., n of elements of F such that
( f ) 0 .
Now assume that result holds for n = k, that is, if g is any polynomial in P k(K) then there are infinitely
many ordered k-tuples 1 , 2 ,..., k of elements of F such that ( g ) 0 .
Consider n = k+1, and let f be any non-zero polynomial in Pk+1(K) = P(Pk(K)), so we may express f in
the form
f g0 g1xk 1 g2 xk21 ... gt xkt 1 ,
where g 0 , g1 , g 2 ,..., g t are polynomials in Pk(K). Since f is a non-zero polynomial, at least one of the
polynomials g 0 , g1 , g 2 ,..., g t must be non-zero, say, g i . According to the induction hypothesis, there are
infinitely many ordered k-tuples 1 , 2 ,..., k of elements of F such that ( gi ) 0 . For each of
these k-tuples 1 , 2 ,..., k , the polynomial
Hence we see that the result is true for n = k+1. This completes the induction.
3.3.4. Theorem. Let K be a finite separable normal extension of degree n over an infinite subfield F.
Let G( K , F ) 1 , 2 ,..., n be the Galois group of K over F. If f is a polynomial in Pn(K)
with indeterminates X 1 , X 2 ,..., X n such that, for every K , ( ) ( f ) 0, where,
( ) ( 1 ( ), 2 ( ),..., n ( )) then f is the zero polynomial.
Proof. Let x1 , x2 ,..., xn be a basis for K over F. Then, due to Theorem 1, the matrix i ( x j ) is non-
singular, and so is invertible with inverse, say, pij . Thus, i ( x j ) pij I n and so the (i , r)th entry of
this matrix are
1, if i r
( x ) p
0, if i r
i j jr
j 1
Let i i ( x j ) X j i ( x1 ) X1 i ( x2 ) X 2 ... i ( xn ) X n and 1 , 2 ,..., n . Then, define the
j 1
polynomial g in Pn(K) as
g ( X1 , X 2 ,..., X n ) ( f ) .
n n n
a ( g ) g (a1 , a2 ,..., an ) f 1 ( x j )a j , 2 ( x j )a j ,..., n ( x j )a j
j 1 j 1 j 1
n n n
f 1 (a j x j ), 2 (a j x j ),..., n (a j x j )
j 1 j 1 j 1
f 1 ( ), 2 ( ),..., n ( )
by given hypothesis.
Now, if b b1 , b2 ,..., bn be any ordered n-tuple of elements of F and c j p jr br , for 1 j n . Then,
r 1
b i ( x j ) p jr br bi ,
n n n n n
( x )c ( x ) p
j 1
i j j
j 1 r 1
i j jr r
r 1 j 1
1, if i r
since ( x ) p .
0, if i r
i j jr
j 1
Galois Field 53
n n n
c ( g ) g (c1 , c2 ,..., cn ) f 1 ( x j )c j , 2 ( x j )c j ,..., n ( x j )c j
j 1 j 1 j 1
f b1 , b2 ,..., bn
b ( f )
det i j ( x) 0 .
Hence, by corollary to Theorem 1, 1 ( x), 2 ( x),..., n ( x) is a normal basis for K over F.
54 Theory of Field Extensions
3.4. Cyclotomic Extensions. Let 𝐹 be a field, for every positive integer 𝑚 define
k m X m 1
𝑘𝑚1 over 𝐹 is also a splitting field for 𝑘𝑚 over 𝐹. Thus in this case we consider only those polynomials
𝑘𝑚 for which 𝑚 is not divisible by the characteristic. Then,
dk m
mX m1
The only non-zero factor of this polynomial are powers of 𝑋, none of which is a factor of 𝑘𝑚 . Thus, no
roots of 𝑘𝑚 are repeated and so 𝑘𝑚 is a separable polynomial. Also being a splitting field of some non-
zero polynomial this extension is normal too. Hence all cyclotomic extensions of 𝐹 are separable and
Remark. Let 𝐾𝑚 be a splitting field for 𝑘𝑚 over 𝐹 , where 𝑚 is not divisible by the characteristic of 𝐹.
Also assume that 𝐹 is contained in 𝐾𝑚 . As the 𝑚 roots of 𝑘𝑚 in 𝐾𝑚 are all distinct, we call them the
𝑚𝑡ℎ roots of unity in 𝐾𝑚 and denote them by 𝜉1 , … , 𝜉𝑚 . Now if 𝜉𝑖 and 𝜉𝑗 are 𝑚𝑡ℎ roots of unity in 𝐾𝑚 ,
we have (𝜉𝑖 𝜉𝑗 )𝑚 = 𝜉𝑖 𝑚 𝜉𝑗 𝑚 = 1 so 𝜉𝑖 𝜉𝑗 is also 𝑚𝑡ℎ roots of unity, therefore the collection of 𝑚𝑡ℎ roots
of unity form a subgroup of the multiplicative group on non-zero elements of 𝐾𝑚 . Further, being a finite
multiplicative subgroup of non-zero elements of a group this subgroup must be a cyclic group. Any
generator of this group is called a primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity in 𝐾𝑚 . If 𝜉 is a primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity,
then 𝜉 𝑟 is also a primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity for each 𝑟, relatively prime to 𝑚.
If 𝑚 is a prime number, then every 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity, except the identity element, is a primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root
of unity. It is clear that any primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity 𝜉 may be taken as a primitive element for 𝐾𝑚
over 𝐹, that is to say, 𝐾𝑚 = 𝐹(𝜉).
First we are to define the group 𝑹𝒎 .
The elements of 𝑹𝑚 are the residue classes modulo 𝑚 consisting of integers which are relatively prime
to 𝑚, with the product of two relatively prime residue classes 𝐶1 , 𝐶2 is defined to be the residue class
containing 𝑛1 𝑛2 , where 𝑛1 , 𝑛2 are members from 𝐶1 , 𝐶2 respectively. The order of 𝑹𝑚 by ∅(𝑚).
In the next theorem we will obtain the Galois group of a cyclotomic extension.
Galois Field 55
3.4.2. Theorem. Let F be a field, m a positive integer which is not divisible by the characteristic of F, if
ch.F is non-zero. Let K m be a splitting field for k m over F including F. Then the Galois group G(K m , F)
is isomorphic to a subgroup of 𝐑 m .
Proof. Let 𝜉 be a primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity in 𝐾𝑚 . If 𝜏 is any element of 𝐺(𝐾𝑚 , 𝐹), then 𝜏(𝜉) is also a
primitive 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity. Hence 𝜏(𝜉) = 𝜉 𝑛𝜏 , where g.c.d.( 𝑛𝜏 , 𝑚) = 1. Define a mapping : 𝐺 → 𝑹𝑚
as follows:
𝜃(𝜏) = the residue class of 𝑛𝜏 modulo 𝑚.
If 𝜏 and 𝜌 are elements of 𝐺, then
𝜉 𝑛𝜏𝜌 = (𝜏𝜌)(𝜉) = 𝜏(𝜌(𝜉)) = 𝜏(𝜉 𝑛𝜌 ) = (𝜏(𝜉))𝑛𝜌 = 𝜉 𝑛𝜏 𝑛𝜌 ,
so 𝑛𝜏𝜌 ≡ 𝑛𝜏 𝑛𝜌 (mod 𝑚), and therefore 𝜃(𝜏𝜌) = 𝜃(𝜏)𝜃(𝜌). Hence 𝜃 is a homomorphism.
Further, 𝜃 is one-to-one, as if 𝜏 ≠ 𝜌 then 𝜏(𝜉) ≠ 𝜏(𝜉), that is, 𝜉 𝑛𝜏 ≠ 𝜉 𝑛𝜌 and hence 𝑛𝜏 and 𝑛𝜌 are
members of different residue classes modulo 𝑚.
Hence, 𝐺 is isomorphic to the subgroup 𝜃(𝐺) of 𝑹𝑚 .
3.5. Cyclotomic Polynomial. Let 𝐹 be an arbitrary field and 𝐾𝑚 a splitting field for 𝑘𝑚 over 𝐹
containing 𝐹, we assume that 𝑚 is not divisible by the characteristic of 𝐹 if ch.F is non-zero. If 𝑑/𝑚, the
polynomial 𝑘𝑑 = 𝑋 𝑑 − 1 divides 𝑘𝑚 = 𝑋 𝑚 − 1 and hence roots of 𝑘𝑑 are included among the 𝑚𝑡ℎ roots
of unity in 𝐾𝑚 , that is, there are 𝑑 distinct 𝑑 𝑡ℎ roots of unity among the 𝑚𝑡ℎ roots of unity and, in
particular, ɸ(𝑑) primitive 𝑑 𝑡ℎ roots of unity. Thus, for each divisor 𝑑 of 𝑚 we may define the
polynomial ɸ𝑑 in 𝑃(𝐾𝑚 ) as
ɸ𝑑 = ∏(𝑋 − 𝜉𝑑 ),
where the product is taken over all the primitive 𝑑 𝑡ℎ roots of unity 𝜉𝑑 in 𝐾𝑚 , then 𝑑𝑒𝑔ɸ𝑑 = ∅(𝑑). Since
every 𝑚𝑡ℎ root of unity 𝜉 is a primitive 𝑑𝑡ℎ root of unity for some 𝑑/𝑚, it follows that
𝑘𝑚 = 𝑋 𝑚 − 1 = ∏𝑑/𝑚 ɸ𝑑 .
3.5.1. Theorem. For every positive integer m, the coefficients of the mth cyclotomic polynomial belong
to the prime subfield of F. In case if ch.F = 0, and the prime field is 𝐐, then these coefficients are
Proof. Mathematical induction on 𝑚 is sued to obtain the result.
For m = 1, result is obvious as ɸ1 = 𝑋 − 1 has coefficients in the prime field.
Suppose now that the result holds for all factors 𝑑 of 𝑚 such that 𝑑 < 𝑚.
Then we have
𝑋 𝑚 − 1 = ɸ𝑚 ∏1≤𝑑<𝑚 ɸ𝑑 .
56 Theory of Field Extensions
By hypothesis, all the factors in the product have coefficients in the prime field; 𝑋 𝑚 − 1 has coefficients
in the prime field. Hence so does ɸ𝑚 . In the case, when the prime field is 𝑸, every factor in the product
has integer coefficients with leading coefficient 1, when we divide a polynomial with integer
coefficients by a polynomial with integer coefficients and leading coefficient 1 the quotient has integer
coefficients. Thus ɸ𝑚 have integer coefficients.
Now we need to calculate ɸ4 . For this, the divisors of 4 are 1, 2 and 4, so we have
𝑋 4 − 1 = ɸ1 ɸ2 ɸ4 .
Also, 𝑋 2 − 1 = ɸ1 ɸ2 .
So, we have ɸ4 = 𝑋 2 + 1.
𝑋 10 +1
Hence ɸ20 = .
𝑋 2 +1
Thus, t1t2 is the content of (d1d2)f(x). However, d1d2 is a divisor of the content of (d1d2)f(x). Hence
d1d 2
is an integer, say, l. Then f ( x) (lk1 ( x))k2 ( x) is a factorisation of f ( x) in Z [ x] .
Now we will prove that the Galois group G ( K m , Q ) is isomorphic to the multiplicative group Rm of
residue classes modulo m relatively prime to m.
3.6.7. Theorem. Let Km be a splitting field of km over Q. Then G ( K m , Q) Rm .
Proof. Let ζ be a primitive mth root of unity in Km. Define a monomorphism : 𝐺(𝐾𝑚 , 𝑄) → 𝑅𝑚 as
𝜃(𝜏) = the residue class of 𝑛𝜏 modulo 𝑚,
for each automorphism ԏ in 𝐺(𝐾𝑚 , 𝑄), we defined ԏ(ζ) = ζnԏ where nԏ is relatively prime to m.
This mapping is onto as well. Hence the required result holds.
58 Theory of Field Extensions
3.6.8. Corollary. The cyclotomic polynomials ɸ𝑚 are all irreducible in Q[x].
3.7. Cyclic Extension. Let F be a field. A finite separable normal extension K of F is said to be cyclic
extension of F if G(K,F) is cyclic. We are considering that F K .
3.7.1. Theorem. Let K be a cyclic extension of a subfield F and G( K , F ) . If x K , then
N K / F ( x) 1 if and only if there is an element y K such that x , and S K / F ( x) 0 if and only if
( y)
there is an element z in K such that x z ( z ).
Proof. Since K is a finite extension of F so let [ K : F ] n; then | G(K,F)|=n and so n I , the identity
First, suppose that x . Then
( y)
y ( y) 2 ( y) n1 ( y)
N K / F ( x) I ( x) ( x) ( x)
2 n 1
( x) 1.
( x) 2 ( y ) 3 ( y ) n ( y)
Similarly, if x z ( z ), we have
S K / F ( x ) I ( x ) ( x) 2 ( x) n 1 ( x)
z ( z) ( z) 2 ( z) 2 ( z) 3 ( z) n 1 ( z ) n ( z ) 0.
Next, since the set of automorphisms {I , , , , n1} is linearly independent over K , the mapping
x x ( x) 2 x ( x) n 2 ( x) n 1
is non-zero mapping of K into itself. That is to say, there is an element t of K such that
SK / F ( x) x ( x) 2 ( x) n1 ( x) 0.
Then of course ( x) 2 ( x) n 1 ( x) x.
Galois Field 59
Since S K / F is not the zero mapping; so let t be an element of K such that S K / F (t ) is non-zero, and
consider the element
z1 x (t ) ( x ( x)) 2 (t ) ( x ( x) n2 ( x)) n1 (t ).
Hence we have
z1 ( z1 ) x(t (t ) 2 (t ) n1 (t )) xSK / F (t ).
Since S K / F (t ) lies in F and hence is left fixed by , it follows that if we write z z1 / S K / F (t ), then
x z ( z ).
3.7.2. Definition. Let a be any element of a division ring D. Then the normaliser of a in D is the set
N(a) consisting of elements of D which commute with a:
so n belongs to N(a) if and only if an = na.
3.7.3. Exercise. Let D be a division ring. Then the centre Z of D is a subfield of D and the normalizer of
each element of D is a division subring of D including Z.
3.7.4. Wedderburn theorem. Every finite division ring is a field.
Proof. Let D be a finite division ring, with centre Z. Suppose Z has q elements and D has qn elements.
We claim that D = Z and n = 1.
The multiplicative group D* can be expressed as a union of finitely many conjugate classes, say
qn 1
C1,…,Ck, w.r.t. the subgroup Z*. Then, |Ci| = where ti < n . Thus,
q ti 1
qn 1
q 1 q 1 ti
i 1 q 1
X n 1
Now the nth cyclotomic polynomial Φn in P(Q) is a factor of both the polynomials Xn - 1 and .
X ti 1
qn 1
Let a = Φn(q). Then a divides qn - 1 and . Hence a divides q – 1.
q ti 1
If n > 1, then for every primitive nth root of unity ζ in the field of complex numbers C we have
|q - ζ| > q – 1. Hence |a| = ∏| q - ζ |> q – 1, and hence a cannot be a factor of q – 1.
It follows that there is no conjugate class Ci containing more than one element. Hence n = 1 and D = Z,
as required.
3.7.5. Corollary. If F is a finite set, then it is a division ring if and only if it is a field.
60 Theory of Field Extensions
3.8. Check Your Progress.
1. Design fields of order 27, 16, 25, 49.
2. Compute ɸ30 .
3.9. Summary.
In this chapter, we have derived results related to cyclotomic extensions and cyclic extensions. Also It
was proved that a finite division ring is a field, therefore we can say that a division ring which is not a
field is always infinite.
Books Suggested:
1. Luther, I.S., Passi, I.B.S., Algebra, Vol. IV-Field Theory, Narosa Publishing House, 2012.
2. Stewart, I., Galios Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2004.
3. Sahai, V., Bist, V., Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
4. Bhattacharya, P.B., Jain, S.K., Nagpaul, S.R., Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition), Cambridge
University Press, Indian Edition, 1997.
5. Lang, S., Algebra, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
6. Adamson, I. T., Introduction to Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
7. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1975.
Ruler and Compass Construction
4.1. Introduction.
4.7. Summary.
4.1. Introduction. In this chapter, possibility to construct some geometrical figures using ruler and
compass are discussed by the help of some algebraic structures. Also the solvability by radicals of
generic polynomial is discussed
4.1.1. Objective. The objective of these contents is to provide some important results to the reader like:
(i) Normal Extensions.
(ii) Fixed Fields, Galios Groups
(iii) Norms and Traces.
4.1.2. Keywords. Normal Extensions, Galois Group, Fixed Fields.
4.2. Ruler-and-compasses constructions.
Three main problem of Geometry are:
62 Theory of Field Extensions
Using the traditional geometrical instruments ruler and compasses can we
1. Trisect an arbitrary given angle.
2. Construct a cube having volume double to that of a given cube.
3. Construct a square with area equal to that of a given circle.
We shall show that these three problems are insolvable.
Consider the Euclidean plane and two straight lines intersecting at right angles in this plane meeting at a
point O . Assume I is an arbitrary point on one of those lines. Then, by taking O as origin and I to be
the point (1,0) , we can set up a Cartesian coordinate system in the plane. Let B be a collection of
points in this plane, including O and I . With the points in B we can start our construction and so these
points will be called basic points.
By ruler-and-compasses construction based on B we mean a finite sequence of operations of the
following types:
(1) Drawing a straight line through two points which are either basic points or points previously
constructed in the sequence of operations.
(2) Drawing a circle with center at a basic point or a point previously constructed with radius equal
to the distance between two points, each of which is either a basic point or a point previously
(3) Obtaining points of intersection of any two obtained in (1) and (2), which are (a) points of
straight lines, (b) pairs of circles, (c) straight lines and circles.
Any point P which is obtained by (3) based on B is said to be constructible from B. If B consists of
the points O and I and no others, we simply say that B is constructible.
Let P be any point of the plane with coordinates ( , ) determined by O and I . The subfield of R
obtained by adjoining and to B will be denoted by B( P ).
4.2.1. Theorem. If the point P is constructible from B , then the [B( P ) : B] = 2n for some non-
negative integer n.
Proof. To obtain P from B in ruler-and-compasses construction let the sequence is P1 , P2 , , Pn P of
operations of type (3). Suppose that P1 is one of the basic points and the co-ordinates of Pi (i 1, , n)
be ( i , i ) .
Let K = B( P1 , , Pn ). We claim that [K : B] = 2n. Then the result follows directly as B( P ) is a subfield
of K and hence [B( P ) : B] is a factor of [K : B].
We prove by induction on n.
Now assume result holds for n = k-1, that is, if L is the subfield of R obtained by adjoining to B the
coordinates of P1 , , Pk 1 then [ L : B] 2 s for some s.
Ruler and Compass Construction 63
If Pi and Pj are distinct points (1 i, j k 1) then the equation of straight line ij joining them is
( j i )( y i ) ( j i )( x i ).
Similarly, if Pr and Ps are distinct points and Pt is any point (1 r, s, t k 1), then the equation of
circle trs , with center Pt and radius equal to the distance between Pr and Ps is
4.2.3. Corollary. Let P be a point in the plane. If the field B( P) is a normal extension of B such that
[B( P) : B] is a power of 2 , then the point P is constructible from B.
Proof. Let G be the Galois group of B( P) over B , Then |G| = [ B( P) : B ] = 2 s. Then, G has a
sequence of subgroups, G A0 , A1 , A2 ,..., An {e} each of index 2 in the preceding. Thus, B( P) has a
sequence of subfields B( P) K 0 , K1 , K 2 ,..., K n B each of degree 2 over the next. Hence P is
constructible from B.
64 Theory of Field Extensions
4.3. Solution by radicals.
Let F be a field of characteristic zero and E is an extension of F, then E is said to be an extension of F
by radicals if there exists a sequence of subfields F = E0 , E1 , … , Er-1, Er = E such that
Ei+1 = Ei(αi),
for i = 0 , …, r -1, where αi is a root of an irreducible polynomial in P(Ei) of the form Xni - ai. A
polynomial f(x) in F[x] is said to be solvable by radicals if the splitting field of f(x) over F is contained
in an extension of F by radicals.
4.3.1. Theorem. Let F be a field of characteristic zero, K a normal extension of F with G(K,F) is
abelian. If [K : F] = n and the polynomial kn = Xn - 1 splits completely in F[X], then K is an extension of
F by radicals.
Proof. Let G = G(K,F). Then, G may be expressed as a direct product of cyclic groups, say
G = C1 x … x Cr.
Define, Gi = C1 x C2 x … x Cr - i, for i = 0, …, r – 1, and Gr =< I >, where I is the identity element of G.
Then Gi+1 is a normal subgroup of Gi and
Ci for i = 0, …, r - 1.
Gi 1
Let Ei be the subfield of K left fixed by Gi for i = 0, …, r. Then, Ei + 1 is a normal extension of Ei with
cyclic Galois group, isomorphic to Cr-1 for i = 0, …, r-1. Since the degree ni of Ei + 1 over Ei is a factor of
n and kn splits completely in F[X] and hence in Ei[X], it follows that kn splits completely in Ei[X]. So
Ei+1 = Ei(αi) where αi is a root of an irreducible polynomial in Ei[X] of the form Xni - ai for i = 0, …, r -1.
Thus K is an extension of F by radicals, as asserted.
4.3.2. Theorem. Let F be a field of characteristic zero. For every positive integer n, the polynomial
kn = Xn – 1 in F[X] is solvable by radicals.
Proof. We prove the result by induction on n.
If n = 1, then the splitting field for kn over F is F itself, which is an extension of itself by radicals.
Now, suppose that every polynomial kl with l < m is solvable by radicals.
Let Km be a splitting field of km over F containing F. If [Km : F] = r, then r ≤ φ(m) < m. According to
induction hypothesis, kr is solvable by radicals and so there is a splitting field Kr of kr over F which is
contained in an extension E of F by radicals. Without loss of generality assume that E and Km are
contained in the same algebraic closure C of F, then consider L = E(Km) C.
Then, L is a separable normal extension of E and the Galois group G(L, E) of L over E is isomorphic to
a subgroup of the Galois group G(Km, F) of Km over F. Hence G(L, E) is Abelian. It follows that
s = [L : E] is a factor of r = [Km : F]. Since kr splits completely in E[X], so too does ks. Thus L is an
extension of E by radicals. Since E is also an extension of F by radicals it follows that L is also an
extension of F by radicals and hence km is solvable by radicals.
This completes the induction.
Ruler and Compass Construction 65
Before proceeding further, we discuss some results of solvable groups.
4.4. Solvable Group. A group G is said to be solvable if there exists a sequence of subgroups
G = G0 G1 G 2 . . . G n = e
1. Every subgroup of a solvable group is solvable.
2. Every quotient group of a solvable group is solvable.
3. Let G be a group and H be a normal subgroup of G. Then if H and G H both are solvable, then
prove that G is also a solvable group.
4. A finite p-group is solvable.
5. Direct product of two solvable groups is solvable .
6. Let H and K are solvable subgroups of G and H G then HK is also solvable.
7. Show that every group of order pq is solvable where p , q are prime numbers not
necessarily distinct.
8. Prove that every group of order p2q , p and q are primes , is solvable .
9. Sn is solvable for n 4.
10. Sn is not solvable for n > 4.
11. If a subgroup G of Sn (n > 4) contains every 3 – cycle and H be any normal subgroup of G
such that G H is abelian then H contains all the 3 – cycles.
12. Homomorphic image of a solvable group is solvable.
13. A finite group G is solvable iff there exist a sequence of subgroups
G = G0 G1 . . . Gn = < e >
such that Gi+1 Gi and G i G i+1 is cyclic group of prime order for 0 i n.
14. A group G in is solvable iff G (n) = < e > for some n 0.
15. An is not solvable for n 5 and hence Sn is also not solvable for n 5.
We now state a criterion for a polynomial to be solvable by radicals.
4.4.1. Exercise. Let F be a field of characteristic zero. A polynomial f(x) in F[x] has splitting field over
F with a solvable Galois group iff f(x) is solvable by radicals.
4.5. Solution of Polynomial Equations by Radicals.
An extension field K of F is called a radical extension of F if there exist elements 1 , 2 ,..., m K such
1. K F (1 , 2 ,..., m )
2. 1n1 F and ini F (1,2 ,...,i 1 ) for i 1, 2,..., m and integers n1 , n2 ,..., nm
66 Theory of Field Extensions
For f ( x) F[ x] the polynomial equation f(x) = 0 is said to be solvable by radicals if there exists a
radical extension K of F that contains all roots of f(x).
If now {x1 , , xn } is asubset of a field E algebraically independent over the subfield F of E , the
in P( F ( x)) is called a generic polynomial of degree n over F . So a generic polynomial over F is one
which has no polynomial relations with coefficients in F connecting its coefficients
4.5.1. Theorem. Let gn X n x1 X n1 (1)n xn be a generic polynomial of degree n over a field
F of characteristic zero. Then the Galois group of any splitting field of g n over F ( x1 , , xn ) F ( x) is
isomorphic to the symmetric group on n digits. (Left as an exercise for students)
4.5.2. Theorem. The generic polynomial of degree n 5 is not solvable by radicals.
Proof. Since the Galois group of any splitting field of g n over F ( x1 , , xn ) F ( x) is isomorphic to the
symmetric group Sn,. But Sn is not solvable group when n 5 . Hence f(x) is not solvable by radicals
over F ( x1 , , xn ) F ( x) when n 5 .
4.7. Summary.
Constructing a cube having volume double to that of a given cube is equivalent to the construction from
the basic points O and I of the point ( , 0), where is the real number such that 3 2. Since the
polynomial X 3 2 is irreducible in P(Q) , the field Q( ) has degree 3 over Q and hence, since 3 is
not a power of 2, the point ( ,0) is not constructible from O and I . Constructing a square with area
equal to that of a given circle is equivalent to the construction of the point ( ,0). However, is not
algebraic over the field of rational numbers. Hence (Q( ) : Q) is infinite and hence cannot a power of 2.
Books Suggested:
1. Stewart, I., Galios Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2004.
2. Adamson, I. T., Introduction to Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1982.