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MPX Reformer

with Vertical Stand

For video assembly

instructions, visit

Please review this important assembly, safety and warranty information about your new
Merrithew equipment and keep it handy for future reference.


IMPORTANT! User Guidelines

This manual contains important assembly, safety and This equipment when used effectively can faciliate many
warranty information. Read the manual carefully Pilates exercises safely and effectively. However, care and
before using your new equipment and keep the caution must be taken as there are some inherent dangers
manual on hand for future reference. when using any exercise equipment, especially when spring
BY FAILING TO READ AND COMPLY WITH ALL For inexperienced or first-time users, this equipment
REQUIREMENTS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT should only be used under the supervision of a
IN SERIOUS INJURY. trained professional.
It is impossible to predict every situation and This manual includes general guidelines for setup and usage.
condition that can occur while using this equipment. To get the most out of this equipment, Merrithew offers
Merrithew ™ makes no representation about the instructional DVDs and manuals. Personalized training is
safe use of any exercise equipment that cannot be offered through our Licensed and Corporate Training Centers.
predicted or avoided. Visit merrithew.com for more information.
Merrithew recommends cautious assembly and
usage and wishes you many hours of safe and
effective exercise.

Care and Cleaning IMPORTANT

Wipe vinyl surfaces using warm water with mild soap and Replace all springs every 24 months and spring clips
clear water rinses for day-to-day cleaning. Ensure soap does every 12 months, or as needed within that period.
not leave an oily residue, or make surfaces slippery.
Clean channels, rails and rollers daily with a damp cloth. CHECKS, OR USING EQUIPMENT WITH IMPROPERLY
Avoid spraying liquid directly onto surfaces. Never use oil ADJUSTED, BROKEN OR WORN PARTS, COULD RESULT
lubricants as they may damage rollers. IN SERIOUS BODILY INJURY.
CAUTION: We do not recommend using chemical-
based products. Chemical-based cleansers used around
Reformer feet may cause permanent marking on floors.
The warranty does not cover this damage. We suggest
placing a non-slip mat under the machine.


w Before starting any exercise program, consult a physician. w Ensure the equipment is properly adjusted for your
Stop exercising immediately if you experience chest size and ability level.
pain, feel faint, have difficulty breathing or experience
w Keep body, clothing and hair free from all moving parts.
any discomfort.
w This equipment is to be used by one person at a time.
w Before using equipment, read and follow the safety
Do not allow children to use or be around equipment
instructions in this manual and obtain thorough instruction
without adult supervision.
from a qualified trainer. Use equipment for intended
exercises only. w The maximum weight limit of the MPX Reformer
is 250 lb / 113 kg.
w Do not use if equipment appears worn, broken or damaged.
Do not attempt to repair equipment yourself without WARNING: As with any athletic activity, the use of
contacting Merrithew. exercise equipment involves risk of injury, damage
and / or death.
w For optimal performance, allow at least two feet of clear
space on either side of a Merrithew Reformer. Before By choosing to use Merrithew equipment, you assume
moving a Reformer, ensure ropes do not drag, springs are responsibility for that risk, not the people who sold you
attached and carriage is secure. the equipment, distribute and/ or manufacture it.

2 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual


Getting On the Reformer
STOP! Before getting on, ensure the carriage stopper is inserted and at least one spring is securely attached to the gearbar.
Standing or Kneeling Positions Secure Hands and Feet
The carriage is a moving platform. Special attention must When placing hands or feet on the footbar, shoulder rests or
always be paid to maintaining your balance and stability, headrest, ensure they do not slip. Gripper mats may be used.
especially when performing kneeling or standing exercises. Sitting or Lying on a Box
1. Before beginning, ensure carriage stopper is inserted and Always place Reformer Box in a stable position on the Reformer
one or more springs are engaged in the gearbar to secure and sit directly in the middle to avoid tipping. Ensure footstrap
the carriage. is underneath the wooden standing platform and securely
2. Step carefully with one foot onto carriage. A gripper mat clipped together.
may be used to prevent slipping. (See optional accessories,
Supine Position (lying on back)
page 14).
1. Sit on Reformer carriage, legs off to one side.
3. Place other foot carefully onto the wooden standing platform.
2. Reach hand nearest the footbar across your body and
Never attempt to get on the MPX Reformer by stepping on
place it onto the shoulder rest.
the wooden standing platform. Never stand with both
feet on wooden standing platform. 3. Tuck opposite shoulder under arm and roll onto back
lowering head onto headrest.
4. Bring legs up, place feet on footbar, lower arms by sides.

1 2

3 4

Mechanical Safety Check

Proper maintenance and timely replacement of your equipment or component parts is your responsibility.
Conduct a regular inspection of the following:
Daily w Ensure footbar and chrome adjuster bar are
w Wipe rails with a damp cloth using water only. securely fastened.
w Clean fixed and floating rollers using a soft, damp cloth. w Ensure pulley post star knobs are securely tightened.
w Ensure carriage stopper is fully inserted in one of the w Inspect rollers for excessive wear and replace as needed.
six positions at all times. Sit on carriage and test rollers, listening for any thumping
or grinding – the ride should be quiet and whisper smooth.
w Ensure shoulder rests are fully inserted on carriage.
w Inspect all springs for wear and damage and replace
w Ensure footbar is securely fastened.
immediately as needed.
w Ensure chrome adjuster bar is securely seated in cradle.
w Clean rails and rollers with a damp cloth.
w Inspect retractable rope system to confirm ropes are in
position and threaded bolts of the cleats and pulley blocks Monthly
are secure. w Check ropes and straps for wear and replace as necessary.
w Clean upholstery after each use, using a soft cloth and w Check that spring bolts and spring balls are securely
gentle cleanser. fastened.
Weekly w Check all spring clips to ensure proper fastening.
w Ensure all nylon locknuts, spring bolts and spring balls w Check wear on star knobs threads and replace as necessary.
are securely fastened. Yearly w Replace all spring clips.
w Ensure feet are securely attached with the flat side Every Two Years w Replace all springs.
facing towards the floor.


MPX Reformer ™

1 Star Knobs 1/2" 20 Shoulder Rests

2 Accessory Board Receptacles 21 Serial Number Sticker
3 Stand 22 Star Knobs 3/8" [fig. C & G]
4 Easy-Roll Wheels 23 Ropes
5 Wooden Standing Platform 24 Traditional Pulleys
6 Gearbar Slots [fig. B] 25 Stand Up Pulley Springs
7 Springs [fig. B] 26 Pulleys
8 Footbar 27 Gearbar [fig. B]
9 Chrome Adjuster Bar 28 Rope Guide Tubes [fig. C]
10 1/4" Socket Head Cap Screws 29 5/8" Bronze Bushings [fig. D]
11 Spring Sleeves 30 Floating Rollers [fig. D]
12 Footbar Adjustment Cradles 31 Fixed Rollers [fig. E]
13 Floating Safety Tab 32 Rubber Carriage Stopper [fig. A]
14 Spring Holder [fig. E] 33 Carriage Stopper Positions [fig. A]
15 Small Swing Arm Bars 34 Stopper Plates [fig. G]
16 Large Swing Arm Bars 35 Pulleybar Receptacles [fig. G]
17 Aluminum Rails 36 Double Loop Straps [fig. F]
18 Carriage
19 Adjustable Headrest Note: Parts may not be exactly as shown.

Front End

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

4 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual


32 7








Back End

Required Tools
Phillips Screwdriver
1/4" (6 mm) Hex Key (supplied)
1/8" (3 mm) Hex Key (supplied)
Open-End Wrench 1/2" x 7/16"
(13 mm x 11 mm)
21 22 23 24 25 26


Assembling the MPX Reformer

STOP! Read these instructions completely before beginning or refer to our online assembly video at: merrithew.com/eq-assembly

1. Insert gearbar [27] into middle gearbar slot [6] with the 2. Insert pulleybars [24] into receptacles [25] at rear of
caution sticker and concave indentations facing wooden Reformer and tighten star knobs at base of receptacles.
standing platform [5]. Ensure eyehooks on top of pulleybars are parallel to aluminum
rails [17] and that star knobs are fully tightened so there is no
movement of the pulleybars.

3. With two people, tilt Reformer onto one side. 4. Tie a knot leaving a 6-8" tail to prevent ropes from passing
As one person steadies Reformer, the second person inserts back through rope guide tubes.
free ends of ropes [23] through back of pulleys [26], then
through rope guide tubes [28] underneath carriage.

5. Return Reformer to upright position. 6. Position shoulder rests directly over pre-drilled screw holes.

6 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

7. Ensure shoulder rest handles are positioned to the outside of 8. Place 1/4" black washers over the shoulder rests screw
the shoulder rest frames. hole slots.

9. Insert 1/4" x 1-1/4" screws through washers and into top of 11. To determine correct length of ropes, set carriage stopper
screw holes. in second hole from footbar. Engage a spring [7] into the
gearbar [27] ensuring carriage [18] does not move.
10. Use the 1/8" Allen key provided to tighten, ensuring the
shoulder rests are secure. 12. Place double loop straps [36] on carriage so D-rings on straps
line up with back of metal plate of shoulder rests.
Subtle adjustments can be made to length of ropes by sliding
rope guide tubes [28]. Secure by tightening star knobs [22].


Setting Up the Reformer

6 5 4 3 2 1

Carriage Stopper Gearbar

The carriage stopper position determines how close the carriage The gearbar position determines the amount of initial tension
slides in toward the wooden standing platform and dictates the on the springs. The slot closest to the wooden standing platform
range of motion required of the body’s joints. The hole closest is position #1; the next is position #2; the next is position #3.
to the wooden standing platform is referred to as position #1; Lower position numbers provide higher spring tension.
the next hole is position #2, etc.
Adjusting the Gearbar
Adjusting the Carriage Stopper w Do not sit on carriage while adjusting.
w Do not sit on carriage while adjusting. w Remove all springs from gearbar.
w Remove all springs from gearbar. w Place gearbar in desired position.
w Insert carriage stopper in one of six positions. w Ensure gearbar slides fully into slots.
w Be sure carriage stopper is completely w Ensure caution message and concave indentations
inserted in the hole and is not loose. face toward footbar.
The carriage stopper position should usually be selected so that Position gearbar relative to the carriage to create initial tension
when lying supine (on your back), with heels on the footbar, on the springs, i.e. the gearbar should not be in position #3 if the
there is a 90° angle of flexion at the hip joint when the carriage is carriage stopper is in position #1 or #2 as there will not be any
against the carriage stopper. If injury, disease or other limitations spring tension.
restrict flexion at the hips or knees, adjust the carriage stopper
Removing the Gearbar
by placing it farther out. Adjustments can also be made for the
exercise being performed. remove all springs and then pull the gearbar away from
the carriage and lift.
NOTE: The carriage stopper must be inserted in one of the
six positions AT ALL TIMES. Using the Reformer without the
carriage stopper may cause damage to the gearbar assembly,
rollers or spring holder.
CAUTION: Replace carriage stopper as
required. Using a broken, damaged or
defective carriage stopper may damage
your Reformer.

8 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

4 3 2 1

Springs Footbar
Replace all Springs every 24 months. The footbar can be set at four different heights to facilitate
The number of springs attached to the gearbar determines the various Reformer exercises and to accommodate physical
total amount of resistance. MPX Reformers are equipped with differences and abilities. The cradle closest to the gearbar
four 100%-tension springs, and one 50% spring. is position #1 the cradle farthest away is position #4.
Adjusting the Footbar
Adjusting Springs
w The footbar can be adjusted while standing beside the
w Take care when attaching and detaching springs from gearbar.
Reformer or sitting on the carriage.
w For safety, place one hand on gearbar.
w Gently pull footbar up and lift chrome adjuster bar out
w Firmly grasp spring (not the ball on the spring) and of footbar adjustment cradle.
stretch it to hook to or unhook from gearbar.
w Lift or lower footbar to the desired height and place chrome
w Ensure ball end rests securely in concave indentations adjuster bar securely into nearest footbar adjustment cradle.
of gearbar.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the Reformer be placed on
some type of non-skid material to prevent slipping and/or damage
to flooring or carpet.

Headrest Moving Reformers

The headrest adjusts to three positions: flat, half-raised or The front end of all Reformers have a set of easy-roll wheels
fully raised. It should be adjusted on an individual basis to ensure that make moving or repositioning simple for anyone of
neck and shoulders are comfortable and tension-free when moderate strength.
lying supine.
w Ensure springs are attached so carriage is secure, and
In exercises where the hips are lifted higher than the shoulders, ropes do not drag.
headrest should be flat – even when beginning from a supine
w Stand at the back of Reformer, grasp the horizontal
position. In some exercises it is raised to provide a brace for
metal bar, and gently lift. Lift Reformer high enough
the feet.
to engage easy-roll wheels.
Adjusting the Headrest w Keep Reformer at waist-height or lower. Do not lift higher
w With no weight on headrest, lift it and hinge adjustment as this may result in damage to floor surface.
block to rest securely onto wooden edge of carriage.

10 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand

This Reformer model is equipped with a Vertical Stand,

allowing it to be stored in an upright position.
These instructions cover safe handling and storage of your
equipment with the Vertical Stand.

Safety and Usage

Please note the following precautions.
w Standing or lowering the Reformer requires two people.
We recommend having someone to assist and spot when
standing the Reformer upright.
w When standing and storing this Reformer, choose a low traffic
area, away from children, pets, windows and mirrors.
w Select a level area of the room to store the Reformer, making
sure the floor in the storage area is a solid flat surface and is
completely clear.
w Softer surfaces such as carpet, sponge or other soft flooring
are not recommended.
w Please ensure that you and your clients/patients receive proper
instruction regarding the correct and safe use of this equipment.

Part Identification
3 Stand
8 Footbar
9 Chrome Adjuster Bar
13 Floating Safety Tab (2)



Standing the Reformer Upright

Please read these instructions completely before beginning or refer to our online assembly video at merrithew.com/eq-assembly

1. Move the chrome adjuster bar [9] to set 2. Place the gearbar [27] in the 3. Place the carriage stopper [32] in the
the footbar [8] into the lowest position. second position. second position.

4. Position all five springs [7] in the 5. Grasp the front end crossbar with 6. To stand the Reformer, lift it upwards,
gearbar [27]. both hands and lift the Reformer. while carefully moving one hand and then
Keep the Reformer below 48"/122 cm the other, to the side rails [17]. Continue
(approximately waist-height) to prevent the lifting the Reformer until it is fully upright
frame from making contact with the floor. and resting on the footbar [8] [fig. A].
Roll the Reformer to the storage area.
Two people are required for this
Take care when lifting the Reformer step. When standing and storing this
to avoid injury. Reformer, choose a low traffic area,
away from children, pets, windows
and mirrors.

7. Using your foot, pull out one leg of the 8. Ensure that the Floating Safety Tabs
Stand [3], until it is fully folded out and in [13] on both sides are hanging vertically
line with the Reformer rails [17]. Repeat for just above the chrome adjuster bar [9].
the Stand on the other side. Wiggle the Reformer slightly to ensure the
Reformer is solidly set in place.
It is strongly recommended that
footwear is worn during this step. Be sure to select a level area when
storing your Reformer upright.

12 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

Lowering the Reformer
To ensure your safety two people are required to lower a Reformer.

1. To prepare to lower the Reformer, 2. Holding the Reformer in place, use your 3. Walk your hands up the rails [17] as
position one hand on each of the foot to push in one leg of the stand [3], you back up and lower the Reformer
side rails [17] of the Reformer. until it is fully folded under the wooden towards you.
standing platform [5]. Repeat for the stand
We recommend a second person
on the other side.
assists you in holding the Reformer.
It is strongly recommended that
footwear is worn during this step.

4. Shift one hand to grasp the front end 5. Continue lowering the Reformer. 6. Reset the the carriage stopper [32],
crossbar, then the other hand. Bring to waist-height to prevent the frame footbar [8] and springs [7] as desired and
from making contact with the floor, and attach the vertical frame or accessory
roll the Reformer to its destination. boards if needed.


Optional Reformer Accessories

Padded Platform Extender Mat Converter

Extends the wooden standing platform to accommodate a variety Adding a mat converter covers the springs and creates a safe,
of exercises, providing added comfort and safety. Can also be stable surface for Matwork.
used on the carriage to bring the pelvis and spine to a neutral
Installing the Mat Converter
position when sitting.
w Remove footstrap (if applicable).
w Remove footstrap (if applicable) and lower footbar completely.
w Place footbar down and disconnect springs.
w Place desired springs in gearbar.
w Slide carriage back against pulleybars, ensuring ropes
w Place padded platform extender in a stable position on rails
are wrapped out of the way.
ensuring it is firmly in place against the wooden standing
platform and does not move. w Insert mat converter ensuring it is pressed completely
into place.
w Gripper mats may be used.
NOTE: Always step onto or stand directly in the center of the
padded platform extender to avoid tipping.

Gripper Mats Accessory Boards

Versatile non-slip mats are handy to increase traction and prevent Optional accessory boards can be added to MPX Reformers to
slipping or sliding (see image above for example of usage). further increase exercise options.
w Jumpboard and Cardio-Tramp™ for plyometric and
aerobic exercises.
w Rotational Diskboard™ allows greater range and asymmetrical
movements when working in controlled internal and
external rotation.
w Soft footbar accommodates sensitive feet.
Installing Accessory Boards
w Lower footbar to lowest position.
w Insert accessory board into receptacles in wooden standing
platform and ensure it slides down fully.
w Tighten star knobs located under wooden standing platform.
NOTE: Never use an accessory board without ensuring the
star knobs have been tightened and are secure.
Roll-Up Pole, Metal
Perfect to provide added scapular awareness, it can be used
with multiple Reformer exercises. Available in two weights.
Maple Roll-Up Pole also available.

14 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

Reformer Box Footstrap
Reformer boxes can be used to facilitate or modify exercises. Footstrap is included with purchase of a Reformer box.
Positioning the Reformer Box Attaching the Footstrap
w Place Reformer box on top of carriage with either long or w Loop footstrap around wooden standing platform and adjust
short side facing forward. the length by attaching spring clip to one of the three D-rings.
w Box can be placed over or against shoulder rests w Footstrap should be adjusted so that there is tension with
in the “short box” position. knees slightly flexed. It is important to keep feet hooked
securely under footstrap.

Replacement Parts

Bronze Bushing

Floating Roller

Fixed Rollers Floating Rollers

With carriage removed from rails, attach fixed roller with the With carriage removed from rails, slide floating rollers
aid of a ratchet and 12 mm (15/32") socket attachment. Ensure into bronze bushings. Then follow directions for replacing
fixed rollers are securely fastened. Follow directions on removing carriage (see page 20). Clean new rollers with a soft,
carriage (see page 16) and replacing carriage (see page 20 ). damp cloth prior to installing.
Clean new rollers with a soft, damp cloth prior to installing.
CAUTION: Never use oil lubricants as they may damage rollers.

Visit merrithew.com/shop/replacement-parts for these replacement parts and optional accessories

Traditional Spring Package, 5 Springs ST-05057 Mat Converter, SPX – Black ST-02075
High-Precision Spring Package, 5 Springs ST-05058 Padded Long Spine Straps, pair ST-02016
Power Up Spring Package, 5 Springs ST-05098 Padded Platform Extender, SPX – Black ST-02074
Carriage Stopper ST-06012 Reformer Box, SPX – Black ST-02000
Fixed Rollers, pair ST-06013 Soft Reformer Loops, pair ST-02009
Floating Rollers, pair ST-06014 Shoulder Rest Pads, pair – Black ST-02023
Foam-Grip Handles, pair ST-02007 Spring Sleeve ST-05070
Footbar, SPX (Double) ST-05085 Spring Clip ST-02020
Footstrap ST-02018 Locking Spring Clip ST-05064
Gripper Mat ST-02022 Traditional Ropes, pair – Black ST-06289
Maple Roll-Up Pole ST-06008 Traditional Ropes, pair – White ST-06016

Phillips Screwdriver

Removing the Carriage

1. To remove carriage, remove pulleybars and place on the floor, 2 . Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove stopper plates.
on either side of the aluminum rails.

3. Carefully slide carriage out of the aluminum rails keeping 4 . Place carriage face-down on the ground.
carriage level until completely free of rails. Turn carriage over
NOTE: Ensure carriage is placed on a soft surface that will not
ensuring rollers are secure and do not come in contact with
damage the vinyl.
the floor.
NOTE: Requires two people.

16 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

Required Tools
2x Open-End Wrenches
1/2" x 7/16" (13 mm x 11 mm)

Removing the Springs

Spring Anchoring Bar

Fixed Cube Nut

1. With 7/16" wrench, hold fixed cube nut in place. 2 . Using second 7/16" wrench on opposite side of spring
anchoring bar, loosen nylon locknut. This may require exerting
a bit of torque.
NOTE: Discard used nylon locknuts and washers. (New nylon
locknuts and washers are provided with new springs).

3. Remove spring from spring anchoring bar. 4 . Pull spring out of the spring holder.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 on remaining springs. 6. Remove spring sleeves from old springs and slide onto
new springs, if applicable.


Replacing the Springs

Determine desired replacement spring package.
Springs balls are color-coded. Black = 125%, Red = 100%, Blue = 50%, White = 25%
NOTE: MPX Reformers arrive with the Traditional Spring Package.

black blue red black black

Power Up Spring Package NOTE: Spring sleeves are required for proper function
of the Reformer if it features a molded spring holder.
3 × 125%, 1 × 100%, 1 × 50% arrange as follows:
Place the red (100%) spring in the center, and the blue
(50%) spring to one side. Place black (125%) springs in
the remaining positions.

red red blue red red red white blue red red

Traditional Spring Package High-Precision Spring Package

4 × 100%, 1 × 50% arrange as follows: 3 × 100%, 1 × 50%, 1 × 25% arrange as follows:
Place the blue (50%) spring in the center and two red (100%) Place the blue (50%) spring in the center, and the white
springs on either side. (25%) spring to one side. Place red (100%) springs in
remaining positions.

1. Starting with spring #1 from your spring package, remove the 2 . Start at one end of the carriage. Thread bolt end of spring #1
nylon locknut and washer from bolt end of spring. through first hole of molded spring holder.

18 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

Required Tools
1x Phillips Screwdriver
2x Open-End Wrenches
1/2" x 7/16" (13 mm x 11 mm)

3. Insert spring bolt through the corresponding hole on spring 4 . Add washer and thread nylon locknut into spring bolt.
anchoring bar.
NOTE: Do not reuse old nylon locknuts or washers.

5. Hold fixed cube nut in place with 7/16" wrench. 6. Both nylon locknut and fixed cube nut should be snug against
Using second wrench, tighten the new nylon locknut. the spring anchoring bar. Once secure, give the nylon locknut an
additional 1/4 turn clockwise.
CAUTION: Do not overtighten.
CAUTION: Do not overtighten.

7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for remaining springs. 8 . Affix the sticker provided with your spring replacement
package to the underside of the Reformer carriage.
Springs should be replaced every 24 months, or as needed
within that period.

Phillips Screwdriver

Replacing the Carriage

1. Remove carriage stopper. 2 . Wipe inside of aluminum rails with a dry cloth to remove
dust or dirt. If using a damp cloth, spray cleaner onto cloth first.
Avoid spraying directly onto surfaces, rollers or aluminum rails.
Insert carriage stopper in one of six positions.

3. Ensure that pulleybars are still on the floor on either side of 4 . CAUTION: When guiding carriage straight into aluminum rails,
aluminum rails. Carefully turn carriage to its side while ensuring move slowly and carefully as the rollers are sensitive. Once rollers
rollers never come in contact with the floor. Now, prepare for are within rails they are protected.
another person to take hold of opposite side of the carriage.

20 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

5. Slide rollers into c-channels. 6. Using a Phillips screwdriver, replace stopper plates.

NOTE: To prevent damaging rollers, it is strongly advised two

people hold carriage. One person guides rollers carefully into
channels while the other supports opposite side of carriage.
Once rollers are secured in channels, guide carriage into place.

7. Insert pulleybars into receptacles at rear of Reformer and fully 8 . Replace gearbar and engage springs before resuming use
tighen star knobs so pulleybars are secure. Ensure eyehooks on of the Reformer.
top of pulleybars are parallel to aluminum rails.


Merrithew™ warrants that all new equipment is free of manufacturing defects in workmanship and materials, subject to the terms below.
This warranty becomes effective at the invoice date of the original purchase. Parts repaired or replaced under the terms of this warranty
will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.

It is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify Merrithew of any change of contact information. This ensures, that in the unlikely event
of a replacement or safety notice, we are able to contact you immediately.

This warranty applies to equipment only: Disclaimer of Implied Warranties and Limitation of Remedies
w While it remains in the possession of the original purchaser and Repair or replacement of defective parts is your exclusive remedy under
proof of purchase is demonstrated the terms of this limited warranty. In the event of parts availability issues,
w If claims are made within the part-specific warranty period Merrithew will not be responsible for any consequential or incidental
w If upgrades are made as required by Merrithew damages arising from the breach of either this limited warranty or any
This warranty shall be null and void if: applicable implied warranty, or for failure or damage resulting from acts
w Equipment failure is a result of improper assembly, of nature, improper care and maintenance, accident, alteration, replacement
installation or maintenance of parts by anyone other than Merrithew, misuse, transportation, abuse,
w The equipment is used for any other purpose other than as
hostile environments (inclement weather, acts of nature), improper
intended, or is stored or used outdoors, or in environments installation or installation not in accordance with local codes or
without adequate climate/humidity controls printed instructions.
w Equipment has been subjected to accident, misuse, abuse, improper This limited warranty is the sole express warranty given by
service, or any modification not authorized by Merrithew Merrithew. No product performance, specification or description
This warranty does not cover damage to the finish of any equipment wherever appearing is warranted by Merrithew except to the extent
nor shipping charges, customs clearance fees (if applicable), or any costs set forth in this limited warranty. Any implied warranty protection
incurred in installing repaired or replacement parts shipped under the arising under the laws of any state, province or territory including
provisions of this warranty. implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose, or use, is hereby limited in duration to the duration of
Failure to change springs every two (2) years may void warranty. this limited warranty.
90-Day Upholstery Fabric Warranty Neither distributors, dealers, web resellers, nor the retailers selling this
The vinyl fabric upholstery and spring sleeves will be replaced if they product have any authority to make any additional warranties or to
fail to give normal wear for 90 days after delivery. Proof of damage promise remedies in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated above.
may be required. This warranty does not cover cuts, burns, stains, Merrithew’s maximum liability, in any event, shall not exceed the purchase
soiling, pet damage or damage caused by other unreasonable use. price of the product paid by the original purchaser.
This warranty does not apply to fabrics cleaned with abrasive, corrosive or
chemical cleansers. If the identical fabric is not available, Merrithew will
provide an equivalent.
One (1) Year Limited Warranty
On fixed and floating rollers, ropes, straps, spring clips, plastic pulley post
receptacle sleeves, comfort footbar, carriage stopper, molded spring holder, IMPORTANT
traditional Reformer feet and rubber stand feet. We recommend that Please keep this manual in a safe place.
spring clips (including those attached to traditional-style ropes) be 
If you have questions, issues or are missing parts:
changed annually.
Do NOT return this unit to your local retailer,
Two (2) Year Limited Warranty please contact the manufacturer directly.
Merrithew will, at its option, repair or replace all other components
including any of the parts listed below, provided such failure is due to a
defect in workmanship or materials and provided such failure occurs and is 416.482.4050 | 1.800.910.0001 | 0800.328.5676 UK | ext. 288
reported to Merrithew within a period of two years from invoice date of the
original purchase.
w Aluminum rails
w Gearbar
w Vertical stand legs
w Floating safety tabs
w Components of the frame and related welding
w Footbar mechanism (Includes swing arms, chrome adjuster bar
and associated hardware, excludes footbar)
w Vertical stand legs
w Floating safety tabs

22 MPX Reformer with Vertical Stand – Owner’s Manual

Take Advantage of our Training Tools

Training Manuals: Three fully illustrated manuals, developed

for our Instructor Training Program, offer step-by-step
instruction to the complete Reformer repertoire.

Wall Charts: Full-size posters, measuring 27"x 39",

depict exercises featured in the STOTT PILATES®
Reformer repertoire. Each exercise is described with
name, equipment accessories, one photo, and
suggested repetitions.

Instructional DVDs: We offer almost limitless

exercise challenges in our clear and detailed
repertoire of cutting edge titles. For a full listing
visit merrithew.com/shop/dvds

Check out Merrithew’s digital
platform with 200+ workouts.
Visit merrithewconnect.com

Make the Most of Merrithew Equipment

As Leaders in Mindful Movement™, Merrithew is committed to developing unique, top-quality fitness programs
based on the latest in exercise science and research. Our signature STOTT PILATES® education is unparalleled,
and we bring the same expertise and passion to our full range of branded programs, including CORE™ Athletic
Conditioning and Performance Training™, ZEN•GA®, Total Barre® and Halo® Training. Join our global community
of elite fitness professionals. Merrithew courses and workshops are offered worldwide.

Find courses and workshops near you at merrithew.com/education/training

Contact Us 416.482.4050 | 1.800.910.0001 | 0800.328.5676 UK | ext. 300

Please keep this manual in a safe place.

Go to merrithew.com/warranty

P00342 PM-ST11091A-1 AUG22 ™/® Trademark or registered trademark of Merrithew Corporation, used under license. Printed in Canada. All rights reserved.
to activate your warranty!
Get the benefits:
w Ensure that you’ll be able to repair it under warranty should you encounter a problem.
w Make warranty service fast and efficient by having your information in our records.
w In the unlikely event of a replacement or safety notice, we’ll be able to contact you immediately.
w Proof of purchase for insurance purposes in the event of a loss due to fire, flood or theft.
w Stay informed of any product updates.

Can’t get online?

Please fill out the warranty card enclosed with this product, and return to us.

This is your Reformer Serial Number:

2200 Yonge Street, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S 2C6
416.482.4050 | 1.800.910.0001 | 0800.328.5676 UK | ext. 288
customercare@merrithew.com | merrithew.com

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