Cardia Tumor Pathology
Cardia Tumor Pathology
Cardia Tumor Pathology
Cardiac Tumor
Cristina Basso Marialuisa Valente
Pathological Anatomy Pathological Anatomy
Department of Cardiac Department of Cardiac
Thoracic and Vascular Sciences Thoracic and Vascular Sciences
Padova, Italy Padova, Italy
Gaetano Thiene
Pathological Anatomy
Department of Cardiac
Thoracic and Vascular Sciences
Padova, Italy
xii Contents
xiv Contributors
In the popular mind, the term “tumor” recalls the in Rome at that time, he discovered a left ven-
concept of “cancer,” i.e., a highly aggressive bio- tricular mass described as follows in Latin “In
logical process eventually leading to body con- Cardinali Gambara Brixiano tumorem praedu-
sumption due to malignant infiltration and rum, et ad ovi magnitudinem in sinistro cordis
metastasis. ventricolo Romae vidi, ubi illum in affinium gra-
This is not the case at the heart level, since tiam dissecarem” (“in Rome I saw a solid tumour,
malignant primary cardiac tumors are rare (about large like an egg, in the left ventricle of Cardinal
10% of all primary cardiac tumors). Malignancy Gambaro of whom I was committed by the Pope
is hemodynamic rather than biological, due to to make autopsy”) (Fig. 1.1). Most likely it was a
obstruction of the blood circulation because of post-infarction endocavitary apical mural throm-
intracavitary growth and embolism of neoplastic bus rather than a true neoplasm.
fragments with potentially devasting ischemic In the famous article entitled Tumors of the
damage to several organs. heart: review of the subject and report of one
Before the advent of cardiac imaging and of hundred and fifty cases, dated 1951 [2], Richard
open heart surgery, cardiac neoplasms were not Prichard wrote “…the most common cardiac
diagnosed in vivo and were mostly fatal due to tumour (cardiac myxoma) has never been diag-
complications along their natural history and, as nosed antemortem…”. Noteworthy, in the Mayo
such, diagnosed by the pathologist only at Clinic experience published in 1980, 23% of sur-
postmortem. gically resected cardiac myxomas were referred
Noteworthy, the first description of cardiac to surgery on the basis of auscultatory signs and
tumors was made by Matteo Realdo Colombo in symptoms suggestive of rheumatic mitral valve
1559 in his book De Re Anatomica [1]. While stenosis [3].
performing the autopsy of the body of Cardinal The first book on cardiac tumors was pub-
Gambaro from Brescia, since he was the archiater lished by Ivan Mahaim in 1945 (Fig. 1.2) with the
title Les tumeurs et les polypes du coeur: etude
anatomo-clinique [4].
G. Thiene, M.D. (*) • M. Valente, M.D. At the Institute of Pathological Anatomy of the
• C. Basso, M.D., Ph.D. peaceful Lausanne, spared by the second world
Pathological Anatomy, Department of Cardiac, war due to the neutral position of Switzerland, the
Thoracic and Vascular Sciences,
Azienda Ospedaliera-University of Padua
young cardiac pathologist Mahaim wrote an
Medical School, via A. Gabelli, 61, Padua 35121, Italy extraordinary book, that was a collection of per-
e-mail: sonal observations at postmortem as well as of
literature review, and represented a milestone coeur”), the most frequent cardiac tumor (nearly
publication on the topic of cardiac tumors for two-thirds of primary heart neoplasms), he said
several generations of pathologists and physicians “…surgical resection of atrial polyp encounters
involved in the field. From him we learned that apparently unsurmountable difficulties. However,
cardiac myxoma (called in French “le polype” due we should not give up because of this feeling. In
to its resemblance to a pedunculated gastro-enteric any field of science, with technological progress,
polyp), can have a clinical presentation with syn- the impossible is just a moment during the evolu-
cope or dyspnea due to atrio-ventricular valve tion of our powers. As Mummery said about alpin-
orifice occlusion (functional mitral stenosis), with ism, the inaccessible peak becomes an easy route
peripheral artery occlusion due to embolic phe- for ladies…” [4].
nomena, or can be totally asymptomatic being an On the contrary, in 1951 Prichard manifested
incidental finding (“les polypes silencieux”). a pessimistic attitude by saying “…of the surgi-
Although these were all autopsy cases, Mahaim cal treatment of these tumours we never heard”
was optimist on the perspectives of Medicine. [2]. Surprisingly, in the same year 1951 Goldberg
While treating atrial myxoma (“Le polype du et al. [5] for the first time successfully made a
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 3
Fig. 1.2 Title page of the book by Ivan Mahaim on cardiac tumors, published in 1945. Reprinted with permission of
the Italian Society of Cardiology
clinical diagnosis of left atrial myxoma using finding, thereafter they became almost exclu-
angiography and in 1954 Crafoord resected a sively a clinical and surgical observation.
myxoma using extracorporeal circulation [6]. The role of the pathologists is now to establish
Thus, the era of “surgical pathology” started the nature of the resected mass (non-neoplastic,
with clinical diagnosis mostly based upon angiog- benign, or malignant neoplasms) and, last but not
raphy (Fig. 1.3) and the pathologist on call to least, to make the differential diagnosis with sec-
establish in vivo the nature and histotype of the ondary neoplasms. The advent of immunohis-
neoplasm, as in any other field of oncology. tochemistry to characterize the antigenic markers,
However, the historical watershed in the diag- by using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies,
nosis and treatment came in the 1980s, with the leads to major advances in the diagnosis of pri-
advent of non-invasive imaging, i.e., echocar- mary and secondary cardiac tumors as in other
diography (Fig. 1.4) which, together with com- fields of oncology, but particularly of malignant
puted tomography and cardiac magnetic primary sarcomas, where the tumor cell of origin
resonance (MRI), substantially improved diag- can be the endothelial cell, fibroblast, cardiomyo-
nosis and subsequent treatment. It is possible to cyte, smooth muscle cell, adipocyte, etc. [7].
easily visualize cardiac tumors at the first onset We report some anecdotal cases collected
of symptoms or even incidentally, during routine along the last 35 years at our center in Padua,
diagnostic procedures, and send the patient which are emblematic of the historical evolution
promptly to the surgeon for resection with a in the field of cardiac oncology.
nearly 100% success in the benign forms. Before In 1976 a 61 -year-old man died during
the 1980s cardiac myxomas were a postmortem angiographic examination performed due
4 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.3 Angiographic diagnosis of right ventricular Society of Cardiology. (a) Angiographic image showing a
myxoma in a 21- year-old male (from Bortolotti et al. [20] contrast medium defect at the level of the right outflow
modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian tract. (b) At surgery, a bi-lobated myxoma was found
Fig. 1.5 A 61-year-old man who died due to acute pul- available in the book by Mahaim (observation by Ferrari
monary edema in 1976. (a) A giant left atrial, cluster- E. Sui tumori poliposi dell’endocardio atriale. Arch Sc
shaped myxoma was found occupying the left Mediche 1941;72:75). Reprinted with permission of the
atrio-ventricular valve orifice. (b) A similar drawing is Italian Society of Cardiology
to acute pulmonary edema and peripheral In 1978, a 15-year-old boy had a diagnosis of
embolisms. The need to wait for angiography myocarditis due to chest pain with cardiac
before referring the patient to surgery resulted enzymes release and ST segment elevation on 12
to be fatal. A giant villous left atrial myxoma lead ECG. Discharged at home 20 days later, he
occupied the mitral atrio-ventricular orifice, suffered an embolic stroke while playing soccer
herniating and protruding into the left ventricle and died suddenly. Autopsy examination revealed
(Fig.1.5). a bi-atrial myxoma (Fig. 1.7a, b) with myxoma-
In 1979 a 45- year-old man suffered a sudden tous embolisms of the cerebral and right coronary
left leg ischemia. An embolus was retrieved by artery, the latter being the cause of the previously
Fogarty, and histology showed the a thrombotic misdiagnosed inferior myocardial infarction
composition. Two days later the patient had an (Fig. 1.7c). Again, echocardiography examina-
embolic “storm,” including the cerebral arteries tion should have identified the cardiac mass, with
and died. At autopsy a smooth left atrial myxoma, prompt indication to surgical resection thus pre-
covered by a stratified thrombus as the probable venting the second fatal embolic episode.
source of multiple embolisms, was found (Fig. 1.6). In 1979, a 43- year-old man, brother of a
Since then, we learned that the true nature of the distinguished surgeon at the University of Padua,
embolic source cannot be derived with certainty complained of malaise and leg arthralgias.
from the histological examination of emboli frag- Although the brother reassured him by saying that
ments alone. An echocardiographic examination he was only stressed, the patient asked a chiro-
should have been performed to look at the heart mancer who, by massaging his legs, told that
and save the life of the patient by emergency oper- his problems came from far away, i.e., from the
ation to resect the embolic source. heart. Few days later, he suffered bi-lateral leg
6 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.6 A 45- year-old man who died in 1979 after several (only thrombus). (b) Drawing of a left atrial myxoma in
episodes of peripheral embolism. (a) A left atrial myxoma the book by Mahaim, herein described as a “pedunculated
was found at autopsy (“polyp”) with the endocardial surface polyp” accounting for functional mitral stenosis. Note the
covered by thrombus. Histological examination of periph- similarity between the two cases. Reprinted with permission
eral embolisms retrieved during life was negative for myxoma of the Italian Society of Cardiology
ischemia and the infra-renal abdominal aorta tion of a huge villous myxoma from the left
appeared occluded at angiography. At emer- atrial cavity (Fig. 1.8).
gency vascular surgery, a big white–gray Some anecdotal cases belong also to the so-
embolus, of gelatinous consistency in keeping called echocardiographic era.
with myxomatous material at histology, was A 6- year-old boy suffered a stroke with
retrieved from the aortic carrefour. At angiog- hemiplegia and echocardiographic examination
raphy, a left atrial mass was found and cardiac detected a left atrial mass. The surgically
surgery was immediately performed with resec- resected mass revealed to be at histology a vil-
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 7
Fig. 1.7 A 15-year-old boy who died due to cerebral left atrial myxoma; (b) villous right atrial myxoma, cov-
embolism after a “myocarditis-like” presentation (from ered by thrombi; and (c) right coronary artery occluded by
Valente and Montaguti [24] modified). Reprinted with myxomatous embolism (Alcian PAS ×15)
permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Villous
8 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.9 Left atrial myxoma in a 6-year-old child with cerebral stroke and hemiplegia. Two-dimensional echocardiography
revealed a left atrial mass (a). At surgical pathology examination, a friable, villous left atrial myxoma was diagnosed (b).
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology
Primary malignant cardiac tumors are mostly or the pulmonary artery, mimicking pulmonary
infiltrating masses with inherent difficulties in embolism. Histological examination of the resected
achieving a complete surgical resection and as “embolus” is mandatory, to assess the benign or
such with a poor prognosis. An exception is repre- malignant nature of the process and characterize
sented by the rare primary malignant cardiac the histotype [7].
tumors with an endocavitary growth and a clinical In the last two decades, there have been many
presentation mimicking myxoma due to obstruc- steps forward in the clinical diagnosis and treat-
tive symptoms and signs. The patient can even ment of cardiac tumors:
present with cardiogenic shock, when the intrac- 1. Endomyocardial biopsy. Tissue sampling to
ardiac mass occupies the atrio-ventricular orifices assess the neoplastic nature of the mass during
10 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.10 A 47-year-old woman with syncopal episodes. The prompt echocardiographic examination (a, b) detected a
polypous left atrial mass, impinging during diastole into the mitral valve orifice. The successfully resected mass revealed
to be a smooth myxoma (“polyp”) (c). Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology
life can be achieved through either surgical for diagnosis, allowing therapeutic planning,
thoracotomy or endomyocardial biopsy. With including cardiac transplantation, in cases of
the latter technique, tissue samples may be malignant neoplasm without extra-cardiac
taken with the bioptome introduced antegrade metastasis. Moreover, endomyocardial biopsy
in the right cardiac chambers either through can be useful in the setting of tumors which
femoral or jugular veins or, more rarely, retro- are unresectable or require histological char-
grade in the left chambers through femoral acterization before chemotherapy is started,
arteries [9]. The procedure is under echocar- such as lymphomas. An adequate number and
diographic guidance and avoids thoracotomy size of samples (4–5 pieces, 1–2 mm each) is
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 11
Fig. 1.11 Incidental autopsy finding of left atrial myxoma with calcific involution (lithomyxoma) in a 72-year-old
woman who died due to ischemic heart disease (from Basso et al. [8] modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian
Society of Cardiology. (a) gross view; (b) ex vivo X-Ray
usually enough for a thorough histological consist mostly of teratomas, fibromas, rhab-
investigation, including immuno-histochemis- domyomas either intramural or endocavitary,
try, to achieve a precise diagnosis (Fig. 1.14). and more frequent indications include arrhyth-
2. Prenatal echocardiographic diagnosis. mias, hydrops, retarded intrauterine growth,
Nowadays, prenatal echography is a routine and familiarity of tuberous sclerosis. Prenatal
examination during pregnancy and the request diagnosis is essential to plan the surgical inter-
for fetal echocardiography is increasing. Many vention soon after delivery.
congenital heart diseases are diagnosed before 3. Cardiac transplantation. Organ replacement
birth, including cardiac tumors [10]. They with orthotopic cardiac transplantation is an
12 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.12 Huge endocavitary right atrial mass, herniating into the tricuspid valve orifice in a 77- year-old man with a
history of cirrhosis. At histology, a metastasis of hepatocarcinoma was identified. Reprinted with permission of the
Italian Society of Cardiology
Fig. 1.13 Right atrial mass with pre-operative diagnosis with round nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm, aggregated in
of cardiac myxoma in a 42- year-old woman. cordon-like structures are visible (hematoxylin–eosin). (c)
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of At immunohistochemistry, a few cells are positive for
Cardiology. ( a ) Gross view of the surgically resected vimentin. A final diagnosis of cardiac metastasis of clear
mass with a smooth surface. (b) At histology, clear cells cell renal carcinoma was done
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 13
Fig. 1.14 Histologic diagnosis of cardiac metastasis by is visible (arrows). (b) Right ventricular endomyocardial
T-cell lymphoma through endomyocardial biopsy in a biopsy shows a lympho-proliferative lesion infiltrating the
36- year-old woman (from Testolin et al. [40] modified). myocardium. (c) At immunohistochemistry, the cells are
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of positive for T lymphocytes (CD3) (AML anterior mitral
Cardiology. (a) Trans-esophageal echocardiography, four- leaflet, CVC central venous catheter, RA right atrium, RV
chamber view: a mass on both side of the interatrial septum right ventricle, LA left atrium, LV left ventricle)
extreme therapeutic option which is indicated 4. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
in the setting of non-resectable benign cardiac and computed tomography (CT). MRI is the
tumors, or in cases of infiltrating primary best available non-invasive procedure for
malignant neoplasms without extra-cardiac cardiac tumor diagnosis in terms of site, mor-
metastasis. The ideal situation is typically phology, dimensions, extension, topographic
represented by cardiac fibroma, which is usu- relations, and infiltration of surrounding struc-
ally located within the interventricular septum tures. It may also help for tissue characteriza-
(Fig. 1.15) or the left ventricular free wall tion (adipose tissue, necrosis, hemorrhage,
[10]; total heart removal with ex vivo repair on vascularization, calcification), although the
the bench, followed by auto-transplant, can be specificity is still low [11]. A “probabilistic”
also carried out. A different situation is repre- histopathological diagnosis is more reliable
sented by infiltrating primary malignant cardiac and the term “mass” should be employed,
tumors, where cardiac transplantation is consid- leaving the final answer to histology. In case
ered only in the absence of metastases. However, of lipoma, with hyper-intensity signal in T1
the cardiac surgeon has always to take into imaging, the precise histotype may be estab-
consideration the low number of donors and lished by MRI, with a very high diagnostic
the high number of patients in the waiting list probability. Use of contrast medium may be of
with a potentially better long-term prognosis. help to detect highly vascularized tumors, like
14 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.15 A 40-year-old woman, with echocardiographic (a) Long axis section of the native heart showing a huge
diagnosis of asymmetric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, oval shape whitish mass occupying the interventricular
underwent cardiac transplantation due to refractory septum and accounting for subaortic bulging/obstruction.
congestive heart failure (from Valente et al. [10]). Reprinted (b) At histology, a cardiac fibroma was diagnosed
with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (Heidenhain trichrome)
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 15
Fig. 1.16 (a) Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis with left went mitral valve replacement). (b) Similar drawing in the
atrial ball-thrombus, mimicking a myxoma (a 72- year-old original book by Mahaim. Reprinted with permission of
woman with history of peripheral embolism who under- the Italian Society of Cardiology
myxomas, angiomas, and angiosarcomas. In detection of cardiac masses, whereas MRI and
case of fibroma, delayed contrast enhance- CT may be complementary tools, with their
ment shows homogeneous uptake of gadolin- own advantages and limitations. Due to their
ium, indicating fibrous tissue. non-invasiveness and lack of radiation, two-
Multi-slice CT has the advantage of a better dimensional echo and MRI are also the gold
spatial resolution in case of possible lung, pleural, standard for follow-up studies.
and mediastinal involvement. Moreover,
calcification is easily detected within the mass
and may point to fibroma, in case of mural mass, Non-neoplastic Cardiac Masses
myxoma in case of an intracavitary atrial mass in
the elderly, or teratoma in case of pericardial Only histological examination may establish
mass in infancy. MRI and CT can also differenti- whether a cardiac mass is neoplastic in nature,
ate serous from hemorrhagic pericardial effusion. either benign or malignant. When seen by clini-
However, multi-slice CT does not allow to cal imaging, the use of term “mass” is advisable,
fully investigate involvement of cardiac valves, since it may have several explanations other than
and presents the limitation of high dosage radia- cardiac tumors.
tion, so as to preclude its employment in the fol- 1. Thrombi. An isolated mass inside an atrial
low-up of young subjects. Fast heart rates and appendage is almost exclusively a thrombus. In
arrhythmias may jeopardize the quality of imag- the left atrium, free floating masses like “ball
ing of both MRI and multi-slice CT. thrombus” should point to a mitral valve pathol-
Obviously, two-dimensional echocardiography ogy, usually rheumatic in origin (Fig. 1.16).
remains the first diagnostic approach for However, differential diagnosis with left atrial
16 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.18 A 33 -year-old woman with recurrent left ven- chamber view (LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, RA right
tricular apex thrombosis, mimicking a endocardial tumor. atrium, RV right ventricle). (b) At histology, the resected
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of mass consists of thrombotic material (Heidenhain
Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional echocardiography, four- trichrome)
18 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 1.19 A 20-year-old patient with a small left ven- RA right atrium, RV right ventricle). (b) Gross view of the
tricular apical mass (from Basso et al. [12] modified). surgically resected mass: note the smooth surface and the
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of pink color. (c, d) At histology and immunohistochemistry,
Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional echocardiography, api- the benign proliferation shows a myxoid background with
cal four-chamber view shows a round mass at the left ven- vessel proliferation in keeping with myxomatous angioma
tricular apex (arrow) (LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, (hematoxylin–eosin and CD31)
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 19
Fig. 1.20 A 61- year-old man affected by Loeffler retrieved by endomyocardial biopsy, two of which
fibroplastic endocarditis (from Basso et al. [36] consist of thrombotic material (hematoxylin–eosin).
modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian (c) One of the endomyocardial biopsy samples shows
Society of Cardiology. (a) Left ventricular angiogra- endocardial fibrous thickening (Heidenhain trichrome).
phy showing a contrast medium defect at the apex cor- (d) At higher magnification, eosinophilic infiltrates are
responding to a round oval mass. (b) Four samples visible (hematoxylin–eosin)
Fig. 1.21 A 23-year-old man under chemotherapic ther- left ventricular cavity (A aspergilloma, Ao aorta, LA left
apy due to acute myeloid leukemia (from Vida et al. [14] atrium, LV left ventricle); (c) the resected whitish mass
modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian shows a small pedicle and a rough surface; (d) at histology,
Society of Cardiology. (a, b) at two-dimensional echocar- fungal hyphas are detected (Alcian PAS)
diography, a free-floating round mass is visible within the
Fig. 1.22 Echinococcus cyst is surgically removed from the paricardial cavity in a 55- year-old man (a). At histology,
the external membrane and the scolices inside the cyst are appreciable (b, hematoxylin–eosin). Reprinted with permis-
sion of the Italian Society of Cardiology
1 Cardiac Tumors: From Autoptic Observations to Surgical Pathology… 21
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Cardiac Tumors: Classification
and Epidemiology 2
Gaetano Thiene, Cristina Basso, Stefania Rizzo,
Gino Gerosa, Giovanni Stellin,
and Marialuisa Valente
Table 2.2 Parameters of the grading system for sarcomas of the Féderation Nationale des Centres de Lutte contre le
Cancer (FNCLCC)
Tumor differentiation
Score 1 Sarcomas closely resembling normal adult mesenchymal tissue (e.g., low-grade leiomyosarcoma)
Score 2 Sarcomas for which histological typing is certain (e.g., myxoid fibrosarcoma)
Score 3 Undifferentiated sarcoma, angiosarcoma
Mitotic count
Score 1 0–9 mitoses per 10 HPFa
Score 2 10–19 mitoses per 10 HPFa
Score 3 ³20 mitoses per 10 HPFa
Tumor necrosis
Score 0 No necrosis
Score 1 <50% tumor necrosis
Score 2 ³50% tumor necrosis
Histological grade
Grade 1 (G1) Total score 2, 3
Grade 2 (G2) Total score 4, 5
Grade 3 (G3) Total score 6, 7, 8
Modified from Trojani et al. [8]
A high-power field (HPF) measures 0.1734 mm²
Epidemiology of Primary Cardiac Fig. 2.1 Primary cardiac and pericardial tumors,
Tumors 1970–2010 at the University University of Padua Medical School (1970–2010): 267
of Padua cases, 239 (89.5%) bioptic and 28 (10.5%) autoptic
In eight cases (3.5%) the diagnosis was (15.5%). The various tumor histotypes are illus-
achieved through preoperative biopsy: endomyo- trated in Fig. 2.3.
cardial in four cases (right atrium angiosarcoma Tumor location was the left atrium in eight
in three and fibrosarcoma in one, respectively) (three undifferentiated sarcomas, two leiomyo-
and thoracotomic in four cases (two right ven- sarcomas, one fibrosarcoma, one malignant
tricular fibromas, one left ventricular heman- fibrous histiocytoma, and one malignant schwan-
gioma, and one left atrial malignant schwannoma). noma); the right atrium in eight (five angiosarco-
Cardiac transplantation was performed in three mas, one B cell lymphoma, one fibrosarcoma,
cases (1.25%, all with cardiac fibroma). and one malignant fibrous histiocytoma), the
right ventricle in two (one leiomyosarcoma, one
malignant fibrous histiocytoma), the pulmonary
Primary Malignant Bioptic Cardiac artery in two (leiomyosarcoma), and the pericar-
Tumors dium in four (malignant mesothelioma in three
and undifferentiated sarcoma in one); finally, in
The population consists of 26 patients, 15 male two lymphomas cardiac involvement was diffuse
and 11 female, age ranging 21–80 years, mean without any chamber predilection.
50 ± 13. They died within 6 months from clinical
onset, with the exception of three cases, i.e., a
21-year-old woman with left atrial leiomyo- Primary Benign Bioptic Cardiac
sarcoma, who was still alive 96 months after sur- Tumors
gical resection and adjuvant chemotherapy [10];
and two cases operated of right atrial angiosar- A consecutive series of 213 bioptic benign car-
coma who were alive at a follow-up of 12 and 18 diac tumors have been studied in the same years,
months, respectively. The most prevalent histo- mean 48.1 ± 22.5, median 53 years. Figure 2.4
type was leiomyosarcoma and angiosarcoma illustrates the various histotypes.
(19% each) and undifferentiated sarcoma Cardiac myxoma is the most frequent primary
cardiac tumor. A consecutive series of 141 surgi-
Malignant fibrous
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 2.3 Primary bioptic malignant cardiac and pericardial tumors, University of Padua Medical School (1970–2010):
26 cases. Prevalence of various tumor histotypes
2 Cardiac Tumors: Classification and Epidemiology 27
Hematic cyst
Pericardial cyst
Papillary fibroelastoma
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 2.4 Primary bioptic benign cardiac and pericardial tumors, University of Padua Medical School (1970–2010): 213
cases. Prevalence of various tumor histotypes
N. cases
0-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-30 yrs 31-40 yrs 41-50 yrs 51-60 yrs 61-70 yrs >70 yrs
Fig. 2.5 Cardiac myxoma, University of Padua Medical School (1970–2010): 141 bioptic cases. Distribution accord-
ing to age intervals
cally resected myxomas has been collected, repre- Location of cardiac myxoma was mostly the
senting 59% of all primary bioptic cardiac tumors left atrium (116 cases, 82.5%), followed by the
and 66% of benign bioptic cardiac tumors. The right atrium (22 cases, 15.5%), and exceptionally
majority were female (88, 62.5%), the age range the ventricles (the right ventricle in two cases and
was 2–85 years (mean 54 ± 16, median 56). the left ventricle in one case, 2%) (Fig. 2.6). In
Figure 2.5 reports the distribution of cardiac myx- our experience, a valvular location was never
omas per age, showing a peak of incidence in people observed. The weight ranged from 2 to 125 g
50–60 years of age; only six cases (4%) have been (mean 38 ± 24) and the surface was smooth in
surgically resected in the pediatric age (<18 years). 65% and villous in 35% of cases.
28 G. Thiene et al.
Fig. 2.7 Cardiac myxoma, University of Padua Medical School (1970–2010): 141 bioptic cases. Clinical presentation
2 Cardiac Tumors: Classification and Epidemiology 29
Fibroma. Seven patients, four female, age ranging Lipoma. Five surgically resected cases have been
1 month–40 years (mean 6 ± 14 years, median 6 studied, including a 75 year old woman with
months) were studied. The fibroma was located lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum.
in the interventricular septum in three, right ven- The remaining four cases are true lipomas, with
tricular free wall in two, and left ventricular free either an intracavitary growth (on the mitral
wall in two. In three cases, surgical resection was not valve-male 24 year old—and in the right atrium—
feasible and cardiac transplantation was performed. male 61year old and female 85 year old) or peri-
cardial (male 64 year old).
Hematic cyst. Four cases were collected, all in
infants (two male and one female, age ranging Cystic tumor of the atrioventricular node (or
4–11 months) but one (a 70-year-old woman). Tawarioma). One surgically resected case has
Two of them occurred in the setting of a congenital been examined in a full heart specimen coming
heart disease (hypoplastic right heart and tetralogy from cardiectomy for heart transplantation
of Fallot, respectively). They were located at the (male 39 year old, dilated cardiomyopathy).
level of the tricuspid valve in two, of the right atrium
Pericardial cyst. Thirteen cases, 10 male and three
in one, and of inferior vena cava orifice in one.
female, age ranging 22–68 years, mean 48.5 ± 13,
Teratoma. Four patients, one male and three median 52 years have been collected. These tumors
female, age ranging 1 month–35 years (median 1 represent the third most common primary cardiac
month) were operated, all but one presenting with and pericardial tumor in our bioptic experience,
congestive heart failure since birth and with radio- after myxoma and papilloma.
graphic and echocardiographic evidence of peri-
cardial mass.
Rhabdomyoma. Six patients, three female and
Primary Cardiac Tumors in the
three male, age ranging 7 days–4 months (mean
Pediatric Age (<18 years)
46 ± 47 days, median 22 days), had a surgically
resected rhabdomyoma. In all, cardiac rhab-
The pediatric experience (<18 years) consists of
domyoma had an intracavitary growth with
29 cases (12% of all primary bioptic cardiac
obstructive symptoms, at the level of the left ven-
tumors), 13 female and 16 male, age ranging 1
tricular outflow tract in four and of the right ven-
day–18 years, mean 43 months, median 4 months.
tricular outflow tract in two.
Fig. 2.9 Primary cardiac tumors in the pediatric age, University of Padua Medical School (1970–2010): 29 bioptic
cases (12%). Prevalence of various tumor histotypes
30 G. Thiene et al.
They are all benign primary cardiac tumors, diseases for oncology. 3rd ed. Geneva: World Health
consisting of 6 myxomas (21%), 6 fibromas Organization; 2000.
6. Fletcher CDM, Unni KK, Mertens F. World Health
(21%), 6 rhabdomyomas (21%), 5 hemangiomas Organization classification of tumours. Pathology and
(17%), 3 pericardial teratomas (10%), and 3 genetics of tumours of soft tissue and bone. Lyon:
hematic cysts (10%) (Fig. 2.9). IARC Press; 2002.
7. van Unnik JA, Coindre JM, Contesso C, Albus-
Lutter CE, Schiodt T, Sylvester R, Thomas D,
Bramwell V, Mouridsen HT. Grading of soft tissue
References sarcomas: experience of the EORTC soft tissue
and bone sarcoma group. Eur J Cancer.
1. Lam KY, Dickens P, Chan AC. Tumors of the heart. A 1993;29:2089–93.
20-year experience with a review of 12,485 consecutive 8. Trojani M, Contesso G, Coindre JM, Rodesse J, Bui
autopsies. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1993;117:1027–31. NB, de Mascarel A, Goussot JF, David M, Bonichon
2. Wold LE, Lie JT. Cardiac myxomas: a clinicopatho- F, Lagarde C. Soft-tissue sarcomas of adults: study of
logic profile. Am J Pathol. 1980;101:219–40. pathological prognostic variables and definition of a
3. Terribile V, Fassina A. Le neoplasie secondarie del histopathological grading system. Int J Cancer.
cuore. In: Il problema delle metastasi. Atti del XIV 1984;33:37–42.
Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di 9. Burke AP, Virmani R. Tumours of the heart and great
Patologia (Catania, 3–6 novembre 1977). Roma: vessels. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: Armed Forces
Società Editrice Universo, 1978. p. 426–31 Institute of Pathology; 1996.
4. Travis WD, Brambilla E, Muller-Hermelink H, Harris 10. Mazzola A, Spano JP, Valente M, Gregoriani R,
CC. Pathology and genetics of tumours of the lung, Villani C, Di Eusanio M, Ciocca M, Minuti U,
pleura, thymus and heart. Lyon: IARC Press; 2004. Giancola R, Basso C, Thiene G. Leiomyosarcoma of
5. Fritz A, Jack A, Parkin DM, Percy C, Shanmugarathan the left atrium mimicking a left atrial myxoma.
S, Sobin L, Whelan S. International classification of J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006;131:224–6.
Cardiac Myxoma
Giovanni Bartoloni and Angela Pucci
remodeling and increasing embolic potential [24, in vitro cell cultures comparing thrombus and
25]. Moreover, a correlation has been seen cardiac myxomas [50–52].
between the preoperative tumor size (i.e., maxi-
Thrombotic theory. Development of cardiac myx-
mum diameter) and IL-6 and/or a1-globulin lev-
omas from thrombus has been hypothesized [53].
els (P < 0.005) [25].
Myxomas apparently have a slow growth rate as
Recently, plakophilin-2 has been identified as a
mural intracardiac thrombus, often are partially
major protein of adherens junctions in cardiac
covered by thrombotic depositions (similar to
myxomas [40]. So far, this type of junction has
Lambl excrescences at gross examination) and
only sporadically been noted in some isolated cells
share common features with organized thrombus
or cell groups in a rhabdomyosarcoma, and gen-
(i.e., mucoid deposits, possible cartilaginous and/
eral occurrence of plakophilin-2, associated with
or osseous metaplasia) [54]. But cardiac myxomas
cadherin-11 in myxoma adherens junctions dis-
are characterized by the typical neoplastic lepidic
closes new clues as to cell–cell adhesion and tumor
cells and by a well-defined vascularization.
growth and to new possible therapeutic concepts.
Dysembryoplastic theory. Cardiac myxoma has
been supposed to represent a hamartoma origi-
Histopathogenesis nating from endocardial embryonic myxoid rests
localized to foramen ovale [16]. But, differently
Origin and histopathogenesis of cardiac myxoma from other cardiac hamartomas such as rhab-
are controversial, the two main hypotheses sug- domyomas, they are not present at birth, being
gesting an origin from multipotent mesenchymal usually diagnosed late in life, and do not sponta-
cells or from neural endocardial tissue [1–4, 41–49]. neously regress [7, 8].
Their preferential site (i.e., foramen ovale) is Histopathogenesis of glandular cells in myxoma.
considered to be consistent with an origin from Glandular structures may be rarely found within an
multipotent mesenchymal cells or from embry- otherwise typical cardiac myxoma. Morphological
onic rests [42, 43]. Kodama et al. have shown the and immunohistochemical studies support two his-
expression of gene transcript in myxoma cells topathogenetic hypotheses, that is a possible origin
compatible with a mesenchymal origin [45]. Other from embryonic foregut rests [46, 55] or a progres-
authors have shown differentiation patterns and sive differentiation from neoplastic multipotent
gene expression compatible with an origin form myxoma cells [17]. During the embryonic develop-
endocardial neural or embryonic tissue [44, 49]. ment, the foregut and the primitive heart tube lie
Moreover, cardiac myxomas show peculiar features adjacent and in the same area as most cardiac myx-
as compared to their extracardiac counterpart omas, i.e., the foramen ovale, therefore glandular
[20]. They share a similar mucopolysaccharide- foregut rests might result to be embedded within
rich extracellular matrix, but extracardiac myxo- myxoma, although embryonic glandular structures
mas lack the typical vascular and syncytial-like have never been described in the interatrial septum
pattern of cardiac myxomas. so far. Finally, lack of other cell lines and the differ-
Neoplastic theory. Cardiac myxoma is consid- ent localization of myxomas are not consistent with
ered an actual neoplasm. It is histologically teratoma hypothesis.
distinct from thrombus that may echocardio-
graphically and grossly mimic cardiac myxoma.
Many evidences are supporting the neoplastic Genetics
hypothesis, either by showing a definite pattern
of differentiation, on the basis of cytological, PRKAR1A gene mutations in chromosome 2,
ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical fea- band p16 and in chromosome 17, bands q22–24
tures, or demonstrating the biological character- are found in cardiac myxomas associated with
istics by using experimental models such as Carney complex [29, 56], whereas most sporadic,
34 G. Bartoloni and A. Pucci
Fig. 3.1 Gross features of cardiac myxomas. (a) Myxoma same tumor evidencing attachment base, hemorrhagic
with villous features, showing friable and soft projections foci, myxoid aspects, and a well-defined, necrotic area
on the surface. (b) Polypoid, oval myxoma with smooth just beneath the tumor surface (asterisks). (d) Lobulated
and lobulated surface. Tumor attachment on the interatrial myxoma external surface; dark hemorrhagic foci are
septum has been resected (arrow). (c) Cross-section of the intermingled with pale yellow myxoid areas
3 Cardiac Myxoma 35
between 6 and 7 cm with a mean weight of 40 g. tures and numerous thin-walled blood vessels are
Myxoma often presents as a smooth, oval and found together with the characteristic myxoma
lobulated, or villous, friable and soft or gelati- cells, or lepidic cells [2, 4, 17] (Fig. 3.2) indicat-
nous-like mass (Fig. 3.1). Flat and sessile myx- ing (see ancient Greek lepis term) the scale-like
omas are rare, and might result from embolization cell shape. Lepidic cells are stretched or star-
of most tumor mass. Rarely, cardiac myxomas shaped, show round or oval nucleus with often
show extensive calcifications with stone-like evident nucleolus, may be binucleated and even
consistency, the so-called lithomyxoma [60], display syncytial features, but they lack mitotic
which is usually asymptomatic although com- figures. They can be single, scattered cells or
plete embolization has been reported after pedi- more frequently, they constitute small nests,
cle detachment with floatation into the aorta cord-like or perivascular structures. Perivascular
causing patient death [61]. structures are made up of single or multiple lep-
idic cell layer/s surrounding a central lumen with
endothelial lining, with alcian-blue amorphous
Histology substance deposits between the lepidic cell lay-
ers. Associated features consist of hemorrhage,
Common features. Cardiac myxoma is largely extramedullary hematopoiesis, inflammatory
made up by amorphous mucopolysaccharide-rich infiltrates (made up of granulocytes, lympho-
matrix conferring the typically myxoid aspect. cytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and hemosid-
Within the myxoid stroma, few fibrillary struc- erin-laden macrophages), hemosiderin deposits,
Fig. 3.2 Histologic features of cardiac myxomas. (a, b) Hemosiderin deposits and hemorrhage are also present.
Myxoma (lepidic) cells are embedded within myxoid (c) Myxoma cells with syncytial-like features.
stroma, as scattered single cells (asterisk), small solid (d) Extracellular deposits of hemosiderin with stretched
nests (arrow) or in layers around vessels (double asterisk). structure (bamboo-shaped pattern)
36 G. Bartoloni and A. Pucci
Fig. 3.3 Glandular myxomass .Reprinted with permis- (d) carcynoembryonic antigen (CEA), (e) protein S100,
sion of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Glands are (f) neuron-specific enolase (NSE), cytokeratins 7 (g) and
present at the base of a myxoma. (b) High power view 20 (h) or (i) chromogranin A. Hematoxylin and eosin (a,
of glandular epithelium. Immunoreactivity of glandu- b) avidin–biotin complex, hematoxylin counterstaining
lar epithelium for (c) pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), (c–i)
dystrophic calcifications (with possible Ghandi- cardiac myocytes and also in the medial arteriolar
Gamna sclerosiderotic areas and granulation tis- wall of the peduncle vessels. Then, wide excision
sue) and/or metaplastic ossification together with margins of myxoma basis is required for prevent-
limited foci of necrosis [62]. Calcifications may ing tumor recurrence.
develop also within cell cords or pseudovascular
cuffings, with characteristic stripe or ring shapes, Glandular cardiac myxoma. At least 28 cases of
both of them showing faded edges. Finally, the sporadic or familiar myxomas with glandular
extracellular deposits of hemosiderin may structures have been reported so far [50, 55,
develop a stretched structure, i.e., the so-called 63–65]. Glandular cardiac myxoma has the same
bamboo-shaped pattern. biological and clinical behavior as non-glandular
The myxoma pedicle is mainly constituted by myxoma [9, 17, 55], but epithelial cells may
fibrous tissue with thick-walled vessels, includ- display atypia [55, 63] causing troublesome
ing arterioles with possible medial and/or intimal differential diagnosis from adenocarcinoma
hyperplasia. At tumor basis, myxoma may micro- metastasis [64] (Fig. 3.3). As to the rarely reported
scopically infiltrate the adjacent endocardium malignant glandular myxomas [66–69], in most
and the underlying myocardium. Histologically, cases the malignant behavior appears to be
the infiltration is characterized by a stromal myx- actually dependent upon embolism, local recur-
oid intercellular substance, which together with rence, or multifocality of tumor associated with
rare lepidic cells, makes its way through the incomplete excision [43, 70]. The glands are
3 Cardiac Myxoma 37
mainly localized close to tumor base, either or elongated glands usually centrally located in
scattered in a loose myxoid stroma or within myxoma cell islands. Chronic inflammatory
myxoma cell islands. In the former pattern, single infiltrates may be present, around the glands or as
glandular structures or glandular clusters are intraepithelial granulocytes similar to active
found in the loose myxoid stroma, adjacent to the inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
classical polygonal cell clusters of cardiac myxo- We have observed three cases of glandular myx-
mas. The latter pattern is characterized by round oma, including a case with mild cellular atypia,
38 G. Bartoloni and A. Pucci
Fig. 3.4 Other immunohistochemical features of cardiac antigen immunoreactivity is shown in the inner endothe-
myxomas (a) S100-immunoreactivity is shown in lepidic lial cells (arrow) and in few myxoma cells (asterisk).
myxoma cells whereas the inner endothelial cell layer (d) alpha-actin immunoreactivity in a group of smooth
(asterisk) is negative. (b) Calretinin-immunoreactivity muscle cells (arrow) adjacent to myxoma lepidic
in syncytial-like myxoma cells. (c) CD31 endothelial (asterisk) cells
all of them undergoing complete excision specific enolase), protein S100, and synapto-
without recurrence and free of events at a >5-year physin, but also for vimentin and endothelin-1
follow-up [55]. [17, 43, 44, 50, 72] (Fig. 3.4). Epithelial and
monocyte/macrophage markers are usually nega-
Other unusual features. Calcifications may be
tive. Endothelial markers (FVIII, UEA, CD31,
present in cardiac myxomas and rarely they are
CD34, and UEA-1) are expressed by the endothe-
so extensive to be consistent with lithomyxoma
lium of vessels present within myxoma, includ-
which may require throughout histological exam-
ing the inner endothelial layer of myxoma cell
inations for diagnosis, the typical myxoma fea-
nests, but immunoreactivity has been variably
tures (lepidic cells) being very limited [60, 61].
detected in the lepidic cells [43, 73, 74]. Such
Recently, thymic rests with neoplastic transfor-
immunoreactivity pattern highlights the differen-
mation have been described in two. otherwise
tiation capabilities of lepidic cells and may sup-
typical cardiac myxomas [71].
port the most recent histogenetic hypotheses to
origin from multipotent or embryonic stem cells,
even if it has to be pointed out that neoplastic
cells might express aberrant histotypes which do
not always correlate to cell origin.
Lepidic cells. Neoplastic cells of myxoma have
been shown to be immunoreactive for Calretinin, Glandular cells. Epithelial glandular cells, rarely
PGP 9.5 (protein gene product), NSE (neuron- present in myxomas, show an epithelial immunore-
3 Cardiac Myxoma 39
Fig. 3.5 Electron microscopy features of cardiac shown in the cytoplasm. Mast cells (M) and collagen
myxomas, lepidic cell of a cardiac myxoma (MC): rough bundles are present within osmiophilic stroma (Uranyl
endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, and iron deposits are acetate and lead citrate counterstaining)
activity pattern, i.e., cytokeratines 7 and 20, EMA, pattern. Secretion activity of the myxoma neoplas-
CEA, NSE, S100, and (focally) chromogranin tic cell is in fact expressed in the synthesis of the
positivity that is similar to the fundic mucous neoplastic stroma. The cytoplasm shows abun-
cells of the upper gastrointestinal tract [17, 18, dant smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum,
50, 55, 65] (Fig. 3.3). free ribosomes, polyribosomes, and lysosomes,
aside from pinocytotic vesicles [75, 76].
Other cell elements. Within tumor, vessels of
Moreover, mitochondria of variable shape and
small and medium size (the latter ones usually
dimension are found, together with numerous
close to the base), and smooth muscle cells, local-
filaments of 85–125 Å diameter, and up to 80 Å
ized to the media of blood vessels or in groups of
periodicity, focally showing myofibril-like
cells interspersed in the myxoid stroma, are vari-
arrangement. Iron deposits are frequently present
ably detected (Fig. 3.4). They display their usual
in these cells.
immunohistochemical differentiation pattern,
being immunoreactive for endothelial (FVIII,
EUA, CD31, and CD34) and muscular (muscle-
Differential Diagnosis
specific actin and a-smooth muscle actin)
and Peculiar Clinical Aspects
markers, respectively [43, 74].
Differential diagnosis of intracardiac myxoid
masses requires histology. Myxoid tumors of the
Electron Microscopy heart may correspond to biologically benign
myxoma, to myxoid sarcomas, or even to cardiac
Lepidic cells show a single, round, or elongated metastasis [70, 77, 78]. The presence of myxoid
nucleus, with or without an evident nucleolus, stroma is not a pathognomonic feature and diag-
and unevenly distributed cytoplasmic organelles nosis of myxoma requires the presence of lepidic
(Fig. 3.5). They are characterized by a secretory cells and the absence of mitosis. Hemorrhage,
Table 3.1 Cardiac myxoma: gross and histopathological criteria for differential diagnosis of the main intracardiac myxoid and non-myxoid tumors
Undifferenziated pleomorphic
sarcoma (ex-malignant fibrous
Tumors Myxoma Fibrosarcoma Angiosarcoma histiocytoma) Osteosarcoma
Gross features Occasional infiltration Almost usual infiltration Mural infiltration and Mural infiltration Mural infiltration
of attachment base of implant base intracavitary growth
Histological features
Cellularity Isolated cells with incon- Spindle cells with mild atypia Anastomosed vascular Severe atypia with numerous Atypical cells (spindle
spicuous cellular borders, and variable mitotic figures channels, endothelial pleomorphic and multinucle- shaped, epithelioid, rounded,
mild or no atypia, no mitosis cell pleomorphism, ated cells plasmacytoid, etc.)
frequent mitoses
Architecture Syncytial aggregates cell Fasciculated pattern, frequent Variable and pleomor- Wide storiform arrangement Mild fasciculated arrange-
cords herringbone arrangement phic pattern ment with osteoid foci
Vascular pattern Perivascular structures Plexiform or arborized Anastomosed vascular Hemangiopericytoma-like Preponderant stroma
capillary network channels compared to vascular
Immunoreactivity Vimentin, variable endothe- Vimentin, variable neural Endothelial markers Variable (according or not to Osteonectin, osteocalcin
lial or neural markers markers (CD34, CD31) the different subtypes or
cellular differentiation)
Other histological Inflammatory infiltrate with Several (including myxoid) Extravascular Inflammatory infiltrates Cartilagineous and/or fibrous
features hemosiderin histological subtypes erythrocytes tissue
Calcifications, extramedul-
lary hemopoyesis, metaplas-
tic bone
G. Bartoloni and A. Pucci
3 Cardiac Myxoma 41
hemosiderin deposits, and inflammatory cells are fibromyxoid sarcoma, etc. by using the modern
frequently found in myxomas but are not specific. diagnostic criteria (Table 3.1) [1, 18, 20, 70, 77, 78].
Base infiltration may be microscopically observed Then, a relapsing myxoid cardiac tumor has to
in myxomas, whereas in sarcomas and malignant be differentiated from a myxoid sarcoma after
tumors it is often quite extensive and grossly evi- excluding incomplete resection of a myxoma or a
dent [1–4]. multicentric myxoma in the case of Carney
Few reports have raised the controversial complex.
issue whether malignant variants of cardiac
myxomas with metastatic potential do exist
[18, 19, 50, 67–70, 79, 80]. In the most recent Conclusions
and updated soft tissue tumor classifications,
cardiac myxoma is considered and classified as Cardiac myxoma has to be considered a benign
a benign neoplasm [20]. Lack of both marked neoplasm of still controversial histogenesis,
atypias and mitosis, slow growth rate, absent although recent histological and molecular stud-
recurrence after radical excision (except in ies have highlighted a few differentiation aspects.
familial forms, i.e., Carney complex, that are Reported cases of malignant and metastatic myx-
often multicentric) are in favor of benign biol- omas might rather represent misdiagnosed myx-
ogy [1–4, 6]. The metastatic potential of car- oid sarcomas or embolic phenomena of
diac myxomas might rather correspond to biologically benign cardiac myxomas. Finally,
clinical consequences of tumor embolism and modern imaging techniques are fundamental for
depend upon morphology of tumor, soft consis- diagnosis of cardiac masses and histology is man-
tency, thrombotic depositions on the tumor sur- datory for either the definitive diagnosis of car-
face and hemodynamic forces that may cause diac myxoma or the differential diagnosis from
detachment of even conspicuous tumor frag- myxoid imitators.
ments with embolism and even occlusion of
peripheral arteries causing ischemic damage of
organs or tissues [14, 15, 17, 81]. Moreover, References
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Other Benign Cardiac Tumors
Cristina Basso, Tomaso Bottio, Gaetano Thiene,
Marialuisa Valente, and Gino Gerosa
Fig. 4.1 Papillary fibroelastoma of the aortic valve: inci- coronary cusp with a short pedicle is visible. (b) Gross
dental finding during echocardiographic screening in a view of the surgically resected mass resembling a sea
77-year-old asymptomatic woman (from Bottio et al. [7] anemone under water. (c) Panoramic histologic section of
modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian the resected mass: multiple fronds are branching out from
Society of Cardiology. (a) Trans-oesophageal 2D echocar- a main stalk, each consisting of a central avascular
diography, short axis: a mobile mass attached to the non- fibroelastic axis (elastic Van Gieson stain)
vimentin and CD34, but much less CD31 and PFEs as giant Lambl endocardial excrescences (a
factor VIII, when compared to the normal frequent finding in valvular heart disease),
endothelium [1, 11]. Some spindle cells in the although, the latter occur typically along the line
inner layers may express S100, to support their of closure of semilunar cusps, while PFE can
dendritic origin. occur anywhere on the cusp surface [4–6]. The
Electron microscopy confirms the connective frequent finding of fibrin within the PFE fronds
tissue structure of the central axis, with longitudi- seems in keeping with the thrombotic or iatro-
nally oriented mature collagen and elastic bun- genic origin of the lesion [1, 4, 12].
dles and fibroblasts immersed within the matrix; Because of its small dimensions, not leading
lining endothelial cells appear hyperplastic and to intracavitary obstruction, and of the consis-
rich in pinocytic vesicles [4, 5]. tency of the papillae due to the firm fibroelastic
The real nature of PFE is still a matter of axis, PFE has been frequently an occasional
debate, so that it has been variously described as finding at autopsy and later on at echocardiogra-
neoplasm, hamartoma, organized thrombus, and phy in asymptomatic patients. However, PFE can
iatrogenic lesion; in the latter situation, PFEs are be a source of distal embolism, due to the detach-
usually multiple and located mostly on the non- ment of platelet and fibrin thrombus layered upon
valvular endocardium. Some authors consider the papillary fronds more than to fragmentation
4 Other Benign Cardiac Tumors 47
Fig. 4.2 Papillary fibroelastoma of the mitral valve in a rior mitral valve leaflet (AO aorta, LA left atrium, LV left
74-year-old woman who underwent coronary artery ventricle, LVOT left ventricular outflow tract, RV right
bypass surgery (from Basso et al. [6] modified). Reprinted ventricle). (b) Gross view of the resected mass, showing
with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) the irregular surface with variable color. (c) At histology,
Trans-oesophageal 2D echocardiography: a round mass, a fibrin network is visible within the fibroelastic fronds of
5 mm in diameter, is visible on the atrial side of the ante- the tumor (Heidenhain trichrome stain)
Fig. 4.3 Papillary fibroelastoma of the tricuspid valve in view: a 10 × 15 mm mass (F= fibroelastoma) is attached to the
a 40-year-old woman with a history of palpitations and septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve with a short pedicle (arrow)
effort dyspnea (from Scalia et al. [10] modified). Reprinted (AD right atrium; VD right ventricle; VS left ventricle). (b)
with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Gross view of the surgically excised mass: note the short
Trans-thoracic 2D echocardiography, apical four-chamber fronds of the tumor which resembles a cotton flock
48 C. Basso et al.
Fig. 4.4 Papillary fibroelastoma of the papillary muscle phy: a round mass (arrow) appears attached to the anterior
of the mitral valve: incidental finding in a 77-year-old papillary muscle of the mitral valve (AoV aortic valve, LA
woman with chronic atrial fibrillation (from Bottio et al. [9] left atrium, LV left ventricle, MV mitral valve, RV right ven-
modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society tricle). (b) Gross examination of the excised mass reveals
of Cardiology. (a) Trans-oesophageal 2D echocardiogra- the usual papillary shape due to multiple fronds
of the tumor itself [5, 6, 11]. Angina, myocardial raphy (CT) and cardiac magnetic resonance
infarction, sudden death, transient ischemic imaging (MRI) characterization of PFE has been
attacks, and stroke are often reported as first clin- reported, but tumor visualization is challenging
ical manifestations [5, 14–25]. Moreover, PFEs due to its small dimensions and the rapid move-
localized on the valvular endocardium of the aor- ments with cardiac cycles.
tic semilunar cusps adjacent to the coronary ostia
can lead to fatal myocardial ischemia, due to
transient tumor wedging into the coronary ostium Hemangioma (or Angioma)
itself [13].
Nowadays, PFE is a frequent incidental obser- It is a benign vascular tumor which accounts
vation at echocardiography performed for routine for up to 4% of primary cardiac tumors in the
check-up even in asymptomatic patients. The AFIP series [3] . According to the histopatho-
potential risk of systemic embolism suggests pro- logic features, three patterns can be identi fi ed:
phylactic surgery for left-sided PFEs, with the (a) cavernous hemangioma (multiple dilated
majority of patients undergoing tumor excision thin walled vessels); (b) capillary heman-
without the need for valve replacement. On the gioma (capillary-like smaller vessels); (c)
opposite, the casual finding of right-sided PFEs arterio-venous hemangioma or cirsoid aneu-
does not justify surgery, due to the trivial conse- rysm (dysplastic malformed arteries and
quences of microembolization into the pulmo- veins) [1, 4, 29 ] .
nary circulation [10, 26, 27]. Antiplatelet therapy At gross examination, cardiac hemangiomas
must be considered in any case. show highly variable size, with a maximum diam-
PFE is easily detected by transthoracic two- eter occasionally >8 cm. In about 75% of cases
dimensional echocardiography, usually appear- they present an intramural growth, while in the
ing as a small, mobile, irregular, and pedunculated remaining 25% an intracavitary atrial or ventricu-
valvular mass [28]. It is quite common to observe lar growth is observed (Fig. 4.7). Usually, arterio-
the frond-like shape of the endocardial mass, venous and cavernous hemangiomas are not
with “shimmering” edges, a feature that can help capsulated and tend to be infiltrative intramural,
in differential diagnosis with cardiac myxoma. while capillary hemangiomas are intracavitary to
However, when the fronds are shorter, differen- mimic cardiac myxomas.
tial diagnosis can be difficult thus explaining why The histologic structure is similar to that of
many PFEs undergo surgery with a wrong diag- extracardiac hemangiomas, with the three pat-
nosis of cardiac myxoma [4]. Computed tomog- terns mentioned above (Fig. 4.7d). The capillary
4 Other Benign Cardiac Tumors 49
Fig. 4.5 Papillary fibroelastoma of the mitral valve pap- 17 × 15 mm in size, is attached to the anterior papillary
illary muscle in a 31-year-old man with acute myocardial muscle of the mitral valve (LV left ventricle, RV right ven-
infarction and normal coronary arteries (from Valente tricle). (b) Gross view of the resected mass: note the short
et al. [5] modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian pedicle and the apparently smooth surface out of the
Society of Cardiology. (a) Transthoracic 2D echocardiog- water. (c) Histologic examination reveals the papillary
raphy, apical four-chamber view: a round mass (arrow), structure of the tumor (Heidenhain trichrome stain)
pattern usually presents a myxoid matrix with capillary or venous vascular spaces with either
immersed nodules of small capillary-size vessels, thick or thin walls, full of blood; the arterio-
with endothelial cells, pericytes, and fibroblasts; venous pattern is characterized by heterogeneous
the cavernous pattern consists of large dilated dysplastic vessel types, with muscularized
50 C. Basso et al.
Fig. 4.6 Histologic and ultrastructural features of endocar- (elastic Van Gieson stain). (b) At immunohistochemistry, the
dial papillary fibroelastoma (same case as Fig. 4.5). Reprinted lining cells express endothelial markers (CD31). (c) Scanning
with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Each electron microscopy confirms the papillary structure of the
papillary frond consists of a central fibroelastic core and a tumor. (d) At higher magnification, the continuous endothe-
myxoid matrix, covered by a single layer of endothelial cells lial lining of the papillae is visible
arteries, veins, and capillaries showing irregularly Cardiac hemangiomas can arise from the
thickened walls, and may contain fibrous tissue epicardium and myocardium but are also found
and fat. Cardiac hemangiomas have frequently in cardiac cavities. The most frequent locations
combined features of cavernous, capillary, and are the left ventricular wall, the interventricular
arterio-venous hemangiomas. septum, the right ventricle, and the atria. They are
Papillary hyperplasia of endothelial cells is an rare on the epicardium and even exceptional on
unusual finding, probably due to exuberant reac- the valves [2, 4, 29–33].
tive endothelial proliferation as a part of a pro- From the clinical view point, intracavitary
cess of organizing thrombosis. However, at hemangiomas can present with obstructive symp-
difference from angiosarcoma, necrosis and toms like myxomas, while the intramural ones with
nuclear atypia are never observed. arrhythmias and conduction disturbances, conges-
At immunohistochemistry, the cells lining the tive heart failure, myocardial ischemia, pericardial
vascular spaces typically express endothelial effusion, and exceptionally with cardiac tampon-
markers CD31, CD34, and factor VIII. ade due to intrapericardial rupture. Most cardiac
4 Other Benign Cardiac Tumors 51
Fig. 4.7 Right atrial hemangioma in a 62-year-old coronary angiography confirms that the mass is vascular-
woman with effort dyspnea (from Rizzoli et al. [31] ized from a collateral branch of the right coronary artery.
modified). Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society (c) At histology, the mass consists of numerous vascular
of Cardiology. (a) Trans-oesophageal 2D echocardiogra- structures full of blood and lined by a single layer of
phy showing an atrial septal mass protruding into the atrial endothelial cells (Heidenhain trichrome stain). (d) At
cavity to interfere with the blood flow: Color Doppler immunohistochemistry, the lining cells are positive for
reveals an afferent coronary artery branch. (b) Selective endothelial markers (CD31)
Fig. 4.9 Lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum epicardial fat. (b) After longitudinal section of the heart,
(atrial septal lipoma) at autopsy in a 74-year-old woman an oval-shaped lipomatous mass, 3 × 2 cm in size, is visi-
with a history of tuberculosis and diabetes (from Basso ble in the atrial septum. (c) At histology, the non-capsu-
et al. [38] modified). Reprinted with permission of the lated mass presents mature adipocytes with tiny interstitial
Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Ex vivo cardiac magnetic fibrosis and rare cardiac myocytes (Heidenhain trichrome
resonance showing a hyperintense signal similar to that of stain). (d) Close-up of C (Heidenhain trichrome stain)
modalities with tissue characterization properties cusps, in newborns and infants, particularly
such as CT and MRI [41]. under 2 months of age [4, 42]. They consist of
blood entrapped into leaflet crevices, covered
by flat endothelium (Fig. 4.10). They are con-
Blood Cyst (Valvular) sidered like diverticula of malformative ori-
gin, due to the invagination of the valvular
It is a congenital cyst of the valvular endocar- endocardium.
dium, small in size and usually without clinical The sequestered blood may exceptionally
significance. They are usually multiple and increase so much that the cyst, assuming huge
typically located along the closure rim of the intracavitary dimensions, creates obstructive
AV valve leaflets, or more rarely semilunar symptoms and requires surgery [43].
54 C. Basso et al.
Fig. 4.10 Giant blood cyst in a 4 months infant (Gallucci mass which appears dark red. (b) At histology, the cyst
et al. [43]). Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society wall consists of fibrous tissue with rare elastic fibers, cov-
of Cardiology. (a) Gross view of the surgically resected ered by endothelium with clots and mural thrombi
Fig. 4.11 Cystic tumor of the AV node, incidental level of the AV node: note the subendocardial mass con-
finding at autopsy in a 78-year-old woman who died of sisting of multiple cysts variable in size filled with mucoid
ischemic heart disease. Reprinted with permission of the material (Alcian PAS). (b) The cysts are lined by cuboid
Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Histologic section at the and transitional cells (hematoxylin–eosin stain)
Cystic Tumor of the AV Node ble pericardial dysontogenetic origin). This tumor
is located in the triangle of Koch, at the right side
It is a benign, multicystic mass, also known as of the atrial septum in front of the coronary sinus,
tawarioma (from Tawara, the discoverer of the exactly at the level of the AV node [44–46].
AV node) or celothelioma (mesothelioma of the Tumor histogenesis, whether mesothelial or
AV node, because wrongly considered of possi- endodermal, has been debated for a long time
4 Other Benign Cardiac Tumors 55
[1, 4]. Immunohistochemistry studies then provided rarely, they are located in the anterior, superior,
evidence of an origin from “endodermal rem- or inferior mediastinal spaces.
nants” (primitive endoderm), thus abandoning Although most probably congenital, pericar-
the term celothelioma or mesothelioma of the AV dial cysts are usually diagnosed in the adult age,
node. Since the diagnosis can be reached at any without any gender predilection. They are mostly
age, the congenital nature is not proven in all. asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic, despite the
At gross examination, it appears multicystic huge dimensions they can reach (up to 16 cm)
even at naked eye, ranging in size from 2 to due to increasing storage of fluid within the cys-
20 mm. Histologically, it infiltrates and com- tic cavity. Symptoms include chest pain, dyspnea,
presses the AV node, not touching the borders of cough, palpitations, and even congestive heart
the central fibrous body and without extension failure. Once diagnosed, it does not represent
into the ventricular myocardium or valvular tis- “per se” an indication for surgery, except for
sue (Fig. 4.11). The cysts, which are filled with cases with compressive/obstructive symptoms.
mucoid substance, are lined by cuboid, squamous,
or transitional epithelial cells. At immunohis-
tochemistry, these cells strongly express cytok-
Other Rare Non-myxomatous Benign
eratin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA),
Cardiac Tumors
carcinoembryonic antigen, and B72.3 [1].
The mean age at presentation is 38 years, with
These are distinct nosologic entities recently
a F/M ratio 3/1. Complete AV block is the clini-
reported as to require an update of the WHO
cal presentation in about 75% of patients, incom-
classification of primary cardiac tumors.
plete AV block in 15%, and sudden death in 10%.
Some are rare incidental findings in newborns Hamartoma of mature cardiac myocytes is a rela-
with congenital heart diseases. tively new entity described in young adults, either
The majority of cases have been diagnosed at asymptomatic or with fatal arrhythmias. It consists of
autopsy or after cardiac transplantation through single or multiple, non encapsulated, poorly demar-
histologic investigation of the conduction system, cated, firm white masses in the ventricles or atria,
although rare cases of in vivo diagnosis with sur- resembling normal myocardium. They are formed
gical removal have been reported [46]. by mature, hypertrophicied cardiomyocytes with
cross striations and large, bizarre nuclei, and spatial
disorganization (“myocardial disarray”) to mimic
Pericardial Cyst focal hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [47].
Adult cellular rhabdomyoma is a quite rare
Pericardial cysts are a frequent incidental finding
benign neoplasm of striated myocytes [48].
during routine chest x-ray. Most probably dison-
Ranging in size from 2 to 5 cm, it presents as soft,
togenetic in nature (i.e., pericardial diverticula),
bulging mass, tan to brown, with a pseudo-cap-
they consist of uni- or multi-loculated cysts, full
sule. At histology, this tumor differs from the
of serous liquid, with a thin and smooth wall.
pediatric cardiac rhabdomyoma since it is com-
At histology, the pericardial cyst wall consists
posed of tightly packed, monomorphic, round to
of highly vascularized connective tissue rich in
polygonal cardiomyocytes with eosinophilic
collagen bundles, with rare elastic fibers and scat-
granular cytoplasm and only occasional spider
tered lymphocytic and plasmacellular infiltrates;
cells. No association with tuberous sclerosis has
the cyst wall is lined on both sides by a single
been reported. The prognosis is unknown but pre-
layer of flat mesothelial cells, sometimes hyper-
sumably benign.
plastic, which express positivity for cytokeratin
[4] (Fig. 4.12). Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (also known as
The most common location is the right cardio- plasma cell granuloma or inflammatory pseudotu-
phrenic angle, followed by the left one; more mor) is a very rare cardiac tumor with an
56 C. Basso et al.
Fig. 4.12 Pericardial cyst, incidental finding in a 52-year- with serous fluid. (b) At histology, the cyst wall consists
old man during surgery for mitral valve replacement. of vascularized connective tissue covered by a single layer
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of of mesothelial cells (hematoxylin–eosin stain)
Cardiology. (a) Gross view of the uni-loculated cyst filled
endocavitary growth that can be found at any Other benign cardiac neoplasms or tumor-like
endocardial site in the heart, although it prefers the lesions which are not anymore listed in the recent
ventricles. Grossly, they can reach large dimen- WHO classification, but are still mentioned in the
sions (up to 8 cm) and show a relatively narrow series of the Armed Force Institute of Pathology
attachment to the mural endocardium. At histol- and in the literature, include granular cell tumor,
ogy, the mass consists of spindle myofibroblasts, paraganglioma (or cardiac pheochromocytoma),
fibroblasts, and chronic inflammatory cells, such neurofibroma, leiomyoma, intracardiac broncho-
as plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, and genic cyst, thyroid heterotopy, and mesothelial
few eosinophils [1]. Fibrin thrombus deposition on incidental cardiac excrescences (also known as
the surface is a common feature. cardiac MICE) [4].
4 Other Benign Cardiac Tumors 57
echocardiographic assessment. J Thorac Cardiovasc 40. Benvenuti LA, Mansur AJ, Lopes DO, Assis RVC.
Surg. 2004;128:767–9. Primary lipomatous tumors of the cardiac valves.
32. Chang JS, Young ML, Chiu WM, Lue HC. Infantile South Med J. 1996;89:1018–20.
cardiac hemangioendotelioma. Pediatr Cardiol. 41. Isner JM, Swan 2nd CS, Mikus JP, Carter BL.
1992;13:52–5. Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum:
33. Palmer TE, Tresch DD, Bonchek LI. Spontaneous in vivo diagnosis. Circulation. 1982;66:470–3.
resolution of a large, cavernous hemangioma of the 42. Zimmerman KG, Paplanus SH, Dong S, Nagle RB.
heart. Am J Cardiol. 1986;58:184–5. Congenital blood cysts of heart valves. Hum Pathol.
34. Gengenbach S, Ridkler PM. Left ventricular heman- 1983;14:699–703.
gioma in Kasabach–Merritt syndrome. Am Heart J. 43. Gallucci V, Stritoni P, Fasoli G, Thiene G. Giant blood
1991;121:202–3. cyst of tricuspid valve. Successful excision in an
35. Weston CF, Hayward MW, Seymour RM, Stephens infant. Br Heart J. 1976;38:990–2.
RM. Cardiac hemangioma associated with a facial 44. Rossi L, Piffer R, Turolla E, Frigerio B, Coumel P,
port-wine stain and recurrent atrial tachycardia. Eur James TN. Multifocal Purkinje-like tumor of the
Heart J. 1988;9:668–71. heart. Occurrence with other anatomic abnormalities
36. Shirani J, Roberts WC. Clinical, electrocardiographic in the atrioventricular junction of an infant with junc-
and morphologic features of massive fatty deposits tional tachycardia, Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome,
(“lipomatous hypertrophy”) in the atrial septum. J Am and sudden death. Chest. 1985;87:340–5.
Coll Cardiol. 1993;22:226–38. 45. Nojima Y, Ishibashi-Ueda H, Yamagishi M. Cystic
37. Heyer CM, Kagel T, Lemburg SP, Bauer TT, Nicolas tumour of the atrioventricular node. Heart.
V. Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum: 2003;89:122.
a prospective study of incidence, imaging findings, 46. Paniagua JR, Sadaba JR, Davidson LA, Munsch CM.
and clinical symptoms. Chest. 2003;124:2068–73. Cystic tumour of the atrioventricular nodal region:
38. Basso C, Barbazza R, Thiene G. Images in cardiovas- report of a case successfully treated with surgery.
cular medicine. Lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial Heart. 2000;83:E6.
septum. Circulation. 1998;97:1423. 47. Burke AP, Ribe JK, Bajaj AK, Edwards WD, Farb A,
39. Schrepfer S, Deuse T, Detter C, Treede H, Koops A, Virmani R. Hamartoma of mature cardiac myocytes.
Boehm DH, Willems S, Lacour-Gayet F, Hum Pathol. 1998;29:904–9.
Reichenspurner H. Successful resection of a symp- 48. Burke AP, Gatto-Weis C, Griego JE, Ellington KS,
tomatic right ventricular lipoma. Ann Thorac Surg. Virmani R. Adult cellular rhabdomyoma of the heart:
2003;76:1305–7. a report of 3 cases. Hum Pathol. 2002;33:1092–7.
Primary Cardiac Tumors
in the Pediatric Age 5
Massimo A. Padalino, Cristina Basso,
Ornella Milanesi, Gaetano Thiene, and Giovanni Stellin
M.A. Padalino, M.D., Ph.D. (*) • G. Stellin, M.D. Rhabdomyomas represent the most common
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Department of Cardiac, heart neoplasms in pediatric age, with an esti-
Thoracic and Vascular Science, Azienda Ospedaliera-
mated prevalence of 45–63% [1, 2,15]. Diagnosis
University of Padua Medical School, Via N. Giustiniani 2,
Padua 35128, Italy may be prenatal (24% in the Boston Children’s
e-mail: Hospital experience) [6], but it is often achieved
C. Basso M.D., Ph.D. • G. Thiene M.D. at birth. Children may be asymptomatic or only
Pathological Anatomy, Department of Cardiac, mildly symptomatic, despite an extensive
Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, Azienda Ospedaliera- infiltration of the myocardium, and presenting
University of Padua Medical School, via A. Gabelli, 61,
only with a cardiac murmur at physical examina-
Padua 35121, Italy
tion [4, 9]. Usually, prenatal diagnosis occurs
O. Milanesi M.D.
when arrhythmias, hydrops, delayed fetal growth,
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Azienda
Ospedaliera-University of Padua Medical School, or family history for tuberous sclerosis have been
via N. Giustiniani, 2, Padua 35128, Italy detected on routine fetal screening [16].
Rhabdomyomas are usually multiple, well- [19, 23]. Most common electrocardiographic
defined, whitish or grayish nodular masses [2–4, 6]; abnormalities are left axial deviation, atrial
they are single masses in only 10% of the cases and/or ventricular enlargement, ST elevation,
[2, 3]. They may appear everywhere in the heart, bundle branch block, various degrees of atrio-
more often in the ventricular myocardium [2–4, ventricular block [1, 12, 19].
9, 13]. Mostly intramural, they may sometimes The chest X-ray may be absolutely normal, or
protrude into the ventricular cavity, or they may show cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema in the
appear as pedunculated or sessile masses [17] most compromised patients [1, 4, 12, 19].
(Fig. 5.1a). Two-dimensional echocardiography remains
At histology, rhabdomyomas typically the main diagnostic tool. Typically, rhabdomyo-
present with enlarged vacuolated cells, with mas are multiple, well-circumscribed nodular
sparse cytoplasm with glycogen deposits and masses, which are highly echogenic, either intra-
so-called “spider” cell appearance, i.e., cells mural or pedunculated intracavitary (Fig. 5.1a,b),
characterized by cytoplasm radial extensions and localized everywhere in the myocardium
with contractile myofilaments from the central [17–23]. Rhabdomyomas present with a homo-
nucleus to the cell periphery [3, 7, 8] (Fig. 5.1b). geneous echogenicity due to the absence of
Immunohistochemical studies show the typical fibrosis, necrosis, calcification, as well as cystic
features of striated muscle cells (myoglobin, and hemorrhagic areas. This is an important fea-
desmin, actin, and vimentin positive), thus ture to distinguish them from thrombi, myxomas,
confirming the diagnosis. At transmission elec- and other tumors [6]. In addition, pericardial
tron microscopy, rhabdomyoma cells look like effusion is rarely detected at echocardiographic
myocytes with abundant glycogen, rare mito- examination [6].
chondria, and intercalated disks sparse all Rhabdomyomas are frequently associated
around the periphery of the cell instead of with tuberous sclerosis (86%) [19, 23], while
being localized at the cell poles. about 50% of children with tuberous sclerosis
Clinical features of rhabdomyomas depend on have a cardiac rhabdomyoma. Tuberous sclerosis
their localization, number and dimensions [18]: is an autosomal dominant disease, with variable
for example, a large intramural or intracavitary penetrance and expression, which may poten-
mass may cause ventricular outflow obstruction, tially involve all organs, including the brain,
or atrioventricular or semilunar valve distortion pancreas, kidney, skin, and retina. Usual is the
[3, 11, 18]. Congestive heart failure, respiratory association with epilepsy (due to neurofibroma-
distress, or even low cardiac output syndrome tosis lesions), mental retardation (evident by 1
may occur in neonates or infants [13, 17–19]. In year of age), and skin lesions.
the most severe cases, the ventricular obstruction Almost 50% of patients with rhabdomyoma
may even mimic a severe subvalvar aortic steno- present with a family history of tuberous sclero-
sis or hypoplastic left heart syndrome or pulmo- sis. Recently, two genes have been found to be
nary stenosis [20–22]. Exceptionally, the tumoral associated with tuberous sclerosis: TSC1, which
masses may infiltrate diffusely the myocardium, codifies for the protein hamartin (9q34); and
as to cause a severe contractile and diastolic dys- TSC2, which codifies for the protein tuberin
function, even mimicking a restrictive cardiomy- (16p13.3) [24, 25]. These two proteins are
opathy [12]. involved in the tumor suppression mechanism,
In the literature, all the commonest arrhyth- but their precise role in cardiac tumor develop-
mias (including sudden death) have been ment remains still unknown.
described in association with cardiac rhab- The natural history of rhabdomyomas is char-
domyomas [1, 2, 12, 19, 23]. Direct compres- acterized by the possibility of spontaneous regres-
sion of the conduction system may account for sion, which may be partial or complete [3, 4, 7,
atrial or supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, 11, 14]. For this reason, surgery is reserved only to
such as the Wolff Parkinson White syndrome severely symptomatic patients; when symptoms
5 Primary Cardiac Tumors in the Pediatric Age 61
Fig. 5.1 Rhabdomyoma in a 7-month-old child with a lar outflow tract obstruction due to an endocavitary mass
systolic murmur due to subaortic stenosis (modified from attached to the anterolateral wall in the subaortic area. (b)
De Dominicis et al. [22]). Reprinted with permission of At histology, the resected mass shows the pathognomonic
the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional spider cells with cytoplasmatic myofibrils radiating to the
echocardiography, subcostal view: note the left ventricu- cell periphery (hematoxylin–eosin stain)
62 M.A. Padalino et al.
Fig. 5.2 Fibroma in a neonate who underwent heart free wall (LV). (b) Macroscopically, by opening the
transplant at 38 days of life, after prenatal echocardio- explanted heart along the obtuse margin, a large intramu-
graphic diagnosis of left ventrciular mass (modified from ral oval-shaped, whorled and whitish mass, obstructing
Valente et al. [27]). Reprinted with permission of the the mitral valve orifice, is visible. (c) At histology,
Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Fetal two-dimensional fibromatous proliferation with abundant collagen fibers
echocardiography of the tumor (T) of the left ventricular (Heidenhain trichrome stain)
5 Primary Cardiac Tumors in the Pediatric Age 63
At histology, the fibroma consists of a homo- mass, which may be excised completely and
geneous mass of fibroblasts mixed with abundant safely even if huge [28] (Fig. 5.3). However,
collagen and elastic fibers, and often entrapping whenever a total resection could be potentially
some cardiomyocytes. They are not encapsulated dangerous, partial resection is also effective in
and often extend into the surrounding myocar- the early and long term; cavo-pulmonary shunt
dium. The amount of cells decreases during the anastomosis in cases with a very large fibroma of
time, while the collagen content increases [3, 5, the right ventricle has been even performed [4, 32].
7, 27]. Occasionally, these tumors may present In the most severe cases, with massive infiltration
lymphomonocyte aggregates, and areas of of the myocardium, heart transplant can be the
calcification which are detected on chest X-ray or only therapeutic option [15, 27].
CT scan [12]. Spontaneous regression or malig-
nant degeneration has never been described [1, 2, Myxoma
4, 5, 7, 9]. Myxoma is the most frequent cardiac tumor in
Clinical symptoms are mostly caused by the adults [7, 8], but it represents only the 10–15% of
dimensions of the mass and from its location. cardiac tumors in the pediatric age [1–5]. It is
Occasionally, they may be asymptomatic despite more often diagnosed in teenagers, while it is
large dimensions and be an incidental finding rare but clinically very dramatic in infants [33]
[29]. More commonly, since they can infiltrate (Fig. 5.4).
the ventricular septum myocardium and the con- Myxoma is usually sporadic, but 10% of
duction axis, fibromas may cause ventricular patients present an association with the so-called
arrhythmias and conduction disturbances which Carney complex, with autosomal dominant inher-
may even be lethal causing sudden death [4, 9, itance [34, 35].
30]. Whenever the mass is large and intramural, it Intracardiac myxomas are very friable, poly-
may protrude in the ventricular outflow tract and poid, gelatinous masses, sessile or pedunculated,
cause severe mechanical obstruction, together yellowish or reddish. When present, the stalk is
with contractile dysfunction and severe conges- typically attached to the endocardium of the fossa
tive heart failure [1, 3–5, 9, 27, 28]. ovalis. Although they are usually single masses,
At echocardiography, fibromas appear as solid multiple or biatrial masses have been reported in
single intramural masses, homogeneously dense, the literature [7, 36]. They are more frequently
with a diameter ranging from few mm to some localized in the left atrium, but they have been
cm, and usually involving the ventricular free described everywhere inside the heart [1–5, 7, 8,
wall or the interventricular septum [3, 4, 9]. 33].
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Microscopically, myxomas present with a
enables the physician to achieve a better definition myxoid mucopolysaccharidic matrix containing
of the mass and of its relation with the surround- fusiform, stellate, or polygonal cells, and some-
ing structures [28] (Fig. 5.3). times aggregated in pseudovascular structures [7]
Noteworthy, about 3% of patients with Gorlin (Fig. 5.5).
syndrome (or nevoid basal cell carcinoma syn- Myxomas are benign neoplasms, but they may
drome) show cardiac fibromas [31]. This is an have a “malignant” behavior because of their
autosomal dominant disorder that affects many dimensions, location, recurrency, or systemic
areas of the body with an increased risk of devel- embolization risk [8, 13, 33]. A malignant histo-
oping various tumors and is due to mutations in logic variant has never been described.
the PTCH1, a tumor suppressor gene. The myxoma usually presents with three types
Surgical referral depends on the presence of of clinical symptoms and signs, i.e., obstructive,
clinical symptoms [3, 15]. Although regression embolic, and constitutional.
has never been described, the asymptomatic Since they are pedunculated and mobile, myx-
patients are usually followed up clinically. Aim omas in the left or right atrium may impinge into
of surgical intervention is the resection of the the mitral or tricuspid valve orifice, thus blocking
64 M.A. Padalino et al.
Fig. 5.3 Fibroma in a 5-month-old infant with congestive involving the anterior wall of the right ventricle, with an
heart failure and liver enlargement (modified from Padalino almost complete obliteration of the ventricular cavity and
et al. [28]). Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of the pulmonary outflow tract. (b) Intraoperative image of
of Cardiology. (a) Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the mass involving the right ventricular free wall, which
sagittal view: note a large homogeneous mass, 6 × 4 × 5 cm, required a ventricular patch plasty after resection
the blood flow during diastole. This hemody- prolapse into the mitral valve orifice during dias-
namic block can cause transient heart failure, tole. These clinical manifestations are often
recurrent syncope (Fig. 5.4b), or even sudden related to the patient position, typically occurring
death [8, 13, 32]. Myxomas with a long pedicle when he or she is standing up; on the contrary,
may even protrude into the ventricular cavity the myxoma moves away from the valve with
and cause outflow tract obstruction. At physical symptoms relief while lying down. Finally,
examination, a characteristic mesodiastolic mur- because of the fast growth of the mass in a small
mur or “tumor plop” is often heard, due to mass atrial cavity, cardiac myxoma in children usually
5 Primary Cardiac Tumors in the Pediatric Age 65
Fig. 5.4 Myxoma in a 6-year-old child with congestive (systole): note the presence of a mass in the left atrium.
heart failure (modified from Padalino et al. [32]). (c) Two-dimensional color Doppler echocardiography
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of (diastole): note the mass prolapse into the mitral valve
Cardiology. (a) Chest X-ray showing cardiomegaly. orifice. (d) The resected mass is gelatinous, whitish, with
(b) Two-dimensional color Doppler echocardiography a fine villous surface
presents with severe congestive heart failure and Raynaud’s syndrome, anemia, increased C
low cardiac output syndrome [3, 33]. reactive protein, low platelet count, arthralgias,
The embolic risk is related to the intrinsic fri- myalgias, mostly due to IL-6 release, which is
able structure of this tumor, which may embolize associated with protein synthesis and production
either in the systemic or in the pulmonary circu- of inflammatory mediators [37]. All these features
lation, depending on its location. Emboli may usually disappear soon after myxoma resection.
consist of fragments either of the myxoma or of At echocardiography, myxoma appears as a
the thrombus that frequently develop on the sur- lobulated intracavitary mass which is attached
face of the tumor itself. Paradoxical embolism with a thin stalk to the endocardium. The color
may be caused by a myxoma of the right atrium Doppler evaluation enables the estimation of
through a patent foramen ovale [4, 7–9]. Whenever obstruction or regurgitation of the mitral or tri-
a child presents with embolic manifestations, an cuspid valves. In addition, whenever the myxoma
accurate two-dimensional echocardiographic is on the right side of the heart, right ventricular
examination must be done as soon as possible to pressure measurement is useful to rule out pul-
rule out a cardiac myxoma. monary embolism. Ventricular myxoma, although
The so-called “constitutional” symptoms or rare, may cause dynamic obstruction of the
signs are aspecific and include fever, weight loss, outflow tract.
66 M.A. Padalino et al.
Fig. 5.5 Same case of Fig. 5.4. Reprinted with permis- dant myxoid matrix (Alcian PAS ×3). (b) At higher
sion of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Histology magnification, single cells embedded within a myxoid
confirms the villous structure of the tumor, with an abun- matrix are visible (hematoxylin eosin stain, ×120)
Due to the unpredictable risk of tumor embo- Intrapericardial Teratoma (Germ Cell
lization, diagnosis of intracardiac myxoma is by Tumor)
definition an indication to prompt surgical resec- Germ cells tumors are classified depending on
tion of the mass [3, 6, 7, 15, 33]. The surgeon the germ they derive from, such as seminoma (or
must remove not only the myxoma, but also the dysgerminoma), embrional carcinoma, yolk sac
endocardial tissue which surrounds the thin stalk tumor, choriocarcinoma, and teratoma [2].
of the mass, in order to prevent the well-known Among more than 100 cases of intrapericardial
risk of myxoma recurrence. Moreover, since the germ cell tumors reported in the literature, 90%
mass is highly friable, it is imperative to avoid of teratomas involve the pericardium, while only
manipulation of the heart before the cardio-pul- 10% involves the myocardium. Diagnosis occurs
monary bypass is established and the aorta cross- typically within the first month of life [38, 39].
clamped. They are very rare, usually benign, in contrast
5 Primary Cardiac Tumors in the Pediatric Age 67
Fig. 5.6 Teratoma in a 12-day-old neonate with pericar- (b) Transverse panoramic histologic section of the resected
dial effusion at birth (modified from Padalino et al. [3]). mass: note the typical cystic structure (Heidenhain
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of trichrome stain). (c) At immunohistochemistry, multiple
Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional echocardiography, sub- immature elements of different embryonic origin are vis-
costal four-chamber view: note the presence of a disho- ible (pan-keratin antibody). (d) Close-up of (c): note
mogeneous and cystic mass at the root of the great vessels. intestinal epithelium (pan-keratin antibody)
with those occurring in adult age which are vena cava, and may cause compression of these
mostly malignant germ cell tumors. latter structures but also of the right atrium and
A teratoma is an encapsulated tumor with tissue ventricle and of the pulmonary artery [40]. They
or organ components resembling normal derivatives may grow up to reach even 15 cm of diameter, to
of all three germ layers, although sometimes all three become even bigger than the heart itself.
germ layers are not identifiable (and are probably The neonate with an intrapericardial teratoma
misclassified as bronchogenic cysts). Tissue compo- is usually severely symptomatic. In fact, because
sition may be highly variable, since teratomas may of the large dimensions and the intrapericardial
contain hair, teeth, bone, cartilage, lung or gastro- position, the mass usually compresses the sur-
enteric and many other tissues [4, 7–9, 38, 39]. rounding cardiac and vascular structures, and
Teratomas are generally solitary, encapsulated even the pulmonary parenchyma. Pericardial
cystic masses with intervening solid areas, often effusion is commonly associated. This may concur
connected to the aortic root or to the pulmonary in causing a severe respiratory distress, cardiac
artery by means of a thin vascularized pedicle tamponade, and low cardiac output syndrome
(Fig. 5.6). They are usually localized at the base of that may be fatal if prompt diagnosis and treat-
the heart, anterior to the aorta, close to the superior ment are not provided [39, 40].
68 M.A. Padalino et al.
Fig. 5.7 Hemangioma in a 5 days old neonate, with of a dyshomogeneous mass inside the right atrium.
paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia at birth and a (b) Surgical view after right atriotomy. (c) Macroscopic
diagnosis of right atrial mass (modified from Padalino view of the resected mass: note the multiple vascular
et al. [32]). Reprinted with permission of the Italian spaces filled of blood. (d) Histology confirms the diag-
Society of Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional echocar- nosis of benign cavernous hemangioma (Heidenhain
diography, subcostal four-chamber view: note the presence trichrome stain)
Diagnosis is usually achieved with two- vascularised pedicle from the ascending aorta,
dimensional echocardiography during both the and from the adjacent pericardium. Since the
fetal and the neonatal period [41, 42]. The tera- mass is typically extracardiac, cardiopulmonary
toma looks like a single pedunculated mass, bypass is not required but a careful dissection and
inside the pericardium; it appear as a dyshomog- ligation of the aorta and/or pulmonary artery is
enous mass because of the presence of cystic and needed to prevent massive hemorrhage being the
calcified areas. Two-dimensional echocardiogra- blood supply from the root of these vessels [44].
phy allows a precise evaluation of the mass
dimensions, location, and associated pericardial Hemangioma
effusion, thus guiding the physician for pericar- Cardiac hemangioma and all other tumors derived
dial fluid drainage [40]. Fetal echocardiography from vascular tissue (lymphangiomas) are rare
enables an early diagnosis to plan a prompt surgi- benign cardiac tumors which may arise every-
cal management at birth [40, 41]. Surgical resec- where in the heart. Two-dimensional echocar-
tion of the mass is often lifesaving and effective, diography shows multiple echo-transparent
since tumor relapse or pericardial effusion recur- masses, often associated with pericardial effusion,
rence has never been reported [43]. Surgery con- which may grow within the myocardium but also
sists in a complete resection of the mass and of its intracardiac (Fig. 5.7) [45, 46]. They are frequently
5 Primary Cardiac Tumors in the Pediatric Age 69
Histiocytoid Cardiomyopathy
This lesion is also known as oncocytic cardio-
myopathy, Purkinje cell tumor or hamartoma,
focal lipid cardiomyopathy, idiopathic infantile Fig. 5.8 Purkinje cell tumor in a 13-month-old child pre-
cardiomyopathy [47, 48]. It occurs mostly in the senting with cyanosis and dyspnea. Reprinted with per-
first 2 years of life. mission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Histology
Concerning its pathogenesis, nowadays it is shows focal islands of Purkinje-like cells, clearly distinct
from the normal surrounding cardiomyocytes (hematoxy-
considered a tumor deriving from the cardio- lin–eosin stain)
myocyte with some Purkinje cell features,
although many other theories have been globin, myosin, and muscle-specific actin,
advanced including viral infections, myocardial whereas there is no expression of histiocyte
ischemia, glycogen storage disease, and mito- antigens.
chondrial cardiomyopathy. Echocardiography may reveal nodular depos-
Macroscopically, these masses present as sin- its on the ventricular endocardium or valves. If
gle or multiple subendocardial yellowish nodules left untreated, oncocytic cardiomyopathy may
or plaques, 1–15 mm in size. The most common have a fatal course in affected infants. Surgical
locations are the conduction system and the left excision or cryoablation of the multiple nodular
ventricle, but they may be also found in the right lesions is required for long-term cure, with a sur-
atrium and ventricle. In up to one-third of patients vival rate of 80% [26, 49]. A few cases of cardiac
the tumors may be associated with cardiac or ext- transplantation due to extensive disease have
racardiac anomalies such as atrial and ventricular been also reported.
septal defects, hypoplastic left heart syndrome,
cleft palate, and anomalies of the eyes, skin, and Other Benign Cardiac Tumors
central nervous system. Other types of benign cardiac tumors in infancy
Microscopically, these multifocal islands con- are extremely rare and include lipoma and papil-
tain large, polygonal, or oval cells, with a coarse loma, which may occur anywhere inside the heart
granular pale eosinophilic cytoplasm (Fig. 5.8). [1, 2, 4, 9].
The cytoplasm is filled with abundant, bizarre Finally, a very rare and peculiar type of car-
looking mitochondria. The term oncocytic cardi- diac tumor is the inflammatory myofibroblastic
omyopathy describes the process of the granules tumor (or inflammatory pseudotumor, plasma
(mitochondria) displacing the working myofibrils. cell granuloma), a proliferation of uncertain
When compared to rhabdomyoma, there are histogenesis. Histologically, it is composed of
many mitochondria with no T tubules or complex spindled myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, and chronic
intercellular junctions, and no vacuoles or inflammatory cells including lymphocytes,
myofibrils (Fig. 5.8). At immunohistochemistry, macrophages, plasma cells, and eosinophils
tumor cells react with antibodies to desmin, myo- [49]. Grossly, they are endocardial lesions
70 M.A. Padalino et al.
which often have a narrow attachment to the 8. Bortolotti U, Maraglino G, Rubino M, Santini F,
endocardium and protrude into the cardiac cham- Milano A, Fasoli G, Livi U, Thiene G, Gallucci V.
Surgical excision of intracardiac myxomas: a 20 year
bers. There is often organizing fibrin thrombus on follow up. Ann Thorac Surg. 1990;49:449–53.
the surface. Echocardiographic evaluation shows 9. Freedom RM, Lee KJ, MacDonald C, Taylor G.
a homogeneous intracavitary mass that often fills Selected aspects of cardiac tumors in infancy and
completely the cardiac cavity. It may be silent or childhood. Pediatr Cardiol. 2000;21:299–316.
10. Jacobs JP, Anastasios KK, Holland FW, Hershowitz
can cause obstructive symptoms; surgery is usu- K, Ferrer PL, Perryman RA. Surgical treatment for
ally indicated [50]. cardiac rhabdomyomas in children. Ann Thorac Surg.
11. Becker AE. Primary heart tumors in the pediatric age
group: a review of salient pathologic features relevant
Primary Malignant Cardiac Tumors in for clinicians. Pediatric Cardiol. 2000;21:317–23.
the Pediatric Age 12. Bini RM, Westaby S, Bargeron Jr LM, Pacifico AD,
Kirklin RW. Investigation and management of pri-
Malignant primary cardiac tumors are extremely mary cardiac tumors in infants and children. J Am
Coll Cardiol. 1983;2:351–7.
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Primary Malignant Tumors
of the Heart 6
Marialuisa Valente, Stefania Rizzo, Ornella Leone,
and Cristina Basso
Fig. 6.1 Angiosarcoma in 36- year-old woman, suffering biopsy of the mass: the myocardium appears infiltrated by
from dyspnea and fever (modified from Poletti et al. [19]). pleomorphic spindle cells with hyperchromatic nuclei
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of forming vascular channels (hematoxylin–eosin stain). (c)
Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional echocardiogram, apical Immunostaining against myoglobin is strongly positive in
four-chamber view, showing an irregular, both endocavi- the normal myocardium but not in the neoplastic prolif-
tary and intramural large mass (arrows) in the right atrium eration. (d) The tumor cells arranged in vascular channels
(RA), extending into the right ventricle (RV), 6 × 8 cm in are positive to factor VIII (LV left ventricle)
size. (b) Histology of the transvenous endomyocardial
76 M. Valente et al.
Fig. 6.2 Left atrial malignant fibrous histiocytoma in a surgical resected mass showed a rough and irregular sur-
68 -year-old man, presenting with fever and increased face. (c) At histology, bizarre cells with pleomorphic
serum inflammatory markers. Reprinted with permission nuclei admixed to giant cells and spindle-shaped cells,
of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) Two-dimensional with high mitotic rate are seen (hematoxylin–eosin stain).
echocardiography: an endoluminal round mass is visible (d) At immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells are positive
in the left atrium, simulating a myxoma. (b) Grossly, the to vimentin
Fig. 6.3 Fibrosarcoma of the right atrium in a 62 -year-old panoramic view of bioptic specimens (hematoxylin–eosin
woman, suffering from weakness and effort dyspnea. stain). (c) At higher magnification, note atypical spindle
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of cells within a fibrous stroma (hematoxylin–eosin stain).
Cardiology. (a) CT showing a mass infiltrating the right (d) At immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells are positive
atrial free wall. (b) Transvenous endomyocardial biopsy: for vimentin
Survival of patients ranges from 5 [2] to tary and mural (Fig. 6.3a) growth; congestive heart
18 months [35]. Most patients ultimately die of failure due to pulmonary congestion and mitral
metastasis or local recurrence. stenosis are the most common clinical presentations.
Heterologous elements such as bone are More rarely, it originates from the pericardium.
identi fi ed in 15% of MFH. In the past these vari-
Gross features. It is usually a soft, lobulated,
ants were diagnosed as primary cardiac osteosar-
polypoid mass projecting into the cardiac
comas, which are almost invariably located in the
left atrium [44, 45]; only a case has been described
in the right ventricle [46]. Histopathological features. Fibrosarcoma is com-
posed of monomorphic spindle cells, with variable
mitotic activity (Fig. 6.3b-d) arranged in fascicles
with a storiform, “herring-bone”pattern within a
Fibrosarcoma and Myxosarcoma
collagen stroma. Immunohistochemically, the
tumor cells are positive for vimentin and focally
Cardiac fibrosarcoma consists of a malignant pro-
for a-smooth muscle actin [48]. Ultrastructural
liferation of mesenchymal cells with fibroblastic
examination reveals features of fibroblasts (spindle
features [1, 2, 47].
morphology and prominent rough endoplasmic
Epidemiology, localization, and clinical presenta- reticulum) or myofibroblasts (spindle morphology
tion. These rare tumors represent about 5–10% of and prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum
cardiac sarcomas. The most frequent location is in together with focal presence of basal lamina,
the atria (particularly the left), with both intracavi- myofilaments, and “dense bodies”).
6 Primary Malignant Tumors of the Heart 79
Prognosis. In spite of surgery, survival is poor, stains, it was thought to be the most common pri-
about 5 months [2]. mary cardiac sarcoma; nowadays, it is considered
According to the WHO classification [1], very rare, accounting for around 5% of primary
myxosarcoma is the myxoid variant of cardiac malignancies. Probably it is still the most com-
fibrosarcoma, showing ovoid or stellate-shaped mon sarcoma in children [49]. Recently, Donsbech
cells enmeshed within a myxoid stroma. Neither et al. [50] revalued 24 tumors by immunohis-
cellular pleomorphism nor prominent vascular tochemistry previously diagnosed as rhabdomyo-
component is present in fibrosarcoma and in sarcomas by simple histological stains; the
myxofibrosarcoma. diagnosis was not confirmed in any case.
In the past, myxosarcoma was thought to be Noteworthy, no rhabdomyosarcoma has been
the malignant transformation of myxoma [48]. reported among Mayo Clinic cases [51].
Nowadays, it is considered the equivalent to the Cardiac rhabdomyosarcomas typically involve
extracardiac soft tissue myxo-fibrosarcoma and the myocardium and show no chamber predilec-
fibromyxoid sarcoma at a low grade of malig- tion, although they more often occur in the ven-
nancy, which are grouped among fibroblastic/ tricles than other type of sarcomas.
myofibroblastic neoplasms [2].
Gross features. These tumors are large, bulky,
infiltrative masses, either gelatinous or soft and
necrotic (Fig. 6.4) and rarely present with an
endocavitary growth [52].
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant mesenchy- Histopathological features. In soft tissues, rhab-
mal tumor with striated muscle differentiation. In domyosarcoma is divided into three subtypes,
the past, before the use of immunohistochemical i.e., embryonal (including botryoid variant),
Fig. 6.6 Leiomyosarcoma of the pulmonary artery surgi- (b) At higher magnification, compact bundles of spindled
cally resected in a 53-year-old woman. Reprinted with cells with blunt-ended nuclei were seen (hematoxylin–
permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. (a) eosin stain). (c) Immunohistochemical positivity of tumor
Histological picture showing the pulmonary artery cells for smooth muscle actin. (d) Immunohistochemical
occluded by a neoplastic lesion (hematoxylin–eosin stain). positivity of tumor cells for desmin
6 Primary Malignant Tumors of the Heart 83
reactivity for a-smooth muscle actin (Fig. 6.6c) of only a uniform spindle cell component. The
and desmin (Fig. 6.5d and 6.6d). presence of edema between bundles of spindle
cells allows the differential diagnosis with
Prognosis. Surgical resection, usually associated
with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation, is
Immunohistochemical staining shows that the
considered palliative, and the mean survival time
spindle cells are diffusely positive for vimentin,
being about 1 year. Nevertheless, one case sur-
and also focally positive for a-smooth muscle
vived more than 7 years after surgical resection
actin and calretinin; instead, epithelioid compo-
and radio/chemotherapy, one patient underwent
nent is positive for cytokeratins and epithelial
to cardiac transplantation after tumor eradication
membrane antigen (EMA). The cells are negative
by chemotherapy, and finally a 21 -year-old
for CD34, and this feature in association with
patient was still alive 24 months after the diagno-
dense cellular distribution and high grade malig-
sis has been reported [60].
nancy helps to distinguish this tumor from soli-
tary fibrous tumor of the pericardium. Differential
diagnosis includes also sarcomatoid malignant
Synovial Sarcoma mesothelioma that grossly proliferates diffusely
and covers the surface of the heart; moreover,
Synovial sarcoma is a malignant tumor which synovial sarcoma histologically is composed of
most commonly arises in the soft tissue near the more uniform tumor cells. Detection of SS18-
joints of the arm and leg, but may be found in SSX(SYT-SSX) or t(X; 18)(p11.2; q11.2) chro-
many organs, including the heart. mosomal translocation by molecular genetic
Because this characteristic location near the analysis using reverse transcription polymerase
joints and the microscopic similarity to synovia, chain reaction (RT-PCR), performed also in
in the past it was erroneously thought to have a paraffin-embedded tissue blocks [62, 63], is
synovial origin. It is a biphasic tumor composed extremely useful for reaching a definitive diagno-
of two kinds of cells, spindle-shaped and epithe- sis of synovial sarcoma.
lioid cells; monomorphic variant, composed only
by spindle-shaped cells may occur and is the vari-
ant more frequently described in the heart. In all Liposarcoma
cases a reciprocal translocation t(x; 18)(p11.2;
q11.2) is present. Liposarcoma is a mesenchymal malignant tumor
In the literature, 14 cases of synovial sarcoma that contains lipoblasts.
have been reported that originated in the heart or In the literature, about 20 cases have been
pericardium. The patients’ age range is reported [64]. Liposarcoma usually develops in
13–53 years [61]. adulthood, arises in the atria, and has an endolu-
There is a predilection for the atria and minal growth, simulating cardiac myxoma [65],
pericardial surfaces. Clinically, patients present but may involve also the pericardium causing
symptoms related to intracardiac obstruction, effusion or cardiac tamponade [2, 66].
embolism, or cardiac tamponade.
Gross features. On gross examination liposarco-
Gross features. The tumor is whitish, infiltrative, mas are generally yellowish masses, sometimes
and accompanied by necrosis and hemorrhage. myxoid, flaccid, and multilobulated [2].
Histopathological features. Synovial sarcomas Histopathological features. Two main subtypes
are classified into a biphasic type, which is arise in the heart: pleomorphic liposarcoma, sim-
composed of a spindle cell component and an ulating malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and myx-
epithelial cell component, proliferating in a oid liposarcoma.
nodular or glandular fashion; and a monophasic The histological hallmark of liposarcoma is
type, the most common in the heart, consisting lipoblast, the precursor cell for adipocytes, which
84 M. Valente et al.
Fig. 6.7 Primary cardiac lymphoma in a 36- year-old (b) Border area between the neoplastic infiltration and
man, drug abuser and HIV infected, with echocardio- normal myocardium (hematoxylin–eosin stain). (c) At
graphic finding of a mass infiltrating the right atrial free higher magnification, the tumor cells are large with large
wall. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of nuclei (hematoxylin–eosin stain). (d) At immunohistohe-
Cardiology. (a) The myocardium is diffusely infiltrated by mistry, tumor cells are positive for CD20, a B-cell marker
proliferating neoplastic cells (hematoxylin–eosin stain).
Fig. 6.8 Primary malignant mesothelioma of the pericar- shows the whitish mass encasing both ventricles. (b) At
dium in a 47- year-old man presenting with pericardial histology, tumor cells form characteristic tubulo-papillary
effusion. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society structures (hematoxylin–eosin stain)
of Cardiology. (a) At autopsy, transverse cut of the heart
encasing the heart and the root of the great ves- The outcome is poor, with a median life expec-
sels (Fig. 6.8). tancy very low, approximately 6 months from
Histologically, the tumor cells may have two diagnosis.
distinct patterns i.e., epithelioid, with papillary or
Germ cell tumors. The intrapericardial germ cell
tubular configuration, or sarcomatoid. Immuno-
tumors are generally benign teratomas. Pathologic
histochemistry shows calretinin and cytokeratin
evaluation may reveal areas of malignant degen-
5/6 positivity and CEA negativity, at difference
eration with features of a yolk sac tumor [77]
from metastatic adenocarcinoma. Presence of
secreting alpha-fetoprotein [78]. The prognosis
cell microvilli at electron microscopy is also
depends upon the extension of these malignant
diagnostic [2].
6 Primary Malignant Tumors of the Heart 87
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Echocardiographic Approach to
the Diagnosis of Cardiac Tumors 7
Paolo Voci and Francesco Pizzuto
P. Voci, M.D. (*) Primary cardiac tumors are much rarer than
Department of Internal Medicine, metastatic tumors (prevalence at autopsy of
Section of Cardiology, Tor Vergata University, 0.001–0.28% and 1.5–21%, respectively) [16–18].
Viale Oxford 81, Via Merulana 13, Rome 00185, Italy
The “3/4 rule” may be a useful mnemonic aid:
more than 3/4 of primary tumors are benign and
F. Pizzuto, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine,
3/4 of those are atrial myxomas, which therefore
Section of Cardiology, Tor Vergata University, are the most common cardiac tumors; 3/4 of
Viale Oxford 81, Via Nomentana 186, Rome 00185, Italy malignant cardiac tumors are sarcomas [19].
Fig. 7.1 Transesophageal echocardiography. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Large left
atrial myxoma attached to the interatrial septum, prolapsing in diastole through the mitral valve
Fig. 7.3 Neonatal echocardiography. Reprinted with atrium in a newborn with heart failure, confirmed at
permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Two autopsy. AO aorta, LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, RA
rhabdomyomas, the smaller at the apical segment of the right atrium, RV right ventricle, RVOT right ventricular
interventricular septum (arrow) and the larger in the left outflow tract
myxomas, (Fig. 7.1) but exceptionally in vegeta- chromocytoma independently from its ability to
tions and thrombi. Lipomas are homogeneous produce catecholamines, is an exception. In this
and markedly hyper-reflective masses. tumor, which is most often benign, the vascular-
ization is so developed (Fig. 7.8) that coronary
Vascularization. A rich vascularization may sug-
steal and even angina may occur [12]. Cardiac
gest the diagnosis of malignancy. However, the
hemangioma, which is benign too, is also highly
paraganglioma, which is also called cardiac pheo-
vascularized [5]. Lastly, the presence of vessels
in a cardiac mass is not typical of tumors: in fact,
old thrombi may be perfused by neovessels which
can be imaged by high-resolution ultrasound
(Fig. 7.9) [20].
Cardiac myxoma, the great mimic. The case of
myxoma demonstrates how many exceptions
may have these diagnostic tips. The cardiac myx-
oma is a mobile mass attached to the left side of
the fossa ovalis by a peduncle allowing wide back
and forth excursion in the left atrial chamber. The
mass may obstruct in diastole the atrioventricular
inflow (Fig. 7.1) thus clinically mimicking mitral
stenosis, and similar to mitral stenosis it may pro-
duce embolic events secondary to fragmentation
of the fragile mass. In 10% of the cases the mass
is sessile.
The site of attachment, dimensions, and struc-
ture of myxomas may be very heterogeneous. In
the large study of Goswami et al. [3] 84% origi-
Fig. 7.6 Transthoracic echocardiography. Reprinted with nated from the left atrium, 12% from the right
permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Short-
atrium, and the remaining 4% from both atria.
axis view at the level of the great arteries. Sarcoma
infiltrating the right ventricular outflow tract and the pul- Sixty-nine percent of left atrial myxoma origi-
monary artery nated from the fossa ovalis, 28% from the inferior
Fig. 7.7 Transthoracic echocardiography. Large sarcoma infiltrating the anteroseptal and apical wall of both left and
right ventricles, with massive pericardial effusion
7 Echocardiographic Approach to the Diagnosis of Cardiac Tumors 95
Fig. 7.8 Transthoracic color-Doppler echocardiography. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology.
Richly vascularized right atrial paraganglioma
border of the septum, and the remaining 3% from Which Role for Transesophageal
the lateral wall. Similarly, the great majority of Echocardiography?
right atrial myxomas originated from the right
side of the fossa ovalis. All biatrial myxomas in Transthoracic echocardiography has greatly
this large series straddled the fossa ovalis. Very improved in the last decade allowing better detec-
rarely myxomas may be found in both the right tion of structures in the far field, as the atria. In a
and left ventricle. The surface is most often recent review of 149 primary cardiac tumors in
smooth and globular, but in 15% of the cases it China [1] transthoracic echocardiography was
may be papillary and friable. Echo-lucent areas diagnostic in 93.3% of the cases. In the 10
within the myxoma can be found in 70% of the remaining cases missed at transthoracic echocar-
cases, often as large as 1 cm [2]. In about 10% of diography the mass was in the pericardium (eight
the cases, calcifications may be also observed. cases), in the left atrium (one case), and on the
When the diagnosis is made in a young patient, posterior surface of the heart (one case).
one should always consider the presence of mul- Of course, transesophageal echocardiogra-
tiple and relapsing lesions and a familiar phy [5–8] has a better resolution than transtho-
distribution. racic echocardiography, because the acoustic
96 P. Voci and F. Pizzuto
Fig. 7.9 Transthoracic color-Doppler echocardiography. Doppler tracing with the characteristic anterograde sys-
Vascularized apical thrombus. Upper panel: epicardial tolic and diastolic flow. Lower panel: vascularized apical
tract of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery thrombus with flow directed away from the transducer
visualized by color-Doppler and the corresponding pulsed (modified from Voci et al. [20])
impedance is lower and the transducers have a Lastly, transesophageal echocardiography moni-
higher spatial resolution. Despite this advan- tors weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass, par-
tage, transesophageal echocardiography not ticularly patients undergoing partial ventricular
often brings additional information over transt- resection for infiltrating tumors. Sometimes
horacic echocardiography, relevant for surgical transesophageal echocardiography may help
referral of the patient [3]. However, the supe- guiding transvenous biopsy of right chamber
rior wall of the right atrium and the right atrial masses particularly of inoperable malignant
appendage are only incompletely seen by tumors, when the histology is necessary to guide
transthoracic echocardiography and anatomi- chemotherapy.
cal details of the inferior and superior vena
cava may be better seen by transesophageal
echocardiography [7]. Metastatic tumors
Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiog-
raphy is useful to guide surgery and to evaluate The prevalence of cardiac metastasis from tumors
the results of valve repair in case of infiltration of originated in the lung, breast, kidney, skin, and
the atrioventricular valves or to confirm the colon is 100–1,000 times higher compared to
absence of intracardiac shunts after septal repair. primary cardiac tumors [1]. Cardiac metastases
7 Echocardiographic Approach to the Diagnosis of Cardiac Tumors 97
represent a social problem, because paradoxi- patients also increased the prevalence of cardiac
cally the improvement in chemo- and radiother- metastasis, from 0.2 to 6% before 1996 to more
apy, prolonging the life expectancy of these than 10% in 2003 [2]. Cardiac metastases can be
intramyocardial (Fig. 7.10) and/or pericardial
(Fig. 7.11) and produce pericardial effusion and
tamponade. Lymphoma may compress the car-
diac chambers (Fig. 7.12) or produce the superior
vena cava syndrome (Fig. 7.13). Kidney tumors
may infiltrate the inferior vena cava and reach the
right atrium (Fig. 7.14), even causing pulmonary
neoplastic embolism.
Fig. 7.11 Two-dimensional echocardiography. Pericardial attached to the parietal pericardium and does not infiltrate
metastasis secondary to a colon carcinoma. The off-axis the myocardium, being therefore suitable for surgical
projection in the right panel clearly shows that the mass is resection
98 P. Voci and F. Pizzuto
Fig. 7.12 Mediastinal lymphoma compressing the left atrium (LA). LV left ventricle
Fig. 7.13 Intrathoracic lymphoma (CT scan, right panel) leading to superior vena cava syndrome with marked stagna-
tion of flow in the jugular vein (left panel)
7 Echocardiographic Approach to the Diagnosis of Cardiac Tumors 99
Fig. 7.14 Right kidney tumor producing a mobile mass in the inferior vena cava (upper panel) and right atrial metas-
tasis (lower panel)
echocardiographic assessment. J Thorac Cardiovasc Kirklin JK, McGiffin DC, Pacifico AD. Live three-
Surg. 2004;128:767–9. dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic assess-
6. Perez de Isla L, De Castro R, Zamorano JL, Almeria ment of left atrial tumors. Echocardiography.
C, Moreno R, Moreno M, Lima P, Garcia Fernandez 2005;22:137–43.
MA. Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac myxomas by 12. Turley AJ, Hunter S, Stewart M. A cardiac paragan-
transesophageal echocardiography. Am J Cardiol. glioma presenting with atypical chest pain. Eur J
2002;90:1419–21. Cardiothorac Surg. 2005;28:352–4.
7. Leibowitz G, Keller NM, Daniel WG, Freedberg RS, 13. Reynen K. Cardiac myxoma. N Engl J Med.
Tunica PA, Stottmeister C, Kronzon I. Transesophageal 1995;333:1610–7.
versus transthoracic echocardiography in the evaluation 14. Salcedo EE, Cohen GL, White RD, Davison M.
of right atrial tumors. Am Heart J. 1995;130:1224–7. Cardiac tumors: diagnosis and management. Curr
8. Mahdhaoui A, Bouraoui H, Amine MM, Mokni M, Probl Cardiol. 1992;17:73–137.
Besma T, Ernez Hajri S, Deridi G, Khelfa M, Bahri F, 15. Pinede L, Duhaut P, Loire R. Clinical presentation of
Yacoubi T, Sriha B, Ammar H. The transesophageal left atrial cardiac myxoma. A series of 112 consecu-
echocardiographic diagnosis of left atrial myxoma tive cases. Medicine. 2001;80:159–72.
simulating a left atrial thrombus in the setting of mitral 16. Glancy DL, Roberts WC. The heart in malignant mel-
stenosis. Echocardiography. 2004;21:233–6. anoma. A study of 70 autopsy cases. Am J Cardiol.
9. Vieira MLC, Ianni BM, Mady C, Encinas J, 1968;2:355–71.
Pommerantzeff PMA, Fernandes PP, Leal SB, Mathias 17. Centofanti P, Di Rosa E, Deorsola L. Primary cardiac
Jr W, Andrade JL, Ramires JA. Left atrial myxoma. tumors: early and late results of surgical treatment in
Three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment. 91 patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 1999;68:1236–41.
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2004;82:284–6. 18. Silverman NA. Primary cardiac tumors. Ann Surg.
10. Borges AC, Witt C, Bartel T, Muller S, Konertz W, 1980;191:127–38.
Baumann G. Preoparative two- and three-dimensional 19. Vander Salm TJ. Unusual primary tumors of the heart.
transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2000;12:89–100.
heart tumors. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996;61:1163–7. 20. Voci P, Pizzuto F, Romeo F. Coronary flow: a new
11. Mehmood F, Nanda NC, Vengala S, Winokur T, Dod asset for the echo lab? Eur Heart J. 2004;25:1867–79.
HS, Ebenezer F, Patel V, Bodiwala K, Upendram S,
Echocardiography of
Cardiac Masses: From Two- 8
to Three-Dimensional Imaging
C. Basso et al. (eds.), Cardiac Tumor Pathology, Current Clinical Pathology, 101
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-143-1_8, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
102 L.P. Badano et al.
Fig. 8.1 Atypical left atrial myxoma. (a) At two-dimen- dimensional echocardiography confirms the attachment of
sional echocardiography, a large mass is seen attached by a the mass to the left atrial free wall and shows no interference
short stalk (white arrow) to the left atrial free wall. Echodensity with mitral valve (MV) function. (c) Three-dimensional
is not homogeneous; echolucencies within the mass represent echocardiography showing the shape of the mass, its volume,
hemorrhagic areas. A myxoma has been diagnosed at surgical and irregular surface. Mitral valve is seen in the background.
inspection and then proven at histology. (b) Color flow two- Ao aortic valve, LV left ventricle, MV mitral valve
8 Echocardiography of Cardiac Masses: From Two- to Three-Dimensional Imaging 103
Fig. 8.2 Right atrial myxoma. (a) A large, not homoge- of contrast agent suggesting a poorly vascularized mass
neous and mobile mass (arrow) attached to the interatrial (courtesy of Agata Barchitta, M.D., Ospedale CTO S
septum is visualized in the right atrium. (b). Partial Antonio, ULSS 16, Padova, Italy). LA left atrium, LV left
enhancement of the mass tissue after intravenous injection ventricle, RV right ventricle
Fig. 8.3 (a) A large right atrial myxoma attached to inter- septum, associated with a second smaller mass attached to the
atrial septum. Areas of calcification (arrow) and echolucencies left side of interatrial septum (arrow), that were found to be
(dashed arrow) can be appreciated within this polypoid mass. myxomas at pathological examination. LA left atrium,
(b) A large right atrial mass (arrow) attached to the interatrial LV left ventricle, RA right atrium, RV right ventricle
The typical atrial myxoma manifests as a sin- be qualitatively assessed by color Doppler flow
gle intracardiac homogeneous or finely speckled imaging and measured by continuous-wave
compact, rounded, or ovoid mass mass, isodense Doppler sampling of the ventricular inflow which
to the surrounding myocardium, attached to the will show, in case of significant obstruction, the
interatrial septum near the fossa ovalis by a stalk- typical tracing morphology of functional mitral
like pedicle. However, echocardiographic appear- (or tricuspid, in case of right atrial myxoma)
ance can be also that of a polypoid, papillary, stenosis.
friable mass attached to the endocardium of any Although transthoracic two-dimensional
cardiac structure. Size can vary from less than 1 echocardiography has been found to be highly
cm to an extent that virtually fills the whole accurate in providing all relevant information
atrium. The echogenity of myxomas may not be for surgery [8], transesophageal echocardiogra-
homogeneous, since they frequently contain cys- phy has a higher sensitivity in detecting myxomas
tic spaces, and areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, in comparison with transthoracic echocardiogra-
and calcification. Inhomogeneous appearance is phy, especially in the setting of small myxomas,
useful to differentiate them from large thrombi. and should be performed in any case with the
Mobility of myxoma depends on its size and the suspicion of intracardiac tumor or unknown
type of attachment; however, prolapsing of the source of embolism. Transesophageal echocar-
tumor into the ventricles through the atrio-ven- diography, particularly 3D modality, is also use-
tricular valves is a common characteristic of atrial ful in very large myxomas nearly filling the
myxomas. The attachment may be broad and atrial chamber, in close contact with large areas
hence they may also appear as immobile or hypo- of atrial endocardium throughout the cardiac
mobile masses. The degree of functional obstruc- cycle, in which the stalk cannot be clearly
tion to ventricular filling caused by the tumor can visualized.
8 Echocardiography of Cardiac Masses: From Two- to Three-Dimensional Imaging 105
Fig. 8.6 Papillary fibroelastoma of the mitral valve. (a) portion of the leaflet and a better appreciation of its mor-
Transesophageal echocardiogram showed a large, highly phology and size (courtesy of Pasquale Gianfagna, M.D.,
mobile mass on the ventricular side of the anterior mitral Cardiothoracic Department, Azienda Ospedaliero-
valve leaflet (arrow). (b) Three-dimensional echocardiog- Universitaria, Udine, Italy). LA left atrium, LV left ventri-
raphy allowed the localization of this mass at the mid cle, RV right ventricle
side, Fig. 8.6), than on the pulmonary (13%) or Papillary fibroelastomas often appear like
tricuspid valves (17%) [12]. Sixteen percent of infectious vegetations or Lambl’s excrescences,
papillary fibroelastomas have been reported to which makes differential diagnosis difficult. Large
arise from nonvalvular surfaces (Fig. 8.7) and mobile vegetations attached to the valves may
from the subvalvular apparatus of the mitral mimic papillary fibroelastomas, but the clinical
valve [13]. context suggestive of infective endocarditis helps
8 Echocardiography of Cardiac Masses: From Two- to Three-Dimensional Imaging 107
in differentiating between them. Lambl’s excres- tumors are usually located in the myocardium of
cences, which can be found as normal features in both ventricles and multiplicity is common
many adults, are filamentous, mobile, and avascu- (Fig. 8.8), but intracavitary growths can be found
lar structures that generally arise at the closure line in more than 50% of patients. They may also origi-
of the valves [14]. Papillary fibroelastomas are not nate within the atrium or in the atrio-ventricular
as thin as Lambl’s excrescences and, unlike the lat- junction. When occurring intramural, they appear
ter, they do not arise from the leaflet closure line, as bright intramural masses with luminal exten-
but from other regions on the valve surface. sion. A circumscribed ventricular wall thickening
Fibroelastomas may also be confused with blood of the left and/or right ventricle can be detected.
cysts, which are unusual, blood-containing, cystic When intracavitary, rhabdomyomas will more fre-
structures that develop within atrio-ventricular quently appear as echodense structures, lobulated
valve leaflets. Blood cysts are sessile with a broader in shape and ventricular in origin. They may be
base, and thus less mobile than fibroelastomas. associated with mechanical complications, such as
outflow tract obstruction. Multifocal lesions are
Rhabdomyoma Since regression of these tumors with com-
plete resolution during infancy is expected in
Rhabdomyomas are the most common primary more than 80% of cases, surgery is indicated only
cardiac tumor in children and up to 50% of them in the setting of severe symptoms and signs and
are associated with tuberous sclerosis. These echocardiography is the technique of choice to
108 L.P. Badano et al.
Fig. 8.8 Rhabdomyoma in a child with tuberous sclero- ventricular lateral wall (dashed arrow) (courtesy of
sis. Transthoracic apical four-chamber view showing a Pasquale Gianfagna, M.D., Cardiothoracic Department,
large, lobulated, and echodense mass localized at the left Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria, Udine, Italy). LA left
atrio-ventricular junction (arrow). A smaller mass can be atrium, LV left ventricle, RA right atrium, RV right
seen within the myocardium of the apical region of the left ventricle
Fig. 8.9 A rare hemangioma of the interatrial septum. the tumor highlighting the infiltration of the interatrial
(a) Two-dimensional four-chamber apical view show- septum (dashed arrow). The three-dimensional data
ing a large mass infiltrating the interatrial septum set allows a better appreciation of the shape of the
(arrow). (b) Complete enhancement of the mass tissue mass, its volume, and its relationship with interatrial
(arrow) with higher intensity than adjacent myocar- septum (dashed arrow) and right atrial walls (Courtesy
dium after intravenous injection of contrast agent, sug- of Agata Barchitta, M.D., Ospedale CTO S Antonio,
gesting a highly vascularized tumor. (c and d) ULSS 16, Padova, Italy). LA left atrium, LV left ven-
Transesophageal two- and three-dimensional image of tricle, RA right atrium, RV right ventricle
Fig. 8.10 Undifferentiated primary cardiac sarcoma of mass (arrow) protruding into the left ventricular cavity.
the left ventricle (localized at the apex and infiltrating left (b) Magnetic resonance imaging, four-chamber view,
ventricular wall). The large size of the mass seen in this showing the mass infiltrating the left ventricular myocar-
patient is not unusual for this tumor type, given its rapid dium of the distal part of interventricular septum and apex
and aggressive growth pattern. (a) Apical five-chamber (arrow). LV left ventricle, RV right ventricle
view of the left ventricle showing an apical large polypoid
and a “cauliflower” shape. In fi ltration of the within the mass can be differentiated from
pericardium, tricuspid valve, and vena cava angiosarcomas.
can be frequently visualized. In the setting of Infusion of contrast can help in differentiating
a hemorrhagic pericardial effusion, a benign from malignant tumors. Highly vascular
malignant tumor should be always consid- tumors like sarcomas become visually hyperen-
ered [19 ]. hanced and demonstrate quantitatively more per-
Undifferentiated sarcoma (Fig. 8.10), malig- fusion than the adjacent myocardium [17].
nant fibrous histiocytoma, leiomyosarcoma,
rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma,
and liposarcoma are rare primary malignant Lymphoma
cardiac tumors. Echocardiographic characteris-
tics of the other cardiac sarcomas are similar to Primary cardiac lymphomas are defined as non-
those listed for angiosarcomas, except they are Hodgkin lymphomas involving only the heart/
not characteristically located within the right pericardium or as non-Hodgkin lymphomas with
atrium, but elsewhere in the heart, predominantly the bulk of the tumor located in the heart [20].
within the left atrium. In the latter situation, they They are very rare in immunocompetent patients
often originate from the roof of the left atrium or [21]. Their incidence is rising with the increasing
non-septal structures and this serves as a criterion prevalence of patients with AIDS or heart trans-
of discrimination from myxomas. They appear as plant. At echocardiographic examination, lym-
large, mobile, and inhomogeneous masses with phomas commonly arise in the right atrium and
zones of necrosis and hemorrhage and are appear as large, immobile, sometimes polypoid
indistinguishable from angiosarcoma. Only oste- masses (Fig. 8.11) [22]. They frequently coexist
osarcomas which show typical calcifications with pericardial effusion.
8 Echocardiography of Cardiac Masses: From Two- to Three-Dimensional Imaging 111
Fig. 8.11 Primary cardiac lymphoma in the right rior vena cava at transesophageal echocardiography
atrium. (a) At transesophageal echocardiography, a showing the extension of the tumor within the supe-
large mass fills almost completely the right atrium and rior vena cava and the subsequently reduced blood
prolapses through the tricuspid valve during right ven- flow through it. (d) CT scan showing the occlusion of the
tricular filling. (b ) Magnetic resonance imaging. Four- right jugular vein by the tumoral mass. LV left ventricle,
chamber view showing the size of the tumoral mass LJV left jugular vein, M mass, SVC superior vena cava,
(M) and its expansion within the right heart chambers. RA right atrium, RJV right jugular vein, RV right
(c ) Longitudinal view of the right atrium with supe- ventricle
Fig. 8.12 Secondary cardiac lymphoma. At transthoracic junction (dashed arrow). Thickened pericardium and dif-
echocardiography, the right ventricular free wall (arrow) fuse pericardial effusion are signs of pericardial involve-
appears thickened and hyperdense in both parasternal ment (courtesy of Pasquale Gianfagna, M.D.,
long-axis (a) and apical four-chamber (b) views. An addi- Cardiothoracic Department, Azienda Ospedaliero-
tional intramyocardial, hyperdense, and oval-shaped mass Universitaria, Udine, Italy). Ao aorta, LA left atrium, LV
can be appreciated at the posterior left atrio-ventricular left ventricle, RA right atrium, RV right ventricle
112 L.P. Badano et al.
Secondary cardiac lymphomas show similar detection of intracardiac masses, the most com-
echocardiographic characteristics with primary mon cardiac manifestation of melanoma is sub-
cardiac lymphomas. Echocardiographic findings clinical because it frequently invades the
associated with cardiac metastases include the malig- pericardial surface [15]. Indeed, pericardial effu-
nant pericardial effusion, sometimes associated sion, with and without tamponade, is overall the
to tumor masses with bizarre surface structures. most common echocardiographic finding in met-
The infiltrated cardiac walls appear as having a astatic heart disease [24]. Solid material adherent
hyperdense pericardium and myocardium to the visceral or parietal pericardium (either
(Fig. 8.12). Wall motion abnormalities in these tumor or clotted blood) can be visualized within
regions are common. Application of echo con- the effusion.
trast agents can reveal the tumor perfusion and Both benign and malignant tumors can invade
helps the distinction of the metastasis from the the heart through the inferior vena cava. The most
surrounding tissue. common tumor that metastasizes to the heart
through the inferior vena cava is the renal cell
carcinoma (hypernephroma). Up to 43% of the
Metastatic Cardiac Tumors patients with hypernephroma demonstrate infe-
rior vena cava (Fig. 8.14) and/or right atrial
Cardiac metastases have been described in involvement [25]. Among benign tumors, intra-
autopsy series in up to 20% of patients with vascular leiomyomatosis of pelvic or uterine ori-
malignancies of other organs (Fig. 8.13) and are gin can reach the right heart through the inferior
up to 40 times more common than primary car- vena cava.
diac tumors [20, 23].
No malignant tumor preferentially metasta-
sizes to the heart; however, melanomas (up to Conclusions
64% of cases), leukemias, and lymphomas (up to
46%) are the tumors that most frequently mani- Cardiac masses frequently pose a diagnostic chal-
fest cardiac metastasis. Lung, breast, ovarian, and lenge. Due to its wide availability and cost-effec-
kidney cancer are also frequently involved [15, tiveness ratio, echocardiography is the first choice
20]. Although melanoma can manifest with the imaging modality for detection of cardiac tumors.
Fig. 8.13 Cardiac localization of metastases originating from can be easily differentiated from the surrounding myocardium
a malignant tonsil tumor. Transthoracic echocardiography (courtesy of Pasquale Gianfagna, M.D., Cardiothoracic
shows a hypodense, intramyocardial mass (M) localized at the Department, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria, Udine, Italy).
apex of the right ventricle (a). In short-axis view (b), the mass LV left ventricle, RV right ventricle
8 Echocardiography of Cardiac Masses: From Two- to Three-Dimensional Imaging 113
Fig. 8.14 Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma). A chamber view (b) (courtesy of Pasquale Gianfagna, M.D.,
large hyperdense mass, filling almost completely the Cardiothoracic Department, Azienda Ospedaliero-
lumen of inferior vena cava and protruding into right Universitaria, Udine, Italy). IVC inferior vena cava, LA
atrium (arrow), can be appreciated at transthoracic left atrium, LV left ventricle, RA right atrium, RV right
echocardiography from both subcostal (a) and apical four- ventricle
In the left or right atrium, the most common benign atrial masses are myxomas; clinical
context and contrast infusion provide important clues to distinguish from thrombi.
In the right atrium, the most frequent malignant tumors are angiosarcomas; other type of
sarcomas usually originate from the left atrium.
On cardiac valves, most common tumors are papillary fibroelastomas; clinical history and
hemocultures are key for differential diagnosis with vegetations.
In the ventricles and in children, rhabdomyomas and fibromas are the most frequent;
rhabdomyomas are usually multiple and decrease in size and number with age.
Malignant tumors are rapidly progressive and most commonly secondary; pericardium,
myocardium or veins with endocardial growth are typically involved, depending on their
way of spread.
Benign tumors may also be hemodynamically “malignant” by intramural growth, cavity
obstruction or systemic embolization; pericardial effusion, myocardial or valvular dys-
function may result from local invasion.
The various echocardiographic techniques (tran- the knowledge of typical imaging characteristics
sthoracic and transesophageal, contrast, and 3D and natural history of specific cardiac tumors is
ultrasound imaging) allow an accurate anatomic pivotal for an accurate non-invasive diagnosis.
localization and a precise description of these
masses, as well as an assessment of their hemody-
namic impact. For cases that are not so straight- References
forward, or for cases in which acoustic access is
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New Cardiac Imaging Techniques:
Magnetic Resonance and Computed 9
Massimo Lombardi
C. Basso et al. (eds.), Cardiac Tumor Pathology, Current Clinical Pathology, 115
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-143-1_9, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
116 M. Lombardi
Fig. 9.1 Image obtained by MDCT scanner. Reprinted diastolic phase, the mass protrudes into the left ventricle
with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. A through the mitral valve orifice
mass is visible inside the left atrium (arrows). During the
Fig. 9.2 Image obtained by MDCT scanner. A huge mass (22 cm anterior–posterior diameter) is clearly evident.
The MDCT technique allows to identify the course of the branches of coronary arteries in relation with the mass
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 117
Fig. 9.3 Image obtained by MDCT scanner. Reprinted of angiosarcoma. At the level of right lung, a small round
with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. At shaped lesion consistent with metastasis is also detectable
the level of the right atrium, a mass with irregular profile (courtesy of Dr. F. Cademartiri, Thorax Center, Rotterdam,
infiltrates both the pericardium and the myocardium The Netherlands)
(arrows). The findings are compatible with the diagnosis
infiltrative attitude (Fig. 9.3), the presence of of iodine contrast agent, the renal function has to
calcifications within the mass, and the presence be always assessed.
of hemorrhagic areas. To this purpose, the mea-
surement in Hounsfield Units (HU) in the differ-
ent regions of interest is mandatory. Unambiguous Magnetic Resonance Imaging
measurements can be performed only if high-
quality images are obtained by a ECG-gated The introduction of MRI for the evaluation of
MDCT scanner of last generation [4, 5]. Finally, cardiovascular diseases has considerably modified
if the operator has enough experience, MDCT, the diagnostic strategy of imaging in cardiac and
like MRI, allows to differentiate between tumoral paracardiac masses. Such technique provides a
and thrombotic masses [5]. complete multiplanar and noninvasive evaluation
The wide availability of MDCT scanners and a of the lesions involving the cardiac chambers,
diffuse experience of operators in the oncologic pericardium, and extracardiac structures, thus
field are important advantages for the use of this assuming a relevant role in providing diagnostic
technique when a cardiac mass is suspected. information useful for surgical planning. MRI is
Furthermore, a MDCT examination is relatively the most sophisticated imaging technique today
easy to perform, requires a reduced scanning time, available to characterize the tumoral mass in
and is usually well tolerated by the patient even in terms of morphology, dimensions, localization,
the case of a critical clinical picture. Although the extension, topographic relations, and infiltrative
limit of a high heart rate (which is often associ- aspects of the surrounding structures.
ated with an intracardiac mass) is nowadays less Furthermore, one of the most interesting prop-
relevant than in the past (high rotational speed, erties of MRI is the capability of differentiating
dual source technology, etc.), a heart rate more among the various tissues, due to the relative
than 80 beats per minute considerably reduces the differences in relaxivity which lead to high con-
quality of images. Finally, since MDCT examina- trast among the tissues. With obvious limitations,
tion implies the administration of a large amount a certain degree of tissue characterization is fea-
118 M. Lombardi
Fig. 9.4 Image obtained by MRI, SE T1 images. is visible. The mass appears hyperintense in SE T1 images
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of due to the adipose tissue
Cardiology. A lipoma (arrow) within the right atrial cavity
sible, such as the detection of lipomatous compo- kg) [6–8]. Often, a study of the dynamic of the
nents, necrotic areas, hemorrhage, calcifications, contrast medium impregnation is performed utiliz-
myxoid tissue, vascularity, etc. Nevertheless, a ing “ad hoc perfusion” T1-weighted sequences.
precise tissue characterization in terms of histo- Obviously, the greater the vascularity of the mass,
pathology is possible only in a few cases. the faster and more intense the contrast medium
Namely, it is almost definite when fat tissue is pre- impregnation would be. Dynamic sequences
dominant, such as in the setting of a lipoma, where (cine SPGR, SSFP, etc.) are also useful to assess
the capability of MRI to obtain images with fat the function of the involved cardiac structures,
suppression leads to a almost definitive diagnosis and the effect on adjacent tissues and on the
(Fig. 9.4). Similarly, myxoid tissue can be charac- intracardiac blood flow dynamic (Fig. 9.6).
terized very accurately (Fig. 9.5). However, in most These are generally quite lengthy studies
of cases the diagnosis of nature of the mass is which at times may bring the operator/physician
probabilistic, on the basis of certain findings very close to the nature of diagnosis.
which direct towards a kind of tumor rather than Properties of tissue composition affect the
another. signal characteristics of myocardium with cardiac
A correct characterization of the cardiac and MRI. The myocardium is a water-based tissue
paracardiac masses requires integrated informa- that contains a large number of hydrogen protons
tion that is obtainable with the different MRI and as such is ideally imaged with MRI. The sur-
sequences available. In other words, to properly rounding epicardial fat, the fibrous pericardium
characterize a cardiac or paracardiac mass, it is and masses that affect the heart show different MRI
necessary to obtain weighted images in either T1, signal characteristics, because they are composed
or T2, or IR (STIR), or T1/T2 , or T1 with spec- of tissues that contain varying amounts of water
tral fat suppression, or in GRE T2* (for possible or protons and therefore distort the signal charac-
calcifications or hemorrhages inside the mass), teristics of the normal myocardium. Thus, on the
and in T1 after contrast medium (0.1–0.2 mmol/ basis of tissue composition, MRI signal changes
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 119
Fig. 9.5 Image obtained by MRI, Triple-IR sequence been obtained by a Triple-IR sequence (STIR) and the
(STIR). Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society myxomatous tissue shows a marked hyperintense signal
of Cardiology. A large myxoma is detectable within the as compared to the surrounding structures. The signal
left atrial cavity. The mass is protruding into the left ven- hyperintensity in STIR images is always present in myx-
tricular cavity during the diastolic phase. The image has oid tissue, albeit this is not an exclusive characteristic
Fig. 9.6 Image obtained by MRI, SSFP sequence. ostium of a pulmonary vein. Right panel: during the car-
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of diac cycle (systolic phase), the myxomatous mass obsta-
Cardiology. Left atrial myxoma. Left panel: the tumoral cles the blood flow into the atrial cavity (temporal
mass is round shaped (arrow) and attached close to the resolution 35 ms)
120 M. Lombardi
Table 9.1 Characteristics of the MRI signal from differ- the mass, hemorrhagic areas (81% of cases),
ent tissues in the T1- and T2-weighted images thrombosis, or catabolites of hemoglobin
Contrast (e.g., hemosiderin), are often detectable [10]. If
Tissue T1 T2 agent the quantity of myxoid tissue is substantial, the lesion
Liquid Low(−−−) High (+++) Absent will have an elevated signal in the T2-weighted
Myxoid Low (−−−) High (+++) Scarce images (Fig. 9.5), while if the fibrous component
Collagen Low (−−) Low/high (−−/++)a Scarcea
prevails the mass will show a hypointense
Adipose High (+++) High (++) Absent
Necrosis Low (−−) High (+++) Absent
The presence of calcification is a common
Fibrous Low (−−) Low/high (−−/++)a Scarcea
Calcium Low (−−−) Low (−−−) Absent
finding (56%), particularly frequent in the myxo-
Vascularized Low (−−) High (++) Marked mas of the right atrium [11]. The calcium accounts
for the areas of low signal in the context of the
Signal and the contrast medium uptake depend on the
vascularization and cellularity of the tissues lesion, which is more evident in GRE T2* images.
The drop of signal may be caused also by the
effects of magnetic susceptibility, which are
and, in some instances, the nature of normal or related to the presence of iron [12]. On the other
abnormal tissue can be inferred. hand, the hemorrhagic areas might exhibit a high
Table 9.1 reports the characteristics of signal signal in both T1 and T2 sequences [13].
of the various tissue components useful for a It has been proven that the tumor enhancement
diagnostic orientation. after contrast medium administration depends on
its tissue composition and that the zones which
do not capture the contrast medium correspond to
Benign Atrial Tumors necrotic or cystic areas [14].
The differential diagnosis includes thrombotic
The benign lesions most frequently affecting the masses and other less common lesions, such as
atrial chambers are the myxoma and the lipoma. cardiac sarcoma and papillary fibroelastoma
The myxoma originates from the endocardium (Fig. 9.8).
as a polypoid, usually pedunculated mass (90%), MRI without contrast agent generally does
or at times sessile with a large base of implanta- not help in differentiating myxoma from intra-
tion; it shows mostly a smooth or, more rarely, a cavitary thrombus, because both can present
villous surface [9]. signal heterogeneity in SE images and low
The most typical location is the atrial chamber intensity in the GRE sequences [15]. However,
(left atrium 75%, right atrium 18%, right ventri- a myxoma shows very intense signal in IR T2 images
cle 4%, left ventricle 3%). and a significant enhancement after contrast
Usually, the left atrial myxoma is attached to agent administration, while the thrombotic for-
the interatrial septum at the level of the fossa ova- mation usually does not have such a behavior
lis; the stalk allows it to move freely inside the (Fig. 9.9) [16].
atrial chamber and sometimes to protrude into The papillary fibroelastoma is made up of
the left ventricle, during diastole, through the fibrous tissue, elastic fibers, and a single layer of
mitral valve orifice. endocardial cells. The tumor is usually small
Clinically, it can be asymptomatic or mimic a sized, round shaped, and attached to the endocar-
mitral stenosis. When the site of origin is not dium of the atrio-ventricular or semilunar valves
typical, differential diagnosis with other masses [17] (Fig. 9.8). In the literature, there are no sys-
is more difficult. tematic descriptions on the behavior of the MRI
Typically, the myxoma produces an inhomo- signal for such lesion, and the diagnosis is gener-
geneous signal due to the presence of fibrous, ally based on echocardiography, due to the rapid
necrotic, hemorrhagic, and sometimes calcified movements of the mass during cardiac cycle and
areas within the mass (Fig. 9.7). In the context of thus a not ideal visualization by MRI. However, it
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 121
Fig. 9.7 Image obtained by MRI, SE T1 after the admin- Gd-based contrast agent which is amplifying the disho-
istration of Gd. Reprinted with permission of the Italian mogeneity of signal intensity due to the composite struc-
Society of Cardiology. Left atrial myxoma (same case of ture of the tumoral mass (arrow) (myxoid, necrotic and
Fig. 9.5). Image in SE T1 after the administration of calcified areas)
is worth noting that T2 images’ signal intensity is suppression easily confirm the adipose nature of
usually lower in papillary fibroleastoma than in the mass.
The lipoma is a relatively rare cardiac tumor.
The properly called lipoma (Fig. 9.4) (encapsu-
lated or surrounded by myocardium) should be Benign Ventricular Tumors
clearly distinguished from the lipomatous hyper-
trophy of the interatrial septum. The latter entity Primary benign tumors of the ventricles are very
consists of a non-capsulated adipose tissue depo- rare in adults. The most frequent tumors of the left
sition, which extends onto the epicardial fat. Half ventricle are the fibroma and the rhabdomyoma,
of the cardiac lipomas are subendocardial; the which are more common in the pediatric
other half have a subepicardial and mesocardial population.
location [18]. The left atrium and left ventricle The rhabdomyoma is the most frequent tumor
are the most frequent locations. in children, and appears often as multiple nod-
Lipoma shows the characteristics of the MRI ules, either intramural or intracavitary. MRI sig-
signal typical of the adipose tissue, i.e., elevated nal characteristics are almost identical to those of
intensity of the signal in the T1- and T2-weighted the normal myocardium, as expected due to the
images. In this case, the techniques of fat origin of the tumor cells from cardiac myocytes.
122 M. Lombardi
Fig. 9.8 Image obtained by MRI. Reprinted with per- panel, image in SE T1: note the small, round shaped mass
mission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Papillary (arrow). Right panel, image in SE T1: same mass after the
fibroelastoma of the sub-valvular mitral apparatus. Left administration of Gd-based contrast agent
Fig. 9.9 Image obtained by MRI, after contrast agent administration using an IR-GRE sequence. Reprinted with
permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Intraventricular apical thrombus (arrow)
The fibroma is the most frequent benign apex, or of the free wall. Hypointense signal
tumor of the left ventricle of the adult. It is usu- either in the T1 and in the T2 sequence is usu-
ally intramural and it appears as an area of ally detected. After administration of contrast
localized hypertrophy of the septum, of the medium, it appears as formed by a hypointense
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 123
Fig. 9.10 Image obtained by MRI. Reprinted with per- the peripheral border of the mass. Left panel: image in SE
mission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Large fibroma T1. Central panel: image in SE T1 after the administra-
of the interventricular septum (arrows). The fibromatous tion of paramagnetic contrast agent. Right panel: image
mass does not show any change in signal intensity in the obtained by GRE-IR sequence after the administration of
different sequences utilized. After contrast agent adminis- paramagnetic contrast agent
tration, only a slight signal enhancement is detectable in
core surrounded by an isointense “shell” [19] the possible invasion of the pericardium, tumor
(Fig. 9.10). cells in the pericardial fluid are rarely found.
In the right ventricle, myxomas, fibromas, and Two variants of angiosarcoma are described,
rhabdomyomas can be found. i.e., a well-defined mass protruding into the atrial
cavity with preservation of the septum, or a dif-
fusely infiltrating mass extending along the peri-
Primary Malignant Cardiac Tumors cardium (Fig. 9.11). The presence of hemorrhage
and necrotic areas is frequent and accounts for the
The malignant tumors of the heart are less fre- typically heterogeneous signal of the tumor, which
quent (10%) than the benign ones and more usually presents high intensity areas in the
often localized in the right sections than in T1-weighted images, because of the presence of
the left. Autopsy studies report an incidence of meta-hemoglobin due to hemorrhagic phenomena.
0.001–0.28% [20]. Primary malignant tumors of In the setting of pericardial infiltration, a linear cap-
the heart are extremely rare [20] and constitute a ture along the vascular structures is detectable.
diagnostic dilemma as they are asymptomatic Undifferentiated sarcomas are malignant soft
until they reach significant dimensions, and, tissue tumors that are negative to multiple immu-
even in these cases, the symptoms and signs nohistochemical markers due to scarce or even
are usually nonspecific. The advent of sophisti- absent differentiation. The majority of cases are
cated imaging techniques has introduced the reported in the left atrium (Fig. 9.12). The prog-
possibility of detecting such lesions in patients nosis is generally poor. They usually appear as
still not compromised and sometimes as casual polypoid masses, isointense to the myocardium
findings, thus contributing to the characteriza- in MRI images, with wall thickening at the level
tion of the lesions and to the therapeutic of infiltration or with aspects similar to the
decision. angiosarcoma due to pericardial infiltration.
The angiosarcoma is the most frequent (37%) Rhabdomyosarcoma (4–7%) is a tumor which
among the primary malignant cardiac tumors [9]. originates from the muscular striated fiber. The
It originates from endothelial cells, most fre- embryonal variant is the more common form and
quently in the right atrium, with involvement of appears in infants, children, and young adults.
the pericardium, and frequently complicated by Despite the low incidence, such neoplasm repre-
pericardial hemorrhage and tamponade. Despite sents the most frequent form of malignant cardiac
124 M. Lombardi
Fig. 9.11 Image obtained by MRI. Reprinted with per- due to metahemoglobin (post hemorrhage). Right panel,
mission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. images after the administration of paramagnetic contrast
Angiosarcoma. Left panel, T1-weighted images (coronal agent: significant signal enhancement at the periphey of
plane): the tumoral mass shows an hyperenhanced area the mass
Fig. 9.12 Image obtained by MRI. Reprinted with permis- surrounded by necrotic and fibrotic areas (courtesy of Dr.
sion of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Undifferentiated Feola and Dr. Leonardi. Cardiologic Unit—Ospedale di
sarcoma of the left atrium (arrow). Histopathologic Cuneo, Italy)
findings showed a mixture of myxoid tissue and histiocytes
tumors in childhood. It can occur anywhere in the At difference from the metastatic osteosarcoma
myocardium and it involves the ventricular cham- that often occurs in the right atrium, the primary
ber more frequently than other types of sarcoma cardiac osteosarcoma most often involves the left
(Fig. 9.13). These tumors are often multicentric, atrium and is aggressive with a very poor progno-
usually intramural, and can involve the pericar- sis. The demonstration of bone component can be
dium. At difference from the angiosarcoma, the appreciated more easily through CT imaging.
myocardium is always involved and the pericar- Leiomyosarcoma usually originates from
dium often presents nodular masses. smooth muscle bundles of the subendocardial
The characteristics of the MRI signal are variable space, but they can also originate from the arteries
(isointensity to the myocardium, hyperintensity in T2 and pulmonary veins and spread to the cardiac
in correspondence of cystic-like or necrotic areas). structures. It has a predisposition for the left atrial
Osteosarcomas (nowadays called undifferenti- cavity, particularly at the level of the posterior wall.
ated pleomorphic sarcomas with areas of osseous Affected patients are typically in their fourth
differentiation) are a heterogeneous group of soft decade. Also in this case the MRI features are not
tissue sarcomas containing malignant cells that specific, i.e., lobulated masses, irregular in shape, often
produce bone and fibrotic or chondroid tissue. multiple with tendency to invade the pulmonary
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 125
Fig. 9.13 Image obtained by MRI, SE T1-weighted infiltration of cardiac walls, of the tricuspid valve and of
image. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society the pericardium (arrows). The infiltrative growth and the
of Cardiology. Right atrial rhabdomyosarcoma. Large dimensions are in keeping with an aggressive malignant
mass involving right chambers of the heart, with diffuse tumor
veins or the mitral valve, showing an intermediate Primary cardiac lymphoma is a extra-nodal lym-
signal in T1 and a high one in T2. phoma that involves exclusively the heart and the
Fibrosarcoma is a rare primary malignant cardiac pericardium. Pericardial effusion is often present
tumor composed of fibroblasts and like other sarco- and drainage of the pericardial fluid, besides the
mas preferentially involves the left atrium. It can palliative effect, has a diagnostic purpose, since
also infiltrate the pericardial space, mimicking lymphoma cells are detectable in the majority of
mesothelioma. It can appear heterogeneous in MRI cases. Thoracotomic cardiac mass biopsy is also
images, but overall MRI features are not specific. frequently performed to achieve the diagnosis.
Liposarcoma is an extremely rare malignant Despite its rare occurrence, it is important to include
primary cardiac tumor that contains lipoblasts. primary cardiac lymphoma in the differential diag-
It has been usually described in the atria, although nosis of cardiac masses, since early chemotherapic
it has also been reported in the ventricles and in treatment can give excellent results [21].
the pericardium, where it can develop either with It mostly appears as multiple polypoid nod-
a nodular aspect or diffuse involvement. At dif- ules, infiltrating the myocardium with undefined
ference from the benign lipoma, the adipose borders and protruding into the cardiac chambers
component in primary liposarcoma is scarce or (Fig. 9.14). The site most frequently affected is
absent, thus explaining the limited value of MRI the right atrium; the pericardium is often involved
to achieve a precise histopathologic diagnosis. with thickening by tumor infiltration. As com-
pared with other primary malignant cardiac
126 M. Lombardi
Fig. 9.14 Image obtained by MRI. Cardiac lymphoma. Diffuse involvement of the pericardium and of the myocardium
of the right ventricle (arrow)
tumors, necrosis is less frequent. The MRI signal dimensions, structural homogeneity, infiltrative
is mostly hypointense in T1 and hyperintense in attitude of surroundings tissues, pericardial and
T2, but it has also been reported as isointense to pleural effusion, displacement of extracardiac
the myocardium; the enhancement pattern is also structures) and the uptake of contrast agent (see
quite variable (homogeneous, dishomogeneous). Table 9.2) were assessed in terms of diagnostic
accuracy. None of the considered characteristics
reached a sensitivity and a specificity of 100%.
Diagnostic Accuracy However, from the integrated use of all these
findings a diagnosis of high probability is
MDCT and MRI allow a sophisticated character- reachable.
ization of cardiac masses and not so rarely a diag- More recently, a multicenter experience of 78
nosis of the nature of the mass itself. The pediatric cardiac tumors evaluated by MRI dem-
differential diagnosis between benign and malig- onstrated that reviewers, who were blinded to the
nant masses is usually obtained. However, from histologic diagnoses, correctly diagnosed 97% of
the data available a more prudent approach seems the cases, but included a differential diagnosis in
indicated. In a review by Hoffman et al. [22] of 42% of cases [23]. Better image quality and more
more than 200 cardiac masses, the MRI signal complete examination were associated with higher
properties, the morphologic aspects (localization, diagnostic accuracy. However, histologic diagnosis
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 127
Table 9.2 Diagnostic accuracy of morphologic characteristics and uptake of Gd-based contrast agent
Characteristic Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Localization 0.86 0.58 0.58 0.86
Signal dishomogeneity 0.86 0.48 0.53 0.84
Infiltrative attitude 0.64 0.70 0.58 0.74
Dimension >5 cm 0.55 0.78 0.67 0.68
Pericardial effusion 0.50 0.88 0.73 0.73
Pleural effusion 0.50 0.91 0.79 0.73
Pleural and pericardial effusions 0.59 0.82 0.68 0.75
Increase of signal after Gd c.a. 0.88 0.34 0.42 0.83
Modified from Hoffman et al. [22]
PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value, c.a. contrast agent
remained the gold standard and in some cases T1 images due to the paramagnetic effect of
malignancy could not be de fi nitively excluded metals bound to melanin [24].
on the basis of cardiac MRI alone. Among pericardial tumors, malignant primary
mesothelioma, that can manifest as an isolated
effusion or with pericardial thickening due to
Cardiac Metastases and Pericardial diffuse spreading or with bulky nodules, but without
Masses specific MRI signal characteristics (Fig. 9.17), is
worthy of note. Pleural mesothelioma can also
MRI is very useful in evaluating the extracardiac involve secondarily the pericardium.
extension of primary tumors of the heart, providing
the information needed to plan the most appropri-
ate surgical approach. Likewise, it allows to Conclusions
identify the presence of a cardiac involvement by
extracardiac masses with excellent anatomical Both MDCT and MRI have a very high value in
details. Therefore, when there is the suspicion of a the diagnostic workup of cardiac tumors. The
secondary involvement of the heart, the physician MDCT has reached a diagnostic accuracy which
generally asks for a MRI study. Moreover, metasta- was someway unexpected only a few years ago. It
ses to the heart and the pericardium are much more is the reference method to evaluate mediastinal
common than primary cardiac tumors. The malig- lymph nodes, and to assess lung and pleural
nant tumors that more often secondarily affect the involvement. Due to the relatively easy and stan-
heart and pericardium are breast and lung carcinomas dardized scanning procedure, MDCT can be pro-
(Figs. 9.15 and 9.16), melanoma, lymphoma, and posed as a robust method to detect cardiac and
leukemia. Cardiac metastases appear as pulmo- paracardiac masses, preferably in integration
nary or mediastinal masses that directly invade the with echocardiography. MRI remains the most
heart, or like masses that protrude into the left sophisticated tool in the clinical practice, although
atrium through the pulmonary veins or into the it is still available in a few specialized centers.
right atrium through the caval veins, or myocardial However, the experience accumulated in the
nodules. Sometimes, they can be suspected only recent years has shown that it can be considered
for the presence of pericardial effusion. The high as the reference cardiac imaging tool because it is
MRI contrast resolution allows to distinguish the capable of answering many of the questions
tumor from the myocardium and between tumor, raised by the presence of a cardiac mass.
thrombus, and flow artifacts much more easily Furthermore, the nonionizing nature of the tech-
than other techniques, sometimes helping also in nique induces to consider MRI as the ideal tool
tissue characterization. For instance, metastases for follow-up, at difference from MDCT. Finally,
from melanoma show a signal hyperintensity in the revision of the large amount of data available
128 M. Lombardi
Fig. 9.15 Image obtained by MRI, in fast GRE and sagittal oblique plane. Metastasis of breast cancer at the level of
right ventricular outflow tract (arrow)
Fig. 9.16 Image obtained by MRI. Metastasis of lung cancer involving the pericardium (arrows). Left panel: image in
SE T1. Right panel: image in triple-IR (STIR)
9 New Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography 129
Fig. 9.17 Image obtained by MRI, SE T1-weighted Cardiology. Malignant mesothelioma of pericardium:
image after the administration of paramagnetic contrast note the presence of nodular thickening of the pericardium
agent. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of (arrows) with nonspecific signal characteristics
in scientific journals underline the need of an 6. Lombardi M, Bartolozzi C. Risonanza Magnetica del
cuore e dei vasi. Springer Verlag: Milano; 2004.
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Surgical Management
of Cardiac Neoplasms 10
Francesco Santini, Mariassunta Telesca,
Giuseppe Faggian, and Alessandro Mazzucco
C. Basso et al. (eds.), Cardiac Tumor Pathology, Current Clinical Pathology, 131
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-143-1_10, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
132 F. Santini et al.
to be secondary to contact between the tumor and mation regarding the nature of the tumor by mea-
endocardial wall. suring X-ray attenuation, and possible tumor
Cardiac tumors may display several findings expansion to adjacent tissues. Multidetector com-
on plain chest roentgenograms, usually puted tomography (MDCT) is useful for the eval-
nonspecific. These include alterations in cardiac uation of calcification and fat content within a
contour, changes in overall cardiac size, specific mass. Furthermore, the high spatial resolution of
chamber enlargement, alterations in pulmonary MDCT is beneficial to define small lesions, mak-
vascularity, pericardial effusions, and intracar- ing this technique a useful tool for staging malig-
diac calcification (rhabdomyomas, fibromas, nant tumors. CT appears also useful in the
hamartomas, teratomas, myxomas, angiomas). evaluation of the potential involvement of peri-
Visualization of intracardiac calcium in an infant cardial and extracardiac structures. C-CT how-
or a child is unusual and should immediately ever provides less information regarding
raise the suspicion of an intracardiac tumor. characterization of tissues in comparison to car-
Mediastinal widening, due to hilar and paramedi- diac MRI. Disadvantages of the method also
astinal adenopathy, may indicate the spread of a include the use of radioactivity and of nephro-
malignant cardiac tumor. toxic contrast mediums [19–21].
Two-dimensional echocardiography, and more Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (C-MRI)
recently real-time three-dimensional echocardiog- allows for a more sophisticated assessment of the
raphy [15], provide adequate information regard- tumor relation to adjacent structures, thus improv-
ing tumor size, attachment, and mobility, all ing the planning of a proper resection strategy. It
important variables to plan operative resection of also allows the detection of myocardial infiltration
the cardiac mass. It may also facilitate the differen- by the tumor and/or expansion of the mass to the
tiation between left atrial thrombus and myxoma. pericardium or to adjacent structures [19–21].
Moreover, continuous-mode Doppler ultrasonog- C-MRI may also contribute to the characteriza-
raphy may be useful for evaluating the hemody- tion of the composition of the tumor by studying
namic consequences of valvular obstruction and/ the signal in T1- and T2-weighted images, as
or incompetence caused by cardiac tumors. well as the enhancement of the signal after gado-
Transesophageal echocardiography provides linium administration [22]. Recent technologic
an unimpeded view of the cardiac chambers and advances in cardiac MRI have resulted in the
atrioventricular (AV) septa and appears to be supe- rapid acquisition of images of the heart with high
rior to transthoracic echocardiography in many spatial and temporal resolution and excellent
patients. Its potential advantages include improved myocardial tissue characterization [23].
resolution of the tumor and its attachment, and the Furthermore, administration of contrast medium
ability to detect small masses not visualized by may help to differentiate a cardiac tumor from a
transthoracic echocardiography (<3 mm diameter). thrombus and/or from blood flow artifacts
Transesophageal echocardiography has been rou- [19–23].
tinely used to guide the percutaneous biopsy of Cardiac catheterization and selective angio-
right-sided cardiac masses, thus allowing success- cardiography are usually not necessary since
ful sampling of the target tissue for preliminary adequate preoperative information may be
histologic evaluation [16]. Transesophageal obtained by one or more of the above-mentioned
echocardiography should always be considered less invasive imaging techniques. However, sev-
when the transthoracic study is suboptimal or con- eral circumstances exist in which the risk and
fusing [17, 18]. expense of cardiac catheterization are outweighed
Cardiac computed tomography (C-CT) can by the supplemental information it may provide.
provide useful information in view of its high These situations include cases in which (a)
resolution and ability to accurately depict cardiac noninvasive evaluation has not been adequate; (b)
morphology without limitations because of a malignant cardiac tumor is considered likely
acoustic windows. It can also provide some infor- (cardiac angiography may provide valuable
10 Surgical Management of Cardiac Neoplasms 133
Fig. 10.1 Diagram of a cardiopulmonary bypass circuit. blood exits the oxygenator and passes through a filter/
Venous blood is drained from the venae cavae/right atrium bubble trap to the aortic cannula, which is usually placed
into the venous reservoir which is incorporated in the in the ascending aorta. Suction systems and sources of
membrane oxygenator/heat exchanger unit. Arterialized gases are also represented
the cardiac tumors, all the cardiac chambers will Every care should be taken to remove the
need to be systematically explored. A good surgi- tumor without fragmentation. After tumor resec-
cal exposure represents the fundamental principle tion, the surgical field should be irrigated and
to accomplish a complete, possibly en bloc, resec- carefully inspected for loose fragments. Whether
tion of the tumor. The ideal resection aims to blood removed from the surgical field during
include the tumor and a portion of the cardiac wall tumor manipulation should be discarded or
and/or interatrial septum, to which it is attached, returned to the pump circuit is controversial.
spared by the disease. Variables with an impact on Usually the cardiotomy suction is used during the
tumor resection are location, involvement of the operation, but the sole wall suction is utilized
myocardium and/or fibrous skeleton of the heart, during the brief time that the tumor is actually
and histology. To overcome the technical chal- excised in order to avoid tumor macroemboli
lenges of complete resection with accurate cardiac entering the bloodstream via the perfusion circuit
reconstruction, particularly of left-sided tumors and the cardiotomy reservoir [8, 39, 40].
with posterior extension, a technique of cardiac In the event of friable tumors located in the
explantation, ex vivo tumor resection with cardiac left (or right) cardiac chambers, the aorta (or the
reconstruction, and cardiac reimplantation—car- pulmonary artery) should be independently
diac autotransplantation—has been successfully explored to exclude intraoperative migration of
utilized [36–38]. loose tumor fragments beyond the semilunar
10 Surgical Management of Cardiac Neoplasms 135
Vena Cava
valves. The use of an intra-aortic filter (Edwards this is not possible, a valve prosthesis may be
Embol-X System, Edwards Lifescience, Irvine used.
CA) may help to reduce the event of systemic The major surgical consideration in excision
embolization in case of friable tumors located in of ventricular tumors includes location, poten-
the left cardiac chambers [41]. tial for a complete resection, preservation of
Ventricular tumors are usually approached adequate ventricular myocardium, maintenance
through the AV valves if located in the ven- of proper AV valve function, and preservation of
tricular in fl ow, or through the semilunar the conduction system. It is not always possible
valves when located in the ventricular out fl ow to remove a ventricular tumor completely, and
tract. partial removal is only palliative. Children with
In the event of tumors involving a cardiac extensive fibromas have been treated with car-
valve, the surgical strategy should still aim to a diac transplantation. In selected cases of right
complete resection of the mass, although trying ventricular tumors, a right heart bypass (cavo-
to preserve the native valve by means of several pulmonary anastomosis) has also been utilized
well-described reparative techniques. When [11–14, 33, 42–48].
136 F. Santini et al.
Fig. 10.3 (a) Diagram of a left atrial myxoma (75% of (myxoma) (asterisk) attached to the interatrial septum. RA
all cases) attached to the interatrial septum, above the right atrium, RV right ventricle, LV left ventricle
mitral valve. (b) Cardiac-CT showing a left atrial mass
Coming off cardiopulmonary bypass, through the anterior wall of the left atrium, ante-
transesophageal echocardiography may provide rior to the right pulmonary veins, eventually
useful information on complete tumor excision, extended behind both cavae to achieve greater
valve/prosthesis function in case of repair/ exposure. Exposure and removal of large tumors
replacement, absence of residual shunt in case of attached to the interatrial septum however may
septal reconstruction, myocardial function, and be facilitated by a right atrial approach, which
de-airing. allows easy removal of tumor attached to the
fossa ovalis with full-thickness and large exci-
Left Atrial Myxoma sion at the site of attachment and easy patch clo-
Myxoma is the most common type of primary sure of the atrial septum if necessary (Fig. 10.4a,
cardiac tumor, accounting for 1/3 to 1/2 of all b) [49]. As mentioned, the tumor should be
cases. They may occur in any chamber of the removed without fragmentation. Nevertheless,
heart but have a special predilection for the left after removal the surgical field should be irri-
atrium, from which approximately 75% origi- gated and inspected for loose fragments. In case
nate. Left atrial myxomas generally arise from of atrial wall rather than septal attachment, large
the interatrial septum at the border of the fossa full-thickness excision of tumor insertion should
ovalis (Fig. 10.3a, b), but can originate any- be aimed whenever possible. A systematic
where within the atrium, including the append- inspection of the other cardiac chambers to
age. Surgical resection is the only effective exclude other tumor location potentially over-
therapeutic option for patients with cardiac looked by the utilized imaging techniques is
myxoma and should not be delayed because always recommended.
death from obstruction to flow within the heart Histologic evaluation of the primary lesion is
and/or embolization may occur in as many as obviously mandatory to elaborate the most appro-
8% of patients awaiting operation [8]. Left atrial priate patient management and follow-up [11–14,
myxomas can be approached by an incision 33, 35, 42, 49–51].
10 Surgical Management of Cardiac Neoplasms 137
Fig. 10.4 (a) Right atriotomy and exposure of the left tricuspid valve. (b) Left atrial myxoma with its base of
atrial myxoma through the fossa ovalis. Reprinted with attachment to the interatrial septum, excised with
permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. TV surrounding tissue
Fig. 10.5 (a) Cardiac-MRI of a huge lipomatous hyper- excised lipoma. Hematoxylin and eosin staining shows
trophy located in the interatrial septum (asterisk). RV right mature adipocytes (×100)
ventricle, LV left ventricle. (b) Microscopic views of the
fibroelastomas are capable of producing obstruc- specimen suggests the possibility of a virus-
tion of flow, particularly coronary ostial flow induced tumor, therefore evoking the concept of a
when located on the aortic valve (Fig. 10.6b). chronic form of viral endocarditis [66].
Most importantly, they may embolize to the coro-
nary system or to the brain (or to the lung when Fibroma
right-sided), with potential life-threatening com- Fibromas are the second most common cardiac
plications. Therefore, papillary fibroelastomas tumor of childhood, although they may also affect
should be resected whenever diagnosed. In the the adult population. These are solitary non-
event of a potential underlying coronary artery infiltrating intramural tumors, usually located in
disease, invasive coronary angiography poses a the left ventricle, mainly in the interventricular
significant risk of stroke in case of localization of septum, and they are often mistaken for hypertro-
the mass at the aortic valve level. In these patients, phic cardiomyopathy or apical thrombus
multislice-CT coronary angiography should be (Fig. 10.8). Fibromas are non-encapsulated, firm,
considered as a safer alternative [65]. Standard nodular, gray–white tumors potentially bulky,
cardiopulmonary bypass with bicaval cannulation composed mainly of interlacing bundles of dense
and conventional myocardial protection is utilized collagen and elastic fibers, and elongated
for tumor resection. Valve repair rather than fibroblasts. Deposits of calcium may be present.
replacement should follow the resection of these Symptoms may be related to chamber obstruc-
benign tumors whenever technically feasible, tion, impairment of contraction, and/or arrhyth-
using conservative margins of resection with no mias. Depending on size and location, fibromas
observed recurrence after complete excision may interfere with valve function, obstruct flow
(Fig. 10.7a, b). In the rarer cases of a multifocal paths, or cause sudden death from conduction
valve localization, valve replacement may be disturbances [8]. Surgical approach requires stan-
required. Worthy of note, the reported presence of dard cardiopulmonary bypass with bicaval can-
dendritic cells and cytomegalovirus in the resected nulation and conventional myocardial protection.
140 F. Santini et al.
Fig. 10.6 (a) Transesophageal echocardiogram of a LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, Ao aorta. (b) Intraoperative
papillary fibroelastoma attached to the aortic valve (arrow). view showing the papillary fibroelastoma attached to the
Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology. right coronary aortic valve cusp (asterisk/arrow)
Fig. 10.7 (a) Papillary fibroelastoma after resection, with the typical sea anemone shape. (b) Diagram of an aortic
valve patch reconstruction after repair. Reprinted with permission of the Italian Society of Cardiology.
10 Surgical Management of Cardiac Neoplasms 141
Complete resection is usually successful when 72], it usually presents during the first few days
the tumor is localized, does not involve coronary after birth. Occasionally sporadic, it is quite often
arteries, AV valves, and/or the fibrous skeleton of associated with tuberous sclerosis (hereditary
the heart, and can be enucleated, usually through disorder characterized by hamartomas, seizures,
an epicardial approach, without entering the ven- developmental delay and behavioral problems,
tricle whenever possible. Video-assisted cardios- sebaceous adenomas) [53, 73, 74].
copy has been recently reported as a suitable and Rhabdomyomas are variable in size, usually
useful technique to assist removal of primary left multiple, and they affect the right and the left
ventricular fibroma with intracavitary extension ventricle likewise. Firm, gray, nodular, and often
[67]. Complete excision is usually curative. On intramural, they tend to project into the ventricu-
the other hand, partial tumor removal is palliative lar cavity, thus causing mechanical complica-
although often followed by a prolonged survival tions, such as obstruction of the ventricular
[68]. Children with extensive fibromas, in good outflow tract. On histology, they show large myo-
overall clinical conditions and with no specific cytes filled with glycogen and containing hyper-
contraindications, have been successfully treated chromatic nuclei. As for other intracardiac
with orthotopic cardiac transplantation [69]. In masses, clinical signs and symptoms depend on
selected cases of extensive right ventricular the size, location, and number of the tumors.
tumors, a right heart bypass (cavo-pulmonary Frequently enough, rhabdomyomas cause heart
anastomosis) (Fig. 10.9a, b, c) has also been uti- failure obstructing cardiac chambers and/or valvu-
lized [11–14, 33, 42–48] as a palliative solution lar orifice flow. Onset of symptoms may be repre-
or as a bridge to orthotopic cardiac transplanta- sented by arrhythmias, particularly ventricular
tion [70]. tachycardia, although sudden death may be the
only effect of an undisclosed cardiac rhabdomy-
Rhabdomyoma oma. Surgery may be advisable in symptomatic
Rhabdomyoma represents the most common car- patients, without tuberous sclerosis, before 1 year
diac tumor in children. Thought to be a myocar- of age. The tumor is removed easily in early
dial hamartoma rather than a true neoplasm [71, infancy, and despite being non-encapsulated
142 F. Santini et al.
Fig. 10.9 Right heart bypass [cavo-pulmonary anasto- the Italian Society of Cardiology. MRI control (c). RA
mosis (b, diagram)] in a case of extensive non-resectable right atrium, RV right ventricle, LA left atrium, LV left
right ventricular tumor (a, asterisk; arrows indicate resid- ventricle, p-SVC proximal superior vena cava, d-SVC dis-
ual right ventricular cavity). Reprinted with permission of tal superior vena cava, RPA right pulmonary artery
some can be completely resected. Partial resec- Primary malignant tumors are relatively rare,
tion may be conceivable to release the obstruc- accounting for upto 25% of all primary cardiac
tion [75]. However, whenever planning a surgical tumors in third level referral centers. They usu-
strategy, it has to be considered that rhabdomyo- ally affect people aged 30–50 years, and are
mas may regress spontaneously after birth, thus mainly represented by sarcomas (angiosarcoma,
limiting indication to surgical resection to the rhabdomyosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, liposar-
actual symptomatic cases [73]. coma, osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and malig-
In case of multiple and extensive tumors, par- nant fibrous histiocytoma) and lymphomas
ticularly in patients with tuberous sclerosis, sur- [9–14]. Angiosarcomas are usually located in the
gery offers little benefit. right chambers of the heart (Fig. 10.10a, b),
Other benign cardiac tumors (hemangioma, whereas other sarcomas affect the left atrium
teratoma, paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma, more frequently. Lymphomas with bi-atrial local-
cystic tumors of the AV node, etc.) are rarely ization have also been reported (Fig. 10.11) [76].
observed. As mentioned, clinical signs and Malignant tumors have usually a poor prognosis
symptoms will be a result of intracavitary and/or in view of the extensive infiltration of the myo-
valvular obstruction, peripheral embolization, cardium, the frequent obstruction of intracardiac
and disturbances of rhythm or conduction, flow, and the occurrence of metastases [28].
including sudden death. After the diagnosis, Indeed, a metastatic spread has been demon-
strict patient surveillance and multidisciplinary strated at autopsy in more than 75% of all
decision making relative to surgical indication patients who died of a primary cardiac sarcoma,
are mandatory. mostly involving lungs, mediastinal lymph
nodes, and spine. The nonspecific clinical signs
and symptoms include congestive heart failure,
Primary Malignant Tumors dyspnea, atypical chest pain, malaise, anorexia,
and weight loss. Arrhythmias, syncope, sudden
Malignant cardiac tumors continue to pose a death, pericardial effusion, and tamponade have
therapeutic challenge to cardiac surgeons and also been reported [77]. Chest X-ray can offer
oncologists because of the technical difficulty indirect findings from the enlargement of car-
involved in extensive cardiac resections and the diac chambers, the occurrence of calcification,
aggressive biological nature of the tumors. or pericardial effusion. Two-dimensional echocar-
10 Surgical Management of Cardiac Neoplasms 143
Fig. 10.10 (a) Cardiac-MRI of an angiosarcoma involv- tricle. (b) Intraoperative view of the tumor (asterisk), with
ing the right atrium and the right atrio-ventricular junction multilobulated extensions (arrows)
(asterisk). RA right atrium, RV right ventricle, LV left ven-
diography provides adequate information regarding assessing its resectability. Cardiac catheterization
tumor location, size, attachment, and mobility all may offer useful information about myocardial,
important variables to plan operative resection of vascular, and/or pericardial infiltration, and on
the cardiac mass. If malignancy is suspected, the presence of tumor feeding vessels. Malignancy
chest CT and/or MRI may grossly guide on the may be suggested and coronary involvement sus-
histologic nature of the mass and provide detailed pected by the evidence of a tumor blush
anatomy of the tumor, thus helping in staging and (Fig. 10.12a, b), although this finding is not
144 F. Santini et al.
Fig. 10.12 Typical tumor blush (arrows) at coronary angiography in right atrial sarcomas
pathognomonic having been found also in myxo- right heart sarcomas, left heart sarcomas, and
mas [8]. Finally, transesophageal echocardiog- pulmonary artery sarcomas.
raphy guided transvenous endomyocardial If complete resection is possible, respecting the
biopsy is a very important tool to define tumor anatomical and functional integrity of the heart,
histology and to interpret metastatic lesions, surgery provides better palliation and can improve
thus helping to plan the most efficacious thera- survival vs. medical therapy alone [76–82].
peutic strategy which usually involves a combi- As previously mentioned, a good surgical expo-
nation of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation sure represents the fundamental principle to accom-
therapy [77–80]. plish a complete, possibly en bloc, resection of the
The decision to resect a primary malignant tumor, encompassing the mass and about 1 cm por-
tumor is based on several variables, including tion of the surrounding cardiac tissue. Besides the
tumor location and size, histology, grade of myo- routine use of cardiopulmonary bypass, deep hypo-
cardial infiltration, relationship with the cardiac thermia with circulatory arrest (<18 °C rectal tem-
valves and the fibrous skeleton of the heart, perature), providing a bloodless field unencumbered
absence of metastatic spread, and potential for a by cardiopulmonary bypass cannulas, can greatly
radical excision of the mass. Other more general improve exposure. Surgery may be technically
variables, such as age, overall clinical conditions, demanding and the necessity of securing negative
frailty, and comorbidities, will also need to be margins may entail further interventions such as
considered to finalize the surgical strategy [34, coronary artery bypass, valve replacement, recon-
36, 76–82]. structive procedures, pacemaker implantation, and
Currently, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or pericardial repairs, thus resulting in an increased
a combination of both are used as an adjuvant to risk of postoperative complications.
decrease tumor size and facilitate surgical resec- To overcome the technical challenges of complete
tion. In this perspective, a multidisciplinary deci- resection with accurate cardiac reconstruction,
sion-making approach relative to the overall particularly of left-sided tumors with posterior
therapeutic management is mandatory. extension, a technique of cardiac explantation,
Based on the surgical approach and clinical ex vivo tumor resection with cardiac reconstruc-
behavior, cardiac sarcomas can be classified as tion, and cardiac reimplantation—cardiac
10 Surgical Management of Cardiac Neoplasms 145
autotransplantation—has been utilized [36–38, effusion which may contain masses comprising
77, 78, 83]. Surgical outcomes with cardiac auto- either cancer cells or blood clots and fibrin. The
transplantation are excellent in patients who do myocardium is the target of hematologous and/or
not require concurrent pneumonectomy [77]. retrograde lymphatic metastasis.
In selected cases of right ventricular tumors, a Cardiac metastases rarely are solitary and
right heart bypass (cavo-pulmonary anastomosis) nearly always produce multiple microscopic
has also been utilized as a palliation to prolong nests and discrete nodules of tumor cells [8].
survival [11–14, 33, 42–48]. Clinical symptoms are quite rare and mainly
The role of orthotopic cardiac transplantation related to pericardial effusion or cardiac tampon-
in the management of locally advanced non-met- ade. Arrhythmias, conduction block, and conges-
astatic cardiac tumors appears to be limited. tive heart failure have been occasionally reported
Indeed, it has been shown that about two-thirds [87–89].
of the so treated patients die of local recurrence Priority is given to the management of the pri-
or distant metastases within a year. Nevertheless, mary focus of the disease and the cardiovascular
about 25% of the patients managed by orthotopic complications that are manifested [28]. Surgical
cardiac transplantation have a mean survival of therapy is limited to relieve the recurrent pericar-
more than 2 years without recurrent disease [44– dial effusions or, occasionally, cardiac tamponade
46, 48, 78, 84]. The overall poor availability of (subxiphoid pericardiotomy, pericardial window)
donors however represent another important lim- [90]. In most instances, these patients have wide-
itation to the role of orthotopic cardiac transplan- spread disease with limited life expectancies.
tation in this cohort of patients. Abdominal and pelvic tumors (renal, hepatic,
Despite a good local control often achievable adrenal, uterine) on occasion may involve the
with surgery, postoperative adjuvant therapy is inferior vena cava, with an intraluminal throm-
recommended to all patients. Indeed, long-term botic extension to the right atrium. Renal cell
survival is frequently poor due to metastatic tumor cancer represents 1–3% of all visceral cancers
recurrence. This is particularly true in case of and 85–90% of malignant kidney tumors and is
incomplete tumor resection [77, 78, 82, 85, 86]. most frequently responsible for this phenomenon
(4–10% of all patients) (Fig. 10.13a, b) [91, 92].
Clinical symptoms are often few and nonspecific
Secondary Metastatic Cardiac Tumors and related to the progressive obstruction of the
inferior vena cava (ascites, peripheral edema)
Metastatic cardiac tumors are far more frequent and/or to the presence of an abdominal mass.
(approximately from 30- to 40-fold) than primary CT-scan and/or MRI are used to study the pri-
tumors of the heart. Although almost every type mary focus of the disease, while two-dimensional
of malignant tumor has the potential to reach the echocardiography and in some instances perfu-
heart, they usually arise from melanomas, lung, sion lung scintigraphy are utilized to evaluate car-
breast, and renal cancer, as well as lymphomas. diopulmonary involvement. Radiation and
Metastases may originate from blood dissemina- chemotherapy are not effective in relieving the
tion via coronary arteries (melanoma, sarcoma, obstruction of blood flow. However, if the kidney
bronchogenic carcinoma) or lymphatic channels can be fully removed, as well as the tail of tumor
of cancer cells, direct extension via adjacent tis- thrombus, survival can approach 75% at 5 years
sues (lung, breast, esophageal, and thymic [91, 92]. Surgical intervention, in the absence of
tumors), or propagation via the superior or the metastatic spread, besides to remove the primary
subdiaphragmatic vena cava to the right atrium focus of the disease, including the thrombus in the
(liver, kidney tumors) (Fig. 10.13a, b). The peri- inferior vena cava, the adjacent lymphatic struc-
cardium is most often affected by direct exten- tures, and, eventually, the involved caval wall,
sion of thoracic cancer, resulting in pericardial aims to prevent potentially massive pulmonary
146 F. Santini et al.
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(RCC) with neoplastic extension into the inferior vena atrium through the inferior vena cava (IVC), attached to
cava (IVC) and right atrium (RA) [level IV cavoatrial the tricuspid valve apparatus (TV ap). Specimen after
tumor thrombus (insert diagram)]; RV right ventricle. (b) excision (insert)
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Cardiac Metastases
Furio Silvestri, Gianfranco Sinagra,
and Rossana Bussani
C. Basso et al. (eds.), Cardiac Tumor Pathology, Current Clinical Pathology, 151
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-143-1_11, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
152 F. Silvestri et al.
Table 11.1 Overview of the literature well as the direct toxic effect to the myocar-
Neoplasms Cardiac metastases dium from infiltration of the tumor. Although
Author N. N. (%) not frequent, a myocardial infarction can occur
Walther [5] 2,027 46 (2.3) and can be due to several factors, such as a
Willis [6] 342 17 (4.9) neoplasm-induced embolus in the coronary
Hanfling [7] 694 127 (18.3) tree, a perivascular tumoral invasion, or an
Berge & Sievers [8] 2,595 122 (4.7) extrinsic compression by a severe meta-tumoral
Kline [9] 716 61 (8.5) pericardial effusion.
Karwinski & 2,564 130 (5.1)
• Metastases to the endocardium or intracavi-
Svendsen [10]
Mukai et al. [11]. 6,240 953 (15.0)
tary lesions.
Manojlovic [12] 477 39 (8.2) Some tumors can spread along the inferior
MacGee [13] 1,311 57 (4.3) vena cava reaching the right atrium and pro-
Silvestri et al. [14] 1,928 162 (8.4) ducing an intracavitary lesion, leading some-
Bussani et al. [15] 7,289 662 (9.1) times to obstruction. The most typical of these
tumors are the carcinoma of the kidney and
the hepatocellular carcinoma. These types of
ultrasound imaging, computerised tomography lesions can sometimes become so invasive
scan, high-resolution CT, and magnetic reso- that they obliterate completely the chamber
nance [16]. The cytological analysis of the peri- and block the movement of the tricuspid valve,
cardial effusion also may allow us to detect and resulting in a clinical pattern similar to peri-
characterize the neoplastic cells. cardial constriction or restrictive myocardial
• Pericardial metastases disease. In addition, it is also possible that the
A pericardial effusion, often with a haemor- metastatic mass can become eroded and shed
rhagic pattern, is frequently the first sign of a small neoplastic emboli in the pulmonary arte-
metastatic cardiac involvement [17]. The rial system.
effusion, often of conspicuous proportions, Another risk is the formation of neoplastic
can cause an increase of the central venous thrombi within the pectinate muscles of the right
pressure, a paradoxical pulse, low QRS volt- atrium or the trabeculae of the right ventricle, the
ages, and right atrioventricular diastolic col- latter generally with no clinical manifestations.
lapse. Should pulseless electrical activity Neoplastic thrombi are also possible in the left
occur, a pericardiocentesis must be performed atrium, following tumoral embolism through the
immediately. pulmonary veins, generally in patients with lung
• Myocardial metastases carcinoma. Large thrombi can block the mitral
In the case of secondary cardiac intramural valve.
localisations, the clinical picture is obviously
proportional to the degree of myocardial
infiltration or, in any case, related to the site of Metastatic Pathways to the heart
parietal infiltration. Typical manifestations are
the following: more or less significant arrhyth- Cardiac metastases can affect, also in combina-
mias such as atrial flutter or fibrillation, prema- tion, the pericardium, the epicardium, the myo-
ture beats or ventricular arrhythmias, conduction cardium, the endocardium, and the cardiac
disturbances, and complete atrioventricular chambers, or sometimes rapidly develop intrac-
block, especially when the conduction system avitary neoplastic thrombi. Tumors can spread to
has been infiltrated. Whenever there is a wide- the heart through four possible pathways, i.e., by
spread ventricular involvement, the clinical direct extension, through the bloodstream,
pattern may include congestive heart failure. through the lymphatic system, and by intracavi-
One can add to this the possible damage to the tary diffusion through either the inferior vena
myocardium from the antineoplastic drugs, as cava or the pulmonary veins.
11 Cardiac Metastases 153
Fig. 11.1 Frequency of cardiac metastases from different type of primary malignant neoplasms
impairs the drainage of the lymph and facilitates in the time frame between 1994 and 2008. In 9,963
the penetration and proliferation of the tumor in cases, one or more malignant neoplasms were found
the myocardium. (39% of total autopsy studies). Cardiac metastases
were found in 905 cases (9% of all malignant
tumors) (Table 11.2). While there was a gender dif-
Epidemiology of Cardiac Metastases ference in the rate of malignant tumors, 46% in men
and 32% in women, there was no difference as far
Few papers have been published in the literature as cardiac metastases were concerned.
on cardiac metastases, possibly because of the The incidence of primary tumors was decreas-
international trend to perform fewer postmortem ing with age (52% in patients aged £64 years vs.
examinations [14]. 26.7% in patients >85) as well as the incidence of
In our Department of Pathologic Anatomy, cardiac metastases (16.7% in the younger cases
University of Trieste, Italy, in spite of a reduced and 4% in the over 85). This pattern was evident
global autopsy rate in the last years, the postmor- for every tumor detected and is probably due to
tem examinations of in-hospital deceased remains the less aggressive biological characteristics of
consistently above 60%. tumors in the elderly.
In our Department, 25,631 postmortem studies The tumors with the highest rate of heart
were performed (12,559 men and 13,072 women) metastases were the following (Fig. 11.1):
11 Cardiac Metastases 155
Fig. 11.3 Pericardial metastases usually present clini- roid carcinoma. (b) Massive tumoral infiltration of the
cally as pericardial effusion especially in diffuse and hae- pericardium by a lung adenocarcinoma. (c) Histology of
morrhagic forms. (a) Neoplastic infiltration of the extensive lymphatic colonisation by carcinomatous cells
pericardium by direct invasion by an undifferentiated thy- (same case)
11 Cardiac Metastases 157
Fig. 11.4 Epicardial metastases. The neoplastic infiltration can present a micronodular (a, b) or a macronodular aspect
(c, d). Frequently the metastatic involvement presents a haemorrhagic pattern (e, f)
158 F. Silvestri et al.
Fig. 11.5 (a) Flaking of neoplastic cells from pericardium to epicardium. (b) Lymphatics permeated with carcinoma-
tous cells. (c) Haemorrhagic pattern of epicardial metastatic involvement
11 Cardiac Metastases 159
case the pattern tends to be micro-focal, and is Metastatic cells can target the myocardium
often due to the neoplastic spread from intramu- following two routes, i.e., they can either prolifer-
ral colonised areas of the myocardium). ate and spread along the lymphatic channels that
When a diffuse carcinomatous spread occurs, run along the vessels from the epicardium into the
a tight yellow-whitish mesh of lymphatics same myocardium, or through the bloodstream.
permeated with neoplastic cells can be seen on Blood embolisation may result in lesions of
the epicardium. remarkable size, which can sometime compress
Another interesting pattern is that of the “wave the surrounding myocardium and cause secondary
front extension”. When there is an endolymphatic hypoperfusion. Should occlusive endocoronaric
epicardial involvement and the heart develops neoplastic emboli occur, overt intramural metane-
dysfunction for various reasons (coronary artery, oplastic infarctions may result. Intramural metas-
valvular, either due to the chemotherapy, or to the tases of the myocardium progressively increase in
same lymphatic stagnation), the contractility of size and can spread to both the epicardial and
the myocardium is further greatly reduced. As a endocardial components (Fig. 11.6). Neoplastic
consequence, both the lymphatic drainage and infiltration of the coronary sinus is extremely rare:
the arterial and venous blood flow are decreased, in this setting, the carcinomatous cells infiltrating
and the lymphatic structure is dilated allowing a the fatty tissue of the basal heart region invade the
wide homogeneous tumoral wave front progres- atrium and involve the coronary sinus, which has
sion from the epicardium to the myocardium. been occluded by a neoplastic thrombosis.
The pericardial effusion seen in neoplastic The neoplastic invasion secondary to lym-
peri-epicarditis is often characterized by a full- phoma almost always replaces the myocardium,
fledged haemorrhage. This is very likely due to with broad areas globally infiltrated by a homo-
both the damage of the thin capillary wall caused geneous white-greyish tissue, with the typical
by the release of inflammatory-related noxious “fish meat” pattern [28].
substances as well as by hyperdilation of the vas- In spite of the massive loss of contractile
cular lumen due to congestion. mass, cardiac symptoms can be absent or
aspecific [29]. In the few existing reports [30],
the myocardium seems mostly involved by non-
Myocardial Metastases Hodgkin’s lymphomas (78.3% vs. 66.7% of
Hodgkin’s lymphomas), whereas the pericar-
In our experience there has been no preferential dium is mostly affected in Hodgkin’s lympho-
involvement of a ventricular chamber from intra- mas. Echocardiography may reveal a thickened
mural invasion. There are, however, conflicting myocardium, an anomalous myocardial struc-
observations in the literature regarding ventricu- ture, and abnormal wall contractility.
lar involvement. According to some authors, the
right ventricle is particularly affected [3, 11, 22].
They attribute this to the low pressure in the Endocardial Metastases
chamber and to the decreased systolic function
of the ventricle, which facilitates the lodging of In the endocardium, the metastatic lesions are
metastases. In other studies, the left ventricle mainly located in the right atrium (Fig. 11.7c) or
seems to be the most affected [23–25], while ventricle. Left atrial or ventricular lesions are
other authors suggest that there is no preferen- relatively uncommon. The anchorage of neoplas-
tial metastatic involvement [26, 27]. In our tic cells to the right chambers endocardium is
series, both ventricular chambers and the inter- favoured by lower intracavitary pressure, by the
ventricular septum were affected as a result of a slower blood flow, and by the lower contractile
diffuse and non-preferential haematogenous strength, which are all typical of this regions.
spread. Furthermore, the neoplastic cells usually come
160 F. Silvestri et al.
Fig. 11.6 Myocardial metastases. Multiple types and undifferentiated carcinoma of the lung. (d) Biventricular
extension of intramural metastatic lesions are shown. (a) lymphomatous invasion. (e) Metastatic cells spreading
Small metastases from a squamous esophageal carcinoma. along the lymphatic vessels, sometimes located near hae-
(b) Septal and ventricular metastases from a cutaneous matic vessels (f)
melanoma. (c) Extensive transmural infiltration by an
from the inferior vena cava (tumors of the kid- superficial erosion and fragmentation resulting in
ney, liver, and uterus) or superior one (thyroid pulmonary microembolism (Fig. 11.7a).
tumors), thus entering the right atrium first. Heart valves are an unusual target for metasta-
Macroscopically, small, multiple thrombotic/ ses [31, 32] which is probably due to two factors,
neoplastic intertrabecular formations are often i.e., the absence of vessels in the normal valvular
found in the right ventricle. At other times, large stroma and the continuous cusp motion. When
neoplastic thrombi can be found in the right valvular involvement occurs, the most likely pat-
atrium or right ventricle, where they can often tern is that of a neoplastic thrombotic endocardi-
cause haemodynamic obstruction and sometimes tis: thrombotic material mixed with neoplastic
11 Cardiac Metastases 161
Fig. 11.7 Endocardial metastases. (a) Multiple small the right atrium in a patient with hepatocellular carci-
metastatic lesions in the endocardium of the right ventri- noma. (d) Multiple, large metastatic nodules from a cuta-
cle from a squamous pharyngeal carcinoma. (b) Extensive neous melanoma in the right atrium; the lesions involve
metastasis from a renal carcinoma occupying the entire the sino-atrial node region too
ventricular chamber. (c) Massive neoplastic thrombosis of
elements superimpose upon an endocardium towards the determination of the origin of the
already damaged by hemodynamic and flogistic neoplastic cells. Another option is the histopatho-
factors. This is facilitated by a state of hyperco- logical assessment of pericardial biopsy speci-
agulation typical of many tumors [33, 34]. In our mens after thoracotomy [1].
experience of thousands of postmortem examina- Patients with a metastatic carcinoma of
tions, we found only one case of neoplastic unknown primary location represent a relatively
thrombotic endocarditis of the tricuspid valve in common clinical problem which requires very
a patient affected by a poorly differentiated folli- important management and therapeutic decisions
cular carcinoma of the thyroid [35]. in order to solve it [36].
One of the most frequent examples is that of
pericardial metastases from an adenocarcinoma.
The Clinical Diagnosis of Pericardial This tumor quite often has no histopathological
Metastases characteristic pointing to the anatomical location
of the primary tumor. Even though the most likely
As a metastatic pericardial effusion is often the chance is that of a metastasis from a lung carci-
first clinical sign of a malignant tumor in patients noma [37, 38], immunohistochemical markers
with no history of cancer, the cytodiagnostic should nevertheless be used to get the best pos-
analysis of the same effusion can be the first step sible indications of the origin of the tumor.
162 F. Silvestri et al.
The first goal is to understand whether the No specific markers exist for breast carcinoma
tumor is a lung adenocarcinoma, a reactive either [40]. Besides morphological data, CK7
mesothelial proliferation, or an epithelial positivity and CK20 negativity, oestrogen and
mesothelioma. progestogen receptors can be used, and in the
From a histochemical point of view, mucicar- past few years the so-called “gross cystic disease
mine and periodic acid-Schiff stain with diastase fluid protein-15”, which seems to correlate
digestion are useful to characterise the cytoplas- significantly with this tumor.
mic mucin vacuoles, which are usually present, A number of specific immunohistochemical
in variable proportions, in adenocarcinomas, panels can now permit the exact classification in
while they are completely absent in mesothe- the case of pericardial metastases secondary to
lioma cells. In mesotheliomas, cytoplasmic various neoplasms, such as lymphoma (CD3,
hyaluronic acid is revealed by colloidal iron or CD20, CD10, CD15, CD30, etc.), melanoma
Alcian Blue. The most likely immunohistochem- (S100, HMB45), myeloma (light-chain immuno-
ical algorithm for lung adenocarcinoma is the globulins), testicular neoplasms (CD30, hCG,
following: peripheral or membrane keratin posi- CEA, alfa-feto protein) and those of the urothe-
tivity and TTF1 (“Thyroid Transcription Factor lial area (CK5-6, CK7, CK 20).
1”), BerEP4, leu-M1, and CK7 positivity. Immunohistochemical markers are also a fun-
Mesotheliomas, on the contrary, are always posi- damental tool in the diagnosis of cardiac spread
tive to keratins, but only to the cytoplasmic com- from sarcomas (keratin negative and positivity to
ponent, and to vimentin and calretin. specific mesenchymal line markers).
Unfortunately, as yet, there is no mesothe-
lioma-positive and adenocarcinoma-negative
immunohistochemical marker. The immunohis- References
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pericardium: a 10-year study. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 28. Roberts WC, Glancy DL, De Vita Jr VT. Hodgkin’s
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Systemic Therapy, Radiotherapy,
and Cardiotoxicity 12
Chiara Lestuzzi, Gianmaria Miolo,
and Antonino De Paoli
C. Basso et al. (eds.), Cardiac Tumor Pathology, Current Clinical Pathology, 165
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-143-1_12, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
166 C. Lestuzzi et al.
Fig. 12.1 Two-dimensional echocardiograms (apical four-chamber view) in a primary Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the
left atrium. (a) At diagnosis; (b) after two courses of R-CHOP chemotherapy (see text for acronym)
resection with negative margins is achieved in non-metastatic tumors, and it seems to be effec-
20–45% of cases only [5, 7, 8, 11, 12]. For all tive in prolonging both time to relapse and sur-
these reasons, cardiac sarcomas are at higher risk vival in some selected studies (Table 12.1). The
of local or distant recurrence and they have a outcome data reported in different papers are
worse prognosis compared to STS of other more conflicting mainly for three reasons. There is a
frequent anatomical sites, including extremities, wide variety of tumor presentations (metastatic
superficial trunk, retroperitoneum, and head vs. non-metastatic, high-grade vs. low or interme-
and neck [9]. diate grade, right vs. left heart, surgery limited to
The standard treatment for localized STS the heart or including the lung), there is no stan-
consists of adequate surgery with “wide” resec- dardized surgical approach, and finally, in most
tion (i.e., with at least 1 cm of normal tissue studies, the multimodality therapy is limited to
around the tumor) followed by postoperative patients with incomplete resection or metastatic
radiation therapy (RT) in most cases. disease [11, 17–29]. Overall, when comparing
Preoperative RT may be an option for large studies with a multimodality approach, regard-
tumors or more critical tumor sites when ade- less of the surgical outcome, and historical studies
quate surgery with negative margins cannot be with CT used in some subgroups of patients only,
achieved [13, 14]. The role of adjuvant CT has there seems to be a favorable trend for the multi-
not been yet defined so far, but clinical practice modality approach (Fig. 12.3) [25, 29].
guidelines encompass it as an option in high-
risk patients [14, 15].
The particular location of cardiac sarcomas Systemic Therapy: Chemotherapy and
makes both surgery with curative intent and the Target Therapy (Table 12.2)
use of RT particularly challenging. While CT is
mandatory in metastatic and/or locally advanced, The “classic” and most commonly used CT regi-
unresectable disease, its use has been proposed mens for soft tissue sarcomas are based on a
for some critical locations, such as right heart/pul- combination of anthracyclines (ANTHRA) and
monary artery sarcomas, in an attempt to increase ifosfamide (IFO). However, more than 50 dis-
the number of resections with negative margins tinct histological subtypes of sarcoma have been
[11, 16]. Therefore, a multimodality approach, identified to date. Data are now available on the
including CT and/or RT before or after surgery, activity of some specific chemotherapeutic
has been used by several authors even for localized, agents for some selected histological subtypes.
12 Systemic Therapy, Radiotherapy, and Cardiotoxicity 167
Fig. 12.2 Magnetic resonance imaging in a case of Non- ual mass within the left atrium. (c) At last follow-up after
Hodgkin lymphoma. (a) At diagnosis the mass occupies 2 years there is complete remission (see text for acronym).
both atria, extending to pulmonary veins. (b) After three Courtesy of Dr. Sara Calamelli, General Hospital of
courses of R-CHOP chemotherapy there is a small resid- Mirano (VE), Italy
Table 12.1 Mean and median survival of patients with primary malignant tumors of the heart; literature data
Author Years of Year of Institution No. of Treatment Median Mean Notes
(reference) recruitment publication patients survival survival
(months) (months)
Putnam 1964–1989 1991 MD Anderson 21 All treatments 11 15
[17] 5 Surgery 12 17 One alive
6 Surgery + CT 17 18 One alive
8 CT 10
only +/– debulking
Burke ND 1992 Armed Force 40 All treatments 6 11 30 complete,
[18] Institute of 10 incomplete
Pathology resection; 7
12 Surgery 3 7
21 Surgery + CT/RT 12 19
Llombart- 1978–1995 1998 Gustave 19 All treatments 11
Cussac Roussy 6 Complete 23
[3] resection + CT
9 Incomplete 7
resection + CT
4 CT only 5
Centofanti 1980–1997 1999 University of 5 Wide resection 9 13
[20] Turin
Donsbeck 1968–1996 1999 Multicenter 24 All treatments 16
[19] 8 Complete NS
resection + CT/RT
15 Incomplete NS
biopsy + CT/RT
1 No therapy
Huo [22] 1990–2004 2006 12 All treatments 19 All pulmonary
4 Surgery 9 2 alive, 1 lost
to follow-up
8 Surgery + CT/RT 21 4 alive, 2 lost
to follow-up
Mayer [8] 1993–2006 2007 South West 14 All treatments 15
German 6 Complete 15
Cancer Center resection ± CT
4 Palliative 15
resection + CT
4 CT only 15
Thomas- 1986–2005 2007 Marie 8 All treatments 26 17
de-Mont- Lannelongue, 2 Complete 34 34 Both interme-
preville Paris resection diate grade
[24] 4 Resection + CT 18 17 All high grade
2 Biopsy only ND
12 Systemic Therapy, Radiotherapy, and Cardiotoxicity 169
agents with a short half-life might need to be blood levels that are too low or too high may be
dosed daily and without any breaks [35]. ineffective in the inhibition of angiogenesis; there-
Secondly, anti-angiogenic agents tend to have a fore, more is not necessarily better when it comes
biphasic, U-shaped dose–efficacy curve where to anti-angiogenesis [33].
12 Systemic Therapy, Radiotherapy, and Cardiotoxicity 171
Fig. 12.4 Transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiogram orifice. (b) After three courses of Taxol chemotherapy the
(apical four-chamber view) in a case of angiosarcoma. (a) mass is reduced in size. (c) After IMRT-Tomotherapy the
At diagnosis a large mass infiltrates the right atrial and mass is further reduced in size. At this time the patient
right ventricular walls and prolapses through the tricuspid underwent complete resection (see text for acronym)
Fig. 12.5 Transesophageal echocardiogram in a case of IFO plus liposomal DOX the mass is markedly reduced in
right atrium angiosarcoma. Top horizontal plane, bottom size. (c) After tomotherapy the mass is further reduced in
sagittal plane. (a) At diagnosis a mass infiltrates exten- size; the interatrial septum is no more infiltrated. The
sively the right atrial walls, roof, and interatrial septum patient underwent then successful removal of the whole
and is judged unresectable. (b) After chemotherapy with residual mass (see text for acronyms)
with delivering highly conformal RT to the car- Advancements that allow the safe delivery of
diac tumor, or tumor bed after resection, while higher dose RT to cardiac tumors include
sparing the non-tumor-bearing surrounding heart advanced imaging to improve tumor definition,
tissue. Although a clear correlation of dose-vol- 3-dimensional radiation (3D-CRT) planning
ume predictors for acute and late radiation- techniques to deliver high dose which conform
induced heart disease (RIHD) has not yet been tightly to the tumor, image-guided RT (IGRT) to
defined, a risk >5% of RIHD after whole-heart localize the tumor at the time of treatment, organ
RT of 30–35 Gy given over 4 weeks is reported motion evaluation for appropriated planned
[65]. Such dose of 30–35 Gy is lower than the target-volume definition, and improved knowl-
dose required to eradicate the tumor. edge of the partial volume tolerance of the heart
174 C. Lestuzzi et al.
Fig. 12.6 Radiotherapy plan of 3D conformal radiother- 45 Gy in 25 fractions to include all the left atrium and the
apy for a left atrial sarcoma infiltrating the interatrial sep- involved structures with organ motion margins (sparing
tum, atrial roof, lateral and posterior free wall, and uninvolved heart), and higher dose up to 59.4 Gy limited
posterior mitral annulus. (a) 2D plan, aiming to give to the residual tumor mass. (b) 3D reconstruction
Fig. 12.7 Radiotherapy plan of preoperative IMRT-IGRT dose escalation up to 54 Gy in 25 fractions limited to
tomotherapy for a tumor involving the right atrium (roof, the tumor (equivalent to 60 Gy in 2 Gy fraction).
lateral free wall, tricuspid annulus). This patient had unre- Uninvolved heart was optimally spared (see text for
sectable angiosarcoma and was treated with 45 Gy with acronyms). (a) Radiation planning before treatment. (b)
a highly conformal plan with IMRT to include all the Planning and treatment computed tomography fusion before
atrium with organ motion margins and a simultaneous each radiation fraction
diastolic and systolic left ventricular dysfunction (c) The use of EpiDOX that is roughly 30% less
and, in the most advanced stages, congestive cardiotoxic compared to DOX, and less poten-
heart failure (CHF). In an attempt to reduce car- tiated by the concomitant use of taxanes.
diotoxicity, several DOX analogues have been (d) The use of liposomal formulations that limit
developed: EpiDOX, Idarubicin (orally avail- the cardiac uptake of the drug leaving unal-
able), Mitoxantrone, and—more recently—lipo- tered the tumor delivery.
somal DOX formulations. The incidence of both CHF due to ANTHRA toxicity was consid-
asymptomatic and symptomatic cardiac dysfunc- ered refractory to medical therapy for years; at
tion depends mostly on the cumulative dose: present, the use of conventional drugs as ACE-
CHF is rather low (around 5%) up to a total dose inhibitors and beta-blockers has been proven
of 400 mg/sm of DOX and then increases expo- effective both in treating overt cardiotoxicity and
nentially (raising to 26% at a dose of 550 mg/m2 in preventing the progression of LV dysfunction
and to 40% above 700 mg/m2), and asymptom- in subjects at high risk with preclinical signs of
atic LV dysfunction is observed in 9% at a cumu- cardiac damage [82–85]. So, besides the above-
lative dosage of 250 mg/sm, and 65% above mentioned strategies to prevent cardiotoxicity, a
550 mg/m2 [75]. Several risk factors have been strict monitoring during the treatment is recom-
indentified for ANTHRA cardiotoxicity: age mended; at the first signs of LV dysfunction
<18 and >60 years, preexisting cardiac disease therapy with ACE-inhibitors should be started.
(ischemic, hypertensive) and/or LV dysfunction,
concomitant RT involving the heart, and high
concentration of the single dose [75, 76]. Of par- Ifosfamide
ticular concern is the delayed onset of cardiotox-
icity in long-term cancer survivors; recent studies The main reported toxicities of IFO are nephro-
have demonstrated that the alcoholic metabolites toxicity and neurotoxicity. From the cardiac point
(like DOXOL and EpiDOXOL) are retained of view it has been usually considered safe, but
within the myocardial cell much longer than the cardiac toxicity in high-dose (>10 g/m2) treated
parent drug, and may represent a lifelong toxic patients has been reported, and is significant (>10%)
reservoir inducing a heart frailty when exposed when using >15 g/m2 [83, 86–88]. Possibly, there
to other stressors and that these toxic metabolites is a link between nephrotoxicity and cardiotoxic-
increase when DOX is administered together ity: the LV dysfunction follows usually an
with taxanes [71, 77]. A number of strategies increase in blood creatinine, and—according to a
have been explored to prevent or reduce recent experimental study—IFO-induced Fanconi
ANTHRA cardiotoxicity: changes in infusion syndrome may cause a carnitine deficiency dan-
schedules; association of antioxidants (vitamin gerous for the heart [87, 89]. Since IFO is usually
E, selenium, and so on), calcium-channel block- given together with ANTHRA, a strict follow-up
ers, iron-chelators (as Dexrazoxane), angio- using echocardiography and myocardial damage
tensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and biomarkers (in order to early diagnosing and
beta-blockers; and cardiac monitoring with serial treating LV dysfunction) is recommended [83].
LV function assessment or with biomarkers as
troponins. The most effective ways to prevent
cardiotoxicity are [73, 78–81]: Taxanes
(a) The concomitant use of dexrazoxane, an iron-
chelating agent, that has been proven to Taxane cardiotoxicity is mainly evident as
significantly reduce cardiac dysfunction with- self-limiting supraventricular arrhythmias (atrial
out affecting the antineoplastic effect of DOX. fibrillation, sinus bradycardia), but they may also
(b) The use of prolonged infusions (>6 h; prefer- increase DOX (much less EpiDOX) toxicity, as
ably 48–72 h continuous infusions) rather than above mentioned, altering ANHTRA pharma-
bolus administration. cokinetics and possibly promoting the formation
12 Systemic Therapy, Radiotherapy, and Cardiotoxicity 177
of toxic metabolites [71, 72, 87]. To prevent this effects due to the VEGF block, in fact, there are a
problem, the two drugs should be administered number of off-target effects common to the whole
apart, and DOX before taxanes. Cases of allergic class of TKI: most important are myocardial
myocarditis have also been reported, mostly with damage and prolongation of QT interval at ECG
paclitaxel; some authors argued that they could (with the risk of life-threatening ventricular
be due not to the drug itself but to its solvent, the arrhythmias). Different molecules have different
Cremophor EL [72, 87]. Moreover, anaphylactic cardiotoxicity, and besides the dozens of TKI
reactions (ARs) have been frequently described already in use, there are hundreds still under eval-
with taxanes, with a mortality reported more uation: the topic of TKI cardiotoxicity is an
often with docetaxel than paclitaxel; prophylactic everyday changing field, and the mechanisms are
pre-medications did not significantly impact mor- still to be defined [92, 94]. In fact, the role in car-
tality from ARs with docetaxel, but was associ- diac physiopathology of the 90 human tyrosine
ated with significantly lower mortality from ARs kinases (and, then, the effect of their block) is
with paclitaxel [90]. largely unknown; some of them protect the myo-
cardial cell from ischemic or oxidative stress, are
involved in the reparative process after myocar-
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor dial ischemia, or have generally an antiapoptotic
Blocking Agents and Tyrosine Kinase action. According to the most recent studies,
Inhibitors TKI-induced LV dysfunction is due to a direct
cytotoxic effect, with mechanisms different from
Two types of side effects have to be considered: ANTHRA cardiotoxicity, cannot be prevented by
on-target (due to the same mechanisms acting as dexrazoxane, and is not always reversible upon
antitumoral; these effects may be also a biologi- withdrawal of the drug or even with commonly
cal marker of antineoplastic efficacy) and off- used cardiac therapy with ACE-inhibitors and
target. The VEGF block (by the monoclonal beta-blockers; the risk is inversely proportional
antibody Bevacizumab and the tyrosine kinase to the selectivity of TKI [94–96]. Since LV dys-
inhibitors (TKI) Sunitinib and Sorafenib) causes function seems to be more frequent in patients
hypertension (mainly by reducing the nitric oxide with uncontrolled hypertension, and according to
release by the endothelial cells, by interfering the experimental data, probably the cardiotoxic
with renal physiology, and by increasing the vas- effect of anti-VEGF drugs may be due to a com-
cular resistance), thromboembolism, and hemor- bination of hypertensive stimulus and of inhibi-
rhages [90–92]. Moreover, the activation of tion of the homeostatic mechanisms protecting
VEGF is crucial in wound repair, in maintaining the myocardium from the pressure overload stress
capillary density in the hypertrophied heart, and (on-target effect); as regards Sunitinib and other
for the neoangiogenesis in ischemic and diabetic multitarget TKI, there might be additionally a
heart disease; its block may then have deleterious direct cytotoxic effect (off-target effect). For
effects in patients with preexisting cardiac diseases these reasons, the only strategies to prevent LV
or undergoing cardiotoxic CT. There are some dysfunction are presently an accurate manage-
differences among the pharmacokinetics of these ment of hypertension and a regular echocardio-
three drugs: Sunitinib and Sorafenib have an half- graphic follow-up.
life of hours, while Bevacizumab half-life varies
from 10 to 50 days (mean 20) in different patients:
during prolonged treatments, then, Bevacizumab Radiotherapy
may cause a progressively worsening hyperten-
sion. After introducing in the market Sunitinib Data about radiation heart disease are derived by
and Sorafenib, an unexpectedly high rate of car- studies in two kinds of human populations (the
diovascular side effects, including a direct myo- atomic bomb survivors and the long-term survivors
cardial damage, has been noticed. Besides the of tumors—mostly Hodgkin’s disease and left
178 C. Lestuzzi et al.
Table 12.3 Echocardiographic ejection fraction (EF) before chemotherapy (CT), after CT and before radiotherapy
(RT), and at last follow-up after RT
Sex, age (type of CT/RT INTENT Site EF before EF before EF after Follow-up State at follow-up
RT) (surgical status) CT (%) RT (%) RT (%) (months)
m 57 (3D-CRT) Curative LA 58 65 58 101 Alive NED
m 61 (IMRT)* Adjuvant (R2 PA 64 68 20 Dead of 2nd
resection) neoplasm
m 25 (3D-CRT) Curative RA, SVC 60 62 49 36 Dead of local
(unresectable) progression
f 58 (IMRT) Adjuvant (R1 LA, LV 64 62 58 36 Alive with
resection) metastases
m 44 (3D-RT) Curative RA, RV 69 65 66 12 Dead of metastases
f 69 (IMRT) Curative (incom- LA 72 72 70 15 Dead of metastases
plete resection
m 39 (Tomo) Adjuvant (R2 RA, IAS 68 58 63 20 Dead of metastases
m 72 (Tomo)§ Neoadjuvant # RA, RV 70 69 59 16 Dead of local relapse
f 57 (Tomo) Adjuvant (R2 RA, LA 72 72 68 21 Alive with local
resection) disease
m 39 (Tomo) Palliative after Pericardium 70 53 63 13 after Dead of local
local relapse relapse, 34 progression
m 44 (Tomo) Neoadjuvant # RA, IAS 62 64 65 16 Dead of metastases
Patient signed with: asterisk symbol did not receive any CT, signed with section symbol taxanes only, and signed with
hash symbol had radical surgery after neoadjuvant CT/RT
3D-CRT 3-dimensional conformational RT, IMRT intensity-modulated RT, Tomo tomotherapy, f female, m male, nd not deter-
mined, IAS interatrial septum, LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, PA pulmonary artery, RA right atrium, RV right ventricle, NED no
evidence of disease
breast cancer—undergone therapeutic irradiation), (with classical signs and symptoms of pericardial
and by animal experiments. Ionizing radiation may rubs and pain) that can be cured with Nonsteroidal
cause acute symptomatic effects, and chronic or Anti-inflammatory Drugs. In both cases, pericar-
delayed effects. Coronary artery disease, valvular dial effusion is usually mild to moderate, and in
heart disease, and constrictive pericarditis are the 80% of cases there are no reliquates, while in 20%
typical chronic side effects affecting long-term sur- the disease evolves toward a constrictive pericardi-
vivors: they become clinically evident usually 10 tis [97]. The microvessel damage is followed by a
years after treatment, with increasing incidence at persistent decrease in capillary density and eventu-
longer follow-up [67]. Since the 5-years survival of ally leads to chronic myocardial ischemia and
patients with malignant cardiac tumors is still low, degeneration; an impairment in myocardial perfu-
the main problem, in these particular patients, is the sion may be observed in the first months after RT,
acute or medium-term cardiac toxicity. The first even if the increased risk of clinically evident
acute effect of irradiation is a pro-inflammatory RT-linked ischemic heart disease becomes statisti-
effect, with endothelial damage of medium-large cally significant only after 10 years [68, 97–100].
vessels and microvessels, pericarditis, and myo- In our experience, using modern radiation tech-
carditis; mast cells seem to have a protective effect niques, we did not observe any clinically relevant
[66–68]. Pericardium is the most frequently myocardial dysfunction on the short-medium term
affected site: acute pericarditis is associated with of observation in 11 patients with cardiac tumors
edematous swelling of the pericardial layers: it may treated with RT with or without previous CT,
present in a painless effusive form with spontane- including three long-term >30 months survivors
ous recovery, or as an acute fibrinous pericarditis [70] (Table 12.3).
12 Systemic Therapy, Radiotherapy, and Cardiotoxicity 179
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C. Basso et al. (eds.), Cardiac Tumor Pathology, Current Clinical Pathology, 183
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-143-1_13, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
184 A. Orlandi and L.G. Spagnoli
Table 13.1 Comparison of microscopic and immunohis- myxoma were of two different types: the first,
tochemical features in a series of 30 cardiac myxomas larger and with a thick wall, covered by CD34
Microscopic findings (% of positive cases) positive endothelial-like cells with a-actin positive
Smooth 63.3 parietal cells, were observed throughout the entire
Irregular surface 36.7 myxoma tissue; the second type, smaller and
Superficial collagenization 43.3 mainly at the parietal edge, resembled morpho-
Myxomatous areas (>50%) 56.6 logically and immunohistochemically the normal
Ki-67 positive cells (>5%) 6.7 atrial vasculature. Finally, confocal microscopy
Calcification 6.7
well documents the presence of CD34 and a-actin
Small superficial thrombi 40
positive myxoma cells; rare myxoma cells, includ-
Extramedullary hematopoiesis 6.7
ing multinucleated cells, focally co-expressed both
Ring structures 80
proteins (Fig. 13.2), suggesting a precursor or an
Vascular-like lacunae 16.7
Arterial-like vessels 60
intermediate cell phenotype [13].
Glandular structures 0.6
Immunohistochemical findings
Cytokeratins 6.7 Biomolecular Analysis
Vimentin 90 of Cardiac Myxomas
a-Smooth muscle actin 83.3
a-Cardiac actin 10 The availability of methods of investigation of
a-Skeletal actin 0 gene expression, in particular reverse tran-
Notch1 86.7 scriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
Calretinin 86.7 and Real Time-PCR, may help to better charac-
CD34 66.7 terize phenotypic features of cardiac tumor
Factor VIII 36.7 cells. Unfortunately, the optimal results are
Caldesmon 86.7 obtained after mRNA extraction from fresh tis-
Tenascin C 80 sue and, for their intrinsic rarity, a systematized
MMP-1 36.7
tissue banking of cardiac tumor tissues is quite
MMP-2 36.7
difficult. When possible, gene transcripts reca-
TIMP-1 36.7
pitulating specific phenotypes can be also useful
S-100 13.3
to trace differentiation of tumor cells. In cardiac
Flt-1 26.7
c-kit 0
myxoma, PCR analysis performed on RNA
extracted from frozen tissue from eight consec-
Modified from Orlandi et al. [13].
utive cases of cardiac myxoma [13] revealed
CALB2 (calretinin) and Sox9 transcripts in all
cases, Notch1 and NFATcI transcripts in 87.5
and 37.5% of cases, respectively, whereas all
structures, enlarged ring structures are in the cases were negative for ErbB3 and Wilms’
majority of cases CD34 positive and only focally tumor transcription factor (Fig. 13.3).
a-actin positive. Lacunae, other complex vascular-
like structures of cardiac myxoma, are character-
ized by wide vascular-like spaces covered by Myxoma Cell Phenotype and Clinical
single or multilayered CD34 positive and a-actin Behavior of Cardiac Myxomas
negative cells, whereas parietal cells are positive
for the myocytic marker a-actin, suggesting an Cardiac myxomas are benign tumors which are
endothelial and pericyte-like differentiation, unable to infiltrate the myocardium or give rise
respectively (Fig. 13.1). Rarely, parietal cells of to metastases [1, 2]. Nevertheless, they are con-
ring structures were also focally a-cardiac actin sidered “clinically malignant” tumors because
positive. Thick arterial-like structures of cardiac of their susceptibility to embolize to distant
13 Novelties in Immunohistochemical and Molecular Study of Cardiac Tumors 185
Fig. 13.1 Immunohistochemical characterization of vas- positive cells. (c, d) Elongated multilayered structures, with
cular complex structures of cardiac myxoma. (a, b) (c) abundant CD34 positive and (d) rare parietal a-smooth
Complex structures from wide vascular-like spaces with a muscle actin positive cells. Diaminobenzidine as chromo-
thin wall constituted by one or more layers of flattened (a) gen; original magnification, ×125
CD34 positive and (b) focally a-smooth muscle actin
Fig. 13.2 Co-expression of endothelial and myogenic green) of cardiac myxoma cell, sometimes multinucleated;
markers in cardiac myxoma. Immunofluorescent staining merged image (right) shows co-expression of both endothe-
of a-smooth muscle actin (left, red) and CD34 (middle, lial and myocytic antigens. Original magnification, ×400
186 A. Orlandi and L.G. Spagnoli
the histogenesis of cardiac myxoma. The pres- the adult heart, a-cardiac actin is the major
ence of endothelial marker and cytoplasmic neu- isoform and uniformly expressed [12]. The mes-
ropeptides such as protein gene product 9.5, enchymal origin and the subsequent endothelial
S100 protein and neuron-specific enolase in differentiation are further supported from ultra-
more than half of a series of cardiac myxomas structural study of cardiac myxomas [20, 29,
supports the hypothesis that myxoma cells origi- 30]. The presence of a limited number of myx-
nate from pluripotent mesenchymal cells capable oma cells co-expressing the primitive endothe-
of neural and endothelial differentiation [9]. lial and myocytic markers CD34 and a-actin
Another explanation for heterogeneous differen- supports the hypothesis that myxoma cells can
tiation in cardiac myxoma is its origin from a derive from a common cardiac early precursor
pluripotential cell or from a subendothelial vas- cell [25]. The origin of cardiac myxoma in atrial
iform reserve cell, on the basis of the expression cavity in association with fibrous septa or fossa
of transcripts characteristic of cardiac cushion ovalis suggests a relationship with fibrous car-
development and/or primitive cardiac mesenchy- diac structures and their development [1, 2].
mal differentiation [3, 4, 24]. Some morphologic Endocardial cushions are the precursors of
homologies between cardiac myxoma cells and mature heart valves and cardiac septa [31–34].
those of embryonic cardiac cushion cells support Embryonic endocardial cells of the outflow tract
this hypothesis. A cardiomyogenic derivation of and atrioventricular canal change their phenotype
cardiac myxomas was based on the finding of from endothelial to mesenchymal cells during the
transcripts for Nkx2.5/Csx, typical of the cardiac so-called endothelial–mesenchymal transforma-
homeobox gene, recapitulating a primitive car- tion, leading to cardiac septation and mature valve
diomyocytic phenotype and supporting an formation. During this phase, embryonic endocar-
embryonic cardiomyocytic progenitor cell as dial cells progressively express a-smooth muscle
precursor [25]. Although Nkx2.5/Csx encodes actin and lose endothelial antigens [33]. Cardiac
for a gene required for specification of cardiac jelly, an acellular matrix rich in fibronectin and
precursor cells, its expression is maintained proteoglycans, separates the primitive endocar-
throughout development [25]. Moreover, Nkx2.5/ dium from myocardium and favors the initiation
Csx is documented during development of other of the endothelial–mesenchymal transformation
tissues, including skeletal myoblasts and pro- [31–34]. Cardiac jelly appears very similar to
motes neuronal differentiation in vitro [26, 27]. extracellular matrix of cardiac myxoma. Transient
This explains the previously reported expression ectopic activation of Notch1 in zebrafish embryos
of neural markers [9] as a demonstration of a leads to hypercellular cardiac valves, whereas its
possible neurogenic origin of cardiac myxoma inhibition prevents valve development [35]. Notch
cells. Investigation of actin isoform expression activation in endothelial cells determines down-
can be useful to trace the origin of cardiac myx- regulation of endothelial markers and upregula-
oma cells. In particular, the diffuse presence of tion of mesenchymal ones, including a-smooth
a-smooth muscle actin, the paucity of a-cardiac muscle actin and fibronectin [35]. Moreover,
actin, and the absence of a-skeletal actin isoform RT-PCR shows in cardiac myxomas the presence
expression have been described in cardiac myxo- of Sox9 and NFATcI transcripts [20]. Sox9 has
mas [20]; a-smooth muscle actin is reported to been indicated to play an essential role in early
be transiently expressed in human cardiomyo- phases of endocardial cushion differentiation,
cytes during early stages of fetal development when endocardial endothelial cells migrate into
[28]. This finding supports that myxoma cells the cardiac jelly [36]. NFATcI expression is criti-
are phenotypically reconducible to a more primi- cal during signal-transduction processes required
tive cardiac progenitor or primordial cardiac for cardiac valve formation and is normally abol-
stem cell. In fact, in the 20-week-old fetal heart, ished after endocardial cushion cell migration
a time when septation is complete and the heart [37]. The presence of phenotypic markers of
exhibits all the morphological characteristics of endothelial–mesenchymal transformation may
188 A. Orlandi and L.G. Spagnoli
presence of multiple basal cell carcinomas, primary cardiac sarcomas existed. The difficulty
which may appear early in infancy. Other asso- derived from the rarity and lack of systematic
ciated features may include craniofacial, central studies, with only a few series of cardiac sarco-
nervous system, musculoskeletal, and genitouri- mas in the literature. Virtually, all soft tissue
nary anomalies. Approximately 3% of cases are sarcoma types have also been found to arise in
associated with cardiac fibromas, which may the heart. The recent WHO classification sys-
present later during adulthood rather than the tem of cardiac tumors proposed in 2004 [54] is
typical infancy or childhood period [51]. largely based on the soft tissue classification
Consequently, cardiac fibromas are generally counterpart and only the most frequent malig-
not considered part of the syndrome and judged nant entities are listed, since the majority of
as minor diagnostic criteria [50]. Nevertheless, cardiac sarcomas have limited areas with mor-
the investigation of Gorlin syndrome has shed phologically recognizable differentiation.
light on the etiology of cardiac fibromas. It is Moreover, despite a careful immunohistochem-
caused by mutations in the PTCH1 gene, which ical investigation, they frequently lack tissue-
acts as a cell cycle regulator and regulates cell specific antigens.
growth, commitment, and differentiation [51].
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196 Index