Indications For Outpatient Antenatal Fetal Surveillance
Indications For Outpatient Antenatal Fetal Surveillance
Indications For Outpatient Antenatal Fetal Surveillance
that involve fetal structural or genetic anomalies or antenatal fetal surveillance, when available, is largely
circumstantial and is based on the observation that the
when initiating antenatal fetal surveillance around
the threshold of viability, where the pregnant rates of fetal death in tested populations are lower than
individual's goals for pregnancy care are critical in the rates both in individuals with untested contemporary
decision making. neous pregnancies from the same institutions and
c Table 1 presents suggestions for the timing and individuals with pregnancies with similar complications
frequency of antenatal fetal surveillance for specific managed before the advent of currently used techniques
conditions. of antenatal fetal surveillance (3–5). Such study design
is subject to an important intervention effect; any test
c It is important to emphasize that the guidance offered
that results in a higher subsequent overall delivery rate
in this Committee Opinion should be con strued
will result in a lower stillbirth rate than in a nontested
only as suggestions; This guidance should not be population (6). For most conditions, recommendations
construed as mandates or as all encompassing.
for antenatal fetal surveillance are largely based on
There is a paucity of evidence for the efficacy of expert consensus and relevant observational studies.
antenatal fetal surveillance and for evidence-based
A number of maternal, fetal, and placental
recommendations on the timing and frequency of complications have been shown to be associated with
antenatal fetal surveillance; Consequently, for most
an increased risk of stillbirth. Furthermore, large
conditions, recommendations for antenatal fetal epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that several
surveillance are largely based on expert consensus factors are independent predictors of stillbirths (7–9);
and relevant observational studies.
thus, when present concurrently, they may lead to a
concomitant cumulative risk of stillbirth. In spite of its
Introduction unproven value, antenatal fetal surveillance is routinely
Purpose used in pregnancies in which the risk of fetal demise is increased.
The purpose of this Committee Opinion is to offer However, because the pathway that results in increased
guidance about indications for and timing and frequency risk of stillbirth for a given condition may not be known
and antenatal fetal surveillance has not been shown to
of antenatal fetal surveillance in the outpatient setting.
In most cases, the specific type of antenatal testing will improve perinatal outcomes for all conditions associated
not be recommended because the types of antenatal with stillbirth, it is challenging to create a prescriptive list
testing are addressed elsewhere (1, 2). It is important of all indications for which antenatal fetal surveillance
to emphasize that the guidance offered in this Committee should be considered.
Opinion should be constructed only as suggestions;
This guidance should not be construed as mandates or Rationale
as all encom passing. There is a paucity of evidence for
the efficacy of antenatal fetal surveillance and for Conditions There are multiple factors in identifying
evidence-based recommendations on the timing and conditions for which antenatal fetal surveillance may be
frequency of antenatal fetal surveillance; Consequently, appropriate, including the false-negative rate of antenatal
for most conditions, recommendations for antenatal fetal fetal surveillance tests and the RR of stillbirth due to a
surveillance are largely based on expert consensus and specific condition. In 2013, the stillbirth rate at or after
relevant observational studies. Ultimately, individualization 20 weeks gestational age in the United States was 5.96
about if and when to offer antenatal fetal surveillance is advised.
per 1,000 births across all gestational ages. A
retrospective cohort study of nonanomalous term births
Background (10) found the still birth rate per 1,000 ongoing
Antenatal fetal surveillance is performed to reduce the pregnancies to be 0.21 at 37 weeks, 0.27 at 38 weeks,
risk of stillbirth. Fetal hypoxemia and acidosis represent 0.35 at 39 weeks, 0.42 at 40 weeks, 0.61 at 41 weeks,
the common pathway to fetal death in many high-risk and 1.08 at 42 weeks. It has been suggested that when
pregnancies. Fetal hypoxemia and acidosis may result determining the conditions for which antenatal fetal
in changes in amniotic fluid, fetal movements, and fetal testing should be performed, one should consider the
heart rate characteristics. This provides the rationale for risk of false-negative antenatal fetal surveillance test (6):
offering antenatal fetal surveillance to individuals whose approximately 1.9 per 1,000 after a nonstress test; 0.3
pregnancies are complicated by conditions associated per 1,000 after a contraction stress test; and 0.8 per
with increased risk for stillbirth. However, there is a 1,000 after a biophysical profile (BPP) or modified
paucity of evidenced-based recommendations on the biophysical profile (1). Additionally, based on expert
timing and frequency of antenatal fetal surveillance consensus, the Committee felt that antenatal fetal
because of the challenges of conducting prospective surveillance could be considered for conditions that
trials in pregnancy complicated by stillbirths and the would result in at least twice the increased risk of
varying conditions that place pregnancies at high risk stillbirth as compared to the risk if the condition were not
for stillbirth. As a result, evidence for the efficacy of present. Therefore, this Committee Opinion provides guidance on a
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conditions for which stillbirth is reported to occur more investigators have performed more frequent antenatal
frequently than 0.8 per 1,000 (the false-negative rate of fetal surveillance (1, 2). The Committee's suggestions
a BPP or modified BPP) and which are associated with regarding frequency of antenatal fetal surveillance for
a RR or odds ratio for stillbirth of more than 2.0 each condition are, therefore, based on the approach of
compared with pregnancies without the condition. Table testing at least weekly, unless additional information is
1 presents suggestions for the timing and frequency of available that supports more frequent antenatal fetal
testing for specific conditions. sur surveillance (eg, abnormal Doppler results), multiple
conditions are present that each warrant antenatal fetal
Initiation surveillance, or a patient's status is deteriorating.
Timing Both theoretical models and large clinical studies
suggest that initiating antenatal fetal surveillance at 32 Application
0/7 weeks of gestation or later is appropriate for most at- The risk of fetal stillbirth increases markedly in the last
risk patients. However, for pregnant individuals with few weeks of pregnancy (10). This has also been
multiple or particularly worrisome high-risk conditions quantified for many maternal conditions including
(eg, chronic hypertension with suspected fetal growth maternal age, race, and obesity, and it is plausibly
restriction), antenatal fetal surveillance might begin at a related to the concept of placental senescence leading
gestational age when delivery would be considered for to placental dysfunction (11). It would, therefore, seem
perinatal benefit (1). Because antenatal fetal surveillance prudent and cost effective to limit antenatal fetal
tests have high false-positive rates (nonreassuring test surveillance to the last part of the third trimester for most high-risk c
results in a noncompromised fetus) and low positive However, given the lack of documented effectiveness
predictive value (low risk of stillbirth after an abnormal of ante natal fetal surveillance for prevention of stillbirth
test result), abnormal test results (particularly at low in most high-risk conditions, coupled with the increase
gestational ages) are often followed by another test to in risk of stillbirth at term with advancing gestational age
evaluate uate fetal status. Any decision to proceed with and the results of the ARRIVE trial (12) in a low-risk
delivery should be based on the complete clinical population, delivery at 39 weeks (with its associated
picture including antenatal fetal surveillance test results, elimination of risk of stillbirth) may be considered instead
overall maternal and fetal condition, and gestational of antenatal fetal surveillance protocols beyond 39
age. Antenatal fetal surveillance must be interpreted weeks (6). Furthermore, the risks associated with
with caution if performed before 32 weeks of gestation antenatal fetal surveillance lance itself (eg, false-positive
because the non-stress test of a normal preterm fetus is tests resulting in cesarean delivery or induction of labor,
nonreactive in up to 50% of fetuses between 24 and 28 iatrogenic prematurity) and costs (eg, performance and
weeks of gestation and 15% of fetuses between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation.
interpretation of tests, time spent by patients and
Thus, the predictive value of nonstress tests based on practitioners in testing ) of antenatal fetal surveillance
a lower threshold for accelerations (at least 10 beats
must be weighed against potential benefits (13).
per minute above the baseline and at least 10 seconds When multiple indications for antenatal fetal
from baseline to baseline) has been evaluated in preg surveillance exist, timing and frequency of antenatal
nants at less than 32 weeks of gestation and has been fetal surveillance should be individualized. As with all
found to sufficiently predict fetal well-being (1). When testing and interventions, shared decision making
data on gestational age-adjusted risk of occurrence of between the pregnant individual and the clinician is
stillbirth were not available, the Committee's suggestions critically important when considering or offering
regarding when to begin antenatal fetal surveillance are antenatal fetal surveillance lance for individuals with
based on the reported risk of stillbirth, generally falling pregnancies at high risk for stillbirth or with multiple
into one of three major categories of when to begin: (1 ) comorbidities that increase the risk of stillbirth. This can
at or by 32 0/7 weeks, (2) at or by 36 0/7 weeks, or (3) be particularly important in situations that involve fetal
at or beyond 39 0/7 weeks of gestation (if undelivered). structural or genetic anomalies or when initiating
However, individualization about if and when to begin antenatal fetal surveillance around the threshold of
antenatal fetal surveillance is advised.
viability, where the pregnant individual's goals for
pregnancy care are critical in decision making. In
counseling individuals regarding the risks, benefits, and
Frequency There are no large clinical trials to guide the effectiveness of antenatal fetal surveillance, it should be
recommended frequency of antenatal fetal surveillance acknowledged that often unaccounted-for costs of
and, thus, the optimal frequency remains unknown. If antenatal fetal surveillance include the potential for
the maternal medical condition is stable and test results additional visits that may require transportation, taking
are reassuring, tests of fetal well-being (nonstress test, time off from work, and additional copays. Acknowledging
BPP, modified BPP, or contraction stress test) have these costs and reviewing them with patients are
often, in practice, been repeated at weekly intervals (1). important aspects of providing this additional
surveillance lance. The health care team should be aware of circum
However, in the presence of certain high-risk conditions, some
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Table 1 Factors Associated With an Increased Risk of Stillbirth and Suggested Strategies for Antenatal Fetal Surveillance
After Viability The guidance
offered in this table should be constructed only as suggestions, not mandates. Ultimately, individualization about if and when to
offer antenatal fetal surveillance is advised.
Hypertension, chronic
Controlled with medications 32 0/7 weeks weekly
Poorly controlled or with associated medical conditions At diagnosis2 individualized
Gestational hypertension/preeclampsia
Without severe features At diagnosis2,3 Twice weekly
With severe features At diagnosis2,3 daily
Gestational, controlled on medications without other 32 0/7 weeks Once or twice weekly
Gestational, poorly controlled 32 0/7 weeks Twice weekly
Pregestational 32 0/7 weeks6 Twice weekly
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Uncomplicated By 32 0/7 weeks weekly
complicated7 At diagnosis2 individualized
Antiphospholipid syndrome By 32 0/7 weeks8 Twice weekly
sickle cell disease
Uncomplicated 32 0/7 weeks Once or twice weekly
complicated9 At diagnosis2 individualized
Hemoglobinopathies other than Hb SS disease individualized individualized
Renal disease (Cr greater than 1.4 mg/dL) 32 0/7 weeks Once or twice weekly
Thyroid disorders, poorly controlled Individualized individualized
In vitro fertilization 36 0/7 weeks weekly
Substance use
Alcohol, 5 or more drinks per week 36 0/7 weeks weekly
Polysubstance use individualize individualized
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Table 1 Factors Associated With an Increased Risk of Stillbirth and Suggested Strategies for Antenatal Fetal Surveillance After Viability
The guidance offered in this table should be constructed only as suggestions, not mandates. Ultimately, individualization about if
and when to offer antenatal fetal surveillance is advised.
Previous stillbirth
At or after 32 0/7 weeks 32 0/7 weeks11 Once or twice weekly
Before 32 0/7 weeks of gestation individualized individualized
History of other adverse pregnancy outcomes immediately
preceding pregnancy
Previous fetal growth restriction requiring preterm 32 0/7 weeks weekly
Previous preeclampsia requiring preterm delivery 32 0/7 weeks weekly
cholestasis At diagnosis2 Once or twice weekly
Late term 41 0/7 weeks Once or twice weekly
Abnormal serum markers12
PAPP-A less than or equal to the fifth percentile (0.4 MoM) 36 0/7 weeks weekly
Second-trimester Inhibin A equal to or greater than 2.0 36 0/7 weeks weekly
Chronic placental abruption13 At diagnosis2 Once or twice weekly
vasa previa Individualized individualized
Velamentous cord insertion 36 0/7 weeks weekly
Single umbilical artery 36 0/7 weeks weekly
Isolated Oligohydramnios (single deepest vertical pocket less At diagnosis2,3 Once or twice weekly
than 2 cm)
Polyhydramnios, moderate to severe (deepest vertical pocket 32 0/7–34 0/7 weeks14 Once or twice weekly
equal to or greater than 12 cm or AFI equal to or
greater than 30 cm)
Abbreviations: AEDV, absent end-diastolic velocity; AFI, amniotic fluid index; BMI, body mass index; Cr, creatinine; MoM, multiples of the median; PAPP-A, pregnancy associated
plasma protein A; REDV, reversed end-diastolic flow; TTTS, twin to twin transfusion syndrome; UAD, umbilical artery Doppler.
The guidance offered in this table should be constructed only as suggestions, not mandates. Ultimately, individualization about if and when to offer antenatal fetal surveillance is
Estimated fetal weight or abdominal circumference less than the 10th percentile.
Or at a gestational age when delivery would be considered because of abnormal test results.
3 If not delivered.
In addition to routine surveillance for twin–twin transfusion syndrome and other monochorionic twin complications.
Repeat if decreased fetal movement recurs.
Or earlier for poor glycemic control or end organ damage.
Such as active lupus nephritis, recent lupus flare, antiphospholipid antibodies with prior fetal loss, anti-RO/SSA or anti-La/SSB antibodies, or thrombosis.
Individualize, take into consideration obstetric history, number of positive antibodies, and current pregnancy complications.
Such as maternal hypertension, vaso-occlusive crisis, placental insufficiency, fetal growth restriction.
11 Or starting 1–2 weeks before the gestational age of the previous stillbirth.
12 If serum screening for aneuploidy is performed, the results may be considered in determining whether antenatal fetal surveillance should be performed.
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might present barriers to desired testing and should maternal or fetal conditions, once or twice weekly ante
make appropriate referrals to enable recommended natal surveillance beginning at diagnosis or at a
care (14). gestational age when delivery would be considered
The guidance offered in this Committee Opinion based on an abnormal test result, may be considered.
should be construed as suggestions, not mandates. For an individual with a pregnancy complicated by fetal
Ultimately, individualization about if and when to offer growth restriction and abnormal umbilical artery Doppler
antenatal fetal surveillance is advised. Finally, the wave forms characterized by absent end diastolic
Committee is cognizant of the anxiety, inconvenience, velocity or with other concurrent conditions
and costs this testing can impose on patients. This (oligohydramnios, maternal comorbidity [eg,
document is an attempt to balance the goals of improving preeclampsia, chronic hypertension]) who is not being
patient outcomes with these other concerns in the face delivered (20), inpatient man agement or twice weekly
of sometimes limited data. antenatal fetal surveillance beginning at diagnosis or at
a gestational age when delivery would be considered
Fetal Conditions because of abnormal test results, may be considered
Fetal Growth Restriction (2). For an individual with a preg nancy complicated by
fetal growth restriction and abnor mal umbilical artery
The most widely used definition of fetal growth Doppler waveforms characterized by reversed end
restriction in the United States is an estimated fetal diastolic flow who is not being delivered, inpatient
weight or abdominal circumference less than the 10th management is recommended (2). When these
percentile for gestational age (2, 15, 16). Several studies conditions are present, consultation with a maternal–fetal specialist
have shown an association between fetal growth
restriction and still birth (17–19). The risk of stillbirth
Multiple Gestation A
increases with gestational age and is inversely
proportional to the percentile of birthweight for gestational recent systematic review by the Global Obstetrics
age, with the risk in those with an estimated fetal weight Network (GONet) Collaboration provided weekly still
that is lower than the third percentile as high as 5.8 birth data for twins managed expectantly after 34 weeks
stillbirths per 1,000 at-risk fe tuses, 4.39 per 1,000 for of gestation (21). The risk of stillbirth increased in all
an estimated fetal weight that is lower than the fifth twins with advancing gestational age, and it was
percentile, and 2.63 per 1,000 for fetuses with an significantly greater in monochorionic than dichorionic twins.
estimated weight that is lower than the 10th percentile In dichorionic twins, stillbirth rates were as follows:
compared with 0.51 per 1,000 for fetuses with normal c 0.8 per 1,000 at 35 0/7 to 35 6/7 weeks
growth (17). Abnormal umbilical artery Doppler
c 1.5 per 1,000 at 36 0/7 to 36 6/7 weeks
waveforms reflect the presence of placental insufficiency
and may differentiate the growth restricted fetus from c 3.4 per 1,000 at 37 0/7 to 37 6/7 weeks
the fetus that is constitutionally small. Incorporation of c 10.6 per 1,000 at 38 0/7 to 38 6/7 weeks (21)
umbilical artery Doppler evaluation in high-risk In monochorionic diamniotic twins the stillbirth rates
pregnancies has been shown to significantly reduce the were as follows:
risk of perinatal death, induction of labor, and cesarean
birth. As such, it should be the primary modality for fetal c 0.9 per 1,000 at 34 0/7 to 34 6/7 weeks
surveillance in fetal growth restriction (2). c 2.8 per 1,000 at 35 0/7 to 35 6/7 weeks
A finding of absent or reversed end-diastolic flow in c 4.5 per 1,000 at 36 0/7 to 36 6/7 weeks
the umbilical artery in the setting of fetal growth c 9.6 per 1,000 at 37 0/7 to 37 6/7 weeks (21)
restriction is associated with an additively increased
frequency of perinatal mortality; therefore, earlier The optimal gestational age for initiation of
delivery is typically indicated and discussed, with timing surveillance lance in pregnant individuals with
dependent on the specific clinical situation and the uncomplicated dichorionic twins is not known. However,
gestational age (2, 15, 20). Normal results of antenatal for patients with uncomplicated dichorionic twin
fetal surveillance consisting of nonstress tests or BPPs, pregnancies, weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be
in conjunction with normal umbilical artery Doppler considered at 36 0/7 weeks of gestation (22–24). For
velocimetry, have been associated with improved patients with a dichor ionic twin pregnancy complicated
outcomes in pregnancy in which fetal growth restriction by maternal or fetal disorders, such as fetal growth
has been diagnosed (15). For an individual with a restriction, antenatal fetal surveillance should be
pregnancy complicated by fetal growth restriction with individualized and may be con sidered upon diagnosis,
either a normal or elevated impedance to flow in or at a gestational age after which delivery would be considered for
umbilical artery (defined as systolic/diastolic ratio, Any decision to implement surveillance and the timing
pulsatility, or resistance index greater than the 95th and frequency of antenatal fetal surveillance should
centile for gestational age), but with diastolic flow still involve a discussion addressing the pregnant individual's
present, and with normal amniotic fluid volume and no other wishes
regarding management of the pregnancy, and
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Take into account the presence and severity of fetal ment, unless decreased fetal movement reoccurs,
growth restriction in either or both of the twins, Doppler antena tal fetal surveillance for a single episode does not
findings, gestational age at diagnosis, and any maternal need to be repeated if the initial results are reassuring
comorbidities. and there is no other indication for antenatal fetal
Because of higher stillbirth risks in monochorionic surveillance (1, 33).
diamniotic twins and the potential for severe clinical
consequences for the surviving twin, initiation of sur Fetal Anomalies
veillance is typically recommended at 32 0/7 weeks of Large registries have consistently found that fetuses with
gestation (22–24). Implementation of such protocols has congenital anomalies have an increased risk of stillbirth
resulted in stillbirth rates in monochorionic-diamniotic
(35–37). For example, a greater than twofold increased
twins similar to those of dichorionic-diamniotic twins (23,
risk of stillbirth has been reported for cardiac anomalies
24) and has lowered the rates of stillbirth in monochorionic- even in the absence of associated chromosomal
diamniotic twins to be comparable to those seen in anomalies or other major structural anomalies (38–40).
singletons at similar gestational ages (22–24). Such The excess stillbirth risk is noted even for anomalies not
protocols of surveillance result in negligible false-positive affecting major vital organs, such as cleft lip and palate
rates (1.9%; 95% CI, 1.0%–3.4%) (22). For a patient with (35, 37). The mechanisms of stillbirth may be unrelated
otherwise uncomplicated monochorionic diamniotic twin to placental insufficiency and may not be predicted by
pregnancies, weekly antenatal fetal sur surveillance may antenatal fetal surveillance. Different anomalies, or spec
be considered beginning at 32 0/7 weeks of gestation. trums of anomaly, expose the fetus to different problems
Serial sonographic evaluations for twin–twin transfusion and risks and, therefore, different forms of surveillance
should ideally begin by 16 weeks and continue on an may be required. Antenatal fetal surveillance for major
every-other-week basis until delivery (25). fetal structural anomalies should be individualized in
Additional surveillance for twin–twin transfusion and other
consultation with maternal–fetal medicine specialists.
monochorionic twin pathologies should be individualized. Some fetal aneuploidies are also associated with
increased risk of stillbirth (41). For example, the stillbirth
Perinatal mortality is increased in monoamniotic rates in ongoing pregnancies affected by fetal trisomy 21
twins with estimates ranging from 12% to 23% (26, 27). are estimated at 5–10% (42–44). Although the risk of
For patients with monoamniotic twin pregnancies or with stillbirth is elevated from 24 to 36 weeks (3–7 deaths per
higher-order multiple pregnancies, antenatal fetal 1,000 ongoing pregnancies), the risk sharply increases
surveillance should be individualized in consultation with
at term (11–50 deaths per 1,000 ongoing pregnancies
maternal–fetal medicine specialists. after 37 weeks) (43). It is presumed that much of this
excess risk is related to structural abnormalities, fetal
Decreased Fetal Movement growth restriction, or placental dysfunction related to the
Maternal perception of fetal movements is the oldest and coexisting placental aneuploidy. In a retrospective review
most commonly used method to assess fetal well-being. of pregnancies affected by trisomy 21, among liveborn
Decreased fetal movements have been associated with newborns, 36% were delivered for the indication of non
an increased risk of stillbirth (28–30) (odds ratio [OR], reassuring fetal testing and of these, over half had
2.9–4.51) with the rate of stillbirth after reduced fetal evidence of placental insufficiency on histopathologic
move ment estimated to be 13 per 1,000 episodes (13). review (44).
However, studies that assessed the relationship between When pregnancies are complicated by fetal
fetal movement and perinatal mortality have used varying anomalies or aneuploidies, it is especially important that
definitions of decreased fetal movement. It is the decision whether and when to begin antenatal fetal
hypothesized that decreased fetal movements may be surveillance should be individualized, based on patient
an adaptive response to uteroplacental insufficiency that preference, with obstetrician–gynecologists, maternal–
results in either acute or chronic fetal hypoxemia. Fetuses fetal medicine specialists and other health care clinics
with decreased fetal movements before elective cesarean cians who support patients and their families in a shared
delivery have been shown to have relative hypoxemia decision-making process.
and acidemia or evidence of abnormal placental
morphology and function compared with those with Congenital Infection In
normal move ments (31, 32). For a pregnant individual high-income countries, between 10% and 25% of stillbirths
reporting decreased fetal movement after viability, one- may be caused by an antepartum maternal or fetal
time ante natal fetal surveillance at the time the infection, whereas in low-income countries the contribution
decreased movement ment is reported may be considered of infection to the stillbirth rate is much greater. Infection
(1, 33). Fetal movement patterns normally change over may cause stillbirth by placental infection or damage or
the course of pregnancy with longer periods of quiescence other mechanisms that may not be predicted with
near terms as the fetal nervous system develops (34). antenatal fetal surveillance, including direct fetal infection
and severe maternal illness (45).
Therefore, because of the episodic nature of decreased fetal movement
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Across nearly 20 studies, Plasmodium falciparum at 32 0/7 weeks of gestation. When hypertension is
malaria infection treated during pregnancy increased associated with fetal growth restriction, fetal surveillance
the odds of stillbirth by 1.47 times, whereas in more should be initiated at the time of fetal growth restriction
than 30 stud ies, infections in the pregnant individual at diagnosis (see the Fetal Growth Restriction section)
delivery increased the odds of stillbirth by 1.81 times and testing frequency individualized. When hypertension
and malaria in the increased placenta the odds of is poorly controlled or is associated with other underlying
stillbirth by 1.95 times. (46). The rate of fetal loss medical conditions, when to begin and frequency of
among pregnant individuals with serologically proven antenatal fetal surveillance should be individualized and
parvovirus B19 infection ranges from 8% to 17% before may be considered upon diagnosis or at a gestational
20 weeks of gestation to 2% to 6% after 20 weeks of age when delivery would be considered because of
gestation (47). With the exception of parvovirus abnormal test results. For individuals with gestational
infection in which serial ultrasonography and middle hypertension or preeclampsia, antenatal fetal surveillance
cerebral artery Doppler evaluations for evidence of fetal is recommended at diagnosis or at a gestational age
anemia and fetal hydrops are recommended (47), when delivery would be considered for perinatal benefit.
maternal infection without evidence of fetal effect would For those without severe-range blood pressures or
not seem to warrant routine ante natal fetal surveillance. without other severe features, twice weekly surveillance
If there is evidence of fetal effect, testing should be individualized.
is recommended until delivery. For those with severe-
range blood pressure or with severe features, daily
Maternal Conditions surveillance is recommended until delivery (51). See
For many maternal medical conditions such as cardiac ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 222, Gestational
disease, pulmonary disease, or seizure disorder, the Hypertension and Preeclampsia, and Practice Bulletin
risk of stillbirth is highest during periods of acute No. 203, Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy, for more information.
maternal decompensation and the degree to which the
risk of stillbirth increases is determined by disease Diabetes
severity and control during pregnancy. Such conditions Before 40 0/7 weeks of gestation, for an individual with
are not included in this guidance because individualization gestational diabetes whose glycemic control is well
about if and when to offer fetal testing is advised. managed by diet alone and with no other comorbidities,
When these conditions are present, consultation with a there is no consensus on whether antenatal fetal
maternal–fetal specialist is suggested. This list of surveillance is necessary (52). For a patient with
maternal conditions is not meant to be exhaustive and gestational diabetes that is controlled on medications
is based on the conditions for which there are the most
without other comorbidities, once or twice weekly
published data. antenatal fetal surveillance may be considered beginning
at 32 0/7 weeks (52). For a patient with poorly controlled
Hypertensive Disorders gestational diabetes, twice weekly antenatal fetal
The estimated rate of stillbirth in individuals whose surveillance may be considered beginning at 32 0/7
pregnancies are complicated by chronic hypertension is weeks (52). Factors such as glycemic control and the
6–25 per 1,000 (OR, 1.5–2.7) (8), but when chronic presence of other factors associated with increased
hypertension is complicated by superimposed pre- risk of adverse preg nancy outcomes can be used to
eclampsia, the risk is increased more than fourfold (RR, determine the frequency and timing of initiation of testing.
4.4; 95% CI, 2.2–8.8) (48). The estimated rates of Pregestational diabetes is associated with an
stillbirth in pregnancies complicated by gestational increased risk of stillbirth (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]
hypertension with and without severe range blood 2.50; 95% CI, 1.39–4.48) (7). The overall stillbirth rate
pressure are sure to be 12–29 per 1,000 (OR, 1.8–4.4) in a cohort of individuals with pregestational diabetes
and 9–51 per 1,000 (OR, 1.2–4.0), respectively (8) . In (53) was 13.9 per 1,000 pregnancies (95% CI, 9.7–
a cohort of 109,932 pregnant individuals, including 19.9), and individuals with pregestational diabetes had
1,417 with chronic hypertension, the median gestational a significantly higher stillbirth rate at all gestations after
age at delivery (presumably shortly following diagnosis) 32 weeks. Stillbirth occurs most commonly in individuals
in cases of stillbirth was 28.2 weeks (interquartile range, with poor glycemic control, those who require medical
26.1–32.7 weeks) (49). management to obtain glycemic control, and in those
Antenatal fetal surveillance is recommended for with polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia, or declining
pregnant individuals with chronic hypertension insulin requirements (54). In patients with diabetes who
complicated by issues such as the need for medication, have renal disease, vascular disease, fetal growth
other underlying medical conditions that may affect fetal restriction, or concomitant hypertension, stillbirth may
outcome, any evidence of fetal growth restriction, or occur as early as the late second trimester (55).
superimposed preeclampsia (50). For patients with Because patients with pregestational diabetes have a
chronic hypertension that requires medication, weekly higher rate of stillbirth within 1 week of a reactive
antenatal fetal surveillance may be considered beginning nonstress test, twice weekly antepartum fetal surveillance has been
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adopted (56) and may be considered beginning at 32 0/7 weeks. Sickle Cell Disease and
In the setting of poor glycemic control or end organ damage, Related Hemoglobinopathies A recent
antenatal fetal surveillance may be con sidered earlier. See systematic review and meta-analysis of 19 studies from nine
ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 201, Pregestational Diabetes different countries found an increased risk of stillbirth associated
Mellitus, and ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 190, Gestational with maternal sickle cell disease (81 per 1,000; pooled OR, 4.05;
Diabetes Mellitus, for more detailed information.
95% CI, 2.69–6 .32 ; P,.001), which was observed both in low-
income (OR, 3.59; 95% CI, 2.59–6.32; P,.001) and high-income
countries (OR, 5.09; 95% CI, 2.38–10.90 ;P,.001) (65). A
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The risk retrospective statewide cohort study of a contemporary North
of stillbirth among individuals with lupus is estimated to be 40– American cohort (66), however, found no increased rate of
150 per 1,000 pregnancies (13) with the higher end of the range stillbirth in pregnancies complicated by sickle cell disease. The
likely contributed to by coexisting hypertensive disorders or the authors hypothesized that the low rates of stillbirth may reflect
presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (57, 58). For individuals improved antenatal surveillance and management compared
with uncomplicated systemic lupus erythematosus (eg, stable or with previous studies. They emphasized the importance of fetal
low-activity disease and no internal organ dysfunction), weekly surveillance lance, particularly in the setting of co-existing
antenatal fetal surveillance may be considered by 32 0/7 weeks maternal hypertension, vaso-occlusive crises, placental
of gestation. For pregnant patients with complicated systemic insufficiency, or fetal growth restriction.
lupus eryth ematosus (eg, active lupus nephritis, recent lupus
flare, antiphospholipid antibodies with previous fetal loss, anti-
Ro/SSA or anti-La/SSB antibodies, or thrombo sis), the Patients with hemoglobin SC (Hb SC) disease are also at
gestational age at initiation of and frequency of antenatal fetal risk for fetal complications, but to a lesser degree than patients
surveillance should be individualized in consultation with with Hb SS disease (67). The course of pregnancy in individuals
maternal–fetal medicine special ists and may be considered with a-thalassemia trait is not significantly different from that of
upon diagnosis or at a gestational age when delivery would be individuals with normal hemoglobin (68). Pregnancy in
considered because of abnormal test results (13, 59). individuals with Hb H disease has been reported and outcomes
have been favourable; however, the number of reports is too few
to draw a definite conclusion (69). No differences were noted in
perinatal outcomes including perinatal mortality in pregnancy
complicated by beta-thalassemia minor (70). Until recently,
pregnancy in individuals with beta-thalassemia major was
Antiphospholipid Syndrome The risk
extremely rare. In cases in which fetal growth is suboptimal,
of stillbirth in individuals with antiphospholipid syndrome patients should have antenatal fetal surveillance (68).
diagnosed by established criteria (60) is related to the number
of positive antibodies, with rates of 217 per 1,000 pregnancies
with a single antibody positive result compared with 364 per For patients with hemoglobinopathies other than Hb SS
1,000 pregnancies with multiple antibodies. dy positive results disease, the decision to perform antenatal fetal surveillance
(aOR 2.67; 95% CI, 1.22–2.94) (61). Such risk is independent of should be individualized and should take into account factors
treatment with low-dose aspirin and low-molecular-weight hepa such as fetal growth and disease severity. For pregnant patients
rin. (61). Antenatal fetal surveillance should be individualized with uncomplicated sickle cell disease, once or twice weekly
and may be performed twice weekly starting by 32 0/7 weeks antenatal fetal surveillance lance may be considered beginning
taking into consideration obstetric history, number of positive at 32 0/7 weeks of gestation (66). In the setting of additional
antibodies, and current pregnancy complications. complications during the current pregnancy, such as co-existing
maternal hypertension, vaso-occlusive crisis, placental
insufficiency, and fetal growth restriction, antenatal fetal
surveillance should be individualized and may be con sidered at
Other Autoimmune Disorders and Mixed diagnosis or at a gestational age when delivery would be
Connective Tissue Disorders considered because of abnormal test results.
For individuals with rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren's syn drome
without evidence of hypertension, renal disease, or other
systemic involvement, there is insufficient evidence to kidney disease
recommend antenatal fetal surveillance. The stillbirth risk among Risk of fetal death among individuals with chronic renal disease
individuals with rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren syndrome does has been estimated to occur in 15–200 per 1,000 pregnancies
not appear elevated over the baseline population risk (62–64). (13, 71). The degree of impairment of renal function appears to
Similarly, there is insufficient evidence to recommend antenatal be the major determinant of preg nancy outcome, with a
fetal surveillance for individuals with undifferentiated connective particularly high risk seen among individuals who require dialysis
tissue disease. for end stage renal disease (72). However, there are few data
to guide
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differences in testing approaches based on severity of fertilization, weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be
the disease. Still, antenatal fetal surveillance should be considered beginning by 36 0/7 weeks of gestation.
offered given the elevation in risk of stillbirth among
individuals with renal disease. Mild, moderate, and Substance Use
severe renal insufficiency can be defined as serum
creat inine 0.9–1.4 mg/dL, greater than 1.4 but less than
Tobacco A meta-analysis of maternal smoking and risk
or equal to 2.5 mg/dL, and greater than 2.5 mg/dL,
of stillbirth found smoking 1–9 cigarettes per day to be
respectively (73). Individuals with mild renal disease
associated with 9% increased odds of having a stillbirth
have a lower risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes and
compared with individuals who do not smoke in preg
do not appear to be at increased risk for stillbirth (74).
nancy (OR, 1.09; 95 % CI, 1.09–1.24; P5.55), and
For pregnant patients with moderate to severe renal
smoking 10 or more cigarettes per day to be associated
disease (serum creatinine greater than 1.4 mg/dL), once
with a 52% increase in odds of stillbirth (OR, 1.52; 95%
or twice weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be
CI, 1.30–1.78; P,.0001 ) (90). Cessation of smoking
considered beginning at 32 0/7 weeks of gestation.
between pregnancies has been shown to be protective.
Patients under going dialysis require individualized
Specifically, individuals who smoked during a first
surveillance involving more intensive monitoring.
pregnancy but not during the next did not have an
increased risk of recurrent stillbirth (OR, 1.02; 95% CI,
Thyroid Disorders 0.79–1.30), compared with individuals who did not smoke in either p
Early reports from small uncontrolled series of individuals In contrast, the stillbirth risk among individuals who
with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism (n560) or smoked during serial pregnancies was increased 35%
hypothyroidism (n526) raised the concern about the (RR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.15–1.58) (91).
associated risks of stillbirth (10% and 12%, respectively) Pregnancy risks specifically attributable to e-
(75, 76). In light of these as well as other small cigarette use in pregnancy are not available, but the
uncontrolled series, thyroid dysfunction was listed among amount of nicotine consumed through both vaping and
the risk factors for stillbirth, with hyperthyroidism listed smoking seems at least comparable (92). Exposure to
among the possible indications for antenatal fetal testing second-hand smoke also increases risk. Individuals with
(77, 78). However, large epidemiologic studies have exposure to second-hand smoke were also at higher
found similar stillbirth rates in pregnancies complicated risk of stillbirth than never-smokers with lower or no
by maternal hyperthyroidism as in the general obstetric population (79–81).expo sure and had comparable risks to
Similarly, many studies have shown no increased risk of some active smokers (93). For pregnant patients who
stillbirth in pregnancies complicated by maternal smoke cigarettes and e-cigarettes, there is insufficient
hypothyroidism as compared with the general obstetric evidence to recommend routine antenatal fetal surveillance.
population (82–84). There is insufficient evidence to
recommend antenatal fetal surveillance for individuals
with well controlled hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Alcohol A prospective study in Denmark of individuals
Antenatal fetal surveillance should be individualized for
who consumed alcohol during pregnancy estimated a
patients with poorly controlled thyroid disease. still birth risk of 12.37 per 1,000 pregnancies, but only
among those individuals who consumed five or more
In Vitro Fertilization drinks per week (94). This study found that the risk ratio
Pregnancies achieved by in vitro fertilization have an for still birth at or beyond 28 weeks of gestation among
elevated risk (twofold to threefold increase) of stillbirth individuals who consumed five or more drinks per week
even after controlling for maternal age, parity, and during pregnancy was 2.96 (95% CI, 1.37–6.41)
multifetal gestations (85–88). One meta-analysis (85) compared with individuals who consumed fewer than
cited in the workshop on assisted reproductive one drink per week even after adjustment for other risk
technology and adverse pregnancy outcomes sponsored factors. Multivariate logistic regression analysis, which
by the National Institute of Child Health and Human included maternal smoking habits, caffeine intake, age,
Development (89) found a stillbirth rate of 11.8 per 1,000 prepreg nancy body mass index, marital status,
with an OR of 2.6 (95 % CI, 1.8–3.6) in pregnancy occupational status, education, parity, and sex of the
achieved by in vitro fertilization. Using gestational age- child, yielded comparable results. Stratification by birth
specific Cox regression, in vitro fertilization/ weight and preterm delivery (dichotomized) did not
intracytoplasmic sperm injection is associated with an change the conclusions, nor did inclusion of these
increased hazard of still birth from gestational week 37 variables in the regression model (the odds ratio for
0/7 (hazard ratio [HR], 2.4; 95% CI, 1.6–3.6), from individuals who consumed five or more drinks per week
gestational week 38 0/7 (HR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.5–3.6), was 2.69 [95% CI, 1.14– 6.31]). For pregnant individuals
from gestational week 39 0/7 (HR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.5– who consume five or more alcoholic drinks per week,
4.1), and from gestational week 40 0/7 ( HR, 3.0; 95% weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be considered
CI, 1.7–5.2) compared with spontaneous pregnancies (88). Forbeginning
pregnancy at 36 0/7 weeks
achieved of gestation.
using in vitro
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Obstetric Conditions associated with increased risk of stillbirth in the sub sequent
Previous Stillbirth pregnancy after adjusting for covariates associated with risk
of stillbirth (112). The risk is inversely related to the gestational
Compared with individuals without a history of stillbirth, those age at the first small-for gestational-age birth: aOR was 2.1
with a previous stillborn infant are 4.83 times (95% CI, 3.77– (95% CI, 1.6–2.8) for term deliveries; 3.4 (95% CI, 2.1–5.6)
6.18) more likely to have a subsequent stillbirth (106). The risk for gestational ages between 32 and 36 weeks; and 5.0 (95%
of recurrent stillbirth may be increased as high as 10-fold CI, 2.5–9.8) for gestational ages less than 32 weeks (112).
depending on maternal race and characteristics of the The corre sponding rates were 4.8 per 1,000, 9.5 per 1,000,
previous stillbirth, such as etiology, gestational age, and and 19 per 1,000, respectively. Similar findings were reported
presence of fetal growth restriction (107). by other investigators (113), with severity of growth restriction
Using maternal linked cohort data, stillbirth occurred in 22.7 in the antecedent pregnancy related to risk of still birth in the
per 1,000 individuals with a stillbirth in the preceding second pregnancy (110). The increased risk of stillbirth
pregnancy compared with 4.7 per 1,000 for those without such persists even if the second pregnancy is the appropriate size
a history (108). The etiology of a previous stillbirth affects the for gestational age (112).
ability of antenatal fetal surveillance to prevent recurrences.
However, for many cases of stillbirth, the etiology is unknown It would seem prudent to institute antenatal fetal
(109). For stillbirths associated with specific conditions, such surveillance in a pregnancy after one complicated by fetal
as hypertension or diabetes, antenatal fetal surveillance growth restriction or preeclampsia that required preterm
should be part of the recommended management guidelines delivery, even in the absence of growth abnormalities or
for such conditions. For patients with a previous stillbirth at preeclampsia in a subsequent pregnancy. Previous adverse
or after 32 0/7 weeks, once or twice weekly antenatal fetal sur pregnancy outcomes are primarily associated with an increased
surveillance is recommended at 32 0/7 weeks (1) or starting risk in preterm stillbirth in a sub-sequent pregnancy (112).
at 1–2 weeks before the gestational age of the previous Therefore, for patients with a history of fetal growth restriction
stillbirth. For previous stillbirths that occurred before 32 0/7 or preeclampsia requiring preterm delivery, even in the
weeks of gestation, individualized timing of antenatal fetal
absence of growth abnormalities, antenatal fetal surveillance
surveillance may be considered.
may be considered at 32 0/7 weeks and can be individualized
and con sidered at an earlier gestational age.
e188 Committee Opinion Outpatient Antenatal Fetal Surveillance OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
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Monitoring starting at diagnosis of cholestasis or viability rates of 9.4 per 1,000 and aOR of 2.41. The increased
(if cholestasis was diagnosed before viability) risk of stillbirth after 24 weeks persisted when
significantly reduced the risk of stillbirth (0 per 218 preeclamptic and low birth weight participants were
versus 14 per 888; P5.045). For individuals with excluded (130). The association with stillbirth strength
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, once or twice ens if elevated inhibin A is associated with other
weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be considered abnormal mal marker levels (ie, high alpha fetoprotein,
beginning at diag nosis or at the gestational age when high hCG, or both) (128, 130).
delivery would be considered because of abnormal test results (119). If serum screening for aneuploidy is performed, the
results may be considered in determining whether serial
Late-Term and Postterm Pregnancy growth assessments and antenatal fetal surveillance
Prolonged pregnancy poses a number of risks to the should be performed. For patients with first trimester
fetus and neonate, including stillbirth. The risk of stillbirth pregnancy-associated PAPP-A levels less than or equal
at term increases with gestational age from 0.11 per to the fifth percentile (0.4 MoM) or second trimester
1,000 ongoing pregnancies at 37 weeks (95% CI, 0.07– inhibin A equal or greater than 2.0 MoM, weekly antenatal
0.15) to 1.78 per 1,000 ongoing pregnancies at 41 fetal surveillance may be considered beginning at 36 0/7
weeks (95% CI, 1.52–2.07) and to 3 .18 per 1,000 weeks of gestation despite evidence of normal fetal
ongoing pregnancies at 42 weeks (95% CI, 1.84–4.35) growth. There is insufficient evidence to recommend
(120). There is no agreement as to the gestational age antenatal fetal surveillance for patients with second
at which fetal monitoring should start. Because the rate trimester MSAFP equal to or greater than 2.0 MoM in
of fetal, maternal, and neonatal complications is the absence of fetal growth restriction.
significantly increased beyond 41 weeks, both the Placental, Umbilical Cord, and Amniotic
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Fluid Conditions
and the World Association of Perinatal Medicine suggest
that beginning evaluation at that time may be considered, Chronic Placental Abruption
if the individual remains undelivered (121–123). For Placental abruption has a high-positive association with
otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies, antenatal fetal stillbirth, with estimated risks as high as 4–7% in one
surveillance is recommended beginning at 41 0/7 weeks population-based study (133), and aOR as high as 8.7
of gestation and continued once or twice weekly until 42 in another (134). For patients with chronic placental
0/7 weeks when delivery is indicated, but delivery may abruption who are candidates for outpatient management,
also be considered between 39 0/7 and 42 0 /7 weeks (122–124). once or twice weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be
considered upon diagnosis. For patients diagnosed with
Abnormal Serum Markers chronic placental abruption at an early gestational age,
Pregnancies complicated by first trimester pregnancy shared decision making between the pregnant individual
associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) levels less than and the clinician is particularly important.
or equal to the fifth percentile (0.415 multiples of the
Vasa Previa
median [MoM]) have a 2.15-fold (125) to 9.2-fold (126)
increased risk of stillbirth at greater than 24 weeks, with Among individuals with vasa previa, stillbirth may result
rates of 5.8–20 per 1,000, respectively (125–128). The from rupture of submembranous fetal vessels that course
lower the PAPP-A level, the higher the risk of stillbirth across the cervical os (109). Perinatal outcomes improve
that has been associated with it (125, 127, 128); significantly when prenatal diagnosis allows for manage
however, it is unclear if this risk persists in the absence ment that includes cesarean delivery before the onset of
of fetal growth restriction. labor (135, 136). Although close inpatient surveillance
Abnormal second trimester analysts also have been before delivery at 34 0/7–37 0/7 weeks may be an
associated with increased risk of stillbirth. Unexplained appropriate management strategy, outpatient fetal
elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) is surveillance management should be individualized for
associated with increased risk of stillbirth with RR patients with vasa previa (137).
estimates ranging from 3.4 to 21.9 (128–131). The
stillbirth rate is 6.7 per 1,000 for MSAFP equal to or Abnormalities of the Placenta or Cord
greater than 2.0 MoM (130) and 30 per 1,000 for MSAFP It has been speculated that almost 25% of stillbirths, in
greater than 2.5 MoM (131). Although the relative risk of a large US cohort, are potentially preventable, and the
stillbirth is highest when MSAFP is greater than or equal majority of them (57%) are due to placental abnormal
to 2.5 MoM, one study found that the RR is markedly ities or insufficiency, with most such deaths occurring
reduced after adjustment for LBW and the associations after 37 weeks (138) . Abnormalities of placental shape,
first observed were no longer statistically significant (132). single umbilical artery, and abnormalities of umbilical
cord insertion (eg, velamentous cord insertion) are
Inhibin A greater than 2.0 MoM is also associated thought to reflect abnormal placental implantation. Not
with increased risk of late fetal death (128, 130), with surprisingly, the abnormalities have been associated with
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increased risk of stillbirth, but whether the increased risk after excluding pregnancies with pregestational or
of stillbirth is independent of fetal growth restriction is gestational diabetes mellitus. The authors concluded
unknown (139–141). Examination of the placenta, cord, that polyhydramnios may warrant increased antenatal
and membranes is listed among the most important tests surveillance, particularly in the last weeks of pregnancy.
in the evaluation of a stillbirth (142). In the population For patients with moderate or severe polyhydramnios
based case-control study of stillbirth conducted by the (deepest vertical pocket equal to or greater than 12 cm
National Institute of Child Health and Human or amniotic fluid index equal to or greater than 30 cm),
Development Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network, once or twice weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be
the odds ratios for stillbirth were 4.80 (95% CI, 2.67– considered beginning at 32 0/7 to 34 0 /7 weeks of
8.62) for single umbilical artery and 4.50 ( 95% CI, 2.18– gestation (146, 149, 150). Absent other indications,
9.27) for velamentous cord insertion (139). In a recent antenna such fetal surveillance is not required for mild
meta analysis, the stillbirth rate was 34 per 1,000 in the idiopathic polyhydramnios (146).
vela mentous cord insertion group (aOR 3.96; 95% CI,
3.21–4.89) (143). A stillbirth rate of 12 per 1,000 recently Additional Health Equity Considerations Although race
has been reported in a cohort of isolated, single umbilical is not a biological risk factor for stillbirth, it is likely a
artery cases (144). In light of these findings, ACOG as proxy for the negative influence of racism on health.
well as others (145) advocate for serial antenatal fetal
surveillance in the case of velamentous cord insertion or Rates of stillbirth are higher in pregnant people who self-
identify as Black (10,151). For example, non-Hispanic
single umbilical artery. For patients with velamentous Black individuals have an unadjusted stillbirth rate that
cord insertion or single umbilical artery, weekly antena is more than twice the rate of other racial groups (for
tal fetal surveillance may be considered beginning at 36 every 1,000 live births, there are 10.53 still births among
0/7 weeks of gestation. non-Hispanic Black individuals versus 4.88 stillbirths
among non-Hispa nic white singles ) (152).
Isolated Oligohydramnios Other investigators (9) have found higher rates of still
The stillbirth rate in pregnancies complicated by birth, independent of comorbidities, in self-identified
oligohydramnios, defined as a single deepest vertical Black individuals. Race is a social rather than a biological
pocket less than 2 cm, is estimated at 14 per 1,000 construct and the effects of racism (structural,
(13). Oligo hydramnios can be isolated or associated institutionalized, and interpersonal) and biases (implicit
with maternal or fetal conditions. The perinatal outcomes and explicit) are implicated in many health inequities;
of oligohy dramnios associated with other conditions is these are more likely than race to be related to elevated
related to the underlying condition, but the natural risk (153–155).
history of iso lated oligohydramnios is unclear. Isolated Given the current limited data on the influence of
oligohydram nios is more frequent at term; This is racism on inequitable rates of stillbirth, further insight
commonly considered evidence of placental insufficiency into the individual effects of racism, race, and clinical
and a potentially preventable cause of stillbirth with comorbidities, as well as the collective effect of these
adequate surveillance (138). For patients with isolated factors are needed. Furthermore, there is a critical need
oligohy dramnios (single deepest vertical pocket less for the health care system to address the upstream and
than 2 cm) who are not being delivered (20), once or root causes of adverse outcomes associated with racism.
twice weekly antenatal fetal surveillance may be Until further data are available on the effects of specific
considered upon diagnosis. factors resulting from racism, recommendations
regarding fetal surveillance cannot reliably be made.
Polyhydramnios The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
The degree of polyhydramnios is frequently categorized and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine call on
as mild, moderate, or severe, based on a deepest obstetrician–gynecologists and other health care clinics
vertical pocket of 8–11 cm, 12–15 cm, or 16 cm or to help address racism by examining their own prejudices
greater, or an amniotic fluid index of 24.0–29.9 cm, 30.0– and biases; engaging with diverse groups of advocates;
34.9 cm, and 35 cm or greater, respectively (146). The and addressing the ways in which the structure of health
increased risk of fetal mortality associated with care systems, systems processes, and per sonnel
polyhydramnios has been attributed to higher incidence of fetal anomaliesphysicians
(147). and staff) can perpetuate health
However, a retrospective cohort study of nonanomalous inequities in communities of color (156–158).
births (148) found that the risk of stillbirth in pregnant
cies complicated by polyhydramnios is 1.14 per 1,000 at futureresearch
32 weeks, 1.34 per 1,000 at 34 weeks, 1.64 per 1,000 There is a paucity of evidence to support the effectiveness
at 36 weeks, and 2.91 per 1,000 at 39 weeks. When of antenatal fetal surveillance in preventing stillbirth and
adjusted for multiple confounding variables, to inform evidence-based recommendations on the
polyhydramnios re mained associated with increased timing and frequency of such surveillance. This is in part
because stillbirth is rare and occurs in association with
odds of stillbirth (aOR 5.5; 95% CI, 4.1–7.6). The meaning persisted
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VOL. 137, NO. JUNE 6, 2021 Committee Opinion Outpatient Antenatal Fetal Surveillance e197