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JHH 2013 121
JHH 2013 121
The impact of aerobic exercise on blood pressure variability
N Pagonas1, F Dimeo2, F Bauer1, F Seibert1, F Kiziler1, W Zidek1 and TH Westhoff1
There is increasing evidence that blood pressure variability (BPV, variation of blood pressure over time) constitutes a strong
and independent marker of cardiovascular risk. The all-cause mortality is 450% greater in subjects with a standard deviation
of inter-visit blood pressure 45 mm Hg. Regular aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure and is recommended by current
hypertension guidelines as a basic lifestyle modification. It remains elusive, however, whether aerobic exercise is able to reduce BPV
as well. In total, 72 hypertensive subjects were randomly assigned to an 8–12-week treadmill exercise program (target lactate
2.0±0.5 mmol l 1) or sedentary control. Blood pressure was measured by 24 h-ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABP). Two
aspects of BPV were assessed: the variability of ABP and the variability of blood pressure on exertion. The coefficient of variation
(CV) was used as a statistical measure of BPV. The CV of systolic daytime ABP was defined as primary outcome. The exercise
program significantly decreased systolic and diastolic daytime ABP by 6.2±10.2 mm Hg (Po0.01) and 3.0±6.3 mm Hg (P ¼ 0.04),
respectively. Moreover, it reduced blood pressure on exertion and increased physical performance (Po0.05 each). Exercise
had no impact, however, on the CV of daytime (10.2±2.7 vs. 9.8±2.6%, P ¼ 0.30) and night-time systolic (8.9±3.2 vs. 10.5±4.1%,
P ¼ 0.10) and diastolic ABP (daytime 11.5±3.3 vs. 11.5±3.1%, night-time 12.0±4.3 vs. 13.8±5.2%; P40.05 each). Regular aerobic
exercise is a helpful adjunct to control blood pressure in hypertension, but it has no effect on 24 h- BPV, an independent predictor
of cardiovascular risk.
Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 28, 367–371; doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.121; published online 28 November 2013
Keywords: blood pressure variability; exercise; ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Department of Nephrology, Charité–Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany and 2Department of Sports Medicine, Charité–Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany.
Correspondence: Dr TH Westhoff, Department of Nephrology, Charité–Campus Benjamin Franklin, Hindenburgdamm 30, Berlin 12200, Germany.
E-mail: timm.westhoff@charite.de
Received 15 April 2013; revised 6 August 2013; accepted 10 September 2013; published online 28 November 2013
Exercise and blood pressure variability
N Pagonas et al
first week, training consisted of five workloads of 3 min; between ranging from 6–20 with ‘6’ corresponding to a ‘very, very light effort’ and
workloads, patients walked with half-speed for 3 min. Exercise duration ‘20’ corresponding to ‘exhaustion’. Assessment of maximal oxygen uptake
was gradually increased to four times 5 min per day in the second week, is the gold standard for the determination of physical performance.18
three times 8 min per day in the third, three times 10 min per day in the However, validity of results depends on subjects exercising until
fourth and two times 15 min per day in the fifth week. In the sixth and exhaustion. Therefore, we additionally present lactate and heart rate
further weeks, exercise was progressively increased to 30, 32 and 36 min curves. This method does not depend on compliance and allows a reliable
and carried out without interruption. Training sessions were carried out and valid estimation of physical performance.19 Lactate concentration in
three times weekly for 8–12 weeks with a target-lactate concentration of capillary blood was determined at the end of each workload (Ebioplus,
2.0±0.5 mmol l 1 in capillary blood slightly above the aerobic threshold Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). Comparison of lactate concentrations and
as described previously.15,16 Subjects were asked to participate for 12 blood pressure on exertion was performed using the data of the individual
weeks and—if not able to schedule the three-times weekly training workloads reached at both baseline and follow-up examination. The
sessions for the whole period—a minimum of 8 weeks. Assessment of follow-up blood pressure measurement and the exercise test in the
24 h-ABP monitoring and physical performance were conducted before training group were conducted within 5 days after the last training session.
and after the observation period. 24 h-ABP monitoring was performed
using Spacelabs 90 207 monitors (Spacelabs, Redmond, WA, USA). The
intervals between single measurements were set to be 20 min during
daytime (0600 h to 2200 h) and 30 min during night-time. Calculation of BPV
We assessed the effect of exercise on two aspects of BPV: First, the
intraindividual systolic and diastolic variability at daytime and night-time
Eligibility criteria and study population ABP. Secondly, the BPV on exertion. The CV of daytime systolic blood
Patients were recruited from our hypertension outpatient clinic and by pressure was the primary endpoint of the trial. The CV was calculated
press announcement. Inclusion criteria were current antihypertensive according to the equation: CV ¼ s.d./mean. BPV on exertion was assessed
treatment with at least one antihypertensive drug and/or office blood by the CV of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure values obtained
pressure X140/90 mm Hg. Exclusion criteria were regular engagement in during the treadmill stress tests.
physical exercise training in the past 4 weeks prior to inclusion in the
study, symptomatic peripheral arterial occlusive disease, aortic insuffi-
ciency or stenosis 4stage I, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy,
congestive heart failure (4NYHA II), uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia with Study size calculation
hemodynamic relevance, systolic office BP X180 mm Hg, signs of acute Based on the results of the ASCOT-BPLA trial a decrease of the CV of
ischemia in exercise ECG, change of antihypertensive medication in the systolic blood pressure from 10 to 8% has to be regarded as clinically
past 4 weeks prior to inclusion in the study or during follow-up period. significant, as it reduces the incidence of stroke.20 Our previous work
A total of 87 subjects were assessed for eligibility to participate in the trial. indicated a CV in systolic ABP of 10±3% at baseline.15–17 A sample size of
A total of 72 patients, who met the inclusion criteria, were randomized by 29 per group has 80% power to detect an exercise-induced decrease of CV
lot to either the exercise group (36 patients) or the control group (36 from 10–8% with a s.d. of 3% using a one-sided significance level of 0.05.
patients, Figure 1). A total of three patients in the exercise group and three We estimated the drop-out rate to be 15% leading to an overall sample
in the control group had to be excluded from analysis due to size of 69 patients. For reasons of security we enrolled 72 patients.
discontinuation of the exercise programme (two patients) and protocol
violation in terms of changes in the antihypertensive medication (one
patient in the exercise group and three patients in the control group). The Table 1. Baseline characteristics
attendance rate to the training sessions was 96%. The study population
encompassed 33 patients (16 and 17 in the exercise and control group Exercise Control P-value
respectively) who fulfilled the criteria of resistant hypertension. The blood (n ¼ 36) (n ¼ 36)
pressure-lowering effects of exercise in this part of the population have
been already published.17 Patients’ characteristics including concomitant Female 19 (52.8%) 22 (61.1%) 0.63
diseases and antihypertensive medication are presented in Table 1. The Male 17 (47.2%) 14 (38.9%)
median number of antihypertensive drugs for each patient ranged from Age (years) 65.3 (42–79) 67.7 (43–77) 0.14
1 to 7. The preexisting antihypertensive medication remained unchanged Body mass index (kg m 2) 28.3±4.6 29.5± 4.5 0.26
throughout the study and all patients were repeatedly requested to take
care of an accurate drug intake. Written informed consent was obtained Concomitant diseases
from all participants before inclusion in the study. The study was approved Diabetes mellitus 6 (16.7%) 8 (22.2%) 0.55
by the local ethics committee at the Charité Berlin. Hyperlipidemia 21 (58.3%) 21 (58.3%) 0.81
(Ex-) Smoking 7 (19.4%) 4 (11.1%) 0.51
Family history of 20 (55.5%) 17 (47.2%) 0.77
Assessment of physical performance cardiovascular disease
Assessment of physical performance was carried out by a treadmill stress- Coronary heart disease 2 (5.6%) 4 (11.1%) 0.41
test using a modified Bruce protocol (begin with 3 km h 1, increase of Atrial fibrillation 1 (2.8%) 3 (8.3%) 0.61
speed by 1.4 km h 1 after 3 min, thereafter increase of elevation by 3% at
constant speed) under continuous ECG-monitoring and assessment of Antihypertensive medication
oxygen uptake and CO2 release. In this protocol each workload Number of 3 (1–6) 4 (1–7) 0.21
corresponds to an increase of 25 W for a patient of 75 kg weight. The antihypertensive drugs
level of perceived exertion was assessed by the 15-point Borg scale Beta-blocker 19 (52.8%) 23 (63.9%) 0.47
ACE inhibitor 12 (33.3%) 13 (36.1%) 1.0
Angiotensin receptor 17 (47.2%) 19 (52.8%) 0.81
Calcium channel blocker 22 (61.1%) 21 (58.3%) 1.0
Aliskiren 5 (13.9%) 4 (11.1%) 1.0
Diuretic 19 (52.8%) 24 (66.7%) 0.34
Other antihypertensive 7 (19.4%) 7 (19.4%) 1.0
Age and number of antihypertensive drugs are presented as median and
range. Body mass index is presented as mean±s.d. Intergroup differences
were tested by unpaired two-tailed t-test (age, body mass index), Fisher’s
exact test (gender, concomitant diseases, category of antihypertensive
drugs) or Pearson’s w2 test (number of antihypertensive drugs).
Figure 1. Trial profile.
Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 367 – 371 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Exercise and blood pressure variability
N Pagonas et al
Statistical analysis (P ¼ 0.21) and diastolic (P ¼ 0.69) ABP at night-time. The exercise
Numeric data are presented as mean±s.d., number of antihypertensive program led to a significant increase of physical performance by
drugs as median and range. Data were tested for normal distribution by increasing maximal oxygen uptake in the exercise group without
the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Intergroup differences at baseline were changes in the control group (Table 3). Accordingly, lactate and
tested by unpaired two-tailed t-tests for numeric parameters. Comparison heart rate curves showed a significant right shift indicating an
of categorical parameters was performed by Fisher’s exact test in case of improvement of physical performance (Figure 2).
dichotomy and by Pearson-w2-test in case of polychotomy. Changes of The exercise program had no impact, however, on the primary
numeric parameters from baseline to follow-up were analyzed using an
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model. Previous data indicate that use of outcome, the systolic BPV. The CV of daytime systolic ABP did not
beta blockers and calcium channel blockers have a significant impact on change in response to the exercise program (10.2±2.7 vs.
BPV.21 Therefore, these parameters were included in addition to baseline 9.8±2.6%, P ¼ 0.30). The CV of night-time systolic BP did not
values as covariates in the ANCOVA model. The CV served as statistical differ significantly from baseline to follow-up either (8.9±3.2 vs.
measure for BPV. The CV was calculated as described above. Po0.05 was 10.5±4.1%, P ¼ 0.10). Moreover, exercise did not have significant
regarded significant. Physical performance was analyzed by paired two- effects on daytime and night-time CV of the diastolic ABP (P40.05
tailed t-tests using data of workload levels reached at both baseline and each). There was, however, a statistical trend in the CV of daytime
follow-up treadmill stress-tests. All statistical analysis was done using SPSS diastolic ABP (P ¼ 0.06). This trend resulted from an increase of the
Statistics 19 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). CV in the control group (12.9±3.3 vs. 13.6±3.8%), whereas the CV
in the exercise group remained exactly unchanged (11.5±3.3 vs.
11.5±3.1%). Treadmill stress tests were used to analyze BPV on
RESULTS exertion. Blood pressure values at rest and at the workload levels
At baseline, exercise and control groups showed no significant reached at both baseline and control were included in the
differences in gender, age, number of antihypertensive drugs, analysis. CV of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were
body mass index and concomitant diseases including diabetes unaffected by the exercise program (Table 3, P40.05 each).
mellitus, hyperlipidemia, smoking habits and coronary heart
disease as presented in Table 1. We found no difference in any
parameter of blood pressure and BPV between the groups at DISCUSSION
baseline. The mean follow-up period was 9.6±1.8 weeks in the The present study investigates the effect of regular aerobic
exercise group and 10.0±2.0 weeks in the control group exercise on ambulatory BPV for the first time. Our data confirm
(P ¼ 0.46). Exercise led to a significant reduction of daytime that exercise is a helpful adjunct to reduce blood pressure.
systolic and diastolic ABP (Po0.001 and P ¼ 0.04 respectively, It demonstrates, however, that aerobic exercise is not able to
Table 2). However, exercise did not significantly affect the systolic reduce BPV. Recent meta-analyses revealed an exercise-induced
Daytime systolic ABP (mm Hg) 137.9±12.3 131.7±9.4 6.2±10.2 133.1±12.1 135.1±13.2 2.0±9.4 o0.01
Daytime diastolic ABP (mm Hg) 78.1±8.9 75.1±9.1 3.0±6.3 73.8±6.4 74.6±6.9 0.8±4.8 0.04
Night-time systolic ABP (mm Hg) 128.2±14.6 125.9±11.1 2.2±12.4 125.4±13.8 127.2±14.2 1.7±7.7 0.21
Night-time diastolic ABP (mm Hg) 70.6±9.2 68.5±9.3 2.1±7.4 66.9±7.7 66.5±8.3 0.4±5.9 0.69
CV of daytime systolic ABP (%) 10.2±2.7 9.8±2.6 0.4±3.1 11.5±3.1 10.8±3.0 0.7±4.0 0.30
CV of daytime diastolic ABP (%) 11.5±3.3 11.5±3.1 0.1±3.8 12.9±3.3 13.6±3.8 0.7±4.2 0.06
CV of night-time systolic ABP (%) 8.9±3.2 10.5±4.1 1.6±4.0 9.1±3.5 9.3±3.1 0.2±3.7 0.10
CV of night-time diastolic ABP (%) 12.0±4.3 13.8±5.2 1.8±5.6 12.6±4.4 13.4±4.7 0.8±4.2 0.58
Abbreviation: CV, coefficient of variation. Data presented as mean±s.d. Intergroup differences in the changes of parameters from baseline to follow-up were
analyzed using an ANCOVA model adjusted for baseline value, use of beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers. Po0.05 was regarded significant (bold
type). Delta, change of parameter in observation period.
& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 367 – 371
Exercise and blood pressure variability
N Pagonas et al
Exercise Control patients with mild hypertension. In patients with hypertension a
Pre decrease of the low-frequency variability has been demonstrated,26
whereas no exercise-induced changes have been found in healthy
Lactate (mmol/l)
Lactate (mmol/l)
6 Post
4 subjects.27,28
4 The mechanisms responsible for the blood pressure-lowering
2 effect of exercise are incompletely understood. A reduction of
sympathetic tone, however, is reported consistently in the
0 0 * * *
different studies and is regarded as a mechanism of crucial
* * * *
relevance.12–14 This antihypertensive mechanism of exercise is
150 150 therefore partially comparable to the effects of a beta blocker.
Interestingly, recent studies have demonstrated that–in accor-
Heart rate (1/min)
Heart rate (1/min)
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