Analytical Model For BHA
Analytical Model For BHA
Analytical Model For BHA
The major objectives of the bottom-hole-assembly (BHA) is to The main function of the BHA is to provide sufficient force
provide force for the drill bit and to control the direction of the on the drillbit to ensure a rapid and efficient drilling process.
well. The BHA is mainly composed of heavy and stiff drill The drillbit requirements must be identified. This force is
defined as Fbit. Furthermore, one must define whether the If a motor is planned used, and drilling is assumed performed
complete, or just a part of the BHA should be in compression. in a non-rotating mode, the axial drag must be included. This
The so called neutral point is the place where the effective is the case during correction runs with motor and bent sub.
string force goes from compression into tension. An older The length of the BHA becomes in this case:
established practice is to define the neutral point at a length of
2/3 from the bit. Often the jar is placed near this place for Fbit
operational reasons. Today this criterion is relaxed, the L= + L2 (4)
βw ( cos α − µ sin α )
complete BHA is sometimes run in compression. Finally,
well friction should be included in the analysis Before
proceeding, please remember to correct the pipe weight for If the drilling operation is performed as rotary drilling, the
buoyancy. The buoyancy factor is2: axial drag is small and may be neglected as discussed above,
and the total length of the BHA is:
β = 1− (1) Fbit
ρ pipe L= + L2 (5)
βw cos α
This equation is valid for any borehole inclination and for the
case of equal mud densities inside and outside the drillstring. With the above equations, the length of the BHA can be
For other cases, please see ref. 2. The density for steel determined. Assuming that the L2 is a pre-defined fraction of
drillpipe is 7.85 s.g. If drillstrings of other materials are used, L1 (K= L2/L1) the above equations can be modified to:
please use their respective densities.
First we will define the maximum hole inclination that it is Non-rotating case:
possible to drill under ordinary conditions1. The assumption L = (1 + K ) (6)
is that the drillstring is in a sliding mode, that is not rotating. βw ( cos α − µ sin α )
The friction in the well is just axial drag. This situation also Rotating case:
applies at a later stage when the casing string is landed in the
well. The total length of the BHA is: L = L1 + L2 (see Fig. 2). Fbit
The friction or resistance towards axial motion is given by the L = (1 + K ) (7)
Coulomb friction model (friction coefficient multiplied with βw cos α
the normal force) or: F friction = µWsinα. Finally, the total
weight of the BHA is equal to the unit weight multiplied by Example 1: You are asked to design a BHA for a new
the total length; W =β wL. The string will stop to slide when production well. The inclination is 60 degrees, and from
the weight equals the friction or (ref. 1,3): torque-and-drag measurements, the coefficient of friction is
estimated to 0.2. The density of the drilling fluid is 1.5 s.g.
Assume that 1/4 of the length is above the neutral point
βwL cos α = µβwL sin α , or:
(K=1/3). The BHA consists mainly of 8x3 in. drill collars
with a unit weight of: 218.8 kg/m or 2146N/m. During
1 drilling the expected force on the drillbit is 5 metric tons or
α maximum = tan −1 (2)
µ 49050 N. The buoyancy factor is:
β = 1− = 0.81 resulting in a buoyed unit weight
Equation 2 defines the maximum inclination of the well to 7.85
ensure that the drillstring or casing slides down. It depends of: 0.81x2146 = 1736 N/m
directly on the coefficient of friction, and can be altered by
changing drilling fluid or by lubrication. During rotary For the sliding case, the minimum total length of the BHA is:
drilling, this is not the upper limit as axial drag reduces during
rotation. The drag goes toward zero1,3 provided the drillstring 1 49050N
L = 1 + = 94.2m
is rotated fast. 3 1736N / m ( 60° − 0.2sin 60° )
Now considering the part of the BHA that contributes to
drilling, that is in compression. A force balance along the
For the rotating case, the minimum length required is:
axis of the hole results in (see Fig.2):
Highly deviated wells. The drilling process is usually The simplest case of buckling is the sinusoidal buckling.
gravity driven. The requirement is that a component of the The drillpipe assumes a sinusoidal shape. Increasing the load
gravity force can act on the drillbit. Therefore, the maximum further leads to helical buckling, the string assumes the shape
inclination for this to work is given by Eqn. 2. of a coil. These are valid for straight pipes and wellbores. If
However, it is possible to drill horizontal wells and even the wellbore is curved, this actually stabilizes the pipe, and a
upwards. The key is to place drillcollars in a downward dip higher critical load is required to initiate buckling (see refs.
to provide force. This is illustrated in Fig. 3. We usually 4,5,7,9,10).
neglect the stiffness of the drillpipe. The weight of the For the general case with deviated boreholes, the following
drillcollars is axially transmitted through a bend to the drillbit. equation defines the critical load to initiate buckling:
For this case the unit weight of the drill collars is w1, and the
unit weight of the drillpipe to the bit is w2. The friction for kFN EI
these two elements have the same indexes. Starting at the Fcr = (10)
neutral point, a force balance along the axis of the
hole becomes: Here: FN is the unit normal force on the pipe, and r is the
radial clearance between the drillpipe and the borehole.
βw1L1 cos α − Ffriction −1 − Ffriction − 2 − βw 2 H TVD − Fbit = 0 The scaling factor k is defined as follows7,31:
Inserting the definition for drill collar friction, the length of k = 4 for sinusoidal buckling in straight wellbores
the BHA(drill collars) are: k = 32 for helical buckling in curved boreholes.
Fbit + Ffriction − 2 + β w 2 H TVD The normal contact force FN is the buoyed unit weight of the
L = (1 + K ) (8) of the string resting on the wellbore, and it is expressed
βw1 ( cos α − µ sin α )
as follows:
In the derivation of this equation we have used the conclusion2
that the axial weight of an inclined pipe is equal to its FN = (βw sin α + Fα ')2 + ( Fφ 'sin α )2 (11)
projected height. Furthermore, only the height exceeding the
bottom end of the drill collars contributes to this weight. Curvature in the wellbore actually stabilizes the pipe. He,
Several other considerations must be taken. Since we now use Halsey and Kyllingstad(1995) also showed that by
a drillpipe extension that is always in compression, the critical simultaneously applying torque to the pipe only lowered the
buckling force must be computed and not exceeded. This will critical buckling force by a few percent, suggesting that this
be left to the next section. Also, we have earlier assumed that effect may be neglected.
the axial drag vanishes if we apply a high rotational speed.
This assumption can be used also for this case provided a Example 2: We are drilling a 100 degrees well similar to the
small compressive load is applied. Because the well curves, scenario shown in Fig. 3. Below the drill collars is a coiled
the friction of the well depends on the bit force applied. The tubing installed to provide the required force on the drillbit.
higher the bit force, the higher the torque and the drag. Eqn. 8 The entrance before build-up is 80 degrees. Friction is
represents a sliding mode. For a rotational mode assuming neglected. Determine the critical buckling force for the
that the axial friction vanishes, the equation becomes: coiled tubing, which has an outer diameter of 1.5 in. and an
inner diameter of 1.25 in. and a radial clearance between
Fbit + βw 2 H TVD
L = (1 + K ) (9) borehole and tubing of 4.5 in.
βw1 cos α
Neutral point and buckling
The moment of inertia for the coiled tubing is:
The lower part of the BHA is in a compressive state during
drilling. If a pipe is loaded axially beyond a critical point, it
will buckle and assume a sinus shape or some other shape that
D −d =
1.5 1.25
deviates from a straight pipe. Loading the pipe beyond the 4 −8 4
= 0.129in = 5.355 x10 m
buckling point may lead to increased well friction, ultimately a
stuck pipe, or pipe failure. Obviously, it is important for
The normal force on the tubing is(assuming a
practical well operations not to exceed the critical
segment of circle as shown in Fig. A1):
buckling load.
Buckling limit should be checked for any component put
into a high compressive load. In addition to HWDP and FN = 2 F sin 10° = 0.347 F
drillpipes this may be the case for completion and production
equipment as well.
Equating this axial force with the critical buckling force: From this discussion it is obvious that the directional control
depends on the reaction sideforce on the drillbit (the weight),
and the geometric effect (the bit force). These two effects are
8 x 0.347 xFcr x 215x10 6 x5.355x10 −8
Fcr = of course present simultaneously. For the examples discussed
4.5x 0.0254 they have opposite effects, and the vector sum determines the
actual wellbore direction. In the following we will develop
The critical buckling force becomes: Fcr = 27.96 kN. equations that gives the complete picture from beam theory.
Assuming negligible weight of pipe from the bend to the
drillbit, this is the maximum bit force that can be applied. Designing stabilizer placement We will now present
equations to determine the preferred directions various BHA
will drill. First we will consider the dropping assembly in
which the placement of the lowest stabilizer is most important.
Directional control
For this analysis we will adapt solutions from statics. In Fig.
6a a cantilever beam is shown. It has an evenly distributed
Before deriving equations for directional control we will
load and bends down a distance defined by the geometric and
identify two main mechanisms that control the direction of the
elastic properties. In Fig. 6b the analogous BHA is shown. In
well. These are identified as the weight effect and the
adapting the cantilever solution a number of assumptions is
geometry effect. Starting with the weight effect, reference is
made. Some of these are:
given to Fig. 4. This figure shows the bottom section of the
-At the stabilizer the slope of the drillcollar equal the
BHA. The weight of the drillcollars shown has an axial
wellbore inclination.
component that gives the bit force, and a normal component.
-We assume that the bottom of the BHA is free-
We furthermore assume that the total weight is taken up as a
reaction force at the bit and at the upper stabilizer.
-We decompose the drill collar weight into an axial
component that provide bit force, and a normal
A moment balance results in a normal force at either end equal
component that causes the dip.
to Wsinα/2. In Fig. 4a, this reaction force is equal to the side
-Since the outer diameter of the drill collar is
force on the drillbit. The drillbit is usually also designed for a
significantly larger than the inner diameter, the
cuttings action sidewise. As drilling proceeds, this sideforce
moment of inertia is based mainly on the
will result in a downward hole shape. In other words, the
outer diameter.
outcome is a drop in hole inclination.
-The elastic modulus used is for steel,
E = 215 kN/mm2.
In Fig. 4b we have installed a stabilizer adjacent to the drillbit.
The same reaction force exist normal to the wellbore.
Assume that at the start of drilling the wellbore is straight.
However, the stabilizer is not designed for a cutting action,
The assembly shown in Fig. 6b is installed. Initially, this
rather with a function as a bearing. The drillbit will therefore
remains straight, and the bottom weight (normal component)
not experience a sideforce because of the support from the
is evenly distributed between the stabilizer and the drillbit.
stabilizer, and the result is a straight well path.
After drilling a short distance, the hole will assume a curved
shape, until there is no sideforce. At this point the BHA will
The weight effect above is not sufficient to control the
drill with a drop in inclination.
direction of the well. The geometry effect has a dominating
Adapting the equations for the cantilever solution with the
effect as well. The simple description of the geometry effect
assumptions above, the drop-rate or the DLS (dog-leg-
is that the drillbit will drill in the direction it points. During
severity) can be estimated from:
drilling with a motor, it is practice to use bent subs(Fig. 5a).
L ( m)
The BHA is very long with long distances between the
DLS ( ° / 30m ) = 196β w ( kN / m ) sin α (12)
stabilizing points. The drillcollars between the stabilizers D ( in )
therefore will assume a curved shape rather than being
straight. For this example, the well path will turn upwards In this equation, w is the unit weight of the drill collars, L is
(build inclination) because the shape of the BHA points the the length from the drillbit to the stabilizer, and D is the outer
drillbit slightly upwards. diameter of the drill collars. Please observe that the buildrate
depends directly on the wellbore inclination. This equation
Fig. 5a shows that the bit points in a direction that differs from works well for the drop-case. However, similar simple
the borehole direction. In Fig. 5b the bit force is also shown. equations for build- or hold assemblies are not as accurate.
Since the bit force now points in a different direction than the An error is introduced because the inclination at the first
wellbore, it has a normal component which forces the bit to stabilizer depends on the position of the second stabilizer, and
build angle. This complicates the matter as the geometric may deviate from the wellbore inclination.
effect depends on the applied bit force, and cannot be Instead, the problem is solved as a undetermined flexural
considered constant as for the weight effect. beam problem, as presented in Appendix A. The following
general solution is valid for all three scenario- build, drop Knowing the properties of a specific BHA, Eqn. 13 can easily
or hold. be used to predict the behavior of a similar assembly by using
the proportionality relations f. As a hypothetical case, assume
fδ that the BHA is composed of a different material (titanium,
DLS ( ° / 30m ) = 1719 (13) aluminium). The build properties would simply be obtained
L tan
by scaling according to f above. Another example is
given below.
The following scaling factor applies:
Example 4: We will drill a section from 40 to 60 degrees
E I ρ A β inclination, and require a maximum DLS of 4.5 °/30m. The
f = i i
E I ρi Ai β1 BHA is similar to the previous, but it is changed to 6-1/2 in x
2-1/4 in. drill collars. The mud weight is changed to 1.73 s.g.
Determine the length to the first stabilizer, and the start and
where: δ = deflection at the bit of the BHA
end DLS.
Ltan = distance drillbit - first stabilizer
E = modulus of elasticity
For the new BHA the following data applies:
I = moment of inertia
Buoyancy factor: β = 0.78
ρ = density of pipe material
A = 1.844x10-2 m2
A = crossectional area of pipe
I = 3.595x10-5 m4
The deflection at the bit, δ, can be computed with Eqn. A1. It
The correction factor of Eqn. 13 becomes:
can also be determined by measuring the deflection directly on
a BHA laid out on a drill floor. Knowing that the DLS has
certain proportionality relations, the scaling part of the E 8.203x10−5 ρ 1.884x10−2 0.78
f = i −5 = 1.5
E 3.595x10 ρi
equation can be used as given in the following example. −2
2.787x10 0.8
Example 3: We are considering a BHA with the
Again using Fig. 7, we look for a maximum DLS of 4.5/1.5 =
following data:
12-1/4 in. hole, 8x3 in. drillcollars, mud weight: 1.56 3 °/30m. At an inclination of 60 degrees, we find an Ltan =
s.g. 1.5 m. At the starting inclination of 40 degrees, the DLS = 1.9
°/30 m from Fig. 7. The solution is as follows:
The following technical data applies:
Length drillbit - first stabilizer: 1.5 m
Buoyancy factor: β = 0.8 Start DLS: 1.9x1.5 = 2.85 °/30m at 40 degree
E = 205 GPa ρ = 7850 kg/m3 inclination
A = 2.787x10 m End DLS: 4.5 °/30m at 60 degree inclination
-2 2
I = 8.283x10-5 m4 L1 = L2 = 10m
The well is drilled from vertical to an inclination of 70 degrees Catenary well profile
with a maximum DLS of 4.5 °/30m. The objective is to
determine the length from the drillbit to the first stabilizer that The main idea with the catenary profile is to design the
gives the required build rate. wellpath profile as close to the shape of a free-hanging
The data above are inserted into Eqn. 13 (see Appendix A drillstring as possible. In this way the normal forces between
for details. Let f=1.). The results are shown in Fig 7. From the borehole and the drillstring are kept at a minimum,
the figure the following is seen. resulting in low well friction. McClendon and Anders8 were
amongst the first to use this principle in oil well drilling, and
For Ltan = 3.56 m, the BHA is a hold assembly demonstrated the potential advantage over conventional
regardless of borehole inclination. methods. Aadnøy and Andersen2 presents the equations
required to design a catenary profile. However, to obtain the
For Ltan < 3.56 m, the BHA is a build assembly, but desired effect (minimum friction) both drillstring forces and
the DLS increases with inclination. build rates must be accurately controlled.
The build rate for a conventional assembly can be
For Ltan > 3.56 m, the BHA is a drop assembly, but expressed as:
the DLS increases with inclination.
DLS(° / 30m) = DLSMAX sin α (14)
Inspection of Fig. 7 shows that the desired maximum build
rate is obtained approximately with Ltan = 1 m. The solution
is to use a 1 m spacing between the drillbit and the first The DLSMAX refers to the maximum build-rate for a specific
stabilizer. BHA at a wellbore inclination of 90 degrees.
As shown in Appendix C, the build-rate for a catenary profile curvature will increase with depth in a similar way as a
can be approximated as: catenary profile.
DLSCAT (° / 30m) = DLSMAX − CAT sin 2 α (15) It is customary to try to maintain constant DLS. For rotary
drilling, this would require one or more correction trips. We
will argue that by drilling the complete section without
We observe that the build-rates follow the same pattern, but
corrections, time is saved, and, in our opinion an increasing
the latter follows a squared sine law. Using the results derived
DLS is fully advisable.
in Appendix D, the build-rate for the catenary profile can be
approximated as an ordinary constant BHA model, by
applying a scaling factor.
Example 5:
In this paper equations are presented to design a minimum
weight BHA. This includes both rotating and sliding mode.
Assume a build assembly with DLSMAX = 5°/30m. If start
In addition both ordinary gravity driven drilling and drilling
inclination is 10 degrees and end inclination 70 degrees
of wells exceeding horizontal are covered.
compute measured and vertical depth, horizontal departure,
radius and DLS.
Equations are also presented to design stabilizer placement
for directional control, including build- hold- and
Measured depth is(Eqn. B8):
drop assemblies.
End DLS: The authors are thankful to Joannes Djurhuus at the University
DLS ( α ) = 6sin 70° = 4.7° / 30m of the Faroe Islands for help to develop the solution of
Appendix B.
Start radius: Nomenclature
R(m) = = 1999m
0.86(° / 30m) β = buoyancy factor
ρmud = density of drilling fluid
End radius: ρpipe = density of pipe material (7850 kg/m3 for steel)
1719 α = borehole inclination
R(m) = = 366m µ = friction coefficient, torque and drag
4.7(° / 30m)
δ = end deflection of bottom-hole-assembly
F = force
The vertical depth and the horizontal departure is (B9,B10): L = length
BHA = bottom-hole-assembly
sin 70° K = fraction lenght above neutral point in the BHA
ln w = unit pipe weight
y = 2750
sin10° = 2233m D = outer pipe diameter
tan 35° d = inner pipe diameter
tan 5° R = build- or drop radius
H = bit height above lowest point in deviated well
2750 ( 70 − 10 ) E = modulus of elasticity
x= = 1384 m
tan 35° I = moment of inertia
57.3 ln r = radial clearance between borehole and pipe
tan 5° DL = change in inclination
For a given assembly used to drill a section from 10 to 70 DLS = rate of change (dog leg severity)
degrees inclination, the above DLS, projected departures and HWDP = heavy weight drill pipe
measured length would result. We observe that the wellbore φ = wellbore azimuth
26. M.M.Agawani, S.S.Rahman and E.S.Maidla: BHA These equations are valid for any BHA design. If one
Design Algorithm for Extended Reach Wells. Paper SPE assumes the same dimensions in the BHA, explicit equations
35993 presented at the Petroleum Computer Conference, can be presented from flexural theory, that is from any
Dallas, TX, 2-5 June 1996. textbook on statics. However, often there are variations as e.g.
parts of the BHA is more thinwalled. By lying out the bottom
27. F.Agun: Optimum Spacing of Multiple Stabilizers to of the BHA on the drillfloor with the correct stabilizer
Increase Critical Buckling Load of BHA in Slim Hole spacing, the deflection can be measured. By correcting this
Drilling. Paper SPE 54322 presented at the 1999 SPE Asia measurement for buoyancy, the correct BHA build or drop
Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, properties are accurately determined.
Indonesia, 20-22 April. From flexural theory (indeterminate beam theory) the
following equations results:
28. L.Yinghui and S. Yinao: Automatic Inclination
Controller: A New Inclination Controlling Tool for Rotary
Drilling. Paper IADC/SPE 59259 presented at the 2000
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, TX, 20-25Feb.
( )1
− 12 q x − ( L1 + L 2 ) + 3 ( R1 + R 2 + R 3 )
4 4
29. S.Schaaf, D.Pafitis and E.Guichemerre: Application of a
Point the Bit Rotary Steerable System in Directional Drilling δ=
1 { 1 2 } 1 (
x x 3 − ( L + L )3 + M x 2 − { L + L } 2
1 2 )
Prototype Well-bore profiles. Paper SPE 62519 presented at
the 2000 SPE/AAPG Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach,
( 2
− ( R 2 L1 + R 3 ( L1 + L 2 ) ) x + R 2 L1 + R 3 ( L1 + L 2 ) x
Calif., 19-23 June.
2 1 1 (
+ R L {L + L }2 − L2 ( L + L )
2 1 1 2 )
30.S. Rafie, H.S.Ho and U.Chandra: Applications of a BHA (A3)
Analysis Program in Directional Drilling. Paper IADC/SPE
514765 presented at the 1986 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, where:
Dallas, TX, 10-12Feb.
q = βw sin α = βρgA sin α and x = L1 + L 2 + L tan
31. W.Qui, S.Miska and L. Volk: Drillpipe-/Coiled-Tubing-
Buckling Analysis in a Hole of Constant Curvature. Paper R1 = q ( L − X − Y )
SPE 39795 presented at the 1998 SPE Permian Basin Oil and
Gas recovery Conference, Midland, TX, 25-27 March. R 2 = qX
R 3 = qY
Appendix A: DLS model L2
M1 = q XL1 + Y {L1 + L 2 } −
In the following a model will be presented to determine the
build-rate for a BHA. Huusgaard6 developed the analytical and:
expressions from flexural theory. They are cumbersome.
Instead, a build-rate model was derived as shown in Fig. A1. X=
It simply determines the end deflection of a cantilever beam,
assumes a shape of a circular arch, and determines the ( )
L1 L31 + 6L21L 2 + 12L1L22 − 6L3 L22 + 10L22 − 12L 2 L23 + 3L42 − 6L22 L23
inclination as follows for a horizontal BHA by assuming the
shape of a circular segment.
4L1 3L1L 2 + 4L22 )
6 ( L1 + L 2 ) ( L2 + L3 ) + 2L2 L3 ( 2L2 + 3L3 ) − L31
δ Y=
DL = f sin −1 4L2 ( 3L1 + 4L2 )
β wL4
where : δ=
(D4 − d 4 ) The final DLS model then becomes(assuming small angles):
(A1) fδ
DLS ( ° / 30m ) = 1719 (A4)
The rate of change is simply found from:
The following scaling factor applies:
f δ
DLS = sin −1
L L (A2) E I ρ A β
f = i i ρ A β
E I i i i
Appendix B: Model for build-up geometry The build-radius (which changes with inclination) is:
1719 1719
From Appendix A, it is evident that a build-assembly R ( m) = = (B7)
increases build rate with increasing inclination, or: DLS (° / 30m) DLS MAX sin α
In all these expressions, the index 1 refers to the bottom end of = DLSCAT − MAX {2 ( α 2 − α1 ) + sin 2α1 − sin 2α 2 }
the catenary profile. (D3)
To compare the three different alternatives, we require the
dα βw sin α1 same drilled length. Expressing the two in terms of the
= (C4)
( 1 ) )
ds F 1 + sin α tan 90° − α 2 − cos 2 α
( 1
constant BHA model, the following results:
180 β w
DLSCAT ( ° / 30m ) = 30 sin 2 α (C6a)
π F1 sin α1
It has been found that the ordinary build model and the
catenary solutions are similar, but the latter follows a squared
sine law. We will now compare the two solutions. In Fig. B2,
three different profiles are shown. Also a constant buildrate
model is presented for comparison. First we will derive
expressions for the drilled length for the three cases as
Constant build-rate:
Neutral point
L1 Compression Fbit
W αb
Ffriction DC
Ffriction DP
Ltan FN-stab
α Fbit α
FN-stab FN-stab Fbit
Fside FN-stab
L1 L2 Ltan
6 Ltan = 0.75 m
Ltan = 1 m
Ltan = 1.5 m
DLS [deg/30m] .
Ltan = 2.5 m
0 Ltan = 3.56 m
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Ltan = 5 m
-2 Ltan = 6.5 m
Ltan = 8 m
Ltan = 9.5 m
-6 Ltan = 11 m
Inclination [deg] .
Figure 7: DLS as a function of the inclination and the tangent length
≈ Ltan
a) Circle arc
≈ Ltan
b) Straight line