Learning Outcome-Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)
Learning Outcome-Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)
Learning Outcome-Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)
1 Introduction 2
2 Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework 3
2.1 Nature and Extent of the B.C.A Programme 3
3 Graduate Attributes 3
3.1 List Of Graduate Attributes For B.C.A 4
4 Qualification Descriptors 5
4.1 Qualification Descriptors for B.C.A 5
5 Programme Outcomes (PO) 6
5.1 Programme Specific Outcome (PSO) 6
6 Syllabus and Regulation 7
7 Course Outcomes (CO) 24
8 PSO – CO Mapping 89
9 Teaching – Learning Process 118
10 Assessment Methods 118
11 Keywords 118
The curriculum of BCA comprises with equal importance for theoretical and practical knowledge with career
orientation. Each course aims to present learning objective and thus provides learning and teaching strategies
and resources. The students are given comprehensive knowledge of subjects as well as the knowledge of IT
related applications. Students are equipped to program high level language to solve the computational
problems and they are also incorporated in web development technologies. Orientation towards latest
technologies such as Data Science, Block chain technologies, Deep Learning and social media analytics.
Students are able to think both in abstract and in concreate terms. The graduated students has the employment
opportunities in the field of programmer, Web Developer, Software Engineer and Data Scientist.
1. Introduction
Computer has become integral part of life. Tedious manual works are automated/simplified by
Computers Machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence allow better decision making.
The syllabus focuses on the core fundamentals of computer science, but generally undergoes revision
according to the industry requirement with the aim of increasing employment opportunities for
BCA programme aims to incorporate the foundation knowledge and advanced concepts such as data
science, block chain technology and social media analytics.
The Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework for BCA is structured and developed to
facilitate the students to achieve the following:
To provide thorough understanding of nature, scope and application of computer and
computer languages
Ability to understand the Computing concepts and their applications using the acquired board
based knowledge.
Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern Software tools for software development.
Ability to identify and analyze software application problems in multiple aspect including
coding, testing and implementation in industrial applications.
Ability to design, develop and verify software systems to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints ensuring quality, reliability, security in addition to satisfying economical, ethical,
social and environmental constraints.
An ability to communicate effectively in diverse groups and exhibit leadership qualities.
2. Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework
2.1 Nature and Extent of the BCA
The undergraduate program in BCA orientation towares logical problem solving and programming.
Curriculum of BCA comprises with equal importance for theoretical and practical knowledge with career
Curriculum and syllabi framework introduces foundation level and takes towards the advanced level.
Orientation towards latest technologies such as Data Science, Block chain technologies, Deep Learning and
social media analytics. Students are able to think both in abstract and in concreate terms. Syllabus is designed
in enhancing the employability and enterprenuership
3. Graduate Attributes:
Graduate Attributes (GA) are the qualities, skills and understandings that students should develop during their
graduation. These qualities prove to be the characteristics and defining roles of the graduates. Graduate
attribute is a key outcome that underpin curriculum planning and development. The graduate attributes are
fostered through meaningful learning experiences made available through the curriculum, college experience
and a process of critical and reflective thinking.
The graduate attributes can be viewed as qualities as listed subcategories:
Disciplinary knowledge:
The graduate must demonstrate comprehensive and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the core
concepts offered in the curriculum of BCA.
Communication skills:
The Ability to communicate and collaborate with individuals, and with teams in professional and community
settings increases the employability of the student.
Problem Solving and Design:
Problem solving skills empower students to find methodical solutions to any real-world problems or real-time
problems using computational algorithms and solutions. Problem solvers are most sought-after attributes of the
graduates form the field of Computer Science. They should possess the ability to clearly understand the
problem, think creatively or out-of-the-box thinking and to convert the problem into a computational model to
find a scientific solution backed by the theories.
Ethical Practices:
Ethical practice is a key component of professionalism and needs to be instilled in curricula across courses.
Ethical practices give the graduates a sense of discretion and moral responsibility for carrying out their duties
in a diverse and fiercely competing society. It shall imbibe cultural diversity, linguistic differences and
complex nature of our world.
Critical Thinking:
Critical Thinking gives the capability to apply analytic thought to find a solution to a problem by analysing the
problem, evaluating the evidences, identifying the path to the solutions, formulating the methods and
procedures to the possible solutions.
4. Qualification Descriptors:
Qualification Descriptors are generic statements that define the outcomes of the graduates. The Qualification
descriptors are used as metric by two part:
The first part is the designer of academic programmes who can use the qualification metric to measure the
achievement of students for the award of the qualification
The second part is the employers of the graduates who can use the qualification descriptors to assess the
qualification descriptors to assess the quality and capabilities of the graduates holding the qualification.
On Completion of BCA, the expected learning outcomes that a student should be able to demonstrate are the
QD01: Study the principles and practise of computing. They learn to program by writing computer code.
QD02: Understand to develop computer based solutions to problems using algorithms and high level
programming language
QD03: Have sound knowledge of the fundamentals of computer science and are able to apply these in a
context related manner
QDO4: Have ability to evaluate exemplery methods by implementing and analysing them.
QD05: Skills required for identifying problems and issues relating to the disciplinary area and field of study
1. Enriching the knowledge in theoretical and practical aspects at the undergraduate level.
2. Developing curiosity in the subject and encouraging them to pursue higher studies.
5. PSO5: Develop practical skills to provide solution to society, industry and business
PO1 ✔
PO2 ✔
PO3 ✔ ✔
PO4 ✔
6. Syllabus and Regulation
Candidates for admission to the first year of the Degree of Bachelor of Computer
Application courses shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examinations
(Academic or Vocational Stream) conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu or an Examination
accepted as equivalent thereof by the Syndicate of the University of Madras is eligible for
admission to the first semester. A candidate shall be selected based on a selection test as prescribed
by this Institution from time to time. The selection test shall test the general aptitude, logical
reasoning and analytical abilities and basic arithmetical skills of the candidate.
Each academic year shall be divided into two semesters. The first academic year shall comprise the
first and second semesters, the second academic year the third and fourth semesters and the third
academic year the fifth and sixth semesters respectively.
The odd semesters shall consist of the period from Junfe to November of each year and the even
semesters from December to April of each year. There shall be not less than 90 working days for
each semester exclusive of the days for the conduct of semester examinations.
In each semester, Papers are administered in 15 teaching weeks and another 5 weeks are utilized
for evaluation and grading purposes. Each week has 30 working hours spread over in a 5 day
week. Depending upon the content and specialization, a paper may have 1 to 6 credits. Total
number of teaching hours in a semester will be 450 hrs. One credit of each theory paper is equal to
15 hrs of lectures or 30 hrs of practical works.
The detail of the Study for Bachelor Degree Courses shall consist of the following:
1. (a) Those who have not studied Tamil up to XII Std. and taken a Non-Tamil
Language under Part-I shall take Tamil comprising of two papers (level will be
at 6th Standard).
(b) Those who have studies Tamil up to XII Std. and taken a Non-Tamil Language
under Part- I shall take Advanced Tamil comprising of two papers.
(c) Others who do not come under a + b can choose non-major elective comprising
of two papers.
2. Skill Based Subjects - Soft Skills
A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the degree only if he/she has undergone the
prescribed papers on Soft Skills. For three years UG degree Programme, a candidate must undergo
a minimum of 4 papers (4 x 2 = 8 credits). Papers will be finalized in due course.
3. Environmental Studies
A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the degree only if he/she has undergone the
prescribed paper on Environmental studies. For three years UG degree Programme, a candidate
must undergo environmental studies during third semester of second year (2 credits). Syllabus is
common to all UG courses.
4. Value Education
A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the degree only if he/she has undergone the
prescribed paper on value education. For three years UG degree Programme, a candidate must
undergo value education during fourth semester of second year (1 credit). Paper will be finalized in
A candidate shall be awarded a maximum of 1 Credits for Compulsory Extension Service. All the
Students shall have to enroll for NSS /NCC/ NSO (Sports & Games) Rotract / Youth Red cross or
any other service organizations in the college and shall have to put in Compulsory minimum
attendance of 40 hours which shall be duly certified by the Principal of the college before 31st
March in a year. If a student LACKS 40 HOURS ATTENDANCE in the First year,
he/she shall have to compensate the same during the subsequent years. Students those who
complete minimum attendance of 40 hours in One year will get HALF A CREDIT and those who
complete the attendance of 80 or more hours in Two Years will ONE CREDIT. Literacy and
population Education Field Work shall be compulsory components in the above extension service
activities. The working hours should not overlaps the normal teaching hours.
Student advisor
All teachers of the Department shall function as student advisors. There will be more or less an
equal number of students assigned to each student advisor of a Department. The student advisor
will help the students in choosing core and elective papers of study. The student advisor shall be
responsible for registration of papers (subjects) by his students. The student advisor will offer all
possible student support services
The term credit is used to describe the quantum of syllabus for various programmes in terms of
periods of study. It indicates differential weightage given according to the contents duration of the
courses in the curriculum design. The minimum credit requirement for a three year Bacherlor’s
programme shall be 140 credits. Each subject (course) is designed variously under lectures /
tutorials / laboratory work / seminar / project work etc., to meet effective teaching and learning
needs and credits are assigned suitably.
One credit for each lecture / tutorial / project work period per week shall be alloted. One credit for
two laboratory hours per week shall be alloted. In practical, each credit should cover minimum of
six experiments. Thus normally, in each of the subject, credits will be assigned on the basis of the
lectures / tutorials / laboratory work / project work and other forms of learning in a 15 week
There shall be continuous, comprehensive evaluation of students through internal and external
examination. At least 2 internal examinations (Sessional Tests) per semester and 1 semester ending
examination should be conducted.
Sessional Test I will he held during sixth week for syllabi covered till then. Sessional Test I will
be a combination of a variety of tools such as class test, assignment, papr presentation etc., that
would be suitable for the paper. This required an element of openness. The students are to be
informed in advance about the nature of assessment and the procedures.
However the tests are compulsory. Test I may be for one hour duration. The pattern of question
paper will be decided by the respective board of studies.
Sessional Test II will he held during eleventh week for syllabi covered between seventh and
eleventh weeks. Sessional Test I will be a combination of a variety of tools such as class test,
assignment, paper presentation etc. that would be suitable for the paper. It will also have an
element of openness. The students are to be informed in advance about the nature of assessment
and the procedures. However the tests are compulsory. Test II may be for one hour duration. The
pattern of question paper will be decided by the respective board of studies.
Sessional Test II will carry 20% of marks of the entire paper.
There will be one End Semester examination of 2 - 3 hours duration in each paper. The End
semester examination will cover all the syllabi of the paper for 60% of Marks.
A dissertation may be offered in lieu of one / two papers / practicals. It shall be evaluated by two
examiners one external and one internal appointed by the Controller of Examination. Wherever
there is viva-voce, it shall be conducted by the common Viva Board consisting of the Chairman
and internal members of the Board of Examination in the concerned subject, internal guide and one
external expert as approved by the Controller of Examinations
End semester practical examinations shall be held before the theory examinations to benefit the
students to undertake examinations of other departments.
Every course offered will have three components associated with the teaching-learning process of
the course, namely (i) Lecture - L (ii) Tutorial - T (iii) Practicals - P, (iv) Self study - S where
L stands Lecture session. T stands Tutorial session consisting participatory discussion / self study /
desk work / brief seminar presentations by students and such other novel methods that make a
student to absorb and assimilate more effectively the contents delivered in the Lecture classes.
P stands Practice session and it consists of Hands on experience / Laboratory Experiments / Field
Studies / Case studies that equip students to acquire the much required skill component.
S stands Self study session consisting participatory discussion by student with the guidance of
faculty. This session is not included in the weekly hour plan.
In terms of credits, every one hour session of L amounts to 1 credit per semester, a minimum of
two hour session of T or P amounts to 1 credit per semester and no credits alloted to self study
hour, over a period of one semester of 15 weeks for teaching-learning process. The total duration
of a semester is 20 weeks inclusive of semester-end examination.
A course shall have either or all the three components. That means a course may have only lecture
component, or only practical component or combination of any two or all the three components.
The total credits earned by a student at the end of the semester upon successfully completing the
course are L + T + P + S. The credit pattern of the course is indicated as L: T: P: S. For example: a
theory course with a L-T-P-S schedule of 4-0-0-2 will be assigned 4 credits, and a lab practical
course with a L-T-P-S schedule of 0-0-3-0 will be assigned 3 credits.
For B.C.A courses Part I, Part II and Part IV subjects will be provided to first and second
semesters. In third to sixth semesters only part III papers provided. Total of 30 hrs was to be
maintained constantly for all semesters.
Projects and Field works might be introduced in the sixth semester of any UG course by utilizing
two core papers. Each project work / field work might be awarded with twelve credits and twelve
hours per week.
Total credits of 144 attained through three years of their study period.
Provision for Credit Mobility - This can be availed by the students at any time during the course
of study. Four weeks of online course is considered as one credit course. Students are
expected to produce certificates from Swayam, NPTEL, Spoken Tutorial of IIT Bombay,
Coursera and equivalent
TOTAL = 75 marks
3 3 25 75 100
3 3 25 75 100
4 3 25 75 100
Core Subject
Core Practical 3 3 40 60 100
Allied Paper
5 3 25 75 100
1. (a) Those who have not studied 2 2 25 75 100
Tamil up to XII Std. and taken a Non-
Tamil Language under Part-I shall
take Tamil comprising of two paper
(level will be at 6th Standard).
(b) Those who have studies Tamil up
to XII Std. and taken a Non- Tamil
Language under Part-I shall take
Advanced Tamil comprising of two
(c) Others who do not come under a +
b can choose non-major
elective comprising of two papers.
2. Skill based subjects – Soft Skill 3 2 50 50 100
PART V – Extension activities 1
Total credits : 24
Tests (2 out of 3) = 10
Attendance = 5
Seminars = 5
Assignments = 5
25 marks
Practice based Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) – 20 provided based upon the type of
the practice recommended by board of studies to the respective paper for example: quiz,
report generation, problem solving, etc.,
Practical:Internal Marks 40
Attendance 5 marks
Practical Test best 2 out of 3 30 marks
Record 5 marks
ii. Candidates shall be permitted to proceed from the First Semester up to Final Semester
irrespective of their failure in any of the Semester Examination subject to the condition that the
candidates should register for all the arrear subject of earlier semesters along the current
(subsequent) Semester Subjects.
iii. Candidates shall be eligible to go to subsequent semester, only if they earn sufficient attendance
as prescribed therefore by the Academic Council from time to time. Provided in case of a
candidate earning less than 50% of attendance in any one of the Semesters due to any
extraordinary circumstances such as medical grounds, such candidates who shall produce Medical
Certificate issued by the Authorized Medical Attendant (AMA), duly certified by the Principal of
the college, shall be permitted to proceed to the next semester and to complete the Course of study.
Such Candidates shall have to repeat the missed Semester by rejoining after completion of Final
Semester of the course, after paying the fee for the break of study as prescribed by the Academic
Council from time to time.
iv. There shall be examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in the month of
October / November, for even semesters in April / May. A candidate who does not pass the
examination in any paper(s) shall be permitted to appear in such failed courses in the subsequent
examinations to be held in October / November or April / May.
v. The results of all the examinations will be published through the college Website.
PART – III consisting of CORE SUBJECTS, ALLIED SUBJECTS, PROJECT with three papers:
Successful candidates passing the examinations for Core papers together and securing the marks (i)
60 percent and above (ii) 50 percent and above but below 60 percent in the aggregate of the marks
prescribed for the Core papers together shall be declared to have passed the examination in the
FIRST and SECOND Class respectively. All other successful candidates shall be declared to have
passed the examinations in the THIRD Class.
Candidates who pass all the examinations prescribed for the Course in the FIRST APPEARANCE
ITSELF ALONE are eligible for Ranking / Distinction.
Provided in the case of Candidates who pass all the examinations prescribed for the Course with a
break in the First Appearance due to the reasons as furnished in the Regulations 8(iii) category are
only eligible for Classification.
Students must have 75% of attendance in each paper for appearing the examination. Students who
have 74% to 70% of attendance shall apply for condonation in the prescribed form with the
prescribed fee Rs. 200/-. Students who have 69% to 60% of attendance shall apply for condonation
in prescribed form with the prescribed fee along with the Medical Certificate. Students who have
below 60% of attendance are not eligible to appear for the examination. They shall re-do the
semester(s) after completion of the programme.
Candidates are permitted to apply for retotaling within 10 days from the date of publication of
results. The student should submit request for retotaling in the prescribed format and pay a fee of
Candidates are permitted to apply for obtaining a photocopy of answer paper within 20 days from
the date of publication of results. The student should submit request for photocopy of answer script
in the prescribed format.
Candidates are permitted to apply for revaluation after obtaining a photocopy of answer paper
within 30 days from the date of publication of results. The student should submit request for
revaluation in the prescribed format and pay a fee of Rs.500/- per paper.
Any malpractice by the students debars them from subsequent appearance based on the decision of
the examination committee. In all cases of malpractice their conduct certificates will indicate
The term grading system indicates a Ten Point Scale of evaluation of the performances of students
in terms of marks obtained in the Internal and External Examination, grade points and letter grade.
Once the marks of the Internal and end-semester examinations for each of the papers are available,
they will be added. The marks thus obtained will then be graded as per details provided in Table.
The sum of total performance in each semester will be rated by Grade Point Average (GPA)
while the continuous performance from the second semester onwards will be marked by
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). These two are calculated by the following formulae.
For the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA), Gi is the grade point awarded; Ci is the credit
where ‘Ci’ is the Credit earned for the paper i in any semester ; ‘Gi’ is the Grade Point obtained by
the student for the paper i and ‘n’ is the number of papers passed in that or CGPA = GPA of all
the papers starting from the first semester to the current semester.
Note: The GPA and CGPA shall be calculated separately for the following five parts:
Part I: Language Course; Part II: English Language Course and Part III: Core Cs, Allied
Cs, Part IV: NME, SBC, ES, VE, Part V: Extension activities.
The grade card / mark sheet issued at the end of the semester to each student will contain the
a. the marks obtained for each paper registered in the semester
b. the credits earned for each paper registered for that semester
c. the performance in each paper by the letter grade point obtained
d. the Grade Point Average (GPA) of all the papers registered for that semester and
e. from the second semester onwards, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all the
papers and
f. the class and grade of the student in the final CGPA
First Semester
Tamil / Sanskrit I 3 3 25 75
PART II Communicative English I I 3 3 25 75
PART III Allied I: Mathematics – I I 5 3 25 75
PART III Web Programming I 4 3 25 75
PART III Web Programming Lab I 3 3 40 60
PART IV Soft Skill I (English for Physical Sciences I) I 3 2 50 50
PART IV Non-Major Elective – I I 2 2 25 75
Total Credits 23
Second Semester
Tamil / Sanskrit II 3 3 25 75
PART II Communicative English II II 3 3 25 75
PART III Allied II: Mathematics – II II 5 3 25 75
PART III Python Programming II 4 3 25 75
PART III Python Programming Lab II 3 3 40 60
PART IV Non-Major Elective –Lab II 2 2 40 60
PART IV Soft Skill II (English for Physical Sciences II) II 3 2 50 50
Total Credits 23
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Fifth Semester
Max. Marks
Course semes cred Exam
ter its
compone Name of Course Durati CIA UE
nts on
Sixth Semester
Elective - I
1. Resource Management Techniques
2. Introduction to Cloud Computing
Elective – II
1. LaTex
2. Web Office
3. Fundamentals of Programming
1. LaTex Lab
2. Web Office Lab
3. Fundamentals of Programming Lab
First Semester
⮚ Develop the Web Programming Skills through Mark-up and Scripting languages.
⮚ Understand the importance of CSS in Web development.
⮚ Write Client-Side Scripts to validate data
CO1: To work with basic tags of HTML
CO2: To Illustrate the application of List and Tables
CO3: To Explain various basic elements of JavaScript
CO4: To Understand various Event Handling Procedures
CO5: To Demonstrate form handling
HTML: Introduction – Structure of HTML – Text
I Formatting – Image – Hyperlink – Audio – Video 12 CO-1 K1
1. Steve Holznere, HTML Black Book, dreamtech press
2. Thomas A. Powell, Fritz Schneider ,The Complete eference JavaScript, 3rd Edition, TMH
3. Ivan BayRoss, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML and PHP, BPB Publication.
1. Thomas A. Powell, The Complete Reference HTML & CSS, McGraw Hill Education
2. Jerry Bradenbaugh, JavaScript Application Cookbook, O′Reilly Publication
1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML
2. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
3. https://www.w3schools.com/html/
4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/html-tutorials/
5. https://www.w3schools.com/js/
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/javascript-tutorial/
Core Practical – 1
Title of the paper with subject code Web Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core I I 3
Course Type Employability
MWrite a JavaScript program to print the contents of the
current window.
LWrite a JavaScript program to get the current date. CO-3 K4
Write a JavaScript program to convert temperatures to and
cfrom Celsius, Fahrenheit.
Write a JavaScript exercise to create a variable using a
12 ouser-defined name.
13 dWrite a JavaScript program to calculate multiplication and K5
division of two numbers (input from user)
eWrite a JavaScript program to set the background color of
a paragraph.
Write a JavaScript function to get the values of First name CO-4
15 tand Last name and print the result.
Second Semester :
⮚ Describe the core syntax and semantics of Python programming language.
⮚ Discover the need for working with the strings and functions.
⮚ Illustrate the process of structuring the data using lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets.
CO1: To Understand the principles of Python and acquire skills in programming in python
CO2: To develop the emerging applications of relevant field using Python
CO3: Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python
control flow statements.
CO4: Demonstrate the concepts of List and Tuples
CO5: Illustrate Dictionaries
Introduction: Keywords - Identifiers - Comments -
I Data types - Operators - Statements - Expressions - 12 CO-1 K1
Input and Output - type conversion
Flow Control: Selection Statements - Repetition
II statements - break and continue statements - 12 CO-2 K2
Nesting of Selection and repetition statements
Functions: Need of functions - Python math library
- User defined functions - Scope of a variable -
III 12 CO-3 K3
built-in function versus user defined functions -
exception handling
String: String Operations - Traversing a String -
String methods and built-in functions - Handling
string. List: List Operations - Traversing a List -
IV 12 CO-4 K4, K5
List methods and build-in functions - Nested List -
Copying list - List Manipulation - List as arguments
to function
Tuples: Operations - Methods and built-in functions
- Assignment - Nested tuples. Dictionaries:
V 12 CO-5 K6
Dictionaries are mutable - Operations - traversing a
dictionary - methods and built-in functions -
manipulation dictionaries
1. Martin C Brown, Python: The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill Education
2. Mark Lutz, “Learning Python Powerful Object Oriented Programming”, O’reilly Media
2018, 5th Edition.
3. Timothy A. Budd, “Exploring Python”, Tata MCGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 1st
Edition, 2011
4. Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, Chris Meyers, “How to think like a computer scientist:
learning with Python”, 2012.
5. Sheetal Taneja & Naveen kumar, “Python Programming a Modular approach – A Modular
approach with Graphics, Database, Mobile and Web applications”, Pearson, 2017.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106182/
2. https://docs.python.org/3/
3. https://www.w3schools.com/python/
4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-programming-language/
Core Practical – 2
Title of the paper with subject code Python Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core I II 3
Course Type Employability
⮚ To implement the python programming features in practical applications.
⮚ To write, test, and debug simple Python programs.
⮚ To implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
⮚ Use functions for structuring Python programs.
⮚ Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries
CO1: Understand the numeric or real life application problems and solve them.
CO2: Apply a solution clearly and accurately in a program using Python.
CO3: Apply the best features available in Python to solve the situational problems.
CO4: Illustrate list and tuple
CO5: Demonstrate the concept of application of Dictionaries
2 Write a program to swap values of two variables
Write a program to calculate the area and perimeter of a
3 CO-2 K2
Write a program to calculate the area and perimeter of a
Write a program to calculate the area and perimeter of a right
angled triangle
Write a program to read four number and calculate the sum
and average
7 Write a program to print your name 20 times
Write a program to print 5th table (upto 5 * 10) K3
9 Write a program to generate and print 10 random numbers
Write a program to generate 50 random numbers between 0 to
100 and count the number of values between the range
i. 0 – 25 ii. 26 – 50 iii. 51 - 75 and iv. 76 - CO-3
11 Write a program to calculate sum = (1 + ½ + ⅓ + … + 1/n)
Write a program to calculate factorial value for the given
Write a program to generate fibonacci series for the given
13 K4
Write a program to read 20 Student marks of a particular
subject. Compute the following
14 a. Find the Maximum mark secured by the student.
b. Find the Minimu mark secured by the student.
c. Find the average score of the given subject marks.
Write a program to read a string and perform the following
a. print the total number of characters in the string
b. print the first character in the string
15 c. print the last character in the string
d. print the first three characters in the string
e. print the last three characters in the string
f. print the string in upper case
g. print the string in reverse
Write a program to check whether the given string is
palindrome or not
Write a program that asks the user to enter a list of 10
integers. Do the following:
a. print the list in reverse order
b. Print Yes if the list contains a 5 and No otherwise.
c. Print the number of fives in the list.
d. Remove the first and last items from the list, sort the
remaining items, and print the result
e. Print how many integers in the list are less than 5.
Write a program that rotates the elements of a list so that the
18 element at the first index moves to the second index, the
element in the second index moves to the third index, etc., and
the element in the last index moves to the first index.
Write a program to enter a list containing numbers between 1
19 and 12. Then replace all of the entries in the list that are
greater than 10 with 10
Write a program that asks the user to enter some text and then
20 counts how many articles are in the text. (Articles - 'a', 'an',
Write a simple quote-of-the-day program. The program
21 should contain a list of quotes, and when the user runs the CO-5
program, a randomly selected quote should be printed. K6
Write a program that uses list and range to create the list [3,6,
9, . . . , 99].
Write a program that asks the user to enter 5 product names
and prices. Store all of these in a dictionary whose keys are
the product names and whose values are the prices and then
print the values.
Write a program to create a dictionary with Month name as a
24 key and number of days in the month as value. Print the
values in the dictionary
Write a program to create a dictionary with 5 username as a
25 key and password as value. Get a username and password as
input and print login is successful or not
Third Semester
⮚ To understand the concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
⮚ To learn about the control structures, class with attributes and methods used in Java.
CO1: Understand the concept of Object Oriented Programming
CO2: To Work with control Structures
CO3: Creating classes and implementing inheritance
CO4: Describe and construct Package, Interface
CO5: To Work with Exception
Object – Oriented Paradigm – Basic concepts of
Object – Oriented Programming – Benefits of OOP
– Applications of OOP – Java history – features –
I 12 CO-1 K1
java environment – simple java program – java
tokens – java statements – java virtual machine –
Command line arguments
Constants – variables – data types - type casting –
operators – Arithmetic expression – precedence of
II 12 CO-2 K2
arithmetic operators – if statement – switch
statement- looping – continue – break
Classes and Objects: Defining a class fields
declaration, methods declarations, creating objects,
accessing class members – constructor – method
III overloading, static members – Inheritance: 12 CO-3 K3, K4
overriding methods, final variables and methods –
final classes – abstract methods and classes –
visibility controls – String and Vector Class
Arrays: Introduction – one dimensional arrays –
creating an array – two dimensional arrays.
IV Interfaces: Introduction – Defining Interface – 12 CO-4 K5
Extending Interfaces – Implementing Interfaces –
Accessing Interface variables. Packages:
Introduction - Java API Packages - Using system
packages – Naming conventions – Creating
Packages – Accessing a Package – Using a Package
– Adding class to a Package
Multi Thread: Introduction – creating threads –
extending the thread classes – using thread methods
– Thread Priority – synchronization – Implementing
V the runnable interface – Exceptions: Introduction – 12 CO-5 K6
Types of Errors – Exceptions – Multiple catch
statements – using finally statements – Throwing
our own exception.
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with Java A Primer, 4th Edition, TMH Education
1. Patrick Naughton, The Java Handbook, McGraw Hill Education
2. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, Java How to Program, Pearson Publication
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105191/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105225/
3. https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/
4. https://www.w3schools.com/java/
5. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java/
Core Paper Theory – 4
Title of the paper with subject code Operating System
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II III 4
Course Type Skill Development
Introduction: Views - Types of System - OS
Structure – Operations - Services – Interface-
System Calls System Structure - System Design
I and Implementation. Process Management: Process 12 CO-1 K1, K2
- Process Scheduling - Inter-process
Communication. CPU Scheduling: CPU Schedulers
- Scheduling Criteria - Scheduling Algorithms.
Process Synchronization: Critical- Section Problem
- Synchronization Hardware Semaphores -
Classical Problems of Synchronization - Monitors.
II 12 CO-2 K3
Deadlocks: Characterization - Methods for
Handling Deadlocks - Deadlock Prevention -
Avoidance - Detection - Recovery.
Memory Management: Hardware - Address
Binding – Address Space - Dynamic Loading and
III Linking – Swapping – Contiguous Allocation - 12 CO-3 K4
Segmentation - Paging – Structure of the Page
Virtual Memory Management: Demand Paging -
Page Replacement Algorithms - Thrashing. File
System: File Concept -. Access Methods -
IV 12 CO-4 K5
Directory and Disk Structure - Protection - File
System Structures - Allocation Methods - Free
Space Management.
I/O Systems: Overview - I/O Hardware -
Application I/O Interface - Kernel I/O Subsystem -
Transforming 1/0 Requests to Hardware Operations
V - Performance. System Protection: Goals - Domain 12 CO-5 K6
- Access matrix. System Security: The Security
Problem - Threats – Encryption- User
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B Galvin, Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd 2018, 9 th Edition
1. William Stallings, “Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles”, Pearson, 2018, 9
th Edition.
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos, “Modern Operating Systems”, Pearson 2014, 4 th
3. Ekta Walia, Operating Systems, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
4. Operating Systems A Concept-Based Approach, Dhananjay M. Dhamdhere, McGraw Hill
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105214/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106144/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/102/106102132/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/108/106108101/
5. https://www.w3schools.in/operating-system-tutorial/intro/
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/operating-systems/
Core Paper Theory – 5
Title of the paper with subject code Data Structures
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II III 4
Course Type Skill Development
⮚ To understand the concepts of ADTs
⮚ To learn linear data structures-lists, stacks, queues
⮚ To apply Tree and Graph structures
⮚ To understand sorting, searching and hashing.
CO1: Use linked list in various applications
CO2: Illustrate stack and queue data structures
CO3: Work with different types of tree
CO4: Write applications using Graph
CO5: Compare and Contrast various sorting and searching Algorithm
Abstract Data Types (ADTs) - List ADT - array-
based implementation - linked list implementation -
singly linked lists - circular linked lists - doubly-
I 12 CO-1 K1
linked lists - applications of lists - Polynomial
Manipulation - All operations - Insertion - Deletion -
Merge - Traversal.
Stack ADT - Operations - Applications - Evaluating
arithmetic expressions – Conversion of infix to
II postfix expression - Queue ADT - Operations - 12 CO-2 K2
Circular Queue - Priority Queue - deQueue -
applications of queues.
Tree ADT - tree traversals - Binary Tree ADT -
expression trees - applications of trees - binary
III search tree ADT - Threaded Binary Trees - AVL 12 CO-3 K3
Trees - B-Tree - B+ Tree – Heap - Applications of
Definition - Representation of Graph - Types of
graph - Breadth first traversal – Depth first traversal
IV 12 CO-4 K4, K5
- Topological sort - Bi-connectivity – Cut vertex -
Euler circuits - Applications of graphs.
Searching: Linear search - Binary search - Sorting:
Bubble sort - Selection sort - Insertion sort - Shell
V sort - Radix sort - Hashing: Hash functions - 12 CO-5 K6
Separate chaining - Open Addressing - Rehashing -
Extendible Hashing.
1. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”, Pearson Education
2014, 4th Edition.
2. Reema Thareja, “Data Structures Using C”, Oxford Universities Press 2014, 2nd Edition
1. Thomas H.Cormen,Chales E.Leiserson,Ronald L.Rivest, Clifford Stein, “Introduction to
Algorithms”, McGraw Hill 2009, 3rd Edition.
2. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Pearson Education 2003.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106133/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106130/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106127/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/102/106102064/
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/103/106103069/
6. https://www.w3schools.in/data-structures-tutorial/intro/
7. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/
Core Practical - 3
Title of the paper with subject code Java Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II III 2
Course Type Employability
CO3: Suggest appropriate linear and non-linear data structure operations for solving a given
Write a program to reverse a integer number
7 Write a program to reverse and print an integer array
8 Write a program to add two 3 X 3 Matrix
Fourth Semester
⮚ To understand the concept of Networking basics.
⮚ To impart knowledge on working Principles of Networking
CO1: Describe the layers in OSI Model and TCP/IP protocol
CO2: Understand various guided media
CO3: Summarize Data link control
CO4: Appraise the Addressing in IPV4 & IPV6
CO5: Articulate TCP and UDP
Data Communication: Data representation -
Networks - Protocols and Standards - Network
I 12 CO-1 K1
Model: OSI Model - Layers in OSI model -
TCP/IP protocol, Addressing
Transmission media: guided media - twisted pair -
coaxial cable - fiber optic cable - unguided media:
II radio waves - microwaves - infrared - Switching: 12 CO-2 K2
circuit switched networks - datagram networks -
virtual circuit networks
Data link control: framing - fixed size framing -
variable size framing - flow and error control -
III 12 CO-3 K3
protocols - noiseless channels - HDLC - Point to
Point Protocol
Connecting LAN: Connecting devices - backbone
networks - virtual LAN - Network Layer: IPV4
IV address - address space - notions - classful 12 CO-4 K4, K5
addressing - classless addressing - IPV6 address -
structure address space
Transport layer: User Datagram Protocol(UDP) -
user datagram - checksum - UDP operation - use
V 12 CO-5 K6
of UDP. TCP: TCP services - TCP features -
segment - a TCP connection - flow control - error
control - congestion control.
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Introduction to data communications and networking, McGraw-
Hill Education, 5th Edition
2. Andre S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Pearson Publication
1. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education
2. Computer Networks: Principles, Technologies and Protocols for Network design, Wiley
3. M. Dave, Computer Networks, Cengage
4. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson
5. Bhavneet Sidhu, An Integrated Approach to Computer Networks, Khanna Publications.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105082/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/108/106108098/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105080/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105081/
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106091/
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/computer-network-tutorials/
Core Paper Theory - 7
Title of the paper with subject code Relational Database Management System
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II IV 4
Course Type Employability
CO1: Understand the purpose and need for Database Management System
CO2: Demonstrate the applicability of Codd’s Rules
CO3: Illustrate the neeed and necessity of Normalization concepts
CO4: Effective use of DDL, DML & TCL commands
CO5: Able to implement features like Database connectivity with programming languages
Introduction to DBMS– Data and Information -
Database – Database Management System –
Objectives - Advantages – Components -
Architecture. ER Model: Building blocks of ER
I 12 CO-1 K1, K2
Diagram – Relationship Degree – Classification –
ER diagram to Tables – ISA relationship –
Constraints – Aggregation and Composition –
Relational Model: CODD’s Rule- Relational
Data Model - Key - Integrity – Relational
II Algebra Operations – Advantages and 12 CO-2 K3
limitations – Relational Calculus – Domain
Relational Calculus -QBE
Structure of Relational Database. Introduction to
III Relational Database Design - Objectives – Tools – 12 CO-3 K4
Redundancy and Data Anomaly – Functional
Dependency - Normalization – 1NF – 2NF – 3NF –
BCNF. Transaction Processing – Database Security.
Core Paper Theory – 8
Title of the paper with subject code Software Engineering
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II IV 4
Course Type Entrepreneurship
CO1: Understand various software development models
CO2: To write the specification for software development
CO3: Work with various design principles
CO4: Understand Object Oriented design principles
CO5: Describe various testing techniques
Introduction – Evolution – Software Development
projects – Emergence of Software Engineering.
I Software Life cycle models – Waterfall model – 12 CO-1 K1
Rapid Application Development – Agile Model –
Spiral Model
Requirement Analysis and Specification – Gathering
II and Analysis – SRS – Formal System Specification 12 CO-2 K2
1. Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, PHI 2018, 5th Edition
1. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering - A Practitioner’s Approach”, McGraw Hill
2010, 7th Edition
5. K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/101/106101235/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105182/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/101/106101061/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105087/
5. https://www.w3schools.in/sdlc-tutorial/software-development-life-cycle-sdlc/
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/software-engineering/
Core Practical – 9
Title of the paper with subject code RDBMS LAB
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 2
Course Type Employability
⮚ Learn the various DDL and DML commands
⮚ Understand queries in SQL to retrieve information from database
CO1: Implement the DDL , DML Commands and Constraints
CO2: Create, Update and query on the database
CO3: Work Interaction between front end and back end
less 500
b. print the account details of the accounts
with account type as Current account
c. Print the account numbers with more than 5
transactions in the transaction table CO-4 K4, K5
d. Count the total number of deposit in the
transaction table
Write a Java/Python program to print the rows in
8 the Account table
Write a Java/Python program to insert data into the
Account table
Write a Java/Python program to calculate the units
consumed by the consumer in
Electricity_Consumption table and
a. print Consumer number, Consumer name
and unit consumed
b. print Consumer number, Consumer name
and unit consumed who have not paid electricity
Write a Java/Python program to calculate
11 net_salary and print employee id, name, earnings, CO-5 K6
deduction and net salary
Write a Java/Python Program to perform result
analysis for Mark_Statemet table
Write a Java/Python Program to
a. implement sales and purchase transactions
in the table Inventory
b. to print the item number, item description
and quantity in hand, total cost for a given item
Core Paper Theory – 9
Title of the paper with subject code PHP Programming
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 4
Course Type Employability
⮚ To provide a basic idea of Server-Side Scripting
⮚ To Understand the role and future of open source software in the industry
⮚ To Analyse the impact of legal, economic and social issues for PHP software.
CO1: To understand the major elements of the PHP & MySQL
CO2: Analyze the basic structure of a PHP web application
CO3: Learn different ways of connecting to MySQL through PHP
CO4: Understand the File Structure Concepts in PHP
CO5: Understand the implementation of OOP Concepts in PHP
Introducing PHP - Basic development Concepts -
Creating first PHP Scripts - Using Variable and
Operators - Storing Data in variable - Understanding
I 12 CO-1 K1, K2
Data types - Setting and Checking variables Data
types - Using Constants - Manipulating Variables
with Operators.
Controlling Program Flow - Writing Simple
Conditional Statements - Writing More Complex
II Conditional Statements - Repeating Action with 12 CO-2 K3
Loops - Working with String and Numeric
Working with Arrays: Storing Data in Arrays -
Processing Arrays with Loops and Iterations - Using
III 12 CO-3 K4
Arrays with Forms - Working with Array Functions
- Working with Dates and Times.
Using Functions and Classes: Creating User-
Defined Functions - Creating Classes - Using
IV Advanced OOP Concepts. Working with Files and 12 CO-4 K5
Directories: Reading Files - Writing Files -
Processing Directories.
Working with Database and SQL: Introducing
Database and SQL - Using MySQL-Adding and
V 12 CO-5 K6
modifying Data - Handling Errors - Using SQLite
Extension and PDO Extension. Introduction XML -
Simple XML and DOM Extension.
1. Vikram Vaswani, “PHP A Beginner's Guide”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
1. Steven Holzner , “The PHP Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. R. Nixon, “Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS”, O’Reilly Media, 2nd Edition,
3. Lynn Beighley & Michael Morrison, Head First PHP & MySQL, First Edition, O’Reilly
4. Daginn Reiersol, Chris Shiflett, and Marcus Baker, PHP In Action: Objects, Design,
Agility, 1st Edition,Manning Publications
1. https://www.php.net/docs.php
2. https://www.w3schools.com/php/
3. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/php-tutorials/
Core Paper Theory – 10
Title of the paper with subject code R Programming
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 4
Course Type Employability
1. To implement the R programming features for Data Analysis.
2. To write, test, and debug simple R programs.
3. To implement R programs with conditionals and loops.
4. Use functions for structuring R programs.
CO1: Understand basic concepts such as data type and index and to use them
CO2: Understand the R data structures – vector and Data Frame.
CO3: Conceptualize and create loops to solve different types of problems.
CO4: Construct tables and figures for descriptive statistics
CO5: Apply R graphical packages for visual representation of data.
Introduction to R – Data Types – Variables –
Operators – Data Inputting in R – C( ), scan( ),
I Reading a File of Data from a Disk, Reading Data 12 CO-1 K1
from Tabular Data Files – Reading Data from CSV
files – Writing data
Data Manipulation in R – List Manipulation -
Vector Manipulation – Matrix Manipulation –
Matrix Addition, Matrix Subtraction, Matrix
II 12 CO-2 K2
Multiplication, Transpose of a Matrix ,Inverse of a
Matrix, Determinant of a Matrix – Data Frame
Programming in R – Conditional Statements –
Looping Statements – Functions - User - defined
Functions – Built-in Functions – Generating
III sequence of Random numbers from Uniform 12 CO-3 K3, K4
Distribution, Normal Distribution, Binomial
Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Exponential
Distribution and Gamma Distribution.
Computing Basic Statistics – Mean, Median, Mode,
Quartile, Percentile, Maximum, Minimum, Range,
InterQuartile Range, Variance, Standard deviation,
Correlation Coefficient, Covariance, Central
IV 12 CO-4 K5
Moment, Skewness, Kurtosis - Simple Hypothesis
Testing - Using the Student’s t-test, Paired t-test,
Chi-Square test for Goodness of Fit, ANOVA –
One-Way, Two-Way
Graphical Analysis in R – Box Plot – Scatter Plot –
Pair Plot – Line Charts – Bar Charts – Histogram –
V 12 CO-5 K6
Adding Text to Graphs – Adding Various lines to
Graphs- Matrix Plot – Exporting Graphs.
1. Gardener M. Beginning R: The statistical programming language. John Wiley & Sons
1. Matloff N, The art of R programming: A tour of statistical software design ,StarchPress;
2. Chambers J,Software for data analysis: programming with R,Springer Science & Business
3. Jones, O, Maillardet, R, and Robinson, A 2014, Introduction to Scientific Programming and
Simulation Using R, 2nd edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC
4. Wickem, H 2019, Advanced R, 2nd edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111/104/111104100/
2. https://cran.r-project.org/manuals.html
3. https://www.w3schools.com/r/
4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/r-programming-language-introduction/
Core Paper Theory – 11
Title of the paper with subject code Data Mining
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 4
Course Type Employability
1. K.P. Soman , Shyam Diwakar, V.Ajay ,2006, Insight into Data Mining Theory and
Practice, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd - New Delhi.
3. Pang-Ning Tan Michael Steinbach Anuj Karpatne Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data
Core Practical Paper – 5
Title of the paper with subject code PHP Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 2
Course Type Employability
Write a PHP program to generate and display the first
n lines of a Floyd triangle. K4, K5
Write a PHP script to
a. Transform a string to all uppercase letters. CO-4
9 b. Transform a string to all lowercase letters.
c. Reverse a string
d. Count lines in a file.
Write a PHP script to
a. Print the current date
10 CO-5 K6
b. Calculate the difference between two dates.
c. Calculate number of days between two dates.
Write a PHP program to demonstrate the concept of
Write a PHP program to demonstrate establishing
connection with MySQL Database
Core Practical Paper – 6
Title of the paper with subject code R Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 2
Course Type Employability
1. To implement R programming features in practical applications.
2. To write, test, and debug simple R programs.
3. To implement R programs with conditionals and loops.
4. Use functions for structuring R programs.
CO1: Import external data into R for data processing and statistical analysis
CO2: To learn the R data structures – vector and Data Frame.
CO3: To compute basic summary statistics
CO4: To display data visualizations using R Graphical Package
Fifth Semester
⮚ To understand the concepts in Cloud Computing and its Security
⮚ To understand the evolving computer model caned cloud computing.
⮚ To introduce the various levels of services that can be achieved by cloud.
CO1: To explain and apply levels of services of Cloud
CO2: To describe the security aspects in the cloud.
CO3: Understand cloud storage
CO4: Compare various cloud tools and technologies
CO5: Use various Cloud services
Cloud Computing Foundation: Introduction to
I Cloud Computing – Move to Cloud Computing – 12 CO-1 K1
Types of Cloud – Working of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Architecture : Cloud Computing
Technology – Cloud Architecture – Cloud Modeling
II and Design - Virtualization : Foundation – Grid, 12 CO-2 K2
Cloud and Virtualization – Virtualization and Cloud
Data Storage and Cloud Computing : Data Storage –
Cloud Storage – Cloud Storage from LANs to
III 12 CO-3 K3
WANs – Cloud Computing Services : Cloud
Services – Cloud Computing at Work
Cloud Computing and Security : Risks in Cloud
Computing – Data Security in Cloud – Cloud
IV Security Services – Cloud Computing Tools : Tools 12 CO-4 K4, K5
and Technologies for Cloud – Cloud Mashaps –
Apache Hadoop – Cloud Tools
Cloud Applications – Moving Applications to the
V Cloud – Microsoft Cloud Services – Google Cloud 12 CO-5 K6
Applications – Amazon Cloud Services – Cloud
1. A.Srinivasan and J.Suresh, “Cloud Computing – A Practical Approach for Learning and
Implementation”, Pearson India Publications 2014.
1. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej , “Cloud Computing: Principles and
Paradigms”, Wiley India Publications 2011
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/104/106104182/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105167/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105223/
4. https://www.w3schools.in/cloud-computing/cloud-computing/
5. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/cloud-computing/
Elective Paper Theory – 3
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III V 5
Course Type Employability
⮚ To understand the concepts of block chain technology
⮚ To understand the consensus and hyper ledger fabric in block chain technology.
CO1: State the basic concepts of block chain
CO2: Paraphrase the list of consensus and Demonstrate and Interpret working of Hyper ledger
CO3: Implement SDK composer tool and explain the Digital identity for government
CO4: Study the avenues for of Blockchain Applications in various domains.
CO5: Understand the Privacy issues prevailing in Blockchain Applications.
History: Digital Money to Distributed Ledgers -
Design Primitives: Protocols, Security, Consensus,
Permissions, Privacy : Block chain Architecture and
I 12 CO-1 K1
Design - Basic crypto primitives: Hash, Signature -
Hash chain to Block chain - Basic consensus
Requirements for the consensus protocols - Proof of
Work (PoW) - Scalability aspects of Block chain
II consensus protocols: Permissioned Block chains - 12 CO-2 K2
Design goals - Consensus protocols for
Permissioned Block chains.
Decomposing the consensus process - Hyper ledger
fabric components - Chain code Design and
III Implementation: Hyper ledger Fabric II: Beyond 12 CO-3 K3
Chain code: fabric SDK and Front End - Hyper
ledger composer tool
Block chain in Financial Software and Systems
(FSS): - Settlements, - KYC, - Capital markets -
IV Insurance - Block chain in trade/supply chain: 12 CO-4 K4
Provenance of goods, visibility, trade/supply chain
finance, invoice management/discounting.
Block chain for Government: Digital identity, land
records and other kinds of record keeping between
V government entities, public distribution system / 12 CO-5 K5, K6
social welfare systems: Block chain Cryptography:
Privacy and Security on Block chain.
1. Mark Gates, “Block chain: Ultimate guide to understanding block chain, bit coin, crypto
currencies, smart contracts and the future of money”, Wise Fox Publishing and Mark
Gates 2017.
2. Salman Baset, Luc Desrosiers, Nitin Gaur, Petr Novotny, Anthony O'Dowd,
Venkatraman Ramakrishna, “Hands-On Block chain with Hyper ledger: Building
decentralized applications with Hyperledger Fabric and Composer”, 2018.
3. Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, “Block chain Applications: A Hands-On Approach”, Arshdeep
Bahga, Vijay Madisetti publishers 2017.
1. Andreas Antonopoulos, “Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Crypto currencies”,
O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2014.
2. Melanie Swa, “Block chain ”,O'Reilly Media 2014.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105235/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/104/106104220/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105184/
Core Theory – 10
Title of the paper with subject code Software Project Management
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 4
Course Type Entrepreneurship
⮚ To formulate and define the software management metrics & strategy in managing projects.
CO1: Understand software project management issues and learn project planning.
CO2: Identify the critical path and critical activities using activity-on-arrow networks to estimate
the cost of the project.
CO3: Analyze risks associated with the given project using PERT technique
CO4: Understand the techniques for resources allocation and cost monitoring
CO5: Describe the techniques of software configuration management and quality assurance policies
for a project.
Introduction to Competencies - Product Development
Techniques - Management Skills - Product Development
I Life Cycle - Software Development Process and models - 12 CO-1 K1
The SEI CMM - International Organisation for
Managing Domain Processes - Project Selection Models
- Project Portfolio Management - Financial Processes -
Selecting a Project Team - Goal and Scope of the
II Software Project -Project Planning - Creating the Work 12 CO-2 K2, K3
Breakdown Structure - Approaches to Building a WBS -
Project Milestones - Work Packages - Building a WBS
for Software.
Tasks and Activities - Software Size and Reuse
Estimating - The SEI CMM - Problems and Risks - Cost
III Estimation - Effort Measures - COCOMO: A Regression 12 CO-3 K4
Model - COCOMO II - SLIM: A Mathematical Model -
Organisational Planning - Project Roles and Skills
1. Ramesh, Gopalaswamy, "Managing Global Projects", Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
2. Royce, “Software Project Management”, Pearson Education.
3. Jalote, “Software Project Manangement in Practive”, Pearson Education, 2002.
4. Bob Hughes, Mikecotterell, “Software Project Management”, 3 rd Edition, TMH, 2004.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105218/
2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/software-engineering-software-project-management-spm/
Core Paper Theory – 11
Title of the paper with subject code Advanced Python Programming
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III VI 4
Course Type Employability
⮚ To work with python’s packages numpy, pandas and matplotlib
⮚ Analyse the visualize the data
CO1: To perform numeric computing with numpy elements
CO2: Understand Panda Data structure
CO3: Interact with various types of data and file formats
CO4: Analyze Data through Data Preparation and Manipulation.
CO5: To visualize the data using various Graphical Modules
I/O API tools - CSV and Textual files - reading data in CSV
or Text Files - Reading and writing HTML Files - Reading
Data from XML - Reading data on Microsoft Excel Files -
Interacting with Databases - Reading and Writing data with
12 CO-3 K4
a NoSQL Database
1. Fabio Nelli, Python Data Analytics with Pandas, Numpy and Matplotlib, APress
1. Purna Chander Rao. Kathula, Hands-on Data Analysis and visualization with Pandas, BPB
2. William McKinney, Python for Data Analysis, O’Reilly Publication
3. Daniel Y. Chen, Pandas for Everyone, Pearson Education Publication.
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/107/106107220/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106212/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115/104/115104095/
4. https://numpy.org/doc/ - numpy documentation
5. https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/ - pandas documentation
6. https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/index.html - matplotlib documentation
7. https://www.w3schools.com/python/numpy/numpy_intro.asp
8. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-numpy/
9. https://www.w3schools.com/python/pandas/default.asp
10. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/pandas-tutorial/
11. https://www.w3schools.com/python/matplotlib_intro.asp
12. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/matplotlib-tutorial/
Core Paper Theory - 12
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Data Science
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III VI 4
Course Type Skill Development
⮚ To introduce the concepts, techniques and tools with respect to the various facets of data science
practice, including data collection and integration, exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling,
descriptive modeling and effective communication.
CO1: Evaluate the data analysis techniques for applications handling large data and
CO2: Demonstrate the concept of Data Science process.
CO3: Understand the application of Machine Learning in the Data Science process.
CO4: Visualize and present the inference using various tools.
CO5: Learn to assess the ethics surrounding privacy, Data sharing.
Introduction to Data Science – Benefits and uses – Facets
I of data – Data science process – Big data ecosystem and
data science.
12 CO-1 K1
1.Roger Peng, “The Art of Data Science”, lulu.com
2.MurtazaHaider, “Getting Started with Data Science – Making Sense of Data with Analytics”, IBM
press, E-book.
3.Davy Cielen, Arno D.B. Meysman, Mohamed Ali,“Introducing Data Science: Big Data, Machine
Learning, and More, Using Python Tools”, Dreamtech Press
4.Annalyn Ng, Kenneth Soo, “Numsense! Data Science for the Layman: No Math Added”, 1st
5.Cathy O'Neil, Rachel Schutt, “Doing Data Science Straight Talk from the Frontline”, O'Reilly
6.Lillian Pierson, “Data Science for Dummies”, 2nd Edition
NPTEL Material / Courses
1. Data Science for Engineers - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106179/
Core Practical Paper – 7
Title of the paper with subject code Advanced Python Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 2
Course Type Employability
⮚ Work with data to analyze and visualize them.
CO1: To work with numpy elements
CO2: To store and work with matrix using numpy
CO3: To process the data from the file
CO4: To analyse the data
CO5: To visualize the data
1.Write a program to CO-1
a. Create a null vector of size 10
b. Create a vector with values ranging
1 from 10 to 49 K1
c. Reverse a vector
d. Find indices of non - zero elements
form [ 1, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0]
Write a program to
a. Create a 3 X 3 matrix with values
ranging from 0 to 8
b. Create a 3 X 3 identity matrix
c. Create a 3 X 3 X 3 array with random
d. Create a 10 X 10 array with random
values and find the minimum and
maximum values
e. Normalize a 5 X 5 random matrix
Write a program to
a. Create a random vector of size 10 and
sort it CO-2 K2
b. Create two random array A and B,
Check if they are equal
c. Make an array immutable
d. Create a random vector of size 10 and
replace the maximum value by 0
e. Find the most frequent value in the
array from a random array
Write a program to create data type object and use sum,
sqrt and Transpose on the object
Create a csv file storing the temperature of the last 10
Core Practical Paper – 8
Title of the paper with subject code Mini Project & Viva Voce
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Entrepreneurship
The aim of the mini project is that the student has to understand the real time software
development environment. The student should gain a thorough knowledge in the problem,
he/she has selected and the language / software, he/she is using.
CO1: To practice acquired knowledge within the chosen area of technology for project development.
CO2: Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and
systematic approach.
CO3: Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects for engineering projects.
CO4: Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects.
CO5: Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings
Project planning:
B.C.A mini Project is an involved exercise, which has to be planned well in advance. The topic
should be chosen in the beginning of final year itself. Related reading training and discussions
of first internal project viva voce should be completed in the first term of final year.
I Selection of the Project Work
Project work could be of three types.
a) Developing solution for Real Life Problem
In this case a requirement for developing a computer-based solution already exists and the
different stages of system development life cycle is to be implemented successfully. Examples
are accounting software for particular organization, computerization of administrative function
of an organization, web based commerce etc.
b) System Software Project
Projects based on system level implementation. An example is a Tamil language editor with
spell checker, compiler design.
b) Research Level Project
These are projects which involve research and development and may not be as a structured and
clear cut as in the above case. Examples are Tamil character recognition, neural net based
speech recognizer etc. This type of projects provides more challenging opportunities to students.
II Selection of Team
To meet the stated objectives, it is imperative that mini project is done through a team effort.
Though it would be ideal to select the team members at random and this should be strongly
recommended, due to practical consideration students may also be given the choice of forming
themselves into teams with three members. A team leader shall be selected. Team shall maintain
the minutes of meeting of the team members and ensure that tasks have been assigned to every
team member in writing. Team meeting minutes shall form a part of the project report. Even if
students are doing project as groups, each one must independently take different modules of the
work and must submit the report.
III Selection of Tools
No restrictions shall be placed on the students in the choice of platform/tools/languages to be
utilized for their project work, though Open Source is strongly recommended, wherever
possible. No value shall be placed on the use of tools in the evaluation of the project.
IV Documentation
Three copies of the project report must be submitted by each student (one for department library,
one for the organization where the project is done and one for the student himself/herself). The
final outer dimensions of the project report shall be 21cm X 30 cm. The color of the flap cover
shall be light blue. Only hard binding should be done. The text of the report should be set in 12
pt, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced.
Headings should be set as follows: CHAPTER HEADINGS 16 pt, Arial, Bold, All caps,
1. Section Headings 14 pt Bookman old style, Bold, Left adjusted.
1.1 Section Sub-heading 12 pt, Bookman old style.
Title of figures tables etc are done in 12 point, Times New Roman, Italics, centered.
Content of the Project should be relevant and specify particularly with reference to the work.
The report should contain the requirement specification of the work, Analysis, Design, Coding,
testing and Implementation strategies done.
• Organizational overview (of the client organization, where applicable)
• Description of the present system
• Limitations of the present system
• The Proposed system - Its advantages and features
• Context diagram of the proposed system
• Top level DFD of the proposed system with at least one additional level of expansion
• Program List (Sample code of major functions used)
• Files or tables (for DBMS projects) list. List of fields or attributes (for DBMS projects) in each
file or table.
• Program – File table that shows the files/tables used by each program and the files are read,
written to, updated, queried or reports were produced from them.
• Screen layouts for each data entry screen.
• Report formats for each report.
Elective Paper Theory – 4
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Deep Learning
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Skill Development
● Understand the context of Deep learning
● Understand the data needs of Deep learning.
CO1: Understand Neural Networks and to traverse the layers of data abstraction.
CO2: Learn topics such as CNN, RNN, training deep networks and high-level interfaces
CO3: Build Deep Learning Models and interpret the results
CO4: Understand the fundamental concepts of Artificial Neural Networks
CO5: Differentiate between Machine Learning, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks : Artificial
Neural Networks, Feed-forward Neural Networks,
Gradient Descent and the Back Propagation
Algorithms, Regularization and Optimization. 12 CO-1 K1, K2
Difference between typical Machine Learning and Deep
CNN Application to Classification and Detection
problems: Object detection algorithms, RCNN, Faster 12 CO-5 K6
1. Chollet, Francois. Deep learning with Python, Manning Publications
1. Ian Goodfellow ,Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and
Machine Learning series), The MIT Press,
2. Seth Weidman , Deep Learning from Scratch: Building with Python from First
Principles,O'Reilly; 1st Edition
3. Amlan Chakrabarti Amit Kumar Das, Saptarsi Goswami, Pabitra Mitra, Deep Learning, Pearson
Education; First edition
NPTEL Material / Courses
● https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105215/
● https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106184/
● https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106201/
● https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-deep-learning/
Elective Paper Theory – 5
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Web Analytics
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Skill Development
● To know the importance of quality data, get insights and techniques.
● To develop customer centric approach in dealing with data
● To apply the principles, tools and methods of web analytics.
● To apply analytics for business situations.
CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts and scope for Web Analytics.
CO2: Confidence about where web analytics fits in an organization
CO3: Identify the key performance indicators of web analytics
CO4: Explore the use of tools and techniques of web analytics
CO5: To gain exposure on websites, web data insights and conversions
Introduction: Understanding web analytics - The
foundations of Web analytics: Techniques and 12 CO-1 K1
Technologies - Present and Future of Web analytics.
Data Collection: Importance and Options - Web
server log files: Click stream data - User
12 CO-2 K2
II submitted information - Web server performance
data - Page tags - First and third party tracking.
Web Analytics Strategy: Key performance
indicators - Web analytics process - Heuristics
evaluations - Site visits - Surveys - Measuring
12 CO-3
III reach - Measuring acquisition - Measuring K3, K4
conversion - Measuring retention - Security and
privacy implications of Web analytics.
Web Analytics tools: Content organization tools
- Process measurement tools - Visitor
segmentation tools - Campaign analysis tools -
Commerce measurement tools - Google 12 CO-4 K5
analytics - Omniture - Web trends - Yahoo! Web
Google Analytics:: Key features and capabilities
- Quantitative and qualitative data - Working of
Google analytics - Privacy - Tracking visitor 12 CO-5 K6
clicks, Outbound links and Non HTML files.
1. Bernard J. Jansen, “Understanding User-Web Interactions via Web analytics‖”,
Morgan and Claypool
1. Avinash Kaushik, “Web Analytics 2.0”, John Wiley and Sons
2. Brian Clifton, “Advanced web metrics with Google analytics”, John Wiley and
3. Justin Cutroni, “Google Analytics”, O’Reilly,
4. Jerri L. Ledford, Joe Teixeira and Mary E. Tyler, “Google Analytics”, John
Wiley and Sons
1. https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/
2. https://developers.google.com/analytics
3. https://www.wix.com/blog/2020/01/best-website-analytics-tools/
Elective Paper Theory – 6
Title of the paper with subject code Social Media Analytics
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Skill Development
⮚ To understand how accurately analyze voluminous complex data set in social media and
other sources.
⮚ To understand the models and algorithms to process large data sets.
⮚ To understand social behaviour and recommendation challenges and methodologies
Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand and apply key concepts in Social Media metrics.
CO2: Understand and apply concepts of Graph Models, Social communities.
CO3: Understand and apply algorithms to model data using graph and network structures
CO4: Develop social media strategy and measure social media campaign effectiveness.
CO5: Make better business decisions by leveraging social media data.
Social Media Mining - Introduction - Atoms -
Molecules - Interactions - Social Media mining
Challenges - Graphs - Basics - Nodes - Edges -
Degree of Distribution - Types - Directed -
I Undirected - Weighted - Graph Connectivity -
Tress and Forests - Bipartite graphs - Complete 12 CO-1 K1, K2
Graphs - Sub graphs – Planar Graphs - Graph
Representation - Graph Traversal Algorithms –
Shortest path algorithms Dijkstra‟s - Spanning
tree algorithms – Prims - Bipartite matching –
Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
Network Models - Measures - Node : Eigen
Centrality - Page Rank - Group Measures -
Betweenness centrality - group degree centrality,
centrality, and group - Closeness centrality - Node 12 CO-2 K3
Linking Behavior - Transitivity and reciprocity -
Linking Analysis - Cluster coefficient - Jaccard -
Case Study : -Modeling small networks with real
world model.
Social media Communities - Social Communities
- Member based Detection - Node degree - Node
Similarity - Node reachability - Group Based
detection methods - balanced - robust - modular - 12 CO-3 K4
III dense - hierarchical - Spectral Clustering:
Balanced Community algorithm Community
Evolution - Evaluation.
1.Reza Zafarani , Mohhammad Abi Elasi, Huan Liu, “Social Media Mining: An
Introduction”, Cambridge press, 2014
1.Peter Mika, “Social Networks and the Semantic Web”, Springer, First Edition,
2.Dion Goh and Schubert Foo, “Social information Retrieval Systems: Emerging
Technologies and Applications for Searching the Web Effectively”, IGI Global
Snippet, 2008.
3. Guandong Xu ,Yanchun Zhang and Lin Li, “Web Mining and Social Networking
Techniques and applications”, Springer, First Edition, 2011
Non-Major Elective : 1
Title of the paper with subject code Technical Writing with LaTex
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective I I 2
Introduction: Overview – Install LaTex – Create
First LaTex Document – Section level and ToC CO-1 K1
1. George Gratzer, First Steps in LaTeX, Birkhäuser Publication
2. Pooja Raj Verma, Sandeep Kumar, Binay kumar sharma, LaTeX and HTML, Vardhman
Non-Major Elective : 2
Title of the paper with subject code Web Office
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective I I 2
Google Docs: Accessing Google Doc -
I Sharing a Google Doc - Using the editing
tools - Organizing Google Docs - CO-1 K1
Downloading and converting Google
Google Slides: Accessing Google Slides -
Creating presentation in Google Slides -
II Adding and editing content - Presenting CO-2 K2
Google Slides - Sharing Google Slides
Google Sheets: Accessing Google Sheets -
Creating a Google Sheet - Sorting and
organizing data - Filtering data - Editing a CO-3 K3, K4
Google Sheet - Creating charts and graphs
- Sharing a Google Sheet
Google Forms - Accessing Google Forms
IV - Creating a Google Form - Sharing a
Google Form - Viewing responses as a CO-4 K5
summary - Viewing responses
Google Drive - Google Calendar – Google
V Jamboard - Google Meet - Google Maps - CO-5 K6
Google Classroom - LMS - CANVAS
Programming Language: Introduction - classification of
programming languages - Machine language - assembly
language - high level language - Translator: Compiler - CO-1 K1, K2
I Interpreter - C Language: Introduction - history - structure
of C - tokens: identifiers - keywords - variables - constants -
data types
Non-Major Elective : 3
Title of the paper with subject code Programming Fundamentals
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective I I 2
V Function: types of function - category of function – CO-5 K6
Non-Major Elective : 4
Title of the paper with subject code Technical Writing with LaTex LAB
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective I II 2
CO-4 K5
13 Create LaTex document displaying time table.
14 Create LaTex document with Image.
Non-Major Elective : 5
Title of the paper with subject code Web Office LAB
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective I II 2
Non-Major Elective : 6
Title of the paper with subject code Programming Fundamentals
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective I II 2
a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 K4
7 c. 1 3 5 7 9
d. 9 7 5 3 1
e. 2 4 6 8 10
CO-4 K5
Write a program to calculate sum of n numbers
1. Enriching the knowledge in theoretical and practical aspects at the undergraduate level.
2. Developing curiosity in the subject and encouraging them to pursue higher studies.
PSO5: Develop practical skills to provide solution to society, industry and business
PO2 ✔
PO3 ✔ ✔
PO4 ✔
First Semester
Course Outcome:
CO1: To work with basic tags of HTML
CO2: To Illustrate the application of List and Tables
CO3: To Explain various basic elements of JavaScript
CO4: To Understand various Event Handling Procedures
CO5: To Demonstrate form handling
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Practical - 1
Title of the paper with subject code Web Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core I I 3
Course Type Employability
CO1: Understand, analyze and apply the role of languages like HTML, CSS and Javascript in web
CO2: Analyze a web project and identify its elements and attributes in comparison to traditional
CO3: Understand, analyze and create web pages using HTML and Cascading Styles sheets.
CO4: Understand, analyze and build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (client side programming).
CO5: Understand, analyze and build interactive web applications.
Second Semester :
Course Outcome:
CO1: To Understand the principles of Python and acquire skills in programming in python
CO2: To develop the emerging applications of relevant field using Python
CO3: Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python
control flow statements.
CO4: Demonstrate the concepts of List and Tuples
CO5: Illustrate Dictionaries
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Practical - 2
Title of the paper with subject code Python Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core I II 3
Course Type Employability
Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand the numeric or real life application problems and solve them.
CO2: Apply a solution clearly and accurately in a program using Python.
CO3: Apply the best features available in Python to solve the situational problems.
CO4: Illustrate list and tuple
CO5: Demonstrate the concept of application of Dictionaries
Third Semester
ourse Outcome:
CO1: Understand the concept of Object Oriented Programming
CO2: To Work with control Structures
CO3: Creating classes and implementing inheritance
CO4: Describe and construct Package, Interface
CO5: To Work with Exception
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Paper Theory - 4
Title of the paper with subject code Operating System
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II III 4
Course Type Skill Development
Course Outcome:
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Paper Theory - 5
Title of the paper with subject code Data Structures
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II III 4
Course Type Skill Development
Course Outcome:
CO1: Use linked list in various applications
CO2: Illustrate stack and queue data structures
CO3: Work with different types of tree
CO4: Write applications using Graph
CO5: Compare and Contrast various sorting and searching Algorithm
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Practical - 3
Title of the paper with subject code Java Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II III 2
Course Type Employability
Course Outcome:
CO3: Suggest appropriate linear and non-linear data structure operations for solving a given problem.
CO4: Analyze various sorting methods.
CO5: Illustrate Tree and Graph
CO2 ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓
Fourth Semester
Course Outcome:
CO1: Describe the layers in OSI Model and TCP/IP protocol
CO2: Understand various guided media
CO3: Summarize Data link control
CO4: Appraise the Addressing in IPV4 & IPV6
CO5: Articulate TCP and UDP
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Paper Theory - 7
Title of the paper with subject code Relational Database Management System
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II IV 4
Course Type Employability
Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand the purpose and need for Database Management System
CO2: Demonstrate the applicability of Codd’s Rules
CO3: Illustrate the need and necessity of Normalization concepts
CO4: Effective use of DDL, DML & TCL commands
CO5: Able to implement features like Database connectivity with programming languages
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Paper Theory - 8
Title of the paper with subject code Software Engineering
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core II IV 4
Course Type Entrepreneurship
Course Outcome:
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Core Practical - 4
Title of the paper with subject code RDBMS LAB
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III IV 2
Course Type Employability
Course Outcome:
CO1: Implement the DDL , DML Commands and Constraints
CO2: Create, Update and query on the database
CO3: Work Interaction between front end and back end
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO2 ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓
CO1: Understand basic concepts such as data type and index and to use them
CO2: Understand the R data structures – vector and Data Frame.
CO3: Conceptualize and create loops to solve different types of problems.
CO4: Construct tables and figures for descriptive statistics
CO5: Apply R graphical packages for visual representation of data.
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO1: To have knowledge in Data mining concepts.
CO2: To apply Data mining concepts in different fields
CO3: Ability to apply acquired knowledge for understanding data and select suitable methods
for Data Analysis.
CO4: Ability to identify appropriate Data Mining Algorithm to solve different applications.
CO5: Ability to conceptualize basic applications, concepts and techniques of Data Mining
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO1:To Write PHP scripts to handle HTML forms.
CO2: To Create PHP programs that use various PHP library functions.
CO3: To Analyze and solve various database tasks using the PHP language
CO4:To Analyze and solve common Web application tasks by writing PHP programs
CO2 ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓
Core Practical Paper – 6
Title of the paper with subject code R Programming Lab
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Core III V 2
Course Type Employability
CO1: Import external data into R for data processing and statistical analysis
CO2: To learn the R data structures – vector and Data Frame.
CO3: To compute basic summary statistics
CO4:To display data visualizations using R Graphical Package
Elective Paper Theory – 1
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Cloud Computing
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III V 4
Course Type Employability
CO1: To explain and apply levels of services of Cloud
CO2: To describe the security aspects in the cloud.
CO3: Understand cloud storage
CO4: Compare various cloud tools and technologies
CO5: Use various Cloud services
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
Elective Paper Theory – I
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III V 5
Course Type Employability
Course Outcome:
CO1: State the basic concepts of block chain
CO2: Paraphrase the list of consensus and Demonstrate and Interpret working of Hyper ledger
CO3: Implement SDK composer tool and explain the Digital identity for government
CO4: Study the avenues for of Blockchain Applications in various domains.
CO5: Understand the Privacy issues prevailing in Blockchain Applications.
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO4 ✓
CO5 ✓
CO1:Understand software project management issues and learn project planning.
CO2:Identify the critical path and critical activities using activity-on-arrow networks to estimate
the cost of the project.
CO3:Analyze risks associated with the given project using PERT technique
CO4:Understand the techniques for resources allocation and cost monitoring
CO5:Describe the techniques of software configuration management and quality assurance policies
for a project.
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO3 ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓
CO1: To perform numeric computing with numpy elements
CO2: Understand Panda Data structure
CO3: Interact with various types of data and file formats
CO4: Analyze Data through Data Preparation and Manipulation.
CO5: To visualize the data using various Graphical Modules
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓ ✓
CO1: Evaluate the data analysis techniques for applications handling large data and
CO2: Demonstrate the concept of Data Science process.
CO3: Understand the application of Machine Learning in the Data Science process.
CO4: Visualize and present the inference using various tools.
CO5: Learn to assess the ethics surrounding privacy, Data sharing.
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO1: To work with numpy elements
CO2: To store and work with matrix using numpy
CO3: To process the data from the file
CO4: To analyse the data
CO5: To visualize the data
Core Practical Paper – 8
Title of the paper with subject code Mini Project & Viva Voce
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Entrepreneurship
CO1: To practice acquired knowledge within the chosen area of technology for project development.
CO2: Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and
systematic approach.
CO3: Reproduce, improve and refine technical aspects for software projects.
CO4: Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects.
CO5: Communicate and report effectively project related activities and findings
CO2 ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓
Elective III :
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Deep Learning
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Skill Development
CO1: Understand Neural Networks and to traverse the layers of data abstraction.
CO2: Learn topics such as CNN, RNN, training deep networks and high-level interfaces
CO3: Build Deep Learning Models and interpret the results
CO4: Understand the fundamental concepts of Artificial Neural Networks
CO5: Differentiate between Machine Learning, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO1 ✓
CO2 ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓
Elective III :
Title of the paper with subject code Introduction to Web Analytics
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Skill Development
CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts and scope for Web Analytics.
CO2: Confidence about where web analytics fits in an organization
CO3: Identify the key performance indicators of web analytics
CO4: Explore the use of tools and techniques of web analytics
CO5: To gain exposure on websites, web data insights and conversions.
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
CO2 ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO5 ✓ ✓
Elective III
Title of the paper with subject code Social Media Analytics
Category of the course Year Semester Credits
Elective III VI 5
Course Type Skill Development
Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand and apply key concepts in Social Media metrics.
CO2: Understand and apply concepts of Graph Models, Social communities.
CO3: Understand and apply algorithms to model data using graph and network structures
CO4: Develop social media strategy and measure social media campaign effectiveness.
CO5: Make better business decisions by leveraging social media data.
Unit II ✔
Unit III ✔
Unit IV ✔
Unit V ✔
9. Teaching – Learning Process:
Teaching and Learning are two important fields which are required for effective teaching and it helps the
student in better understanding. For BCA Programme the teaching and learning process is designed towards
attaining the Program Specific Output(PSO) and Graduate Apptitude(GA). NPTEL and other MOOC courses
are recommended for the students to enhance the knowledge. Online medium such as Google classroom are
used to share the resources with the students. To meet the objectives of the course and enable students achieve
the expected outcomes the course the following teaching processes are utilized:
Laboratory Teaching:
BCA programme give more emphasis for Open Source packages/programming languages. Laboratory are
furnished with state-of-the-art technologies and software to help students to solve the problems practically.
Student forum in the name of Stepping Stones is organized every week where alumini and industrial experts
are invited to provide Guest Lecture. Students discuss the latest technologies and present seminar.
In BCA programme, NPTEL courses are recommended for the course to enhance their knowledge of the
student. It gives student the ability to know the latest development in that subject.
Students are suggested to do project based assignments in Practical Papers. Students are given variety of real
world problems to demonstrate their skills. It enriches the ability of the students to solve the futuristic
Final year students in their final semester are mandated to complete a real-time mini-project for the successful
completion of the degree
Student are given assignement regularly by which they can learn to collect data relevent to the assignment and
also they can enhance the knowledge
10. Assessement Methods:
The Assesment plays the pivotal role in evaluating the progress of the student. Assessment also devises to test
the cognitive levels of the students. Assessment methods are devised to assess and evaluate the understanding
the foundation concept and also to illustrate the skills. The assessment methods try to validate and enhance the
well-rounded skillsets of the students. Assessment Methods validates the students programming writing
ability .It can help the student to develop the employable skill and entreprenueral skills.
The student is subjected to three internal assessment written exams in a semester. The student’s regular class
attendance proves to be an important factor in the evaluation of the student’s credentials. The assessment also
takes cognizance of the student’s active participation in the class room discussions in the form of seminars and
group discussions. The prompt submission of home assignments is monitored for assessing the student’s final
evaluation credentials.
11. Keywords:
Learning Outcome, Qualification Descriptor, Graduate Apptitute, Skill Enhancement, Program Specific
Outcome, Course Outcome, Core Compulsory Courses, Discipline Specific Elective, Continuous Assessment,
PSO – CO Matrix