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Exemplu Plan de Lectie ENG

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Lesson Plan (II)

TEACHERS: Agoşton Carmen

SCHOOL: Liceul de Arte, Baia Mare

DATE: 23.04.2013



LEVEL: Beginners

TOPIC: Food – learning new vocabulary

TEXTBOOK: English with Nino

STRUCTURES: This is …….

VOCABULARY: Food related: bread, pudding, milk, butter, cookies, salad, cake, pie, sandwich, cheese, hamburger,
spaghetti, ice-cream, pizza, fish, honey.

SKILLS: Focus on speaking and listening for specific information

MAIN RESOURCES: English with Nino– Pupils’ workbooks

TEACHING MATERIALS: Blackboard, workbooks, flashcards, a dice, a big (A3) sheet of paper with the ‘’Race to the finish’’ game
on it, bingo cards/handouts, vocabulary handouts.

TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Listen and point, oral dialogues, Bingo game, Race to the finish game

EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Continuous, the teacher keeps record of the students’ performance during discussion activities and
individual activities

MAIN OBJECTIVES: A. Affective Objectives:

To create a warm/pleasant atmosphere for study

To help students enjoy speaking English


To give students an active role in the process of teaching/learning

B. Cognitive Objectives
To give students practice in speaking

To listen and recognize vocabulary previously taught

To revise vocabulary previously taught


Nr. Lesson Stage Teacher – Student Activities Interaction Timing Materials

The teacher greets the class and asks them the routine
questions: Teacher –
1. Warmer/Lead in  What’s your name? Individual 5’
 How old are you ? student
 How are you today?
Each student answer these questions.

The teacher will give students some handouts containing

pictures of the new vocabulary they will learn, then she will
pin up some flashcards, each one of them containing words
Activity 1
related to the new vocabulary the students will learn: bread, Teacher – Flashcards,
pudding, milk, butter, cookies, salad, cake, pie, sandwich, Whole class, 5’ Handouts with the
2. Presentation of
cheese, hamburger, spaghetti, ice-cream, pizza, fish, honey. Students – new vocabulary
new vocabulary
The teacher will say out loud each one of teacher
the new words and will ask students to repeat chorally each
one of the words.
The children will have to follow the teacher on their
handouts with the vocabulary, so they will understand what
each one of the words means.

The teacher will present the children the poster on the
blackboard, and will tell them tha they will play a game
named ‘’Race to the finish’’, containing the vocabulary Teacher –
Activity 2 recently learned. The teacher will explain then the rules of students, A poster with the
the game. game, a dice
Vocabulary 15’
Each pupil will go to the blackboard and roll the dice,
then will have to say in English the number on the dice and Student -
‘’Race to the follow the spaces on the poster, then will have to say the student
finish‘’ - game name of the food presented in the image. Then the next child
will go on with the game until all of the children will roll the
dice at least once.

Nr. Lesson Stage Teacher – Student Activities Interaction Timing Materials

Each student will receive a Bingo card containing nine

Activity 3 pictures that represent the previous learned vocabulary Teacher –
4. related to food. Students, Bingo cards, a
Vocabulary The teacher explains the procedure and then calls out 15’ bowl, flashcards
practice the words. The first student/s who manage/s to complete the
‘’Bingo’’ – game grid has/have to say Bingo and is/are the winner/s. They
receive a prize badge(a smiley face). Students -

Each pupil will receive a handout containing two

Activity 4
columns, each column with five numbered sets of pictures,

Listen and point each set with two pictures.

5. Teacher –
The teacher will pick randomely one picture from each Handouts
set of two, and will say out loud the word representing the 5’
Students -
Then each children will have to circle the wright
picture. Appendix 4

Nr. Lesson Stage Teacher – Student Activities Interaction Timing Materials

Activity 5 The teacher will ask the pupils to get and open their Teacher-
workbooks ‘’English with Nino’’ at page 63, then the Students.
Vocabulary teacher will say each word from the pictures out loud, and 5’ Workbook
rehearsal from will ask children to repeat chorally each word. Students -
previous lessons teacher

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:

Appendix 3:

Appendix 4

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