Keijer 2019
Keijer 2019
Keijer 2019
wareness of the finite nature of many what defines a sustainable chemical process,
resources — including the issue of and needs to take into account the people,
element scarcity, shown in Fig. 1 — as planet and profit level (referred to as the Raw materials
well as the limited environmental tolerance ‘triple bottom line’)11. Notably, innovative Design
towards our chemical industry has grown chemistry designed with sustainability in
tremendously in the past few decades. mind is only effective when translated into Production,
It has become painfully obvious that the economically viable applications. Recycling
Circular economy
Securing renewability
Circular chemistry seeks to replace
today’s linear ‘take–make–dispose’
approach with processes in which
materials are continuously cycled back
through the value chain for reuse,
thereby optimizing resource efficiency
and preserving finite feedstocks (CC 3).
Renewable resources offer the chemical
industry an opportunity to diversify its
raw materials base24, but ‘greenwashing’
(presenting a process or product as greener
than it actually is) should be prevented:
bio-based materials are typically classified
as being sustainable, simply because of
renewability of the resource (GC 7), yet
Fig. 1 | Periodic table representing element scarcity. In this representation of the periodic table these resources are often created in a linear
prepared by the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) for the International Year of the Periodic production process without sustainable
Table, naturally occurring elements (except some of the rarest ones beyond uranium53) are depicted end-of-life options.
through tiles, the size of which gives an indication — on a logarithmic scale — of how much of the Resource renewability alone is not a
element is present in the Earth’s crust and atmosphere. The areas are approximate for all elements and measure of sustainability. Furthermore,
exaggerated in the case of the least abundant ones shown here (technetium, promethium, polonium, if, for a given application, either oil-based
astatine, radon, francium, radium, actinium and protactinium) so that they are noticeable. Technetium plastics or bio-based plastics can be used
and promethium, shown here in white and marked as synthetic elements, do also occur naturally on (for example PET or bio-PET, produced
Earth, though only in very small amounts. This illustration highlights the speed with which elemental from mono-ethylene glycol, itself derived
supplies are being used, and draws attention to elements that are at risk of being depleted completely from agricultural products), both types of
unless recycling routes are developed, as well as those that come from countries in which wars are plastics are based on similar building blocks
fought over the ownership of the relevant mineral rights. This table mentions 31 elements (though other and their function and properties, defined
sources list other numbers, up to around 70) that are used in smart phones, which are typically replaced at the molecular level, are also alike. One
more rapidly than necessary. Credit: © EuChemS, reproduced from may ask: ‘what is the difference between an
periodic-table/ under a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0 oil-based or bio-based plastic soup in our
oceans?’25,26. Unfortunately, cherry-picking
a metric (for example, here, renewability
waste streams and using them as chemical impact of the resulting waste products over recyclability and environmental
feedstocks should become ubiquitous in on the environment, novel chemical and risk) is common practice. The popular
the synthesis of marketable products biochemical conversions are urgently opinion that oil, gas and coal are harmful,
in order to achieve complete recirculation needed that allow for their efficient recovery whereas renewables are clean, removes
of molecules and materials (CC 1, and recycling. attention from the true sustainability
Box 2)20–22. It is imperative to reduce In order to succeed in eliminating or problem: material circulation. What is most
uncirculated waste in any given process reusing waste, an optimal process design important is the use of waste as a resource.
(GC 1, Box 1), yet it will not be possible to is needed that allows for the efficient Reversible polymerization could be a
eliminate degraded materials or products separation, purification, reuse and recycling major driver towards the development of
completely. Waste management will of waste products in an environmentally
therefore always be required for the effective benign way. In organic chemistry, Trost’s
circulation of materials. atom-economy concept stimulated the 1. Collect and
use waste
Eutrophication and climate change are synthetic efficiency of individual steps 12. Unify industry and
2. Maximize atom
provide coherent
two of the biggest global environmental (GC 2)23. In a similar manner, at the process policy framework circulation
concerns, largely caused by excess use level, circular chemistry targets maximizing 3. Optimize resource
11. Reject lock-in efficiency
of phosphorus and nitrogen-based atom circulation in chemical products along Circular
fertilizers, and the utilization of fossil their entire life cycles, regardless of whether 10. Sell service
not product
chemistry 4. Strive for energy
fuels, respectively. The excess of carbon chemical bonds are modified or not (Box 2, 9. Apply ladder 5. Enhance
dioxide, nitrous oxide, ammonia and CC 2). Using waste as resource presents a of circularity process efficiency
phosphate waste lost to air, water and tremendous challenge for the development 8. Assess 6. No out-of-plant
land perturbs the carbon, nitrogen and of novel chemical conversions that can cope sustainability
7. Target
phosphorus cycles, creating a host of adverse with complex waste mixtures as feedstocks optimal design
Distribute as human food Redistribution is also about reusing resources,
(food bank) but more transport is needed. For example,
reintroducing a second-hand product in a new
Redistribute market.
MATERIALS Resource separation MATERIALS
Fig. 3 | A comprehensive illustration of the resource hierarchy. The widely known ‘3 Rs’ approach — reduce, reuse and recycle — has been expanded and
throughout the past few decades a variety of ladders and scales have been used to represent this concept. Figure 3 serves as a visual guide to help the
understanding and application of the ‘11 Rs’, depending in particular on the types of materials being used (biological versus technical ones). Whereas biological
materials can largely be regenerated, this is not the case for human-made materials, and so for efficient waste management these different types of resources
should be kept separate as much as possible. Credit: Maurits Korse,
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This work was supported by the Council for Chemical
Sciences of The Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Biobased, Biodegradable, and Recycled Plastics (Wiley,
Research (NWO/CW and NWO/TTO) by a VIDI grant
Tom Keijer1, Vincent Bakker1 and Hoboken, 2014).
26. Iwata, T. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 3210–3215 (2015). (J.C.S.) and a STW Take-off grant (J.C.S.). We gratefully
J. Chris Slootweg1* acknowledge the MChem Green Chemistry class of 2016
27. Zhu, J.-B., Watson, E. M., Tang, J. & Chen, E. Y.-X. Science 360,
Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, Research 398–403 (2018). and 2017 and D. Appel (Index Initiative) and T. Cantat
Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry, University 28. Sardon, H. & Dove, A. P. Science 360, 380–381 (2018). (CEA Saclay) for stimulating discussions.