NLP Techniques - DR Villar
NLP Techniques - DR Villar
NLP Techniques - DR Villar
"Close your eyes. As your eyes are closed, I would like you to listen to all the sounds that you hear... As
you hear the sound of the air conditioner... the sound of my voice... the words that I say... you can feel your body
becoming more relaxed... You can hear the voices of other people... sometimes soft... sometimes loud... and as
you hear these voices... you feel even more tranquil...serene... and still... Whatever sounds... you may hear....
from now on... footsteps...voices…doors opening...and closing... people coughing... or clearing their throats...
movements... will only make you feel... more comfortable... peaceful...calm... quiet- relaxed.
"And you can feel the relaxation in your head... even as you may wonder what this is all about... or what
this will lead you to... the more you wonder... the more relaxed you become... the more questions you have... or
even doubts... the more peaceful...quiet... at ease... at peace... you become...
"And you can feel the comfort... relaxation... in your neck... your... shoulders... You can feel the relaxing
muscles of your arms... and hands... as they rest on the surfaces... they are touching.... and that deepens your
tranquility... serenity... peace...
"As you continue to feel your chest moving... with every breath that you take... in... and out... in... out...
in...out... your relaxation deepens even further... And you can feel the relaxation in your chest...
"You can feel your back... resting on the back rest of the chair... your buttocks... and your thighs...
resting on the seat of the chair... and that makes you feel supported... secure... comfortable... You can feel your
feet... inside your footwear... resting on the floor... and you feel calm... quiet... at ease..."
1. Classic relaxation’
"I would like to ask your Innermost Being or Unconscious Mind to choose a "yes" signal, a “no” signal and an
"instructions not clearly understood" signal. You can move you head, your hand or your foot for each signal.
When the signals have been chosen, show me the "yes" signal. (Wait for signal,) Now show me the “no” signal.
(Wait for signal.) ” Now show me the "instructions not clearly understood" signal. (When all the signals have
been shown, thank the Unconscious Mind to validate it.) "I would like to thank your Unconscious Mind for those
3. Determine the life areas that need the most immediate attention.
"I would like your Unconscious Mind to identify the areas or aspects of your life that need the most immediate
attention because they are most important for your maximum well-being, health, happiness, productivity,
effectiveness, peace, integration and empowerment. When those areas or aspects have been identified, give me a
"yes" signal."
4. Watch what are happening in those areas
“I would like your Unconscious Mind to show you on an imaginary television screen everything that you are
experiencing in those areas of your life. Give a “yes” signal when done.”
5. Identify the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to be removed, improve, or changed.
"Let your Unconscious Mind identify the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you need to remove, improve, or
change in those areas or aspects because they are obstacles to your well-being, health, happiness, productivity,
effectiveness, peace, integration and empowerment. Give a "yes" signal when done. "
“Do all parts of you accept your usage of each and every one of those alternatives in all the proper way, times,
places and situations? (If “Yes” proceed to the next number.) (If no, proceed to ***** A to D below).
12. Verify usefulness.
“Is your Unconscious Mind completely convinced that using those alternatives will make you happiest,
healthiest, most productive, effective, peaceful, integrated and empowered?” (If “Yes” proceed to next the
number. If no, proceed to ***** A to D below))
13, Request for trigger cues.
"Let your Unconscious Mind communicate to your Conscious Mind what you will see, hear, or feel, that it will
use as signals to trigger your experience of those alternatives in all, and only all, the appropriate times, places,
and situations.” Give a "yes" signal when done.
14. Thank the Unconscious Mind and ask for a final message.
"I would like to thank your Unconscious Mind for the very fine work it has done for us this day. Now I would
like your Unconscious Mind to communicate to your Conscious Mind the best words of advice with respect to
those areas of your life and the alternatives that have been presented. Give a "yes" signal when done.
15. Ensure the experience.
"I would like your Unconscious Mind to guarantee that you will experience the selected alternatives and that you
will respond to all those words of advice in all, and only all, the proper times, places, and situations acceptable to
all parts of you by making you touch your knees with your hands before you open your eyes."
1. Classic relaxation’
"I would like to ask your Innermost Being or Unconscious Mind to choose a "yes" signal, a “no” signal and an
"instructions not clearly understood" signal. You can move you head, your hand or your foot for each signal.
When the signals have been chosen, show me the "yes" signal. (Wait for signal,) Now show me the “no” signal.
(Wait for signal.) ” Now show me the "instructions not clearly understood" signal. (When all the signals have
been shown, thank the Unconscious Mind to validate it.) "I would like to thank your Unconscious Mind for those
3. Identify the personal resources.
"I would like your Unconscious Mind to identify all the strengths, talents, abilities, and aptitudes that you have,
whether utilized, underutilized, or unutilized. These are your personal resources. Give a "yes" signal when all of
those personal resources have been communicated to your Conscious Mind."
4. Determine the proper contexts for the usage of the personal resources.
"Let your Unconscious Mind show your Conscious Mind exactly how, where, and when you can use those
personal resources to maximize your well-being, health, happiness, productivity, effectiveness, peace,
integration and empowerment. Give a "yes" signal when done."
5. Experience utilization in appropriate contexts.
"Let your Unconscious Mind make you feel what you would feel if you were actually using those personal
resources in the appropriate ways times, places, and situations. Give a "yes" signal when done.
6. Do an ecological check.
“Do all parts of you accept your usage of each and every one of those personal resources in all the proper, times,
places and situations? (If “Yes” proceed to next number. (If no, proceed to ***** A to D below).
7. Verify usefulness.
“Is your Unconscious Mind completely convinced that using those personal resources will make you happiest,
healthiest, most productive, effective, peaceful, integrated and empowered?” (If “Yes” proceed to next number. If
no, proceed to ***** A to D below))
8, Request for trigger cues.
"Let your Unconscious Mind communicate to your Conscious Mind what you will see, hear, or feel, hat it will
use as signals to trigger your use of those personal resources in all, and only all, the appropriate times, places, and
situations.” Give a "yes" signal when done.”
9. Thank the Unconscious Mind and ask for a final message.
"I would like to thank your Unconscious Mind for the very fine work it has done for us this day. Now I would
like your Unconscious Mind to communicate to your Conscious Mind the best words of advice with respect to
these personal resources and their usage. Give a "yes" signal when done."
11. Ensure the experience.
"I would like your Unconscious Mind to guarantee that it will make you use those personal resources and respond
to all those words of advice in all, and only all, the proper times, places, and situations acceptable to all parts of
you, by making you touch your knees with your hands before you open your eyes."
For every dotted area, breathe normally twice before moving to next instruction.
I would like you to think of all the qualities that a person whom you would consider
ideal should have... qualities that you would also like to have…. or perhaps qualities that you
yourself have and would like to keep….
Now I would like you to imagine how you would look…walk… think…act… if you
had each of these positive qualities... see what you would see… hear what you would
hear…and feel how you would feel… as you use those positive qualities…. (Touch client’s
left knee firmly)
You can do all the things you want to do… freely... systematically….You are able to
arrive at your self-chosen goals in your own ways… your own terms… your own time… You
are in charge… you are in command… You are able to think clearly…and you feel
victorious… triumphant… you feel integrated… empowered… as you are able to manage
yourself… your time… your resources… effectively… productively…successfully…..
And feel the good feelings of being respected... appreciated... admired... for having
each of these positive qualities... (Release left knee.)
I would like you to think of all the situations or events that are problematic to you...
or that you feel negatively about... Feel all the feelings that you experience whenever you
think of those situations… or when you see or hear anything related to them… (Touch right
knee firmly)...the worry... the anxiety... the tension... the fear... the aloneness... the doubts...
the conflicts... feel all the pain... the seeming helplessness... powerlessness…seeming
hopelessness… all the heaviness… negativeness...the desire to escape…the frustration… even
anger…. (Release right knee)
Now I would like you to once more think about each of the positive qualities you
thought about earlier…. Feel yourself once more using these positive qualities... Feel the
good feelings of courage... strength...competency...capability…
(Touch left knee) resourcefulness... intelligence... maturity... wisdom...the feelings of being
admired... appreciated... respected...
You can do all the things you want to do… freely... systematically….You are able to
arrive at your self-chosen goals in your own ways… your own terms… your own time… You
are in charge… you are in command… You are able to think clearly…and you feel
victorious… triumphant… you feel integrated… empowered… as you are able to manage
yourself… your time… your resources… effectively… productively…successfully…..
You can sleep very soundly every night... And when you wake up in the morning you
feel very much rested… relaxed… refreshed… You feel reenergized… enthusiastic... to do
all that you want to do… And you are able to accomplish all that you have set out to do…
until you sleep soundly and restfully again at night…
And I would like you to carry these positive feelings to those problematic situations
that bring about negative feelings... (Touch left knee simultaneously with right knee) Keep
the good feelings of security... courage... harmony...
empowerment... carry with you the good feelings of intelligence...
resourcefulness...stability...capability... carry with you the feelings of maturity... wisdom…
Carry the good feelings of being able to do things you want to do… freely...
systematically….You are able to arrive at your self-chosen goals in your own ways… your
own terms,,, your own time… You are in charge… you are in command… You are able to
think clearly…effectively… and you feel victorious… triumphant… you feel integrated…
empowered… as you are able to manage yourself… your time… your resources…
productively…successfully…. You are able to enjoy life… relax…. Sleep soundly at night…
wake up energized…. enthusiastic… animated,,,,, /(Release both knees)
From now on... whenever you see, hear, or feel anything that would remind you of
those problematic situations... (Touch right knee) I would like you to carry with you these
positive qualities of the ideal person... (Touch left knee simultaneously with right knee) and
all the feelings of security... courage... strength... confidence... resourcefulness... maturity...
wisdom...wholeness... empowerment… the feelings of being admired... appreciated...
respected... (Release both knees)