Congenital Gastrointestinal Disorder
Congenital Gastrointestinal Disorder
Congenital Gastrointestinal Disorder
1. Ankyloglossia ( Tongue Tied) - allow the infant to breastfeed in an
- Is an abnormal restriction of the upright position
tongue caused by an abnormally - ensure the infant is bubbled well
tight frenulum after feeding because it has a
- Frenulum is the membrane tendency of swallowing too much
attached on the lower anterior tip air
of the tongue - if bottle feeding, use a commercial
- It can cause destructive damage on cleft palate nipple with extra flange
the gingival tissue and it can also to cover the root of the mouth
cause speech difficulty - if surgery is delayed up to 6 months,
- Can be managed by surgical release instruct the parent to give soft diet.
of the frenulum
2. Cleft lip and Palate Post operative management
- The fusion of the maxillary and - put the patient on NPO status for
median nasal sinuses occurs approximately 4hrs
between the 5th and 8th week of - introduce plain water after 4hrs
intrauterine life
- Failure in closure leads to the cleft 3. Tracheoesophageal Atresia and Fistula
- It may caused by the exposure of
the mother to teratogens and virus
during the 5th and 8th week Assessment
- The palatal process closes at - Hydramnios
approximately 9th to 12th weeks of - Preterm
intrauterine life - Vertebral, Anal, Cardiac,
- A CLEFT PALATE is an opening of Tracheoesophageal, Renal, Limb
the palate, is usually on the midline (VACTERAL)
and may just involve the anterior - Coughing when breastfeeding
hard palate, posterior soft palate, or - Difficulty breathing and cyanosis
both - So much mucous in the mouth
- IT OCCURS MORE FREQUENTLY IN - Absent gastric aspirate
Management Management
- Early surgical management to allow - NPO
the infant enjoy the pleasure of - Upright position
sucking as early as possible - Gastronomy
- Early repair helps in the bonding - IV therapy
with the parents - Surgery closing the fistula and
Pre operative management anastomosis of segments
- Cleft lip and palate interferes with
the maintenance of suction and it
4. Gastroschisis - Intense crying and pain
- Protrusion of the abdominal - Pulling up the legs
content through an opening at the - Abdominal distension
abdominal wall so that abdominal - Vomiting
organs spill free out the abdomen
- The abdominal contents or not Management
contained in a peritonium - Surgical release of intestinal
- The abdominal wall defects is a twisting before the intestine get
distance from the umbilical organs necrosed
- NPO while the patient is not yet
Management undergone operation
- Support ABG
- NPO until the defect is repaired • INTUSSUCEPTION
- Insert OGT/NGT to avoid distension - It is the invagination of one portion
of intestines of the intestine into another
- Prevent drying of the organs
- Prevent infection Signs and symptoms
- TPN postoperatively - Suddenly draws up their legs and
cry as if they are in severe pain and
possibly vomit
5. Omphalocele - The vomits may contain bile
- A protrusion of the abdominal - Present blood in the stool
contents through the abdominal described as having “ current jelly
wall at the point of junction of the appearance”
umbilical cord and abdomen - If necrosis occurred
- The herniated organs are usually Elevated temp
intestines, but they may include Peritoneal irritation
liver or stomach Increased pulse and WBC
- The herniated is usually covered CONFIRMED BY SONOGRAM
with a thin membrane known as
peritonium Management
- Requires surgical intervention or
MANAGEMENT same with reduction by instillation of water
Gastroschisis soluble solution, barium enema or
6. Intestinal Obstruction - Same management as Volvulus
- Is a twisting of the intestine. The 7. Diaphragmatic Hernia
twist leads to obstruction of the - Protrusion of an abdominal organ
passage of feces and compromise of through a defect in diaphragm into
the blood supply to the loop of the chest cavity
intestine involed - Usually occurs on the left side
causing cardiac displacement to the
Signs and symptoms
right side of the chest and collapse 9. Meconium Plug Syndrome
the left lung • Is an extremely hard portion of meconium
that has
Signs and symptoms completely blocked the intestinal lumen,
- Respiratory difficulty from the time causing
of birth bowel obstruction.
- Cyanosis, intercostal retractions • Presents with abdominal distension, emesis
- Abdominal circumference lower failure to pass meconium within the first 24 to
than normal 48
- Sunken abdomen hours of life.
- Absence of breath sound at the • Associated with Hirschsprung disease, cystic
affected part fibrosis,
hypothyroidism and magnesium sulfate to halt
Management preterm labor
- Emergency surgical repair of the
diaphragm before surgery: Assessment
Position the patient with head • Abdominal distension and vomiting after 24 to
elevated 48
Insert NGT hours after delivery
Keep patient on NPO • Rectal exam may show hardened stool
- After surgery • Sonogram shows air-filled loops in the stool
Put patient in fowlers position
Keep in a warm humidified Management
environment Barium enema
Acetylcysteine rectal suppository
8. Diaphramatic Hernia Umbilical Hernia
Signs and symptoms • A protrusion of a portion of the intestine
• Respiratory difficulty from the time of birth through the
• Cyanosis, intercostal retractions umbilical ring, muscle, fascia surrounding the
• Abdominal circumference lower than normal umbilical cord
• Sunken abdomen • There is a bulging protrusion under the skin at
• Absence of breathsound at the affected part the
Management • The bulging increases as the child restrains or
• Emergency surgical repair of the diaphragm cry
before surgery: • If the bulge < 2cm, it will close simultaneously
• Position the patient with head elevated • If the bulge > 2cm, surgical closure is needed
• Insert NGT • Postop- put pressure dressing on the surgical
• Keep patient on NPO site
After surgery • Sponge bath till the next visit
• Put patient in Fowler's position
• Keep in warm humidified environment 10. Imperforate anus
• Stricture of the anus
• More common in boys
Imperforate anus • Distention of the portion of the bowel
Assessment proximal to the
• Assess temperature rectally affected area distends leading to abdominal
• No anus present on inspection distention
• Absence of meconium • No meconium passed after 24 hours
• Abdominal distention • No feces at the terminal end of bowel on
• Check for presence of meconium in the urine digital exam
• Management
• Surgical repair of the anus or formation of • Dissection of the affected section and removal
temporary of the affected section with anastomosis of the
colostomy that will be closed in 6mo to 1 yr intestine
• Preop- keep on NPO to avoid farther bowel • It involves the formation of temporary
distension colostomy followed by repair at 12 to 18 months
- insert NGT and connect to low suction
- insert IV line • Preop- daily NSS enema
• Postop-NGT still inserted until bowel sound is • (2 tsp non iodized salt 1 quart water)
assessed • Low residue diet
- small frequent feedings with glucose water, • Stool softener daily
formula or • Postop- insert NGT in low suction
breastmilk • Observe for abdominal distention
• Axillary or tympanic temperature after rectal • Assess bowel sound
repair • Small frequent feeding of fluid once NGT is
• No suppositories or enema removed
• Stool softeners daily
• If colostomy is formed, give low residue diet
• Postop- clean suture line every after bowel
• Place diaper under, not on the infant
• Side lying position
• If colostomy is formed, teach the parents on
colostomy care