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SW08344 Guide For Unpacking Shipping Containers

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The key takeaways are around safely managing risks when unpacking shipping containers, including proper planning, equipment selection, and work practices.

Some of the key hazards mentioned include containers placed on uneven ground, inadequate lighting, loose items due to improper securing, and unsafe unpacking systems and equipment use.

The document provides guidance on risk management, key principles for safe unpacking, checking the container and contents before opening, and safe work practices for unpacking.


This publication may contain information about the regulation and enforcement of work health and safety in NSW. It may
include some of your obligations under some of the legislation that SafeWork NSW administers. To ensure you comply with
your legal obligations you must refer to the appropriate legislation.
Information on the latest laws can be checked by visiting the NSW legislation website www.legislation.gov.au
This publication does not represent a comprehensive statement of the law as it applies to particular problems or to individuals
or as a substitute for legal advice. You should seek independent legal advice if you need assistance on the application of the
law to your situation.
This material may be displayed, printed and reproduced without amendment for personal, in-house or non-commercial use.

Catalogue No. SW08344

SafeWork NSW, 92–100 Donnison Street, Gosford NSW 2250
Locked Bag 2906, Lisarow NSW 2252 | Customer Service Centre 13 10 50
Website www.safework.nsw.gov.au
ISBN 978 1 74341 383 8 © Copyright SafeWork NSW 1117

Risk management 5

Key principles for safe unpacking 5

Packing by the supplier 6

Placement of the container for unloading 7

What is the issue? 7
How can I manage this? 7

Before opening the container 8

What is the issue? 8
How can I manage this? 8

Before you unpack the container 9

What is the issue? 9
How can I manage this? 9

What is the issue? 10
How can I manage this? 10

More information 12

This guide provides you with information on –– not providing information about the items
how to manage health and safety risks when being handled, such as the item’s weight
unpacking containers transported by land or or whether it is hazardous
sea. From the opening of the container doors,
–– ignoring potential risk of exposure
through to removing and transporting items
to chemicals used for fumigation
to the storage location – the guide covers
of the container
your obligations under work health and safety
legislation. –– conducting manual tasks that require lifting
heavy items, bulky items or situations which
The key hazards associated with unpacking require the worker to use awkward postures
shipping containers include:
–– ignoring the risk of slips, trips and falls
• containers placed on sloping or uneven ground
–– not being aware of how to manage
• inadequate lighting to allow safe unpacking chemical spillage inside the container.
of the container contents
This guide does not address the loading of
• loose items due to inadequate securing
containers, related traffic management, handling
to prevent movement during transport
dangerous goods in containers and packing items
• items not packed for easy unpacking, not into containers. For details of these topics refer
on pallets or slip sheets to More information chapter of this document.
• loose items falling from a height
This publication is for all those legally responsible
• items that can come loose during transport for health and safety when unpacking shipping
forcing the doors open or falling on workers containers. Those with legal duties include
when the door is first opened employers, contractors, labour hire agencies,
freight forwarders, consignors, customers and
• unsafe systems employed to unpack
employees. For details of these legal duties refer
containers, such as:
to More information chapter of this document.
–– selecting unsuitable straps, chains
or restraints or using them incorrectly
–– incorrectly using plant to unpack the
container, for example, using a forklift
not designed to tow to drag items out
of container
–– overloading plant, and not taking the rated
capacities of attachments into consideration
–– having people working in and around the
container and being hit by mobile plant
used for removing items

A safe and healthy workplace does not happen
by chance or guesswork. You have to think about
• Always establish a plan for safe unpacking
what could go wrong at your workplace and what
before doing anything else.
the consequences could be. Then you must do
whatever is reasonably practicable to eliminate or • If the load has shifted or appears precarious
minimise health and safety risks arising from your or unsafe, don’t enter the container.
business or undertaking. • Never allow workers inside the container
if there is any risk of objects moving and
To manage risks, you must first identify all trapping them.
potential hazards associated with unpacking
shipping containers, assess them where • Never allow workers inside the container
necessary, and then eliminate the hazards so far if there is a chemical spill.
as is reasonably practicable. If it is not reasonably • Never allow people and mobile plant to
practicable to eliminate this hazard, the risk must operate inside containers at the same time.
be controlled in accordance with the ‘hierarchy
of controls’. The controls should be subject to the • Avoid working alone inside containers.
requirements of ‘what is reasonably practicable’. • Continue to assess the load for risks as you
unpack. If conditions change, don’t risk it.
It is not always necessary to conduct an Stop, conduct a risk assessment and replan
assessment, especially if the risks and effective the work taking all reasonable precautions.
control measures are already known. For example,
• Never stand near a load that is unsecured.
choosing a forklift to remove pallet loads.
For example, sheet material on an A-frame.

In deciding how to control risks you must consult • Where practicable, use mechanical aids over
your workers and their representatives who will be manual handling. For example, a conveyor.
directly affected by this decision. Their experience • Ensure workers who are unpacking
will help you choose appropriate control measures containers are trained, supervised and
and their involvement will increase the level of competent. This will help them to select the
acceptance of any changes that may be needed right work processes that have the lowest
to the way they do their work. risk, choose appropriate equipment and
know when to call for assistance if safety
Review your control measures from time to is unclear or jeopardised.
time to ensure they are working as planned
and remain relevant. • Ask for help if you don’t have the equipment
or expertise to safely unpack a container.
If necessary engage specialists to do
The items packed in containers vary significantly,
the unpacking.
small, large, heavy, light and bulky. Therefore, the
management of associated risks also will vary • Ensure workers wear appropriate PPE when
from one container to another. emptying the container.

For details of risk management refer to the More

Information chapter of this document.


The best way to plan for safe unpacking is to Using containers that allow access from both
work with the supplier to ensure: ends will also help you to avoid entering the
container and enable the of use dual lifts to
• the load is packed to prevent or minimise items
becoming loose or unstable during transport. remove bulky or long items.
This may be achieved by placing them on
racks, crates, wrapping, strapping Ask your supplier for a packing plan that includes
or a combination of these a list of items, the weights of items, where items
are placed in the container and how the items are
• goods are packed on pallets or slip-sheets to restrained. This information will help you develop
enable the use of a forklift to unload. Bulk bags a safe system of work for unpacking prior to the
may also be appropriate container arriving on site.
• each load of sheet material is individually
secured on an A-Frame.

If you have the facilities to unpack containers

from the top, ask your supplier to use open top
containers to avoid entering the container
for unpacking.

Figure 1: Example of a packing plan showing where items are placed in the container.

WHAT IS THE ISSUE? • considering the proposed container site prior to
its arrival, including the path of navigation to its
resting place. For example, are there obstacles,
Placement of a container in an inadequate location
overhead power lines or any other dangers?
onsite can lead to a number of risks including:
• selecting a suitable area for unpacking on level
• electrocution
undamaged ground with sufficient space to
• slips, trips and falls open doors and provide safe access
• falls from height • paying close attention to the stability of the
container if it is positioned at a height to access
• collision of people and plant
a loading dock. You should consider lowering
• physical fatigue the landing leg of the trailer to sure this up
• musculoskeletal disorders • ensuring the site has adequate space to
operate plant in and around the container and
• risk of being hit by unrestrained items
to set down a load outside of the container
or falling loads.
(this should be considered in your Traffic
Management Plan)
HOW CAN I MANAGE THIS? • ensuring there is sufficient lighting in and
around the container for unpacking and
The risk of injuries arising from the placement of operating plant
the container can be eliminated or significantly
• considering the environmental conditions of
reduced by:
the site, for example, heat, rain and ventilation;
• consulting with workers who will be unpacking and the appropriateness for workers
the container unpacking in these conditions.
• consulting with other site users prior to placement
of the container on common property

Figure 2: Ensure the container is placed on even ground.


Loads within a container often shift during
transportation or may move as a result of
inadequate packing. Goods may be pushing against
container doors. This can lead to uncontrolled
opening of the doors. Workers are at risk of being
hit by unrestrained items or falling loads.


The risk of injuries arising from the opening
the container can be eliminated or significantly
reduced by:
• never assuming the load is secured in a safe
manner when you are opening a container door
• using a suitable restraint, such as a short rope,
net or barrier, on the door to prevent the items
resting on the doors from forcing the doors
open without a control in place
• opening the right hand door cautiously first,
only when safe, proceed with the left
• checking to see if the goods have shifted when
the doors are partially opened
• consulting with workers to develop and
implement a safe method of unpacking (using
a safe work method statement) if the goods
have shifted
• checking for any notices or labels (such
as dangerous goods labels), or notices
concerning the contents.
Figure 3: Use restraints to ensure doors can be opened safely.

Unpacking without a plan may lead to an The risk of injuries arising from the opening of
unsystematic, adhoc approach. This can the container can be eliminated or significantly
ultimately expose your workers to risks. reduced by:
• planning the order in which the items
should be removed to avoid remaining items
becoming unstable and falling
• determining the number of workers required
to safely unpack the container
• determining the appropriate equipment to
unpack the load safely. This might include, but
is not limited to, plant, conveyors and personal
protective equipment (PPE)
• considering the placement of the container,
the movement of plant into and out of the
container, and the placement of load you are
unpacking when outside of the container
• considering risks that may arise during
unpacking, and ways to minimise risks by
including control measures to either prevent
or manage hazards.

Figure 4: Bulky items packed using crates, wrapping, dunnage bags and strapping.


Workers are at risk when they are unpacking The risk of injuries arising from unpacking
heavy, awkward and unsecured items. shipping containers can be eliminated or
significantly reduced by:
The systems used to unpack containers may
• only removing the restraints of the item to be
include the manual handling of goods. This can
immediately removed.
involve heavy lifting, using awkward postures and
spending long periods of time doing the same • bracing items temporarily with suitably rated
movements. Mobile plant can be used to eliminate restraint devices such as props, braces or
the need to complete hazardous manual tasks. frames where there is a risk of the items falling
• keeping the area around the container clear
All of these can pose a range of risks to
of obstructions
worker including:
• having an appropriate traffic management
• people being hit by unrestrained items or
plan in place
falling loads
• reducing manual handling by using mechanical
• people being hit by mobile plant such as forklifts
loading and unloading systems. This can include:
• musculoskeletal injuries, such a sprains
–– unloading with powered mechanical aids
and strains
such as a forklift or electric pallet truck if
• slips, trips and falls when manually handling the load was packed using bulk bags, pallets
a heavy and awkward object. Reaching those or slip sheets
objects is also a risk.
–– packing small items on a pallet to be
removed using a pallet truck or a forklift.
• If manual unpacking is necessary you should:
–– train workers in the safest system of work
to unload the container
–– ensure goods are handled between the knee
and shoulder height by using pallet jacks,
pallet rollers, trolleys or adjustable conveyers.
• using PPE such as gloves, hard hats, safety
glasses, and hi-visibility clothing
• unloading with mobile plant. When doing so,
you should:
–– ensure appropriate traffic management
measures are in place to separate people
and plant
–– use a crane or forklift with attachments
such as grabs, spikes or slippers
–– use a tag line to guide loads being lifted
using a crane – to keep away from the load

–– ensure the attachments and slings are
inspected and maintained
–– ensure the ratings of any plant using
attachments, such as fork tyne slippers,
are known to avoid overloading.
• taking extra care when unpacking sheet
material, such as glass sheet, panels, stone
sheets, and composite slabs. You can do this by:
–– strapping items to an ‘A’ frame or to the
side of the container. Securing each sheet
using a separate strap means workers
can only releaset he sheet that is being Figure 5: Stack boxes onto pallets for removal by forklift truck.

removed – one at a time

–– using mechanical aids to eliminate the need
to manually handle goods
–– ensuring individual sheets are secured
as you unpack
–– unpacking only in a designated area
–– ensuring the load is secured in its
final destination.

Figure 6: Using a manually operated conveyor.

Figure 7: Using suitable equipment to unload such as a fork lift truck with grabs.


For more detailed information about how to stay RESIDUAL CHEMICALS
safe while unpacking shipping containers, call
13 10 50 or visit www.safework.nsw.gov.au. A list
of uselful publication is also outlined below.
In 2011 Safe Work Australia commissioned
a project to investigate worker exposures
WHS LEGAL DUTIES when unpacking shipping containers at retail
warehouse or distribution centres. While
The Guide to the Model Work Health & Safety findings cannot be generalised, a report; Hazard
Act (located on the SafeWork Australia website surveillance: Residual chemicals in shipping
www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au) – provides an containers (located on the SafeWork Australia
overview of the Work Health and Safety Act website www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au) – provides
(WHS Act) to help people generally understand indicative results for workers who unpack
their health and safety duties and rights at work. shipping containers.
This includes guidance on the obligations of an
employer, business, worker, visitor, designers,
manufacturers, importers and suppliers pages.
Refer to pages 7–11. OVERHEAD POWERLINES
The Work near overhead power lines: Code of
RISK MANAGEMENT Practice (located on the SafeWork NSW website
www.safework.nsw.gov.au) – shows you how
The Model Code of Practice: How to manage work to manage the risks arising when working near
health and safety risks (located on the SafeWork overhead power lines.
Australia website www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au)
– provides information on identifying hazards,
assessing and controlling risks, reviewing controls FALLS
and keeping records.
The Model Code of Practice: Managing the risk
of falls at workplaces (located on the SafeWork
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Australia website www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au)
– provides information about managing the risk
The General guide for workplace traffic of falls, working on the ground and from a solid
management (located on the SafeWork Australia construction, fall prevention devices, work
website www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au) – provides positioning systems, fall-arrest systems, ladders,
advice for small businesses and workers on administrative controls, emergency procedures,
managing traffic risks in the workplace. This and the design of plant and structures.
guidance includes the Traffic management: Guide
for warehousing, and a Traffic hazard checklist
that provides information on what to look for WORKING ALONE
and how manage risks that may arise from traffic
movements in warehouses. The Model Code of Practice: Managing the work
environment and facilities (located on the SafeWork
Australia website www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au) –
MANUAL TASKS provides advice on working in isolation.

The Model Code of Practice: Hazardous manual

tasks (located on the SafeWork Australia website
www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au) – shows you how
to manage the risk of musculoskeletal disorders
arising from hazardous manual tasks.

SafeWork NSW would like to acknowledge • Freight and Trade Alliance (FTA Alliance)
the following stakeholders for their invaluable
• 3rd Party Containers
contribution to this initiative:
• Royal Wolf
• Container Transport Alliance Australia
• Containertech
• Young Guns Container Crew
• Toll Logistics
• Supply Chain & Logistics Association
of Australia (SCLAA) • Bunnings
• Mendizabal Container Solutions

Container Also referred to as shipping containers, they are a steel or aluminium frame
forming a box in which cargo can be stowed for the transport of items by road,
rail or sea. They are fitted with special castings on the corners for securing to
lifting equipment, vessels, chassis, rail cars, or stacking on other containers.
Containers come in many forms and types, including ventilated, insulated,
refrigerated, flat rack, vehicle rack, open top, bulk liquid, dry bulk, or other special
configurations. Typical containers may be 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 45 feet,
48 feet, or 53 feet in length. They can be 8 feet or 8.5 feet in width, and 8.5 feet
or 9.5 feet in height.
Dunnage Material used in stowing cargo, either for separation or the prevention of
damage. This includes wooden dunnage, beams, planks, boards, wedges,
plywood and hardboards, walking boards, mats and paper. It can also include
sailcloth, canvas and tarpaulins; plastic and metal sheets, spray covers;
cardboard and paperboard, and packing paper.

Forwarder Also known as a Freight Forwarder. This is a person or company who arranges
for the carriage of goods and associated formalities on behalf of a shipper.
The duties of a forwarder include booking space on a ship, providing all the
necessary documentation, and arranging customs clearance.
Intermodul The movement of containers between transport modes.
Loading/unloading The movement of the container during transportation.
Packing The process of filling the contents of a shipping container. This can also be
referred to as stuffing.
Slip-sheet A corrugated, solid fibre or plastic sheet that sits between stacks of shrink
wrapped product. Each sheet has one to four tabs that run the length of the
sheet and extend past the load and fold up to allow for grabbing by push/pull
attachments. Unlike pallets, slip sheets use little storage space in the container
or truck and allow the same amount of product to be stored as if it was stacked
by hand.
Unpacking The process of emptying the contents of a shipping container. This can also be
referred to as destuffing, stripping or de-vanning.


Catalogue No. SW08344 0118

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