DrugStudy FluconazoleCasilao
DrugStudy FluconazoleCasilao
DrugStudy FluconazoleCasilao
Name of the Patient: Age: 52 Sex: Female Name of Student Casilao, Mike Arone H.
Civil Status: Religion: Rm/Bed No. _________________ Area: __________________________ Level/ Block: BSNII-B
Address: Date Submitted: 19/02/2022
Date of Admission: _____________________ Diagnosis: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Rating: ___________________________________________________
MEDICATION Classification/ Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Pharmacotherapeutic: Antifungal This drug is reaction Exfoliative skin Before:
prophylaxis in pts contraindicated to Dizziness disorders, serious Verify doctor’s order in
Fluconazole Synthetic azole undergoing bone patients with: hepatic injury, blood regards to the medication.
marrow transplant; Drowsiness The order should include the
Headache dyscrasias
candidiasis Hypersensitivity to drug name, dosage,
Brand name: Clinical: (esophageal, (eosinophilia, frequency and route of
fluconazole Constipation
oropharyngeal, Concomitant thrombocytopenia, administration. If any element
Diflucan Anti-fungal agent urinary tract, administration of anemia, leukopenia) is missing, check with the
vaginal); systemic Nausea practitioner.
QT-prolonging have been reported
Usual dosage/ Candida infections medications Vomiting Obtain diet history esp. fat
frequency: Drug action: (e.g., candidemia); Use cautiously in: Abdominal pain consumption
May increase risk of QT
treatment of Check the patient's medical
Interferes with fungal prolongation, torsades
150 mg once or cryptococcal Hepatic/Renal record for an allergy or
loading dose: 200-800 cytochrome P-450 activity, meningitis. de pointes. contraindication to the
mg. an enzyme necessary for Skin disorders including prescribed medication. If an
Maintenance: 200-800 ergosterol formation Hypersensitivity to Stevens-Johnson allergy or contraindications
mg once daily (principal sterol in fungal other triazoles, syndrome, toxic exist, don't administer the
Usual route: cell membrane). imidazoles medication and notify the
epidermal necrolysis
Oral Therapeutic Effect: Medications or practitioner.
may occur. Observe the ten (10) rights of
Directly damages fungal conditions known to
cause arrythmias medication administration
membrane, altering its Obtain and record vital signs
Drug order: function. Fungistatic Educate and explain the
medication to the client and
Fluconazole 150 mg Pharmacokinetics: SO.
orally every 72 hours Use fluconazole cautiously
for 3 doses in patients with potentially
Absorption: Well-absorbed proarrhythmic conditions
Drug interactions: from GI tract. because drug may prolong
Distribution: Widely the QT interval, which can
Increases distributed including to lead to life-threatening
concentration/ CSF torsades de pointes
effect of Expect to obtain BUN and
Protein Binding: 11%
calcium serum creatinine levels and
Metabolism: Partially culture and sensitivity and
blockers, metabolized in the liver liver function test results
celecoxib, Excretion: Excreted before therapy starts
cyclosporine, unchanged primarily in
midazolam, urine During:
methadone, Half-life: 20-30hrs
NSAIDS, Take the full course
rifabutin, prescribed.
sirolimus, Give without regard to food.
tacrolimus, Take with full glass of water.
theophylline, Onset: Unknown Monitor hepatic and renal
tofacitinib, Peak: Unknown function periodically during
zidovudine Duration: Unknown therapy, and notify prescriber
HCTZ may if you detect signs of
increase dysfunction
concentration/ Stay with patient throughout
effect. whole duration of
Cimetidine, administration.
rifampin may
decrease After:
concentration/ Monitor the effect of the
effect. drugs that are administered
May increase to the patient
concentration/ Discontinue drug if
effect of oral hypersensitivity reactions
hypoglycemic occur.
s, phenytoin Immediately report any side
May further or adverse effects such as
prolong fatigue, dizziness, and
prothrombin diarrhea
time of Obtain and record vital signs.
warfarin. Document the time, location,
Quinidine may dose, and medication given
increase QT to the client.
risk of Patient Teaching
torsades de Instruct patient to take
pointes fluconazole tablets or oral
May increase suspension 30 minutes
Concentration before or 2 hours after
effect, risk of meals. Inform her that tablets
myopathy of may be crushed for easier
HMG-CoA swallowing if needed.
reductase Advise patient to complete
inhibitors entire course of therapy,
even if she feels better.
If patient takes an oral
antidiabetic, urge her to
monitor blood glucose level
often because of increased
risk of hypoglycemia
Alert patient that fluconazole
may change the taste of
Encourage patient to notify
prescriber immediately about
diarrhea, headache, nausea,
rash, right-upper-quadrant
abdominal pain, yellow skin
or whites of eyes, or
Suggest that breast-feeding
patient consult prescriber
because breast-feeding may
need to be stopped during
Vallerand, A. H., & Sanoski, C. A. (2019) Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses (6th Edition). F.A Davis Company.
Kizior, R. J., & Hodgson, K. J. (2020). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2020. Elsevier.