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Quality Manual

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Document ID: QM-001

162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

This document defines the requirements, processes, structure and documentation for the
Teledyne DGO Quality Management System.

The Teledyne DGO Quality Management System has been designed and implemented for
effective management, customer satisfaction, and continual improvement. It has been
implemented to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, external and internal interested
parties and applicable regulatory agencies. The QMS governs the design, development and
manufacture of electrical and optical connectors, cable assemblies, penetrators, and servo
control devices used in hostile environments for military and commercial applications,
including sales, testing and technical services.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

Section Topic ISO 9001:2008 ISO Teledyne DGO
9001:2015 Document
5 Definitions - - -
6 Process Approach Quality 4.1 4-4.4 -
Management System
7 Document Control 4.2.1, 4.2.3 7.5 SOP-QMS-001
8 Records Control 4.2.4 7.5 Legal 02-001,
Current Teledyne

9 Management responsibility and 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5 QP-001

commitment 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.5, 5.2
Quality Policy 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 9.3
Management Review 5.5.3, 5.6, 5.6.1,
5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3
10 Provision of Resources 6.1 7.1 -
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Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

11 Human Resources Training 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 7.2, 7.3 -

12 Infrastructure 6.3, 6.4 7.1.3 -
13 Planning of product realization 7.1, 7.2 8.1 -
14 Design Control 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 8.3 SOP-QMS-021
7.3.4, 7.3.5, SOP-QMS-020
7.3.6, 7.3.7,
15 Purchasing Process 7.4, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 8.4 SOP-QMS-005
7.4.3, SOP-SCM-006
16 Production and Process Controls 7.5.1 8.5.1 -
17 Process Validation 7.5.2 8.5.1 -

18 Identification and Traceability 7.5.3 8.5.2 SOP-QMS-011

19 Customer Property 7.5.4 8.5.3 -
20 Preservation of Product 7.5.5 8.5.4 WI-SCM-0005 or
21 Inspection, Measuring and Test 8.1 7.1.5 SOP-QMS-015
22 Customer Feedback 8.2.1 9.1.2 SOP-QMS-019
23 Internal Audit 8.2.2 9.2 SOP-QMS-004
24 Nonconforming Product 8.3 8.7 SOP-QMS-002
25 Analysis of data 8.4 9.1 -
26 Continual Improvement 8.5.1 10.3 -
27 Corrective and Preventative action 8.5.2, 8.5.3 10.2 SOP-QMS-003
28 Revision History - - -

Unless otherwise specified, all terms used in this document are defined in ISO 9001-2008

Term Definition
TDGO Teledyne D G O’Brien
TM Teledyne Marine
Concession A special approval that is granted to release a nonconforming
product for use or delivery
PPM Policy and Procedure Manual
QMS Quality Management System
SOP Standard Operating Procedure

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Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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TDGO applies a system of processes, their interactions and their management to ensure the
ongoing control over the linkage between the individual processes and within the system of
processes. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting
requirements, considering processes in terms of added value, obtaining results of process
performance and effectiveness, and improving processes based on objective measurement.

Figure I. Diagram of Process-based QMS:

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

TDGO shall determine which documents shall be controlled and which shall be managed. The
document control process shall ensure that only the correct revision of controlled documents
are available for use and that obsolete documents are not available for use.

To align with industry standard documentation structure, TDGO has adopted QMS SOPs as
Level 2 documents and Work Instructions as Level 3 documents. During the transition from
PPM’s to SOP’s, and PPM’s to Work Instructions, all new released documents shall adopt the
new document labels. All other documents with PPM labels shall be renamed at their next
revision. An electronic link will be established for any PPM document that has been renamed or
superseded to facilitate document user’s in locating renamed or superseded documents.

Figure 2: TDGO QMS Document Structure:

SOP (Standard
PPM & WI (Work instruction)

Forms & Records

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.

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Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

Records established to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective
operation of the QMS shall be controlled. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and

Where customer requirements for records retention conflict with the Teledyne Approved
Retention Schedule, the longer retention requirement shall take precedence.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.


Customer Focus: Top Management shall ensure that customer requirements are determined
and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.

Quality Policy: TDGO management shall establish a quality policy that shall be communicated
and implemented across the organization to describe management’s intentions with respect to
Quality. As a part of TM, TDGO implements the TM Quality Policy and reviews it for adequacy at
each Management Review.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.

Quality Objectives: TDGO management shall establish Quality objectives that define the specific
quality goals that the organization is committed to achieving. The Quality Objectives shall be
measurable and consistent with the Quality Policy. TDGO is provided annual Quality Objectives.

Management Representative: TDGO shall appoint a management representative who has the
responsibility and authority to:
a) Ensure that processes needed for the QMS are established and maintained.
b) Report on the performance of the QMS and needs for improvement.
c) Ensure the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the

Internal Communication: TDGO management shall ensure that internal communication

processes are established and that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the
quality management system.

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Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

Management Review: TDGO management with executive responsibility shall review the
effectiveness of the quality management system at least annually.

ISO Management Representative shall:

a) Schedule and conduct management reviews.
b) Report on the performance of the quality management system and any need for
improvement, to top management.

a) All members of the general manager’s staff (top management) participate and attend
management reviews. Where a member is unable to attend, advance written notice
must be provided to the ISO Management representative and a delegate named to
participate in the review.
b) Assemble and forward all required and relevant data to the Management
Representative(s) prior to the scheduled meeting for inclusion into the summary to be
presented at the Management Review.
c) Complete any assigned actions resulting from the Management Review.

Management Review Inputs:

a. The status of actions from previous management reviews
b. Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management
c. Information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system,
including trends in:
1. Customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties
2. The extent to which quality objectives have been met
3. Process performance and conformity of products and services
4. Nonconformities and corrective actions
5. Monitoring and measurement results
6. Audit results
7. The performance of external providers
d. The adequacy of resources
e. The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
f. Opportunities for improvement

Management Review Outputs:

a) Attendance record
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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

b) Record of the content reviewed

c) Action items and a summary of decisions and actions pertaining to:
 Opportunities for improvement
 Any need for changes to the quality management system
 Product improvements
 Resource needs

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.


TDGO shall determine and provide the resources needed to implement, maintain and
continually improve the QMS and maintain its effectiveness, and to meet regulatory and
customer requirements.


TDGO shall ensure that all personnel are competent, adequately trained and equipped to
correctly perform their roles and that each employee is made aware of the relevance and
importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality
objectives. They shall also be made aware of how product defects may occur from improper
performance of their specific jobs. Appropriate records of education, training, skills and
experience shall be maintained.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.

TDGO shall ensure that infrastructure, including buildings, workspaces, utilities, process
equipment and supporting services are sufficient to ensure conformity to product requirements
is consistently achieved.

Equipment: TDGO shall ensure that all equipment used in the manufacturing process, including
inspection and test equipment, meets specified requirements and is appropriately designed,
constructed, placed and installed to facilitate maintenance, adjustment, cleaning and use. TDGO
shall ensure that equipment maintenance schedules are established and maintained, periodic
equipment inspections are conducted and documented, and that adjustments are made
correctly as needed.

©Teledyne Marine 2017

Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US


Product Realization: TDGO determines the following, as appropriate, and the output of this
planning shall be in a form suitable for the methods of the organization:
a) Quality objectives and requirements for the product
b) The need to establish processes and documents, and to provide resources specific to the
c) Required verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test
activities specific to the product and the criteria for product acceptance
d) Records needed to provide evidence that the realization processes and resulting
product meet requirements

Customer Related Processes: TDGO shall define product, customer, statutory and regulatory
requirements and shall establish processes to review and understand these requirements. This
review shall be conducted prior to the organizations commitment to supply a product to the
customer and shall ensure that:
a) Product requirements are defined
b) Contract or order requirements differing from those previously expressed are resolved
c) The organization has the ability to meet the defined requirements

Records of the results of the review and actions arising from the review shall be maintained.
Where product requirements are changed, the organization shall ensure that relevant document
is amended and that the relevant personnel are made aware of the changed requirements.


TDGO shall plan and control the design and development of product to include design and
development stages, the review, verification and validation that are appropriate to each design
and development stage, and the responsibilities and authorities for design and development.

Design Inputs: The organization shall plan and control the design and development of the
product. These inputs shall include:
a) Functional and performance requirements
b) Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
c) Where applicable, information derived from previous similar designs
d) Other requirements essential for design and development

Design Outputs: The outputs of design and development are provided in a form that enables
verification against the design and development input and shall be approved prior to release.
These outputs shall:
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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

a) Meet the input requirements for design and development

b) Provide appropriate information for purchasing, production and for service provision
c) Contain or reference product acceptance criteria
d) Specify the characteristics of the product that are essential for its safe and proper use

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.

Design Review: At suitable stages, systematic reviews of design and development shall be
performed in accordance with planned arrangements. Participants in such reviews shall
include representatives of functions concerned with the design and development stage(s) being
reviewed. Records of the results of the review shall be maintained.

Design and Development Verification: Verification shall be performed to ensure that the design
and development outputs have satisfied the input requirements. Records of the verification and
any necessary actions shall be maintained.

Design and Development Validation: Validation shall be performed in accordance with planned
arrangements to ensure that the resulting product is capable of fulfilling the requirements for
the specified or known intended use or application. When practical, validation shall be
completed prior to delivery of the product. Records of the results of the validation or any
necessary actions shall be maintained.

Control of Design and Development Changes: Design and development changes shall be
identified and records maintained.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.


Supplier Selection and Management: TDGO shall evaluate and select potential suppliers,
contractors and consultants on the basis of their ability to meet specified requirements,
including Quality requirements. TDGO shall establish and maintain records of acceptable
suppliers, contractors and consultants in an Approved Supplier List (ASL).

Purchasing Data: TDGO shall ensure that suppliers are provided with accurate and complete
requirements, including quality requirements and that changes to these requirements are
delivered to the supplier in writing, and records of these changes shall be retained in
accordance with Records Control requirements.

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

Verification of Purchased Product: The organization shall establish and implement the
inspection or other activities necessary for ensuring that purchased product meets specified
purchase requirements.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.


Process Controls: TDGO shall ensure that production and service provisions are conducted
under controlled conditions. Production process controls shall be established where deviations
from specifications could occur as a result of the manufacturing process. Production and
process controls shall be defined in procedures and in product specific control plans as

Production and Process Changes: TDGO shall ensure that process changes are reviewed,
approved and verified or validated, as appropriate, prior to implementation.


Validation Documentation: Where the results of a process cannot be fully verified by
subsequent inspection and test, TDGO shall ensure that the process is validated with a high
degree of assurance. Process validations shall be conducted according to documented and
approved procedures, validation protocols and reports and performed by qualified individuals.

Process Control Data: TDGO shall ensure that validated processes are monitored and controlled
to ensure requirements are consistently met on an ongoing basis. The data collected as a result
of ongoing monitoring shall be documented.

Revalidation: TDGO shall ensure that when changes or process deviations occur that processes
are reviewed and evaluated and where appropriate, revalidation is performed and documented.


Identification: TDGO shall ensure that product is identified by suitable means throughout all
stages of receipt, production, distribution and installation to prevent mix-ups. Teledyne shall
also ensure that product status is maintained throughout all stages to ensure that all product
that has passed the required inspections and tests are accepted and released.

Traceability: TDGO, directly or through its suppliers, contractors and service providers, shall
establish, document, and maintain procedures for identifying each unit, lot, or batch of finished

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

products and components, where appropriate, with a unique control number. These controls
shall be used to facilitate corrective action when and if required.


TDGO shall exercise care with customer property, including intellectual property, while it is
under the control of the organization or being used by the organization. The organization shall
identify, verify, protect and safeguard customer property provided for use or incorporation into
the product. If any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for
use, the organization shall report this to the customer and maintain records.


TDGO shall preserve the product (and any components) during processing and delivery to the
intended destination in order to maintain conformity to requirements. As applicable,
preservation shall include:
o Identification
o Handling
o Packaging
o Storage
o Protection


TDGO shall determine the monitoring and measurement to be undertaken, and the monitoring
and measuring equipment needed to provide evidence of conformity of product to determined
requirements. Additionally, calibration records shall be maintained. Where necessary to
ensure valid results, measuring equipment shall:
o Be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result
o Be adjusted or readjusted as necessary
o Be identified to enable calibration status to be determined
o Be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage
o Be evaluated for impact to finished product quality where equipment is found to be out
of tolerance

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.


TDGO shall establish methods for communicating with customers in relation to:
a) Product information

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US

b) Enquiries, contracts or order handling, including amendments

c) Customer feedback, including customer complaints


TDGO shall conduct internal audits to determine whether the QMS:
a) Conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001 and to the established quality system and
external requirements
b) Is effectively implemented and maintained

The audit schedule shall be defined by the designated Quality Audit Leader. The schedule shall
be planned taking into consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be
audited, as well as the results of previous audits. The audit criteria, scope, frequency and
methods shall be defined. Audits shall be conducted by trained auditors who are independent of
the work being audited.

Audit Documentation: Audit reports are company confidential. Additional audit records that
provide objective evidence of audit execution shall be maintained and available for outside
review as needed.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.


Nonconforming product includes nonconforming product occurring in TDGO’s own facilities, as
well as nonconforming product received or delivered by the organization.

TDGO shall ensure that product that is nonconforming or is suspected of being nonconforming
is identified, and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery.

TDGO shall ensure that procedures are established for review and disposition of
nonconforming product and that responsibility and authority for disposition is defined within
these procedures.

TDGO shall also ensure that actions are taken to identify, document and eliminate the root
cause of nonconforming product.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.

©Teledyne Marine 2017

Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US


TDGO shall collect and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and
effectiveness of the QMS, process and product quality to evaluate if improvements are needed.

This shall include data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement and from other
relevant sources. The analysis of data shall provide information relating to:
a) Customer satisfaction
b) Conformity to product requirements
c) Characteristics and trends of processes and products, including opportunities for
preventive action
d) Suppliers


TDGO shall continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS through the use of:
a) Quality Policy
b) Quality Objectives
c) Audit results
d) Analysis of data
e) Corrective and Preventive Actions
f) Management Review
g) Quest for Excellence Teams utilizing continuous improvement tools and techniques


TDGO shall ensure that action is taken to identify, correct and ensure that nonconformities that
have already occurred do not recur, and to prevent potential nonconformities. CAPA
investigations shall focus on the cause of nonconformities (or potential nonconformities)
relating to product, processes or the QMS. A summary of CAPA activity shall be included in
Management Reviews.

These requirements and process are further defined in the document(s) listed for this section in the
Table of Contents.

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Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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Document ID: QM-001
162 Corporate Drive, Suite 100
Revision: AG
Portsmouth, NH 03801-6815 US


o Revision G Released 10/01/03 Per ECO 20250 Revised to meet the new requirements
of ISO 9001 revision 2000.
o Revision H Released 12/12/03 Per ECO 20372 Revised to change procedure numbers
into PPM numbers.
o Revision J Released 03/11/05 Per ECO 21194 Revised to correct administrative errors.
o Revision K Released 06/06/08 Per ECO 36950 to change logo to Teledyne logo;
changed job title; deleted reference to QATM.
o Revision L Released 06/19/08 Per ECO 37010 Added servo control devices to scope.
o Revision M Released 02/04/09 per ECO 37745 Changes per Management Review
o Revision N Released 09/21/09 Per ECO 38177 to reflect ISO 9001:2008.
o Revision P Released 04/22/11 Per ECO 40901 to reflect current titles.
o Revision R Released 01/08/14 Per E3476 to reflect current titles and removal of
o Revision T Released 04/21/14 per E4019 Total Re-Write of Manual.
o Revision V Released 05/12/14 Per E4053 to Include Customer – Specific Record
Retention guidance.
o Revision W Released 05/30/14 per E4174 Legal Requirements for DGO.com
o Revision Y Released 07/15/14 Author K Peek, Per E4388 Multiple Changes to Update to
new document system (references, document control and definitions)
o Revision AA Released 9/24/15 Author K Peek, Per E4554 Clarification of Section 7
o Revision AB Released 10/08/15 Author K Peek, Per E6025 Updated references in
Section 4
o Revision AC Released 12/15/15 Author K Peek, Per E6801 Added Figure 1 to Section 6,
updated verbiage in section 9
o Revision AD Released 01/26/16 Author K Peek, Per E6954 Added dates to Section 28
Revision History
o Revision AE Released 03/07/16 Author K Peek, Per E7179 Added “And Quality
Objectives” to Management Review inputs
o Revision AF Released 10/25/16 Author M Mitchell, Per ECO 8214 Clerical changes to
document to tighten up and correct formatting, punctuation, and grammar, and
consolidate revision history, Section 28.
o Rev AG Released 08/25/17 Author K. Peek, Changes to Scope (Section 2), Updated
References (Section 3), Updated Table of Contents (Section 4) and Management Review
(Section 9)

©Teledyne Marine 2017

Teledyne proprietary. For reference only. All rights reserved.

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