Calibration Laboratory Quality Manual: Document Name: QMS.01:2018 Revision: 1 Date: November 2018
Calibration Laboratory Quality Manual: Document Name: QMS.01:2018 Revision: 1 Date: November 2018
Calibration Laboratory Quality Manual: Document Name: QMS.01:2018 Revision: 1 Date: November 2018
Calibration Laboratory
Quality Manual
18-November-2018 The manual cancels and replaces the QMS.01:2015, which has
been technically revised.
DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD .................................................................................................. 2
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. 4
AUTHORIZATION APPROVALS ................................................................................................. 6
DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................................................... 6
1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 7
3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................... 7
4 MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 7
4.1 Impartiality ..................................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................................8
5 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 9
6 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 10
6.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Personnel .................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Facilities and environmental conditions ...................................................................................... 11
6.4 Equipment................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.5 Metrological traceability ..................................................................................................................... 13
6.6 Externally provided products and services .................................................................................. 14
7 PROCESS REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 15
7.1 Review of requests, tenders and contracts .................................................................................. 15
7.2 Selection, verification and validation of methods .................................................................... 16
7.3 Sampling.................................................................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Handling of test or calibration items ............................................................................................. 17
7.5 Technical records ................................................................................................................................... 18
7.6 Evaluation of measurement uncertainty ...................................................................................... 18
7.7 Ensuring the validity of results ........................................................................................................ 19
7.8 Reporting of results .............................................................................................................................. 20
Electronic authorization approval is the preferred method for approving quality system
documents. Signed hardcopies are only available upon request.
Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled and users must verify the revision is
current before use. All previous revisions must be discarded. Current documents and revision
index are available on Copper Mountain Technologies network. All documents will have elec-
tronic approval. An uncontrolled copy is available to customers via the Copper Mountain
Technologies website.
This Calibration Laboratory Quality Manual defines or identifies the policies, procedures
and requirements for the competence, impartiality and consistent operation that choose to
comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 as a calibration laboratory. This document
is applicable to all laboratory activities, regardless of accreditation exists. Any local docu-
ments, procedures and policies associated with ISO/IEC 17025 compliance for calibration
laboratories must comply with this document.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this docu-
ment. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest
edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration la-
EURAMET Calibration Guide No. 12 Guidelines on the Evaluation of Vector Network Ana-
lyzers (VNA)
4.1 Impartiality
4.1.1 Laboratory activities are undertaken impartially and structured and managed so as
to safeguard impartiality.
4.1.3 The laboratory is responsible for the impartiality of its laboratory activities and
does not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise impartiality.
4.1.4 The laboratory identifies risks to its impartiality on an on-going basis. This includes
those risks that arise from its activities, or from its relationships, or from the relationships
of its personnel. However, such relationships do not necessarily present a laboratory with a
risk to impartiality.
4.2 Confidentiality
4.2.1 The laboratory is responsible, through legally enforceable commitments, for the
management of all information obtained or created during the performance of laboratory
activities. The laboratory informs the customer in advance, of the information it intends to
place in the public domain. Except for information that the customer makes publicly availa-
ble, or when agreed between the laboratory and the customer (e.g. for the purpose of re-
sponding to complaints), all other information is considered proprietary information and is
regarded as confidential.
4.2.3 Information about the customer obtained from sources other than the customer (e.g.
complainant, regulators) is confidential between the customer and the laboratory. The pro-
vider (source) of this information is confidential to the laboratory and is not be shared
with the customer, unless agreed by the source.
5.1 The laboratory is a defined part of Copper Mountain Technologies that is legally re-
sponsible for its laboratory activities.
5.2 The laboratory has identified management that has overall responsibility for the la-
boratory (annex A).
5.3 The laboratory has defined and documented the range of laboratory activities for
which it conforms with this document. Copper Mountain Technologies laboratory performs
calibration activities. The laboratory only claims conformity with this document for this
range of laboratory activities, which excludes externally provided laboratory activities on an
ongoing basis. Laboratory whose work includes both accredited and non-accredited calibra-
tions complies to this document, but non-accredited calibrations are not required to fully
comply with sections 6.5, 7.6 and reporting requirements of 7.8.
5.4 Laboratory activities are carried out in such a way as to meet the requirements
of this document, the laboratory’s customers, regulatory authorities and organizations
providing recognition. This includes laboratory activities performed in its permanent facili-
5.6 The laboratory has personnel named as a quality manager who, irrespective of other
responsibilities, have the authority and resources needed to carry out their duties, including:
a) implementation, maintenance and improvement of the management system;
b) identification of deviations from the management system or from the procedures
for performing laboratory activities;
c) initiation of actions to prevent or minimize such deviations;
6.1 General
The laboratory has available the personnel, facilities, equipment, systems and support
services necessary to manage and perform its laboratory activities.
6.2 Personnel
6.2.1 All personnel of the laboratory, either internal or external, that could influence
the laboratory activities act impartially, are competent and work in accordance with the la-
boratory's management system.
6.2.2 The laboratory documents the competence requirements for each function influ-
encing the results of laboratory activities, including requirements for education, qualifica-
tion, training, technical knowledge, skills and experience.
6.2.3 The laboratory ensures that the personnel have the competence to perform
laboratory activities for which they are responsible and to evaluate the significance of devia-
6.2.4 The management of the laboratory communicates to personnel their duties, re-
sponsibilities and authorities.
6.2.5 The laboratory has procedure (s) and retains records for:
a) determining the competence requirements;
b) selection of personnel;
c) training of personnel;
d) supervision of personnel;
e) authorization of personnel;
f) monitoring competence of personnel.
6.2.6 The laboratory authorizes personnel to perform specific laboratory activities, in-
cluding but not limited to, the following:
a) development, modification, verification and validation of methods;
b) analysis of results, including statements of conformity or opinions and interpreta-
c) report, review and authorization of results.
6.3.1 The facilities and environmental conditions are suitable for the laboratory activ-
ities and not adversely affect the validity of results.
6.3.2 The requirements for facilities and environmental conditions necessary for the
performance of the laboratory activities are documented.
6.3.3 The laboratory monitors, controls and records environmental conditions in ac-
cordance with relevant specifications, methods or procedures or where they influence the va-
lidity of the results.
6.3.4 Measures to control facilities are implemented, monitored and periodically re-
viewed and include, but not be limited to:
a) access to and use of areas affecting laboratory activities;
b) prevention of contamination, interference or adverse influences on laboratory activi-
c) effective separation between areas with incompatible laboratory activities.
6.3.5 When the laboratory performs laboratory activities at sites or facilities outside
its permanent control, it ensures that the requirements related to facilities and environmen-
tal conditions of this document are met.
6.4 Equipment
6.4.1 The laboratory has access to equipment (including, but not limited to, measuring
instruments, software, measurement standards, reference materials, reference data, reagents,
consumables or auxiliary apparatus) that is required for the correct performance of laboratory
6.4.2 When the laboratory uses equipment outside its permanent control, it ensures
that the requirements for equipment of this document are met.
6.4.3 The laboratory has a procedure for handling, transport, storage, use and planned
maintenance of equipment in order to ensure proper functioning and to prevent contamina-
tion or deterioration.
6.4.4 The laboratory verifies that equipment conforms to specified requirements be-
fore being placed or returned into service.
6.4.5 The equipment used for measurement is capable of achieving the measurement
accuracy and/or measurement uncertainty required to provide a valid result.
6.4.7 The laboratory establishes a calibration program, which is reviewed and adjusted
as necessary in order to maintain confidence in the status of calibration.
6.4.8 All equipment requiring calibration or which has a defined period of validity is
labelled, coded or otherwise identified to allow the user of the equipment to readily identify
the status of calibration or period of validity.
a) Laboratory has a procedure stating its policy for establishing and changing calibration
intervals for equipment that it controls.
6.4.9 Equipment that has been subjected to overloading or mishandling, gives question-
able results, or has been shown to be defective or outside specified requirements, is taken out
of service. It is isolated to prevent its use or clearly labelled or marked as being out of service
until it has been verified to perform correctly. The laboratory examines the effect of the de-
fect or deviation from specified requirements and initiates the management of nonconform-
ing work procedure (see 7.10).
6.4.10 When intermediate checks are necessary to maintain confidence in the per-
formance of the equipment, these checks are carried out according to a procedure.
6.4.11 When calibration and reference material data include reference values or correc-
tion factors, the laboratory ensures the reference values and correction factors are updated
and implemented, as appropriate, to meet specified requirements.
6.4.13 Records are retained for equipment which can influence laboratory activities.
The records include the following, where applicable:
a) the identity of equipment, including software and firmware version;
b) the manufacturer's name, type identification, and serial number or other unique iden-
c) evidence of verification that equipment conforms with specified requirements;
d) the current location. Copper Mountain Technologies use only one location for all cali-
bration activities, thus, as a current location the laboratory is considered (RCD.020 Accommo-
dation data list);
e) calibration dates, results of calibrations, adjustments, acceptance criteria, and the
due date of the next calibration or the calibration interval;
f) documentation of reference materials, results, acceptance criteria, relevant dates and
the period of validity; Copper Mountain Technologies do not use reference material in its
laboratory activities, thus, section 6.4.13 f) is not applicable.
g) the maintenance plan and maintenance carried out to date, where relevant to the
performance of the equipment;
h) details of any damage, malfunction, modification to, or repair of, the equipment.
6.5.1 The laboratory establishes and maintains metrological traceability of its meas-
urement results by means of a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing
to the measurement uncertainty, linking them to an appropriate reference.
6.5.2 The laboratory ensures that measurement results are traceable to the Internation-
al System of Units (SI) through:
a) calibration provided by a competent laboratory; or
b) certified values of certified reference materials provided by a competent producer
with stated metrological traceability to the SI; (Copper Mountain Technologies do not use
reference material in its laboratory activities, thus, section 6.5.2 b) is not applicable) or
6.5.3 When metrological traceability to the SI units is not technically possible, the
laboratory demonstrates metrological traceability to an appropriate reference, e.g.:
a) certified values of certified reference materials provided by a competent producer.
Copper Mountain Technologies do not use reference material in its laboratory activities,
thus, section 6.5.3 a) is not applicable;
b) results of reference measurement procedures, specified methods or consensus
standards that are clearly described and accepted as providing measurement results fit for
their intended use and ensured by suitable comparison.
6.6.1 The laboratory ensures that only suitable externally provided products and ser-
vices that affect laboratory activities are used, when such products and services:
a) are intended for incorporation into the laboratory’s own activities;
b) are provided, in part or in full, directly to the customer by the laboratory, as re-
ceived from the external provider;
c) are used to support the operation of the laboratory.
6.6.4 When a laboratory subcontracts any part of the calibration, this work is placed with
a laboratory complying with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and (or) ANSI/NCSL Z540-1.
The laboratory ensures and is able to demonstrate that its subcontractor is competent to per-
form the activities in question and complies with the same criteria of competence as the la-
boratory with respect to the work being sub-contracted. The laboratory advises the customer
of its intention to subcontract any portion of the calibration to another party.
7.1.1 The laboratory has a procedure for the review of requests, tenders and con-
tracts. The procedure ensures that:
a) the requirements are adequately defined, documented and understood;
b) the laboratory has the capability and resources to meet the requirements;
c) where external providers are used, the requirements of 6.6 are applied and the labor-
atory advises the customer of the specific laboratory activities to be performed by the ex-
ternal provider and gains the customer's approval;
d) the appropriate methods or procedures are selected and are capable of meeting
the customers' requirements.
7.1.2 The laboratory informs the customer when the method requested by the customer
is considered to be inappropriate or out of date.
7.1.4 Any differences between the request or tender and the contract are resolved be-
fore laboratory activities commence. Each contract is acceptable both to the laboratory and
the customer. Deviations requested by the customer are not impact the integrity of the la-
boratory or the validity of the results.
7.1.6 If a contract is amended after work has commenced, the contract review is re-
7.1.8 Records of reviews, including any significant changes, are retained. Records also
are retained of pertinent discussions with a customer relating to the customer's requirements
or the results of the laboratory activities. The laboratory uses appropriate methods and procedures for all laboratory activ-
ities and, where appropriate, for evaluation of the measurement uncertainty as well as statis-
tical techniques for analysis of data. The laboratory ensures that it uses the latest valid version of a method unless
it is not appropriate or possible to do so. When necessary, the application of the method is
supplemented with additional details to ensure consistent application. When the customer does not specify the method to be used, the laboratory
selects an appropriate method and informs the customer of the method chosen. Methods
published either in international, regional or national standards, or by reputable technical
organizations, or in relevant scientific texts or journals, or as specified by the manufacturer
of the equipment, are recommended. Laboratory-developed or modified methods can also be
used. The laboratory verifies that it can properly perform methods before introducing
them by ensuring that it can achieve the required performance. Records of the verification are
retained. If the method is revised by the issuing body, verification is repeated to the extent
necessary. When method development is required, this is a planned activity and is assigned
to competent personnel equipped with adequate resources. As method development pro-
ceeds, periodic review is carried out to confirm that the needs of the customer are still being
fulfilled. Any modifications to the development plan is approved and authorized. Deviations from methods for all laboratory activities occur only if the deviation
has been documented, technically justified, authorized, and accepted by the customer. When changes are made to a validated method, the influence of such changes
is determined and where they are found to affect the original validation, a new method vali-
dation is performed. The performance characteristics of validated methods, as assessed for the in-
tended use, is relevant to the customers' needs and consistent with specified requirements.
7.3 Sampling
Copper Mountain Technologies accredited measurement facilities do not sample. Thus,
section 7.3 of ISO/IEC 17025 is not applicable.
7.4.1 The laboratory has a procedure for the transportation, receipt, handling, protec-
tion, storage, retention, and disposal or return of calibration items, including all provisions
necessary to protect the integrity of the calibration item, and to protect the interests of the
laboratory and the customer. Precautions are taken to avoid deterioration, contamination,
loss or damage to the item during handling, transporting, storing/waiting, and preparation for
calibration. Handling instructions provided with the item are followed.
7.4.2 The laboratory has a system for the unambiguous identification of calibration
items. The identification is retained while the item is under the responsibility of the labor-
atory. The system ensures that items will not be confused physically or when referred to
in records or other documents. The system, if appropriate, accommodates a sub-division of
an item or groups of items and the transfer of items.
7.4.3 Upon receipt of the calibration item, deviations from specified conditions are rec-
orded. When there is doubt about the suitability of an item for calibration, when anti-
tamper seals are present but broken, or when an item does not conform to the description
provided, the laboratory consults the customer for further instructions before proceeding
and records the results of this consultation. When the customer requires the item to be
calibrated acknowledging a deviation from specified conditions, the laboratory includes a dis-
claimer in the report indicating which results may be affected by the deviation.
7.5.1 The laboratory ensures that technical records for each laboratory activity contain
the results, report and sufficient information to facilitate, if possible, identification of factors
affecting the measurement result and its associated measurement uncertainty and enable
the repetition of the laboratory activity under conditions as close as possible to the orig-
inal. The technical records include the date and the identity of personnel responsible for
each laboratory activity and for checking data and results. Original observations, data and
calculations are recorded at the time they are made and are identifiable with the specific task.
7.5.2 The laboratory ensures that amendments to technical records can be tracked to
previous versions or to original observations. Both the original and amended data and
files are retained, including the date of alteration, an indication of the altered aspects and the
personnel responsible for the alterations.
7.7.1 The laboratory has a procedure for monitoring the validity of results. The result-
ing data are recorded in such a way that trends are detectable and, where practicable, statis-
tical techniques are applied to review the results. This monitoring is planned and reviewed
and includes, where appropriate, but not be limited to:
a) use of reference materials or quality control materials. Copper Mountain Technolo-
gies do not use reference material in its laboratory activities, thus, section 7.1.1 a) is not
b) use of alternative instrumentation that has been calibrated to provide traceable re-
c) functional check(s) of measuring and testing equipment;
d) use of check or working standards with control charts, where applicable;
e) intermediate checks on measuring equipment;
f) replicate calibrations using the same or different methods;
g) recalibration of retained items;
h) correlation of results for different characteristics of an item;
i) review of reported results;
j) intralaboratory comparisons;
k) testing of blind sample(s).
7.7.2 The laboratory monitors its performance by comparison with results of other la-
boratories, where available and appropriate. This monitoring are planned and reviewed and
includes, but not be limited to, either or both of the following:
a) participation in proficiency testing;
b) participation in interlaboratory comparisons other than proficiency testing.
7.7.3 Data from monitoring activities are analyzed, used to control and, if applicable,
improve the laboratory's activities. If the results of the analysis of data from monitoring
activities are found to be outside pre-defined criteria, appropriate action are taken to pre-
vent incorrect results from being reported..
NOTE Laboratory develops schedule for monitoring the validity of results – technical
record that would reflect key planned measurement events according to the scope of accredi-
tation, data to be kept, appropriate methods, evaluation analysis with predefined criteria.
According to the schedule, during equipment lifetime, monitoring the obtained meas-
urement result trends is performed in purpose of:
- making decision for using automation programs or techniques for more effective oper-
ations with a standard (where applicable);
- making decision to appoint actions to prevent incorrect results in case of data are close
to pre-defined criteria;
For collecting and analysis of the measurement results, one should adhere to methods
given in this section. The most important of them are proficiency testing activity as a part of
interlaboratory comparison, intermediate check, reviewing and investigation of reported re-
sults, comparison analysis of measurements obtained with the same type equipment.
Laboratory carries out corrective actions (in accordance with 8.7) if the results of the
analysis of data from monitoring activities are found to be outside pre-defined criteria.
7.8.1 General The results are provided accurately, clearly, unambiguously and objectively,
usually in a report (e.g. calibration certificate), and include all the information agreed with
the customer and necessary for the interpretation of the results and all information required
by the method used. All issued reports are retained as technical records. When agreed with the customer, the results may be reported in a simplified way.
Any information listed in 7.8.2 to 7.8.7 that is not reported to the customer are readily availa-
ble. Each report includes at least the following information, unless the laboratory
has valid reasons for not doing so, thereby minimizing any possibility of misunderstanding or
a) a title (e.g. “Calibration Certificate”);
b) the name and address of the laboratory;
c) the location of performance of the laboratory activities, including when performed
at a customer facility or at sites away from the laboratory’s permanent facilities, or in asso-
ciated temporary or mobile facilities;
d) unique identification that all its components are recognized as a portion of a com-
plete report and a clear identification of the end;
e) the name and contact information of the customer;
f) identification of the method used;
g) a description, unambiguous identification, and, when necessary, the condition of the
h) the date of receipt of the calibration item(s), where this is critical to the validity and
application of the results;
i) the date(s) of performance of the laboratory activity;
j) the date of issue of the report;
k) reference to the sampling plan and sampling method used by the laboratory or other
bodies where these are relevant to the validity or application of the results;
l) a statement to the effect that the results relate only to the items tested, calibrated or
m) the results with, where appropriate, the units of measurement;
n) additions to, deviations, or exclusions from the method;
o) identification of the person(s) authorizing the report;
p) clear identification when results are from external providers;
q) a statement, that the calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full,
without written approval of the laboratory. The laboratory is responsible for all the information provided in the report, ex-
cept when information is provided by the customer. Data provided by a customer are
clearly identified. In addition, a disclaimer is put on the report when the information is sup-
plied by the customer and can affect the validity of results. Where the laboratory has not
been responsible for the sampling stage (e.g. the sample has been provided by the custom-
er), it states in the report that the results apply to the sample as received.
the customer was notified that the calibration is not intended to be used in support of further
dissemination of metrological traceability (i.e., to calibrate another device);
j) at specific customer request (as documented in contract review records), the laboratory
may issue a statement of compliance without taking the measurement uncertainty into con-
sideration. In this case, are the results and measurement uncertainty included in the calibra-
tion certificate and is the following statement included in the certificate: “The statement of
compliance in this certificate was issued without taking the uncertainty of measurement into
consideration. The customer shall assess the results and uncertainty when determining if the
results meet their needs.” This is considered “shared responsibility”;
k) the laboratory maintain records of measurement uncertainty for all accredited calibra-
l) the uncertainties reported to, at most, two significant digits, where feasible;
m) the laboratory ensures it does not report a smaller uncertainty of measurement on its
issued accredited certificates than the CMC on the scope of accreditation. Where the laboratory is responsible for the sampling activity, calibration certifi-
cates meet the requirements listed in 7.8.5 where necessary for the interpretation of calibra-
tion results. A calibration certificate or calibration label does not contain any recommen-
dation on the calibration interval, except where this has been agreed with the customer. The laboratory reports on the statement of conformity, such that the state-
ment clearly identifies:
- Statement of conformity applies to parameters which are covered by the scope of ac-
creditation, and laboratory establishes a sequence of uncertainty calculation for them (for
more details refer to traceability guide).
EURAMET Calibration Guide No. 12 (Annex E) prescribes decision rule and way of uncer-
tainty accounting for S-parameters in accordance with scalar case of quantitative verification
criteria. S-parameters are named into the scope as “Reflection Magnitude”, “Reflection Phase”,
“Transmission Magnitude”, and “Transmission Phase”.
For other parameters into the scope such as “RF Absolute Power - Measure” and “Fre-
quency” the decision rule is “simple acceptance” described into the ISO/IEC Guide 98-4 (refer
to 8.2) and based on TUR of 3:1 or best. Under such a rule, the producer and user (consumer)
of the measurement result agree to accept as conforming (and reject otherwise) an item
whose property has a measured value in the tolerance interval.
- Statement of conformity applies to parameters which are not included into the scope
of accreditation. The unaccredited material, where applicable, is indicated by an asterisk ( * )
or confined to clearly marked sections. Uncertainty of such measurements is not calculated
and cannot be taken into account. Thus, a measured value is accepted as pass decision if it is
in the tolerance interval and rejected as fail decision when it is out of the tolerance. When opinions and interpretations are expressed, the laboratory ensures that
only personnel authorized for the expression of opinions and interpretations release the re-
spective statement. The laboratory documents the basis upon which the opinions and inter-
pretations have been made. The opinions and interpretations expressed in reports are based on the results
obtained from the calibrated item and are clearly identified as such. When opinions and interpretations are directly communicated by dialogue with
the customer, a record of the dialogue is retained. When an issued report needs to be changed, amended or re-issued, any change
of information is clearly identified and, where appropriate, the reason for the change included
in the report. Amendments to a report after issue are made only in the form of a further
document, or data transfer, which includes the statement “Supplement to Calibration Certifi-
cate, serial number... [or as otherwise identified]”, or an equivalent form of wording. When it is necessary to issue a complete new report, this is uniquely identified
and contains a reference to the original that it replaces. If any event, such as the identification of defective laboratory calibration equip-
ment, casts doubt on the validity of results given in any prior calibration report or certificate
or amendment to a report or certificate, the calibration laboratory notify the customer
promptly in writing. Such notification quantifies the magnitude of error created in the calibra-
tion results. The customer promptly notified when any customer's measuring and test equip-
ment is found significantly out of tolerance during the calibration/verification process. Meas-
urement data reported so that appropriate action can be taken.
7.9 Complaints
7.9.1 The laboratory has a documented process to receive, evaluate and make deci-
sions on complaints. Where applicable, complaints are promptly resolved.
7.9.2 A description of the handling process for complaints is available to any interest-
ed party on request. Upon receipt of a complaint, the laboratory confirms whether the
complaint relates to laboratory activities that it is responsible for and, if so, deal with it.
The laboratory is responsible for all decisions at all levels of the handling process for com-
7.9.3 The process for handling complaints includes at least the following elements and
a) description of the process for receiving, validating, investigating the complaint, and
deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it;
b) tracking and recording complaints, including actions undertaken to resolve them;
c) ensuring that any appropriate action is taken.
7.9.4 The laboratory receiving the complaint is responsible for gathering and verifying
all necessary information to validate the complaint.
7.9.5 Whenever possible, the laboratory acknowledges receipt of the complaint, and
provides the complainant with progress reports and the outcome.
7.9.6 The outcomes to be communicated to the complainant are made by, or reviewed
and approved by, individual(s) not involved in the original laboratory activities in question.
7.9.7 Whenever possible, the laboratory gives formal notice of the end of the complaint
handling to the complainant.
7.10.1 The laboratory has a procedure that is implemented when any aspect of its labora-
tory activities or results of this work do not conform to its own procedures or the agreed re-
quirements of the customer (e.g. equipment or environmental conditions are out of specified
limits, results of monitoring fail to meet specified criteria). Out of tolerance calibration
standards are considered to be nonconforming calibration work. The procedure ensures that:
a) the responsibilities and authorities for the management of nonconforming work are
b) actions (including halting or repeating of work and withholding of reports, as neces-
sary) are based upon the risk levels established by the laboratory;
c) an evaluation is made of the significance of the nonconforming work, including an
impact analysis on previous results;
d) a decision is taken on the acceptability of the nonconforming work;
e) where necessary, the customer is notified and work is recalled;
f) the responsibility for authorizing the resumption of work is defined.
7.10.2 The laboratory retains records of nonconforming work and actions as specified
in 7 .10 .1 , bullets b) to f).
7.10.3 Where the evaluation indicates that the nonconforming work could recur, or that
there is doubt about the conformity of the laboratory's operations with its own manage-
ment system, the laboratory implements corrective action.
7.11.1 The laboratory has access to the data and information needed to perform la-
boratory activities.
7.11.2 The laboratory information management system used for the collection, pro-
cessing, recording, reporting, storage or retrieval of data are validated for functionality, in-
cluding the proper functioning of interfaces within the laboratory information management
system by the laboratory before introduction. Whenever there are any changes, including
laboratory software configuration or modifications to commercial off-the-shelf software,
they are authorized, documented and validated before implementation.
NOTE 1 In this document “laboratory information management system(s)” includes the
management of data and information contained in both computerized and non-computerized
systems. Some of the requirements can be more applicable to computerized systems than to
non-computerized systems.
NOTE 2 Commercial off-the-shelf software in general use within its designed application
range can be considered to be sufficiently validated.
7.11.5 The laboratory ensures that instructions, manuals and reference data relevant to
the laboratory information management system are made readily available to personnel.
7.11.6 Calculations and data transfers are checked in an appropriate and systematic
8.1 Options
8.1.1 General
The laboratory establishes, documents, implements and maintains a management system
that is capable of supporting and demonstrating the consistent achievement of the require-
ments of this document and assuring the quality of the laboratory results. In addition to meet-
ing the requirements of Clauses 4 to 7, the laboratory implements a management system in
accordance with Option A.
8.1.2 Option A
The management system of the laboratory address the following:
8.1.3 Option B
Copper Mountain Technologies have chosen Option A. Thus, section 8.1.3 of
ISO/IEC 17025 is not applicable.
8.2.1 Laboratory management, under the direction of top management, establish, doc-
ument, and maintain policies and objectives for the fulfilment of the purposes of this
document and ensure that the policies and objectives are acknowledged and implemented
at all levels of the laboratory organization (annex C).
8.2.2 The policies and objectives address the competence, impartiality and consistent
operation of the laboratory.
8.2.4 All documentation, processes, systems, records, related to the fulfilment of the
requirements of this document are included in, referenced from, or linked to the management
system (annex D).
8.2.5 All personnel involved in laboratory activities have access to the parts of the
management system documentation and related information that are applicable to their re-
sponsibilities (annex E).
8.3.1 The laboratory controls the documents (internal and external) that relate to the ful-
filment of this document.
8.4.1 The laboratory establishes and retains legible records to demonstrate fulfilment of
the requirements in this document.
8.4.2 The laboratory implements the controls needed for the identification, storage,
protection, back-up, archive, retrieval, retention time, and disposal of its records. The laborato-
ry retains records for a period consistent with its contractual obligations. Access to these
records are consistent with the confidentiality commitments, and records are readily availa-
8.5.1 The laboratory considers the risks and opportunities associated with the laboratory
activities in order to:
a) give assurance that the management system achieves its intended results;
b) enhance opportunities to achieve the purpose and objectives of the laboratory;
c) prevent, or reduce, undesired impacts and potential failures in the laboratory activi-
d) achieve improvement.
8.5.3 Actions taken to address risks and opportunities are proportional to the potential
impact on the validity of laboratory results.
8.6.1 The laboratory identifies and selects opportunities for improvement and imple-
ments any necessary actions.
8.6.2 The laboratory seeks feedback, both positive and negative, from its customers. The
feedback is analyzed and used to improve the management system, laboratory activities
and customer service.
8.7.2 Corrective actions are appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encoun-
8.8.1 The laboratory conducts internal audits at planned intervals to provide infor-
mation on whether the management system:
a) conforms to:
− the laboratory’s own requirements for its management system, including the labora-
tory activities;
− the requirements of this document;
b) is effectively implemented and maintained.
The cycle for internal audit will be completed annually.
8.9.1 The laboratory management reviews its management system at planned intervals,
in order to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, including the stated
policies and objectives related to the fulfilment of this document. The management review is
8.9.2 The inputs to management review are recorded and include information related to
the following:
a) changes in internal and external issues that are relevant to the laboratory;
b) fulfilment of objectives;
c) suitability of policies and procedures;
d) status of actions from previous management reviews;
e) outcome of recent internal audits;
f) corrective actions;
g) assessments by external bodies;
h) changes in the volume and type of the work or in the range of laboratory activities;
i) customer and personnel feedback;
j) complaints;
k) effectiveness of any implemented improvements;
l) adequacy of resources;
m) results of risk identification;
n) outcomes of the assurance of the validity of results; and
o) other relevant factors, such as monitoring activities and training.
8.9.3 The outputs from the management review record all decisions and actions related to
at least:
a) the effectiveness of the management system and its processes;
b) improvement of the laboratory activities related to the fulfilment of the re-
quirements of this document;
c) provision of required resources;
d) any need for change.
9.1.1 The laboratory, when reporting accredited results uses either the accreditation
body symbol or the following statement (edited as appropriate): “This calibration/test is ac-
credited under the laboratory’s ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation issued by [Accreditation Body
Name]. Refer to certificate and scope of accreditation [insert accreditation number here]”.
9.1.2 The accreditation body symbol is being used properly (if being used) when making
reference to the laboratory’s accreditation in communication media such as the internet, doc-
uments, brochures, or advertising.
9.1.3 The laboratory uses the accreditation body symbol only within its scope of accredi-
tation except where accredited and non-accredited results are on the same report/certificate.
In such cases, non-accredited results are to be clearly defined and a footnote to acknowledge
that the report/certificate includes non-accredited work.
Calibration Laboratory
Customer Feedback
Metrological Assurance
Calibration Technician
Instruments & Requirements Instruments & Docs
P1 Environment
P2 Conditions P6
P3 Monitoring
Calibration Laboratory
Actions Outcome
Investigation based upon Effectiveness Analisys Approval
risk level
Customer interaction
interaction // Complaints
ERP&CRM Control of
Risk register
system records
Calibration Resources
P1: Copper Mountain Technologies ensures the protection of its customers’ confidential
information and proprietary rights, including protecting the electronic storage and transmis-
sion of results (see 4.2).
P2: Copper Mountain Technologies avoids involvement in any activities that would di-
minish confidence in its competence, impartiality, judgment or operational integrity (see 4.1).
P3: All requests, tenders and contracts are considered in detail even if the requirements
exceed the capabilities of laboratory (see 7.1).
P4: Any deviations from requested services and supplies are discussed with the labora-
tory head (see 6.6). Services and supplies with deviations deemed significant to the calibra-
tion work are rejected. Corrective action will be initiated as deemed appropriate.
P5: All complaints received from customers or other parties are considered in detail (see
P6: When any aspect of calibration work, or the results of this work, do not conform to
laboratory procedures or the agreed requirements of the customer an information about it
immediately passes to quality manager (see 7.10).
P7: When nonconforming work or departures from the policies and procedures in the
management system or technical operations have been identified the correction action is im-
Document Name: QMS.01:2018 Page 37 of 58 Revision: 1
Copper Mountain Technologies
plemented immediately together with a decision about the acceptability of the nonconform-
ing work (see 8.7).
P8: For identifying training needs and providing training of personnel the verbal com-
munication is used, and captured in RCD.010 Personnel Record (see 6.2).
In this document the process approach for describing the quality management system is
implemented. Processes and subprocesses are defined, authorities are assigned. Because of
size of the calibration laboratory an employee at certain position participates at several main
processes. Therefore it is impractical to document the procedures separately. Under the condi-
tions the best solution is to describe process steps for every employee at certain position. The
steps are in annex E.
To guarantee the proper implementation for all of processes that are covered with quali-
ty management system and described in this manual the brief instructions (comments) are
provided for each of documents or folders with that the employee must work. Comments are
part of the document and additional identification is not needed.
Privacy Policy
3 Define Privacy policy and publish it in Web-site.
1 Define and understand the requirements (together
with senior technician).
Scope of ac-
2 Analyze resources and opportunities using scope
of accreditation and current workload.
Review of 3 Communicate with customer if external provider
requests, tenders 7.1 performs specific lab activities, gain customer’s ap-
and contracts proval. External provider should be evaluated as 6.6.
4 Select appropriate calibration method. Inform cus-
tomer of the method chosen. Communicate with cus-
EPR&CRM sys-
tomer when method requested is inappropriate or
out of date.
Facilities and
environmental 6.3 QMS.CAL.01, QMS.GNR.02 RCD.020
Quality Manager
1 Use rules of access for employees.
2 Use semi-automatic calibration software.
3 Use data security through internal networking sys-
Quality Management
Evaluation of
Scope of ac-
measurement 7.6 QMS.TRC.01
during calibration.
Selection, 2 Define a method for calibration from RCD.043 or RCD.043
verification and develop a new method. QMS.CAL.01
validation of 3 Fill in RCD.043 for new method. QMS.GNR.01
methods 4 If parameter defined by new method is used or QMS.TRC.01
planned to be used in lab scope of accreditation:
records). Calibration
Handling of
7.4 QMS.GNR.01 system
calibration items
Environment RCD.020,
Conditions 6.3.3 QMS.GNR.01 Logger data,
Monitoring QMS.GNR.01.1
B.5 Criteria for evaluation, selection, monitoring of performance and re-evaluation of ex-
ternal providers
Calibration laborato-
National metrology
(tool) manufacturer
Equipment (tool)
Method Q* Q Q* Q & A* Q & A* Q & A*
Competencies in manufacturing O P
Competencies in services (exc. cali- O O O
Competencies in calibration P O O
Maintenance and repair P P P P
Competencies in quality management P P P
CIPM MRA participant O
Accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025 P P O P
Accreditation for ISO/IEC 17043 O
Monitoring of performance
Period & method NA 3Q 3Q 3Q&A* 3Q&A* 3Q&A*
Period & method NA 6Q 6Q 6Q 6Q 6Q
Method (in case of quality discrepancy) NA A A A A A
Method: NA – not applicable; Q – questionnaire; I – incoming inspection; A – audit; S – site
visits; * - if necessary;
Period: 1 time in number of years;
Selection marks: O – obligatory requirement, P - permitted, could be qualified as an ad-
Level 0:
International Standard
ISO/IEC 17025
Level 1:
Quality Manual &
Certificate and Scope of
Level 2:
Methods & Work
Level 3:
Records & User Manual
Technical X X X X
Electrical Engineering or a related field X X X
ISO/IEC 17025 external training X X
Internal training “Introduction to ISO/IEC 17025 and AN- X X
SI/NSCL Z540-1”
Internal training “Quality management system (NC, CA, PA)” X X
Internal training “Complaints” X X
Internal training “Conducting Audit” X X
Internal training “Proficiency testing: what it is and why it’s X X
Technical knowledge
Frequency measurements and uncertainty calculations X X X
Reflection measurements and uncertainty calculations X X X
Transmission measurements and uncertainty calculations X X X
RF power measurements and uncertainty calculations X X X
Receipt and handling of equipment and accessories X X
Housekeeping, access control, PC maintenance, environ- X X
mental conditions
Packaging, return shipment X X
Ability to process orders, quoting, review of RFQ (Odoo) X X
Ability to use Google Drive (QMS), understanding of its or- X X
ganization, permissions existing
Ability to perform document control X X
Ability to determine equipment to purchase, managing X X
suppliers list
Ability to perform equipment maintenance, its intermediate X X
checking, understanding traceability requirements
Ability to install and use VNAPT, *.prf files, printing test re- X X X
ports and certificates
Ability to compile and control workflow checklist, under- X X X
standing CAL and GNR documents
E2 Relevant authorization
- certificate issuing activity includes reviewing and authorization of calibration results and
continuing analysis of results, including statements of conformity or opinions and interpreta-
The Laboratory Head reviews incoming work requests and clarifies discrepancies. He/She reviews laboratory data with respect to the calibration
laboratory quality system and calibration standards and for accuracy and conformance to customer and/or specification requirements. The Laboratory Head
oversees maintenance of lab equipment. He/She must report to the Quality Manager and CEO about the data which falls outside the quality acceptance
criteria. The Laboratory Head shall notify the Quality Manager of any quality problem. The Laboratory Head reports directly to the CEO.
Direct work is management of laboratory activities, including customer interaction, and observance of laboratory objectives and policies.
Measures of Effectiveness
The Quality Manager manages the calibration laboratory operating systems such as quality systems and laboratory report formats. He/She documents,
implements, and reviews quality procedures and monitors the quality system to ensure compliance with the Copper Mountain Technologies objectives and
ISO/IEC 17025. He/She reports the status of quality programs to the Laboratory Head and CEO through formal and informal communication. The Quality
Manager issues corrective actions when required. The Quality Manager is authorized to review all laboratory data with respect to the calibration laboratory
quality system. The Quality Manager has the authority to require that procedures be amended or discontinued, or analysis suspended or repeated.
Direct work is the assuring the effectiveness of quality system and documents management.
1. Waiting for an event: Update, Response, QMS.01 Quality Manual with annexes
Responses, Feedbacks and Suggestions
Suggestion, Complaint, Non-conformity, Audit JD.01 to JD.04 Job Descriptions
RCD.010 Personnel List
Reflect the event in documentation RCD.050 Documents List
RCD.020 Accommodation Data List
Initialization actions when non-conformity RCD.051 Master List
Logger database
Perform cause analysis RCD.052 Structure of folders
QMS.GNR.02 Calibration Lab Housekeeping
Implement corrective and/or preventive RCD.070 Non-conformity Record
RCD.030 Equipment List
actions RCD.071 Corrective Action Plan
RCD.032 Equipment Test Results
2. Analyze quality system, search opportunities RCD.080 Internal Audit Schedule
RCD.033 Equipment Label Sample
3. Continuously improve quality system RCD.081 Internal Audit Records
RCD.042 Calibration Schedule
4. Permanently perform document control RCD.110 Risk Register
RCD.040 Calibrations List
RCD.060 Customers List
RCD.061 Complaints List
Measures of Effectiveness
RCD.070 Non-conformity Record
RCD.071 Corrective Action Plan RCD.070 Nonconformities Records
RCD.080 Internal Audit Schedule RCD.061 Complaints List
RCD.090 Management Reviews Plan Who?
Formal and Informal Communication
RCD.091 Management Reviews Records
Quality Manager
RCD.110 Risk Register
JD.04 Version 1