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Assignment 3

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What are the different pigments found in algae?

Algae exhibit a wide range of pigmentation. In both marine and freshwater algae, different colored
pigments have been discovered, including green, red, yellow, and blue. Various types of algae have distinctive
pigment compositions that vary. Except for members of the Cyanophyceae family, all groups of algae include
pigments in specialized plastids known as chromophores (blue green algae). In algal systematics, the
distribution pattern of pigments has significant taxonomic implications.
Each major group of algae has at least one distinctive color in its cells. Pigments in algae belong
to THREE major categories based on their physical and chemical properties.
(1). Chlorophylls
(2). Carotenoids
(3). Phycobilins

- Chlorophylls are fat soluble green pigments. They are chlorins which absorb blue region and reflect
green light. They are also responsible for the green color of algae and other higher plants.

Seven different types of chlorophylls are reported in algae. They are:

 Chlorophyll-a:  Present in all groups of algae
 Chlorophyll-b:  Present in Chlorophyta (green algae)
 Chlorophyll-c:  Present in Bacillariophyceae (diatoms)
 Chlorophyll-d:  Present in the members of Rhodophyceae (red algae)
 Chlorophyll-e:  Present in Xanthophyceae.
 Chlorophyll-f:  Recently discovered chlorophyll from stromatolites, possibly produced by
- Algae contain yellow, fat-soluble pigments called carotenoids. Carotenoids and chlorophylls are
frequently found together in nature. They guard chlorophylls from being damaged by sunlight
(solarization). They are also tetraterpenoids in terms of chemistry. Carotenoids are found in practically
every type of algal group. Moreover, carotenoids having a beta-ionone ring have action like that of
vitamin A. All carotenoids function as potent antioxidants.

Two types of carotenoids are found in algae.

(1). Carotenes - are yellow-colored pigments. They are unsaturated fat-soluble hydrocarbons. They do not
contain oxygen. They absorb blue and green light and transmit yellow and red light.
Examples: α-carotene, β-carotene, and lycopene

(2). Xanthophylls - Xanthophylls are also called as carotenols. They are oxygen derivatives of carotenes.
Examples: lutein and zeaxanthin (both are responsible for the yellow color of egg yolk)


- Phycobilins are pigments that dissolve in water. They are always linked to phycobiliproteins, which are
water-soluble proteins. They are colored blue and crimson. Red algae and Cyanophyceae contain them.
To efficiently absorb light, organisms that live in deep water typically contain phytobilins. All
phycobilin is brightly fluorescent. They glow and then emit orange or red light.

Two most common classes of phycobilins are present in algae.

(1). Phycocyanin - are blue colored pigments. They are blue green algae pigments. They are also present in red
algae. They absorb green, yellow, and red light and transmit blue color. Phycocyanins are the principal pigment
of Cyanophyceae.

(2). Phycoerythrin - Phycoerythrin are red colored

pigments. Phycoerythrin are red algae pigments. They
absorb blue green, green and yellow light and transmit red
light. They are present
abundantly in members
of Rhodophy ceae (red
Red colour of Red Algae due to Phycoerythrin (source wikipedia)


E., & E. (2023, March 11). Pigments in Algae | EasyBiologyClass. EasyBiologyClass | Biology Notes, PDFs,
PPTs, MCQs and Old Question Papers. https://www.easybiologyclass.com/pigments-in-algae-key-

Learn Carotenoids and Phycobilins in 3 minutes. (n.d.). Toppr Ask.


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