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Sysmex XP 300

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SUB DATE: 18 NOV 2022





Hematology analyzers are used to conduct a complete blood count (CBC), which is
usually the first test requested by physicians to determine a patients general
health status. A complete blood count includes red blood cell (RBC), white blood
cell (WBC), hemoglobin, and platelet counts, as well as hematocrit levels. Other
analyses include:

 RBC distribution width

 Mean corpuscular volume
 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations
 WBC differential count in percentage and absolute value

The Sysmex XP-300 Automated Hematology Analyzer is an ideal hematology

analyzer for a clinic satellite laboratory.

It provides a CBC with 8 reportable parameters and 3-part WBC Differential,

which includes an Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC). The results include
histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT.

The system provides a high level of accuracy through the use of automatic floating
discriminators. It also offers a range of new features such as a touch screen and a
unique reagent management system.


For blood cell counts the sysmex xp-300 uses fluorescence flow cytometry, e.g.
for the WBC and differential, for NRBC counting and reticulocyte measurement.

In flow cytometry, cells and particles are examined while they are flowing through
a very narrow flow cell.

First a blood sample is aspirated and proportioned, then diluted to a pre-set ratio
and labelled with a proprietary fluorescence marker that binds specifically to
nucleic acids.

Next the sample is transported into the flow cell. The sample is illuminated by a
semiconductor laser beam, which can separate the cells using three different

 Forward scattered light (forward scatter or FSC)

 Side scattered light (side scatter or SSC)
 Side fluorescence light (side fluorescence or SFL).

 The intensity of the forward scatter indicates the cell volume.

 The side scatter provides information about the cell content, such as
nucleus and granules.
 The side fluorescence indicates the amount of DNA and RNA present in the
Cells with similar physical and chemical properties form a cluster in a graph
known as a scatter gram.


When installing the machine pre-operation checks and power ON/self-check is

an important step.

Pre-operation checks
1. Check that the power cable is connected.
2. Check that there is sufficient printer paper.
3. Check pneumatic unit trap chamber for fluid. Empty if necessary.
4. If needed, discard any waste fluid in the waste container.
Power On/Self Check
1. Switch power on by pressing the power switch located on the right side of the
analyzer. Three automatic rinse cycles are performed followed by a background
check. Should any values fall outside of the acceptable limits, a maximum of two
extra background checks will be performed automatically.
2. Record the background check on a daily checklist or keep a copy of the printout
for documentation. Compare the results to the acceptable background limits.

Acceptable Background Limits are:

 WBC 0.3 x 10 3 /µl
 RBC 0.02 x 10 6 /µl HGB 0.1 g/dl
 PLT 10 x 10 3 /µl


XP-300 is simple to operate.

 To begin turn on the analyzer and it will automatically go through its startup
sequence to run a patient sample.
 Check to make sure the analyzer is in the ready state
 Enter the sample ID using the barcode scanner or touch screen
 Mix the sample by inverting it 10 times
 Remove the cap and hold the sample up to the aspiration probe
 Press and release the start button behind the aspiration probe
 The analyzer will aspirate 50 microliters of the sample
 When two beeps are heard remove the sample
 Result will be displayed in about 60 seconds and can be printed on the internal
thermal printer


The XP-300 model has six QC files enough for too lots of controls which make it easy
to perform crossover studies. QC material includes barcoded lot number, expiration
date and target and limit values for each parameter

1. Verify the XP-300 is at Ready.
2. Press the [QC] button.
3. Press the Quality Control file to be analyzed.
4. Mix the control blood according to the package insert.
5. Remove the cap and set control blood container to the sample probe.
6. Press the Start Switch.
7. When Analyzing is displayed and two beeps sound, remove the control blood.
8. Use the [◄] and [►] buttons to scroll through pages.
9. Press [IP] to print to internal printer. Press [NG] to reject.
10. Touch [OK]


Calibration process is performed at the time of installation and as per the

manufacturer’s recommendation and minimally every six months as per
compliance requirements and measured parameters are evaluated in the
calibration process.

Customer Calibration
i) Calibration Method: Auto-calibration, Manual calibration and Calibrator
ii) Calibration Mode: Whole Blood Mode
iii)Calibration Parameters: HGB, HCT only in case of Auto-calibration, Manual
calibration WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, PLT for Calibrator calibration
iv)Calibration Samples: Fresh normal blood samples for auto-calibration and
manual calibration and SCS-1000 for Calibrator calibration
Service/Production calibration
i) Calibration Method: Manual calibration
ii) Calibration Mode: Whole Blood Mode, Pre-diluted Mode
iii)Calibration Parameters: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, PLT
iv)Calibration Samples: SCS-1000 for Service calibration


Daily Maintenance Procedure

Verify the XP-300 is at Ready.

1. Press [Shutdown].
2. Place a 5% filtered bleach solution to the sample probe and press the [Start
Switch]. Continue to hold the bleach to the probe while the analyzer is aspirating.
3. Remove the tube of bleach after two beeps.  Shutdown takes approximately
five minutes.
4. When shutdown is complete, turn OFF main power switch on the right side of
the analyzer.

 If the analyzer will be in use immediately following shutdown, press [1] to re-

Weekly Maintenance
Clean the SRV tray

1. Turn off the power of the main unit and wait approximately 30 seconds.
2. Open the front cover of the main unit.

3. Remove the SRV tray.

4. Wash the SRV tray using tap water.
5. Make sure no contaminants remain, then wipe off water.
6. Replace the SRV tray to the original state.
7. Close the front cover of the main unit

Monthly Maintenance/or Every 1,500 Samples

Clean Waste Chamber (Rinse Sequence)

When the power is turned on, a message is displayed once a month or every
1,500 samples to clean the waste chamber. Sample analysis may continue without
executing the operation by selecting [Cancel]. The message will continue to
appear at Start-Up until the operation is executed.

1. When this message displays, press [1] to select Exec. Clean.

2. Set a 5% filtered bleach solution to the sample probe and press the Start
Switch. Continue to hold the bleach to the probe while the analyzer is aspirating.
3. Remove the tube after the two audible beeps.

 Clean Waste Chamber Sequence takes approximately 15 minutes.

When the sequence is complete, the auto rinse and background check are
executed. Then the system returns to Ready. Verify that no background error
occurred. Should one occur, execute the auto rinse.

Clean Transducer (Rinse Sequence)

When the power is turned on, a message is displayed once a month or every
1,500 samples to clean the transducer. Sample analysis may continue without
executing the operation by selecting [Cancel]. The message will continue to
appear at Start-Up until the operation is executed.

1. Open the front cover of the main unit.

2. Open the transducer cover.
3. Using the filler provided with the unit, pour approximately 1 mL each of 5%
filtered bleach into the WBC and RBC transducer. Be careful not to overfill.
4. Close the transducer cover.
5. Close the front cover of the main unit. 6. Press the Start Switch.

 Clean Transducer Sequence takes approximately 7 minutes.

When the cleaning is complete, the auto rinse and background check are
executed. Then the system returns to [Ready]. Verify that no background error
occurs. Should one occur, execute the auto rinse.

Customer Maintenance
Customer maintenance and service should be executed from the front or side
i) Shutdown: Once/day
ii) Clean SRV: Once/ Week
iii) Clean detector: Once/Month or when operation cycle count becomes 1,500
iv) Clean waste chamber: Once/Month or when operation cycle count becomes
1,500 cycles
v) Replace reagent: As needed
User Maintenance Item
User maintenance should be executed from the front or side.
i) Clean detector
ii) Pressure adjustment


When a trouble occurs, the warning alarm sounds and an error dialog is displayed
on the screen. In the screen, [HELP] button is displayed. However, if a trouble
occurs during sequence, error dialog is displayed at the same time as the error
occurrence, and [HELP] button cannot be pressed until the completion of the
sequence. The alarm is beeping sound, and the sound stops when [CLOSE] button
is pressed on error dialog.

Help Button: When an error occurs, [HELP] button blinks every 0.5 second. By
pressing [HELP] button at that time, action message screen (when only one error
occurs) or error list screen (when several errors occur) is displayed.

The Sysmex XP-300 (XP-300) is a new, fully automated hematology analyzer,
designed to generate complete blood counts (CBC) with 3-part differential. The
XP-300 was evaluated as a point-of-care (POC) analyzer in which blood samples
from patients with different pathologies and treatments, affecting hematopoiesis,
were analyzed.

1. Sysmex –xp 300 quick guide
2. Sysmex –xp series service manual


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