Vivek Patel Resume
Vivek Patel Resume
Vivek Patel Resume
Email:| M: +1 (919) 799-1190 | Linkedin: vivek9patel | Github: vivek9patel | Website:
Master of Computer Science (Software Engineering) May 2024
Arizona State University | New American University Scholarship Recipient Tempe, AZ
Bachelor of Technology, Computer Engineering May 2022
Pandit Deendayal Energy University - PDEU, CGPA: 9.35 / 10.00 Gandhinagar, India
Professional Experience
Software Engineer Intern | HackerRank | Bengaluru, India Jan 2022 - Jun 2022
● Worked with Editors team on cloud-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for HackerRank Interview platform
● Implemented terminal collaboration in web-based IDE under ~120ms latency using container-based internal WebSockets
● Enhanced effectiveness of canvas diagrams by building real-time comments feature using React.js,, and Ruby on Rails
● Improved users’ experience by developing high-performing theia extensions in Typescript and inversifyJS
Software Engineer Intern | 100ms - Brytecam Technologies | Bengaluru, India Mar 2021 - Jun 2021
● Collaborated with Dashboard team to build an app-builder for deploying conferencing apps with distinct user roles
● Revamped On-boarding process to less than 3 seconds and saved company around $140,000 yearly by designing a Data Routing
system with Vercel’s wildcard subdomains, Django (Python), and AWS route 53 services
● Engaged on an npm package which was developed to make customizable video applications using Typescript, Webpack & Jest
CodeConnect: a collaborative code editor & compiler | React.js, Tailwind,, Express.js | github Jul 2021
● A platform designed for technical interviews with features of video meetings, an online language compiler, and a whiteboard
● Utilized Figma to design mockups and React.js, Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS to implement components
● Incorporated for code syncing and HackerEarth’s cloud APIs to compile and show output of code
Web Simulation of UbuntuOS | Next.js, Tailwind, Google Analytics, Vercel | github May 2021
● Innovated a virtual simulation of Ubuntu 20.04 operating system on web using Next.js and Tailwind CSS
● Got featured #1 vercel trending project and achieved 80,000+ users from 40+ countries along with 2.4k+ stars on its Github
repository. The official Ubuntu organization later appreciated this open-sourced project on a social media platform
Meditech Healthcare Webapp | HTML5, Materialized CSS, JQuery, Firebase, Tensorflow | github Nov 2020
● Developed a Web Application to predict and diagnose diseases from x-ray images leveraging TensorFlow & Firebase
● Designed & carried out front-end part of website with responsiveness & cross-browser support
CPU Scheduling Algorithm Visualiser APP | React Native, Expo, Expo-CLI | github Oct 2020
● Built a react-native application for 8 primitive & non-preemptive CPU Scheduling algorithms’ visualization
● Integrated Gantt Chart with animation of processes in CPU memory & Ready Queue
Leadership Experience | Co-founder & Project Manager | Ahmedabad, India Jun 2020 - Mar 2021
● A platform founded to provide affordable software and web hosting services to small businesses during pandemic
● Managed day-to-day meetings with clients and potential customers to plan and prepare action plans as per requirements
● Led development team and worked with 30+ clients from different sectors on business websites and digital marketing projects