Prepa As
Prepa As
Prepa As
Line of the shortest distance between two points on a sphere with a constantly
changing track direction as a result of convergence.
- What is Dutch-roll?
Oscillatory instability in swept-wing jet aircraft. Yawing and rolling motions.
Occurs when a yaw is induced (natural or commanded).
= Dutch roll.
- What is an inversion?
Occurs when the air closest to the ground is cooler than the air above it. The
air temperature increases with height (rather than the usual decrease). It acts
like a blanket, stopping vertical movement/currents.
- What is a stopway?
Area beyond the runway which can be used for deceleration in the event of a
rejected takeoff.
- What is a clearway?
Length of an obstacle-free area at the end of the runway in the direction of the
takeoff, with a minimum dimension of 75 m either side of the extended runway
- What is Vmcg?
Minimum control speed on the ground for a multi engine aircraft at a constant
power setting and configuration, at and above which it is possible to maintain
directional control of the aircraft.
- What is RVSM?
Reduction, from 2,000 feet to 1,000 feet, of the standard vertical separation
required between aircraft flying between FL290 and FL410. Aircraft with
advanced and more accurate altimeters. Increases the number of aircraft that
fly in a controlled airspace.
Requirements are:
- Definition of BECMG?
Means “Becoming” followed by a four-figure time group, which is two different
whole UTC hours. Permanent change in the forecasted conditions.
- What is FADEC?
Full authority digital engine control: Automatically controls engine functions,
i.e., start procedures, engine monitoring, fuel flow, ignition system, and power
levels required.
- How are thunderstorms a hazard to aviation?
3. Severe icing, especially clear ice formed from supercooled water droplets
5. Reduced visibility
Sometimes red stop bars indicate the position of a hold, for instance, before
entering an active runway.
- What is wake turbulence?
Disturbed airflow (wing-tip vortices) created behind an aircraft’s wing as the
aircraft moves forward.
MORA/Grid MORA gives at least 1,000 feet altitude clearance above terrain
(-5000ft MSL), and 2,000 feet in mountainous terrain (+5000ft MSL).
Speed where mach number buffet and prestall buffet are coincident. Occurs at
an aircraft absolute ceiling.
- Effect of cold temperature on Baro VNAV approach?
A lower than standard temperature = shallower descent angle and reduced
descent rate
Higher than standard temperature = steeper angle and increased descent rate
Descent is function of
➔ ground speed, which depends on momentum, which depends on weight.
➔ Greater the aircraft’s weight, the earlier is its required descent point,
lower the rate of descent
-> heavier aircraft = early descent than lighter aircraft because of shallower
- Departure separation?
Same position:
➢ 2 minutes between
● HEAVY behind SUPER
➢ 3 minutes between LIGHT/MEDIUM behind SUPER
Intermediate position:
➢ 3 minutes between
● HEAVY behind SUPER
➢ 4 minutes between a LIGHT/MEDIUM behind SUPER
- Explain missed approach segments?
- How does an alternator work?
Convert mechanical energy into AC electrical energy by a rotating magnetic
field in a stationary coil. Lighter and generate more power even at low RPM.
- SIGMET symbols
- What are the take-off segments?
V1: Decision speed in the event of an engine failure during the takeoff roll, at
which it is possible to continue the takeoff and achieve the screen height.
VMCG: Minimum control speed on the ground for a multi engine aircraft at and
above which it is possible to maintain directional control of the aircraft by use
of the rudder to maintain runway heading.
VR: Speed at which the pilot initiates rotation during the takeoff to achieve
V2 at the screen height, even with an engine failure.
V2: Takeoff safety speed achieved by the screen height in the event of an
engine failure that maintains adequate directional control and climb
performance properties of the aircraft.
VFTO: Final take off speed for the plane to climb and maneuver as designed.
- What is TODR?
Takeoff distance required. Distance required to accelerate to the rotation speed
(VR) and to a climb and to attain screen height at V2.
- What is a circling approach?
Visual phase of flight following an instrument procedure not suitably located for
straight in approach. 300 feet of obstacle clearance guaranteed within the
protected area (depending on aircraft class). Maintain visual with the runway
environment while established at minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H).
If visual reference is lost
➢ Initiate a climbing turn, within the circling area, towards the landing
➢ Intercept and execute the missed approach procedure.
TORA is the runway length available for the takeoff run
ASDA is TORA plus stopway when available.
TODA is TORA plus clearway when available.
LDA is the length of runway that is available for the ground run of the landing
of an aircraft.
- Explain abbreviations?
REIL: Runway End Identifier Lights system provides rapid and positive
identification of the end of the runway.
- What weights are used in an aircraft?
Zero Fuel Weight (ZWF): Total weight of the airplane and all its contents.
1. Weight
a. Actual weight
b. Load factor, g in a turn
c. Center of gravity position
2. Altitude
3. Wing design
4. Configuration
Heavier the aircraft = more lift needed (lift must equal weight force) = higher
indicated stall speed.
Stall occurs at constant AOA so we can only increase lift by increasing speed.
So stall speed will increase with an increased weight of the aircraft. Stall speed
proportional to the square root of the weight.
1. Aircraft weight
2. Aircraft flaps setting
3. Aerodrome pressure altitude
4. Air density (temperature and pressure altitude)
5. Humidity
6. Wind
7. Runway length, slope, and surface
ROC = % gradient X GS
ROD (3°) = GS x 5
CG = (H/D)X100
- Effect of increased landing distance with increased speed?
- Explain 1 in 60 rule?
- Hold entry?
- What is the required fuel for a flight?
- FWD or AFT CG and why?
FWD: Increased longitudinal stability, lower cruise speed, higher stall speed.
AFT: Decreased longitudinal stability, higher cruise speed, lower stall speed,
poor stall/spin recovery.
Fail passive: Two digital control computer channels. Single control channel
failure -> no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of the flight path or
attitude. Landing not automatically (minimum dual channel system being
required) pilot to assume control of the aircraft to complete the landing.
Fail active: Three digital control computer channels -> redundant operational
capability. Single control channel failure below the alert height, the approach,
flare, and landing can be completed by the remaining automatic systems due
to the minimum required dual channel system still being available.
- TCAS display