01-viewNitPdf - 4175084 Tender No DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06
01-viewNitPdf - 4175084 Tender No DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06
01-viewNitPdf - 4175084 Tender No DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06
Tender No: DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06 Closing Date/Time: 12/05/2023 15:00
Dy.CE/C-I/JHS acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06 Closing
Date/Time 12/05/2023 15:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers
are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
Extension of existing Minor bridges to accommodate doubling track by pre-cast RCC Boxes,
Name of Work launching by crane and cutting of existing wing walls by stone cutter machine in Harpalpur-
Mahoba section under Jhansi-Khairar doubling project.
Bidding type Normal Tender
Tender Type Open Bidding System Two Packet System
Tender Closing Date Time 12/05/2023 15:00 Date Time Of Uploading Tender 14/04/2023 18:15
Pre-Bid Conference
No Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Advertised Value 196924976.50 Tendering Section RATE
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule Bidding Unit
Earnest Money (Rs.) 1134600.00 Validity of Offer ( Days) 60
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.) 0.00 Period of Completion 6 Months
Contract Type Works Contract Category Expenditure
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms
Bidding Start Date 28/04/2023 Yes
allowed to bid
Ranking Order For Bids Lowest to Highest Expenditure Type Capital (Works)
S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Code Unit
Schedule A-USSOR-2021 186896822.39
011032 46000.00 cum 318.74 14662040.00 AT Par 14662040.00
Description:- Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps,
trolley refuges, platforms etc. with contractor's own earth conforming to Soil Quality Class SQ1/SQ2/SQ3, after
preparation of foundations as applicable, benching in existing banks wherever required, spreading in layers with
motor grader, bringing the moisture content to OMC, mechanical compaction to specified density and dressing of
1 bank to final profile as per RDSO Specifications: RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips. Note: 1)
Foundation preparation, Benching including additional earthwork on account of this, wherever required, shall be
paid extra under relevant schedule item for benching. 2) Payment for Earthwork under this item shall be made
based on the cross section measurements calculated (i) with original ground profile of existing bank based on
initial ground levels before doing benching and (ii) final profile of the bank worked out with final levels as per
prevailing guidelines. Using Soil Class SQ2
012040 7000.00 cum 984.01 6888070.00 AT Par 6888070.00
Description:- Manufacturing of blanketing material by wet mixing of naturally available suitable soil including
additional blending with naturally available or manufactured material as required to achieve specified gradation, in
2 designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform gradation including all incidental transportation,
laying over finished formation in uniform layer(s) with motor grader, compaction with suitable vibratory roller to
specified density and finishing to correct profile, complete as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-
0004 with latest correction slips.
022011 8000.00 cum 196.66 1573280.00 AT Par 1573280.00
Description:- Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for foundations
and floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting
out the excavated material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming
3 and watering etc. including all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting
with all labour and material complete as per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: This item will be used for excavation work in connection with other miscellaneous works also like side drains,
foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling,
New lines. All kinds of soils
022012 500.00 cum 405.35 202675.00 AT Par 202675.00
Description:- Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for foundations
and floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting
4 out the excavated material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming
and watering etc. including all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting
with all labour and material complete as per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: This item will be used for excavation work in connection with other miscellaneous works also like side drains,
foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling,
New lines. Soft rock (not requiring blasting)
022014 500.00 cum 1114.41 557205.00 AT Par 557205.00
Description:- Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for foundations
and floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting
out the excavated material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming
5 and watering etc. including all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting
with all labour and material complete as per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: This item will be used for excavation work in connection with other miscellaneous works also like side drains,
foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling,
New lines. Hard rock (blasting prohibited )
022031 700.00 cum 3434.82 2404374.00 AT Par 2404374.00
Description:- Providing and laying in position Plain cement concrete of specified Nominal Mix for miscellaneous
6 works like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures excluding the cost of
Cement, centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:1½:3 (1 Cement: 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) : 3
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
022040 2100.00 cum 3645.58 7655718.00 AT Par 7655718.00
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement
Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site
or RMC from approved plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality
7 in RCC raft foundation & Pile cap including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to
modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per specifications and direction of the
Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under
relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with minimum
possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons
for not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.
022052 2100.00 cum 3725.25 7823025.00 AT Par 7823025.00
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement
Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site
or RMC from approved plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality
for the following Reinforced cement concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m from foundation top level,
8 including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without
impairing strength and durability complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Note: 1.
Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall
invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with minimum possible quantity of cement for all
grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item. Wing wall and Return wall
022070 700.00 Metre 246.87 172809.00 AT Par 172809.00
9 Description:- Providing and fixing Weep Holes in Abutments, Wing walls and Return walls etc., of new bridges
with 110mm dia UPVC pipe Type A ISI marked with all contractor's men, material, transportation, all taxes as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
024010 3175.00 cum 4010.14 12732194.50 AT Par 12732194.50
Description:- Providing and casting machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix, mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from
approved plants, (Cast in-Situ/Pre-cast) in bottom/top slab, side walls, toe wall and sumps haunch filling head
walls, thrust bed or any other component using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of
10 approved quality of RCC box of any size including finishing, Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103),
to modify workability without impairing strength and durability, complete as per drawings and technical
specifications as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall
be made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase
workability with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically
approved citing reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.
024020 700.00 cum 3645.58 2551906.00 AT Par 2551906.00
Pa g e 2 o f 15 Ru n Da te/Time: 18 /0 4/2 0 2 3 16 :46 :33
Tender No: DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06 Closing Date/Time: 12/05/2023 15:00
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Design Mix
Cement Concrete, mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants, of
specified grade (cast in-situ) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in
Drop and curtain wall and alike structures below bed level, complete in all respect as per drawings and technical
specifications to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering
shall be made extra.
025020 3500.00 Sqm 185.09 647815.00 AT Par 647815.00
12 Description:- Providing and applying two coats of coal tar or bitumen confirming to IS:3117- latest version on the
top and sides of RCC box/slabs @ 1.70 kg/sqm after cleaning the surface with all labour and materials complete
job as directed by the Engineer.
025031 23000.00 Sqm 661.48 15214040.00 AT Par 15214040.00
13 Description:- Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : All types of
bridge sub-structures, e.g. pier, abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, RCC box type foundations, Abutment cap, Pier
Cap, Inspection Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc. up to 5m above ground level
025032 2000.00 Sqm 860.71 1721420.00 AT Par 1721420.00
14 Description:- Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : All types of
bridge super-structures, e.g. slabs, I-girders, T-girders, Box girders etc. up to 5m above ground level.
025033 1001.00 Sqm 106.15 106256.15 AT Par 106256.15
15 Description:- Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Extra for
additional height over item no. 025031 & 025032 wherever required with adequate bracing, propping etc. over
initial height of 5 metres for every additional height of 1 metre or part thereof.
025071 3637.00 MT 8153.06 29652679.22 AT Par 29652679.22
Description:- Supply and using Cement at Worksite Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade approved brands/makes
025082 647960.00 Kg 80.14 51927514.40 AT Par 51927514.40
17 Description:- Supply of steel reinforcement of approved brands/makes for R.C.C. work including straightening,
cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-
500D or more of approved brands/makes.
041205 22.00 Day 50713.19 1115690.18 AT Par 1115690.18
18 Description:- Providing road crane of specified lifting capacity with specified jib length revolving type for material
handling, assembly & erection of girders/slab/RCC Box etc. 100 MT capacity
041207 14.00 Day 267992.70 3751897.80 AT Par 3751897.80
19 Description:- Providing road crane of specified lifting capacity with specified jib length revolving type for material
handling, assembly & erection of girders/slab/RCC Box etc. 200 MT capacity
041209 5.00 Day 388272.84 1941364.20 AT Par 1941364.20
20 Description:- Providing road crane of specified lifting capacity with specified jib length revolving type for material
handling, assembly & erection of girders/slab/RCC Box etc. 300 MT capacity
051030 1000.00 cum 1153.97 1153970.00 AT Par 1153970.00
Description:- Supplying of stone boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each at specified bridge locations.
051060 200.00 cum 1815.76 363152.00 AT Par 363152.00
22 Description:- Providing and laying Pitching with Stone Boulders, weighing not less than 35kg each with voids filled
with spalls on slopes, laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications (filter media to be paid separately under the relevant item).
052020 1200.00 cum 2300.80 2760960.00 AT Par 2760960.00
Description:- Providing and laying 300mm thick (average) Dry Stone flooring with boulders of not less than 35kg
23 each in weight, hand packed with surface levelled off to the correct section with hammer dressing as necessary on
the ground including filling the gaps with quarry spalls and ordinary sand complete including cost of supply of all
materials, labour, lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks and the like as per drawing and technical specification
as directed by Engineer in charge.
052040 500.00 cum 2470.29 1235145.00 AT Par 1235145.00
Description:- Supply and laying of coarse sand including consolidation with all labour, lead, lift, tools, plants,
crossing of tracks as per drawing and technical specification as directed by the Engineer in charge in case loose
slush is encountered at site of foundation before casting the foundation or laying the filtering media.
052150 6000.00 cum 2939.09 17634540.00 AT Par 17634540.00
25 Description:- Providing and laying of filter media consisting of granular materials of GW, GP, SW groups as per
IS:1498 (latest) in required profile behind boulder filling of abutments, wing walls / return walls etc. above bed level
with all labour and material complete job as per drawing and technical specification of RDSO Guidelines.
052200 82.00 Each 269.73 22117.86 AT Par 22117.86
Pa g e 3 o f 15 Ru n Da te/Time: 18 /0 4/2 0 2 3 16 :46 :33
Tender No: DyCE-C-1-JHS-2023-06 Closing Date/Time: 12/05/2023 15:00
Description:- Painting the HFL mark and Danger level mark, year of HFL on bridge abutments and piers with
ready mixed paint as per standard in two coats over one coat of primer with all materials, labour, tools, scaffolding,
all lead and lift etc. including writing complete.
052210 82.00 Each 804.44 65964.08 AT Par 65964.08
Description:- Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques as per Railway drawing in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix
27 using 20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in 30mm notch in Bridge parapet coping duly engraving the letter
and figures and an arrow indicating the direction of flow and finishing the top exposed surface with cement mortar
1:3, painting letters and figures with two coats of black enamel paint on two coats of white background with all
labour, tools, cement, paint etc. with all leads and lifts.
052250 1000.00 cum 359.00 359000.00 AT Par 359000.00
28 Description:- Providing Boulder Backing behind wing wall, return wall, retaining wall with hand packed boulders &
cobbles with smaller size boulders toward the back including all lead, lift, labour & other incidental charges as
complete work in all respect. Payment for boulder/cobbles will be done extra.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule B-DSOR-2019 598795.00
15.9.1 300.00 cum 826.45 247935.00 AT Par 247935.00
Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Demolishing stone rubble masonry manually/ by
mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50
metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : // In lime mortar
15.9.2 200.00 cum 1754.30 350860.00 AT Par 350860.00
S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule C-NS Items 9429359.11
NS1 1998.00 Metre 189.20 378021.60 AT Par 378021.60
Description:- "Providing and removing after completion of work barricading with the help of portable fencing
1 along the running track where the work is to be done in close vicinity of the track. Fencing shall consist of self
supporting 1:2:4 RCC post of size 100 x100mm, 1.80m long in provided with hooks etc. and embedded in ground
& placed at c/c distance of 3.0 M along the track.Barbed wire fencing in 3 row & cross row. Note : Released
material will be the property of the contractor after the completion of work. "
NS2 16400.00 Sqm 459.20 7530880.00 AT Par 7530880.00
Description:- Cutting of stone masonry wing walls / return walls of existing Minor bridges for extension of it to
accomodate doubling track, by stone cutter machine of suitable capacity and size. This includes all spare parts of
2 cutting machine, diesel, lubricants, electricity, transportation of machine to site and back, repair to breakdown of
above machine etc., all. Removal of muck/ earth after cutting, water supply and also removal of earth already
deposited over and around the foundation of wing wall and return wall is not included in this. Measurement of
work done will be cut surface area.
NS3 1507.00 Metre 1008.93 1520457.51 AT Par 1520457.51
Description:- Boring, providing and installing bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete 300 mm dia. Pile of
3 all length M 35 grade to carry a safe working load not less than specified including cost of boring with bentonite
solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and pile to be embedded
in the pile cap etc. all including removal of excavated earth with all lifts and leads. Length of pile for payment shall
be measured upto bottom of pile cap. Payment for steel reinforcement & cement will be made separately.
Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any eligibility condition
shall be opened as part of technical bid only
if a bidder has successfully completed a work as subcontractor and the work experience
certificate has been issued for such work to the subcontractor by a Govt. Organization
1.4.5 or public listed company as defined in Note for Item 10.1 Para 10 of the Tender Form No No Not Allowed
(Second Sheet), the same shall be considered for the purpose of fulfillment of
In case a work is considered similar in nature for fulfillment of technical credentials, the
overall cost including the PVC amount (if paid) of that completed work or substantially
1.4.6 No No Not Allowed
completed work, shall be considered and no separate evaluation for each component of
that work shall be made to decide eligibility
In case of existing partnership firm, if any one or more partners quit the partnership firm,
the credentials of remaining partnership firm shall be re-worked out i.e., the quitting
partner(s) shall take away his credentials to the extent of his share on the date of
quitting the partnership firm (e.g. in a partnership firm of partners A, B & C having share
1.4.7 30%, 30% & 40% respectively and credentials of Rs 10 crore; in case partner C quits No No Not Allowed
the firm, the credentials of this partnership firm shall remain as Rs 6 crore). For this
purpose, the tenderer shall submit along with his bid all the relevant documents which
include copy of previous partnership deed(s), dissolution deed(s) and proof of surrender
of PAN No.(s) in case of dissolution of partnership firm(s) etc.
In case of existing partnership firm if any new partner(s) joins the firm without any
modification in the name and PAN/TAN no. of the firm, the credentials of partnership
firm shall get enhanced to the extent of credentials of newly added partner(s) on the
1.4.8 same principles as mentioned in item 6 above. For this purpose, the tenderer shall No No Not Allowed
submit along with his bid all the relevant documents which include copy of previous
partnership deeds, dissolution/splitting deeds and proof of surrender of PAN No.(s) in
case of dissolution of partnership firm etc
In case of existing partnership firm if any new partner(s) joins the firm without any
modification in the name and PAN/TAN no. of the firm, the credentials of partnership
firm shall get enhanced to the extent of credentials of newly added partner(s) on the
1.4.9 same principles as mentioned in item 6 above. For this purpose, the tenderer shall No No Not Allowed
submit along with his bid all the relevant documents which include copy of previous
partnership deeds, dissolution/splitting deeds and proof of surrender of PAN No.(s) in
case of dissolution of partnership firm etc.
Any partner in a partnership firm cannot use or claim his credentials in any other firm
without leaving the partnership firm i.e., In a partnership firm of A&B partners, A or B
1.4.10 No No Not Allowed
partner cannot use credentials of partnership firm of A&B partners in any other
partnership firm or propriety firm without leaving partnership firm of A&B partners.
In case a partner in a partnership firm is replaced due to succession as per succession
1.4.11 law, the proportion of credentials of the previous partner will be passed on to the No No Not Allowed
If the percentage share among partners of a partnership firm is changed, but the
partners remain the same, the credentials of the firm before such modification in the
share will continue to be considered for the firm as it is without any change in their
1.4.12 No No Not Allowed
value. Further, in case a partner of partnership firm retires without taking away any
credentials from the firm, the credentials of partnership firm shall remain the same as it
is without any change in their value.
In a partnership firm "AB" of A&B partners, in case A also works as propriety firm "P" or
partner in some other partnership firm "AX", credentials of A in propriety firm "P" or in
1.4.13 No No Not Allowed
other partnership firm "AX" earned after the date of becoming a partner of the firm AB
shall not be added in partnership firm AB.
In case a tenderer is LLP, the credentials of tenderer shall be worked out on above lines
1.4.14 No No Not Allowed
similar to a partnership firm.
In case company A is merged with company B, then company B would get the
1.4.15 No No Not Allowed
credentials of company A also
1.5 Defination of Similar Work :- Construction of any type of Bridge No No Not Allowed
Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any compliance
condition shall be opened as part of technical bid only.
Please furnish list of personal, organization available on hand and proposed Allowed
2 No No
to be engaged for the subject work. (Optional)
The tenderer shall upload scanned copies of mandatory documents related to
Joint venture i.e., MOU /JV agreement etc., Similarily all the documents Allowed
3 No No
related to partnership firm / properiter firm/ company or other, as per the (Mandatory)
applicable conditions of GCC of April -2022 and its correction slip.
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The Allowed
4 No Yes
definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make (Optional)
in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions.
Please submit your bank details i.e. Name of the Bank along with Bank Allowed
5 No No
Branch Code, Account Number, IFSC Code, and PAN Number. (Mandatory)
Certificates and testimonials regarding similar nature work done and other Allowed
6 No No
works done. Other works done also to be given in separate list. (Mandatory)
Audited Balance Sheet duly certified by the Chartered Accountant etc Allowed
6.1 No No
regarding contractual payments received in the past. (Mandatory)
Please submit filled Annexure-VIB duly signed by Chartered accountant & Allowed
6.1.1 No No
tenderes as applicable. (Mandatory)
The list of personnel / organization on hand and proposed to be engaged for
6.2 the tendered work. Similarly list of Plant & Machinery available on hand and No No
proposed to be inducted and hired for the tendered work
Certificate duly stating all the conditions as given in document verification
certificate as per Annexure-V of correction slip dated 14.07.2022 of GCC April
2022, this correction slip is uploaded in this tender. Non submission of this
6.3 certificate by the bidder shall result in summarily rejection of his / their bid. It No No
shall be mandatorily incumbent upon the tenderer to identify, state and submit
the supporting documents duly self attested by which they /he are /is
qualifying the Qualifying Criteria mentioned in this Tender Document.
The Railway reserves the right to verify all statements, information and
documents submitted by the bidder in his tender offer, and the bidder shall,
when so required by the Railway, make available all such information,
6.4 evidence and documents as may be necessary for such verification. Any such No No Not Allowed
verification or lack of such verification, by the Railway shall not relieve the
bidder of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the
Railway there under.
(a) In case of any information submitted by tenderer is found to be false
forged or incorrect at any time during process for evaluation of tenders, it
6.5 No No Not Allowed
shall lead to forfeiture of the tender Earnest Money Deposit besides banning
of business for a period of upto five years.
(b) In case of any information submitted by tenderer is found to be false
forged or incorrect after the award of contract, the contract shall be
terminated. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), Performance Guarantee and
6.5.1 No No Not Allowed
Security Deposit available with the railway shall be forfeited. In addition, other
dues of the contractor, if any, under this contract shall be forfeited and agency
shall be banned for doing business for a period of upto five years.
Non-compliance with any of the conditions set forth therein above is liable to
6.6 No No Not Allowed
result in the tender being rejected.
Implementation of GST Act, 2017 - Procedure for payment of Contractual bill
7 is given in General Instructions attached in document. Please go through the No No Not Allowed
procedure before submission of the offer.
The tenderer shall clearly specify whether the tender is submitted on his own
(Proprietary Firm) or on behalf of a Partnership Firm / Company / Joint
Venture (JV) / Registered Society / Registered Trust / HUF etc. The
8 tenderer(s) shall enclose the attested copies of the constitution of their No No
concern, and copy of PAN Card along with their tender. Tender Documents
are to be signed by the person who is authorized as per GCC of April-2022
including its correction slip.
The tenderer whether sole proprietor / a company or a partnership firm / joint
venture (JV) / registered society / registered trust / HUF etc., if they want to
8.1 act through agent or individual partner(s), should submit along with the No No
tender, all the required documents as per GCC of April-2022 including its
correction slip.
General Instructions
Special Conditions
I/We have read the various conditions to tender attached hereto and agree to
abide by the said conditions. I/We also agree to keep this tender open for
acceptance for stipulated period from the date fixed for opening the same and
in default thereof, I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our Earnest Money .
2 No No Not Allowed
I/We offer to do the work for North Central Railway, at the rates quoted in the
attached schedule and hereby bind myself/ourselves to complete the work in
all respects within the period of completion stipulated in the tender document,
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance of the tender.
I/We have read the various conditions attached/ referred to in this tender
3 No No Not Allowed
document, and agree to abide by the said conditions.
I/We also hereby agree to abide by the Indian Railways Standard General
Conditions of Contract, with all correction slips up-to-date and to carry out the
work according to the Specifications of materials and works and Special
4 No No Not Allowed
Conditions of Contract as laid down by Railway in the annexed Special
Conditions/Specifications with all correction slips up-to-date for the present
I/We have submitted full information in prescribed format regarding
membership / employment of retired Gazetted officer and family members
working in gazetted capacity in the Engineering or any other department of the
railways. If no information is provided in this regard or if Annexure-1 is not
5 No No Not Allowed
submitted then the information shall be treated as nil. If found that information
in this regard as required as per clause 16 a), b), c) of GCC-2020 has been
concealed, contract is liable to be dealt in accordance with provision of clause
62 of Standard General Condition of contract.
I/ We have visited the works site and I / We am / are aware of the site
6 No No Not Allowed
Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender
shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may
7 No No Not Allowed
be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of
my/our offer for this work.
I/We have submitted the certificate in a format attached in Tender Documents.
8 My/our offer will summarily rejected in case of non-submission of such No No Not Allowed
certificate in compliance of Annexure-V.
I/We have read Clause 10 (Eligibility Criteria) and Clause 11 (Tenderer
9 Credentials)of Tender Form (Second Sheet) given in Annexure-I of Part-I of No No Not Allowed
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Designation : Dy.CE/C-I/JHS