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Africa N. Releford

August 2022 - May 2023
Hourly Lecturer (Teacher Not of Record), Houston Independent
School District (HISD) | Houston, NV
 Built and strengthened positive relationships with students, parents,
and teaching staff.
 Prepared and maintained classroom environments appropriate for
student learning and physical, social, and emotional development.
Pearland, Texas 77584  Managed student behavior in the classroom by establishing and
enforcing rules and procedures.
(702) 768-1005  Encouraged student critical thinking and discussion using a variety of
glcgold19@gmail.com teaching techniques.
 Prepared and presented lesson plans in academic subjects using
traditional and modern teaching techniques.
 Differentiated instruction according to student skill level.

 Graded projects, exams, and assignments to track student progression.
CAREER SUMMARY  Scheduled and held parent-teacher conferences to keep parents up to
To obtain a challenging career that date on children's academic performance.
will utilize the robust knowledge  Engaged students through lectures and discussion, increasing
and experience I have in classroom interaction to build an inclusive learning environment.
psychology, which I have a strong
passion for. Additionally, allow me
September 2017 - March 2021
the opportunity to implement my
Managing Director, Golden Life Company | Las Vegas, NV
knowledge in theories and
practices to support staff,  Professionally provide calculated advice to the board, managers, and
client/patients, students, and others leaders
as I am ambitious, compassionate,  Direct and implement company policies and procedures as well as
and resourceful with years of plans for daily business operations
experience in mental health,  Strategically provide guidance, motivation, inspiration, and direction
management, and customer assuring the company achieves financial vision, short- and long-term
support/care. objectives, and organizational success.
   Contributed to the professional development of client staff through
effective training and mentorship.
 Managed primary account relationships, exceeded client satisfaction

SKILLS standards, and met servicing obligations.

 Advanced knowledge in  Authored and approved policies, procedures, and standards.
psychological theories and  Worked with case managers, therapists, medical and clinical
practices supervisors, and other mental health professionals to achieve and
 Knowledge of scientific and maintain compliance with insurance panels and HIPPA.
critical thinking  Evaluated the effectiveness of performance management systems and
 Vigorous team management and devised improvements to strengthen controls and optimize results.
leadership skills  Met individually with employees to offer feedback and insight on job
 Strong professional writing, performance after careful review.
presentation, and oral  Directed all day-to-day operations of the mental health facility to
communication skills provide safe and enjoyable guest experience.
 Knowledge of research methods  Provided leadership to 22 employees through coaching, feedback, and
and statistical analysis performance management.
 Expert knowledge in ethical
practices and privacy and
confidential laws,
 Proficient in research (database February 2009 - September 2017
search, literature review,

analysis and interpretation of

data, design, and conduct new Treatment Coordinator, Skills Trainer Nevada State Behavioral Health
research, etc.) | Las Vegas, NV
 Team Collaboration
 Impeccable records organization  Assumed responsibility for the entire patient base and implemented the
and management skills completion of treatment plans
 Strong attentive, responsive,  Served as an advocate and educator for clients, psychosocial
and active listening skills rehabilitation, and basic skills training relationships
 Staff Development  Managed and assisted in the communication between organizations
 Performance Evaluation and and the community
Monitoring  Established relationships and familiarized managers, leaders, and staff
 Recruitment strategies and with available resources, new programs, training, and the achievement
hiring skills of program objectives.
 Quality Assurance  Restored clients/recipients to their highest level of functioning.
 Employee Motivation  Coordinated with insurance companies and handled billing issues.
 Assignment Delegation  Functioned as team leader and organized all treatment and placement
 Goal Setting activities
 Rapport Building  Held interviews with patients to hear concerns, gather health history,
 Advanced knowledge of privacy and understand objectives.
and confidentiality compliance  Identified family members, social networks, and community systems for
laws (e.g., Privacy Act of 1974, inclusion in client treatment plans.
HIPAA, etc.)  Oversaw day-to-day activities for office personnel.
 Applied Behavior Analysis  Scheduled evaluations and procedures for patients.
 Crisis Management  Liaised effectively with patients, doctors, and staff members, assessing
 Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, medical charts, and promoting high level communication and
and PowerPoint) interaction.
 Mental Health Assessment  Handled research and administrative tasks to support community
 Interpersonal Skills outreach and program initiatives.
Development  Created and delivered community wellness presentations to deliver at
 Decision Making and Problem- local events, including workshops, seminars, and wellness and
community resource fairs.
 Developed and oversaw basic cognitive learning-focused activities in
 Data Entry (6000/KPH)
client residences and off-site environments.
 Editing and Proofreading
 Information Confidentiality
 65 wpm Typing Speed March 2007 - February 2009
 Data Recording County Clerk Recorder, Clark County Recorder’s Office | Las Vegas,
 Attention to Detail
 Records Management Software  Provided excellent customer service on phone and in-person to
(therapy notes, medical records, individuals from socially, economically, and culturally diverse
etc.) backgrounds.
 Emergent Curriculum  Received and submitted payments for fees and fines, accurately
 Differentiated Instruction tracking amounts, and issuing receipts.
 Differentiated Learning  Trained other clerks in data verification, application requirements, and
Techniques document preparation standards to meet demands of daily visitors.
 Behavioral/Cognitive Skills  Located and retrieved files while assisting the public with general
Development information.
 Schedule Management  Collected, evaluated, and stored documents securely in permanent
 Parent Communication records.
 Relationship Building  Recorded and delivered to customers in a timely fashion vital, fiscal
 Lesson Planning records, and accounts.
 Instructional Materials Creation  Proofread documents carefully to check accuracy and completeness of
 Student Motivation and all paperwork.
Engagement  Answered questions and fulfilled requests with friendly and
 Student-Centered Learning knowledgeable service.
 Clear Public Speaking Skills  Demonstrated self-reliance by meeting and exceeding workflow needs.
 Organizational Development
 Student Rapport
 Behavior Modifications

 Curriculum Adjustments EDUCATION AND TRAINING

May 2022
B.A. | Psychology
University of Arizona Global Campus, San Diego, CA
May 2017
A.A.S | Photography
College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
June 1994
Belmont High School, Dayton, OH



 Tau Upsilon Alpha Society
 Founder of "Be You Beautiful" girls youth mentor program

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