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922521I1 1
assumes the color of «meat slops». As a redness in his right calf. He has a fever of
teenager, she had frequent tonsillitis. Her 38.5o C and enlarged and painful inguinal
skin is pale, to – 36.8o C, pulse – 68/min., lymph nodes on the right. The skin of the
rhythmic, blood pressure – 170/110 mm Hg. affected limb is edematous, hyperemic, and
What changes in the patient’s urine are the has rash elements in the form of vesicles
most likely in this case? filled with a dark liquid. Its palpation is
painful. There is a clear margin between
A. Proteinuria, hematuria, cylindruria the red area and healthy skin. Make the
B. Erythrocyturia and uricosuria right diagnosis:
C. Increased specific gravity, hematuria,
bacteriuria A. Erysipelas, hemorrhagic form
D. Decreased specific gravity, proteinuria, B. Herpes infection
myoglobinuria C. Chickenpox
E. Decreased specific gravity, proteinuria, a D. Phlegmon of the calf
small amount of urine sediment E. Anthrax, cutaneous form
60. A 51-year-old woman has a 2.5- 63. A 54-year-old patient was brought to
month-long menstruation delay. She is a hospital with complaints of a sudden
complaining of profuse bloody discharge sharp pain in his chest that appeared when
from her vagina for the last 15 days, he was lifting a heavy object. The pain is
irritability, and disturbed sleep. She has a localized in the center of his chest. It does
history of menstrual dysfunction observed not irradiate to other areas, nor does it
within the last year. Ultrasound shows intensify with changes in the position of
that her uterus is normal for her age, the body. The pain was accompanied by
the uterine appendages are normal, nausea without vomiting. No respiratory
endometrial thickness is 14 mm. What symptoms are observed. The man has a
tactics will the doctor choose in this case? history of essential hypertension and takes
angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors.
A. Diagnostic curettage of the walls of the Objectively, his skin is pale and moist. His
uterine cavity pulse is 115/min., respiratory rate – 20/min.
B. Supravaginal amputation of the uterus ECG shows sinus tachycardia. Chest X-
without the appendages ray shows a darkening in the upper left
C. Hysterectomy and lower right segments. His cardiac
D. Conservative treatment of the bleeding enzyme levels are normal. Make the right
E. TORCH panel test diagnosis:
61. After an overexposure to cold, a A. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
32-year-old patient developed general B. Myocarditis
weakness, excessive sweating, fever, and C. Strangulated hiatal hernia
cough. His overall condition is moderately D. Acute pericarditis
severe, his skin is moist, his lips are E. Acute myocardial infarction
cyanotic. His chest is symmetrically
involved in the act of breathing. Under the 64. When playing football, a 20-year-old
shoulder blade on the right, the percussion man squatted sharply on his right leg
sound is slightly dull; vesicular respiration with a simultaneous turn to the left. This
there is weakend, with sonorous moist movement resulted in a sharp pain in his
finely-vesicular crackles. Above the rest of right knee, after which he was brought to a
the lung surface there is harsh breathing first-aid station. The range of movements
with scattered dry crackles. The heart in the right knee joint is 100–150o , there is
sounds are intensified, the second heart no lateral mobility in the knee. Make the
sound is accentuated over the pulmonary right diagnosis:
artery. In the blood: leukocytes – 13.2 ·
109 /L, ESR – 21 mm/hour. Make the right A. Damage to the internal meniscus
diagnosis: B. Subluxation of the patella, possibly
A. Right-sided focal pneumonia C. Damage to the medial collateral
B. Acute bronchitis ligament
C. Exacerbation of chronic non-obstructive D. Tense hemarthrosis of the knee joint
bronchitis E. Damage to the anterior cruciate
D. Lung cancer ligament
E. Tuberculosis
65. An 18-year-old young man was brought
62. A man complains of pain and skin into to the hematology department
with complaints of a headache, general
922521I1 10
weakness, loss of appetite, fever of 39o C, are icteric, the liver protrudes from under
and a swelling on his neck. His, to – 38o С, the edge of the costal arch by 3 cm and
the skin and mucosa are markedly pale, is tender on palpation; the spleen cannot
the cervical lymph nodes on both sides are be palpated. Patient’s urine is dark, his
up to 1 cm in size and painless. The liver is feces are partially acholic. Make the right
+1 cm and painless, the spleen is +0.5 cm. diagnosis:
In the blood: Hb – 98 g/L, erythrocytes –
2.9 · 1012 /L, leukocytes – 32 · 109 /L, blast A. Viral hepatitis A
neutrophils – 0%, segmented neutrophils B. Intestinal yersiniosis
– 28%, monocytes – 2%, lymphocytes – C. Hemolytic anemia
39%, blasts – 31%, reticulocytes – 31%, D. Infectious mononucleosis
platelets – 120 · 109 /L , ESR – 36 mm/hour. E. Leptospirosis
Specify the form of the patient’s leukemia: 69. A 30-year-old man is complaining of
A. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia intense pain, skin redness, swollen ankle,
B. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and fever of 39o C. The onset of the disease
C. Undifferentiated leukemia was sudden. In the past, he had similar
D. Chronic myelogenous leukemia episodes that lasted 5–6 days without
E. Acute myeloblastic leukemia changes in the joint. The skin over the
ankle joint is hyperemic, without clear
66. A 16-year-old teenager complains margins or an infiltrative bank on the
of weakness, dizziness, and heaviness in periphery. Make the right diagnosis:
the left subcostal region. The skin and
visible mucosa are icteric. The tower skull A. Gout
syndrome is observed. The liver is +2 cm. B. Osteoarthrosis
The lower edge of the spleen is at the level C. Rheumatoid arthritis
of the navel. The blood has: erythrocytes D. Erysipelas
E. Infectious arthritis
– 2.7 · 1012 /L, Hb – 88 g/L, leukocytes –
5.6 · 109 /L, ESR – 15 mm/hour. What is the 70. A 7-year-old boy has been
most likely change in the bilirubin levels in receiving treatment for a month. At
this patient? the time of hospitalization, he had
marked edemas, proteinuria of 7.1
A. Increase in unconjugated bilirubin levels g/L, and daily urine protein of 4.2
B. Decrease in unconjugated bilirubin g. Biochemical blood test has shown
levels persistent hypoproteinemia (43.2 g/L) and
C. Increase in conjugated bilirubin levels hypercholesterolemia (9.2 mmol/L ). What
D. Increase in unconjugated and conjugated leading glomerulonephritis syndrome is
bilirubin levels most likely in this patient?
E. Decrease in conjugated bilirubin levels
A. Nephrotic
67. A 58-year-old patient has undergone an B. Mixed
urgent cholecystectomy and drainage of C. Isolated urinary
the abdominal cavity. In the postoperative D. Nephritic
period, she was prescribed heparin and E. Hematuric
developed hemorrhagic syndrome. What
medicine must be used to eliminate the 71. A 65-year-old man complains of
side effects of heparin in this case? asphyxia, cough with pink foaming
sputum, sensation of lack of air, and fear
A. 1% solution of protamine sulfate of death. He has orthopnea, pale skin,
B. 10% solution of calcium chloride and acrocyanosis and is covered in cold
C. 1% solution of vicasol (menadione) sticky sweat. His respiration is harsh, in
D. 1% solution of calcium chloride the lower posterior segments there are wet
E. 5% solution of aminocaproic acid finely vesicular and moderately vesicular
68. A 20-year-old young man was brought crackles on both sides. His respiratory
to a clinic on the 7th day of his illness rate is 40/min. The heart sounds are
with complaints of icteric skin and sclerae, markedly muffled. At the cardiac apex, the
dark urine, one episode of vomiting, low gallop rhythm is observed. Make the right
appetite, and fever of 38o C throughout diagnosis:
the last 2 days. Three weeks ago he
went fishing with friends, during which
they all shared the same tableware. He
is inert, to – 36.8o C, his skin and sclerae
922521I1 11
sound» can be heard in the epigastrium. All the questions he answers laconically.
Defecation occurs once in 3 days. What He considers himself to be healthy, but
complication most likely corresponds with tired, says that he thinks about writing a
the patient’s condition and the described book titled «Projection of mankind onto
clinical presentation? the plane of the universe», and carries
around a notebook with pages that are
A. Ulcerative stenosis of the pylorus filled with numerous identical crosses.
B. Ulcer penetration Make the right diagnosis:
C. Stomach cancer
D. Chronic pancreatitis A. Schizophrenia
E. Covered perforation of an ulcer B. Pick’s disease
C. Major depressive disorder
86. A district doctor was tasked with D. Autism spectrum disorder
preparation of a plan for a complex E. Schizoid personality disorder
of treatment and prevention measures
among the population in his district. What 90. A 35-year-old woman has complains
measures for secondary disease prevention of pain in her left arm that progresses
must be included in this plan? over the last 4 months and intensifies
after physical exertion of the affected
A. Prevention of disease complications limb. Also, she notes a cold and «tingling»
B. Improving the living conditions of the sensation in her arm. The pain decreases
population slightly at night, when the arm hangs
C. Rehabilitation measures down from the bed. The woman notes
D. Disease prevention deteriorating vision and the weight loss
E. Elimination of the causes of diseases of 4 kg. She does not smoke. She is
undereating, the pulse on the left arm
87. Preventive examination of a 75-year- cannot be found. There is no pulsation
old woman with a moderately active over the left carotid artery, a murmur is
lifestyle has shown total serum cholesterol heard above the right carotid artery. Make
of 5.1 mmol/L (208 mg/dL) and high- the right diagnosis:
density lipoprotein levels of 70 mg/dL. Her
ECG is normal. What advise about her diet A. Obliterating aortoarteritis
can be given to this woman? B. Systemic lupus erythematosus
C. Arterial thrombosis of the left arm
A. No changes in the diet D. Neurological amyotrophy
B. Reduce the intake of saturated fats E. Dermatomyositis
C. Increase the fiber intake
D. Reduce the intake of simple 91. A person was hospitalized with a closed
carbohydrates craniocerebral trauma 8 hours after a
E. Reduce the cholesterol intake car accident. The patient is unconscious.
There are anisocoria, a wound in the
88. A 46-year-old woman was awakened parietal area 3.0x1.0 cm in size, and neck
at 3 a.m. by a sharp pain in her right muscles rigidity. The pulse is 58/min., hard.
subcostal region, which irradiated into her Convulsive syndrome was observed. What
right shoulder. The woman is anxious, had is the most important indication for an
two episodes of vomiting, notes fever and immediate surgery in this case?
excessive sweating. Her temperature is
39.0o C. Her abdominal muscles are tense A. Intracranial hemorrhage
in the right subcostal region. Make the B. Anisocoria
right diagnosis: C. Unconsciousness
D. Wounds
A. Acute cholecystitis E. Intensifying seizures
B. Benign stricture of the common bile duct
C. Unstable angina pectoris 92. The inpatient care provided to the
D. Peptic ulcer disease population of a certain district is being
E. Cholelithiasis analyzed. What indicator could be used
when deciding, whether to reduce the
89. A 16-year-old patient throughout the number of available hospital beds?
last year presents with gradual changes
in his behavior. He started preferring
solitude and has lost interest in his friends
and studies. He became indifferent to
his family and rude without provocation,
started speaking and laughing with himself.
922521I1 14
tablets. 4 hours later her body temperature are 220 units. How this condition can be
increased to 39–40o C. She is complaining interpreted?
of general indisposition, dizziness, and
spontaneous development of red spots A. Development of chronic hepatitis
and blisters on her skin. The skin lesions B. Biliary dyskinesia
resemble burns of the second degree, C. Development of hepatic cirrhosis
in some places there are erosions or D. Residual effects of hepatitis B
exfoliation of the epidermis. The Nikolsky E. Recurrence of viral hepatitis B
sign is positive. Make the right diagnosis:
111. A 78-year-old woman complains of
A. Acute epidermal necrolysis lumbar pain. The pain increases during
B. Pemphigus vulgaris movements, decreases at rest, and does not
C. Bullous dermatitis irradiate to other areas. Her temperature
D. Erythema multiforme exudativum is normal, the body weight remains
E. Duhring dermatitis herpetiformis unchanged. Her peripheral joints are
normal, she has moderate obesity, the
108. On the fifth day after a full-term mobility of the lumbar spine is limited. A
birth, a postparturient woman developed local tension is observed in the soft tissues
a fever of 38.8o C, abdominal pain, and over the L2 vertebra. In the blood: Hb –
general weakness. Her blood pressure 147 g/L, leukocytes – 8.8 · 109 /L, platelets –
is 120/80 mm Hg, pulse is 100/min. The 222 · 109 /L, ESR – 5 mm/hour, Na+ – 140
breasts are moderately distended. The mmol/L, K + – 4.2 mmol/L, Ca2+ – 2.35
abdomen is soft and participates in the mmol/L. Make the right diagnosis:
act of breathing. The uterine fundus is
located three finger-widths below the A. Osteoporosis with a pathological
navel. Vaginal examination shows that fracture
the cervix allows inserting one finger; B. Amyloidosis
the uterus is soft, painful, and enlarged C. Secondary hyperparathyroidism
to 13 weeks of pregnancy. There is a D. Sciatica
seropurulent foul-smelling discharge from E. Multiple myeloma
the genital tracts. Make the right diagnosis:
112. A 39-year-old patient undergoes
A. Postpartum purulent metroendometritis treatment in the surgical department for
B. Lactostasis acute cholecystitis. He was transferred to
C. Uterine subinvolution the therapy department due to an increase
D. Septic shock in blood pressure to 180/120 mm Hg,
E. Postpartum endometritis protein excretion with urine, and persistent
fever. This persistent subfebrile body
109. A surgical department has received a temperature was resistant to antibiotic
boy on the first day of his life. He produces therapy. 10 days after the treatment,
a foaming discharge from his nose and the patient had an asphyxia attack with
mouth and has cyanosis attacks. X-ray difficult expiration. Later, he developed
has shown the esophagus that ends in arthralgias and erythematous skin lesions.
a blind-ended pouch at the level of the Eosinophil levels in the blood are 18%.
Th2 vertebra and the gastric air bubble What disease might be suspected in this
that is located under the left dome of the patient?
diaphragm. Make the right diagnosis:
A. Polyarteritis nodosa
A. Esophageal atresia, tracheoesophageal B. Nonspecific aortoarteritis
fistula C. Hemorrhagic vasculitis
B. Bronchoesophageal fistula (Henoch-Schoenlein purpura)
C. Paraesophageal hernia of the esophageal D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
hiatus of the diaphragm E. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Total esophageal atresia
E. Esophageal atresia without fistula 113. A 74-year-old man has been suffering
from benign prostate hyperplasia for the
110. One year ago an 8-year-old boy had a last 5 years. 4 days ago, after drinking
case of hepatitis B. For the last two months alcohol, an acute urinary retention
he has been complaining of fatigability, occurred. At the prehospital stage, his
disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, and bladder was catheterized with a metallic
nausea, especially in the morning. His catheter twice a day. The examination
skin is not icteric, the liver and spleen has shown enlarged, dense, and painful
are painless and can be palpated 1 cm epididymis of the right testicle. There is
below the costal margin. His ALT levels
922521I1 17
purulent discharge from the urethra. What 117. Medical examination of the
kind of emergency aid must be provided in population has revealed and registered
this case? chronic diseases, various pathological
conditions, and abmormalities. What type
A. Trocar or open epicystostomy of morbidity is being studied in this case?
B. Transurethral resection or prostatectomy
C. Transurethral microwave thermotherapy A. Pathological morbidity
of the prostate B. Primary morbidity
D. Installation of a permanent urethral C. Morbidity with temporary disability
catheter D. Prevalence of the disease
E. Installation of an intraprostatic stent E. General morbidity
114. The people living in a radiation- 118. A man has developed acute chills,
contaminated area were recommended to headache, vomiting, and fever of 38.5o C.
include pectin in their diet for removal In the evening, nuchal rigidity and positive
of radionuclides from the body. What Kernig’s sign has appeared. Herpetic
products can be the main source of pectin? blisters are visible on the mucosa of his
lips and nose. No focal neurological signs
A. Vegetables and fruits were detected. Make the right diagnosis:
B. Milk
C. Meat A. Meningococcal meningitis
D. Pasta B. Herpesviral encephalitis
E. Bread C. Brain abscess
D. Brain hemorrhage
115. A 25-year-old woman is complaining E. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
of fever of 37o C, pain in her lower
abdomen, and vaginal discharge. Three 119. A 60-year-old woman is complaining
days ago, at 10 weeks of pregnancy, of pain in the interphalangeal joints of
an artificial abortion was performed. her hands that exacerbates during work.
The cervix is clean, the uterus is The distal and proximal joints of her
slightly enlarged and painful. The fingers II-IV are defigured, painful, have
uterine appendages cannot be detected. Heberden and Bouchard nodes, and their
The fornices are deep and painless. mobility is limited. X-ray of the joints has
Sanguinopurulent discharge is being shown narrowed joint spaces, marginal
produced from the vagina. Make the right osteophytes, and subchondral sclerosis.
diagnosis: Make the right diagnosis:
A. Postabortion metroendometritis A. Osteoarthrosis deformans, nodular form
B. Uterine perforation after an abortion B. Psoriatic arthritis
C. Pelvioperitonitis C. Bekhterev disease (ankylosing
D. Parametritis spondylitis)
E. Hematometra D. Reiter disease (reactive arthritis)
E. Rheumatic arthritis
116. A 72-year-old woman has been
hospitalized with a nosebleed. Within the 120. A 19-year-old young man was
last 6 years, her blood pressure had spikes admitted to the surgical inpatient
up to 180/100 mm Hg. Her skin is pale, department with a closed abdominal
the heart sounds are quite sonorous, the injury. During the surgery, multiple
second heart sound is accentuated over ruptures of the spleen and small intestine
the aorta, there is an audible systolic were detected. The patient’s blood
murmur. Blood pressure – 150/80 mm Hg. pressure is progressively decreasing.
In the blood: Hb – 92 g/L, erythrocytes – Blood transfusion is required. Who can
2.7 · 1012 /L. In the urine: specific gravity – determine the patient’s blood type and
1022, leukocytes – 3–7 in the vision field, rhesus factor?
erythrocytes – 0–2 in the vision field. What
is most likely the cause of hypertension in A. Doctor of any specialty
this case? B. Traumatologist
C. Anesthesiologist
A. Aortic atherosclerosis D. Surgeon
B. Chronic pyelonephritis E. Medical laboratory scientist
C. Coarctation of the aorta
D. Chronic glomerulonephritis 121. A 2-month-old boy was born with
E. Essential hypertension body weight of 5100 g. The baby has
jaundice, hoarse cry, umbilical hernia, and
922521I1 18
a delay in physical development. The liver doctor. Two days ago she first developed
is +2 cm, the spleen is not enlarged. The moderate bloody discharge from her
umbilical cord separation was delayed genital tracts. Her secondary sexual
in the baby. In the blood: Hb – 120 characteristics are developed. What is most
g/L, erythrocytes – 4.5 · 1012 /L, ESR – likely the cause of the bloody discharge in
3 mm/hour. Total serum bilirubin – 28 this case?
mcmol/L, indirect bilirubin – 20 mcmol/L,
direct bilirubin – 8 mcmol/L. What disease A. Menarche
is suspected first? B. Hemophilia
C. Endometrial cancer
A. Congenital hypothyroidism D. Werlhof’s disease
B. Cytomegalovirus infection E. Juvenile bleeding
C. Hemolytic anemia
D. Congenital hepatitis 125. For 2 hours after giving birth, the
E. Conjugated jaundice condition of the mother remains stable.
Her uterus is dense and spherical, its
122. A 31-year-old woman has complains floor is at the level of the navel, there
of pain and swelling in her radiocarpal is no bleeding. The clamp applied to
and metacarpophalangeal joints and the umbilical cord remains at the same
morning stiffness for up to 1.5 hours. level. When the woman is taking a deep
These signs have been observed for breath and the edge of the palm is pressed
the last 3 years. Two weeks ago she over her symphysis, the umbilical cord
developed pain, swelling, and redness retracts into the vagina. There is no bloody
in her knee joints and fever of 37.5o C. discharge from the genital tracts. What are
The examination of her internal organs the doctor’s next tactics?
shows no pathological changes. She was
diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. What A. Remove the placenta manually
changes will most likely be visible on the B. Administer oxytocin intravenously
X-ray scan of her joints? C. Apply the Abuladze technique
D. Perform the Crede-Lazarevich maneuver
A. Narrowing of the joint space, usuras E. Perform the uterine curettage
(bone lesions)
B. Multiple marginal osteophytes 126. A 28-year-old man had an acute
C. Cysts in the subchondral bone onset of the disease. He began feeling too
D. Osteolysis of the epiphyses hot and developed chills, fever of 38.5o C,
E. Narrowing of the joint space, tenesmus, paroxysmal pain in his left iliac
subchondral osteosclerosis region, and frequent liquid stools with
blood and mucus. Abdominal palpation
123. A 7-year-old boy suddenly developed is painful on the left, the sigmoid colon is
pain and edema in the right knee. The spastic. Make the right diagnosis:
day before, at school, he took part in
cross-country skiing. There is no family A. Dysentery
history of hemophilia or susceptibility to B. Amoebiasis
bleeding. His body temperature is 37.5o C. C. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
The knee is painful on palpation, hot to D. Malignant tumors of the large intestine
the touch, and has edema with local tissue E. Escherichia coli infection
tension above it. In the blood: Hb – 123 127. A 54-year-old man was hospitalized
g/L, leukocytes – 5.6 · 109 /L, platelets – with complaints of a sudden severe
354 · 109 /L, prothrombin time – 12 seconds headache in the back of the head and
(normal range is 10–15 seconds), activated vomiting. He has a history of moderate
partial thromboplastin time – 72 seconds hypertension and takes hypothiazide.
(normal range is 35–45 seconds). Bleeding Three days ago he came to a therapist,
time is normal, the factor VIII levels complaining of an intense headache,
constitute 5% of normal value. Make the which was relieved with an analgesic.
right diagnosis: His consciousness is clouded and his left
pupil is dilated. He presents with marked
A. Hemophilia A photophobia, tense neck muscles, and left-
B. Hemophilia B sided hemiparesis with increased muscle
C. Thrombocytopenia tone and reflexes. His temperature is low.
D. Vitamin K deficiency No rash is observed in the patient. His
E. Henoch-Schoenlein purpura blood pressure is 230/130 mm Hg, pulse
– 50/min., respiratory rate – 12/min. Make
124. A 13-year-old girl came to a school the right diagnosis:
922521I1 19
Laboratory values
Complete blood count
Laboratory value Normal reference range
Male: 4.3 − 5.9 · 1012 /L
Erythrocyte count
Female: 3.5 − 5.5 · 1012 /L
Male: 135–175 g/L
Hemoglobin, blood
Female: 120–160 g/L
Color index 0.85–1.05
Reticulocyte count 0.5–1.5%
Platelet count 150 − 400 · 109 /L
Leukocyte count 4.0 − 9.0 · 109/L
Basophils 0 − 0.065 · 109 /L (0–1%)
Eosinophils 0.02 − 0.30 · 109 /L (0.5–5.0%)
Band neutrophils 0.04 − 0.30 · 109 /L (1–6%)
Segmented neutrophils 2.0 − 5.50 · 109 /L (47–72%)
Monocytes 0.09 − 0.60 · 109 /L (3–11%)
Lymphocytes 1.2 − 3.0 · 109/L (19–37%)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Male: 0–15 mm/h
(ESR) Female: 0–20 mm/h
Male: 41–53%
Female: 36–46%
Biochemical blood analysis (Metabolic panel)
Total proteins 60–78 g/L
Albumin 35–50 g/L (52–65%)
Globulin: 23–35 g/L (35–48%)
α1 -Globulin 2–4 g/L (4.2–7.2%)
α2 -Globulin 5–9 g/L (6.8–12%)
β -Globulin 6–11 g/L (9.3–15%)
γ -Globulin 11–15 g/L (15–19%)
IgD 0–0.15 g/L
IgG 6.5–15 g/L
IgM 0.4–3.45 g/L
IgA 0.76–3.90 g/L
IgE 0–380 kU/L
Total 2–17 mcmol/L
Indirect (unconjugated) 2–17 mcmol/L
Direct (conjugated) 0–5 mcmol/L
Triglycerides 0.59–1.77 mmol/L
Total cholesterol 3.9–6.2 mmol/L
high-density lipoproteins (β - <4.2 mmol/L
low-density lipoproteins (α- 0.8–1.8 mmol/L
Glucose, blood 3.3–6.1 mmol/L (fasting)
Glycated hemoglobin 6%
Iron, blood 9–30 mcmol/L
Potassium, plasma 3.5–5.0 mmol/L
922521I1 24