Water 13 01964
Water 13 01964
Water 13 01964
Oxygen Transfer in Two-Stage Activated Sludge Wastewater
Treatment Plants
Maximilian Schwarz * , Justus Behnisch, Jana Trippel, Markus Engelhart and Martin Wagner
ological treatment stage (e.g., for nitrogen removal), it can be operated differently than
a CAS system [7]. In this case, the first stage can redirect carbon into waste activated
sludge (WAS) through biosorption and energy self-sufficiently remove nutrients [8,9]. Liu
et al. [8] presented a variety of A-B process designs, and Jimenez et al. [10] described
design parameters to optimize carbon redirection. They defined a typical operation range
of HRAS systems as SRT < 1 day, HRT ≈ 30 min, DO < 1 mg O2 ·L−1 , and very high
sludge-specific organic loading rates that result in a concentration of influent particulate,
colloidal, and soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD) into the WAS through biosorption.
This improves direct energy recovery from carbon-loaded sludge through biogas produc-
tion [11,12]. Moreover, in-plant energy consumption is reduced by lower oxygen demand
for aerobic carbon removal and higher overall aeration efficiency [9]. The separation of
carbon- and nitrogen-removing biomass potentially reduces overall oxygen supply by more
precise aeration control according to the respective biomass’s specific oxygen demand [13].
Depending on the wastewater composition, not enough soluble COD to ensure complete
denitrification may be a critical limitation of two-stage processes that is aggravated by addi-
tional carbon redirection. Therefore, two-stage WWTPs are recommended for high-carbon
or low-nitrogen wastewater treatment; alternatively, they require side-stream short-cut
nitrogen removal processes (e.g., nitritation–denitritation or partial nitritation–anammox)
to decrease carbon requirement of nitrogen removal [8]. Nonetheless, two-stage activated
sludge configurations are a sustainable option in the ongoing shift from conventional
treatment by removal in WWTPs to more energy-efficient treatment and resource recovery
in water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) [8].
diffuser membrane onto the diffuser’s frame under hydrostatic pressure. Turning on the
blowers flexes the diffuser’s membrane and reopens its slits, which removes biofilm and
particulate matter from the membrane surface. As a result, previously built-up pressure loss
is mitigated which enables more energy-efficient operation of the aeration system [24,25].
This revealed a decrease in SOTR of 2–6% depending on airflow rate and a dynamic wet
pressure increase of about 1 kPa. These results primarily indicate inevitable aging of
diffusers and secondarily indicate scaling and fouling. Overall, the effect of scaling and
fouling during the long-term off-gas measurement was kept low due to monthly pressure
cleaning and reverse flexing of disc diffusers twice a week. Therefore, in this study, the
oxygen transfer is reported as an α-factor instead of an αF-factor. Additionally, potential
biofilm build-up on the reactor tank walls was prevented with monthly cleaning and visual
inspection to ensure only suspended biomass transferred from the adjacent full-scale AS
tanks was examined in the ex situ reactors for off-gas measurements. Online sensors were
cleaned twice a week to prohibit solids deposition and biofilm growth affecting optical
Other parameters and their sensors and instruments for off-gas measurements were airflow
rate measured with thermal mass flowmeters (Proline t-mass A 150, Endress + Hauser AG,
Reinach, Switzerland), off-gas concentrations of oxygen (paramagnetic sensor) and carbon
dioxide (NDIR) measured with a gas-analyzer (X-STREAM Enhanced, Emerson Electric Co.,
MO, USA) that receives dry off-gas free of particles (CSS-V, M&C TechGroup, Ratingen,
Germany), atmospheric pressure (Cerabar PMC21, Endress + Hauser AG, Reinach, Switzer-
land), atmospheric temperature (Omnigrad T TST434, Endress + Hauser AG, Reinach ,
Switzerland), and electrical conductivity (Indumax CLS50D, Endress + Hauser AG, Reinach,
Switzerland). Data were recorded in 30 s intervals by online sensors and summarized as
15 min averages. This resulted in high-resolution data that matched the HRT of the test
reactors and the interval of operating data provided by the WWTP operator. However, resi-
dence time distribution in an ideal CSTR yields a 63% replacement of activated sludge in
the reactors at HRT of 15 min and 98% at 1 h, respectively. Therefore, for final analysis, 1 h
intervals were composed to prevent autocorrelating observations. In total, α-factors were
recorded for 9 months in long-term off-gas measurements covering a period of 13 months.
The sample standard deviation marks the dispersion from mean values during stan-
dard operation of the WWTP, while the 5th and 95th percentiles are stated to describe
reasonable minimum and maximum operation conditions that are only exceeded in excep-
tional cases. Volume specific airflow rate qVol,aer is specified in relation to aerated basin
volume. The reported sludge retention time is temperature-corrected to 15 ◦ C (correction
coefficient = 1.072, compare Clara et al. [30]), and outliers outside 1.5 times the interquartile
range above and below Q1 and Q3 quartiles were removed. A rolling mean was calculated
of the remaining data spanning 2 days for the first stage and 30 days for the second stage.
These chosen timespans resemble the median SRT in the respective stages. Online turbidity
sensors (SOLITAX sc, Hach Lange GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany) measuring mixed liquor
suspended solids are calibrated for total solids (TS) and regularly compared with laboratory
analysis (according to EN 12880). Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) are not measured
regularly. On average, MLSS was 0.8 g·L−1 lower than TS. Total organic carbon (TOC)
inflow concentration (TOCin ) considers all inflows of a treatment stage (e.g., supernatant of
return activated sludge and bypass flows) proportional to their respective water flow. This
combination is required because effluent TOC of the intermediate clarifier recycled into
the first stage with return activated sludge has a share of about 30% of total TOC inflow in
the first stage. TOC concentrations are measured by ex situ online analyzers (QuickTOC,
LAR, Berlin, Germany) in the influent and effluent of the first stage and drift-corrected to
match laboratory analysis (EN 1484). We used TOC as a suitable sum parameter to describe
influent wastewater characteristics instead of COD, because ex situ online analyzers of
TOC are common in larger WWTPs and enable an analysis with higher temporal resolution
than COD laboratory analysis. For comparison, TOC/COD ratios based on laboratory
analysis were 0.33 ± 0.05 in the influent of the first stage and 0.46 ± 0.10 in the influent of
the second stage. TSSeffluent is recorded in the supernatant of the respective clarifier (2 µm
pore size). Hydraulic retention time (HRT) refers to the retention time in activated sludge
tanks, not the whole treatment stage with clarifiers. It is stated either as nominal HRTn
which considers only influent flow or as actual HRTa , which includes recirculation flows,
as well as main wastewater inflow (compare nomenclature in Henze et al. [31]). The TOC
F/M (feed to mass) ratio is typically derived from TOC concentration in the inflow, MLSS
in the AS, and volume of biological treatment stage. To account for dilution in the AS tank
and return TOC load of recirculation flows, we use the volume proportional TOCin and
HRTa as described above. To simplify comparison, TS is assumed as given in units of g·L−1
similar to MLSS. Thus, we derived an actual TOC F/Ma ratio from parameters given in
Table 1 as follows:
Figure 1. Assigning weather category on the basis of diurnal variations of total wastewater inflow.
activated sludge tank and settled before taking an aliquot from the supernatant to analyze.
The samples were not centrifuged or filtered. However, when taking an aliquot, intake
of particles was avoided. Overall, surfactant cuvette tests are error-prone because other
surfactant types may cause low-bias results according to working procedure information by
the manufacturer. Duplicate measurements of each sample with a recovery were conducted
according to the manufacturer’s working procedure. The measurement series was repeated
three times over the course of 1 year. In total, at least five evaluable tests per surfactant
type are available for each sample location with a recovery between 80% and 120%.
Figure 2. Empirical
Figure cumulative
2. Empirical distribution
cumulative distribution(A)
and diurnal variation(B)(B)
diurnal variation of of α-factors
α-factors as percentiles
as percentiles (solid(solid
lines) lines) and means
and means
(dashed lines)lines) in the
in the examined
examined two-stageAS
two-stage ASWWTP.
Figure 2Bshows
shows the
the diurnal
variation of of
recordedα-factors in both
α-factors stages.
in both The lines
stages. The lines
represent the course of percentiles from 5% to 95% as described in SectionFigure
represent the course of percentiles from 5% to 95% as described in Section 2 for 1.
2 for Figure 1.
The first stage was characterized by a distinct peak of the α-factor at noon,
The first stage was characterized by a distinct peak of the α-factor at noon, regularlyregularly fluc-
tuating between 0.39 and 0.48, as indicated by the dashed line representing the mean α-
fluctuating between 0.39 and 0.48, as indicated by the dashed line representing the mean
factor. Peak α-factors are measured during daytime instead of nighttime due to a long
α-factor. Peak α-factors are measured during daytime instead of nighttime due to a long
retention time of wastewater in a large sewer system. In contrast, α-factors in the second
stage hadtime of wastewater
a smoother in a large
course without sewer
a distinct system.
peak. Here, In contrast,
α-factors α-factors
fluctuated in the second
on average
stage had a smoother course without a distinct peak. Here, α-factors fluctuated on average
between 0.78 and 0.83 within a day. The influent load into the second stage was decreased
and buffered by the preceding HRAS tank and upstream denitrification zone, resulting in a
smoother diurnal cycle of α-factors. This also explains the different extent of rain effects on
oxygen transfer in two-stage AS treatment stages, as further discussed below.
The diurnal cycle of α-factor observed in the first stage was previously described by
an inverse relationship of α-factor and influent load [35,36]. For operators of WWTPs, this
negative correlation means that oxygen transfer is generally at its lowest when oxygen
demand is highest. To illustrate this relationship, Figure 3 displays the volume specific
airflow rate (qVol,aer ) in the full-scale AS tanks as the dependent variable of TOC inflow
concentrations (TOCin ) and α-factor. Blowers were controlled by DO in the aeration
basins to set the airflow rate. First, Figure 3A shows that volume specific airflow rate was
increased in response to higher TOCin to meet resulting oxygen demand of biomass in
on oxygen transfer in two-stage AS treatment stages, as further discussed below.
The diurnal cycle of α-factor observed in the first stage was previously described by
an inverse relationship of α-factor and influent load [35,36]. For operators of WWTPs, this
negative correlation means that oxygen transfer is generally at its lowest when oxygen
Water 2021, 13, 1964 demand is highest. To illustrate this relationship, Figure 3 displays the volume specific 9 of 19
airflow rate (qVol,aer) in the full-scale AS tanks as the dependent variable of TOC inflow
concentrations (TOCin) and α-factor. Blowers were controlled by DO in the aeration basins
to set the airflow rate. First, Figure 3A shows that volume specific airflow rate was in-
both in response
stages. Secondly, to lower
higher α-factors
TOCin to meet resulting
forced oxygen
operators todemand
in both
to meet
stages. Secondly, lower α-factors forced operators to increase airflow rates
this oxygen demand, as shown in Figure 3B. This figure also reveals that this relationshipto meet this
distinct as
inshown in Figure
the first 3B. This
stage than thefigure alsoThe
second. reveals
twothat this relationship
stages was
also differed during
more distinct in the first stage than the second. The two stages also differed during rain
rain weather, where lower α-factors coincided with higher airflow rates in the first stage,
weather, where lower α-factors coincided with higher airflow rates in the first stage, but
but no significant decrease in α-factor was apparent in the second stage. It is important to
no significant decrease in α-factor was apparent in the second stage. It is important to note
note that α-factor is usually not affected by airflow rate directly, but rather coincides with
that α-factor is usually not affected by airflow rate directly, but rather coincides with
demand due toinfluent
due to influentload
load [29,37].
FigureFigure 3. Volume
3. Volume specific
specific airflow
airflow raterate
of of full-scaleaeration
full-scale aeration basins
basins for
forTOCin (A) and α-factor (B) grouped for treatment
TOC in (A) and α-factor (B) grouped for treatment
stages and weather conditions.
stages and weather conditions.
In Figure 3, the individual points represent mean data recorded within 1 h intervals.
In Figure 3, the individual points represent mean data recorded within 1 h intervals.
Colors distinguish between rain and dry weather periods as specified in Section 2. To vis-
ualizedistinguish between distribution
the two-dimensional rain and dry weather
of the periods
resulting as they
clusters, specified
were in Section
divided by 2. To
three density lines with each interval containing 25% of the respective cluster data. divided
the two-dimensional distribution of the resulting clusters, they were A
by smaller
three density lines with
area enclosed withineachtheseinterval
density containing
lines denoted25% of the
a higher respective
density cluster data. A
of the contained
smaller area enclosed within these density lines denoted a higher density of the contained
data points.
data points.
Overall, these results show that oxygen transfer in the second stage was more stable
than in the these
Overall, first stage. It isshow
results important to emphasize
that oxygen theinresultant
transfer effectstage
the second on the
more stable
than in the rate to meet
first stage.oxygen demand in the
It is important treatment stages;
to emphasize the described
the resultant effectdaily
on fluctua-
the required
tion ofrate
airflow α-factor
to meetfrom 0.48 to demand
oxygen 0.39 in theinfirst
thestage required
treatment an increase
stages; of 22% ofdaily
the described the airflow
of α-factor from 0.48 to 0.39 in the first stage required an increase of 22% of the0.83
rate to compensate for oxygen transfer inhibition. In comparison, a decrease from to rate
0.78 in the second stage required adjustment of airflow rates of only 6% within a typical
to compensate for oxygen transfer inhibition. In comparison, a decrease from 0.83 to 0.78
in the second stage required adjustment of airflow rates of only 6% within a typical day.
Moreover, Table 2 and Figure 2 reveal the range and distribution of potential α-factors in
the two stages caused by various influences on oxygen transfer.
Figure α-factorsfor
Theα-factors forHRT
HRTa a(A),
TOCinin (B)
F/Maa ratio
ratio (D)
(D) grouped
grouped for
WWTPand andweather
Figure4A 4Ashows
showsthe theα-factors recorded
α-factors in the
recorded firstfirst
in the and and
second treatment
second stagesstages
treatment at their
respective HRT . The treatment stages of the examined two-stage WWTP
their respectivea HRTa. The treatment stages of the examined two-stage WWTP were op- were operated
differently and, asand,
erated differently a result,
as a all diagrams
result, in Figure
all diagrams 4 clearly
in Figure distinguish
4 clearly both stages
distinguish from
both stages
each other. Moreover, rain and dry weather categories were clearly
from each other. Moreover, rain and dry weather categories were clearly separated withinseparated within
treatment stages,
stages, as
as HRT
HRTaa reflects
reflects high
high and
and low
low water
water inflow.
inflow. Overall,
Overall, lower
lower α-factors
were recorded in the first treatment stage with its shorter HRTa. The longerHRT
recorded in the first treatment stage with its shorter HRT a . The longer HRTaawithin
the first stage indicated slightly higher α-factors, while no such effect could be seen in the
the first stage indicated slightly higher α-factors, while no such effect could be seen in the
second stage. Although water inflow and the resultant HRTa have no known direct impact
second stage. Although water inflow and the resultant HRTa have no known direct impact
on oxygen transfer, a change of hydraulics in a WWTP affects other parameters that have
on oxygen transfer, a change of hydraulics in a WWTP affects other parameters that have
an impact on the α-factor.
an impact on the α-factor.
TOC inflow concentrations in the first stage were higher and spread over a wider
TOC inflow concentrations in the first stage were higher and spread over a wider
range than in the second stage, as displayed in Figure 4B. Roughly two-thirds of TOC
range than in the second stage, as displayed in Figure 4B. Roughly two-thirds of TOC
influent load was removed in the first stage. While Figure 3 suggests a clear correlation
influent load was removed in the first stage. While Figure 3 suggests a clear correlation
between α-factor and TOC influent concentration, Figure 4B shows that it was less evident
between α-factor and TOC influent concentration, Figure 4B shows that it was less evident
within the respective treatment stages. However, looking at both treatment stages, a
within the respective treatment stages. However, looking at both treatment stages, a
negative correlation between TOC inflow concentration and oxygen transfer can still be
confirmed. Jiang et al. [36] concluded a similar negative logarithmic relationship between
α and COD on the basis of measurements in three WWTPs. Ahmed et al. [39] applied a
power function to fit an α-model for SBR reactors. Both approaches came to similar results
to this study but examined different WWTP process configurations that are not directly
comparable to the examined two-stage process. The major difference between α-factors
in treatment stages can be attributed to the oxygen transfer inhibiting characteristics of
readily biodegradable substrate [39], especially accumulation of surfactants on the bubble
surface [32,40]. During rain periods, α-factors observed in the first treatment stage were
lower than in dry conditions, although TOC inflow concentrations were similar or lower.
However, TOC load increased when considering the increased water flow and organic load
Water 2021, 13, 1964 11 of 19
of a first flush in the sewer system as a result of a rainfall event, thus explaining lower
α-factors. This effect was not apparent in the second stage. Here, TOC inflow concentration
was slightly higher during rainy weather as some organic load remained untreated at low
HRTa in the first stage. Nonetheless, α-factors in the second stage did not decrease because
most influent organic load was buffered in the first stage and the upstream denitrification
zone of the second stage. The implementation of an upstream denitrification stage has
been reported as advantageous for oxygen transfer in CAS systems [41]. Thus, the high
α-factors in the second stage can be attributed in part to this, even though some readily
biodegradable substrate was passed into the second stage by the bypass line.
Figure 4C displays α-factors for total solids (TS). The α-factors and TS in the second
stage were higher than in the first stage and high for activated sludge process in general.
Within the second stage, no correlation with TS was indicated, while a slight decrease in α
was apparent in the first stage, coinciding with rain weather. This outcome is discussed in
more detail in Section 3.3.
The TOC F/Ma ratio in Figure 4D combines the previously discussed parameters. Its
course was similar to TOCin in Figure 4B, except for the first stage during rainfall events.
Here, high water inflow and TOC concentration produced higher TOC F/Ma ratios with a
negative effect on α-factor. Günkel-Lange [38] examined the relationship between COD
F/M ratio and α-factor for extended aeration, nitrogen-removal, and carbon-removal CAS
systems and proposed an inverse linear correlation. Again, the examined two-stage WWTP
is different from CAS systems and complicates direct comparison. However, the presented
data complement the understanding of oxygen transfer dynamics in more complex WWTP
process configurations.
According to the diagrams in Figure 4, oxygen transfer in the second treatment stage
was seemingly unaffected by any variation of the presented parameters. However, this
cannot be concluded from the above analysis with certainty, as at most only two interactions
were taken into account in each diagram. Furthermore, the combined parameter TOC F/Ma
ratio obscured variation of its individual components (e.g., 100 kg/h TOC load at 3 g/L
TS would result in the same TOC F/M ratio as 200 kg/h TOC load at 6 g/L TS, but the
resulting conditions would affect oxygen transfer differently). Considering both treatment
stages, our results confirm the inverse relationship between TOCin or TOC F/Ma ratio and
α-factor, as presented in previous studies. However, no single parameter illustrated in
Figure 4 correlated significantly with the α-factor when considering oxygen transfer in
individual treatment stages.
3.3. Interaction of Suspended Solids and Hydraulic Load with Oxygen Transfer
Generally, TSS concentration, usually measured as mixed liquor suspended solids
(MLSS), inversely correlates with the α-factor. This has been extensively demonstrated
for membrane bioreactors (MBR), where different rheology of thick sludge at MLSS up
to 30 g·L−1 has an influence on gas transfer dynamics [42–44]. Henkel [45] proposed that
the volatile fraction of suspended solids (mixed liquor volatile suspended solids—MLVSS)
in particular causes oxygen transfer inhibition. These studies extrapolated the inverse
relationship measured in MBRs into conventional activated sludge systems (CAS), where
typical MLSS concentrations are below 6 g·L−1 . In contrast, newer studies stated that
biosorption decreases the concentration of organic substances in the soluble phase, thereby
reducing oxygen transfer and inhibiting accumulation in the gaseous phase [39,46]. Higher
MLSS increases the biosorption of organic matter in CAS, which additionally improves
carbon redirection in HRAS stages [10,47]. As a consequence of biosorption as the dominant
impact on oxygen transfer, a positive correlation between MLSS concentrations up to
6 g·L−1 and α-factor was proposed by Baquero-Rodríguez et al. [3]. Overall, there seems
to be no robust relationship between MLSS and α-factor for CAS [39]. Modeling α from
MLSS does not include possible influences of floc structure on oxygen transfer, which vary
inevitably between WWTPs. It is probable that floc size (e.g., measured as particle size
distribution), settling characteristics (SVI), or addition of precipitants (e.g., for phosphorus
Water 2021, 13, 1964 12 of 19
removal) alter the liquid–solid interface, thus also influencing the gas–liquid and gas–solid
interfaces. To summarize, MLSS or TS as typical parameters in wastewater treatment
cannot describe all properties of the solid and liquid phase that are relevant to the dynamic
of oxygen transfer once the gas phase is added.
Below, we discuss various parameters to describe the solid and liquid phase in the
treatment stages of the examined two-stage WWTP and their potential influence on the
α-factor. As shown in Figure 4C, total solids were overall higher in the second stage
(6.1 ± 0.6 g·kg−1 ) than in the first stage (3.0 ± 0.4 g·kg−1 ). In contrast, the volatile fraction
of the respective sludges was higher in the first stage (72 ± 6%) than in the second stage
(59 ± 4%). Although Henkel [45] argued that the inverse relationship between the α-factor
and the solid phase is better described by MLVSS than MLSS, this is not immediately
obvious when comparing the absolute MLVSS in the two-stage WWTP. Here, MLVSS was
still higher in the second stage (~3.6 g·L−1 ) than in the first stage (~2.2 g·L−1 ), even though
α-factors were higher in the second stage. Thus, in our results, a potential negative effect of
organic content of sludge measured as MLVSS was superimposed by enhanced biosorption
in the second stage, ultimately increasing oxygen transfer. This is supported by various
characteristics that could be beneficial to oxygen transfer in the second stage compared to
its preceding first stage, such as better sludge settling (SVI of 49 ± 5.5 mL·g−1 compared
to 99 ± 35 mL·g−1 ). This would also result in lower total suspended solids in effluent
(4.1 ± 1.7 mg·L−1 in second stage instead of 25 ± 12 mg·L−1 in first stage). The activated
sludge was also altered by addition of sodium aluminate as precipitant for phosphorus
removal in the influent and effluent of the second stage. Overall, this also affected the
liquid phase, which had a visually distinguishable higher turbidity of supernatant from
the first-stage activated sludge compared to the clear supernatant of sludge samples from
the second stage. SVI, TSSeffluent , precipitant use, or turbidity of supernatant have not
previously been used to explain oxygen transfer in the AS process. Their individual
influence on oxygen transfer cannot be quantified, because only two stages with opposed
characteristics were examined in our study. However, these parameters further describe
characteristics of the solid phase within the two-stage process that could explain the overall
difference of α-factors between the first and second stage.
Within the second stage, no correlation of α-factor with TS was indicated, whereas
a slight decrease in α was apparent in the first stage, coinciding with rain weather, as
depicted in Figure 4C. Rainfall affected TS concentrations differently in the treatment
stages of the two-stage WWTP. Figure 5A illustrates the relationship between TS and HRTa
for both rain and dry weather inflow in the respective treatment stage. At lower HRTa
and high hydraulic load during rainy weather, TS decreased in the second stage, while it
remained stable in the first stage. This is unexpected as processes with higher HRT and
SRT are generally less susceptible to biomass washout due to stormwater flows [48,49].
Examining operating data indicated that this may have been caused by washout of TS
from the primary clarifier into the first stage at shorter HRTa (data not shown). However,
the elevated TS concentrations might not have been the only cause of lower α-factors
during stormwater treatment in the first stage. HRTa represents the possible adsorption
contact time of soluble and colloidal organic substances with sludge flocs within the AS
tank. Once this organic load is adsorbed on sludge flocs, it is removed through waste
activated sludge in the clarifier, and it is also less likely to inhibit oxygen transfer in the
gas phase. Jimenez et al. [10] determined optimal operating conditions of an HRAS system
(260 L, CSTR) for removal of soluble, colloidal, and particulate COD at HRTs of >15 min,
>30 min, and >45 min, respectively. As a conclusion, low HRTa caused by rainwater inflow
decreased biosorption capacity in the first stage which left more soluble and colloidal
organic substances that could accumulate in the gas phase, thus decreasing the α-factor.
On the contrary, the α-factor did not drop at lower HRTa and TS in the second stage (see
Figure 3A,C). However, as the second stage received low organic load (see Figure 3B),
biosorption mechanisms most probably were much less pronounced than in the first stage.
Jimenez et al. [10] determined optimal operating conditions of an HRAS system (260 L,
CSTR) for removal of soluble, colloidal, and particulate COD at HRTs of >15 min, >30 min,
and >45 min, respectively. As a conclusion, low HRT a caused by rainwater inflow de-
creased biosorption capacity in the first stage which left more soluble and colloidal or-
ganic substances that could accumulate in the gas phase, thus decreasing the α-factor. On
Water 2021, 13, 1964 the contrary, the α-factor did not drop at lower HRTa and TS in the second stage (see13 of 19
Figure 3A,C). However, as the second stage received low organic load (see Figure 3B),
biosorption mechanisms most probably were much less pronounced than in the first stage.
5. TS for
FigureFigure HRT
5. TS (A)aand
for aHRT (A) and for for
α-factor volatile fraction
volatile inin
fraction activated
daily mean (B), grouped
mean (B), groupedfor
stagesment stages of a two-stage
of a two-stage WWTP and WWTP and weather
weather conditions.
Table 3. The α-factors for design load cases of two-stage activated sludge WWTPs.
Figure 6. Surfactant
6. Surfactant concentrationsof
concentrations of successive
successive treatment
treatmentstages divided
stages intointo
divided surfactant types.types.
FigureFigure 7. Increase
7. Increase in DWP
in DWP of disc
of disc diffuserssince
diffusers sincelast
last reverse
reverse flexing
flexingprocedure during
procedure operation
during in activated
operation sludgesludge
in activated from from
first and second stage and at two specific airflow rates (Nm
first and second stage and at two specific airflow rates (Nm ·m ·h ).
3 ∙h
3 −1).−1
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
On the basis of our long-term off-gas measurements, we summarize below our find-
ings the basis
relevant for of our long-term
design off-gas
and operation measurements,
of aeration systems in we summarize
two-stage below
activated our find-
ings relevant
WWTPs. for design and operation of aeration systems in two-stage activated sludge
1. This paper defined α-factors for the first and second stages of a two-stage WWTP.
1. This
Thepaper defined
underlying off-gas for the first
α-factors on aand
pilotsecond stages of
scale covered a two-stage
a typical WWTP.
range of op- The
eration conditions
underlying off-gas of such a process,on
measurements asadetailed in Table
pilot scale 1, including
covered a typicalseasonal
range ofvaria-
tion, as well
conditions ofassuch
dry and wet weather
a process, conditions.
as detailed As a result,
in Table α-factors
1, including for design
seasonal load
variation, as
cases were derived for practical application to design aeration systems more
well as dry and wet weather conditions. As a result, α-factors for design load cases accu-
rately. They were determined as 0.45 for αmean and 0.33/0.54 for αmin/αmax in the first
were derived for practical application to design aeration systems more accurately.
stage (HRAS), and as 0.80 for αmean and 0.69/0.91 for αmin/αmax in the second stage.
They were determined as 0.45 for αmean and 0.33/0.54 for αmin /αmax in the first
Because different process configurations of two-stage processes exist, these α-factors
stage (HRAS), and as 0.80 for αmean and 0.69/0.91 for αmin /αmax in the second stage.
Because different process configurations of two-stage processes exist, these α-factors
can be transferred to configurations similar to the one examined in this study. No
range of α-factors for two-stage processes was previously proposed.
2. Our results show how key operating parameters influence the oxygen transfer in the
activated sludge system. Most importantly, the impact of high TOC concentrations
in inflow resulting in lower oxygen transfer rates can be confirmed and quantified
for a two-stage activated sludge process. TS and HRTa in the treatment stages were
affected differently by stormwater treatment. As a result, α-factor decreased in the first
stage, whereas the second stage remained unaffected during high wastewater inflow.
Hence, engineers can more accurately decide whether an aeration system design
meets the demands of a similar WWTP to that examined in this study. Nonetheless,
individual wastewater parameters cannot describe α-factor due to various interacting
influences. Therefore, applying machine learning methods to predict oxygen transfer
is a multivariate approach that we will examine in the future.
3. Inflow surfactant concentrations measured in 24 h composite samples revealed that
surfactant load was significantly lower in the second stage compared to the first stage.
Surfactants had a disproportionate influence on oxygen transfer compared with TOC.
Water 2021, 13, 1964 17 of 19
Lower α-factors in the first stage could be attributed to this effect but not quantified
specifically for surfactants compared to TOC in general.
4. The positive effect of reverse flexing as a maintenance method to restore dynamic
wet pressure was observed in both stages. There was no significant difference
in fouling effect on diffusers, although sludge composition differed tremendously
between the high rate and nitrification stage. Therefore, operators of two-stage
WWTPs do not have to adapt different maintenance intervals when planning a re-
verse flexing schedule.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.S.; methodology, M.S. and M.W.; validation, M.S., J.B.,
J.T., M.E., and M.W.; formal analysis, M.S.; data curation, M.S.; writing—original draft preparation,
M.S.; writing—review and editing, M.S., J.B., J.T., M.E., and M.W.; visualization, M.S.; supervision,
M.E. and M.W.; project administration, M.S. and M.W.; funding acquisition, J.B., M.S., and M.W. All
authors read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: We thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for funding the
research project WOBeS “Advanced optimization of aerations systems: Investigation for increase
efficiency of fine bubble diffusers through adapted process engineering and operational management”
(Research Grant 02WA1461).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Measurement data presented in this study are available on request
from the corresponding author. Operating data from WWTP operators are not publicly available.
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG—
German Research Foundation) and the Open Access Publishing Fund of Technical University
of Darmstadt.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
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