Removing Dissolved Organic Contaminants From Water: Second of A Sir-Part Series Water Treatment Processes
Removing Dissolved Organic Contaminants From Water: Second of A Sir-Part Series Water Treatment Processes
Removing Dissolved Organic Contaminants From Water: Second of A Sir-Part Series Water Treatment Processes
ProcessRow for QzOnatlon and GAC adsotpth
Sedimentation Treated
Pastozonation water
970 Envimn. Sci.Technol.,Vol. 20, No. 10, 1980 W13936W86109200970$01.5WO @ 1986 American Chemical Sociely
likelihood of continued and perhaps ex- ration process, carbon adsorption and on the basis of fundamental mass conti-
panded use of synthetic chemicals and ion exchange adsorption; and two nuity relationships, or material bal-
the inherent difficulties of rigorous membrane separation processes, re- unces, for the phases under consider-
source control. The situation is exacer- verse osmosis and ultrafdtration. Fig- ation. The general form of the material
bated in the case of groundwater by the ures 1 and 2 illustrate typical applica- balance relationship for substance i in a
lengthy times associated with the mi- tions of these processes for water completely mixed reactor (CMR) ele-
gration and subsequent appearance of supply and wastewater treatment (4,s). ment is as it is shown in the equation
pollutants after initial entry to the sub- The discussion of each process is below.
surface (3). complementedby a diagram and an ex- An important aspect of developing
Extension and refmment of water ample of a typical application. Associ- process-specific design models from a
and wastewater treatment technologies ated design considerations and features general material balance relationship is
have intensified in the wake of the con- the accurate representation of process
are presented in sidebars, each of mechanisms in the reaction-reactor
tamination problems of the past decade, which presents a set of equations that terms that describe mass flux and con-
and more rigorous approaches to the comprise a mathematical description, version rates. Accurate determination
design and operation of such technolo- or model, of the process in question. of the application-specific coefficients
gies have evolved. This paper reviews The integration of process-modeling associated with each reaction-reactor
several of these technologies; it dis- principles into the design and operation term is also essential to the successful
cusses the major classes of physico- of treatment systems, especially physi- use of models for purposes of design
chemical processes for removing dis- cochemical systems, is perhaps one of and operation. A basic understanding
solved organic compounds from water the most significant technological ad- of process energetics and dynamics fa-
(The term wafer is used in a generic vances to have occurred in the field of cilitates the structuring of descriptive
sense; it includes surface and subsur- water and wastewater treatment over equations and the identification and
face supplies intended for municipal or the past decade; sufficiently so, in the quantification of important system
industrial use as well as wastewaters opinion of the authors, to warrant em- components.
requiring treatment prior to discharge phasis and discussion in setting the The design bases established by such
or reuse.) A brief description is given stage for considerationof specific proc- models can first be refined and cali-
for each unit process, along with a sum- esses and unit operations. brated using bench scale data and then
mary of the limitations and further de- used to devise appropriate pilot p m
Design philmphy grams for model verification. This is a
velopment needs associated with each.
The review is not exhaustive, but A process model constitutes both a departure from more traditional a p
basis and a means for incorporating proaches that use pilot tests for prelii-
rather it focuses on four processes that into the design of a process those varia- nary information gathering, an expen-
appear to offer the greatest potential for bles that are significant for its operation sive and time-consuming process. Once
general application in the water supply and performance. A model should c a p verified on a pilot scale, a model,
and wastewater treatment industries. ture the physics of the process it repre- rather than more tests, can be used to
These processes are chemical oxida- sents and must of course adhere to the examine the effects of changing process
tion, a transformation process; air principles of continuity. In most envi- variables and to project a system’s re-
stripping, a liquid-gas separation proc- ronmental engineering systems, appli- sponses to a variety of circumstances
ess; two variants of a liquid-solid sepa- cations models are developed primarily that may be anticipated in practice but
Wastewater treatment and water reclamation by air stripping, GAC adsorption, and RO
Recarbonation Finration
Sedimentation v
Air -
namics and kinetics of stripping proc- In-well aeration may be suitable in phase. to the surface of a solid phase,
esses. Mathematical models are now cases that require emergency treatment where it accumulates for subsequent
being r e f i and verified for the inClu- or where lower efficiency is acceptable extraction or destruction. Activated
sion of appropriate system design pa- because of its relatively low cost and carbon is the most common solid
rameters for stripping basins and ease of implementation (28). In certain phase, or adsorbent, used in water and
packedcolumns. cases of large-scale surface water sup wastewater treatment, although ion ex-
Aeration basin design has the advan- ply and wastewater treatment, it may be change adsorption normally uses a syn-
taze of b e i i able to draw on a substan- feasible to adaot existine treatment ba- thetic polymer resin as an adsorbent or
tial t m ~ yof experience with oxygen sins for remobl of V&s by surface exchanger matrix (6).
transfer processes in natural systems aeration (21, 29). The air-stripping The use of activated carbon adsorp-
and other treahnent operations. Me- process has been shown to be particu- tion in the water industry has evolved
chanical surface aerator systems are in larly effective for removal of THMs, from applications for taste and odor
most cases easier and less expensive to affording total THM reductions of control to a spearurn of uses for re-
construct and operate than are column more than 90% in appropriately de- moval of specific organics, such a?,
or packed-bed systems. Energy re- signed systems (23,30,31). chloroOrganiccompounds and aliphatic
quirements, a major cost factor, are In summary, air stripping offers p and aromatic hydrocarbons; for reduc-
about the same for mechanical aerators tential for the relatively effective and tion of total organic carbon m); for
and countercurrent packed-column economical treatment of waters con- removal of THM precumm, such as
strippers (24). Packed columns enjoy taminated primarily by VOCs. For cer- humic substances; for use as a support
the advantages of requiring smaller tain applications, it should be consid- medium for attached growth for biolog-
amounts of land and of offering better ered as an augmentation to other i d l y aided removal of organics; and
opportunity for containment and treat- processes rather than as an independent for dechlorination (34). Some water
ment of related off gases. operation. Further inquiry, including treatment plants replace sand or other
Although much of the development comparative economic assessment, is fdter media with GAC. In other in-
work in air-stripping technology for required to determine optimum air-wa- stances, the use of posttidter GAC col-
wastewater and large-scale surface wa- ter contacting modes. The utility of ex- umns that provide greater carbon
ter applications is still in the laboratory isting mass transfer models must be depths and contact times is necessBIy to
and pilot plant stages, there have been verified under conditions more closely obtain the required removal of undesi-
several field installations of air-strip approximating field circumstances. able organic substances.
ping systems for removal of halogena- More precise analysis of the MNE, ex- The carbon adsorption process is
ted VOCs from contaminated ground- tent, and potential health effects of air- widely used to treat industrial wastes
water. In a few cases the &pping borne emissions resulting from aeration for reduction of overall organic con-
process has been used in conjunction processes and, for problematic cases, tent, specific compound removal, by-
with granular activated carbon (GAC) the design of cost-effective off gas con- product recovery, and toxicity rednc-
adsorption to achieve overall organic trols should be a priority for research tion (35-38). Adsorption technology
contaminant reduction (25). If VOCs and development. Figure. 4 shows a also has been found effective for
are the only organics of concern, how- typical air-stripping process (32, 33). groundwater cleanup operations, in-
ever, air stripping alone may be pre- cluding treatment of drinkingand proc-
ferred; economic comparisons show Adsorption ess waters, treatment of waters for arti-
that this process is significantly more Adsorption is a partitioning process ficial recharge of aquifers, and aquifer
cost-eWve than GAC treatment for in which a contaminant is transferred decontamination by treatment of water
these contaminants (26,27). from a dissolved state in the aqueous from purge wells (39-41).
cause elevated levels of suspended sorkr design and operating conditions carbonaceous adsorbeuts incorporating
solids can produce excessive head for specific applications. Figure 5 is a appropriate surface functional groups
losses in the exchanger bed and resins diagram of the process (52,53). 0ffe.l particular potential.
can be oxidized or fouled by certain Amendment of modeling methodolc-
raw-water contaminants. Other signifi- gies to account for the complex compo- Membrane separatiom
cant sources of expense include the sition of many waters and wastes (such The earliest applications of mem-
chemicals required for regeneration as the presence of specific organic con- brane separation for water purification
and the nature of the regenerant. The taminants and unidentified background involved small-scale treatment of
cost of the system takes into account organic matter) is one of the major brackish waters for process and potable
whether it is possible to recover valu- challenges in the field today. Although use. Technological advances have ex-
able materials and whether additional sophisticated conceptual adsorption panded the utility of such processes to
disposal problems persist. models for multicomponent system are largescale applications ranging from
The design of efficient and economi- available, remaining uncertainties in seawater d e s a l i i o n to treatment of
cal GAC and exchange adsorber sys- the parameter evaluations used to cali- complex industrial wastes that include
tem requires accurate assessment of brate these models accurately have con- mixtures of organic and inorganic com-
the water or waste to be treated and a strained their application to complex pounds. Ultrafiitmtion (UF) and re-
fundamental understanding of related water and wastewater system. verse osmosis (RO) are the two most
bulk solution and interfacial phase phe- Other areas of pursuit include re- commonly used processes fpr removal
nomena. Adsorption from solution in- search into the potential use of synthetic of organic contaminants. Both are con-
volves the transfer of soluble species carbonaceous adsorbents for special- sidered here because they address
from bulk liquid phase to the surface of ized organic pollution abatement and somewhat different molecular ranges of
an adsorben-a transfer governed by for solute recovery applications, devel- organic matter commonly found in wa-
specific system dynamics that results in opment of more efficient means for ter and wastewater.
a characteristic equilibrium distribution transfer and regeneration of adsorb- Ultrafiltration operates by the same
or partitioning of these species between ents, and determination of the effects principles as conventional Septum fii-
the liquid and solid phases. and operative mechanisms of bioactiv- tration; the driving force is a pressure
Mathematical models incorporating ity on the surfaces of adsorbents. Al- gradient across a relatively thin barrier
the hetic and thermodynamic charac- most unliited possibilities exist for of lited porosity, and the predomi-
teristics of a given adsorbent-solute synthesizing new resins having control- nant separation mechanism is selective
system can be used to predict the be- lable properties that can be used to sieving through fiiter barrier pores.
havior of the adsorption process and re- solve specific problems of organic con- The primary difference is that the pore
sulting phase distribution, and thus to tamination. Intermediate, or difunc- sizes of UF membranes are typically
function as bases for prescription of ad- tional, base exchangers and synthetic lo00 times smaller than those of ordi-
I Pressure vessel
t e m designed to remove complex mix-
tures of organics (50). Figure 6 is a
diagram of an RO process (54.53.
Physicochemical processes have un-
dergone decades of development for
Membrane section
application to the problem of organic
contanination of water. Oxidation tech-
niques offer a degree of flexibility in
1 High pressure A2 LOW pressure 1 tailoring treatment to a specific water
(Feedside) + -, i (Product side) or wastewater at a reasonable cost.
Chemical oxidation is usually most ef-
fective as a complementary rather than
as a self-sufficient process, however,
especially in wastewater applications,
and its use requires carelid consider-
ation of the chemical and biological in-
tegrity of effluent streams. The poten-
tial of air stripping and membrane
processes for removal of organic sub-
stances has not been fully r e a l i i , al-
though each has limited application.
Air stripping is practically confined to
treatment of VOCs, and although mem-
brane technology can remove a broad
range of organics and inorganics simul-
taneously, it is still relatively expensive
for most largescale applications. Even
Design and application feature though adsorption, particularly by
GAC, is the most thoroughly proven
technology for many organic pollution
problem, further design and system
refinements are desirable to make it
more economically attractive and oper-
Primary design considerations and approsc ationally practical.
Preliminary wnsideratrons It is evident that continuing effort
must be dedicated to the advancement
of treatment technologies for reducing
organic contaminant levels in aqueous
systems. Several specific needs have
been cited. Other less process specific
research and development needs in-
clude quantificationof relationshipsbe-
tween the structure. and solution charac-
teristics of organics and their extent of
removal by different unit processes; de-
velopment of rapid, low-cost organic
contamination monitoring techniques to
be used before and during treatment;
Ju and J. are fluxes of water and s and evolution of improved decision-
making tools for achieving the best bal-
ance between the extent and cost of
In broader perspective, more inte-
grated approaches to the evaluation and
design of treatment facilities for partic-
ular applications that involve optimiz-
ing unit processes in the context of
overall plant performance are required.
This is the case for municipal treatment
systems, which can benefit from the
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